blob: 1e2c9726616e9542eed6fd1131e78b329cb0c5ee [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Kein-Hong Man, Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Kein-Hong Man - Initial implementation for Lua 5.0, part of Yueliang
-- Fabien Fleutot - Port to Lua 5.1, integration with Metalua
-- WARNING! You're entering a hackish area, proceed at your own risks!
-- This code partly results from the borrowing, then ruthless abuse, of
-- Yueliang's implementation of Lua 5.0 compiler. I claim
-- responsibility for all of the ugly, dirty stuff that you might spot
-- in it.
-- Eventually, this code will be rewritten, either in Lua or more
-- probably in C. Meanwhile, if you're interested into digging
-- metalua's sources, this is not the best part to invest your time
-- on.
-- End of warning.
-- Metalua.
-- Summary: Compile ASTs to Lua 5.1 VM function prototype.
-- Largely based on:
-- * Yueliang (,
-- yueliang-0.1.2/orig-5.0.2/lparser.lua
-- * Lua 5.1 sources (, src/lparser.c
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Fabien Fleutot <>.
-- This software is released under the MIT Licence, see licence.txt
-- for details.
local luaK = require 'metalua.compiler.bytecode.lcode'
local luaP = require 'metalua.compiler.bytecode.lopcodes'
local debugf = function() end
--local debugf=printf
local stat = { }
local expr = { }
local M = { }
M.MAX_INT = 2147483645 -- INT_MAX-2 for 32-bit systems (llimits.h)
M.MAXVARS = 200 -- (llimits.h)
M.MAXUPVALUES = 32 -- (llimits.h)
M.MAXPARAMS = 100 -- (llimits.h)
M.LUA_MAXPARSERLEVEL = 200 -- (llimits.h)
-- from lobject.h
local function hasmultret (k)
return k=="VCALL" or k=="VVARARG"
-- Some ASTs take expression lists as children; it should be
-- acceptible to give an expression instead, and to automatically
-- interpret it as a single element list. That's what does this
-- function, adding a surrounding list iff needed.
-- WARNING: "Do" is the tag for chunks, which are essentially lists.
-- Therefore, we don't listify stuffs with a "Do" tag.
local function ensure_list (ast)
return ast.tag and ast.tag ~= "Do" and {ast} or ast end
-- Get a localvar structure { varname, startpc, endpc } from a
-- (zero-based) index of active variable. The catch is: don't get
-- confused between local index and active index.
-- locvars[x] contains { varname, startpc, endpc };
-- actvar[i] contains the index of the variable in locvars
local function getlocvar (fs, i)
return fs.f.locvars[fs.actvar[i]]
local function removevars (fs, tolevel)
while fs.nactvar > tolevel do
fs.nactvar = fs.nactvar - 1
-- There may be dummy locvars due to expr.Stat
-- FIXME: strange that they didn't disappear?!
local locvar = getlocvar (fs, fs.nactvar)
--printf("[REMOVEVARS] removing var #%i = %s", fs.nactvar,
-- locvar and tostringv(locvar) or "<nil>")
if locvar then locvar.endpc = fs.pc end
-- [f] has a list of all its local variables, active and inactive.
-- Some local vars can correspond to the same register, if they exist
-- in different scopes.
-- [fs.nlocvars] is the total number of local variables, not to be
-- confused with [fs.nactvar] the numebr of variables active at the
-- current PC.
-- At this stage, the existence of the variable is not yet aknowledged,
-- since [fs.nactvar] and [fs.freereg] aren't updated.
local function registerlocalvar (fs, varname)
--debugf("[locvar: %s = reg %i]", varname, fs.nlocvars)
local f = fs.f
f.locvars[fs.nlocvars] = { } -- LocVar
f.locvars[fs.nlocvars].varname = varname
local nlocvars = fs.nlocvars
fs.nlocvars = fs.nlocvars + 1
return nlocvars
-- update the active vars counter in [fs] by adding [nvars] of them,
-- and sets those variables' [startpc] to the current [fs.pc].
-- These variables were allready created, but not yet counted, by
-- new_localvar.
local function adjustlocalvars (fs, nvars)
--debugf("adjustlocalvars, nvars=%i, previous fs.nactvar=%i,"..
-- " #locvars=%i, #actvar=%i",
-- nvars, fs.nactvar, #fs.f.locvars, #fs.actvar)
fs.nactvar = fs.nactvar + nvars
for i = nvars, 1, -1 do
--printf ("adjusting actvar #%i", fs.nactvar - i)
getlocvar (fs, fs.nactvar - i).startpc = fs.pc
-- check whether, in an assignment to a local variable, the local variable
-- is needed in a previous assignment (to a table). If so, save original
-- local value in a safe place and use this safe copy in the previous
-- assignment.
local function check_conflict (fs, lh, v)
local extra = fs.freereg -- eventual position to save local variable
local conflict = false
while lh do
if lh.v.k == "VINDEXED" then
if == then -- conflict?
conflict = true = extra -- previous assignment will use safe copy
if lh.v.aux == then -- conflict?
conflict = true
lh.v.aux = extra -- previous assignment will use safe copy
lh = lh.prev
if conflict then
luaK:codeABC (fs, "OP_MOVE", fs.freereg,, 0) -- make copy
luaK:reserveregs (fs, 1)
-- Create an expdesc. To be updated when expdesc is lua-ified.
local function init_exp (e, k, i)
e.f, e.t, e.k, = luaK.NO_JUMP, luaK.NO_JUMP, k, i end
-- Reserve the string in tthe constant pool, and return an expdesc
-- referring to it.
local function codestring (fs, e, str)
--printf( "codestring(%s)", disp.ast(str))
init_exp (e, "VK", luaK:stringK (fs, str))
-- search for a local variable named [name] in the function being
-- built by [fs]. Doesn't try to visit upvalues.
local function searchvar (fs, name)
for i = fs.nactvar - 1, 0, -1 do
-- Because of expr.Stat, there can be some actvars which don't
-- correspond to any locvar. Hence the checking for locvar's
-- nonnilness before getting the varname.
local locvar = getlocvar(fs, i)
if locvar and name == locvar.varname then
--printf("Found local var: %s; i = %i", tostringv(locvar), i)
return i
return -1 -- not found
-- create and return a new proto [f]
local function newproto ()
local f = {}
f.k = {}
f.sizek = 0
f.p = {}
f.sizep = 0
f.code = {}
f.sizecode = 0
f.sizelineinfo = 0
f.sizeupvalues = 0
f.nups = 0
f.upvalues = {}
f.numparams = 0
f.is_vararg = 0
f.maxstacksize = 0
f.lineinfo = {}
f.sizelocvars = 0
f.locvars = {}
f.lineDefined = 0
f.source = nil
return f
-- create and return a function state [new_fs] as a sub-funcstate of [fs].
local function open_func (old_fs)
local new_fs = { }
new_fs.upvalues = { }
new_fs.actvar = { }
local f = newproto ()
new_fs.f = f
new_fs.prev = old_fs -- linked list of funcstates
new_fs.pc = 0
new_fs.lasttarget = -1
new_fs.jpc = luaK.NO_JUMP
new_fs.freereg = 0
new_fs.nk = 0
new_fs.h = {} -- constant table; was luaH_new call = 0
new_fs.nlocvars = 0
new_fs.nactvar = 0 = nil
new_fs.nestlevel = old_fs and old_fs.nestlevel or 0
f.maxstacksize = 2 -- registers 0/1 are always valid
new_fs.lastline = 0
new_fs.forward_gotos = { }
new_fs.labels = { }
return new_fs
-- Finish to set up [f] according to final state of [fs]
local function close_func (fs)
local f = fs.f
--printf("[CLOSE_FUNC] remove any remaining var")
removevars (fs, 0)
luaK:ret (fs, 0, 0)
f.sizecode = fs.pc
f.sizelineinfo = fs.pc
f.sizek = fs.nk
f.sizep =
f.sizelocvars = fs.nlocvars
f.sizeupvalues = f.nups
assert ( == nil)
if next(fs.forward_gotos) then
local x = table.tostring(fs.forward_gotos)
error ("Unresolved goto: "..x)
local function pushclosure(fs, func, v)
local f = fs.f
f.p [] = func.f = + 1
init_exp (v, "VRELOCABLE", luaK:codeABx (fs, "OP_CLOSURE", 0, - 1))
for i = 0, func.f.nups - 1 do
local o = (func.upvalues[i].k == "VLOCAL") and "OP_MOVE" or "OP_GETUPVAL"
luaK:codeABC (fs, o, 0, func.upvalues[i].info, 0)
-- FIXME: is there a need for f=fs.f? if yes, why not always using it?
local function indexupvalue(fs, name, v)
local f = fs.f
for i = 0, f.nups - 1 do
if fs.upvalues[i].k == v.k and fs.upvalues[i].info == then
assert(fs.f.upvalues[i] == name)
return i
-- new one
f.upvalues[f.nups] = name
assert (v.k == "VLOCAL" or v.k == "VUPVAL")
fs.upvalues[f.nups] = { k = v.k; info = }
local nups = f.nups
f.nups = f.nups + 1
return nups
local function markupval(fs, level)
local bl =
while bl and bl.nactvar > level do bl = bl.previous end
if bl then bl.upval = true end
--for debug only
local function bldepth(fs)
local i, x= 1,
while x do i=i+1; x=x.previous end
return i
local function enterblock (fs, bl, isbreakable)
bl.breaklist = luaK.NO_JUMP
bl.isbreakable = isbreakable
bl.nactvar = fs.nactvar
bl.upval = false
bl.previous = = bl
assert (fs.freereg == fs.nactvar)
local function leaveblock (fs)
local bl = = bl.previous
--printf("[LEAVEBLOCK] Removing vars...")
removevars (fs, bl.nactvar)
--printf("[LEAVEBLOCK] ...Vars removed")
if bl.upval then
luaK:codeABC (fs, "OP_CLOSE", bl.nactvar, 0, 0)
-- a block either controls scope or breaks (never both)
assert (not bl.isbreakable or not bl.upval)
assert (bl.nactvar == fs.nactvar)
fs.freereg = fs.nactvar -- free registers
luaK:patchtohere (fs, bl.breaklist)
-- read a list of expressions from a list of ast [astlist]
-- starts at the [offset]th element of the list (defaults to 1)
local function explist(fs, astlist, v, offset)
offset = offset or 1
if #astlist < offset then error "I don't handle empty expr lists yet" end
--printf("[EXPLIST] about to precompile 1st element %s", disp.ast(astlist[offset]))
expr.expr (fs, astlist[offset], v)
--printf("[EXPLIST] precompiled first element v=%s", tostringv(v))
for i = offset+1, #astlist do
luaK:exp2nextreg (fs, v)
--printf("[EXPLIST] flushed v=%s", tostringv(v))
expr.expr (fs, astlist[i], v)
--printf("[EXPLIST] precompiled element v=%s", tostringv(v))
return #astlist - offset + 1
local function funcargs (fs, ast, v, idx_from)
local args = { } -- expdesc
local nparams
if #ast < idx_from then args.k = "VVOID" else
explist(fs, ast, args, idx_from)
luaK:setmultret(fs, args)
assert(v.k == "VNONRELOC")
local base = -- base register for call
if hasmultret(args.k) then nparams = luaK.LUA_MULTRET else -- open call
if args.k ~= "VVOID" then
luaK:exp2nextreg(fs, args) end -- close last argument
nparams = fs.freereg - (base + 1)
init_exp(v, "VCALL", luaK:codeABC(fs, "OP_CALL", base, nparams + 1, 2))
if ast.lineinfo then
luaK:fixline(fs, ast.lineinfo.first.line)
luaK:fixline(fs, ast.line)
fs.freereg = base + 1 -- call remove function and arguments and leaves
-- (unless changed) one result
-- calculates log value for encoding the hash portion's size
local function log2(x)
-- math result is always one more than lua0_log2()
local mn, ex = math.frexp(x)
return ex - 1
-- converts an integer to a "floating point byte", represented as
-- (mmmmmxxx), where the real value is (xxx) * 2^(mmmmm)
-- local function int2fb(x)
-- local m = 0 -- mantissa
-- while x >= 8 do x = math.floor((x + 1) / 2); m = m + 1 end
-- return m * 8 + x
-- end
local function int2fb(x)
local e = 0
while x >= 16 do
x = math.floor ( (x+1) / 2)
e = e+1
if x<8 then return x
else return (e+1) * 8 + x - 8 end
-- FIXME: to be unified with singlevar
local function singlevaraux(fs, n, var, base)
print("\n\nsinglevaraux: fs, n, var, base")
if fs == nil then -- no more levels?
init_exp(var, "VGLOBAL", luaP.NO_REG) -- default is global variable
return "VGLOBAL"
local v = searchvar(fs, n) -- look up at current level
if v >= 0 then
init_exp(var, "VLOCAL", v)
if not base then
markupval(fs, v) -- local will be used as an upval
else -- not found at current level; try upper one
if singlevaraux(fs.prev, n, var, false) == "VGLOBAL" then
return "VGLOBAL" end = indexupvalue (fs, n, var)
var.k = "VUPVAL"
return "VUPVAL"
local function singlevar(fs, varname, var)
if singlevaraux(fs, varname, var, true) == "VGLOBAL" then = luaK:stringK (fs, varname) end
local function new_localvar (fs, name, n)
assert (type (name) == "string")
if fs.nactvar + n > M.MAXVARS then error ("too many local vars") end
fs.actvar[fs.nactvar + n] = registerlocalvar (fs, name)
--printf("[NEW_LOCVAR] %i = %s", fs.nactvar+n, name)
local function parlist (fs, ast_params)
local dots = (#ast_params > 0 and ast_params[#ast_params].tag == "Dots")
local nparams = dots and #ast_params - 1 or #ast_params
for i = 1, nparams do
assert (ast_params[i].tag == "Id", "Function parameters must be Ids")
new_localvar (fs, ast_params[i][1], i-1)
-- from [code_param]:
--checklimit (fs, fs.nactvar, self.M.MAXPARAMS, "parameters")
fs.f.numparams = fs.nactvar
fs.f.is_vararg = dots and M.VARARG_ISVARARG or 0
adjustlocalvars (fs, nparams)
fs.f.numparams = fs.nactvar --FIXME vararg must be taken in account
luaK:reserveregs (fs, fs.nactvar) -- reserve register for parameters
-- if there's more variables than expressions in an assignment,
-- some assignations to nil are made for extraneous vars.
-- Also handles multiret functions
local function adjust_assign (fs, nvars, nexps, e)
local extra = nvars - nexps
if hasmultret (e.k) then
extra = extra+1 -- includes call itself
if extra <= 0 then extra = 0 end
luaK:setreturns(fs, e, extra) -- call provides the difference
if extra > 1 then luaK:reserveregs(fs, extra-1) end
if e.k ~= "VVOID" then
luaK:exp2nextreg(fs, e) end -- close last expression
if extra > 0 then
local reg = fs.freereg
luaK:reserveregs(fs, extra)
luaK:_nil(fs, reg, extra)
local function enterlevel (fs)
fs.nestlevel = fs.nestlevel + 1
assert (fs.nestlevel <= M.LUA_MAXPARSERLEVEL, "too many syntax levels")
local function leavelevel (fs)
fs.nestlevel = fs.nestlevel - 1
-- Parse conditions in if/then/else, while, repeat
local function cond (fs, ast)
local v = { }
expr.expr(fs, ast, v) -- read condition
if v.k == "VNIL" then v.k = "VFALSE" end -- 'falses' are all equal here
luaK:goiftrue (fs, v)
return v.f
local function chunk (fs, ast)
enterlevel (fs)
assert (not ast.tag)
for i=1, #ast do
stat.stat (fs, ast[i]);
fs.freereg = fs.nactvar
leavelevel (fs)
local function block (fs, ast)
local bl = {}
enterblock (fs, bl, false)
for i=1, #ast do
stat.stat (fs, ast[i])
fs.freereg = fs.nactvar
assert (bl.breaklist == luaK.NO_JUMP)
leaveblock (fs)
-- Forin / Fornum body parser
-- [fs]
-- [body]
-- [base]
-- [nvars]
-- [isnum]
local function forbody (fs, ast_body, base, nvars, isnum)
local bl = {} -- BlockCnt
adjustlocalvars (fs, 3) -- control variables
local prep =
isnum and luaK:codeAsBx (fs, "OP_FORPREP", base, luaK.NO_JUMP)
or luaK:jump (fs)
enterblock (fs, bl, false) -- loop block
adjustlocalvars (fs, nvars) -- scope for declared variables
luaK:reserveregs (fs, nvars)
block (fs, ast_body)
leaveblock (fs)
--luaK:patchtohere (fs, prep-1)
luaK:patchtohere (fs, prep)
local endfor =
isnum and luaK:codeAsBx (fs, "OP_FORLOOP", base, luaK.NO_JUMP)
or luaK:codeABC (fs, "OP_TFORLOOP", base, 0, nvars)
luaK:fixline (fs, ast_body.line) -- pretend that 'OP_FOR' starts the loop
luaK:patchlist (fs, isnum and endfor or luaK:jump(fs), prep + 1)
local function recfield (fs, ast, cc)
local reg = fs.freereg
local key, val = {}, {} -- expdesc
--FIXME: expr + exp2val = index -->
-- check reduncancy between exp2val and exp2rk
cc.nh = cc.nh + 1
expr.expr(fs, ast[1], key);
luaK:exp2val (fs, key)
local keyreg = luaK:exp2RK (fs, key)
expr.expr(fs, ast[2], val)
local valreg = luaK:exp2RK (fs, val)
luaK:codeABC(fs, "OP_SETTABLE",, keyreg, valreg)
fs.freereg = reg -- free registers
local function listfield(fs, ast, cc)
expr.expr(fs, ast, cc.v)
assert ( <= luaP.MAXARG_Bx) -- FIXME check <= or < = + 1
cc.tostore = cc.tostore + 1
local function closelistfield(fs, cc)
if cc.v.k == "VVOID" then return end -- there is no list item
luaK:exp2nextreg(fs, cc.v)
cc.v.k = "VVOID"
if cc.tostore == luaP.LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH then
luaK:setlist (fs,,, cc.tostore)
cc.tostore = 0
-- The last field might be a call to a multireturn function. In that
-- case, we must unfold all of its results into the list.
local function lastlistfield(fs, cc)
if cc.tostore == 0 then return end
if hasmultret (cc.v.k) then
luaK:setmultret(fs, cc.v)
luaK:setlist (fs,,, luaK.LUA_MULTRET) = - 1
if cc.v.k ~= "VVOID" then luaK:exp2nextreg(fs, cc.v) end
luaK:setlist (fs,,, cc.tostore)
-- Statement parsers table
function stat.stat (fs, ast)
if ast.lineinfo then fs.lastline = ast.lineinfo.last.line end
--debugf (" - Statement %s", table.tostring (ast) )
if not ast.tag then chunk (fs, ast) else
local parser = stat [ast.tag]
if not parser then
error ("A statement cannot have tag `"..ast.tag) end
parser (fs, ast)
--debugf (" - /Statement `%s", ast.tag)
stat.Do = block
function stat.Break (fs, ast)
-- if ast.lineinfo then fs.lastline = ast.lineinfo.last.line
local bl, upval =, false
while bl and not bl.isbreakable do
if bl.upval then upval = true end
bl = bl.previous
assert (bl, "no loop to break")
if upval then luaK:codeABC(fs, "OP_CLOSE", bl.nactvar, 0, 0) end
bl.breaklist = luaK:concat(fs, bl.breaklist, luaK:jump(fs))
function stat.Return (fs, ast)
local e = {} -- expdesc
local first -- registers with returned values
local nret = #ast
if nret == 0 then first = 0
--printf("[RETURN] compiling explist")
explist (fs, ast, e)
--printf("[RETURN] explist e=%s", tostringv(e))
if hasmultret (e.k) then
luaK:setmultret(fs, e)
if e.k == "VCALL" and nret == 1 then
luaP:SET_OPCODE(luaK:getcode(fs, e), "OP_TAILCALL")
assert(luaP:GETARG_A(luaK:getcode(fs, e)) == fs.nactvar)
first = fs.nactvar
nret = luaK.LUA_MULTRET -- return all values
elseif nret == 1 then
if ast[1].tag ~= "Error" then
first = luaK:exp2anyreg(fs, e)
--printf("* Return multiple vals in nextreg %i", fs.freereg)
luaK:exp2nextreg(fs, e) -- values must go to the 'stack'
first = fs.nactvar -- return all 'active' values
assert(nret == fs.freereg - first)
luaK:ret(fs, first, nret)
function stat.Local (fs, ast)
local names, values = ast[1], ast[2] or { }
for i = 1, #names do new_localvar (fs, names[i][1], i-1) end
local e = { }
if #values == 0 then e.k = "VVOID" else explist (fs, values, e) end
adjust_assign (fs, #names, #values, e)
adjustlocalvars (fs, #names)
function stat.Localrec (fs, ast)
assert(#ast[1]==1 and #ast[2]==1, "Multiple letrecs not implemented yet")
local ast_var, ast_val, e_var, e_val = ast[1][1], ast[2][1], { }, { }
new_localvar (fs, ast_var[1], 0)
init_exp (e_var, "VLOCAL", fs.freereg)
luaK:reserveregs (fs, 1)
adjustlocalvars (fs, 1)
expr.expr (fs, ast_val, e_val)
luaK:storevar (fs, e_var, e_val)
getlocvar (fs, fs.nactvar-1).startpc = fs.pc
function stat.If (fs, ast)
local astlen = #ast
-- Degenerate case #1: no statement
if astlen==0 then return block(fs, { }) end
-- Degenerate case #2: only an else statement
if astlen==1 then return block(fs, ast[1]) end
local function test_then_block (fs, test, body)
local condexit = cond (fs, test);
block (fs, body)
return condexit
local escapelist = luaK.NO_JUMP
local flist = test_then_block (fs, ast[1], ast[2]) -- 'then' statement
for i = 3, #ast - 1, 2 do -- 'elseif' statement
escapelist = luaK:concat( fs, escapelist, luaK:jump(fs))
luaK:patchtohere (fs, flist)
flist = test_then_block (fs, ast[i], ast[i+1])
if #ast % 2 == 1 then -- 'else' statement
escapelist = luaK:concat(fs, escapelist, luaK:jump(fs))
luaK:patchtohere(fs, flist)
block (fs, ast[#ast])
escapelist = luaK:concat(fs, escapelist, flist)
luaK:patchtohere(fs, escapelist)
function stat.Forin (fs, ast)
local vars, vals, body = ast[1], ast[2], ast[3]
-- imitating forstat:
local bl = { }
enterblock (fs, bl, true)
-- imitating forlist:
local e, base = { }, fs.freereg
new_localvar (fs, "(for generator)", 0)
new_localvar (fs, "(for state)", 1)
new_localvar (fs, "(for control)", 2)
for i = 1, #vars do new_localvar (fs, vars[i][1], i+2) end
explist (fs, vals, e)
adjust_assign (fs, 3, #vals, e)
luaK:checkstack (fs, 3)
forbody (fs, body, base, #vars, false)
-- back to forstat:
leaveblock (fs)
function stat.Fornum (fs, ast)
local function exp1 (ast_e)
local e = { }
expr.expr (fs, ast_e, e)
luaK:exp2nextreg (fs, e)
-- imitating forstat:
local bl = { }
enterblock (fs, bl, true)
-- imitating fornum:
local base = fs.freereg
new_localvar (fs, "(for index)", 0)
new_localvar (fs, "(for limit)", 1)
new_localvar (fs, "(for step)", 2)
new_localvar (fs, ast[1][1], 3)
exp1 (ast[2]) -- initial value
exp1 (ast[3]) -- limit
if #ast == 5 then exp1 (ast[4]) else -- default step = 1
luaK:codeABx(fs, "OP_LOADK", fs.freereg, luaK:numberK(fs, 1))
luaK:reserveregs(fs, 1)
forbody (fs, ast[#ast], base, 1, true)
-- back to forstat:
leaveblock (fs)
function stat.Repeat (fs, ast)
local repeat_init = luaK:getlabel (fs)
local bl1, bl2 = { }, { }
enterblock (fs, bl1, true)
enterblock (fs, bl2, false)
chunk (fs, ast[1])
local condexit = cond (fs, ast[2])
if not bl2.upval then
leaveblock (fs)
luaK:patchlist (fs, condexit, repeat_init)
stat.Break (fs)
luaK:patchtohere (fs, condexit)
leaveblock (fs)
luaK:patchlist (fs, luaK:jump (fs), repeat_init)
leaveblock (fs)
function stat.While (fs, ast)
local whileinit = luaK:getlabel (fs)
local condexit = cond (fs, ast[1])
local bl = { }
enterblock (fs, bl, true)
block (fs, ast[2])
luaK:patchlist (fs, luaK:jump (fs), whileinit)
leaveblock (fs)
luaK:patchtohere (fs, condexit);
-- FIXME: it's cumbersome to write this in this semi-recursive way.
function stat.Set (fs, ast)
local ast_lhs, ast_vals, e = ast[1], ast[2], { }
--print "\n\nSet ast_lhs ast_vals:"
local function let_aux (lhs, nvars)
local legal = { VLOCAL=1, VUPVAL=1, VGLOBAL=1, VINDEXED=1 }
if not legal [lhs.v.k] then
error ("Bad lhs expr: "..table.tostring(ast_lhs))
if nvars < #ast_lhs then -- this is not the last lhs
local nv = { v = { }, prev = lhs }
expr.expr (fs, ast_lhs [nvars+1], nv.v)
if nv.v.k == "VLOCAL" then check_conflict (fs, lhs, nv.v) end
let_aux (nv, nvars+1)
else -- this IS the last lhs
explist (fs, ast_vals, e)
if #ast_vals < nvars then
adjust_assign (fs, nvars, #ast_vals, e)
elseif #ast_vals > nvars then
adjust_assign (fs, nvars, #ast_vals, e)
fs.freereg = fs.freereg - #ast_vals + nvars
else -- #ast_vals == nvars (and we're at last lhs)
luaK:setoneret (fs, e) -- close last expression
luaK:storevar (fs, lhs.v, e)
return -- avoid default
init_exp (e, "VNONRELOC", fs.freereg - 1) -- default assignment
luaK:storevar (fs, lhs.v, e)
local lhs = { v = { }, prev = nil }
expr.expr (fs, ast_lhs[1], lhs.v)
let_aux( lhs, 1)
function stat.Call (fs, ast)
local v = { }
expr.Call (fs, ast, v)
luaP:SETARG_C (luaK:getcode(fs, v), 1)
function stat.Invoke (fs, ast)
local v = { }
expr.Invoke (fs, ast, v)
--FIXME: didn't check that, just copied from stat.Call
luaP:SETARG_C (luaK:getcode(fs, v), 1)
local function patch_goto (fs, src, dst)
-- Goto/Label data:
-- fs.labels :: string => { nactvar :: int; pc :: int }
-- fs.forward_gotos :: string => list(int)
-- fs.labels goes from label ids to the number of active variables at
-- the label's PC, and that PC
-- fs.forward_gotos goes from label ids to the list of the PC where
-- some goto wants to jump to this label. Since gotos are actually made
-- up of two instructions OP_CLOSE and OP_JMP, it's the first instruction's
-- PC that's stored in fs.forward_gotos
-- Note that backward gotos aren't stored: since their destination is knowns
-- when they're compiled, their target is directly set.
-- Set a Label to jump to with Goto
function stat.Label (fs, ast)
local label_id = ast[1]
if type(label_id)=='table' then label_id=label_id[1] end
-- printf("Label %s at PC %i", label_id, fs.pc)
-- Register the label, so that future gotos can use it.
if fs.labels [label_id] then error "Duplicate label in function"
else fs.labels [label_id] = { pc = fs.pc; nactvar = fs.nactvar } end
local gotos = fs.forward_gotos [label_id]
if gotos then
-- Patch forward gotos which were targetting this label.
for _, goto_pc in ipairs(gotos) do
local close_instr = fs.f.code[goto_pc]
local jmp_instr = fs.f.code[goto_pc+1]
local goto_nactvar = luaP:GETARG_A (close_instr)
if fs.nactvar < goto_nactvar then
luaP:SETARG_A (close_instr, fs.nactvar) end
luaP:SETARG_sBx (jmp_instr, fs.pc - goto_pc - 2)
-- Gotos are patched, they can be forgotten about (when the
-- function will be finished, it will be checked that all gotos
-- have been patched, by checking that forward_goto is empty).
fs.forward_gotos[label_id] = nil
-- jumps to a label set with stat.Label.
-- Argument must be a String or an Id
-- FIXME/optim: get rid of useless OP_CLOSE when nactvar doesn't change.
-- Thsi must be done both here for backward gotos, and in
-- stat.Label for forward gotos.
function stat.Goto (fs, ast)
local label_id = ast[1]
if type(label_id)=='table' then label_id=label_id[1] end
-- printf("Goto %s at PC %i", label_id, fs.pc)
local label = fs.labels[label_id]
if label then
-- Backward goto: the label already exists, so I can get its
-- nactvar and address directly. nactvar is used to close
-- upvalues if we get out of scoping blocks by jumping.
if fs.nactvar > label.nactvar then
luaK:codeABC (fs, "OP_CLOSE", label.nactvar, 0, 0) end
local offset = label.pc - fs.pc - 1
luaK:codeAsBx (fs, "OP_JMP", 0, offset)
-- Forward goto: will be patched when the matching label is
-- found, forward_gotos[label_id] keeps the PC of the CLOSE
-- instruction just before the JMP. [stat.Label] will use it to
-- patch the OP_CLOSE and the OP_JMP.
if not fs.forward_gotos[label_id] then
fs.forward_gotos[label_id] = { } end
table.insert (fs.forward_gotos[label_id], fs.pc)
luaK:codeABC (fs, "OP_CLOSE", fs.nactvar, 0, 0)
luaK:codeAsBx (fs, "OP_JMP", 0, luaK.NO_JUMP)
-- Expression parsers table
function expr.expr (fs, ast, v)
if type(ast) ~= "table" then
error ("Expr AST expected, got "..table.tostring(ast)) end
if ast.lineinfo then fs.lastline = ast.lineinfo.last.line end
--debugf (" - Expression %s", table.tostring (ast))
local parser = expr[ast.tag]
if parser then parser (fs, ast, v)
elseif not ast.tag then
error ("No tag in expression "..table.tostring(ast, 'nohash', 80))
error ("No parser for node `"..ast.tag) end
--debugf (" - /Expression `%s", ast.tag)
function expr.Nil (fs, ast, v) init_exp (v, "VNIL", 0) end
function expr.True (fs, ast, v) init_exp (v, "VTRUE", 0) end
function expr.False (fs, ast, v) init_exp (v, "VFALSE", 0) end
function expr.String (fs, ast, v) codestring (fs, v, ast[1]) end
function expr.Number (fs, ast, v)
init_exp (v, "VKNUM", 0)
v.nval = ast[1]
function expr.Paren (fs, ast, v)
expr.expr (fs, ast[1], v)
luaK:setoneret (fs, v)
function expr.Dots (fs, ast, v)
assert (fs.f.is_vararg ~= 0, "No vararg in this function")
-- NEEDSARG flag is set if and only if the function is a vararg,
-- but no vararg has been used yet in its code.
if fs.f.is_vararg < M.VARARG_NEEDSARG then
fs.f.is_varag = fs.f.is_vararg - M.VARARG_NEEDSARG end
init_exp (v, "VVARARG", luaK:codeABC (fs, "OP_VARARG", 0, 1, 0))
function expr.Table (fs, ast, v)
local pc = luaK:codeABC(fs, "OP_NEWTABLE", 0, 0, 0)
local cc = { v = { } , na = 0, nh = 0, tostore = 0, t = v } -- ConsControl
init_exp (v, "VRELOCABLE", pc)
init_exp (cc.v, "VVOID", 0) -- no value (yet)
luaK:exp2nextreg (fs, v) -- fix it at stack top (for gc)
for i = 1, #ast do
assert(cc.v.k == "VVOID" or cc.tostore > 0)
closelistfield(fs, cc);
(ast[i].tag == "Pair" and recfield or listfield) (fs, ast[i], cc)
lastlistfield(fs, cc)
-- Configure [OP_NEWTABLE] dimensions
luaP:SETARG_B(fs.f.code[pc], int2fb( -- set initial array size
luaP:SETARG_C(fs.f.code[pc], int2fb(cc.nh)) -- set initial table size
function expr.Function (fs, ast, v)
if ast.lineinfo then fs.lastline = ast.lineinfo.last.line end
local new_fs = open_func(fs)
if ast.lineinfo then
new_fs.f.lineDefined, new_fs.f.lastLineDefined =
ast.lineinfo.first.line, ast.lineinfo.last.line
parlist (new_fs, ast[1])
chunk (new_fs, ast[2])
close_func (new_fs)
pushclosure(fs, new_fs, v)
function expr.Op (fs, ast, v)
if ast.lineinfo then fs.lastline = ast.lineinfo.last.line end
local op = ast[1]
if #ast == 2 then
expr.expr (fs, ast[2], v)
luaK:prefix (fs, op, v)
elseif #ast == 3 then
local v2 = { }
expr.expr (fs, ast[2], v)
luaK:infix (fs, op, v)
expr.expr (fs, ast[3], v2)
luaK:posfix (fs, op, v, v2)
error "Wrong arg number"
function expr.Call (fs, ast, v)
expr.expr (fs, ast[1], v)
luaK:exp2nextreg (fs, v)
funcargs(fs, ast, v, 2)
--debugf("after expr.Call: %s, %s", v.k, luaP.opnames[luaK:getcode(fs, v).OP])
-- `Invoke{ table key args }
function expr.Invoke (fs, ast, v)
expr.expr (fs, ast[1], v)
luaK:dischargevars (fs, v)
local key = { }
codestring (fs, key, ast[2][1])
luaK:_self (fs, v, key)
funcargs (fs, ast, v, 3)
function expr.Index (fs, ast, v)
if #ast ~= 2 then
print"\n\nBAD INDEX AST:"
error "generalized indexes not implemented" end
if ast.lineinfo then fs.lastline = ast.lineinfo.last.line end
--assert(fs.lastline ~= 0, ast.tag)
expr.expr (fs, ast[1], v)
luaK:exp2anyreg (fs, v)
local k = { }
expr.expr (fs, ast[2], k)
luaK:exp2val (fs, k)
luaK:indexed (fs, v, k)
function expr.Id (fs, ast, v)
assert (ast.tag == "Id")
singlevar (fs, ast[1], v)
function expr.Stat (fs, ast, v)
--printf(" * Stat: %i actvars, first freereg is %i", fs.nactvar, fs.freereg)
--printf(" actvars: %s", table.tostring(fs.actvar))
-- Protect temporary stack values by pretending they are local
-- variables. Local vars are in registers 0 ... fs.nactvar-1,
-- and temporary unnamed variables in fs.nactvar ... fs.freereg-1
local save_nactvar = fs.nactvar
-- Eventually, the result should go on top of stack *after all
-- `Stat{ } related computation and string usage is over. The index
-- of this destination register is kept here:
local dest_reg = fs.freereg
-- There might be variables in actvar whose register is > nactvar,
-- and therefore will not be protected by the "nactvar := freereg"
-- trick. Indeed, `Local only increases nactvar after the variable
-- content has been computed. Therefore, in
-- "local foo = -{`Stat{...}}", variable foo will be messed up by
-- the compilation of `Stat.
-- FIX: save the active variables at indices >= nactvar in
-- save_actvar, and restore them after `Stat has been computed.
-- I use a while rather than for loops and length operators because
-- fs.actvar is a 0-based array...
local save_actvar = { } do
local i = fs.nactvar
while true do
local v = fs.actvar[i]
if not v then break end
--printf("save hald-baked actvar %s at index %i", table.tostring(v), i)
save_actvar[i] = v
fs.nactvar = fs.freereg -- Now temp unnamed registers are protected
enterblock (fs, { }, false)
chunk (fs, ast[1])
expr.expr (fs, ast[2], v)
luaK:exp2nextreg (fs, v)
leaveblock (fs)
luaK:exp2reg (fs, v, dest_reg)
-- Reserve the newly allocated stack level
-- Puzzled note: here was written "fs.freereg = fs.freereg+1".
-- I'm pretty sure it should rather be dest_reg+1, but maybe
-- both are equivalent?
fs.freereg = dest_reg+1
-- Restore nactvar, so that intermediate stacked value stop
-- being protected.
--printf(" nactvar back from %i to %i", fs.nactvar, save_nactvar)
fs.nactvar = save_nactvar
-- restore messed-up unregistered local vars
for i, j in pairs(save_actvar) do
--printf(" Restoring actvar %i", i)
fs.actvar[i] = j
--printf(" * End of Stat")
function expr.Error() end
-- Main function: ast --> proto
function M.ast_to_proto (ast, source)
local fs = open_func (nil)
fs.f.is_vararg = M.VARARG_ISVARARG
chunk (fs, ast)
close_func (fs)
assert (fs.prev == nil)
assert (fs.f.nups == 0)
assert (fs.nestlevel == 0)
if source then fs.f.source = source end
return fs.f, source
local function Error (fs, ast, v)
local msg = string.format ("Error node in AST at position %s: %s",
table.tostring(ast, nohash))
expr.Error, stat.Error = Error, Error
return M