blob: 27bd5d3c0f9a1520a4776c599071882169499110 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
-- Summary: metalua parser, miscellaneous utility functions.
-- Exported API:
-- * [mlp.fget()]
-- * []
-- * [mlp.opt_id()]
-- * [mlp.id_list()]
-- * [mlp.string()]
-- * [mlp.opt_string()]
-- * [mlp.id2string()]
local gg = require 'metalua.grammar.generator'
local mlp = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.common'
local mlp_meta = require 'metalua.compiler.parser.meta'
local M = { }
local splice = gg.sequence{ "-{", mlp_meta.splice_content, "}", builder=unpack }
-- returns a function that takes the [n]th element of a table.
-- if [tag] is provided, then this element is expected to be a
-- table, and this table receives a "tag" field whose value is
-- set to [tag].
-- The primary purpose of this is to generate builders for
-- grammar generators. It has little purpose in metalua, as lambda has
-- a lightweight syntax.
function M.fget (n, tag)
assert (type (n) == "number")
if tag then
assert (type (tag) == "string")
return function (x)
assert (type (x[n]) == "table")
return {tag=tag, unpack(x[n])} end
return function (x) return x[n] end
-- Try to read an identifier (possibly as a splice), or return [false] if no
-- id is found.
function M.opt_id (lx)
local a = lx:peek();
if lx:is_keyword (a, "-{") then
local v = splice(lx)
if v.tag ~= "Id" and v.tag ~= "Splice" then
gg.parse_error(lx, "Bad id splice")
return v
elseif a.tag == "Id" then return lx:next()
else return false end
-- Mandatory reading of an id: causes an error if it can't read one.
function (lx)
return M.opt_id (lx) or gg.parse_error(lx,"Identifier expected")
-- Common helper function
M.id_list = gg.list { primary =, separators = "," }
-- Converts an identifier into a string. Hopefully one day it'll handle
-- splices gracefully, but that proves quite tricky.
function M.id2string (id)
--print("id2string:", disp.ast(id))
if id.tag == "Id" then id.tag = "String"; return id
elseif id.tag == "Splice" then
assert (mlp_meta.in_a_quote, "can't do id2string on an outermost splice")
error ("id2string on splice not implemented")
-- Evaluating id[1] will produce `Id{ xxx },
-- and we want it to produce `String{ xxx }
-- Morally, this is what I want:
-- return `String{ `Index{ `Splice{ id[1] }, `Number 1 } }
-- That is, without sugar:
return {tag="String", {tag="Index", {tag="Splice", id[1] },
{tag="Number", 1 } } }
else error ("Identifier expected: "..table.tostring(id, 'nohash')) end
-- Read a string, possibly spliced, or return an error if it can't
function M.string (lx)
local a = lx:peek()
if lx:is_keyword (a, "-{") then
local v = splice(lx)
if v.tag ~= "String" and v.tag ~= "Splice" then
gg.parse_error(lx,"Bad string splice")
return v
elseif a.tag == "String" then return lx:next()
else error "String expected" end
-- Try to read a string, or return false if it can't. No splice allowed.
function M.opt_string (lx)
return lx:peek().tag == "String" and lx:next()
-- Chunk reader: block + Eof
function M.skip_initial_sharp_comment (lx)
-- Dirty hack: I'm happily fondling lexer's private parts
-- FIXME: redundant with lexer:newstream()
lx :sync()
local i = lx.src:match ("^#.-\n()", lx.i)
if i then
lx.i = i
lx.column_offset = i
lx.line = lx.line and lx.line + 1 or 1
local function chunk (lx)
if lx:peek().tag == 'Eof' then
return { } -- handle empty files
M.skip_initial_sharp_comment (lx)
local chunk = mlp.block (lx)
if lx:peek().tag ~= "Eof" then
gg.parse_error(lx, "End-of-file expected")
return chunk
-- chunk is wrapped in a sequence so that it has a "transformer" field.
M.chunk = gg.sequence { chunk, builder = unpack }
return M