blob: 3bba351b0221b968af917f3817ff68808f13511e [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
local package = package
require 'metalua.table'
require 'metalua.string'
package.metalua_extension_prefix = 'metalua.extension.'
package.mpath = package.mpath or os.getenv 'LUA_MPATH' or
-- resc(k) returns "%"..k if it's a special regular expression char,
-- or just k if it's normal.
local regexp_magic = table.transpose{
"^", "$", "(", ")", "%", ".", "[", "]", "*", "+", "-", "?" }
local function resc(k)
return regexp_magic[k] and '%'..k or k
-- Take a Lua module name, return the open file and its name,
-- or <false> and an error message.
function package.findfile(name, path_string)
local config_regexp = ("([^\n])\n"):rep(5):sub(1, -2)
local dir_sep, path_sep, path_mark, execdir, igmark =
package.config:strmatch (config_regexp)
name = name:gsub ('%.', dir_sep)
local errors = { }
local path_pattern = string.format('[^%s]+', resc(path_sep))
for path in path_string:gmatch (path_pattern) do
--printf('path = %s, rpath_mark=%s, name=%s', path, resc(path_mark), name)
local filename = path:gsub (resc (path_mark), name)
--printf('filename = %s', filename)
local file = (filename, 'r')
if file then return file, filename end
table.insert(errors, string.format("\tno lua file %q", filename))
return false, '\n'..table.concat(errors, "\n")..'\n'
-- Load a metalua source file.
function package.metalua_loader (name)
local file, filename_or_msg = package.findfile (name, package.mpath)
if not file then return filename_or_msg end
local luastring = file:read '*a'
local mlc = require 'metalua.compiler'.new()
return mlc :src_to_function (luastring, name)
-- Placed after lua/luac loader, so precompiled files have
-- higher precedence.
table.insert(package.loaders, package.metalua_loader)
-- Load an extension.
function extension (name, mlp)
local complete_name =
-- TODO: pass mlp around
local extend_func = require (complete_name)
local ast =extend_func(mlp)
return ast
return package