blob: 935d2c92a7bd472a3012e81287f00ab24ddd769f [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
-- Exported API:
-- * [mlp.expr()]
-- * [mlp.expr_list()]
-- * [mlp.func_val()]
local gg = require 'metalua.grammar.generator'
local mlp = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.common'
local M = { }
local mlp_table = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.table'
local mlp_meta = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.meta'
local mlp_misc = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.misc'
local annot = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.annot'
-- Delayed dependencies toward externally-defined parsers
local function block (lx) return mlp.block (lx) end
local function stat (lx) return mlp.stat (lx) end
-- For recursive definitions
local function expr (lx) return M.expr (lx) end
local id =
-- Non-empty expression list. Actually, this isn't used here, but that's
-- handy to give to users.
M.expr_list = gg.list{ primary=expr, separators="," }
-- Helpers for function applications / method applications
M.func_args_content = gg.list{
name = "function arguments",
primary = expr,
separators = ",",
terminators = ")" }
-- Used to parse methods
M.method_args = gg.multisequence{
name = "function argument(s)",
{ "{", mlp_table.content, "}" },
{ "(", M.func_args_content, ")", builder = unpack },
{ "+{", mlp_meta.quote_content, "}" },
function(lx) local r = mlp.opt_string(lx); return r and {r} or { } end }
-- [func_val] parses a function, from opening parameters parenthese to
-- "end" keyword included. Used for anonymous functions as well as
-- function declaration statements (both local and global).
-- It's wrapped in a [_func_val] eta expansion, so that when expr
-- parser uses the latter, they will notice updates of [func_val]
-- definitions.
M.func_params_content = gg.list{ name="function parameters",
gg.multisequence{ { "...", builder = "Dots" }, annot.opt(id, 'te') },
separators = ",", terminators = {")", "|"} }
M.func_val = gg.sequence{ name="function body",
"(", M.func_params_content, ")", block, "end",
builder = function(x)
local params, body = unpack(x)
local annots, some = { }, false
for i, p in ipairs(params) do
if p.tag=='Annot' then
params[i], annots[i], some = p[1], p[2], true
else annots[i] = false end
if some then return { tag='Function', params, body, annots }
else return { tag='Function', params, body } end
end }
local func_val = function(lx) return M.func_val(lx) end
-- Default parser for primary expressions
function M.id_or_literal (lx)
local a = lx:next()
if a.tag~="Id" and a.tag~="String" and a.tag~="Number" then
local msg
if a.tag=='Eof' then
msg = "End of file reached when an expression was expected"
elseif a.tag=='Keyword' then
msg = "An expression was expected, and `"..a[1]..
"' can't start an expression"
msg = "Unexpected expr token " .. table.tostring (a, 'nohash')
return gg.parse_error (lx, msg)
return a
-- Builder generator for operators. Wouldn't be worth it if "|x|" notation
-- were allowed, but then lua 5.1 wouldn't compile it
-- opf1 = |op| |_,a| `Op{ op, a }
local function opf1 (op) return
function (_,a) return { tag="Op", op, a } end end
-- opf2 = |op| |a,_,b| `Op{ op, a, b }
local function opf2 (op) return
function (a,_,b) return { tag="Op", op, a, b } end end
-- opf2r = |op| |a,_,b| `Op{ op, b, a } -- (args reversed)
local function opf2r (op) return
function (a,_,b) return { tag="Op", op, b, a } end end
local function op_ne(a, _, b)
-- This version allows to remove the "ne" operator from the AST definition.
-- However, it doesn't always produce the exact same bytecode as Lua 5.1.
return { tag="Op", "not",
{ tag="Op", "eq", a, b, lineinfo= {
first = a.lineinfo.first, last = b.lineinfo.last } } }
-- complete expression
-- FIXME: set line number. In [expr] transformers probably
M.expr = gg.expr { name = "expression",
primary = gg.multisequence{ name="expr primary",
{ "(", expr, ")", builder = "Paren" },
{ "function", func_val, builder = unpack },
{ "-{", mlp_meta.splice_content, "}", builder = unpack },
{ "+{", mlp_meta.quote_content, "}", builder = unpack },
{ "nil", builder = "Nil" },
{ "true", builder = "True" },
{ "false", builder = "False" },
{ "...", builder = "Dots" },
M.id_or_literal },
infix = { name="expr infix op",
{ "+", prec = 60, builder = opf2 "add" },
{ "-", prec = 60, builder = opf2 "sub" },
{ "*", prec = 70, builder = opf2 "mul" },
{ "/", prec = 70, builder = opf2 "div" },
{ "%", prec = 70, builder = opf2 "mod" },
{ "^", prec = 90, builder = opf2 "pow", assoc = "right" },
{ "..", prec = 40, builder = opf2 "concat", assoc = "right" },
{ "==", prec = 30, builder = opf2 "eq" },
{ "~=", prec = 30, builder = op_ne },
{ "<", prec = 30, builder = opf2 "lt" },
{ "<=", prec = 30, builder = opf2 "le" },
{ ">", prec = 30, builder = opf2r "lt" },
{ ">=", prec = 30, builder = opf2r "le" },
{ "and",prec = 20, builder = opf2 "and" },
{ "or", prec = 10, builder = opf2 "or" } },
prefix = { name="expr prefix op",
{ "not", prec = 80, builder = opf1 "not" },
{ "#", prec = 80, builder = opf1 "len" },
{ "-", prec = 80, builder = opf1 "unm" } },
suffix = { name="expr suffix op",
{ "[", expr, "]", builder = function (tab, idx)
return {tag="Index", tab, idx[1]} end},
{ ".", id, builder = function (tab, field)
return {tag="Index", tab, mlp_misc.id2string(field[1])} end },
{ "(", M.func_args_content, ")", builder = function(f, args)
return {tag="Call", f, unpack(args[1])} end },
{ "{", mlp_table.content, "}", builder = function (f, arg)
return {tag="Call", f, arg[1]} end},
{ ":", id, M.method_args, builder = function (obj, post)
local m_name, args = unpack(post)
return {tag="Invoke", obj, mlp_misc.id2string(m_name), unpack(args)} end},
{ "+{", mlp_meta.quote_content, "}", builder = function (f, arg)
return {tag="Call", f, arg[1] } end },
default = { name="opt_string_arg", parse = mlp_misc.opt_string, builder = function(f, arg)
return {tag="Call", f, arg } end } } }
return M