blob: 8a6faaf0671da4735d3bc9c9165f40608762e2b2 [file] [log] [blame]
package = "metalua-compiler"
version = "0.7.3-1"
source = {
url = ""
description = {
summary = "Metalua's compiler: converting (Meta)lua source strings and files into executable Lua 5.1 bytecode",
detailed = [[
This is the Metalua copmiler, packaged as a rock, depending
on the spearate metalua-parser AST generating library. It
compiles a superset of Lua 5.1 into bytecode, which can
then be loaded and executed by a Lua 5.1 VM. It also allows
to dump ASTs back into Lua source files.
homepage = "",
license = "EPL + MIT"
dependencies = {
"lua ~> 5.1", -- Lua 5.2 bytecode not supported
"luafilesystem >= 1.6.2", -- Cached compilation based on file timestamps
"metalua-parser == 0.7.2", -- AST production
build = {
["metalua.compiler.bytecode"] = "metalua/compiler/bytecode.lua",
["metalua.compiler.globals"] = "metalua/compiler/globals.lua",
["metalua.compiler.bytecode.compile"] = "metalua/compiler/bytecode/compile.lua",
["metalua.compiler.bytecode.lcode"] = "metalua/compiler/bytecode/lcode.lua",
["metalua.compiler.bytecode.lopcodes"] = "metalua/compiler/bytecode/lopcodes.lua",
["metalua.compiler.bytecode.ldump"] = "metalua/compiler/bytecode/ldump.lua",
["metalua.loader"] = "metalua/loader.lua",
["metalua.treequery"] = "metalua/treequery.mlua",
["metalua.compiler.ast_to_src"] = "metalua/compiler/ast_to_src.mlua",
["metalua.treequery.walk"] = "metalua/treequery/walk.mlua",
["metalua.extension.match"] = "metalua/extension/match.mlua",
["metalua.extension.comprehension"] = "metalua/extension/comprehension.mlua",
["metalua.repl"] = "metalua/repl.mlua",