blob: 27fea0e1e7a714965c0cb20a1f27a378ca1d7b0c [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- Copyright 2013-2014 Krzysztof Daniel <> / Mat Booth <> -->
<id type="desktop">eclipse.desktop</id>
<summary>Powerful and extensible IDE</summary>
<p>The Eclipse platform is designed for building integrated development
environments (IDEs), server-side applications, desktop applications, and
everything in between.</p>
<p>It comes with following extensions by default:</p>
<li>JDT, which is required to use Eclipse for Java development</li>
<li>PDE, which is required for developing Eclipse plug-ins</li>
<p>However, the true power of Eclipse lies in extensions, such as:</p>
<li>Mylyn - a great context tool hiding unnecessary piece of UI, thus making coding much faster</li>
<li>CDT - adding support for C/C++ language</li>
<li>EMF - powerful modeling support</li>
<li>Git/SVN/CVS integrations</li>
<screenshot type="default" width="1597" height="897"></screenshot>
<screenshot width="1600" height="896"></screenshot>
<url type="homepage"></url>