blob: e5418c9701206364fe6adeb85c99f397383d71a7 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2012 Sierra Wireless.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Kevin KIN-FOO <>
-- - initial API and implementation and initial documentation
return [[#
# --
# -- Inheritance
# --
#if _recordtypedef.supertype then
<h$(i)> Extends $( fulllinkto(_recordtypedef.supertype)) </h$(i)>
# --
# -- Descriptions
# --
#if _recordtypedef.shortdescription and #_recordtypedef.shortdescription > 0 then
$( format( _recordtypedef.shortdescription ) )
#if _recordtypedef.description and #_recordtypedef.description > 0 then
$( format( _recordtypedef.description ) )
# --
# -- Structure
# --
#if _recordtypedef.structurekind then
# local structureLine
# if _recordtypedef.structurekind == "map" then
# structureLine = {
# '<code><em>', prettyname(_recordtypedef), '</em></code>',
# ' is a map of <code><em>', fulllinkto(_recordtypedef.defaultkeytyperef),'</em></code>',
# ' to <code><em>', fulllinkto(_recordtypedef.defaultvaluetyperef) , '</em></code>. ',
# _recordtypedef.structuredescription }
# elseif _recordtypedef.structurekind == "list" then
# structureLine = {
# '<code><em>', prettyname(_recordtypedef), '</em></code>',
# ' is a list of <code><em>', fulllinkto(_recordtypedef.defaultvaluetyperef),'</em></code>. ',
# _recordtypedef.structuredescription }
# end
# if structureLine then
# end
#-- Describe usage
#if _recordtypedef.metadata and _recordtypedef.metadata.usage then
$( applytemplate(_recordtypedef.metadata.usage, i) )
# --
# -- Describe type fields
# --
#local calldef = _recordtypedef:getcalldef()
#local hasfield = not isempty(_recordtypedef.fields)
#if calldef or hasfield then
# if calldef then
<dl class="function">
<a id="$(anchor(calldef,_recordtypedef))" >
<strong>$( prettyname(calldef,_recordtypedef) )</strong>
$( applytemplate(calldef, i, nil, true) )
# end
# for name, item in sortedpairs( _recordtypedef.fields ) do
$( applytemplate(item, i) )
# end
#end ]]