blob: f745e96cead1e6327ac989018c13e703799dbde8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
<project name="parser">
Generates java files from jj grammar file using javacc
<target name="pre" description="Sets the temporary directory for java files built by javacc">
<property name="temp.dir" value="src/org/eclipse/mat/parser/internal/oql/parser/tmp" />
<target name="clean_java" description="Removes java files generated by javacc">
<fileset dir="src/org/eclipse/mat/parser/internal/oql/parser" includes="**/*">
<filename name="**/*.java"/>
<filename name="" negate="true"/>
<target name="javacc" depends="pre" description="Generates java files using javacc. Requires javacc.jar (from javacc-4.1.jar or javacc-5.0.jar) to be added to project root.">
<mkdir dir="${temp.dir}" />
<javacc target="src/org/eclipse/mat/parser/internal/oql/parser/OQLParser.jj" javacchome="." outputdirectory="${temp.dir}" />
<copy toDir="src/org/eclipse/mat/parser/internal/oql/parser">
<fileset dir="${temp.dir}">
<include name="*.java" />
<!-- javacc converts backslash to a unicode escape, which works but looks messy, so reverse it -->
<replaceregex pattern="u005c" replace="" flags="g" />
<!-- avoid problems with the Turkish locale with toUpperCase -->
<replaceregex pattern="toUpperCase\(\)" replace="toUpperCase\(Locale.ENGLISH\)" flags="g" />
<!-- internationalize the missing return message -->
<replaceregex pattern='"Missing return statement in function"' replace="Messages.OQLParser_Missing_return_statement_in_function" flags="g" />
<!-- avoid warnings by adding suppressWarnings -->
<replaceregex pattern="public class OQLParser" replace='@SuppressWarnings("nls") \0' />
<!-- remove semicolon on its own -->
<replaceregex pattern="^\s*;$" replace="" />
<echo>Organize imports and reformat java source code to make code conform to project standards.</echo>
<target name="javacc_doc">
<property name="grammar.out" location="src/org/eclipse/mat/parser/internal/oql/parser/OQL.html"/>
<target name="clean_tmp" depends="pre" description="Removes temporary java files generated using javacc">
<delete dir="${temp.dir}"/>
<target name="clean_build" depends="clean_java,javacc,javacc_doc,clean_tmp" description="Builds all the javacc files and tidies up">