blob: 01d1b97837891090528b1cad618a9d8a705d2986 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Kein-Hong Man, Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Kein-Hong Man - Initial implementation for Lua 5.0, part of Yueliang
-- Fabien Fleutot - Port to Lua 5.1, integration with Metalua
-- This code results from the borrowing, then ruthless abuse, of
-- Yueliang's implementation of Lua 5.0 compiler.
Save bytecodes in Lua
This file is part of Yueliang.
Copyright (c) 2005 Kein-Hong Man <>
The COPYRIGHT file describes the conditions
under which this software may be distributed.
[FF] Slightly modified, mainly to produce Lua 5.1 bytecode.
-- Notes:
-- * LUA_NUMBER (double), byte order (little endian) and some other
-- header values hard-coded; see other notes below...
-- * One significant difference is that instructions are still in table
-- form (with OP/A/B/C/Bx fields) and luaP:Instruction() is needed to
-- convert them into 4-char strings
-- * Deleted:
-- luaU:DumpVector: folded into DumpLines, DumpCode
-- * Added:
-- luaU:endianness() (from lundump.c)
-- luaU:make_setS: create a chunk writer that writes to a string
-- luaU:make_setF: create a chunk writer that writes to a file
-- (lua.h contains a typedef for a Chunkwriter pointer, and
-- a Lua-based implementation exists, writer() in lstrlib.c)
-- luaU:from_double(x): encode double value for writing
-- luaU:from_int(x): encode integer value for writing
-- (error checking is limited for these conversion functions)
-- (double conversion does not support denormals or NaNs)
-- luaU:ttype(o) (from lobject.h)
local luaP = require 'metalua.compiler.bytecode.lopcodes'
local M = { }
local format = { }
format.header = string.dump(function()end):sub(1, 12)
format.little_endian, format.int_size,
format.size_t_size, format.instr_size,
format.number_size, format.integral = format.header:byte(7, 12)
format.little_endian = format.little_endian~=0
format.integral = format.integral ~=0
assert(format.integral or format.number_size==8, "Number format not supported by dumper")
assert(format.little_endian, "Big endian architectures not supported by dumper")
--requires luaP
local luaU = { }
M.luaU = luaU
luaU.format = format
-- constants used by dumper
luaU.LUA_TNIL = 0
luaU.LUA_TNUMBER = 3 -- (all in lua.h)
luaU.LUA_TNONE = -1
-- definitions for headers of binary files
--luaU.LUA_SIGNATURE = "\27Lua" -- binary files start with "<esc>Lua"
--luaU.VERSION = 81 -- 0x50; last format change was in 5.0
--luaU.FORMAT_VERSION = 0 -- 0 is official version. yeah I know I'm a liar.
-- a multiple of PI for testing native format
-- multiplying by 1E7 gives non-trivial integer values
--luaU.TEST_NUMBER = 3.14159265358979323846E7
-- Additional functions to handle chunk writing
-- * to use make_setS and make_setF, see test_ldump.lua elsewhere
-- works like the lobject.h version except that TObject used in these
-- scripts only has a 'value' field, no 'tt' field (native types used)
function luaU:ttype(o)
local tt = type(o.value)
if tt == "number" then return self.LUA_TNUMBER
elseif tt == "string" then return self.LUA_TSTRING
elseif tt == "nil" then return self.LUA_TNIL
elseif tt == "boolean" then return self.LUA_TBOOLEAN
return self.LUA_TNONE -- the rest should not appear
-- create a chunk writer that writes to a string
-- * returns the writer function and a table containing the string
-- * to get the final result, look in
function luaU:make_setS()
local buff = {} = ""
local writer =
function(s, buff) -- chunk writer
if not s then return end =
return writer, buff
-- create a chunk writer that writes to a file
-- * returns the writer function and a table containing the file handle
-- * if a nil is passed, then writer should close the open file
function luaU:make_setF(filename)
local buff = {}
buff.h =, "wb")
if not buff.h then return nil end
local writer =
function(s, buff) -- chunk writer
if not buff.h then return end
if not s then buff.h:close(); return end
return writer, buff
-- converts a IEEE754 double number to an 8-byte little-endian string
-- * luaU:from_double() and luaU:from_int() are from ChunkBake project
-- * supports +/- Infinity, but not denormals or NaNs
function luaU:from_double(x)
local function grab_byte(v)
return math.floor(v / 256),
string.char(math.mod(math.floor(v), 256))
local sign = 0
if x < 0 then sign = 1; x = -x end
local mantissa, exponent = math.frexp(x)
if x == 0 then -- zero
mantissa, exponent = 0, 0
elseif x == 1/0 then
mantissa, exponent = 0, 2047
mantissa = (mantissa * 2 - 1) * math.ldexp(0.5, 53)
exponent = exponent + 1022
local v, byte = "" -- convert to bytes
x = mantissa
for i = 1,6 do
x, byte = grab_byte(x); v = v..byte -- 47:0
x, byte = grab_byte(exponent * 16 + x); v = v..byte -- 55:48
x, byte = grab_byte(sign * 128 + x); v = v..byte -- 63:56
return v
-- converts a number to a little-endian 32-bit integer string
-- * input value assumed to not overflow, can be signed/unsigned
function luaU:from_int(x, size)
local v = ""
x = math.floor(x)
if x >= 0 then
for i = 1, size do
v = v..string.char(math.mod(x, 256)); x = math.floor(x / 256)
else -- x < 0
x = -x
local carry = 1
for i = 1, size do
local c = 255 - math.mod(x, 256) + carry
if c == 256 then c = 0; carry = 1 else carry = 0 end
v = v..string.char(c); x = math.floor(x / 256)
return v
-- Functions to make a binary chunk
-- * many functions have the size parameter removed, since output is
-- in the form of a string and some sizes are implicit or hard-coded
-- * luaU:DumpVector has been deleted (used in DumpCode & DumpLines)
-- dump a block of literal bytes
function luaU:DumpLiteral(s, D) self:DumpBlock(s, D) end
-- struct DumpState:
-- L -- lua_State (not used in this script)
-- write -- lua_Chunkwriter (chunk writer function)
-- data -- void* (chunk writer context or data already written)
-- dumps a block of bytes
-- * lua_unlock(D.L), lua_lock(D.L) deleted
function luaU:DumpBlock(b, D) D.write(b, end
-- dumps a single byte
function luaU:DumpByte(y, D)
self:DumpBlock(string.char(y), D)
-- dumps a signed integer of size `format.int_size` (for int)
function luaU:DumpInt(x, D)
self:DumpBlock(self:from_int(x, format.int_size), D)
-- dumps an unsigned integer of size `format.size_t_size` (for size_t)
function luaU:DumpSize(x, D)
self:DumpBlock(self:from_int(x, format.size_t_size), D)
-- dumps a LUA_NUMBER; can be an int or double depending on the VM.
function luaU:DumpNumber(x, D)
if format.integral then
self:DumpBlock(self:from_int(x, format.number_size), D)
self:DumpBlock(self:from_double(x), D)
-- dumps a Lua string
function luaU:DumpString(s, D)
if s == nil then
self:DumpSize(0, D)
s = s.."\0" -- include trailing '\0'
self:DumpSize(string.len(s), D)
self:DumpBlock(s, D)
-- dumps instruction block from function prototype
function luaU:DumpCode(f, D)
local n = f.sizecode
self:DumpInt(n, D)
--was DumpVector
for i = 0, n - 1 do
self:DumpBlock(luaP:Instruction(f.code[i]), D)
-- dumps local variable names from function prototype
function luaU:DumpLocals(f, D)
local n = f.sizelocvars
self:DumpInt(n, D)
for i = 0, n - 1 do
-- Dirty temporary fix:
-- `Stat{ } keeps properly count of the number of local vars,
-- but fails to keep score of their debug info (names).
-- It therefore might happen that #f.localvars < f.sizelocvars, or
-- that a variable's startpc and endpc fields are left unset.
-- FIXME: This might not be needed anymore, check the bug report
-- by J. Belmonte.
local var = f.locvars[i]
if not var then break end
-- printf("[DUMPLOCALS] dumping local var #%i = %s", i, table.tostring(var))
self:DumpString(var.varname, D)
self:DumpInt(var.startpc or 0, D)
self:DumpInt(var.endpc or 0, D)
-- dumps line information from function prototype
function luaU:DumpLines(f, D)
local n = f.sizelineinfo
self:DumpInt(n, D)
--was DumpVector
for i = 0, n - 1 do
self:DumpInt(f.lineinfo[i], D) -- was DumpBlock
--print(i, f.lineinfo[i])
-- dump upvalue names from function prototype
function luaU:DumpUpvalues(f, D)
local n = f.sizeupvalues
self:DumpInt(n, D)
for i = 0, n - 1 do
self:DumpString(f.upvalues[i], D)
-- dump constant pool from function prototype
-- * nvalue(o) and tsvalue(o) macros removed
function luaU:DumpConstants(f, D)
local n = f.sizek
self:DumpInt(n, D)
for i = 0, n - 1 do
local o = f.k[i] -- TObject
local tt = self:ttype(o)
assert (tt >= 0)
self:DumpByte(tt, D)
if tt == self.LUA_TNUMBER then
self:DumpNumber(o.value, D)
elseif tt == self.LUA_TSTRING then
self:DumpString(o.value, D)
elseif tt == self.LUA_TBOOLEAN then
self:DumpByte (o.value and 1 or 0, D)
elseif tt == self.LUA_TNIL then
assert(false) -- cannot happen
function luaU:DumpProtos (f, D)
local n = f.sizep
assert (n)
self:DumpInt(n, D)
for i = 0, n - 1 do
self:DumpFunction(f.p[i], f.source, D)
function luaU:DumpDebug(f, D)
self:DumpLines(f, D)
self:DumpLocals(f, D)
self:DumpUpvalues(f, D)
-- dump child function prototypes from function prototype
--FF completely reworked for 5.1 format
function luaU:DumpFunction(f, p, D)
-- print "Dumping function:"
-- table.print(f, 60)
local source = f.source
if source == p then source = nil end
self:DumpString(source, D)
self:DumpInt(f.lineDefined, D)
self:DumpInt(f.lastLineDefined or 42, D)
self:DumpByte(f.nups, D)
self:DumpByte(f.numparams, D)
self:DumpByte(f.is_vararg, D)
self:DumpByte(f.maxstacksize, D)
self:DumpCode(f, D)
self:DumpConstants(f, D)
self:DumpProtos( f, D)
self:DumpDebug(f, D)
-- dump Lua header section (some sizes hard-coded)
--FF: updated for version 5.1
function luaU:DumpHeader(D)
self:DumpLiteral(format.header, D)
-- dump function as precompiled chunk
-- * w, data are created from make_setS, make_setF
--FF: suppressed extraneous [L] param
function luaU:dump (Main, w, data)
local D = {} -- DumpState
D.write = w = data
self:DumpFunction(Main, nil, D)
-- added: for a chunk writer writing to a file, this final call with
-- nil data is to indicate to the writer to close the file
-- find byte order (from lundump.c)
-- * hard-coded to little-endian
function luaU:endianness()
return 1
-- FIXME: ugly concat-base generation in [make_setS], bufferize properly!
function M.dump_string (proto)
local writer, buff = luaU:make_setS()
luaU:dump (proto, writer, buff)
-- FIXME: [make_setS] sucks, perform synchronous file writing
-- Now unused
function M.dump_file (proto, filename)
local writer, buff = luaU:make_setS()
luaU:dump (proto, writer, buff)
local file = (filename, "wb")
file:write (
if UNIX_SHARPBANG then os.execute ("chmod a+x "..filename) end
return M