blob: 52eabe5d3f0fff2567bb0c23868c197d42657d3e [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
-- This library walks AST to gather information about the identifiers
-- in it. It classifies them between free variables and bound
-- variables, and keeps track of which AST node created a given bound
-- variable occurence.
-- walk_id (kind, ast)
-- Input:
-- * an AST kind: 'expr', 'stat', 'block', 'expr_list', 'binder_list', 'guess'
-- * an AST of the corresponding kind.
-- > string, AST
-- Output: a table with two fields, 'bound' and 'free';
-- * free associates the name of each free variable with the list of
-- all its occurences in the AST. That list is never empty.
-- * bound associates each stat or expr binding a new variable with
-- the occurences of that/those new variable(s).
-- > { free = table (string, AST and `Id{ });
-- > bound = table (AST, table(AST and `Id{ })) }
-- How it works
-- ============
-- Walk the tree to:
-- * locate open variables, and keep pointers on them so that they can
-- be alpha converted.
-- * locate variable bindings, so that we can find bound variables
-- * locate bound variables, keep them in association with their
-- binder, again in order to alpha-convert them.
-- Special treatments:
-- * `Function `Local `Localrec `Fornum `Forin have binders;
-- `Local takes effect from the next statement,
-- `Localrec from the current statement,
-- `Function and other statments inside their bodies.
-- * `Repeat has a special scoping rule for its condition.
-- * blocks create temporary scopes
-- * `Splice must stop the walking, so that user code won't be
-- converted
-{ extension ('match', ...) }
-- -{ extension ('log', ...) }
require 'metalua.walk'
require 'metalua.walk.scope'
-- variable lists auto-create empty list as values by default.
local varlist_mt = { __index = function (self, key)
local x={ }; self[key] = x; return x
end }
local function _walk_id (kind, supercfg, ast, ...)
assert(walk[kind], "Inbalid AST kind selector")
assert(type(supercfg=='table'), "Config table expected")
assert(type(ast)=='table', "AST expected")
local cfg = { expr = { }; block = { }; stat = { } }
local scope = scope:new()
local visit_bound_var, visit_free_var
if not then
printf("Warning, you're using the id walker without id visitor. "..
"If you know what you want do to, then you're probably doing "..
"something else...")
visit_bound_var = || nil
visit_free_var = || nil
visit_free_var = or || nil
visit_bound_var = or || nil
-- Check identifiers; add functions parameters to scope
function cfg.expr.down(x, ...)
-- Execute the generic expression walker; if it breaks.
-- don't do the id walking.
if supercfg.expr and supercfg.expr.down then
local r = supercfg.expr.down(x, ...)
if r then return r end
local parents = {...}
match x with
| `Id{ name } ->
local binder, r = scope.current[name] -- binder :: ast which bound var
if binder then
--$log( ' found a bound var:', x, binder)
r = visit_bound_var(x, binder, unpack(parents))
--$log( ' found a free var:', x, scope.current)
r = visit_free_var(x, unpack(parents))
if r then return r end
| `Function{ params, _ } -> scope:push (params, x)
| `Stat{ block, expr } ->
-- 'expr' is in the scope of 'block': create the scope and
-- walk the block 'manually', then prevent automatic walk
-- by returning 'break'.
for _, stat in ipairs (block) do walk.stat(cfg, stat, x, ...) end
walk.expr(cfg, expr, x, unpack(parents))
return 'break'
| _ -> -- pass
-- Close the function scope opened by 'down()'
function cfg.expr.up(x, ...)
match x with `Function{...} -> scope:pop() | _ -> end
if supercfg.expr and supercfg.expr.up then supercfg.expr.up(x, ...) end
-- Create a new scope and register loop variable[s] in it
function cfg.stat.down(x, ...)
-- Execute the generic statement walker; if it breaks.
-- don't do the id walking.
if supercfg.stat and supercfg.stat.down then
local r = supercfg.stat.down(x, ...)
if r then return r end
match x with
| `Forin{ vars, ... } -> scope:push (vars, x)
| `Fornum{ var, ... } -> scope:push ({var}, x)
| `Localrec{ vars, ... } -> scope:add (vars, x)
| `Repeat{ block, expr } ->
-- 'expr' is in the scope of 'block': create the scope and
-- walk the block 'manually', then prevent automatic walk
-- by returning 'break'.
for _, stat in ipairs (block) do walk.stat(cfg, stat, x, ...) end
walk.expr(cfg, expr, x, ...)
return 'break'
| _ -> -- pass
-- Close the scopes opened by 'up()'
function cfg.stat.up(x, ...)
match x with
| `Forin{ ... } | `Fornum{ ... } -> scope:pop()
| `Local{ vars, ... } -> scope:add(vars, x)
| _ -> -- pass
-- `Repeat has no up(), because it 'break's.
if supercfg.stat and supercfg.stat.up then supercfg.stat.up(x, ...) end
-- Create a separate scope for each block
function cfg.block.down(x, ...)
if supercfg.block and supercfg.block.down then
local r = supercfg.block.down(x, ...)
if r then return r end
function cfg.block.up(x, ...)
if supercfg.block and supercfg.block.up then supercfg.block.up(x, ...) end
cfg.binder = supercfg.binder
walk[kind](cfg, ast, ...)
local mt = { __index = |_,k| |...| _walk_id(k, ...) }
walk_id = setmetatable({ }, mt)