blob: 565f8324c97f3fdc7fdcda95eee3297bce1f4815 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
-- Table module extension
-- todo: table.scan (scan1?) fold1? flip?
function table.transpose(t)
local tt = { }
for a, b in pairs(t) do tt[b] = a end
return tt
function table.iforeach(f, ...)
-- assert (type (f) == "function") [wouldn't allow metamethod __call]
local nargs = select("#", ...)
if nargs==1 then -- Quick iforeach (most common case), just one table arg
local t = ...
assert (type (t) == "table")
for i = 1, #t do
local result = f (t[i])
-- If the function returns non-false, stop iteration
if result then return result end
else -- advanced case: boundaries and/or multiple tables
-- fargs: arguments fot a single call to f
-- first, last: indexes of the first & last elements mapped in each table
-- arg1: index of the first table in args
-- 1 - find boundaries if any
local args, fargs, first, last, arg1 = {...}, { }
if type(args[1]) ~= "number" then first, arg1 = 1, 1 -- no boundary
elseif type(args[2]) ~= "number" then first, last, arg1 = 1, args[1], 2
else first, last, arg1 = args[1], args[2], 3 end
assert (nargs >= arg1) -- at least one table
-- 2 - determine upper boundary if not given
if not last then for i = arg1, nargs do
assert (type (args[i]) == "table")
last = max (#args[i], last)
end end
-- 3 - remove non-table arguments from args, adjust nargs
if arg1>1 then args = { select(arg1, unpack(args)) }; nargs = #args end
-- 4 - perform the iteration
for i = first, last do
for j = 1, nargs do fargs[j] = args[j][i] end -- build args list
local result = f (unpack (fargs)) -- here is the call
-- If the function returns non-false, stop iteration
if result then return result end
function table.imap (f, ...)
local result, idx = { }, 1
local function g(...) result[idx] = f(...); idx=idx+1 end
table.iforeach(g, ...)
return result
function table.ifold (f, acc, ...)
local function g(...) acc = f (acc,...) end
table.iforeach (g, ...)
return acc
-- function table.ifold1 (f, ...)
-- return table.ifold (f, acc, 2, false, ...)
-- end
function table.izip(...)
local function g(...) return {...} end
return table.imap(g, ...)
function table.ifilter(f, t)
local yes, no = { }, { }
for i=1,#t do table.insert (f(t[i]) and yes or no, t[i]) end
return yes, no
function table.icat(...)
local result = { }
for _, t in ipairs {...} do
for _, x in pairs (t) do
table.insert (result, x)
return result
function table.iflatten (x) return table.icat (unpack (x)) end
function table.irev (t)
local result, nt = { }, #t
for i=0, nt-1 do result[nt-i] = t[i+1] end
return result
function table.isub (t, ...)
local ti, u = table.insert, { }
local args, nargs = {...}, select("#", ...)
for i=1, nargs/2 do
local a, b = args[2*i-1], args[2*i]
for i=a, b, a<=b and 1 or -1 do ti(u, t[i]) end
return u
function table.iall (f, ...)
local result = true
local function g(...) return not f(...) end
return not table.iforeach(g, ...)
--return result
function table.iany (f, ...)
local function g(...) return not f(...) end
return not table.iall(g, ...)
function table.shallow_copy(x)
local y={ }
for k, v in pairs(x) do y[k]=v end
return y
-- Warning, this is implementation dependent: it relies on
-- the fact the [next()] enumerates the array-part before the hash-part.
local y={ }
for _, x in ipairs{...} do
-- cat array-part
for _, v in ipairs(x) do table.insert(y,v) end
-- cat hash-part
local lx, k = #x
if lx>0 then k=next(x,lx) else k=next(x) end
while k do y[k]=x[k]; k=next(x,k) end
return y
function table.deep_copy(x)
local tracker = { }
local function aux (x)
if type(x) == "table" then
local y=tracker[x]
if y then return y end
y = { }; tracker[x] = y
setmetatable (y, getmetatable (x))
for k,v in pairs(x) do y[aux(k)] = aux(v) end
return y
else return x end
return aux(x)
function table.override(dst, src)
for k, v in pairs(src) do dst[k] = v end
for i = #src+1, #dst do dst[i] = nil end
return dst
function table.range(a,b,c)
if not b then assert(not(c)); b=a; a=1
elseif not c then c = (b>=a) and 1 or -1 end
local result = { }
for i=a, b, c do table.insert(result, i) end
return result
-- FIXME: new_indent seems to be always nil?!
-- FIXME: accumulator function should be configurable,
-- so that print() doesn't need to bufferize the whole string
-- before starting to print.
function table.tostring(t, ...)
for _, x in ipairs {...} do
if type(x) == "number" then
if not LINE_MAX then LINE_MAX = x
else INITIAL_INDENT = x end
elseif x=="nohash" then PRINT_HASH = false
elseif x=="notag" then HANDLE_TAG = false
local n = string['match'](x, "^indent%s*(%d*)$")
if n then FIX_INDENT = tonumber(n) or 3 end
LINE_MAX = LINE_MAX or math.huge
local current_offset = 0 -- indentation level
local xlen_cache = { } -- cached results for xlen()
local acc_list = { } -- Generated bits of string
local function acc(...) -- Accumulate a bit of string
local x = table.concat{...}
current_offset = current_offset + #x
table.insert(acc_list, x)
local function valid_id(x)
-- FIXME: we should also reject keywords; but the list of
-- current keywords is not fixed in metalua...
return type(x) == "string"
and string['match'](x, "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")
-- Compute the number of chars it would require to display the table
-- on a single line. Helps to decide whether some carriage returns are
-- required. Since the size of each sub-table is required many times,
-- it's cached in [xlen_cache].
local xlen_type = { }
local function xlen(x, nested)
nested = nested or { }
if x==nil then return #"nil" end
--if nested[x] then return #tostring(x) end -- already done in table
local len = xlen_cache[x]
if len then return len end
local f = xlen_type[type(x)]
if not f then return #tostring(x) end
len = f (x, nested)
xlen_cache[x] = len
return len
-- optim: no need to compute lengths if I'm not going to use them
-- anyway.
if LINE_MAX == math.huge then xlen = function() return 0 end end
local tostring_cache = { }
local function __tostring(x)
local the_string = tostring_cache[x]
if the_string~=nil then return the_string end
local mt = getmetatable(x)
if mt then
local __tostring = mt.__tostring
if __tostring then
the_string = __tostring(x)
tostring_cache[x] = the_string
return the_string
if x~=nil then tostring_cache[x] = false end -- nil is an illegal key
return false
xlen_type["nil"] = function () return 3 end
function xlen_type.number (x) return #tostring(x) end
function xlen_type.boolean (x) return x and 4 or 5 end
function xlen_type.string (x) return #string.format("%q",x) end
function xlen_type.table (adt, nested)
local custom_string = __tostring(adt)
if custom_string then return #custom_string end
-- Circular references detection
if nested [adt] then return #tostring(adt) end
nested [adt] = true
local has_tag = HANDLE_TAG and valid_id(adt.tag)
local alen = #adt
local has_arr = alen>0
local has_hash = false
local x = 0
if PRINT_HASH then
-- first pass: count hash-part
for k, v in pairs(adt) do
if k=="tag" and has_tag then
-- this is the tag -> do nothing!
elseif type(k)=="number" and k<=alen and math.fmod(k,1)==0 and k>0 then
-- array-part pair -> do nothing!
has_hash = true
if valid_id(k) then x=x+#k
else x = x + xlen (k, nested) + 2 end -- count surrounding brackets
x = x + xlen (v, nested) + 5 -- count " = " and ", "
for i = 1, alen do x = x + xlen (adt[i], nested) + 2 end -- count ", "
nested[adt] = false -- No more nested calls
if not (has_tag or has_arr or has_hash) then return 3 end
if has_tag then x=x+#adt.tag+1 end
if not (has_arr or has_hash) then return x end
if not has_hash and alen==1 and type(adt[1])~="table" then
return x-2 -- substract extraneous ", "
return x+2 -- count "{ " and " }", substract extraneous ", "
-- Recursively print a (sub) table at given indentation level.
-- [newline] indicates whether newlines should be inserted.
local function rec (adt, nested, indent)
if not FIX_INDENT then indent = current_offset end
local function acc_newline()
acc ("\n"); acc (string.rep (" ", indent))
current_offset = indent
local x = { }
x["nil"] = function() acc "nil" end
function x.number() acc (tostring (adt)) end
function x.string() acc ((string.format ("%q", adt):gsub("\\\n", "\\n"))) end
function x.boolean() acc (adt and "true" or "false") end
function x.table()
if nested[adt] then acc(tostring(adt)); return end
nested[adt] = true
local has_tag = HANDLE_TAG and valid_id(adt.tag)
local alen = #adt
local has_arr = alen>0
local has_hash = false
if has_tag then acc("`"); acc(adt.tag) end
-- First pass: handle hash-part
if PRINT_HASH then
for k, v in pairs(adt) do
-- pass if the key belongs to the array-part or is the "tag" field
if not (k=="tag" and HANDLE_TAG) and
not (type(k)=="number" and k<=alen and math.fmod(k,1)==0 and k>0) then
-- Is it the first time we parse a hash pair?
if not has_hash then
acc "{ "
if not FIX_INDENT then indent = current_offset end
else acc ", " end
-- Determine whether a newline is required
local is_id, expected_len = valid_id(k)
if is_id then expected_len = #k + xlen (v, nested) + #" = , "
else expected_len = xlen (k, nested) +
xlen (v, nested) + #"[] = , " end
if has_hash and expected_len + current_offset > LINE_MAX
then acc_newline() end
-- Print the key
if is_id then acc(k); acc " = "
else acc "["; rec (k, nested, indent+(FIX_INDENT or 0)); acc "] = " end
-- Print the value
rec (v, nested, indent+(FIX_INDENT or 0))
has_hash = true
-- Now we know whether there's a hash-part, an array-part, and a tag.
-- Tag and hash-part are already printed if they're present.
if not has_tag and not has_hash and not has_arr then acc "{ }";
elseif has_tag and not has_hash and not has_arr then -- nothing, tag already in acc
assert (has_hash or has_arr)
local no_brace = false
if has_hash and has_arr then acc ", "
elseif has_tag and not has_hash and alen==1 and type(adt[1])~="table" then
-- No brace required; don't print "{", remember not to print "}"
acc (" "); rec (adt[1], nested, indent+(FIX_INDENT or 0))
no_brace = true
elseif not has_hash then
-- Braces required, but not opened by hash-part handler yet
acc "{ "
if not FIX_INDENT then indent = current_offset end
-- 2nd pass: array-part
if not no_brace and has_arr then
rec (adt[1], nested, indent+(FIX_INDENT or 0))
for i=2, alen do
acc ", ";
if current_offset + xlen (adt[i], { }) > LINE_MAX
then acc_newline() end
rec (adt[i], nested, indent+(FIX_INDENT or 0))
if not no_brace then acc " }" end
nested[adt] = false -- No more nested calls
local custom_string = __tostring(adt)
if custom_string then acc(custom_string) else
local y = x[type(adt)]
if y then y() else acc(tostring(adt)) end
current_offset = INITIAL_INDENT or 0
rec(t, { }, 0)
return table.concat (acc_list)
function table.print(...) return print(table.tostring(...)) end
return table