blob: 72e68c8062b01d0e694b35b014a5cd7912238d18 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2012 Sierra Wireless.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Kevin KIN-FOO <>
-- - initial API and implementation and initial documentation
return [[#
# local fdef = _functiontypedef
# local ignorefirstparam = templateparams[1]
# local ignoredescription = templateparams[2]
#if not ignoredescription then
# if fdef.shortdescription then
$( format(fdef.shortdescription) )
# end
# if fdef.description and #fdef.description > 0 then
$( format(fdef.description) )
# end
# --
# -- Describe parameters
# --
# -- Adjust parameter count if first one is 'self'
# local paramcount
# if #fdef.params > 0 and ignorefirstparam then
# paramcount = #fdef.params - 1
# else
# paramcount = #fdef.params
# end
# -- List parameters
# if paramcount > 0 then
<h$(i)>Parameter$( paramcount > 1 and 's' )</h$(i)>
# for position, param in ipairs( fdef.params ) do
# if not (position == 1 and ignorefirstparam) then
# local paramline = "<code><em>"
# if param.type then
# local link = linkto( param.type )
# local name = prettyname( param.type )
# if link then
# paramline = paramline .. '<a href=\"' .. link .. '\">' .. name .. "</a>"
# else
# paramline = paramline .. name
# end
# end
# paramline = paramline .. " " .. .. " "
# if param.optional then
# paramline = paramline .. "optional" .. " "
# end
# if param.hidden then
# paramline = paramline .. "hidden"
# end
# paramline = paramline .. "</em></code>: "
# if param.description and #param.description > 0 then
# paramline = paramline .. "\n" .. param.description
# end
$( format (paramline))
# end
# end
# end
# --
# -- Describe returns types
# --
# if fdef and #fdef.returns > 0 then
<h$(i)>Return value$(#fdef.returns > 1 and 's')</h$(i)>
# --
# -- Format nice type list
# --
# local function niceparmlist( parlist )
# local typelist = {}
# for position, type in ipairs(parlist) do
# local link = linkto( type )
# local name = prettyname( type )
# if link then
# typelist[#typelist + 1] = '<a href="''">''</a>'
# else
# typelist[#typelist + 1] = name
# end
# -- Append end separator or separating comma
# typelist[#typelist + 1] = position == #parlist and ':' or ', '
# end
# return table.concat( typelist )
# end
# --
# -- Generate a list if they are several return clauses
# --
# if #fdef.returns > 1 then
# for position, ret in ipairs(fdef.returns) do
# local returnline = "";
# local paramlist = niceparmlist(ret.types)
# if #ret.types > 0 and #paramlist > 0 then
# returnline = "<em>" .. paramlist .. "</em>"
# end
# returnline = returnline .. "\n" .. ret.description
$( format (returnline))
# end
# else
# local paramlist = niceparmlist(fdef.returns[1].types)
# local isreturn = fdef.returns and #fdef.returns > 0 and #paramlist > 0
# local isdescription = fdef.returns and fdef.returns[1].description and #format(fdef.returns[1].description) > 0
# local returnline = "";
# -- Show return type if provided
# if isreturn then
# returnline = "<em>"..paramlist.."</em>"
# end
# if isdescription then
# returnline = returnline .. "\n" .. fdef.returns[1].description
# end
$( format(returnline))
# end
# end
#-- Show usage samples
#if fdef.metadata and fdef.metadata.usage then
$( applytemplate(fdef.metadata.usage, i) )