blob: 7b1d9534a080238c66ba53649edcffc0b42e0e47 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Sierra Wireless and others.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Sierra Wireless - initial API and implementation
-- DBGp protocol utility function (parsing, error handling, XML generation).
local util = require "debugger.util"
local error, setmetatable, type, pairs, ipairs, tostring, tconcat =
error, setmetatable, type, pairs, ipairs, tostring, table.concat
local M = { }
--- Parses the DBGp command arguments and returns it as a Lua table with key/value pairs.
-- For example, the sequence <code>-i 5 -j foo</code> will result in <code>{i=5, j=foo}</code>
-- @param cmd_args (string) sequence of arguments
-- @return table described above
function M.arg_parse(cmd_args)
local args = {}
for arg, val in cmd_args:gmatch("%-(%w) (%S+)") do
args[arg] = val
return args
--- Parses a command line
-- @return commande name (string)
-- @retrun arguments (table)
-- @return data (string, optional)
function M.cmd_parse(cmd)
local cmd_name, args, data
if cmd:find("--", 1, true) then -- there is a data part
cmd_name, args, data = cmd:match("^(%S+)%s+(.*)%s+%-%-%s*(.*)$")
data = util.unb64(data)
cmd_name, args = cmd:match("^(%S+)%s+(.*)$")
return cmd_name, M.arg_parse(args), data
--- Returns the packet read from socket, or nil followed by an error message on errors.
function M.read_packet(skt)
local size = {}
while true do
local byte, err = skt:receive(1)
if not byte then return nil, err end
if byte == "\000" then break end
size[#size+1] = byte
return tconcat(size)
M.DBGP_ERR_METATABLE = {} -- unique object used to identify DBGp errors
--- Throws a correct DBGp error which result in a fine tuned error message to the server.
-- It is intended to be called into a command to make a useful error message, a standard Lua error
-- result in a code 998 error (internal debugger error).
-- @param code numerical error code
-- @param message message string (optional)
-- @param attr extra attributes to add to the response tag (optional)
function M.error(code, message, attr)
error(setmetatable({ code = code, message = message, attr = attr or {} }, M.DBGP_ERR_METATABLE), 2)
--- Like core assert but throws a DBGp error if condition is not met.
-- @param code numerical error code thrown if condition is not met.
-- @param message condition to test
-- @param ... will be used as error message if test fails.
function M.assert(code, success, ...)
if not success then M.error(code, (...)) end
return success, ...
-- -----------------
-- Outgoing data
-- -----------------
local xmlattr_specialchars = { ['"'] = "&quot;", ["<"] = "&lt;", ["&"] = "&amp;" }
--- Very basic XML generator
-- Generates a XML string from a Lua Object Model (LOM) table.
-- See
function M.lom2str(xml)
local pieces = { } -- string buffer
local function generate(node)
pieces[#pieces + 1] = "<"..node.tag
pieces[#pieces + 1] = " "
-- attribute ordering is not honored here
for attr, val in pairs(node.attr or {}) do
if type(attr) == "string" then
pieces[#pieces + 1] = attr .. '="' .. tostring(val):gsub('["&<]', xmlattr_specialchars) .. '"'
pieces[#pieces + 1] = " "
pieces[#pieces] = nil -- remove the last separator (useless)
if node[1] then
pieces[#pieces + 1] = ">"
for _, child in ipairs(node) do
if type(child) == "table" then generate(child)
else pieces[#pieces + 1] = "<![CDATA[" .. tostring(child) .. "]]>" end
pieces[#pieces + 1] = "</" .. node.tag .. ">"
pieces[#pieces + 1] = "/>"
return tconcat(pieces)
function M.send_xml(skt, resp)
if not resp.attr then resp.attr = {} end
resp.attr.xmlns = "urn:debugger_protocol_v1"
local data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'..M.lom2str(resp)
util.log("DEBUG", "Send " .. data)
--- Return an XML tag describing a debugger error, with an optional message
-- @param code (number) error code (see DBGp specification)
-- @param msg (string, optional) textual description of error
-- @return table, suitable to be converted into XML
function M.make_error(code, msg)
local elem = { tag = "error", attr = { code = code } }
if msg then
elem[1] = { tostring(msg), tag = "message" }
return elem
return M