blob: dfd619a6e439bc073f4f04050b691d7ef9d17de5 [file] [log] [blame]
[comment encoding = UTF-8 /]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Jad El-khoury.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Jad El-khoury - initial implementation of code generator (
[module resourceServices('http://org.eclipse.lyo/oslc4j/adaptorInterface')/]
[import org::eclipse::lyo::oslc4j::codegenerator::services::services/]
[import org::eclipse::lyo::oslc4j::codegenerator::services::domainSpecificationServices/]
[query public directParentResource(aResource: Resource) : Resource =
(if (aResource.extends->notEmpty()) then
[query public parentResources(aResource: Resource) : Set(Resource) =
(if (directParentResource(aResource)->notEmpty()) then
[query public allExtendingResources(aResource: Resource) : OrderedSet(Resource) =
aResource.extends->collectNested(r:Resource | allExtendingResources(r))->flatten()->asOrderedSet()
[comment The interfaceResources of resource A, are its directInterfaceResources; plus for each such directInterfaceResource DIR, ALL the extendingResources of DIR.
However, if an extendingResource of DIR is also a ParentResource of A, then exclude this resource from the interface set.
It is a problem if a resource X is defined to be both an interface of A, as well as one of its (distant) parents. Since, the resource shape would end up defining each of X's properties twice/]
[query public interfaceResources(aResource: Resource) : OrderedSet(Resource) =
directInterfaceResources(aResource)->collectNested(r:Resource | allExtendingResources(r))->flatten()->asOrderedSet()
- parentResources(aResource))
[query private directInterfaceResources(aResource: Resource) : OrderedSet(Resource) =
(if (aResource.extends->size() > 1) then
aResource.extends->subOrderedSet(2, aResource.extends->size())
[query public directlyRelatedResources(aResource: Resource) : Set(Resource) =
(aResource.resourceProperties->collect(p : ResourceProperty | p.range))->flatten()->asSet()
[comment allRelatedResources seems to hang for long & complicated hierarchy of resources.
As an intermediate solution, the depth parameter is introduced to allow the recursive query to stop once a certain limit is reached /]
[query private allRelatedResources(aResource: Resource, alreadyAnalysed : Set(Resource), depth : Integer) : Set(Resource) =
let drr : Set(Resource) = directlyRelatedResources(aResource),
newAlreadyAnalysed : Set(Resource) = (Set{aResource}->union(drr))->union(alreadyAnalysed),
toAnalyse : Set(Resource) = drr - alreadyAnalysed in
(if (depth > 20) then
drr - alreadyAnalysed
toAnalyse->collect(r : Resource |
allRelatedResources(r, newAlreadyAnalysed, depth+1)
[comment allRelatedResources seems to hang for long & complicated hierarchy of resources.
As an intermediate solution, the depth parameter is introduced to allow the recursive query to stop once a certain limit is reached.
After that, we look at what related resources might be potentially missing, and then re-start the query for the remaining resources.
This is not a complete solution, but seems to be working for the Autosar 800+ resources.
It is not clear why the recursion is ending up in an endless loop otherwise. /]
[query public allRelatedResources(aResource: Resource) : Set(Resource) =
let arr : Set(Resource) = allRelatedResources(aResource, Set{}, 1),
leftOut : Set(Resource) = arr->collect(r : Resource | directlyRelatedResources(r) - arr)->flatten()->asSet()
->union(leftOut->collect(r : Resource | allRelatedResources(r, arr->union(Set{r}), 1))->flatten()->asSet())
[query public allProperties(aResource: Resource) : Sequence(ResourceProperty) =
[query public inheritedProperties(aResource: Resource) : Sequence(ResourceProperty) =
(if (not aResource.directParentResource().oclIsUndefined()) then
[query public interfaceProperties(aResource: Resource) : Sequence(ResourceProperty) =
[query public javaName(aResource: Resource, toUpperFirst : Boolean) : String =
javaString(, aResource.definingDomainSpecification(), toUpperFirst)
[query public javaInstanceName(aResource: Resource) : String =
javaName(aResource, false)
[query public javaClassPackageName(aResource: Resource, anAdaptorInterface : AdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName : String) : String =
javaPackageName(aResource.definingDomainSpecification(), anAdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName)
[query public javaClassName(aResource: Resource) : String =
javaName(aResource, true)
[query public javaClassFullName(aResource: Resource, anAdaptorInterface : AdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName : String) : String =
javaClassPackageName(aResource, anAdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName).concat('.').concat(javaClassName(aResource))
[query public javaClassFullFileName(aResource: Resource, anAdaptorInterface : AdaptorInterface, defaultJavaFullFilesPath : String, defaultJavaPackageName : String) : String =
javaFullFilesPath(aResource.definingDomainSpecification(), anAdaptorInterface, defaultJavaFullFilesPath)
.concatenatePaths(javaClassPackageName(aResource, anAdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName).substituteAll('.', '/'))
[query public javaInterfacePackageName(aResource: Resource, anAdaptorInterface : AdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName : String) : String =
javaClassPackageName(aResource, anAdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName)
[query public javaInterfaceName(aResource: Resource) : String =
'I'.concat(javaName(aResource, true))
[query public javaInterfaceFullName(aResource: Resource, anAdaptorInterface : AdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName : String) : String =
javaInterfacePackageName(aResource, anAdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName).concat('.').concat(javaInterfaceName(aResource))
[query public javaInterfaceFullFileName(aResource: Resource, anAdaptorInterface : AdaptorInterface, defaultJavaFullFilesPath : String, defaultJavaPackageName : String) : String =
javaFullFilesPath(aResource.definingDomainSpecification(), anAdaptorInterface, defaultJavaFullFilesPath)
.concatenatePaths(javaInterfacePackageName(aResource, anAdaptorInterface, defaultJavaPackageName).substituteAll('.', '/'))