blob: ab2fa59799268d61a619f838a90c7fffc8ad29e7 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
local gg = require 'metalua.grammar.generator'
local misc = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.misc'
local mlp = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.common'
local lexer = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.lexer'
local M = { }
lexer.lexer :add '->'
function M.tid(lx)
local w = lx :next()
local t = w.tag
if t=='Keyword' and w[1] :match '^[%a_][%w_]*$' or w.tag=='Id' then
return {tag='TId'; lineinfo=w.lineinfo; w[1]}
else return gg.parse_error (lx, 'tid expected') end
local function expr(...) return mlp.expr(...) end
local function te(...) return M.te(...) end
local field_types = { var='TVar'; const='TConst';
currently='TCurrently'; field='TField' }
local tk = lx:next()
local w = tk[1]
local tag = field_types[w]
if not tag then error ('Invalid field type '..w)
elseif tag=='TField' then return {tag='TField'} else
local te = M.te(lx)
return {tag=tag; te}
local tebar_content = gg.list{
name = 'tebar content',
primary = te,
separators = { ",", ";" },
terminators = ")" }
M.tebar = gg.multisequence{
name = 'annot.tebar',
--{ '*', builder = 'TDynbar' }, -- maybe not user-available
{ '(', tebar_content, ')',
builder = function(x) return x[1] end },
{ te }
M.te = gg.multisequence{
name = 'annot.te',
{ M.tid, builder=function(x) return x[1] end },
{ '*', builder = 'TDyn' },
{ "[",
primary = gg.sequence{
expr, "=",,
builder = 'TPair'
separators = { ",", ";" },
terminators = { "]", "|" } },
gg.onkeyword{ "|", },
builder = function(x)
local fields, other = unpack(x)
return { tag='TTable', other or {tag='TField'}, fields }
}, -- "[ ... ]"
{ '(', tebar_content, ')', '->', '(', tebar_content, ')',
builder = function(x)
local p, r = unpack(x)
return {tag='TFunction', p, r }
end } }
M.ts = gg.multisequence{
name = 'annot.ts',
{ 'return', tebar_content, builder='TReturn' },
{ M.tid, builder = function(x)
if x[1][1]=='pass' then return {tag='TPass'}
else error "Bad statement type" end
end } }
-- TODO: add parsers for statements:
-- #return tebar
-- #alias = te
-- #ell = tf
M.stat_annot = gg.sequence{
gg.list{ primary=M.tid, separators='.' },
builder = 'Annot' }
function M.opt(primary, a_type)
checks('table|function', 'string')
return gg.sequence{
gg.onkeyword{ "#", assert(M[a_type]) },
builder = function(x)
local t, annot = unpack(x)
return annot and { tag='Annot', t, annot } or t
end }
-- split a list of "foo" and "`Annot{foo, annot}" into a list of "foo"
-- and a list of "annot".
-- No annot list is returned if none of the elements were annotated.
function M.split(lst)
local x, a, some = { }, { }, false
for i, p in ipairs(lst) do
if p.tag=='Annot' then
some, x[i], a[i] = true, unpack(p)
else x[i] = p end
if some then return x, a else return lst end
return M