blob: e3d26d664315cd1793810ccad8fa75de965a6733 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2021 SAP AG and IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* SAP AG - initial API and implementation
* Andrew Johnson - read discarded objects by address
package org.eclipse.mat.ui.snapshot.views.inspector;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.mat.SnapshotException;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.ISnapshot;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.Field;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IClass;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IInstance;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObjectArray;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IPrimitiveArray;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.NamedReference;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.ObjectReference;
import org.eclipse.mat.ui.Messages;
/* package */abstract class LazyFields<O extends IObject>
private WeakReference<ISnapshot> snapshot;
private WeakReference<O> array;
private int objectId;
private long objectAddr;
protected List<Object> cache = new ArrayList<Object>();
public LazyFields(O object)
if (object != null)
this.snapshot = new WeakReference<ISnapshot>(object.getSnapshot());
this.array = new WeakReference<O>(object);
this.objectAddr = object.getObjectAddress();
public final List<?> getElements(int limit)
if (cache.size() >= limit || cache.size() == getSize())
return cache;
O array = getObject();
for (int ii = cache.size(); ii < limit && ii < getSize(); ii++)
cache.add(createElement(array, ii));
return cache;
private final O getObject()
O object = this.array.get();
if (object == null)
ISnapshot snapshot = this.snapshot.get();
if (snapshot == null)
throw new RuntimeException(Messages.LazyFields_ErrorReadingArrayDetails);
ObjectReference ref = new ObjectReference(snapshot, objectAddr);
object = (O) ref.getObject();
this.array = new WeakReference<O>(object);
catch (SnapshotException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return object;
protected abstract Object createElement(O array, int index);
public abstract int getSize();
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// object specific implementations
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/* package */static final LazyFields<IObject> EMPTY = new LazyFields<IObject>(null)
protected Object createElement(IObject array, int index)
return null;
public int getSize()
return 0;
/* package */static class Class extends LazyFields<IClass>
public Class(IClass object, boolean showPseudoStatics, boolean showSubclasses)
fixObjectReferences(object.getSnapshot(), cache, object.getStaticFields(), true, showPseudoStatics);
while (showSubclasses && (object = object.getSuperClass()) != null);
protected Object createElement(IClass array, int index)
return null;
public int getSize()
return cache.size();
/* package */static class Instance extends LazyFields<IInstance>
public Instance(IInstance object)
fixObjectReferences(object.getSnapshot(), cache, object.getFields(), false, false);
protected Object createElement(IInstance array, int index)
return null;
public int getSize()
return cache.size();
/* package */static class PrimitiveArray extends LazyFields<IPrimitiveArray>
private int length;
public PrimitiveArray(IPrimitiveArray array)
this.length = array.getLength();
public int getSize()
return length;
protected Object createElement(IPrimitiveArray array, int index)
Field field = new Field("[" + index + "]", array.getType(), array.getValueAt(index)); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
return new FieldNode(field, false);
/* package */static class ObjectArray extends LazyFields<IObjectArray>
private int length;
public ObjectArray(IObjectArray array)
this.length = array.getLength();
public int getSize()
return length;
protected Object createElement(IObjectArray array, int index)
long refs[] = array.getReferenceArray(index, 1);
if (refs[0] != 0)
NamedReference ref = new NamedReference(array.getSnapshot(), refs[0], "[" + index + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return new NamedReferenceNode(ref, false);
Field f = new Field("[" + index + "]", IObject.Type.OBJECT, "null");//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
return new FieldNode(f, false);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// private helpers
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected static void fixObjectReferences(ISnapshot snapshot, List<Object> appendTo, List<Field> fields,
boolean areStatics, boolean showPseudoStatics)
for (int ii = 0; ii < fields.size(); ii++)
Field field = fields.get(ii);
// Do we want to show pseudo static fields?
if (areStatics && (field.getName().startsWith("<") != showPseudoStatics)) continue; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (field.getValue() instanceof ObjectReference)
ObjectReference ref = (ObjectReference) field.getValue();
if (ref != null)
appendTo.add(new NamedReferenceNode(new NamedReference(snapshot, ref.getObjectAddress(), field
.getName()), areStatics));
Field f = new Field(field.getName(), field.getType(), "null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
appendTo.add(new FieldNode(f, areStatics));
appendTo.add(new FieldNode(field, areStatics));