blob: 4b644a9c0fc7689ee646bad5ac00a842fbb29774 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2019 SAP AG and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* SAP AG - initial API and implementation
* Netflix (Jason Koch) - refactors for increased performance and concurrency
package org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.ArrayInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.BitField;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.HashMapIntObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.IteratorInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader.IOne2LongIndex;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader.IOne2ManyIndex;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader.IOne2OneIndex;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader.IOne2SizeIndex;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexManager;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexManager.Index;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexReader.SizeIndexReader;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexWriter;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexWriter.IntIndexStreamer;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexWriter.LongIndexStreamer;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.ObjectMarker;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.ClassImpl;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.XGCRootInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.UnreachableObjectsHistogram;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IClass;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener.Severity;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.MessageUtil;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.SilentProgressListener;
/* package */class GarbageCleaner
private final static int PARALLEL_CHUNK_SIZE = 16*1024*1024;
public static int[] clean(final PreliminaryIndexImpl idx, final SnapshotImplBuilder builder,
Map<String, String> arguments, IProgressListener listener)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException
IndexManager idxManager = new IndexManager();
ExecutorService es = Executors.newWorkStealingPool();
listener.beginTask(Messages.GarbageCleaner_RemovingUnreachableObjects, 11);
final int oldNoOfObjects = idx.identifiers.size();
// determine reachable objects
boolean[] reachable = new boolean[oldNoOfObjects];
int newNoOfObjects = 0;
int[] newRoots = idx.gcRoots.getAllKeys();
IOne2LongIndex identifiers = idx.identifiers;
IOne2ManyIndex preOutbound = idx.outbound;
IOne2OneIndex object2classId = idx.object2classId;
HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> classesById = idx.classesById;
* START - marking objects use ObjectMarker to mark the reachable
* objects if more than 1 CPUs are available - use multithreading
ObjectMarker marker = new ObjectMarker(newRoots, reachable, preOutbound, new SilentProgressListener(
int numProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
if (numProcessors > 1)
catch (InterruptedException e)
IOException ioe = new IOException(e.getMessage());
throw ioe;
// find the number of new objects. It's not returned by marker
for (boolean b : reachable)
if (b)
newNoOfObjects = marker.markSingleThreaded();
catch (OperationCanceledException e)
// $JL-EXC$
return null;
marker = null;
/* END - marking objects */
// check if unreachable objects exist, then either mark as GC root
// unreachable (keep objects) or store a histogram of unreachable
// objects
if (newNoOfObjects < oldNoOfObjects)
Object un = idx.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("keep_unreachable_objects"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (un instanceof Integer)
int newRoot;
newRoot = (Integer)un;
newNoOfObjects = markUnreachableAsGCRoots(idx, reachable, newNoOfObjects, newRoot, listener);
if (newNoOfObjects < oldNoOfObjects)
createHistogramOfUnreachableObjects(es, idx, reachable);
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener.worked(1); // 3
// create re-index map
final int[] map = new int[oldNoOfObjects];
final long[] id2a = new long[newNoOfObjects];
List<ClassImpl> classes2remove = new ArrayList<ClassImpl>();
final IOne2SizeIndex preA2size = idx.array2size;
long memFree = 0;
for (int ii = 0, jj = 0; ii < oldNoOfObjects; ii++)
if (reachable[ii])
map[ii] = jj;
id2a[jj++] = identifiers.get(ii);
map[ii] = -1;
ArrayList<Callable<CleanupWrapper>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<CleanupWrapper>>();
for(int i = 0; i < oldNoOfObjects; i += PARALLEL_CHUNK_SIZE) {
final int start = i;
final int length = Math.min(PARALLEL_CHUNK_SIZE, reachable.length - start);
tasks.add(new CalculateGarbageCleanupForClass(idx, reachable, start, length));
List<Future<CleanupWrapper>> wrappers = null;
wrappers = es.invokeAll(tasks);
for(Future<CleanupWrapper> wrapper : wrappers) {
for(CleanupResult cr : wrapper.get().results.values()) {
long totalmem = cr.size;
for (int i = cr.count; i > 0; --i)
// Remove one by one as removeInstanceBulk is not yet API
long instsize = totalmem / i;
totalmem -= instsize;
memFree += cr.size;
for(ClassImpl c : wrapper.get().classes2remove)
if (newNoOfObjects < oldNoOfObjects)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageUtil.format(
Messages.GarbageCleaner_RemovedUnreachableObjects, oldNoOfObjects
- newNoOfObjects, memFree), null);
// classes cannot be removed right away
// as they are needed to remove instances of this class
for (ClassImpl c : classes2remove)
ClassImpl superclass = classesById.get(c.getSuperClassId());
if (superclass != null)
reachable = null; // early gc...
identifiers = null;
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener.worked(1); // 4
// fix classes
HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> classesByNewId = new HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl>(classesById.size());
for (Iterator<ClassImpl> iter = classesById.values(); iter.hasNext();)
ClassImpl clazz =;
int index = map[clazz.getObjectId()];
if (clazz.getSuperClassId() >= 0) // java.lang.Object
classesByNewId.put(index, clazz);
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener.worked(1); // 5
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// identifiers
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
File indexFile = Index.IDENTIFIER.getFile(idx.snapshotInfo.getPrefix());
listener.subTask(MessageUtil.format(Messages.GarbageCleaner_Writing, indexFile.getAbsolutePath()));
idxManager.setReader(Index.IDENTIFIER, new LongIndexStreamer().writeTo(indexFile, id2a));
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener.worked(1); // 6
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// object 2 class Id
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
indexFile = Index.O2CLASS.getFile(idx.snapshotInfo.getPrefix());
listener.subTask(MessageUtil.format(Messages.GarbageCleaner_Writing, indexFile.getAbsolutePath()));
idxManager.setReader(Index.O2CLASS, new IntIndexStreamer().writeTo(indexFile,
new NewObjectIntIterator()
int doGetNextInt(int index)
return map[idx.object2classId.get(nextIndex)];
// return
// map[object2classId.get(nextIndex)];
int[] getMap()
return map;
object2classId = null;
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener.worked(1); // 7
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// array size
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
indexFile = Index.A2SIZE.getFile(idx.snapshotInfo.getPrefix());
listener.subTask(MessageUtil.format(Messages.GarbageCleaner_Writing, new Object[] { indexFile
.getAbsolutePath() }));
final BitField arrayObjects = new BitField(newNoOfObjects);
// arrayObjects
IOne2OneIndex newIdx = new IntIndexStreamer().writeTo(indexFile,
new NewObjectIntIterator()
IOne2SizeIndex a2size = preA2size;
int newIndex = 0;
int doGetNextInt(int index)
int size = a2size.get(nextIndex);
// Get the compressed size, 0 means 0
if (size != 0)
return size;
int[] getMap()
return map;
idxManager.setReader(Index.A2SIZE, new SizeIndexReader(newIdx));
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener.worked(1); // 9
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// inbound, outbound
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
IndexWriter.IntArray1NSortedWriter w_out = new IndexWriter.IntArray1NSortedWriter(newNoOfObjects,
IndexWriter.InboundWriter w_in = new IndexWriter.InboundWriter(newNoOfObjects, IndexManager.Index.INBOUND
for (int ii = 0; ii < oldNoOfObjects; ii++)
int k = map[ii];
if (k < 0) continue;
int[] a = preOutbound.get(ii);
int[] tl = new int[a.length];
for (int jj = 0; jj < a.length; jj++)
int t = map[a[jj]];
/* No check if the referenced objects are alive */
/* The garbage can't be reached from a live object */
// removed if (t >= 0) ...
tl[jj] = t;
w_in.log(t, k, jj == 0);
w_out.log(k, tl);
preOutbound = null;
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener.worked(1); // 10
.subTask(MessageUtil.format(Messages.GarbageCleaner_Writing, w_in.getIndexFile()
idxManager.setReader(Index.INBOUND, w_in.flush(listener, new KeyWriterImpl(classesByNewId)));
w_in = null;
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener.worked(1); // 11
listener.subTask(MessageUtil.format(Messages.GarbageCleaner_Writing, new Object[] { w_out.getIndexFile()
.getAbsolutePath() }));
idxManager.setReader(Index.OUTBOUND, w_out.flush());
w_out = null;
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener.worked(1); // 12
// fix roots
HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]> roots = fix(idx.gcRoots, map);
// fix threads 2 objects 2 roots
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>> rootsPerThread = new HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>>();
for (IteratorInt iter = idx.thread2objects2roots.keys(); iter.hasNext();)
int threadId =;
int fixedThreadId = map[threadId];
if (fixedThreadId < 0)
rootsPerThread.put(fixedThreadId, fix(idx.thread2objects2roots.get(threadId), map));
// fill stuff into builder
return map;
// delete all temporary indices
if (idxManager != null && listener.isCanceled())
private static HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]> fix(HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> roots, final int[] map)
HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]> answer = new HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>(roots.size());
for (Iterator<List<XGCRootInfo>> iter = roots.values(); iter.hasNext();)
List<XGCRootInfo> r =;
XGCRootInfo[] a = new XGCRootInfo[r.size()];
for (int ii = 0; ii < a.length; ii++)
a[ii] = r.get(ii);
if (a[ii].getContextAddress() != 0)
answer.put(a[0].getObjectId(), a);
return answer;
private static abstract class NewObjectIterator
int nextIndex = -1;
int[] $map;
public NewObjectIterator()
$map = getMap();
protected void findNext()
while (nextIndex < $map.length && $map[nextIndex] < 0)
public boolean hasNext()
return nextIndex < $map.length;
abstract int[] getMap();
private static abstract class NewObjectIntIterator extends NewObjectIterator implements IteratorInt
public int next()
int answer = doGetNextInt(nextIndex);
return answer;
abstract int doGetNextInt(int nextIndex);
private static class KeyWriterImpl implements IndexWriter.KeyWriter
HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> classesByNewId;
KeyWriterImpl(HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> classesByNewId)
this.classesByNewId = classesByNewId;
public void storeKey(int index, Serializable key)
ClassImpl impl = classesByNewId.get(index);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// create histogram of unreachable objects
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private static final class Record
ClassImpl clazz;
int objectCount;
long size;
public Record(ClassImpl clazz)
this.clazz = clazz;
private static void createHistogramOfUnreachableObjects(final ExecutorService es,
final PreliminaryIndexImpl idx, final boolean[] reachable)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException
ArrayList<Callable<HashMap<Integer, Record>>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<HashMap<Integer, Record>>>();
for(int i = 0; i < reachable.length; i += PARALLEL_CHUNK_SIZE) {
final int start = i;
final int length = Math.min(PARALLEL_CHUNK_SIZE, reachable.length - start);
tasks.add(new CreateHistogramOfUnreachableObjectsChunk(idx, reachable, start, length));
List<Future<HashMap<Integer, Record>>> results = null;
results = es.invokeAll(tasks);
final HashMap<Integer, Record> histogram = new HashMap<Integer, Record>(reachable.length);
for(Future<HashMap<Integer, Record>> subhistogram : results) {
List<UnreachableObjectsHistogram.Record> records = new ArrayList<UnreachableObjectsHistogram.Record>();
for(Record r : histogram.values()) {
records.add(new UnreachableObjectsHistogram.Record(
UnreachableObjectsHistogram deadObjectHistogram = new UnreachableObjectsHistogram(records);
idx.getSnapshotInfo().setProperty(UnreachableObjectsHistogram.class.getName(), deadObjectHistogram);
private static class CreateHistogramOfUnreachableObjectsChunk implements Callable<HashMap<Integer, Record>>
final PreliminaryIndexImpl idx;
final boolean[] reachable;
final int start;
final int length;
public CreateHistogramOfUnreachableObjectsChunk(PreliminaryIndexImpl idx,
boolean[] reachable, int start, int length)
this.idx = idx;
this.reachable = reachable;
this.start = start;
this.length = length;
public HashMap<Integer, Record> call() {
IOne2SizeIndex array2size = idx.array2size;
HashMap<Integer, Record> histogram = new HashMap<Integer, Record>(length);
for (int ii = start; ii < (start + length); ii++)
if (!reachable[ii])
final int classId = idx.object2classId.get(ii);
Record r = histogram.get(classId);
if (r == null)
r = new Record(idx.classesById.get(classId));
histogram.put(classId, r);
long s = array2size.getSize(ii);
if (s > 0)
// Already got the size
else if (IClass.JAVA_LANG_CLASS.equals(r.clazz.getName()))
ClassImpl classImpl = idx.classesById.get(ii);
if (classImpl == null)
s = r.clazz.getHeapSizePerInstance();
s = classImpl.getUsedHeapSize();
s = r.clazz.getHeapSizePerInstance();
r.size += s;
r.objectCount += 1;
return histogram;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// calculate garbage cleanup
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private static class CleanupWrapper {
final HashMap<Integer, CleanupResult> results;
final List<ClassImpl> classes2remove;
public CleanupWrapper(final HashMap<Integer, CleanupResult> results, final List<ClassImpl> classes2remove)
this.results = results;
this.classes2remove = classes2remove;
private static class CleanupResult {
int count = 0;
long size = 0;
final ClassImpl clazz;
public CleanupResult(ClassImpl clazz)
this.clazz = clazz;
private static class CalculateGarbageCleanupForClass implements Callable<CleanupWrapper>
final PreliminaryIndexImpl idx;
final boolean[] reachable;
final int start;
final int length;
public CalculateGarbageCleanupForClass(PreliminaryIndexImpl idx,
boolean[] reachable, int start, int length)
this.idx = idx;
this.reachable = reachable;
this.start = start;
this.length = length;
public CleanupWrapper call() throws Exception
HashMap<Integer, CleanupResult> results = new HashMap<Integer, CleanupResult>();
List<ClassImpl> classes2remove = new ArrayList<ClassImpl>();
for (int ii = start; ii < (start + length); ii++)
if (reachable[ii])
int classId = idx.object2classId.get(ii);
ClassImpl clazz = idx.classesById.get(classId);
CleanupResult cr = results.get(classId);
if (cr == null)
cr = new CleanupResult(clazz);
results.put(classId, cr);
long arraySize = idx.array2size.getSize(ii);
if (arraySize > 0)
cr.count += 1;
cr.size += arraySize;
// [INFO] some instances of java.lang.Class are not
// reported as HPROF_GC_CLASS_DUMP but as
ClassImpl c = idx.classesById.get(ii);
if (c == null)
cr.count += 1;
cr.size += clazz.getHeapSizePerInstance();
cr.count += 1;
cr.size += c.getUsedHeapSize();
return new CleanupWrapper(results, classes2remove);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// mark unreachable objects as GC unknown
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private static int markUnreachableAsGCRoots(final PreliminaryIndexImpl idx, //
boolean[] reachable, //
int noReachableObjects, //
int extraRootType, IProgressListener listener)
final int noOfObjects = reachable.length;
final IOne2LongIndex identifiers = idx.identifiers;
final IOne2ManyIndex preOutbound = idx.outbound;
// find objects not referenced by any other object
byte inbounds[] = new byte[noOfObjects];
for (int ii = 0; ii < noOfObjects; ++ii)
if (!reachable[ii])
// We only need search the unreachable objects as
// the reachable ones will have already marked
// its outbound refs.
for (int out : preOutbound.get(ii))
// Exclude objects pointing to themselves
if (out != ii)
// Avoid overflow
if (inbounds[out] != -1) inbounds[out]++;
// First pass mark only the unreferenced objects
ArrayInt unref = new ArrayInt();
for (int ii = 0; ii < noOfObjects; ++ii)
// Do the objects with no inbounds first
if (!reachable[ii] && inbounds[ii] == 0)
// Identify this unreachable object as a root,
// No need to mark it as the marker will do that
XGCRootInfo xgc = new XGCRootInfo(identifiers.get(ii), 0, extraRootType);
List<XGCRootInfo> xgcs = Collections.singletonList(xgc);
idx.gcRoots.put(ii, xgcs);
// See what else is now reachable
ObjectMarker marker2 = new ObjectMarker(unref.toArray(), reachable, preOutbound, new SilentProgressListener(listener));
int numProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
if (numProcessors > 1 && unref.size() > 1)
catch (InterruptedException e)
OperationCanceledException oc = new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
throw oc;
// find the number of new objects. It's not returned by marker
int newNoOfObjects = 0;
for (boolean b : reachable)
if (b)
noReachableObjects = newNoOfObjects;
int marked2 = marker2.markSingleThreaded();
noReachableObjects += marked2;
// find remaining unreachable objects
for (int ii = 0; ii < noOfObjects; ++ii)
if (!reachable[ii])
// Add to list
int root[] = new int[1];
ObjectMarker marker = new ObjectMarker(root, reachable, preOutbound, new SilentProgressListener(listener));
int passes = 10;
for (int pass = 0; pass < passes; ++pass)
// find remaining unreachable objects
ArrayInt unref2 = new ArrayInt();
byte outbounds[] = new byte[noOfObjects];
for (IteratorInt it = unref.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
int ii =;
if (!reachable[ii])
// We only need search the unreachable objects as
// the reachable ones will have already marked
// its outbound refs.
for (int out : preOutbound.get(ii))
// Exclude objects pointing to themselves
// and only count unreachable refs
// We only need to recount outbound refs as the
// inbound ref count will be unchanged.
if (out != ii && !reachable[out])
// Avoid overflow
if (outbounds[ii] != -1) outbounds[ii]++;
unref = unref2;
// choose some of the remaining unreachable objects as roots
for (IteratorInt it = unref.iterator(); it.hasNext() && noReachableObjects < noOfObjects;)
int ii =;
ii = selectRoot(ii, pass, passes, reachable, preOutbound, outbounds, inbounds);
if (ii >= 0) {
// Identify this unreachable object as a root,
// and see what else is now reachable
// No need to mark it as the marker will do that
root[0] = ii;
XGCRootInfo xgc = new XGCRootInfo(identifiers.get(ii), 0, extraRootType);
List<XGCRootInfo> xgcs = Collections.singletonList(xgc);
idx.gcRoots.put(ii, xgcs);
int marked = marker.markSingleThreaded();
noReachableObjects += marked;
// update GC root information
return noReachableObjects;
* Decide on next root to choose.
* A sophisticated version would convert the object graph to a DAG
* of strongly connected components and choose an example member from
* each (currently unreached) source strongly connected component.
* This version is not minimal but covers the object graph.
* @param ii candidate root
* @param pass from 0 to passes -1
* @param passes number of passes
* @param reachable which object have already been marked
* @param preOutbound the outbound refs for each object
* @param outbounds count of outbounds (as 0..255)
* @param inbounds count of inbounds (as 0..255)
* @return candidate root or -1
private static int selectRoot(int ii, int pass, int passes, boolean[] reachable, final IOne2ManyIndex preOutbound,
byte[] outbounds, byte[] inbounds)
if (reachable[ii])
return -1;
// Check for objects with 1 inbound, pointing to another object
// with 1 inbound, pointing back to this.
// The cycle has no entry, so must be a root.
if (pass == 0)
if ((inbounds[ii] & 0xff) == 1)
for (int out : preOutbound.get(ii))
// Exclude objects pointing to themselves
// and only count unreachable refs
if (out != ii && !reachable[out])
if ((inbounds[out] & 0xff) != 1)
for (int out2 : preOutbound.get(out))
if (out2 == ii)
// Choose as a root as this cycle of objects
// has no external entry
return ii;
return -1;
// Don't do objects with only one inbound until the end as perhaps the
// predecessor will get marked.
// Don't choose an object with no unref outbounds as we should choose a
// predecessor of this object instead.
// Choose objects with lots of outbounds first as they might mark
// a lot of objects.
boolean chooseAsRoot = (outbounds[ii] & 0xff) > 0
&& (pass == passes - 1 || (inbounds[ii] & 0xff) > 1
&& (outbounds[ii] & 0xff) - (inbounds[ii] & 0xff) >= passes - pass - 2);
return chooseAsRoot ? ii : -1;