blob: f98ae8975f3ad92aa42bc1eabf2a12637b84ddb4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009,2021 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.mat.dtfj;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType;
import org.eclipse.mat.SnapshotException;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.ArrayLong;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.BitField;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.HashMapIntLong;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.HashMapIntObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.HashMapLongObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.IteratorInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.IteratorLong;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.SetInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.SetLong;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.IIndexBuilder;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.IPreliminaryIndex;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader.IOne2ManyIndex;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader.IOne2SizeIndex;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexManager.Index;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexReader.SizeIndexReader;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexWriter;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexWriter.IntIndexStreamer;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexWriter.LongIndexStreamer;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexWriter.SizeIndexCollectorUncompressed;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.ClassImpl;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.XGCRootInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.XSnapshotInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.MultipleSnapshotsException;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.UnreachableObjectsHistogram;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.Field;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.FieldDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.GCRootInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObject.Type;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.ObjectReference;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener.Severity;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.MessageUtil;
* Reads and parses a DTFJ dump, building indexes which are then used by MAT to create a snapshot.
* @author ajohnson
public class DTFJIndexBuilder implements IIndexBuilder
* Names used as pseudo-class names
* Not translatable
static final String METHOD = "<method>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String METHOD_TYPE = "<method type>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String STACK_FRAME = "<stack frame>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NATIVE_MEMORY = "<native memory>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NATIVE_MEMORY_TYPE = "<native memory type>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Field names for pseudo classes.
* Not translatable
static final String STACK_DEPTH = "stackDepth"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String FRAME_NUMBER = "frameNumber"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String LOCATION_ADDRESS = "locationAddress"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String COMPILATION_LEVEL = "compilationLevel"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String LINE_NUMBER = "lineNumber"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String DECLARING_CLASS = "declaringClass"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String METHOD_NAME = "methodName"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String FILE_NAME = "fileName"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Separator between the package/class name and the method name */
static final String METHOD_NAME_PREFIX = "."; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Unique string only found in method names */
static final String METHOD_NAME_SIG = "("; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String PLUGIN_ID = InitDTFJ.getDefault().getBundle().getSymbolicName();
/** The key to store the runtime id out of the dump */
static final String RUNTIME_ID_KEY = "$runtimeId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** How many elements in an object array to examine at once */
private static final int ARRAY_PIECE_SIZE = 100000;
/** How many bytes to scan in a native stack frame when looking for GC roots */
private static final int NATIVE_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = 2048;
/** How many bytes to scan in a Java stack frame when looking for GC roots */
private static final int JAVA_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = 256;
* How many bytes to scan in a huge Java stack section when looking for GC
* roots
private static final long JAVA_STACK_SECTION_MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 1024L;
* How many bytes to scan in a huge native stack section when looking for GC
* roots
private static final long NATIVE_STACK_SECTION_MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 1024L;
/** Whether DTFJ has root support */
private static final boolean haveDTFJRoots = true;
/** Whether to use DTFJ Root support */
private static final boolean useDTFJRoots = true;
* Whether DTFJ has references support - per instance as can switch on for
* dumps without field info
private boolean haveDTFJRefs = false;
* Whether to use DTFJ references support - per instance as can switch on
* for dumps without field info
private boolean useDTFJRefs = false;
* Whether to include thread roots (e.g. Java_Locals) as full roots, or just
* thread roots + refs from the thread
private static final boolean useThreadRefsNotRoots = true;
* Find roots - mark all unreferenced objects as roots so that not many
* objects are lost by the initial GC by MAT
private static final boolean presumeRoots = false;
/** Whether to mark all class loaders (if presume roots is true) */
private static final boolean markAllLoaders = false;
/** Whether to mark system classes as heap roots */
private static final boolean useSystemClassRoots = true;
/** Whether to skip heap roots marked marked as weak/soft reference etc. */
private static final boolean skipWeakRoots = true;
/** Whether to fix bad DTFJ superclass */
private static final boolean fixBadSuperclass = false;
/** Whether DTFJ has a bad Method equals */
private static final boolean faultyMethodEquals = false;
private final String methodsAsClassesPref = Platform.getPreferencesService().getString(PLUGIN_ID,
PreferenceConstants.P_METHODS, "", null); //$NON-NLS-1$
private final boolean suppressClassNativeSizes = Platform.getPreferencesService().getBoolean(PLUGIN_ID,
PreferenceConstants.P_SUPPRESS_CLASS_NATIVE_SIZES, false, null);
/** Whether to represent all methods as pseudo-classes */
private final boolean getExtraInfo2 = PreferenceConstants.ALL_METHODS_AS_CLASSES.equals(methodsAsClassesPref);
/** Whether to represent only the stack frames as pseudo-objects */
private final boolean getExtraInfo3 = PreferenceConstants.FRAMES_ONLY.equals(methodsAsClassesPref);
/** Whether to represent stack frames and methods as objects and classes */
private final boolean getExtraInfo = getExtraInfo2 || getExtraInfo3
|| PreferenceConstants.RUNNING_METHODS_AS_CLASSES.equals(methodsAsClassesPref);
/** name of java.lang.Class */
private static final String JAVA_LANG_CLASS ="java/lang/Class"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** name of java.lang.ClassLoader */
private static final String JAVA_LANG_CLASSLOADER ="java/lang/ClassLoader"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Whether to guess finalizable objects as those unreferenced objects with
* finalizers
private static final boolean guessFinalizables = true;
/** whether to print out debug information and make errors more severe */
private static final boolean debugInfo = InitDTFJ.getDefault().isDebugging();
/** severity flag for internal - info means error worked around safely */
private static final IProgressListener.Severity Severity_INFO = debugInfo ? Severity.ERROR : Severity.INFO;
/** severity flag for internal - warning means possible problem */
private static final IProgressListener.Severity Severity_WARNING = debugInfo ? Severity.ERROR : Severity.WARNING;
/** How many times to print out a repeating error */
private static final int errorCount = debugInfo ? getDebugOption("org.eclipse.mat.dtfj/errorCount", 20) : 20; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** print out extra information to the console */
private static final boolean verbose = InitDTFJ.getDefault().isDebugging()
&& getDebugOption("org.eclipse.mat.dtfj/debug/verbose", false); //$NON-NLS-1$
/** How many objects before it is worth saving the index to disk */
private static final int INDEX_COUNT_FOR_TEMPFILE = 5000000;
/** The actual dump file */
private File dump;
/** The string prefix used to build the index files */
private String pfx;
* The requested runtime id, or null. In the rare case of more than one Java
* runtime in a dump then this can be used to select another JVM.
private String runtimeId;
/** All the key DTFJ data */
private RuntimeInfo dtfjInfo;
/** The outbound references index */
private IndexWriter.IntArray1NWriter outRefs;
/** The temporary object id to size index, for arrays and variable sized objects - used to build arrayToSize.
* Could instead be a {@link SizeIndexCollectorUncompressed} but that is bigger. */
private ObjectToSize indexToSize;
/** The array size in bytes index */
private IOne2SizeIndex arrayToSize;
/** The object/class id number to address index for accumulation of ids */
private IndexWriter.Identifier indexToAddress0;
/** The object/class id number to address index once all ids are found */
private IIndexReader.IOne2LongIndex indexToAddress;
/** The object id to class id index for accumulation and lookup */
private IndexWriter.IntIndexCollector objectToClass;
/** The object id to class id index once mapping is done */
private IIndexReader.IOne2OneIndex objectToClass1;
/** The class id to MAT class information index */
private HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> idToClass;
/** The map of object ids to lists of associated GC roots for that object id */
private HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> gcRoot;
/** The map of thread object ids to GC roots owned by that thread */
private HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>> threadRoots;
/** Flag used to not guess if GC roots finds finalizables */
private boolean foundFinalizableGCRoots = false;
/** number of times getModifiers succeeded */
private int modifiersFound;
/** address space pointer size */
private int addressSpacePointerSize;
/** compressed refs found */
private boolean compressedRefs;
/** Used to remember dummy addresses for classes without addresses */
private HashMap<JavaClass, Long> dummyClassAddress = new HashMap<JavaClass, Long>();
/** Used to remember dummy addresses for methods without addresses */
private HashMap<JavaMethod, Long> dummyMethodAddress = new HashMap<JavaMethod, Long>();
/** Used to remember dummy addresses for methods without addresses which have a faulty equals() method */
private IdentityHashMap<JavaMethod, Long> dummyMethodAddress2 = new IdentityHashMap<JavaMethod, Long>();
* Used to remember method addresses in case two different methods attempt
* to use the same address
private HashMapLongObject<JavaMethod> methodAddresses = new HashMapLongObject<JavaMethod>();
/** The next address to use for a class without an address */
private long nextClassAddress = 0x1000000080000000L;
/** Used to store the addresses of all the classes loaded by each class loader */
HashMapIntObject<ArrayLong> loaderClassCache;
* Just used to check efficiency of pseudo roots - holds alternative set of
* roots.
private HashMapIntObject<String> missedRoots;
* Used to see how much memory has been freed by the initial garbage
* collection
private HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> idToClass2;
* Used to see how much memory has been freed by the initial garbage
* collection
private IndexWriter.IntIndexCollector objectToClass2;
/** Which class instances to possibly discard */
private Pattern discardPattern = Pattern.compile("char\\[\\]|java\\.lang\\.String"); //$NON-NLS-1$
/** How often to discard */
private double discardRatio = 0.0;
/** Select which group of objects are discarded */
private double discardOffset = 0.0;
/** Random number seed for choosing discards */
private long discardSeed = 1;
/** Random number generator to choose what to discard */
private Random rand = new Random(discardSeed);
/** The class id to MAT class for discarded objects information index */
private HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> discardIdToClass;
* Used for very corrupt dumps without a java/lang/Class
private static final class DummyJavaClass implements JavaClass, CorruptData
private final String name;
public DummyJavaClass(String name)
{ = name;
public JavaClassLoader getClassLoader() throws CorruptDataException
throw new CorruptDataException(this);
public JavaClass getComponentType() throws CorruptDataException
throw new CorruptDataException(this);
public Iterator<?> getConstantPoolReferences()
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
public Iterator<?> getDeclaredFields()
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
public Iterator<?> getDeclaredMethods()
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
public ImagePointer getID()
return null;
public Iterator<?> getInterfaces()
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
public int getModifiers() throws CorruptDataException
throw new CorruptDataException(this);
public String getName() throws CorruptDataException
return name;
public JavaObject getObject() throws CorruptDataException
return null;
public Iterator<?> getReferences()
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
public JavaClass getSuperclass() throws CorruptDataException
throw new CorruptDataException(this);
public boolean isArray() throws CorruptDataException
return false;
public ImagePointer getAddress()
return null;
public long getInstanceSize() throws DataUnavailable, CorruptDataException
throw new DataUnavailable();
public JavaObject getProtectionDomain() throws DataUnavailable, CorruptDataException
throw new DataUnavailable();
public boolean isPacked() throws DataUnavailable, CorruptDataException
throw new DataUnavailable();
public long getPackedDataSize() throws DataUnavailable, CorruptDataException
throw new DataUnavailable();
* Use to see how much memory has been freed by the initial garbage
* collection
private static class ObjectToSize
/** For small objects */
private byte objectToSize[];
/** For large objects */
private HashMapIntLong bigObjs = new HashMapIntLong();
private static final int SHIFT = 3;
private static final int MASK = 0xff;
ObjectToSize(int size)
objectToSize = new byte[size];
long get(int index)
if (bigObjs.containsKey(index))
long size = bigObjs.get(index);
return size;
return (objectToSize[index] & MASK) << SHIFT;
long getSize(int index)
return get(index);
* Rely on most object sizes being small, and having the lower 3 bits
* zero. Some classes will have sizes with lower 3 bits not zero, but
* there are a limited number of these. It is better to use expand the
* range for ordinary objects.
* @param index
* @param size
void set(int index, long size)
if ((size & ~(MASK << SHIFT)) == 0)
objectToSize[index] = (byte) (size >>> SHIFT);
bigObjs.put(index, size);
public IIndexReader.IOne2SizeIndex writeTo(File indexFile) throws IOException
final int size = objectToSize.length;
return new SizeIndexReader(new IntIndexStreamer().writeTo(indexFile, new IteratorInt()
int i;
public boolean hasNext()
return i < size;
public int next()
if (!hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return SizeIndexCollectorUncompressed.compress(getSize(i++));
private ObjectToSize objectToSize2;
* Same as HashMapLongObject except that the first
* item put will be the first returned.
* Relies on key 0 being returned first from {@link HashMapLongObject} and {@link SetLong}.
private static abstract class RefStore<E>
long first;
public abstract E put(long key, E value);
public abstract int size();
public abstract Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<E>> entries();
public abstract long[] getAllKeys();
public abstract boolean containsKey(long k);
public abstract IteratorLong keys();
private static class RefMap<E> extends RefStore<E>
final HashMapLongObject<E> map;
* Create a map
public RefMap()
map = new HashMapLongObject<E>();
public E put(long key, E value)
if (size() == 0)
first = key;
return map.put(key ^ first, value);
public int size()
return map.size();
public Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<E>> entries()
final Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<E>> it = map.entries();
return new Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<E>>() {
public boolean hasNext()
return it.hasNext();
public HashMapLongObject.Entry<E> next()
final HashMapLongObject.Entry<E> e =;
return new HashMapLongObject.Entry<E>()
public long getKey()
return e.getKey() ^ first;
public E getValue()
return e.getValue();
public void remove()
public long[] getAllKeys()
long ret[] = map.getAllKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i)
ret[i] ^= first;
return ret;
public boolean containsKey(long k)
return map.containsKey(k ^ first);
public IteratorLong keys()
final IteratorLong it = map.keys();
return new IteratorLong()
public boolean hasNext()
return it.hasNext();
public long next()
return ^ first;
private static class RefSet<E> extends RefStore<E>
final SetLong set;
* Create a map which just stores keys, not values
public RefSet()
set = new SetLong();
* Note: returns null if no value already set, or
* the supplied value if an existing value is set,
* but not the previous value.
public E put(long key, E value)
if (size() == 0)
first = key;
return set.add(key ^ first) ? null : value;
public int size()
return set.size();
public Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<E>> entries()
final IteratorLong it = set.iterator();
return new Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<E>>()
public boolean hasNext()
return it.hasNext();
public HashMapLongObject.Entry<E> next()
final long e =;
return new HashMapLongObject.Entry<E>()
public long getKey()
return e ^ first;
public E getValue()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public long[] getAllKeys()
long ret[] = set.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i)
ret[i] ^= first;
return ret;
public boolean containsKey(long k)
return set.contains(k ^ first);
public IteratorLong keys()
final IteratorLong it = set.iterator();
return new IteratorLong()
public boolean hasNext()
return it.hasNext();
public long next()
return ^ first;
/* Message counts to reduce duplicated messages */
private int msgNgetRefsMissing = errorCount;
private int msgNgetRefsExtra = errorCount;
private int msgNarrayRefsNPE = errorCount;
private int msgNgetRefsUnavailable = errorCount;
private int msgNgetRefsCorrupt = errorCount;
private int msgNbigSegs = errorCount;
private int msgNinvalidArray = errorCount;
private int msgNinvalidObj = errorCount;
private int msgNbrokenEquals = errorCount;
private int msgNbrokenInterfaceSuper = errorCount;
private int msgNmissingLoaderMsg = errorCount;
private int msgNcorruptCount = errorCount;
private int msgNrootsWarning = errorCount;
private int msgNguessFinalizable = errorCount;
private int msgNgetRefsAllMissing = errorCount;
private int msgNgetSuperclass = errorCount;
private int msgNnullThreadObject = errorCount;
private int msgNbadThreadInfo = errorCount;
private int msgNunexpectedModifiers = errorCount;
private int msgNcorruptSection = errorCount;
private int msgNclassForObject = errorCount;
private int msgNcomponentClass = errorCount;
private int msgNtypeForClassObject = errorCount;
private int msgNobjectSize = errorCount;
private int msgNoutboundReferences = errorCount;
private int msgNnoSuperClassForArray = errorCount;
private int msgNproblemReadingJavaStackFrame = errorCount;
private int msgNskipHeapObject = errorCount;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.mat.parser.IIndexBuilder#cancel() Appears to be called
* first before anything happens
public void cancel()
// Close DTFJ Image if possible
if (dtfjInfo != null)
DumpCache.releaseDump(dump, dtfjInfo, true);
if (outRefs != null)
outRefs = null;
if (arrayToSize != null)
catch (IOException e)
arrayToSize = null;
indexToAddress0 = null;
if (indexToAddress != null)
catch (IOException e)
indexToAddress = null;
objectToClass = null;
if (objectToClass1 != null)
catch (IOException e)
objectToClass1 = null;
idToClass = null;
if (objectToClass2 != null)
catch (IOException e)
objectToClass2 = null;
idToClass2 = null;
objectToSize2 = null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.mat.parser.IIndexBuilder#clean(int[],
* org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener) Called after initial garbage
* collection to show new indices for objects and -1 for object which are
* garbage and have been deleted.
public void clean(int[] purgedMapping, IProgressListener listener) throws IOException
if (purgedMapping == null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NullPurgedMapping, null);
listener.beginTask(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_PurgingDeadObjectsFromImage, purgedMapping.length / 10000);
int count = 0;
long memFree = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < purgedMapping.length; ++i)
if (i % 10000 == 0)
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
if (purgedMapping[i] == -1)
if (objectToSize2 != null)
long objSize = objectToSize2.getSize(i);
memFree += objSize;
if (verbose)
int type = objectToClass2.get(i);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Purging " + i + " size " + objSize + " type " + type + " " + idToClass2.get(type)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
if (missedRoots != null && missedRoots.containsKey(i))
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Alternative roots would have found root " + i + " " + missedRoots.get(i)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Remap "+i+"->"+purgedMapping[i]);
if (debugInfo)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_PurgedIdentifiers,
count, memFree), null);
// Free memory
objectToSize2 = null;
missedRoots = null;
DumpCache.releaseDump(dump, dtfjInfo, false);
// Debug
* (non-Javadoc)
* @seeorg.eclipse.mat.parser.IIndexBuilder#fill(org.eclipse.mat.parser.
* IPreliminaryIndex, org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener) Fill the
* initial index with: mapping object index to address
public void fill(IPreliminaryIndex index, IProgressListener listener) throws SnapshotException, IOException
long then1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
// This is 100% on the progress bar
final int workCount = 10000;
// How many objects to process before indicating to the progress bar
final int workObjectsStep = 10000;
listener.beginTask(MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProcessingImageFromFile, dump), workCount);
int workCountSoFar = 0;
XSnapshotInfo ifo = index.getSnapshotInfo();
// The dump may have changed, so reread it
Serializable dumpType = ifo.getProperty("$heapFormat"); //$NON-NLS-1$
dtfjInfo = DumpCache.getDump(dump, dumpType);
if (ifo.getProperty("discard_ratio") instanceof Integer) //$NON-NLS-1$
discardRatio = (Integer)ifo.getProperty("discard_ratio") / 100.0; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (ifo.getProperty("discard_offset") instanceof Integer) //$NON-NLS-1$
discardOffset = (Integer)ifo.getProperty("discard_offset") / 100.0; //$NON-NLS-1$
ifo.setProperty("discard_offset", (int)Math.round(discardOffset * 100)); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (ifo.getProperty("discard_seed") instanceof Integer) //$NON-NLS-1$
discardSeed = (Integer)ifo.getProperty("discard_seed"); //$NON-NLS-1$
ifo.setProperty("discard_seed", discardSeed); //$NON-NLS-1$
rand = new Random(discardSeed);
if (ifo.getProperty("discard_pattern") instanceof String) //$NON-NLS-1$
discardPattern = Pattern.compile((String)ifo.getProperty("discard_pattern")); //$NON-NLS-1$
ifo.setProperty("discard_pattern", discardPattern.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
long now1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_TookmsToGetImageFromFile, (now1 - then1), dump, dumpType), null);
// Basic information
ifo.setCreationDate(new Date(dtfjInfo.getImage().getCreationTime()));
catch (DataUnavailable e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NoDateInImage, e);
// Find the JVM
workCountSoFar += 1;
Serializable rtId = ifo.getProperty(RUNTIME_ID_KEY);
if (rtId instanceof String && ! rtId.equals("")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
runtimeId = (String) rtId;
dtfjInfo = getRuntime(dtfjInfo.getImageFactory(), dtfjInfo.getImage(), runtimeId, listener);
final String actualRuntimeId = dtfjInfo.getRuntimeId();
if (actualRuntimeId != null)
ifo.setProperty(RUNTIME_ID_KEY, actualRuntimeId);
MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DTFJJavaRuntime, actualRuntimeId), null);
String version = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getVersion();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_JVMVersion, ifo
.getJvmInfo()), null);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NoRuntimeVersionFound, e);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_JVMFullVersion,
ifo.getJvmInfo()), null);
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NoRuntimeFullVersionFound, e2);
int pointerSize = getPointerSize(dtfjInfo, listener);
workCountSoFar += 1;
indexToAddress0 = new IndexWriter.Identifier();
// Pass 1
// Find last address of heap - use for dummy class addresses
long lastAddress = 0x0;
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getHeaps(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingHeaps, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaHeap jh = (JavaHeap) next;
for (Iterator<?> i2 = jh.getSections(); i2.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingHeapSections, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
// Even a corrupt section might have an address and size
if (!(next2 instanceof ImageSection))
ImageSection is = (ImageSection) next2;
long endAddr = is.getBaseAddress().add(is.getSize()).getAddress();
lastAddress = Math.max(lastAddress, endAddr);
if (lastAddress != 0)
nextClassAddress = (lastAddress + 7L) & ~7L;
// Find the bootstrap loader using the idea that it it the only loader
// to have loaded itself
workCountSoFar += 1;
JavaObject bootLoaderObject = null;
JavaClassLoader bootLoader = null;
long bootLoaderAddress = 0, fixedBootLoaderAddress = 0;
ClassImpl bootLoaderType = null;
boolean foundBootLoader = false;
HashMap<JavaObject, JavaClassLoader> loaders = new HashMap<JavaObject, JavaClassLoader>();
HashSet<JavaClass> loaderTypes = new HashSet<JavaClass>();
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getJavaClassLoaders(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingClassLoaders1, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaClassLoader jcl = (JavaClassLoader) next;
long loaderAddress = 0;
JavaObject loaderObject = jcl.getObject();
// Remember the class loader
loaders.put(loaderObject, jcl);
if (loaderObject == null)
// Potential boot loader
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found class loader with null Java object " + jcl); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!foundBootLoader)
bootLoader = jcl;
bootLoaderObject = loaderObject;
bootLoaderAddress = 0;
fixedBootLoaderAddress = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, bootLoaderAddress);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("adding boot loader object at " + format(bootLoaderAddress)); //$NON-NLS-1$
foundBootLoader = true;
// Get address first, in case getting class fails
loaderAddress = loaderObject.getID().getAddress();
if (bootLoader == null)
// Make sure there is some kind of boot loader, this
// should be replaced later.
bootLoader = jcl;
bootLoaderObject = loaderObject;
bootLoaderAddress = loaderAddress;
fixedBootLoaderAddress = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, bootLoaderAddress);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("adding potential boot loader object at " + format(bootLoaderAddress)); //$NON-NLS-1$
JavaClass loaderObjectClass = loaderObject.getJavaClass();
String loaderClassName = getClassName(loaderObjectClass, listener);
if (loaderClassName.equals("*System*")) //$NON-NLS-1$
// Potential boot loader - Javacore
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found class loader of type *System* " + jcl); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!foundBootLoader)
bootLoader = jcl;
bootLoaderObject = loaderObject;
bootLoaderAddress = loaderAddress;
fixedBootLoaderAddress = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, bootLoaderAddress);
// No need for dummy Java object
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("adding boot loader object at " + format(bootLoaderAddress)); //$NON-NLS-1$
foundBootLoader = true;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found class loader " + loaderClassName + " at " + format(loaderAddress)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
JavaClassLoader jcl2 = getClassLoader(loaderObjectClass, listener);
if (jcl.equals(jcl2))
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found class loader which loaded itself " + loaderClassName + " at " + format(loaderAddress)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (!foundBootLoader)
bootLoader = jcl;
bootLoaderObject = loaderObject;
bootLoaderAddress = loaderAddress;
fixedBootLoaderAddress = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, bootLoaderAddress);
// No need for dummy Java object
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("adding boot loader object at " + format(bootLoaderAddress)); //$NON-NLS-1$
foundBootLoader = true;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found other class loader " + loaderClassName + " at " + format(loaderAddress)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// 1.4.2 AIX 64-bit CorruptDataExceptions
// from Class loader objects: 32/64-bit problem
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemFindingClassLoaderInformation, format(loaderAddress)),
if (bootLoader == null)
// Very corrupt dump with no useful loader information
fixedBootLoaderAddress = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, bootLoaderAddress);
// Boot loader with 0 address needs a dummy entry as no Java object
// for it will be found
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("No boot class loader found so adding dummy boot class loader object at " //$NON-NLS-1$
+ format(fixedBootLoaderAddress));
else if (bootLoaderObject == null)
// Boot loader with null object implying 0 address needs a dummy entry as no Java
// object for it will be found
// Holds all of the classes as DTFJ JavaClass - just used in this
// method.
// Use a hash set to collect the classes and sort them later
Set<JavaClass> allClasses = new LinkedHashSet<JavaClass>();
// Find all the classes (via the class loaders), and remember them
workCountSoFar += 1;
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getJavaClassLoaders(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingClassLoaders, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaClassLoader jcl = (JavaClassLoader) next;
for (Iterator<?> j = jcl.getDefinedClasses(); j.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingClasses, jcl))
JavaClass j2 = (JavaClass) next2;
rememberClass(j2, allClasses, listener);
// Find all the objects - don't store them as too many
workCountSoFar += 1;
int objProgress = 0;
final int s2 = indexToAddress0.size();
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getHeaps(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingHeaps, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaHeap jh = (JavaHeap) next;
for (Iterator<?> j = jh.getObjects(); j.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingObjects, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) next2;
if (++objProgress % workObjectsStep == 0)
workCountSoFar += 1;
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
long objAddress = jo.getID().getAddress();
objAddress = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, objAddress);
if (skipObject(jo, objAddress, allClasses, listener))
rememberObject(jo, objAddress, allClasses, listener);
final int nobj = indexToAddress0.size() - s2;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Objects on heap " + nobj); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Find any more classes (via the class loaders), and remember them
// This might not be needed - all the classes cached should be found in
// the defined list of some loader
workCountSoFar += 1;
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getJavaClassLoaders(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingClassLoaders, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
JavaClassLoader jcl = (JavaClassLoader) next;
for (Iterator<?> j = jcl.getCachedClasses(); j.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingCachedClasses, jcl))
JavaClass j2 = (JavaClass) next2;
if (!allClasses.contains(j2))
String className = j2.getName();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_AddingExtraClassViaCachedList, className), null);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_AddingExtraClassOfUnknownNameViaCachedList, j2), e);
rememberClass(j2, allClasses, listener);
// Make the ID to address array ready for reverse lookups
if (indexToAddress0.size() > 0)
// Holds all of the methods as DTFJ JavaMethod - just used in this
// method. Initialise always to avoid compilation errors.
LinkedHashSet<JavaMethod> allMethods = new LinkedHashSet<JavaMethod>();
// Holds a mapping from stack frame to method addresses
LinkedHashMap<Long, Long> allFrames = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Long>();
// See if thread, monitor and class loader objects are present in heap
HashMapLongObject<JavaObject> missingObjects = new HashMapLongObject<JavaObject>();
workCountSoFar += 1;
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getThreads(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingThreads, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaThread th = (JavaThread) next;
long threadAddress = findMissingObjectsFromJavaThread(th, missingObjects, listener);
if (getExtraInfo)
// Scan stack frames for pseudo-classes
int frameId = 0;
long prevFrameAddress = 0;
for (Iterator<?> ii = getStackFrames(th); ii.hasNext(); ++frameId)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingJavaStackFrames,
JavaStackFrame jf = (JavaStackFrame) next2;
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
JavaLocation jl = null;
jl = jf.getLocation();
JavaMethod jm = jl.getMethod();
long frameAddress = getFrameAddress(jf, prevFrameAddress, pointerSize);
prevFrameAddress = frameAddress;
if (frameAddress != 0)
if (indexToAddress0.reverse(frameAddress) < 0)
long methodAddress = getMethodAddress(jm, listener);
if (!allFrames.containsKey(frameAddress))
if (!getExtraInfo3)
allFrames.put(frameAddress, methodAddress);
String newMethodName;
newMethodName = getMethodName(jm, listener);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
newMethodName = format(methodAddress);
String oldMethodName;
long oldMethodAddress = allFrames.get(frameAddress);
JavaMethod oldJm = methodAddresses.get(allFrames.get(frameAddress));
if (oldJm != null)
oldMethodName = getMethodName(oldJm, listener);
oldMethodName = format(oldMethodAddress);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
oldMethodName = format(allFrames.get(oldMethodAddress));
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DuplicateJavaStackFrame, frameId,
format(frameAddress), oldMethodName, newMethodName,
format(threadAddress)), null);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_IgnoringJavaStackFrame, frameId,
format(frameAddress), format(threadAddress)), null);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (jl != null)
if (msgNproblemReadingJavaStackFrame-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaStackFrameLocation, frameId,
jl, format(threadAddress)), e);
if (msgNproblemReadingJavaStackFrame-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaStackFrame, frameId,
format(threadAddress)), e);
workCountSoFar += 1;
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getMonitors(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingMonitors, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaMonitor jm = (JavaMonitor) next;
JavaObject obj = jm.getObject();
if (obj != null)
long monitorAddress = obj.getID().getAddress();
if (indexToAddress0.reverse(monitorAddress) < 0)
missingObjects.put(monitorAddress, obj);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_MonitorObjectNotFound, format(monitorAddress)), null);
for (Iterator<?> it = jm.getEnterWaiters(); it.hasNext();)
next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingThreadsFromMonitors))
JavaThread th = (JavaThread) next;
findMissingObjectsFromJavaThread(th, missingObjects, listener);
for (Iterator<?> it = jm.getNotifyWaiters(); it.hasNext();)
next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingThreadsFromMonitors))
JavaThread th = (JavaThread) next;
findMissingObjectsFromJavaThread(th, missingObjects, listener);
workCountSoFar += 1;
for (Iterator<JavaObject> i = loaders.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
JavaObject obj =;
if (obj != null)
long loaderAddress = obj.getID().getAddress();
loaderAddress = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, loaderAddress);
if (indexToAddress0.reverse(loaderAddress) < 0)
missingObjects.put(loaderAddress, obj);
String type = getClassName(obj.getJavaClass(), listener);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassLoaderObjectNotFoundType, format(loaderAddress),
type), null);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassLoaderObjectNotFound, format(loaderAddress)), e);
workCountSoFar += 1;
for (Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<JavaObject>> it = missingObjects.entries(); it.hasNext(); )
HashMapLongObject.Entry<JavaObject> entry =;
JavaObject obj = entry.getValue();
long address = entry.getKey();
if (obj != null)
rememberObject(obj, address, allClasses, listener);
// check for superclasses in case the classloader list is incomplete
Set<JavaClass>extraSuperclasses = new LinkedHashSet<JavaClass>();
for (JavaClass cls : allClasses)
for (JavaClass sup = getSuperclass(cls, listener); sup != null; sup = getSuperclass(sup, listener))
if (!allClasses.contains(sup))
if (!extraSuperclasses.add(sup))
for (JavaClass sup : extraSuperclasses)
String className = sup.getName();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_AddingExtraClassViaSuperclassList, className), null);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_AddingExtraClassOfUnknownNameViaSuperclassList, sup), e);
rememberClass(sup, allClasses, listener);
// Make a tree set so that going over all the classes is
// predictable and cache friendly.
final IProgressListener listen = listener;
TreeSet<JavaClass> sortedClasses = new TreeSet<JavaClass>(new Comparator<JavaClass>()
public int compare(JavaClass o1, JavaClass o2)
long clsaddr1 = getClassAddress(o1, listen);
long clsaddr2 = getClassAddress(o2, listen);
return clsaddr1 < clsaddr2 ? -1 : clsaddr1 > clsaddr2 ? 1 : 0;
allClasses = sortedClasses;
if (getExtraInfo && getExtraInfo2)
workCountSoFar += 1;
for (JavaClass jc : allClasses)
for (Iterator<?> i = jc.getDeclaredMethods(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingDeclaredMethods, jc))
JavaMethod jm = (JavaMethod) next;
long nativeAddr = 0;
long nativeTypeAddr = 0;
long methodTypeAddr = 0;
long methodAddr = 0;
long stackFrameAddr = 0;
if (getExtraInfo)
// Dummy address for the native memory and method pseudo-type
nativeAddr = nextClassAddress;
nextClassAddress += 8;
nativeTypeAddr = nextClassAddress;
nextClassAddress += 8;
if (getExtraInfo3)
stackFrameAddr = nextClassAddress;
nextClassAddress += 8;
methodTypeAddr = nextClassAddress;
nextClassAddress += 8;
methodAddr = nextClassAddress;
nextClassAddress += 8;
// Extra objects when dealing with stack frames as objects
// Add the methods
for (JavaMethod jm : allMethods)
indexToAddress0.add(getMethodAddress(jm, listener));
// Add the frames
for (long frame : allFrames.keySet())
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("added methods " + allMethods.size() + " frames " + allFrames.size()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// Make the ID to address array ready for reverse lookups
if (indexToAddress0.size() > 0)
// Temporary list for classes
IndexWriter.Identifier indexToAddressCls = new IndexWriter.Identifier();
JavaClass clsJavaLangClassLoader = null;
JavaClass clsJavaLangClass = null;
for (JavaClass j2 : allClasses)
// First find the class obj for java.lang.Class
// This is needed for every other class
JavaObject clsObject = j2.getObject();
if (clsObject != null)
clsJavaLangClass = clsObject.getJavaClass();
// Found class, so done
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// IllegalArgumentException from
// JavaClass.getObject() due to bad class pointer in object
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemFindingJavaLangClass, e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (msgNcorruptCount-- > 0)
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemFindingJavaLangClass, e);
if (clsJavaLangClass != null)
// Just in case it isn't there already
// Total all the classes and remember the addresses for mapping to IDs
for (JavaClass cls : allClasses)
String clsName = null;
// Get the name - if we cannot get the name then the class can
// not be built.
clsName = getClassName(cls, listen);
// Find java.lang.ClassLoader. There should not be duplicates.
if (clsJavaLangClassLoader == null && clsName.equals(JAVA_LANG_CLASSLOADER))
clsJavaLangClassLoader = cls;
// Find java.lang.Class. There should not be duplicates.
if (clsJavaLangClass == null && clsName.equals(JAVA_LANG_CLASS))
clsJavaLangClass = cls;
long clsaddr = getClassAddress(cls, listener);
* IBM Java 5.0 seems to have JavaClass at the same address as the
* associated object, and these are outside the heap, so need to be
* counted. IBM Java 6 seems to have JavaClass at a different
* address to the associated object and the associated object is
* already in the heap, so will have been found already. IBM Java
* 1.4.2 can have classes without associated objects. These won't be
* on the heap so should be added now. The other class objects have
* the same address as the real objects and are listed in the heap.
* If the id is null then the object will be too. Double counting is
* bad.
if (indexToAddress0.reverse(clsaddr) < 0)
// JavaClass == JavaObject, so add the class (which isn't on
// the heap) to the list
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("adding class " + clsName + " at " + format(clsaddr) + " to the identifier list"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("skipping class " + clsName + " at " + format(clsaddr) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ " as the associated object is already on the identifier list"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Check for very corrupt dumps
if (clsJavaLangClass == null)
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemFindingJavaLangClassViaName, null);
// Create a dummy java/lang/Class
clsJavaLangClass = new DummyJavaClass(JAVA_LANG_CLASS);
long clsaddr = getClassAddress(clsJavaLangClass, listener);
if (clsJavaLangClassLoader == null)
// Create a dummy java/lang/ClassLoader
clsJavaLangClassLoader = new DummyJavaClass(JAVA_LANG_CLASSLOADER);
long clsaddr = getClassAddress(clsJavaLangClassLoader, listener);
// Add class ids to object list
for (int i = 0; i < indexToAddressCls.size(); ++i)
// Free the class address list for GC
indexToAddressCls = null;
int nClasses = allClasses.size();
int pseudoClasses;
if (getExtraInfo)
if (getExtraInfo3)
pseudoClasses = 3;
pseudoClasses = 4;
nClasses += allMethods.size() + pseudoClasses; // For method pseudo-types
pseudoClasses = 0;
// Make the ID to address array ready for reverse lookups
if (indexToAddress0.size() > 0)
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
long maxFree = runtime.maxMemory() - runtime.totalMemory() + runtime.freeMemory();
// If we do not have lots of free space then use a temporary file.
// The constant 16 is an experimentally determined value.
long indexCountForTempFile = Math.max(INDEX_COUNT_FOR_TEMPFILE, maxFree / 16);
if (indexToAddress0.size() >= indexCountForTempFile)
// Write the index to disk and then use the compressed disk version
indexToAddress = (new LongIndexStreamer()).writeTo(Index.IDENTIFIER.getFile(pfx + "temp."), indexToAddress0.iterator()); //$NON-NLS-1$
// The flat version is bigger but a little quicker
indexToAddress = indexToAddress0;
indexToAddress0 = null;
// Notify the builder about all the identifiers.
if (getExtraInfo)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_FoundIdentifiersObjectsClassesMethods, indexToAddress.size(),
indexToAddress.size() - nClasses - allFrames.size(), allFrames.size(), nClasses - allMethods.size() - pseudoClasses, allMethods.size()), null);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_FoundIdentifiersObjectsClasses, indexToAddress.size(),
indexToAddress.size() - nClasses, nClasses), null);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Total identifiers " + indexToAddress.size()); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
// Pass 2 - build the classes and object data
workCountSoFar += 1;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Classes " + nClasses); //$NON-NLS-1$
idToClass = new HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl>(nClasses);
discardIdToClass = new HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl>();
if (debugInfo)
// For calculating purge sizes
objectToSize2 = new ObjectToSize(indexToAddress.size());
workCountSoFar += 1;
ClassImpl jlc = genClass(clsJavaLangClass, idToClass, bootLoaderAddress, 0, listener);
genClass2(clsJavaLangClass, jlc, jlc, pointerSize, listener);
// Now do java.lang.ClassLoader - clsJavaLangClassLoader is non null
ClassImpl jlcl = genClass(clsJavaLangClassLoader, idToClass, bootLoaderAddress, 0, listener);
genClass2(clsJavaLangClassLoader, jlcl, jlc, pointerSize, listener);
boolean foundFields = false;
for (JavaClass j2 : allClasses)
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
// Don't do java.lang.Class twice
if (j2.equals(clsJavaLangClass))
// Don't do java.lang.ClassLoader twice
if (j2.equals(clsJavaLangClassLoader))
// Fix for PHD etc without superclasses
// so make class loader types extend java.lang.ClassLoader
long newSuper = 0;
if (loaderTypes.contains(j2))
JavaClass sup = getSuperclass(j2, listener);
if (sup == null || getSuperclass(sup, listener) == null)
newSuper = jlcl.getObjectAddress();
ClassImpl ci = genClass(j2, idToClass, bootLoaderAddress, newSuper, listener);
if (ci != null)
genClass2(j2, ci, jlc, pointerSize, listener);
// See if any fields have been found, or whether we need to use
// getReferences instead
if (!foundFields)
List<FieldDescriptor> fd = ci.getFieldDescriptors();
if (!fd.isEmpty())
foundFields = true;
if (bootLoaderObject == null)
// If there is no boot loader type,
// invent something now to avoid NullPointerExceptions.
bootLoaderType = jlcl;
// If none of the classes have any fields then we have to try using
// references instead.
if (!foundFields)
// E.g. PHD dumps
haveDTFJRefs = true;
useDTFJRefs = true;
if (getExtraInfo)
ClassImpl nativeType = genDummyType(NATIVE_MEMORY_TYPE, nativeTypeAddr, nativeAddr, null, new FieldDescriptor[0], idToClass, bootLoaderAddress, listener);
ClassImpl nativeMemory = genDummyType(NATIVE_MEMORY, nativeAddr, 0L, nativeType, new FieldDescriptor[0], idToClass, bootLoaderAddress, listener);
if (getExtraInfo3)
FieldDescriptor[] fld = new FieldDescriptor[] { new FieldDescriptor(LINE_NUMBER, IObject.Type.INT),
new FieldDescriptor(COMPILATION_LEVEL, IObject.Type.INT),
new FieldDescriptor(LOCATION_ADDRESS, IObject.Type.LONG),
new FieldDescriptor(FILE_NAME, IObject.Type.OBJECT),
new FieldDescriptor(METHOD_NAME, IObject.Type.OBJECT),
new FieldDescriptor(FRAME_NUMBER, IObject.Type.INT),
new FieldDescriptor(STACK_DEPTH, IObject.Type.INT) };
ClassImpl stackFrame = genDummyType(STACK_FRAME, stackFrameAddr, nativeAddr, nativeType, fld, idToClass, bootLoaderAddress, listener);
FieldDescriptor[] fld = new FieldDescriptor[] { new FieldDescriptor(LINE_NUMBER, IObject.Type.INT),
new FieldDescriptor(COMPILATION_LEVEL, IObject.Type.INT),
new FieldDescriptor(LOCATION_ADDRESS, IObject.Type.LONG),
new FieldDescriptor(FILE_NAME, IObject.Type.OBJECT),
new FieldDescriptor(FRAME_NUMBER, IObject.Type.INT),
new FieldDescriptor(STACK_DEPTH, IObject.Type.INT) };
ClassImpl methodType = genDummyType(METHOD_TYPE, methodTypeAddr, nativeTypeAddr, nativeType, new FieldDescriptor[0], idToClass, bootLoaderAddress, listener);
ClassImpl method = genDummyType(METHOD, methodAddr, nativeAddr, methodType, fld, idToClass, bootLoaderAddress, listener);
for (JavaMethod jm : allMethods)
ClassImpl ci = genClass(jm, methodAddr, methodType, idToClass, bootLoaderAddress, listener);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemBuildingClassObjectForMethod, e);
// fix up the subclasses for MAT
int maxClsId = 0;
for (Iterator<ClassImpl> i = idToClass.values(); i.hasNext();)
ClassImpl ci =;
int supid = ci.getSuperClassId();
if (supid >= 0)
ClassImpl sup = idToClass.get(supid);
if (sup != null)
maxClsId = Math.max(maxClsId, ci.getObjectId());
// Notify the builder about the classes. The builder seems to destroy
// entries which are unreachable.
// See which classes would have finalizable objects
SetLong finalizableClass;
if (guessFinalizables)
finalizableClass = new SetLong();
for (JavaClass cls : allClasses)
long addr = isFinalizable(cls, listener);
if (addr != 0)
// Object id to class id
objectToClass = new IndexWriter.IntIndexCollector(indexToAddress.size(), IndexWriter
// Do the object refs to other refs
IOne2ManyIndex out2b;
outRefs = new IndexWriter.IntArray1NWriter(indexToAddress.size(), Index.OUTBOUND.getFile(pfx
+ "temp.")); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Keep track of all objects which are referred to. Remaining objects
// are candidate roots
BitField refd = new BitField(indexToAddress.size());
// fix up type of class objects
for (Iterator<ClassImpl> i = idToClass.values(); i.hasNext();)
ClassImpl ci =;
int clsId = ci.getClassId();
int objId = ci.getObjectId();
objectToClass.set(objId, clsId);
// check outbound refs
workCountSoFar += 1;
// 10% of remaining bar for the classes processing
final int classFrac = 3;
final int workObjectsStep2 = Math.max(1, classFrac * allClasses.size() / (workCount - workCountSoFar));
final int work2 = (workCount - workCountSoFar) * workObjectsStep2 / (classFrac * allClasses.size() + 1);
// Classes processed in address order (via TreeSet) so PHD reading is
// cache friendly.
for (JavaClass j2 : allClasses)
if (++objProgress % workObjectsStep2 == 0)
workCountSoFar += work2;
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
long claddr = getClassAddress(j2, listener);
int objId = indexToAddress.reverse(claddr);
// Accumulate the outbound refs
ArrayLong ref = exploreClass(indexToAddress, fixedBootLoaderAddress, idToClass, j2, listener);
if (ref == null)
checkRefs(j2, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CheckRefsClass, ref, jlc.getObjectAddress(), bootLoaderAddress,
catch (CorruptDataException e)
String clsName = null;
ClassImpl ci = idToClass.get(objId);
if (ci != null)
clsName = ci.getName();
if (clsName == null)
clsName = j2.toString();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemCheckingOutboundReferencesForClass, clsName), e);
// fix up outbound refs for ordinary classes
addRefs(refd, objId, ref);
outRefs.log(indexToAddress, objId, ref);
if (getExtraInfo)
addDummyTypeRefs(nativeAddr, refd);
addDummyTypeRefs(nativeTypeAddr, refd);
if (getExtraInfo3)
addDummyTypeRefs(stackFrameAddr, refd);
// fix up outbound refs for methods
for (JavaMethod m2 : allMethods)
long claddr = getMethodAddress(m2, listener);
addDummyTypeRefs(claddr, refd);
addDummyTypeRefs(methodTypeAddr, refd);
addDummyTypeRefs(methodAddr, refd);
if (getExtraInfo)
// fix the types of all the frames
for (Map.Entry<Long, Long>e : allFrames.entrySet())
long addr = e.getKey();
int objId = indexToAddress.reverse(addr);
long frameTypeAddr = getExtraInfo3 ? stackFrameAddr : e.getValue();
int clsId = indexToAddress.reverse(frameTypeAddr);
objectToClass.set(objId, clsId);
workCountSoFar += 1;
indexToSize = new ObjectToSize(indexToAddress.size());
// Java 1.4.2 has bootLoader as null and the address of the Java stack
// frame at the lower memory address
boolean scanUp = bootLoaderAddress == 0;
boolean goodDTFJRoots = processDTFJRoots(pointerSize, scanUp, listener);
// Used to keep track of what extra stuff DTFJ gives
SetInt prevRoots = rootSet();
SetInt newRoots;
if (goodDTFJRoots)
// getReferences doesn't work as we would like
if (!goodDTFJRoots)
workCountSoFar = processConservativeRoots(pointerSize, fixedBootLoaderAddress, scanUp, workCountSoFar,
missedRoots = addMissedRoots(missedRoots);
newRoots = rootSet();
else if (verbose)
// Just for debugging. We are going to use DTFJ roots, but want to
// see what conservative GC would give.
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> gcRoot2 = gcRoot;
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>> threadRoots2 = threadRoots;
File threadsFile = new File(pfx + "threads"); //$NON-NLS-1$
File threadsFileSave = new File(pfx + ".save.threads"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (threadsFile.renameTo(threadsFileSave))
workCountSoFar = processConservativeRoots(pointerSize, fixedBootLoaderAddress, scanUp, workCountSoFar,
missedRoots = addMissedRoots(missedRoots);
newRoots = rootSet();
// Restore DTFJ Roots
gcRoot = gcRoot2;
threadRoots = threadRoots2;
// Restore the threads file
boolean del = threadsFile.delete();
if (!del && debugInfo) debugPrint("Unable to delete "+threadsFile); //$NON-NLS-1$
boolean ren = threadsFileSave.renameTo(threadsFile);
if (!ren && debugInfo) debugPrint("Unable to rename "+threadsFileSave+" to "+threadsFile); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
newRoots = prevRoots;
newRoots = prevRoots;
// Debug - find the roots which DTFJ missed
for (IteratorInt it = newRoots.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
int i =;
if (!prevRoots.contains(i))
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("DTFJ Roots missed object id " + i + " " + format(indexToAddress.get(i)) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
+ missedRoots.get(i));
// Debug - find the roots which only DTFJ found
for (IteratorInt it = prevRoots.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
int i =;
if (!newRoots.contains(i))
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("DTFJ Roots has extra object id " + i + " " + format(indexToAddress.get(i)) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
+ missedRoots.get(i));
// Mark everything - for debug
if (false)
for (int i = 0; i < indexToAddress.size(); ++i)
long addr = indexToAddress.get(i);
addRoot(gcRoot, addr, addr, GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN);
workCountSoFar += 1;
loaderClassCache = initLoaderClassesCache();
int objProgress2 = 0;
// Find all the objects
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getHeaps(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingHeaps, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaHeap jh = (JavaHeap) next;
for (Iterator<?> j = jh.getObjects(); j.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingObjects, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) next2;
if (++objProgress2 % workObjectsStep == 0)
// Progress monitoring
int workDone = workObjectsStep * (workCount - workCountSoFar)
/ (workObjectsStep + nobj - objProgress2);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("workCount=" + workCountSoFar + "/" + workCount + " objects=" + objProgress2 + "/" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
+ nobj + " " + workDone); //$NON-NLS-1$
workCountSoFar += workDone;
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
* If we discard heap objects they might end up on the missing objects
* list, so don't process them twice.
if (missingObjects.containsKey(jo.getID().getAddress()))
processHeapObject(jo, jo.getID().getAddress(), pointerSize, bootLoaderAddress, loaders, jlc, refd, listener);
// Objects not on the heap
for (Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<JavaObject>> it = missingObjects.entries(); it.hasNext(); )
HashMapLongObject.Entry<JavaObject> entry =;
long objAddr = entry.getKey();
JavaObject jo = entry.getValue();
processHeapObject(jo, objAddr, pointerSize, bootLoaderAddress, loaders, jlc, refd, listener);
// Boot Class Loader
if (bootLoaderObject == null)
// To accumulate the outbound refs
ArrayLong aa = new ArrayLong();
// Add a reference to the class
int objId = indexToAddress.reverse(fixedBootLoaderAddress);
addLoaderClasses(objId, aa);
checkRefs(bootLoaderObject, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CheckRefsBootLoader, aa, jlc.getObjectAddress(),
bootLoaderAddress, listener);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemCheckingBootLoaderReferences,
addRefs(refd, objId, aa);
outRefs.log(indexToAddress, objId, aa);
// If there are no instances of ClassLoader then the size is
// unknown, so set it to zero?
if (bootLoaderType.getHeapSizePerInstance() == -1)
objectToClass.set(objId, bootLoaderType.getObjectId());
if (debugInfo)
// For calculating purge sizes
objectToSize2.set(objId, bootLoaderType.getHeapSizePerInstance());
if (getExtraInfo)
// Generate outbound refs for Java Stack Frames from thread roots
// Could be slow process
int count = 0;
for (long addr : allFrames.keySet())
// To accumulate the outbound refs
ArrayLong aa = new ArrayLong();
int objId = indexToAddress.reverse(addr);
// Object to class mapping set earlier
int clsId = objectToClass.get(objId);
ClassImpl cls = idToClass.get(clsId);
long frameTypeAddr = cls.getObjectAddress();
// set instance size of each stack frame
long size = indexToSize.getSize(objId);
// if not in the variable sized objects table then use the fixed size
if (size == 0)
size = cls.getHeapSizePerInstance();
if (debugInfo)
// For calculating purge sizes
objectToSize2.set(objId, size);
// Look at each threads root
for (Iterator<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>> it = threadRoots.values(); it.hasNext();)
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> hm =;
// Look at each object marked by a thread
for (Iterator<List<XGCRootInfo>> i2 = hm.values(); i2.hasNext();)
// Look at the roots that mark that object
List<XGCRootInfo> l2 =;
for (Iterator<XGCRootInfo> i3 = l2.iterator(); i3.hasNext();)
XGCRootInfo xf =;
// Does the root come from this frame?
if (xf.getContextAddress() == addr)
addRefs(refd, objId, aa);
outRefs.log(indexToAddress, objId, aa);
arrayToSize = indexToSize.writeTo(Index.A2SIZE.getFile(pfx + "temp.")); //$NON-NLS-1$
indexToSize = null;
out2b = outRefs.flush();
// flush doesn't clear an internal array
outRefs = null;
// Missing finalizables from XML and GC roots
// All objects with a finalize method which are not reached from
// another object are guessed as being 'finalizable'.
if (guessFinalizables && !(goodDTFJRoots && foundFinalizableGCRoots))
int finalizables = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < indexToAddress.size(); ++i)
int clsId = objectToClass.get(i);
long clsAddr = indexToAddress.get(clsId);
if (finalizableClass.contains(clsAddr))
long addr = indexToAddress.get(i);
if (!refd.get(i))
if (!gcRoot.containsKey(i))
ClassImpl classInfo = idToClass.get(clsId);
String clsInfo;
// If objectToClass has not yet been filled in for objects
// then this could be null
if (classInfo != null)
clsInfo = classInfo.getName();
clsInfo = format(clsAddr);
// Make a root as this object is not referred to nor
// a normal root, but has a finalize method
// This ensures that all finalizable objects are
// retained (except isolated cycles),
addRoot(gcRoot, addr, addr, GCRootInfo.Type.FINALIZABLE);
if (msgNguessFinalizable-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ObjectIsFinalizable, clsInfo, format(addr)),
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("extra finalizable root " + i + " " + format(addr)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* The object is reachable another way, but we should indicate it needs to
* be finalized later.
* Unfinalized objects are just weakly held - strong references break paths to GC roots.
if (!skipWeakRoots)
addRoot(gcRoot, addr, addr, GCRootInfo.Type.UNFINALIZED);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_FinalizableObjectsMarkedAsRoots, finalizables), null);
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getThreads(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingThreads, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaThread th = (JavaThread) next;
checkThreadBlockingObject(th, listener);
// Remaining roots
if (gcRoot.isEmpty() || threadRoots.isEmpty() || threadRootObjects() == 0 || presumeRoots)
* Get the GarbageCleaner to mark anything unreachable as reachable
* by adding pseudo-roots. This will also mark isolated cycles.
index.getSnapshotInfo().setProperty("keep_unreachable_objects", GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN); //$NON-NLS-1$
int extras = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < indexToAddress.size(); ++i)
if (!refd.get(i))
long addr = indexToAddress.get(i);
if (!gcRoot.containsKey(i))
// Make a root as this object is not referred to nor a
// normal root
// This ensures that all objects are retained (except
// isolated cycles),
// just in case the approximate roots miss something
// important
addRoot(gcRoot, addr, addr, GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("extra root " + i + " " + format(addr)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (markAllLoaders)
for (JavaObject lo : loaders.keySet())
long addr = lo.getID().getAddress();
int i = indexToAddress.reverse(addr);
if (i >= 0)
if (!gcRoot.containsKey(i))
// Make a root as this class loader might not be
// marked.
// The loader will be in a cycle with its classes.
addRoot(gcRoot, addr, addr, GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("extra root " + i + " " + format(addr)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// If there are millions of roots then the lists can take a lot of room, so trim them.
for (Iterator<HashMapIntObject.Entry<List<XGCRootInfo>>> it = gcRoot.entries(); it.hasNext(); )
HashMapIntObject.Entry<List<XGCRootInfo>> e =;
List<XGCRootInfo> l = e.getValue();
switch (l.size())
// The list should always have something in it
case 1:
l = Collections.<XGCRootInfo>singletonList(l.get(0));
if (l instanceof ArrayList)
l = new ArrayList<XGCRootInfo>(l);
gcRoot.put(e.getKey(), l);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnreferenceObjectsMarkedAsRoots, extras), null);
if (goodDTFJRoots)
String msg = MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UsingDTFJRoots, gcRoot.size());
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, msg, null);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint(msg);
String msg = MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UsingConservativeGarbageCollectionRoots, gcRoot
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, msg, null);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint(msg);
if (objectToClass.size() >= indexCountForTempFile)
objectToClass1 = objectToClass.writeTo(Index.O2CLASS.getFile(pfx + "temp.")); //$NON-NLS-1$
objectToClass1 = objectToClass;
objectToClass = null;
if (discardIdToClass.size() > 0)
// Create Histogram of discarded objects
long discardedObjects = 0;
long discardedSize = 0;
List<UnreachableObjectsHistogram.Record> records = new ArrayList<UnreachableObjectsHistogram.Record>();
for(Iterator<ClassImpl>it = discardIdToClass.values(); it.hasNext(); ) {
ClassImpl clazz =;
records.add(new UnreachableObjectsHistogram.Record(
discardedObjects += clazz.getNumberOfObjects();
discardedSize += clazz.getTotalSize();
if (discardedObjects > 0)
UnreachableObjectsHistogram deadObjectHistogram = new UnreachableObjectsHistogram(records);
ifo.setProperty(UnreachableObjectsHistogram.class.getName(), deadObjectHistogram);
listener.sendUserMessage(IProgressListener.Severity.WARNING, MessageUtil.format(
discardedObjects, discardedSize, discardRatio, discardPattern), null);
discardIdToClass = null;
if (verbose)
// For identifying purged objects
idToClass2 = copy(idToClass);
objectToClass2 = copy(objectToClass1, IndexWriter.mostSignificantBit(maxClsId));
if (ifo.getIdentifierSize() == 8)
// Compressed refs property
ifo.setProperty("$useCompressedOops", compressedRefs); //$NON-NLS-1$
// If a message count goes below zero then a message has not been
// printed
int skippedMessages = 0;
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, 0);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNgetRefsMissing);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNgetRefsExtra);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNarrayRefsNPE);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNgetRefsUnavailable);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNgetRefsCorrupt);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNbigSegs);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNinvalidArray);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNinvalidObj);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNbrokenEquals);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNbrokenInterfaceSuper);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNmissingLoaderMsg);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNcorruptCount);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNrootsWarning);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNguessFinalizable);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNgetRefsAllMissing);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNgetSuperclass);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNnullThreadObject);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNbadThreadInfo);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNunexpectedModifiers);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNcorruptSection);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNclassForObject);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNcomponentClass);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNtypeForClassObject);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNobjectSize);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNoutboundReferences);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNnoSuperClassForArray);
skippedMessages += Math.max(0, -msgNproblemReadingJavaStackFrame);
if (skippedMessages > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_RepeatedMessagesSuppressed, skippedMessages), null);
long now2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_TookmsToParseFile,
(now2 - now1), dump), null);
// Free some memory
gcRoot = null;
threadRoots = null;
// leave the DTFJ image around as we need to reopen the image later
dummyClassAddress = null;
dummyMethodAddress = null;
dummyMethodAddress2 = null;
methodAddresses = null;
loaderClassCache = null;
* Add outbound references for method types and pseudo types
* @param methodTypeAddr
* @param refd record of inbound refs
* @throws IOException
private void addDummyTypeRefs(long methodTypeAddr, BitField refd) throws IOException
if (methodTypeAddr != 0)
// method pseudo-type
int objId = indexToAddress.reverse(methodTypeAddr);
ClassImpl ci = idToClass.get(objId);
if (ci != null)
ArrayLong ref = ci.getReferences();
addRefs(refd, objId, ref);
outRefs.log(indexToAddress, objId, ref);
* Get the address of a stack frame
* If the frame address isn't found then use the previous frame address + pointer size rounded up to 4 bytes
* @param jf
* @param prevFrameAddress
* @param pointerSize in bits
* @return
static long getFrameAddress(JavaStackFrame jf, long prevFrameAddress, int pointerSize)
long frameAddress;
frameAddress = getAlignedAddress(jf.getBasePointer(), pointerSize).getAddress();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
frameAddress = 0;
if (frameAddress == 0 && prevFrameAddress != 0)
frameAddress = prevFrameAddress + (pointerSize + 31) / 32 * 4;
return frameAddress;
* Create a file to store all of the thread stack information.
* Close the PrintWriter when done.
* @return a PrintWriter used to store information in the file
private PrintWriter createThreadInfoFile()
PrintWriter pw = null;
// Used to store thread stack information
pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(pfx + "threads"), "UTF-8")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
catch (IOException e)
return pw;
* Write out information about this thread and its thread stack so that MAT
* can retrieve the information later
* @param out where to write out the data
* @param th the thread in question
private void printThreadStack(PrintWriter out, JavaThread th)
out.print("Thread "); //$NON-NLS-1$
long threadAddress = getThreadAddress(th, null);
out.println(threadAddress != 0 ? "0x"+Long.toHexString(threadAddress) : "<unknown>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
for (Iterator<?> it = getStackFrames(th); it.hasNext(); out.println())
Object next =;
out.print(" at "); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (next instanceof CorruptData)
// Consider whether we should generate a stack frame line with just " at " when there is corrupt data.
JavaStackFrame jsf = (JavaStackFrame) next;
JavaLocation jl = jsf.getLocation();
JavaMethod jm = jl.getMethod();
JavaClass jc = jm.getDeclaringClass();
out.print(jc.getName().replace("/", ".")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
out.print("."); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
catch (DataUnavailable e)
catch (CorruptDataException e)
catch (CorruptDataException e)
out.print(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (Modifier.isNative(jm.getModifiers()))
out.print("(Native Method)"); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
catch (CorruptDataException e)
out.print("("); //$NON-NLS-1$
out.print(":" + jl.getLineNumber()); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
catch (DataUnavailable e)
int cl = 0;
cl = jl.getCompilationLevel();
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
if (cl > 0)
out.print("(Compiled Code)"); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (DataUnavailable e)
int cl = 0;
cl = jl.getCompilationLevel();
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
if (cl > 0)
out.print("Compiled Code"); //$NON-NLS-1$
out.print("Unknown Source"); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
int cl = 0;
cl = jl.getCompilationLevel();
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
if (cl > 0)
out.print("Compiled Code"); //$NON-NLS-1$
out.print("Unknown Source"); //$NON-NLS-1$
out.print(")"); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
out.println(" locals:"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Print out a single local variable for thread stack data
* @param pw where to store the information
* @param target the address of the object
* @param frameNum the Java stack frame, starting from 0 at top of stack
private void printLocal(PrintWriter pw, long target, int frameNum)
if (indexToAddress.reverse(target) >= 0)
pw.println(" objectId=0x" + Long.toHexString(target) + ", line=" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ frameNum);
private int processConservativeRoots(int pointerSize, long fixedBootLoaderAddress, boolean scanUp,
int workCountSoFar, IProgressListener listener)
gcRoot = new HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>();
* There isn't actually a need to mark the system classes as a thread
* marks java/lang/Thread, which marks the boot loader, which marks all
* the classes. Other parsers do mark them, so this simulates that
* behaviour.
if (useSystemClassRoots)
// Mark the boot class loader itself - is this required?
addRoot(gcRoot, fixedBootLoaderAddress, fixedBootLoaderAddress, GCRootInfo.Type.SYSTEM_CLASS);
for (Iterator<ClassImpl> i = idToClass.values(); i.hasNext();)
ClassImpl ci =;
// Should we mark all system classes?
if (ci.getClassLoaderAddress() == fixedBootLoaderAddress)
addRoot(gcRoot, ci.getObjectAddress(), ci.getClassLoaderAddress(), GCRootInfo.Type.SYSTEM_CLASS);
PrintWriter pw = createThreadInfoFile();
threadRoots = new HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>>();
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getThreads(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingThreads, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaThread th = (JavaThread) next;
workCountSoFar += 1;
if (listener.isCanceled())
if (pw != null)
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
long threadAddress = getThreadAddress(th, null);
// Thread object could be null if the thread is being attached
if (threadAddress != 0)
// CorruptDataException from
// deadlock/xa64/j9/
int threadState = th.getState();
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Considering thread
// "+format(threadAddress)+"
// "+Integer.toBinaryString(threadState)+"
// "+th.getName());
if ((threadState & JavaThread.STATE_ALIVE) == 0)
// Ignore threads which are not alive
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ThreadStateNotFound, format(threadAddress)), e);
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Considering thread
// "+format(threadAddress)+" as state unavailable");
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// IllegalArgumentException from
// Thread.getName()
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ThreadNameNotFound, format(threadAddress)), e);
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Considering thread
// "+format(threadAddress)+" as state unavailable");
// Make the thread a proper GC Root
addRoot(gcRoot, threadAddress, threadAddress, GCRootInfo.Type.THREAD_OBJ);
int threadID = indexToAddress.reverse(threadAddress);
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> thr = new HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>();
threadRoots.put(threadID, thr);
// Null thread object
Exception e1;
long jniEnvAddress;
String name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
name = th.getName();
jniEnvAddress = th.getJNIEnv().getAddress();
e1 = null;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
jniEnvAddress = 0;
e1 = e;
if (msgNnullThreadObject-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ThreadObjectNotFoundSoIgnoring, name,
format(jniEnvAddress)), e1);
scanJavaThread(th, threadAddress, pointerSize, threadRoots, listener, scanUp, pw);
ImageThread it = th.getImageThread();
scanImageThread(th, it, threadAddress, pointerSize, threadRoots, listener);
catch (DataUnavailable e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NativeThreadNotFound, format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (msgNbadThreadInfo-- > 0)
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingThreadInformation, e);
if (pw != null)
return workCountSoFar;
private void generateMonitorRoots(IProgressListener listener)
// Monitor GC roots
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getMonitors(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingMonitors, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaMonitor jm = (JavaMonitor) next;
JavaObject obj = jm.getObject();
if (obj != null)
// Make the monitored object a root
JavaThread jt = jm.getOwner();
if (jt != null)
// Unowned monitors do not keep objects alive
addRootForThread(obj, jt, listener);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindThreadOwningMonitor, format(jm.getID()
.getAddress()), format(obj.getID().getAddress())), e);
// Play safe and add as a global root
addRootForThread(obj, null, listener);
// Is there any need to mark enter waiters or notify waiters
// Surely the object is also a local variable, but perhaps local
// variable information is incorrect.
addRootForThreads(obj, jm.getEnterWaiters(), listener);
addRootForThreads(obj, jm.getNotifyWaiters(), listener);
private boolean processDTFJRoots(int pointerSize, boolean scanUp, IProgressListener listener)
boolean goodDTFJRoots = false;
if (haveDTFJRoots)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("DTFJ roots"); //$NON-NLS-1$
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> gcRoot2;
gcRoot2 = new HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>();
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>> threadRoots2;
threadRoots2 = new HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>>();
goodDTFJRoots = true;
// For debug
missedRoots = new HashMapIntObject<String>();
// See if the heap roots support is even in DTFJ
Iterator<?> it;
it = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getHeapRoots();
// Javacore reader returns null
if (it == null)
it = Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_WARNING, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DTFJgetHeapRootsReturnsNull,
catch (LinkageError e)
goodDTFJRoots = false;
it = Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_WARNING, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DTFJDoesNotSupportHeapRoots, e);
// True heap roots using DTFJ
if (goodDTFJRoots)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Processing global roots"); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (; it.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingRoots, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaReference r = (JavaReference) next;
processRoot(r, null, gcRoot2, threadRoots2, pointerSize, listener);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Processing thread roots"); //$NON-NLS-1$
PrintWriter pw = null;
if (gcRoot2.size() > 0)
pw = createThreadInfoFile();
for (Iterator<?> thit = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getThreads(); thit.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingThreads, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaThread th = (JavaThread) next;
if (pw != null)
// For thread stack information
printThreadStack(pw, th);
// The base pointer appears to be the last address of the frame, not the
// first
long prevAddr = 0;
long prevFrameAddress = 0;
int frameNum = 0;
// We need to look ahead to get the frame size
Object nextFrame = null;
for (Iterator<?> ii = getStackFrames(th); nextFrame != null || ii.hasNext(); ++frameNum)
// Use the lookahead frame if available
Object next2;
if (nextFrame != null)
next2 = nextFrame;
nextFrame = null;
next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingJavaStackFrames,
JavaStackFrame jf = (JavaStackFrame) next2;
// - getHeapRoots returns null
if (jf.getHeapRoots() == null)
if (msgNrootsWarning-- > 0)
for (Iterator<?> i3 = jf.getHeapRoots(); i3.hasNext();)
Object next3 =;
if (isCorruptData(next3, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingRoots, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaReference r = (JavaReference) next3;
processRoot(r, th, gcRoot2, threadRoots2, pointerSize, listener);
if (pw != null)
// Details of the locals
Object o = r.getTarget();
if (o instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) o;
long target = jo.getID().getAddress();
printLocal(pw, target, frameNum);
else if (o instanceof JavaClass)
JavaClass jc = (JavaClass) o;
long target = getClassAddress(jc, listener);
printLocal(pw, target, frameNum);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
catch (DataUnavailable e)
if (getExtraInfo)
long frameAddress = getFrameAddress(jf, prevFrameAddress, pointerSize);
long searchSize = JAVA_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;
if (scanUp)
// Check the next frame to limit the current frame size
if (ii.hasNext())
nextFrame =;
if (!isCorruptData(nextFrame, listener,
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingJavaStackFrames, th))
JavaStackFrame jf2 = (JavaStackFrame) nextFrame;
ImagePointer ip2 = getAlignedAddress(jf2.getBasePointer(), pointerSize);
long address2 = ip2.getAddress();
long s2 = address2 - frameAddress;
if (s2 > 0 && s2 < searchSize)
searchSize = s2;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Ignore for the moment - we'll find it again
// next time.
// Check the previous frame to limit the current frame size
if (prevAddr == 0)
prevAddr = getJavaStackBase(th, frameAddress);
long s2 = frameAddress - prevAddr;
prevAddr = frameAddress;
if (s2 > 0 && s2 < searchSize)
searchSize = s2;
// Go backwards from ip so that we search the known good
// addresses first
searchSize = -searchSize;
prevFrameAddress = frameAddress;
int frameId = indexToAddress.reverse(frameAddress);
if (frameAddress != 0 && frameId >= 0)
// Set the frame size
long size = Math.abs(searchSize);
setFrameSize(frameId, size);
// Mark the frame
// Thread object could be null if the thread
// is being attached
long threadAddress = getThreadAddress(th, null);
if (threadAddress != 0)
int thrId = indexToAddress.reverse(threadAddress);
// Add it to the thread roots
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> thr = threadRoots2.get(thrId);
if (thr == null)
// Build new list for the thread
thr = new HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>();
threadRoots2.put(thrId, thr);
addRoot(thr, frameAddress, threadAddress, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_STACK_FRAME);
// Add it to the global GC roots
if (!useThreadRefsNotRoots)
addRoot(gcRoot2, frameAddress, threadAddress, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_STACK_FRAME);
// No thread information so make a
// global root
addRoot(gcRoot2, frameAddress, frameAddress, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_STACK_FRAME);
if (pw != null)
if (pw != null)
// We need some roots, so disable DTFJ roots if none are found
if (gcRoot2.isEmpty())
goodDTFJRoots = false;
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NoDTFJRootsFound, null);
if (!useDTFJRoots)
goodDTFJRoots = false;
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DTFJRootsDisabled, null);
// The refd array is not affected by the GCroots
// Still assign the gc roots even if the goodDTFJRoots is false
// in case we want to see how good they were.
gcRoot = gcRoot2;
threadRoots = threadRoots2;
return goodDTFJRoots;
* Safely get stack frames.
* Sometimes reading OpenJ9 with IBM DTFJ or vice versa gives problems.
private Iterator<?> getStackFrames(JavaThread th)
Iterator<?> ii;
ii = th.getStackFrames();
catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e)
ii = Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
catch (NoClassDefFoundError e)
ii = Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
return ii;
* Set the size of the stack frame type.
* We can only have one size as the frame type instance size,
* so choose the first sensible size.
* We store other sizes using the indexToSize index.
* @param frameId
* @param size in bytes
private long setFrameSize(int frameId, long size)
// If we are just interest in frames for local variables
// then having sizes on the stack, not heap, confuses the overall picture
if (getExtraInfo3)
return size;
int clsId = objectToClass.get(frameId);
ClassImpl cls = idToClass.get(clsId);
if (cls != null && cls.getName().contains(METHOD_NAME_SIG))
long prevSize = cls.getHeapSizePerInstance();
if (prevSize <= 0 || prevSize == JAVA_STACK_FRAME_SIZE)
// The previous size wasn't valid, so set it now
else if (size == JAVA_STACK_FRAME_SIZE)
// The current size isn't sensible, so use the previous
size = prevSize;
// The size isn't the same as the previous one, so remember this one
if (size != prevSize)
indexToSize.set(frameId, size);
return size;
private HashMapIntObject<String> addMissedRoots(HashMapIntObject<String> roots)
// Create information about roots we are not using
if (roots == null)
roots = new HashMapIntObject<String>();
for (IteratorInt ii = gcRoot.keys(); ii.hasNext();)
int i =;
List<XGCRootInfo> lr = gcRoot.get(i);
String info = XGCRootInfo.getTypeSetAsString(lr.toArray(new XGCRootInfo[lr.size()]));
String prev = roots.get(i);
roots.put(i, prev != null ? prev + "," + info : info); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int key : threadRoots.getAllKeys())
int oldRoots1[] = threadRoots.get(key).getAllKeys();
for (int i : oldRoots1)
List<XGCRootInfo> lr = threadRoots.get(key).get(i);
String info = XGCRootInfo.getTypeSetAsString(lr.toArray(new XGCRootInfo[lr.size()]));
String prev = roots.get(i);
roots.put(i, prev != null ? prev + "," + info : info); //$NON-NLS-1$
return roots;
private SetInt rootSet()
SetInt prevRoots = new SetInt();
if (gcRoot != null)
int oldRoots[] = gcRoot.getAllKeys();
for (int i : oldRoots)
for (int key : threadRoots.getAllKeys())
oldRoots = threadRoots.get(key).getAllKeys();
for (int i : oldRoots)
return prevRoots;
* Count the number of real objects which are thread roots from the stack.
* If this is zero then we probably are missing GC roots.
* @return Number of objects (not classes) marked as roots by threads.
private int threadRootObjects()
int objRoots = 0;
// Look at each threads root
for (Iterator<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>> it = threadRoots.values(); it.hasNext();)
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> hm =;
// Look at each object marked by a thread
for (IteratorInt i2 = hm.keys(); i2.hasNext();)
int objId =;
// If it is not a class then possibly count it
if (!idToClass.containsKey(objId))
for (Iterator<XGCRootInfo> i3 = hm.get(objId).iterator(); i3.hasNext(); )
int type =;
// If it is a true local from a stack frame
if (type == GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_LOCAL
|| type == GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_STACK
|| type == GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_LOCAL)
return objRoots;
* Randomly choose whether to discard
* @return
private boolean discard()
if (discardRatio <= 0.0)
return false;
double d = rand.nextDouble();
double top = discardRatio + discardOffset;
* Wrap around the range.
* [dddddddd..] 0.8,0.0
* [..dddddddd] 0.8,0.2
* [dd..dddddd] 0.8,0.4
return (d < top && d >= discardOffset) || d < top - 1.0;
private boolean skipObject(JavaObject jo, long objAddress, Set<JavaClass> allClasses, IProgressListener listener)
if (discard())
JavaClass cls = jo.getJavaClass();
String name = getMATClassName(cls, listener);
return discardPattern.matcher(name).matches();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
return false;
* Record the object address in the list of identifiers and the associated
* classes in the class list
* @param jo
* @param objAddress
* @param allClasses
* @param listener
private void rememberObject(JavaObject jo, long objAddress, Set<JavaClass> allClasses, IProgressListener listener)
// Always add object; the type can be guessed later and the object might
// be something important like a thread or class loader
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("adding object at "+format(objAddress));
JavaClass cls = jo.getJavaClass();
rememberClass(cls, allClasses, listener);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (msgNclassForObject-- > 0) listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemFindingClassesForObject, format(objAddress)), e);
* Record the class and all its superclasses
* @param cls
* @param allClasses
* @param listener
private void rememberClass(JavaClass cls, Set<JavaClass> allClasses, IProgressListener listener)
while (allClasses.add(cls))
if (debugInfo)
debugPrint("Adding extra class " + getClassName(cls, listener)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Check if component classes are not in class loader list.
// Some array classes are this way and the primitive types.
while (cls.isArray())
cls = cls.getComponentType();
if (allClasses.add(cls))
if (debugInfo)
debugPrint("Adding extra array component class " + getClassName(cls, listener)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// We have already added this type
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (msgNcomponentClass-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
format(getClassAddress(cls, listener))), e);
* Deal with a Java object. Build outbound references Set. Build class of
* object Map. Build array size.
* @param jo
* @param objAddr object address (in case there is no JavaObject)
* @param pointerSize
* @param bootLoaderAddress
* @param loaders
* @param jlc
* @param refd
* @param listener
* @throws IOException
private void processHeapObject(JavaObject jo, long objAddr, int pointerSize,
long bootLoaderAddress, HashMap<JavaObject, JavaClassLoader> loaders, ClassImpl jlc,
BitField refd, IProgressListener listener)
throws IOException
objAddr = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, objAddr);
int objId = indexToAddress.reverse(objAddr);
if (objId < 0)
if (msgNskipHeapObject-- > 0) listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_SkippingObject,
format(objAddr)), null);
// Continue so as to account for skipped object
if (objId >= 0 && idToClass.get(objId) != null)
// Class objects are dealt with elsewhere
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Skipping class "+idToClass.get(objId).getName());
int clsId = -1;
JavaClass type = null;
long clsAddr = 0;
if (jo != null)
type = jo.getJavaClass();
clsAddr = getClassAddress(type, listener);
clsId = indexToAddress.reverse(clsAddr);
if (clsId >= 0)
if (verbose)
debugPrint("found object " + objId + " " + getClassName(type, listener) + " at " + format(objAddr) + " clsId " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
+ clsId);
if (type != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingClassIDType, format(objAddr), getClassName(type, listener),
format(clsAddr)), null);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingClassID, format(objAddr)), null);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingClassID, format(objAddr)), e);
if (clsId < 0)
// Make sure the object has a class e.g. java.lang.Object, even if
// it is wrong!
clsId = jlc.getSuperClassId();
clsAddr = jlc.getSuperClassAddress();
if (clsAddr == 0)
// Even more corrupt - no Object!
ClassImpl cls = findClassFromName("java.lang.Object", listener); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (cls == null)
cls = jlc;
clsId = cls.getObjectId();
clsAddr = cls.getObjectAddress();
if (loaders.get(jo) != null)
// It is a loader, so try to make it the type of a class loader
ClassImpl cls = findJavaLangClassloader(listener);
if (cls != null)
clsId = cls.getObjectId();
clsAddr = cls.getObjectAddress();
// Leave type as null so we skip processing object fields/array
// elements
if (objId >= 0)
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("set objectID "+objId+" at address "+format(objAddr)+"
// classID "+clsId+" "+format(clsAddr));
objectToClass.set(objId, clsId);
// Add object count/size to the class
ClassImpl cls = idToClass.get(clsId);
if (objId < 0)
// Handle an object we are skipping
if (cls == null)
// Account for the object we will skip
ClassImpl cls2 = discardIdToClass.get(clsId);
if (cls2 == null)
cls2 = new ClassImpl(cls.getObjectAddress(), cls.getName(), cls.getSuperClassAddress(),
cls.getClassLoaderAddress(), new Field[0], new FieldDescriptor[0]);
discardIdToClass.put(clsId, cls2);
long size;
if (jo != null)
size = getObjectSize(jo, pointerSize);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Use the existing size as no size is available
size = cls.getHeapSizePerInstance();
if (size < 0) size = 0;
// Use the existing size as no size is available
size = cls.getHeapSizePerInstance();
if (size < 0) size = 0;
if (cls != null)
if (cls == jlc)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found class as object at " + format(objAddr)); //$NON-NLS-1$
long size;
if (jo != null)
size = getObjectSize(jo, pointerSize);
// Use the existing size as no size is available
size = cls.getHeapSizePerInstance();
if (size < 0) size = 0;
if (cls.isArrayType())
int arrayLen = jo.getArraySize();
// Bytes, not elements
indexToSize.set(objId, size);
if (debugInfo)
// For calculating purge sizes
objectToSize2.set(objId, size);
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("array size "+size+" arrayLen "+arrayLen);
int headerPointer = getPointerBytes(pointerSize);
if (headerPointer == 8)
long bigSize = calculateArraySize(cls, arrayLen, headerPointer);
if (bigSize > size)
// Probably compressed pointers where on a 64-bit
// system references are stored as a 32-bit
// quantity.
boolean showSize = false;
if (showSize && debugInfo) debugPrint("Array size with "+headerPointer+" pointers calculated "+bigSize+" actual "+size+" arrayLen "+arrayLen); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
headerPointer = 4;
compressedRefs = true;
if (showSize)
bigSize = calculateArraySize(cls, arrayLen, headerPointer);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Array size with "+headerPointer+" pointers calculated "+bigSize+" actual "+size+" arrayLen "+arrayLen); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
// Allow for objects of the same type with different sizes
long oldSize = cls.getHeapSizePerInstance();
if (oldSize < 0)
// First time, so set the size
// Check what we stored
oldSize = cls.getHeapSizePerInstance();
if (oldSize != size)
// Different size to before, so use the array size table
indexToSize.set(objId, size);
if (debugInfo)
// For calculating purge sizes
objectToSize2.set(objId, size);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingObjectClass, format(objAddr)), null);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (msgNobjectSize-- > 0) listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingObjectSize, format(objAddr)), e);
// Try to cope with bad sizes - at least register an instance of
// this class
// Use a non-zero size for arrays so that ISnapshot.isArray() works
long size = cls.isArrayType() ? 8 : 0;
if (cls.getHeapSizePerInstance() == -1)
// Bytes, not elements
indexToSize.set(objId, size);
if (debugInfo)
// For calculating purge sizes
objectToSize2.set(objId, size);
// To accumulate the outbound refs
ArrayLong aa = new ArrayLong();
// Add a reference to the class
// Is the object a class loader?
if (loaders.containsKey(jo))
addLoaderClasses(objId, aa);
if (type != null)
// Array size
if (jo.isArray())
// get the size
int arrayLen = jo.getArraySize();
exploreArray(indexToAddress, bootLoaderAddress, idToClass, jo, type, aa, arrayLen, listener);
exploreObject(indexToAddress, bootLoaderAddress, idToClass, jo, type, aa, false, listener);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (msgNoutboundReferences-- > 0) listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingOutboundReferences, format(objAddr)), e);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Null type"); //$NON-NLS-1$
checkRefs(jo, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CheckRefsObject, aa, jlc.getObjectAddress(), bootLoaderAddress, listener);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemCheckingOutboundReferences, format(objAddr)), e);
// The GC roots associated with a thread are outbound references for the
// thread, not global roots
addThreadRefs(objId, aa);
addRefs(refd, objId, aa);
outRefs.log(indexToAddress, objId, aa);
* Estimate the size of an array using the same calculation as
* and
* @param cls
* @param arrayLen
* in elements
* @param pointerBytes
* in bytes
* @return size in bytes
private long calculateArraySize(ClassImpl cls, int arrayLen, int pointerBytes)
int elem;
if (cls.getName().equals("byte[]")) //$NON-NLS-1$
elem = 1;
else if (cls.getName().equals("short[]")) //$NON-NLS-1$
elem = 2;
else if (cls.getName().equals("int[]")) //$NON-NLS-1$
elem = 4;
else if (cls.getName().equals("long[]")) //$NON-NLS-1$
elem = 8;
else if (cls.getName().equals("boolean[]")) //$NON-NLS-1$
elem = 1;
else if (cls.getName().equals("char[]")) //$NON-NLS-1$
elem = 2;
else if (cls.getName().equals("float[]")) //$NON-NLS-1$
elem = 4;
else if (cls.getName().equals("double[]")) //$NON-NLS-1$
elem = 8;
elem = pointerBytes;
long bigSize = 2L * pointerBytes + 4 + (long) elem * arrayLen;
return bigSize;
private ClassImpl findJavaLangClassloader(IProgressListener listener)
return findClassFromName(ClassImpl.JAVA_LANG_CLASSLOADER, listener);
private ClassImpl findClassFromName(String name, IProgressListener listener)
for (Iterator<ClassImpl> i = idToClass.values(); i.hasNext();)
ClassImpl cls =;
if (cls != null)
if (cls.getName().equals(name)) { return cls; }
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NullClassImpl, i), null);
return null;
private long findMissingObjectsFromJavaThread(JavaThread th, HashMapLongObject<JavaObject>missingObjects ,IProgressListener listener)
JavaObject threadObject;
threadObject = th.getObject();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
threadObject = null;
// Thread object could be null if the thread is being attached
long threadAddress = getThreadAddress(th, listener);
if (threadAddress != 0)
if (indexToAddress0.reverse(threadAddress) < 0)
missingObjects.put(threadAddress, threadObject);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ThreadObjectNotFound, format(threadAddress)), null);
JavaObject blockingObject = th.getBlockingObject();
if (blockingObject != null)
long objAddress = blockingObject.getID().getAddress();
if (objAddress != 0)
if (indexToAddress0.reverse(objAddress) < 0)
missingObjects.put(objAddress, blockingObject);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ThreadBlockingObjectNotFound, format(objAddress), format(threadAddress)), null);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
catch (DataUnavailable e)
return threadAddress;
private void scanJavaThread(JavaThread th, long threadAddress, int pointerSize,
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>> thr, IProgressListener listener,
boolean scanUp, PrintWriter pw) throws CorruptDataException
if (pw != null)
printThreadStack(pw, th);
int frameId = 0;
Set<ImagePointer> searched = new HashSet<ImagePointer>();
// Find the first address
long veryFirstAddr = 0;
// The base pointer appears to be the last address of the frame, not the
// first
long prevAddr = 0;
long prevFrameAddress = 0;
// We need to look ahead to get the frame size
Object nextFrame = null;
for (Iterator<?> ii = th.getStackFrames(); nextFrame != null || ii.hasNext(); ++frameId)
// Use the lookahead frame if available
Object next2;
if (nextFrame != null)
next2 = nextFrame;
nextFrame = null;
next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingJavaStackFrames, th))
JavaStackFrame jf = (JavaStackFrame) next2;
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
Set<ImagePointer> searchedInFrame = new LinkedHashSet<ImagePointer>();
long address = 0;
long searchSize = JAVA_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;
ImagePointer ip = getAlignedAddress(jf.getBasePointer(), pointerSize);
address = ip.getAddress();
if (scanUp)
// Check the next frame to limit the current frame size
if (ii.hasNext())
nextFrame =;
if (!isCorruptData(nextFrame, listener,
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingJavaStackFrames, th))
JavaStackFrame jf2 = (JavaStackFrame) nextFrame;
ImagePointer ip2 = getAlignedAddress(jf2.getBasePointer(), pointerSize);
long address2 = ip2.getAddress();
long s2 = address2 - address;
if (s2 > 0 && s2 < searchSize)
searchSize = s2;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Ignore for the moment - we'll find it again
// next time.
// Check the previous frame to limit the current frame size
if (prevAddr == 0)
prevAddr = getJavaStackBase(th, address);
long s2 = address - prevAddr;
prevAddr = address;
if (s2 > 0 && s2 < searchSize)
searchSize = s2;
// Go backwards from ip so that we search the known good
// addresses first
searchSize = -searchSize;
if (veryFirstAddr == 0)
veryFirstAddr = Math.min(address, address + searchSize);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Frame " + jf.getLocation().getMethod().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
searchFrame(pointerSize, threadAddress, thr, ip, searchSize, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_LOCAL, gcRoot,
searchedInFrame, null);
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
// We don't know the size of the frame, so could go beyond the
// end and get an error
JavaLocation jl = null;
jl = jf.getLocation();
JavaMethod jm = jl.getMethod();
String className = jm.getDeclaringClass().getName();
String methodName = jm.getName();
String modifiers = getModifiers(jm, listener);
String sig = jm.getSignature();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_PossibleProblemReadingJavaStackFramesMethod, frameId,
format(address), searchSize, modifiers, className, methodName, sig,
format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (DataUnavailable e2)
// Location will have been set up
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_PossibleProblemReadingJavaStackFramesLocation, frameId,
format(address), searchSize, jl, format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
if (jl != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_PossibleProblemReadingJavaStackFramesLocation, frameId,
format(address), searchSize, jl, format(threadAddress)), e);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_PossibleProblemReadingJavaStackFrames, frameId,
format(address), searchSize, format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
JavaLocation jl = null;
jl = jf.getLocation();
JavaMethod jm = jl.getMethod();
String className = jm.getDeclaringClass().getName();
String methodName = jm.getName();
String modifiers = getModifiers(jm, listener);
String sig;
sig = jm.getSignature();
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
sig = "()"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (msgNproblemReadingJavaStackFrame-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaStackFramesMethod, frameId,
format(address), searchSize, modifiers, className, methodName, sig,
format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (DataUnavailable e2)
// Location will have been set up
if (msgNproblemReadingJavaStackFrame-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaStackFramesLocation, frameId,
format(address), searchSize, jl, format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
if (jl != null)
if (msgNproblemReadingJavaStackFrame-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaStackFramesLocation, frameId,
format(address), searchSize, jl, format(threadAddress)), e);
if (msgNproblemReadingJavaStackFrame-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaStackFrames, frameId, format(address),
searchSize, format(threadAddress)), e);
// Add all the searched locations in this frame to the master list
if (pw != null)
// Indicate the local variables associated with this frame
for (ImagePointer addr : searchedInFrame)
// Construct new pointer based on frame address
long target = getPointerAddressAt(addr, 0, pointerSize);
printLocal(pw, target, frameId);
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (getExtraInfo)
prevFrameAddress = getFrameAddress(jf, prevFrameAddress, pointerSize);
if (!getExtraInfo || address == 0)
// Mark the classes of methods as referenced by the thread
long clsAddress;
if (getExtraInfo && prevFrameAddress != 0)
clsAddress = prevFrameAddress;
JavaMethod jm = jf.getLocation().getMethod();
JavaClass cls = jm.getDeclaringClass();
clsAddress = getClassAddress(cls, listener);
int clsId = indexToAddress.reverse(clsAddress);
if (clsId >= 0)
// Mark the class
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> thr1 = thr.get(indexToAddress.reverse(threadAddress));
if (thr1 != null)
// Add it to the thread roots
addRoot(thr1, clsAddress, threadAddress, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_LOCAL);
// Add it to the global GC roots
if (!useThreadRefsNotRoots)
addRoot(gcRoot, clsAddress, threadAddress, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_LOCAL);
// No thread information so make a global root
addRoot(gcRoot, clsAddress, threadAddress, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_LOCAL);
catch (DataUnavailable e2)
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
if (pw != null)
for (Iterator<?> ii = th.getStackSections(); ii.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingJavaStackSections, th))
ImageSection is = (ImageSection) next2;
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
ImagePointer ip = is.getBaseAddress();
long size = is.getSize();
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Java stack section"); //$NON-NLS-1$
searchFrame(pointerSize, threadAddress, thr, ip, size, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_LOCAL, gcRoot, null,
// Giant frame, so just search the top and the bottom rather
// than 500MB!
long size2 = size;
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_HugeJavaStackSection, format(ip.getAddress()), size2,
format(threadAddress), size), null);
searchFrame(pointerSize, threadAddress, thr, ip, size, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_LOCAL, gcRoot, null,
ip = ip.add(size2 - size);
searchFrame(pointerSize, threadAddress, thr, ip, size, GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_LOCAL, gcRoot, null,
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaStackSection, format(ip.getAddress()),
size, format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaStackSection, format(ip.getAddress()),
size, format(threadAddress)), e);
private void checkThreadBlockingObject(JavaThread th, IProgressListener listener)
// If the thread has a blocking object, add that GC root as well
JavaObject blockingObject = th.getBlockingObject();
if (blockingObject != null)
addRootForThread(blockingObject, th, listener);
catch (DTFJException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaThreadInformationFor, th), e);
* Find the lowest address of the stack section which contains the given
* address
* @param th
* The thread.
* @param addr
* The address in question.
* @return The lowest address in the section containing the address.
private long getJavaStackBase(JavaThread th, long addr)
for (Iterator<?> ii = th.getStackSections(); ii.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (next2 instanceof CorruptData)
ImageSection is = (ImageSection) next2;
long base = is.getBaseAddress().getAddress();
if (base <= addr && addr < base + is.getSize()) { return base; }
return 0;
private void scanImageThread(JavaThread th, ImageThread it, long threadAddress, int pointerSize,
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>> thr, IProgressListener listener)
throws CorruptDataException
int frameId = 0;
// We need to look ahead to get the frame size
Object nextFrame = null;
for (Iterator<?> ii = it.getStackFrames(); nextFrame != null || ii.hasNext(); ++frameId)
// Use the lookahead frame if available
Object next2;
if (nextFrame != null)
next2 = nextFrame;
nextFrame = null;
next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingNativeStackFrames, th))
ImageStackFrame jf = (ImageStackFrame) next2;
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
ImagePointer ip = jf.getBasePointer();
long searchSize = NATIVE_STACK_FRAME_SIZE;
// Check the next frame to limit the current frame size
if (ii.hasNext())
nextFrame =;
if (!isCorruptData(nextFrame, listener,
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingNativeStackFrames, th))
ImageStackFrame jf2 = (ImageStackFrame) nextFrame;
ImagePointer ip2 = jf2.getBasePointer();
long s2 = ip2.getAddress() - ip.getAddress();
if (s2 > 0 && s2 < searchSize)
searchSize = s2;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Ignore for the moment - we'll find it again next
// time
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("native stack frame"); //$NON-NLS-1$
searchFrame(pointerSize, threadAddress, thr, ip, searchSize, GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_STACK, gcRoot,
null, null);
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
// We don't know the size of the frame, so could go beyond
// the end and get an error
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_PossibleProblemReadingNativeStackFrame, frameId,
format(ip.getAddress()), searchSize, format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingNativeStackFrame, frameId, format(ip
.getAddress()), searchSize, format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (DataUnavailable e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NativeStackFrameNotFound, format(threadAddress)), e);
for (Iterator<?> ii = it.getStackSections(); ii.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener,
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingNativeStackSection, th))
ImageSection is = (ImageSection) next2;
ImagePointer ip = is.getBaseAddress();
long size = is.getSize();
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("native stack section"); //$NON-NLS-1$
searchFrame(pointerSize, threadAddress, thr, ip, size, GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_STACK, gcRoot, null,
// Giant frame, so just search the top and the bottom rather
// than 500MB!
long size2 = size;
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_HugeNativeStackSection, format(ip.getAddress()), size2,
format(threadAddress), size), null);
searchFrame(pointerSize, threadAddress, thr, ip, size, GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_STACK, gcRoot, null,
ip = ip.add(size2 - size);
searchFrame(pointerSize, threadAddress, thr, ip, size, GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_STACK, gcRoot, null,
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingNativeStackSection, format(ip.getAddress()),
size, format(threadAddress)), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingNativeStackSection, format(ip.getAddress()),
size, format(threadAddress)), e);
* The runtime version of MAT might not know this root type
* @param rootType
* @return rootType or UNKNOWN
private int newRootType(int rootType)
return GCRootInfo.getTypeAsString(rootType) != null ? rootType : GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN;
* Add a root to the list of roots
* @param r
* The reference to the object
* @param thread
* Thread thread that referred to this object, or null
* @param gcRoot2
* Where to store the global roots
* @param threadRoots2
* Where to store the thread roots
* @param pointerSize
* size of pointers in bits
* @param listener
private void processRoot(JavaReference r, JavaThread thread, HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> gcRoot2,
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>> threadRoots2, int pointerSize,
IProgressListener listener)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Process root " + r); //$NON-NLS-1$
int type = 0;
boolean threadRoot = false;
int rootType = JavaReference.HEAP_ROOT_UNKNOWN;
rootType = r.getRootType();
switch (rootType)
case JavaReference.HEAP_ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL:
type = GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_STATIC;
case JavaReference.HEAP_ROOT_JNI_LOCAL:
type = GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_STACK;
type = GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_LOCAL;
threadRoot = true;
case JavaReference.HEAP_ROOT_MONITOR:
type = GCRootInfo.Type.BUSY_MONITOR;
threadRoot = true;
case JavaReference.HEAP_ROOT_STACK_LOCAL:
type = GCRootInfo.Type.JAVA_LOCAL;
threadRoot = true;
case JavaReference.HEAP_ROOT_SYSTEM_CLASS:
type = GCRootInfo.Type.SYSTEM_CLASS;
if (!useSystemClassRoots)
return; // Ignore system classes
// for moment as should
// be found via
// bootclassloader
case JavaReference.HEAP_ROOT_THREAD:
type = GCRootInfo.Type.THREAD_OBJ;
case JavaReference.HEAP_ROOT_OTHER:
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Root type HEAP_ROOT_OTHER"); //$NON-NLS-1$
type = GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN;
case JavaReference.HEAP_ROOT_UNKNOWN:
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Root type HEAP_ROOT_UNKNOWN"); //$NON-NLS-1$
type = GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN;
// The object is in the finalizer queue
type = GCRootInfo.Type.FINALIZABLE;
// No need to guess
foundFinalizableGCRoots = true;
// The object will in the end need to be finalized, but is
// currently in use
type = GCRootInfo.Type.UNFINALIZED;
// No need to guess
foundFinalizableGCRoots = true;
type = GCRootInfo.Type.SYSTEM_CLASS;
if (!useSystemClassRoots)
// Ignore class loaders as will be found via instances
// of a class.
// E.g. Thread -> class java.lang.Thread -> bootstrap
// loader
type = GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Unknown root type " + rootType); //$NON-NLS-1$
type = GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
type = GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN;
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindTypeOfRoot, e);
int reach = JavaReference.REACHABILITY_UNKNOWN;
reach = r.getReachability();
switch (reach)
case JavaReference.REACHABILITY_WEAK:
if (type == GCRootInfo.Type.UNFINALIZED)
threadRoot = true;
else if (skipWeakRoots)
case JavaReference.REACHABILITY_SOFT:
if (skipWeakRoots)
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindReachabilityOfRoot, e);
int refType = JavaReference.REFERENCE_UNKNOWN;
refType = r.getReferenceType();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindReferenceTypeOfRoot, e);
long target = 0;
Object o = r.getTarget();
if (o instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) o;
target = jo.getID().getAddress();
else if (o instanceof JavaClass)
JavaClass jc = (JavaClass) o;
target = getClassAddress(jc, listener);
// Unknown root target, so ignore
if (o != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindTargetOfRoot, o, o.getClass()), null);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Unexpected root type " + o.getClass()); //$NON-NLS-1$
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NullTargetOfRoot, null);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Unexpected null root target"); //$NON-NLS-1$
long source = target;
Object so = r.getSource();
if (so instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) so;
source = jo.getID().getAddress();
else if (so instanceof JavaClass)
JavaClass jc = (JavaClass) so;
source = getClassAddress(jc, listener);
else if (so instanceof JavaStackFrame)
JavaStackFrame js = (JavaStackFrame) so;
if (getExtraInfo)
source = getAlignedAddress(js.getBasePointer(), pointerSize).getAddress();
// Thread is supplied, and stack frame is not an object
if (thread != null && (!getExtraInfo || source == 0 || indexToAddress.reverse(source) < 0))
source = getThreadAddress(thread, listener);
else if (so instanceof JavaThread)
// Not expected, but sov DTFJ returns this
JavaThread jt = (JavaThread)so;
source = getThreadAddress(jt ,listener);
// Thread is supplied, and jt is not found as an object
if (thread != null && (source == 0 || indexToAddress.reverse(source) < 0))
source = getThreadAddress(thread, listener);
// Sov DTFJ has curious types
String desc = r.getDescription();
if (desc.startsWith("stack") || desc.startsWith("Register")) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// These roots are not thread
type = GCRootInfo.Type.NATIVE_STACK;
threadRoot = true;
else if (so instanceof JavaRuntime)
JavaRuntime jr = (JavaRuntime)so;
if (type == GCRootInfo.Type.UNFINALIZED)
// Attach finalizers to the runtime
ClassImpl cls = findClassFromName("java.lang.Runtime", listener); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (cls != null)
for (Field f : cls.getStaticFields())
if (f.getType() == Type.OBJECT)
Object n = f.getValue();
if (f.getValue() instanceof ObjectReference)
// Instance which is of this type
ObjectReference io = (ObjectReference)n;
// Haven't got an address to id to class mapping yet to check the type
if (f.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("runtime")) //$NON-NLS-1$
source = io.getObjectAddress();
// Not expected, but J9 DTFJ returns this e.g. for unfinalized objects
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Unexpected source " + so); //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (so == null)
// Unknown
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Unexpected source " + so); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindSourceOfRoot, format(target)), e);
catch (DataUnavailable e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindSourceOfRoot, format(target)), e);
int targetId = indexToAddress.reverse(target);
// Only used for missedRoots
String desc = targetId + " " + format(target) + " " + format(source) + " " + rootType + " " + refType + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ //$NON-NLS-5$
+ reach + " " + r.getDescription(); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (targetId < 0)
String desc2 = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
Exception e1 = null;
if (o instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) o;
desc2 = getClassName(jo.getJavaClass(), listener);
else if (o instanceof JavaClass)
JavaClass jc = (JavaClass) o;
desc2 = getClassName(jc, listener);
// Should never occur
desc2 = desc2 + o;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Ignore exception as just for logging
e1 = e;
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindRoot, format(target), desc2, format(source),
rootType, r.getDescription()), e1);
if (newRootType(type) == GCRootInfo.Type.UNKNOWN)
String desc2 = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
Exception e1 = null;
if (o instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) o;
desc2 = getClassName(jo.getJavaClass(), listener);
else if (o instanceof JavaClass)
JavaClass jc = (JavaClass) o;
desc2 = getClassName(jc, listener);
// Should never occur
desc2 = o.toString();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Ignore exception as just for logging
e1 = e;
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_MATRootTypeUnknown, type, format(target), desc2,
format(source), rootType, r.getDescription()), e1);
if (threadRoot)
int thrId = indexToAddress.reverse(source);
if (thrId >= 0)
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> thr = threadRoots2.get(thrId);
if (thr == null)
// Build new list for the thread
thr = new HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>();
threadRoots2.put(thrId, thr);
addRoot(thr, target, source, type);
if (!useThreadRefsNotRoots)
addRoot(gcRoot2, target, source, type);
addRoot(gcRoot2, target, source, type);
addRoot(gcRoot2, target, source, type);
int tgt = targetId;
int src = indexToAddress.reverse(source);
if (src < 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindSourceID, format(target), format(source), r
.getDescription()), null);
missedRoots.put(Integer.valueOf(tgt), desc);
catch (DataUnavailable e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingRoots, e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingRoots, e);
* Round the object size to allow for alignment
* @param jo
* @param pointerSize in bits
* @return the object size in bytes
* @throws CorruptDataException
private long getObjectSize(JavaObject jo, int pointerSize) throws CorruptDataException
// DTFJ size includes any link field, so just round to 8 bytes
long s = (jo.getSize() + 7) & ~7L;
return s;
* Get an aligned version of a pointer.
* @param p
* The original pointer.
* @param pointerSize
* The size to align to in bits.
* @return The aligned pointer.
private static ImagePointer getAlignedAddress(ImagePointer p, int pointerSize)
if (p == null)
return p;
long addr = p.getAddress();
if (pointerSize == 64)
addr &= 7L;
addr &= 3L;
return p.add(-addr);
* @param idToClass2
private HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> copy(HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> idToClass1)
HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> idToClass2 = new HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl>(idToClass1.size());
for (IteratorInt ii = idToClass1.keys(); ii.hasNext();)
int i =;
idToClass2.put(i, idToClass1.get(i));
return idToClass2;
* @param objectToClass2
private IndexWriter.IntIndexCollector copy(IIndexReader.IOne2OneIndex objectToClass1, int bits)
IndexWriter.IntIndexCollector objectToClass2 = new IndexWriter.IntIndexCollector(objectToClass1.size(), bits);
for (int i = 0; i < objectToClass1.size(); ++i)
int j = objectToClass1.get(i);
objectToClass2.set(i, j);
return objectToClass2;
* Build a cache of classes loaded by each loader
* @return
private HashMapIntObject<ArrayLong> initLoaderClassesCache()
HashMapIntObject<ArrayLong> cache = new HashMapIntObject<ArrayLong>();
for (Iterator<ClassImpl> i = idToClass.values(); i.hasNext();)
ClassImpl ci =;
int load = ci.getClassLoaderId();
if (!cache.containsKey(load))
cache.put(load, new ArrayLong());
ArrayLong classes = cache.get(load);
if (!(getExtraInfo2 && ci.getName().contains(METHOD_NAME_SIG)))
// Skip method classes - they are also found via the declaring
// class
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Adding ref to class " + ci.getObjectId() + " at address " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ format(ci.getObjectAddress()) + " for loader " + load); //$NON-NLS-1$
return cache;
* @param objId
* @param aa
private void addLoaderClasses(int objId, ArrayLong aa)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found loader " + objId + " at address " + format(indexToAddress.get(objId)) + " size=" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
+ idToClass.size());
// Add all the classes loaded by it as references
ArrayLong classes = loaderClassCache.get(objId);
if (classes != null)
* Helper method to test whether object is corrupt and to log the corrupt
* data
* @param next
* @param listener
* @param msg
* @return
private static boolean isCorruptData(Object next, IProgressListener listener, String msg)
if (next instanceof CorruptData)
CorruptData d = (CorruptData) next;
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(msg, formattedCorruptDataAddress(d), d
.toString()), new CorruptDataException(d));
return true;
return false;
* Helper method to test whether object is corrupt and to log the corrupt
* data
* @param next
* @param listener
* @param msg
* @param detail
* - some more information about the source for the iterator
* @param addr
* - the address of the source for the iterator
* @return
private boolean isCorruptData(Object next, IProgressListener listener, String msg, String detail, long addr)
if (next instanceof CorruptData)
CorruptData d = (CorruptData) next;
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(msg, formattedCorruptDataAddress(d), d
.toString(), detail, format(addr)), new CorruptDataException(d));
return true;
return false;
* Format the data address of the corruption. Avoid problems if no address
* is available.
* @param d
* @return
private static String formattedCorruptDataAddress(CorruptData d)
ImagePointer ip = d.getAddress();
if (ip != null)
return format(d.getAddress().getAddress());
// No address in the corrupt data Translate?
return "null"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Helper method to test whether object is corrupt and to log the corrupt
* data
* @param next
* @param listener
* @param msg
* @return
private static boolean isCorruptData(Object next, IProgressListener listener, String msg, JavaRuntime detail)
if (next instanceof CorruptData)
CorruptData d = (CorruptData) next;
long addr;
addr = detail.getJavaVM().getAddress();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
addr = 0;
logCorruptData(listener, msg, d, addr);
return true;
return false;
* Helper method to test whether object is corrupt and to log the corrupt
* data
* @param next
* @param listener
* @param msg
* @return
private static boolean isCorruptData(Object next, IProgressListener listener, String msg, JavaClassLoader detail)
if (next instanceof CorruptData)
CorruptData d = (CorruptData) next;
long addr;
JavaObject ldr = detail.getObject();
if (ldr != null)
addr = ldr.getID().getAddress();
addr = 0;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
addr = 0;
logCorruptData(listener, msg, d, addr);
return true;
return false;
* Helper method to test whether object is corrupt and to log the corrupt
* data
* @param next
* @param listener
* @param msg
* With corrupt data address {0} corrupt data {1} class name {2}
* class address {3}
* @return
private boolean isCorruptData(Object next, IProgressListener listener, String msg, JavaClass detail)
if (next instanceof CorruptData)
CorruptData d = (CorruptData) next;
long addr = getClassAddress(detail, listener);
String name;
name = detail.getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
name = e.toString();
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(msg, formattedCorruptDataAddress(d), d
.toString(), name, format(addr)), new CorruptDataException(d));
return true;
return false;
* Helper method to test whether object is corrupt and to log the corrupt
* data
* @param next
* @param listener
* @param msg
* With corrupt data address {0} corrupt data {1} class name {2}
* class address {3} modifiers {4} class name {5} method name {6}
* method signature {7}
* @return
private boolean isCorruptData(Object next, IProgressListener listener, String msg, JavaClass jc, JavaMethod detail)
if (next instanceof CorruptData)
CorruptData d = (CorruptData) next;
String clsName;
String methName;
String methSig;
clsName = jc != null ? jc.getName() : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
clsName = e.toString();
methName = detail.getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
methName = e.toString();
methSig = detail.getSignature();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
methSig = e.toString();
long addr = jc != null ? getClassAddress(jc, listener) : 0;
String modifiers = getModifiers(detail, listener);
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(msg, formattedCorruptDataAddress(d), d
.toString(), clsName, format(addr), modifiers, clsName, methName, methSig),
new CorruptDataException(d));
return true;
return false;
* Get the modifiers for a method (public/private etc.)
* @param detail
* @param listener
* for logging error messages
* @return A string representation of the modifiers.
private String getModifiers(JavaMethod detail, IProgressListener listener)
String modifiers;
int mods;
Exception e1 = null;
// Remove unexpected modifiers - DTFJ defect?
mods = detail.getModifiers();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
mods = 0;
e1 = e;
final int expectedMods = (Modifier.ABSTRACT | Modifier.FINAL | Modifier.NATIVE | Modifier.PRIVATE
| Modifier.PROTECTED | Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.STRICT | Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED);
int unexpectedMods = mods & ~expectedMods;
if ((e1 != null || unexpectedMods != 0) && msgNunexpectedModifiers-- >= 0)
String m1 = Modifier.toString(unexpectedMods);
String methName = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String methClass = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String sig = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
methName = detail.getName();
methClass = detail.getDeclaringClass().getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (e1 == null)
e1 = e;
catch (DataUnavailable e)
if (e1 == null)
e1 = e;
sig = detail.getSignature();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
sig = "()"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (e1 == null)
e1 = e;
String mod = Modifier.toString(mods);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_INFO, MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnexpectedModifiers,
format(unexpectedMods), m1, mod, methClass, methName, sig), e1);
modifiers = Modifier.toString(mods & expectedMods);
return modifiers;
* Helper method to test whether object is corrupt and to log the corrupt
* data
* @param next
* @param listener
* @param msg
* address {0} corrupt data {1} thread name {2} thread address
* {3}
* @return
private static boolean isCorruptData(Object next, IProgressListener listener, String msg, JavaThread detail)
if (next instanceof CorruptData)
CorruptData d = (CorruptData) next;
long addr;
String name;
if (detail == null)
// Could be scanning a image thread without an Java thread
addr = 0;
name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
addr = getThreadAddress(detail, null);
name = detail.getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
name = e.toString();
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(msg, formattedCorruptDataAddress(d), d
.toString(), name, format(addr)), new CorruptDataException(d));
return true;
return false;
private static void logCorruptData(IProgressListener listener, String msg, CorruptData d, long addr)
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(msg, formattedCorruptDataAddress(d), d
.toString(), format(addr)), new CorruptDataException(d));
* Holds key DTFJ information.
* @author ajohnson
static class RuntimeInfo {
private ImageFactory factory;
private Image image;
private ImageAddressSpace imageAddressSpace;
private ImageProcess imageProcess;
private JavaRuntime javaRuntime;
private String runtimeId;
public RuntimeInfo(ImageFactory fact, Image img, ImageAddressSpace space, ImageProcess process, JavaRuntime runtime, String id)
factory = fact;
image = img;
imageAddressSpace = space;
imageProcess = process;
javaRuntime = runtime;
runtimeId = id;
public ImageFactory getImageFactory()
if (factory == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
return factory;
public Image getImage()
if (image == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
return image;
public ImageAddressSpace getImageAddressSpace()
if (imageAddressSpace == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
return imageAddressSpace;
public ImageProcess getImageProcess()
if (imageProcess == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
return imageProcess;
public JavaRuntime getJavaRuntime()
if (javaRuntime == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
return javaRuntime;
public String getRuntimeId()
return runtimeId;
* Allows objects to be garbage collected.
public void clear() {
factory = null;
image = null;
imageAddressSpace = null;
imageProcess = null;
javaRuntime = null;
* Find a Java runtime from the image
* @param image the image to find the JavaRuntime from
* @param requestedId the runtime id such as 0.0.0 or 1.2.3, or null for the only/first one.
* @param listener
* @return A filled in RuntimeInfo object.
* @throws MultipleSnapshotsException
static RuntimeInfo getRuntime(ImageFactory fact, Image image, Serializable requestedId, IProgressListener listener) throws IOException, MultipleSnapshotsException
ImageAddressSpace ias = null;
ImageProcess proc = null;
JavaRuntime run = null;
String fullRuntimeId = null;
int nAddr = 0;
int nProc = 0;
int nJavaRuntimes = 0;
List<MultipleSnapshotsException.Context> runtimes = new ArrayList<MultipleSnapshotsException.Context>();
String lastAddr = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String lastProc = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String lastJavaRuntime = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
// Cope with an empty String from preferences
if ("".equals(requestedId)) //$NON-NLS-1$
requestedId = null;
// Split out the address space, process, runtime
String sp[] = ((requestedId instanceof String ? (String)requestedId:"")).split("\\.", 3); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
String id0 = sp[0];
String id1 = sp.length > 1 ? sp[1] : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String id2 = sp.length > 2 ? sp[2] : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
ImageProcess currentProc = currentProcess(image);
JavaRuntime currentRuntime = currentRuntime(currentProc);
int addrId = 0;
for (Iterator<?> i1 = image.getAddressSpaces(); i1.hasNext(); ++addrId)
Object next1 =;
if (isCorruptData(next1, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingAddressSpaces))
ias = (ImageAddressSpace) next1;
lastAddr = addressSpaceId(ias, addrId);
int procId = 0;
for (Iterator<?> i2 = ias.getProcesses(); i2.hasNext(); ++procId)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingProcesses))
proc = (ImageProcess) next2;
lastProc = processId(proc, procId, listener);
int runtimeId = 0;
for (Iterator<?> i3 = proc.getRuntimes(); i3.hasNext(); ++runtimeId)
Object next3 =;
if (isCorruptData(next3, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingRuntimes))
String currentId = lastAddr+"."+lastProc+"."+runtimeId; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
if (next3 instanceof JavaRuntime)
JavaRuntime runtime = (JavaRuntime)next3;
lastJavaRuntime = format(runtime.getJavaVM().getAddress());
catch (CorruptDataException e)
lastJavaRuntime = Integer.toString(runtimeId);
currentId = lastAddr+"."+lastProc+"."+lastJavaRuntime; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
boolean inCurrentRuntime = runtime.equals(currentRuntime) || currentRuntime == null;
Exception e1 = null;
String version = null;
version = runtime.getVersion();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
e1 = e;
runtimes.add(getRuntimeDetails(lastAddr, lastProc, lastJavaRuntime,runtime));
if (run == null && (requestedId == null && inCurrentRuntime
|| currentId.equals(requestedId)
|| (id0.length() == 0 || id0.equals(lastAddr) || id0.equals(Integer.toString(addrId)))
&& (id1.length() == 0 || id1.equals(lastProc) || id1.equals(Integer.toString(procId)))
&& (id2.length() == 0 || id2.equals(lastJavaRuntime) ||id2.equals(Integer.toString(runtimeId)))
run = runtime;
fullRuntimeId = currentId;
if (requestedId != null && listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_FoundJavaRuntime, currentId, lastAddr, lastProc, lastJavaRuntime, version), e1);
ManagedRuntime mr = (ManagedRuntime) next3;
Exception e1 = null;
String version = null;
version = mr.getVersion();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
e1 = e;
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_IgnoringManagedRuntime, currentId, lastAddr, lastProc, lastJavaRuntime, version), e1);
if (run == null)
if (requestedId != null)
throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindJavaRuntimeId,
requestedId, nAddr, lastAddr, nProc, lastProc, nJavaRuntimes, lastJavaRuntime));
throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindJavaRuntime, nAddr,
lastAddr, nProc, lastProc, nJavaRuntimes, lastJavaRuntime));
if (requestedId == null) {
if (nJavaRuntimes > 1) {
// Prompt for selection
// Thrown an exception back to the UI to allow selection
MultipleSnapshotsException multipleRuntimeException = new MultipleSnapshotsException(MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_JavaRuntimesFound, nJavaRuntimes));
for (MultipleSnapshotsException.Context runtime : runtimes)
throw multipleRuntimeException;
} else {
// Don't force a runtimeId if there is only one
fullRuntimeId = null;
return new RuntimeInfo(fact, image, ias, proc, run, fullRuntimeId);
private static MultipleSnapshotsException.Context getRuntimeDetails(String addressSpace, String process, String runtimeId, JavaRuntime runtime)
final String uniqueContext = addressSpace + "." + process + "." + runtimeId; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
MultipleSnapshotsException.Context context = new MultipleSnapshotsException.Context(uniqueContext);
final String description = MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_Runtime_Description, addressSpace, process, runtimeId);
String version = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
version = runtime.getVersion();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
for (Iterator<?> optsIter = runtime.getJavaVMInitArgs().getOptions(); optsIter.hasNext();) {
Object o =;
if (o instanceof JavaVMOption)
JavaVMOption jvmOpt = (JavaVMOption) o;
catch (DataUnavailable e)
catch (CorruptDataException e)
return context;
* Returns an address space id from the address space
* @param ias
* @param addrId a numeric count to use if the proper ID cannot be found
* @return the id
private static String addressSpaceId(ImageAddressSpace ias, int addrId)
String lastAddr = null;
// DTFJ V1.10
lastAddr = ias.getID();
catch (DataUnavailable e2)
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
catch (LinkageError e2)
if (lastAddr == null)
lastAddr = ias.toString();
// If the toString name is just the default Object.toString with a default hashcode then it isn't any good as a comparison
String defaultToString = ias.getClass().getName()+'@'+Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(ias));
if (lastAddr.equals(defaultToString))
lastAddr = Integer.toString(addrId);
// Extract out any hex id
if (lastAddr.matches(".*0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+")) //$NON-NLS-1$
lastAddr = lastAddr.substring(lastAddr.lastIndexOf("0x")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return lastAddr;
* Return a process id
* @param proc
* @param procId a numeric count to use if the proper ID cannot be found
* @param listener
* @return
private static String processId(ImageProcess proc, int procId, IProgressListener listener)
String lastProc;
lastProc = proc.getID();
// Avoid confusion of small process ids with nProc index
if (lastProc.matches("[0123456789]")) //$NON-NLS-1$
lastProc = "0x"+lastProc; //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (DataUnavailable e)
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ErrorReadingProcessID, e);
lastProc = Integer.toString(procId);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ErrorReadingProcessID, e);
lastProc = Integer.toString(procId);
return lastProc;
* Find the current process associated with an image, or the only process.
* @param image
* @return the process or null if multiple processes found and none is a current process
private static ImageProcess currentProcess(Image image)
int spaces = 0;
ImageAddressSpace firstSpace = null;
for (Iterator<?> i1 = image.getAddressSpaces(); i1.hasNext();)
Object next1 =;
if (next1 instanceof CorruptData)
ImageAddressSpace ias = (ImageAddressSpace) next1;
ImageProcess currentProc = ias.getCurrentProcess();
if (currentProc != null)
return currentProc;
if (++spaces == 1)
firstSpace = ias;
if (spaces == 1)
int processes = 0;
ImageProcess firstProc = null;
for (Iterator<?> i2 = firstSpace.getProcesses(); i2.hasNext(); )
Object next2 =;
if (next2 instanceof CorruptData)
if (++processes == 1)
firstProc = (ImageProcess)next2;
if (processes == 1)
// Just one process
return firstProc;
return null;
* Return the current JavaRuntime associated with a current thread of a process, or the only runtime
* @param proc
* @return the runtime or null if no runtime is associated with the thread and there is more than
* one runtime.
private static JavaRuntime currentRuntime(ImageProcess proc)
if (proc == null)
return null;
ImageThread imgThrd = proc.getCurrentThread();
if (imgThrd != null)
for (Iterator<?> i3 = proc.getRuntimes(); i3.hasNext();)
Object next3 =;
if (next3 instanceof CorruptData)
if (next3 instanceof JavaRuntime)
JavaRuntime runtime = (JavaRuntime) next3;
for (Iterator<?> i4 = runtime.getThreads(); i4.hasNext();)
Object next4 =;
if (next4 instanceof CorruptData)
if (next4 instanceof JavaThread)
JavaThread jt = (JavaThread) next4;
if (imgThrd.equals(jt.getImageThread())) { return runtime; }
catch (DataUnavailable e)
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// work around DTFJ throwing UnsupportedOperationException
catch (UnsupportedOperationException e)
int runtimes = 0;
JavaRuntime firstRuntime = null;
for (Iterator<?> i3 = proc.getRuntimes(); i3.hasNext();)
Object next3 =;
if (next3 instanceof CorruptData)
if (next3 instanceof JavaRuntime)
if (++runtimes == 1)
firstRuntime = (JavaRuntime)next3;
if (runtimes == 1)
return firstRuntime;
return null;
* Find the pointer size for the runtime
* @param run1
* The Java runtime
* @param listener
* To indicate progress/errors
* @return the pointer size in bits
private int getPointerSize(RuntimeInfo info, IProgressListener listener)
int pointerSize = 0;
long maxAddress = 0;
ImageAddressSpace ias = info.getImageAddressSpace();
for (Iterator<?> it = ias.getImageSections(); it.hasNext();)
Object next1 =;
if (next1 instanceof CorruptData)
ImageSection sect = (ImageSection) next1;
maxAddress = Math.max(maxAddress, sect.getBaseAddress().getAddress());
maxAddress = Math.max(maxAddress, sect.getBaseAddress().getAddress() + sect.getSize() - 1);
ImageProcess proc = info.getImageProcess();
JavaRuntime run = info.getJavaRuntime();
// 31,32,64 bits - conversion done later
pointerSize = proc.getPointerSize();
/* Experimentally see what size pointers end up */
long ptrBits = 0;
long longBits = 0;
ImagePointer ip = run.getJavaVM();
for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i)
ImagePointer pointer = ip.getPointerAt(i);
// PHD can mistakenly return null
if (pointer != null)
ptrBits |= pointer.getAddress();
longBits |= ip.getLongAt(i);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
if (longBits == ~0L)
// All bits set, so pointer could be any value
addressSpacePointerSize = 0;
while (ptrBits != 0)
ptrBits >>>= 1;
if (addressSpacePointerSize != pointerSize)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
pointerSize, ias.toString(), addressSpacePointerSize), null);
if ((maxAddress & ~(~0L >>> (64 - pointerSize))) != 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
format(maxAddress), ias.toString(), pointerSize), null);
return pointerSize;
* Calculate a pointer size in bytes
* @param pointerSize in bits (64, 32, 31)
* @return
private int getPointerBytes(int pointerSize)
return (pointerSize + 7) / 8;
* @param obj
* @param j
* @param listener
* To indicate progress/errors
private void addRootForThreads(JavaObject obj, Iterator<?> j, IProgressListener listener)
for (; j.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingThreadsFromMonitors))
JavaThread jt2 = (JavaThread) next2;
addRootForThread(obj, jt2, listener);
private void addRootForThread(JavaObject obj, JavaThread jt2, IProgressListener listener)
long objAddress = obj.getID().getAddress();
if (jt2 != null)
long thrd2 = getThreadAddress(jt2, null);
if (thrd2 != 0)
int thrId = indexToAddress.reverse(thrd2);
if (thrId >= 0)
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> thr = threadRoots.get(thrId);
if (thr != null)
addRoot(thr, objAddress, thrd2, GCRootInfo.Type.BUSY_MONITOR);
if (useThreadRefsNotRoots)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemFindingRootInformation, format(thrd2),
format(objAddress)), null);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemFindingThread, format(thrd2),
format(objAddress)), null);
// Null thread object
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Null thread, so no thread specific root"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addRoot(gcRoot, objAddress, objAddress, GCRootInfo.Type.BUSY_MONITOR);
* Gets all the outbound references from an object via DTFJ, compares them to
* the supplied refs, optionally replaces them.
* @param type
* @param desc
* @param aa
* @param addrJavaLangClass
* Address of java.lang.Class
* @param bootLoaderAddress
* The MAT view of the address of the boot loader
* @param listener
* To indicate progress/errors
* @throws CorruptDataException
private void checkRefs(Object type, String desc, ArrayLong aa, long addrJavaLangClass, long bootLoaderAddress,
IProgressListener listener) throws CorruptDataException
if (!haveDTFJRefs)
// Performance optimization - don't find references two ways
if (!useDTFJRefs && !debugInfo)
RefStore<String> objset = debugInfo ? new RefMap<String>() : new RefSet<String>();
Iterator<?> i2;
boolean hasDTFJRefs = false;
String name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
long objAddr;
if (type instanceof JavaClass)
JavaClass jc = (JavaClass) type;
JavaClass clsOfCls;
JavaObject clsObj;
clsObj = jc.getObject();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// This error will have already been logged
clsObj = null;
if (clsObj != null)
clsOfCls = clsObj.getJavaClass();
// Sometime there is not an associated Java object
// We'll use addrJavaLangClass later
name = getClassName(jc, listener);
objAddr = getClassAddress(jc, listener);
// Collect references as well from JavaObject representing the
// class
if (clsObj != null)
// Must have a reference to java.lang.Class first in the
// list, normally obtained from the java.lang.Class Object
// objset.put(getClassAddress(clsOfCls, listener), "added
// java.lang.Class address"); // Doesn't
// reference class
i2 = clsObj.getReferences();
hasDTFJRefs |= i2.hasNext();
collectRefs(i2, objset, desc, name, objAddr, listener);
// Must have a reference to java.lang.Class first in the
// list, so add one now
objset.put(addrJavaLangClass, "added java.lang.Class address"); //$NON-NLS-1$
i2 = jc.getReferences();
catch (LinkageError e)
// If not implemented, then ignore
catch (NullPointerException e)
// Null Pointer exception from array classes because
// of null class loader
if (msgNarrayRefsNPE-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ExceptionGettingOutboundReferences, desc, name,
format(objAddr)), e);
if (clsObj != null)
// Sov used to miss this
if (false)
objset.put(clsObj.getID().getAddress(), "added JavaObject for JavaClass"); //$NON-NLS-1$
JavaClassLoader classLoader = getClassLoader(jc, listener);
long loaderAddr = getLoaderAddress(classLoader, bootLoaderAddress);
if (classLoader == null || classLoader.getObject() == null)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Null loader obj " + getClassName(jc, listener)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// getReferences won't find this otherwise
objset.put(loaderAddr, "added boot loader"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Doesn't reference classloader
if (false)
objset.put(loaderAddr, "added class loader"); //$NON-NLS-1$
JavaClass sup = getSuperclass(jc, listener);
if (sup != null)
// Doesn't reference superclass
if (false)
objset.put(getClassAddress(sup, listener), "added super class"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (getExtraInfo && getExtraInfo2)
// Add method pseudo-classes as DTFJ won't find them
for (Iterator<?> i = jc.getDeclaredMethods(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingDeclaredMethods, jc))
JavaMethod jm = (JavaMethod) next;
objset.put(getMethodAddress(jm, listener), "method"); //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (type instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) type;
objAddr = jo.getID().getAddress();
JavaClass clsObj;
clsObj = jo.getJavaClass();
name = getClassName(clsObj, listener);
if (clsObj.isArray())
// Sov doesn't ref array class, instead it gives the element
// type.
objset.put(getClassAddress(clsObj, listener), "added array class address"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Doesn't reference class
if (false)
objset.put(getClassAddress(clsObj, listener), "added class address"); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Class isn't available (e.g. corrupt heap), so add some
// information based on what processHeap guessed
int objId = indexToAddress.reverse(objAddr);
int clsId = objectToClass.get(objId);
ClassImpl cls = idToClass.get(clsId);
if (cls != null)
long classAddr = cls.getObjectAddress();
name = cls.getName();
objset.put(classAddr, "added dummy class address"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Classloader doesn't ref classes
// superclass fields are missed
// array objects return null refs
i2 = jo.getReferences();
catch (LinkageError e)
// If not implemented, then ignore
catch (OutOfMemoryError e)
// OutOfMemoryError with large object array
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ErrorGettingOutboundReferences, desc, name, format(objAddr)),
// Null boot loader object
int objId = indexToAddress.reverse(objAddr);
// If there are no DTFJ refs (e.g. javacore) then don't use DTFJ refs
hasDTFJRefs |= i2.hasNext();
collectRefs(i2, objset, desc, name, objAddr, listener);
if (debugInfo)
// Test getReferences versus old way of getting references
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Obj "+type+" "+aaset.size()+" "+objset.size());
// for (IteratorLong il = aa.iterator(); il.hasNext(); ) {
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("A "+format(;
// }
// Test for missing references from getReferences()
SetLong inBoth = new SetLong();
boolean missingRefs = false;
for (IteratorLong il = aa.iterator(); il.hasNext();)
long l =;
if (!objset.containsKey(l))
missingRefs = true;
int newObjId = indexToAddress.reverse(l);
String clsInfo = objDesc(newObjId);
if (msgNgetRefsMissing-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DTFJGetReferencesMissingID, newObjId, format(l),
clsInfo, desc, name, objId, format(objAddr)), null);
if (false && missingRefs)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("All DTFJ references from " + desc + " " + name); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
for (Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<String>> it = objset.entries(); it.hasNext(); )
HashMapLongObject.Entry<String> ee =;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint(format(ee.getKey()) + " " + ee.getValue()); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Test for extra references from getReferences()
for (Iterator<HashMapLongObject.Entry<String>> it = objset.entries(); it.hasNext(); )
HashMapLongObject.Entry<String> ee =;
Long l = ee.getKey();
if (!inBoth.contains(l))
int newObjId = indexToAddress.reverse(l);
String clsInfo = objDesc(newObjId);
// extra superclass references for objects
if (msgNgetRefsExtra-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DTFJGetReferencesExtraID, newObjId, format(l),
ee.getValue(), clsInfo, desc, name, objId, format(objAddr)), null);
if (false && aa.size() > 200)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("aa1 " + aa.size()); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (IteratorLong il = aa.iterator(); il.hasNext();)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("A " + format(; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (useDTFJRefs)
if (objset.size() == 0 || !hasDTFJRefs)
// Sov has problems with objects of type [B, [C etc.
if (!aa.isEmpty() && msgNgetRefsAllMissing-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DTFJGetReferencesMissingAllReferences, name, objId,
format(objAddr)), null);
for (IteratorLong it = objset.keys(); it.hasNext(); )
// Don't bother removing the addresses which can't be converted to an index
if (false && aa.size() > 200)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("aa1 " + aa.size()); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (IteratorLong il = aa.iterator(); il.hasNext();)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("A " + format(; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Describe the object at the given index
* @param newObjId
* @return
private String objDesc(int newObjId)
String clsInfo;
if (newObjId >= 0)
ClassImpl classInfo = idToClass.get(newObjId);
if (classInfo != null)
clsInfo = MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ObjDescClass, classInfo.getName());
int clsId = objectToClass.get(newObjId);
if (clsId >= 0 && clsId < indexToAddress.size())
long clsAddr = indexToAddress.get(clsId);
classInfo = idToClass.get(clsId);
// If objectToClass has not yet been filled in for objects
// then this could be null
if (classInfo != null)
clsInfo = MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ObjDescObjType, classInfo.getName(),
clsInfo = MessageFormat
.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ObjDescObjTypeAddress, format(clsAddr));
clsInfo = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
clsInfo = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
return clsInfo;
* Collect all the outbound references from a JavaClass/JavaObject
* @param i2
* Iterator to walk over the references
* @param objset
* Where to put the references
* @param desc
* Type of base object (Class, Object, Class loader etc.)
* @param name
* Name of object
* @param objAddr
* Its address
* @param listener
* For displaying messages
* @throws CorruptDataException
private void collectRefs(Iterator<?> i2, RefStore<String> objset, String desc, String name, long objAddr,
IProgressListener listener)
// Check the refs
// Javacore reader gives null rather than an empty iterator
if (i2 == null) { return; }
for (; i2.hasNext();)
Object next3 =;
if (isCorruptData(next3, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingReferences, name, objAddr))
JavaReference jr = (JavaReference) next3;
long addr;
Object target = jr.getTarget();
if (jr.isClassReference())
addr = getClassAddress((JavaClass) target, listener);
else if (jr.isObjectReference())
addr = ((JavaObject) target).getID().getAddress();
// neither of isClassReference and
// isObjectReference return true
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnexpectedReferenceType, jr.getDescription(), desc, name,
format(objAddr)), null);
if (target == null)
// array objects return null refs
// null reference for classes without super
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnexpectedNullReferenceTarget, jr.getDescription(),
desc, name, format(objAddr)), null);
else if (target instanceof JavaClass)
addr = getClassAddress((JavaClass) target, listener);
else if (target instanceof JavaObject)
addr = ((JavaObject) target).getID().getAddress();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnexpectedReferenceTargetType, target, jr
.getDescription(), desc, name, format(objAddr)), null);
// Skip class references to itself via the class object (as
// these are considered all part of the one class)
if (!(addr == objAddr && (jr.getReferenceType() == JavaReference.REFERENCE_CLASS_OBJECT || jr
.getReferenceType() == JavaReference.REFERENCE_ASSOCIATED_CLASS)))
objset.put(addr, jr.getDescription());
catch (DataUnavailable e)
if (msgNgetRefsUnavailable-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToGetOutboundReference, jr.getDescription(), desc,
name, format(objAddr)), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (msgNgetRefsCorrupt-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToGetOutboundReference, jr.getDescription(), desc,
name, format(objAddr)), e);
* Add all the Java locals etc for the thread as outbound references
* @param obj
* @param aa
private void addThreadRefs(int obj, ArrayLong aa)
if (useThreadRefsNotRoots)
// The thread roots must be set up by this point
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> hm = threadRoots.get(obj);
if (hm != null)
for (IteratorInt i = hm.keys(); i.hasNext();)
int objId =;
* Remember objects which have been referred to Use to make sure every
* object will be reachable
* @param refd referenced objects
* @param objId source object ID
* @param ref list of outbound refs
private void addRefs(BitField refd, int objId, ArrayLong ref)
for (IteratorLong il = ref.iterator(); il.hasNext();)
long ad =;
int id = indexToAddress.reverse(ad);
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("object id "+objId+" ref to "+id+" 0x"+format(ad));
if (id >= 0 && objId != id)
* @param type
* The JavaClass
* @param listener
* For logging
* @return the address of the Java Object representing this class
private long getClassAddress(final JavaClass type, IProgressListener listener)
JavaObject clsObject;
Exception e1 = null;
clsObject = type.getObject();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Ignore the error and proceed as though it was not available e.g.
// javacore
clsObject = null;
e1 = e;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// IllegalArgumentException if object address not found
clsObject = null;
e1 = e;
if (clsObject == null)
// use the class address if the object address is not available
ImagePointer ip = type.getID();
if (ip != null)
return ip.getAddress();
// This may be is a class which DTFJ built
Long addr = dummyClassAddress.get(type);
if (addr != null)
// Return the address we have already used
return addr;
// Build a unique dummy address
long clsAddr = nextClassAddress;
dummyClassAddress.put(type, clsAddr);
nextClassAddress += 8;
String clsName = getClassName(type, listener);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassHasNoAddress, clsName, format(clsAddr)), e1);
return clsAddr;
return clsObject.getID().getAddress();
* If the object is the boot loader, modify its address to something
* suitable for MAT Originally used when it was thought that MAT had to have
* the boot loader at location 0 Could be used to change a zero boot loader
* address to a made-up value.
* @param bootLoaderAddress
* @param objAddress
* @return
private long fixBootLoaderAddress(long bootLoaderAddress, long objAddress)
// Fix-up for MAT which presumes the boot loader is at address 0
// if (objAddress == bootLoaderAddress) objAddress = 0x0L;
// This doesn't seem to be critical
return objAddress;
* Search a frame for any pointers to heap objects Throws MemoryAccessError
* so the caller can decide if that is possible or bad
* @param pointerSize
* in bits
* @param threadAddress
* @param thr
* @param ip
* @param searchSize
* How many bytes to search
* @param rootType
* type of GC root e.g. native root, Java frame root etc.
* @param gc
* The map of roots - from object id to description of list of
* roots of that object
* @param searchedAddresses
* Add any locations containing valid objects to this set of
* searched locations
* @param excludedAddresses
* Don't use any locations which have already been used
* @throws CorruptDataException
* , MemoryAccessException
private void searchFrame(int pointerSize, long threadAddress,
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>> thrs, ImagePointer ip, long searchSize,
int rootType, HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> gc, Set<ImagePointer> searchedAddresses,
Set<ImagePointer> excludedAddresses) throws CorruptDataException, MemoryAccessException
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("searching thread " + format(threadAddress) + " " + format(ip.getAddress()) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
+ format(searchSize) + " " + rootType); //$NON-NLS-1$
long frameAddress;
HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> thr = thrs.get(indexToAddress.reverse(threadAddress));
if (getExtraInfo)
// See if the frame is an object
frameAddress = ip.getAddress();
int frameId = indexToAddress.reverse(frameAddress);
if (frameAddress != 0 && frameId >= 0)
// Mark the frame
if (thr != null)
// Add it to the thread roots
addRoot(thr, frameAddress, threadAddress, rootType);
// Create a new locals list for the frame
thr = new HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>>();
thrs.put(frameId, thr);
// Add it to the global GC roots
if (!useThreadRefsNotRoots)
addRoot(gc, frameAddress, threadAddress, rootType);
// No thread information so make a global root
addRoot(gc, frameAddress, threadAddress, rootType);
long size = Math.abs(searchSize);
setFrameSize(frameId, size);
frameAddress = threadAddress;
frameAddress = threadAddress;
// Read items off the frame
final int pointerAdjust = searchSize >= 0 ? getPointerBytes(pointerSize) : -getPointerBytes(pointerSize);
for (long j = 0; Math.abs(j) < Math.abs(searchSize); j += pointerAdjust)
ImagePointer location = ip.add(j);
long addr = getPointerAddressAt(location, 0, pointerSize);
int id = indexToAddress.reverse(addr);
if (addr != 0 && id >= 0)
// Found object
if (excludedAddresses == null || !excludedAddresses.contains(location))
if (searchedAddresses != null)
if (thr != null)
// Add it to the thread roots
addRoot(thr, addr, frameAddress, rootType);
// Add it to the global GC roots
if (!useThreadRefsNotRoots)
addRoot(gc, addr, frameAddress, rootType);
// No thread information so make a global root
addRoot(gc, addr, frameAddress, rootType);
* Reads a pointer value of the given size
* @param ip the base address
* @param j the offset from the base address in bytes
* @param pointerSize the size in bits (64,32,31)
* @return The address as a long
* @throws MemoryAccessException
* @throws CorruptDataException
private long getPointerAddressAt(ImagePointer ip, long j, int pointerSize) throws MemoryAccessException, CorruptDataException
long addr;
if (addressSpacePointerSize == pointerSize)
// Rely on address space to do the right thing
// getPointerAt indexes by bytes, not pointers size
ImagePointer i2 = ip.getPointerAt(j);
// PHD can mistakenly return null
addr = i2 != null ? i2.getAddress() : 0;
switch (pointerSize)
case 64:
addr = ip.getLongAt(j);
case 32:
case 31:
addr = ip.getIntAt(j) & (1L << pointerSize) - 1;
ImagePointer i2 = ip.getPointerAt(j);
addr = i2.getAddress();
return addr;
* @param j2
* @param ci
* @param jlc
* @param pointerSize
* size of pointer in bits - used for correcting object sizes
* @param listener
* for error reporting
private void genClass2(JavaClass j2, ClassImpl ci, ClassImpl jlc, int pointerSize, IProgressListener listener)
long size = 0;
JavaObject object = j2.getObject();
if (object != null)
size = getObjectSize(object, pointerSize);
if (jlc.getHeapSizePerInstance() < 0)
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// problems with getObject when the class is corrupt?
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingSizeOfJavaLangClass, e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Javacore causes too many of these errors
// listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, "Problem setting size
// of instance of java.lang.Class", e);
if (!suppressClassNativeSizes) {
// TODO should we use segments to get the RAM/ROM class size?
size += classSize(j2, listener);
if (debugInfo)
// For calculating purge sizes
objectToSize2.set(ci.getObjectId(), size);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("build class " + ci.getName() + " at " + ci.getObjectId() + " address " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
+ format(ci.getObjectAddress()) + " loader " + ci.getClassLoaderId() + " super " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ ci.getSuperClassId() + " size " + ci.getUsedHeapSize()); //$NON-NLS-1$
private long classSize(JavaClass jc, IProgressListener listener)
long size = 0;
// Try to accumulate the size of the actual class object
JavaObject jo = jc.getObject();
if (jo != null)
size += jo.getSize();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
for (Iterator<?> i = jc.getDeclaredMethods(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingDeclaredMethods, jc))
JavaMethod jm = (JavaMethod) next;
if (!(getExtraInfo && getExtraInfo2))
size += getMethodSize(jc, jm, listener);
return size;
private long getMethodSize(JavaClass jc, JavaMethod jm, IProgressListener listener)
long size = 0;
for (Iterator<?> j = jm.getBytecodeSections(); j.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingBytecodeSections, jc, jm))
ImageSection is = (ImageSection) next2;
final int bigSegment = 0x10000;
long sizeSeg = checkSegmentSize(jc, jm, is, bigSegment,
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnexpectedBytecodeSectionSize, listener);
size += sizeSeg;
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Adding bytecode code section at
// "+format(is.getBaseAddress().getAddress())+" size "+size);
for (Iterator<?> j = jm.getCompiledSections(); j.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
// 1.4.2 CorruptData
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingCompiledSections, jc, jm))
ImageSection is = (ImageSection) next2;
final int bigSegment = 0x60000;
long sizeSeg = checkSegmentSize(jc, jm, is, bigSegment,
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnexpectedCompiledCodeSectionSize, listener);
size += sizeSeg;
return size;
* Avoid problems with bad compiled code segment sizes. Also Sov has some
* negative sizes for bytecode sections.
* @param jc
* @param jm
* @param is
* @param bigSegment
* @param message
* segment base {0} size {1} size limit {2} modifiers {3} class
* name {4} method name {5} sig {6}
* @param listener
* @return
private long checkSegmentSize(JavaClass jc, JavaMethod jm, ImageSection is, final int bigSegment, String message,
IProgressListener listener)
long sizeSeg = is.getSize();
if (sizeSeg < 0 || sizeSeg >= bigSegment)
String clsName;
String methName;
String methSig;
clsName = jc != null ? jc.getName() : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
clsName = e.toString();
methName = jm.getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
methName = e.toString();
methSig = jm.getSignature();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
methSig = e.toString();
if (msgNbigSegs-- > 0)
String mods = getModifiers(jm, listener);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(message, format(is.getBaseAddress()
.getAddress()), sizeSeg, bigSegment, mods, clsName, methName, methSig), null);
sizeSeg = 0;
return sizeSeg;
* Is a class finalizable? Is there a finalize method other than from
* java.lang.Object?
* @param c
* @param listener
* @return Class address if the objects of this class are finalizable
private long isFinalizable(JavaClass c, IProgressListener listener)
getClassName(c, listener);
long ca = getClassAddress(c, listener);
// Don't report finalize() of java.lang.Object, so need a superclass
while (getSuperclass(c, listener) != null)
String cn1 = getClassName(c, listener);
long ca1 = getClassAddress(c, listener);
for (Iterator<?> it = c.getDeclaredMethods(); it.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingDeclaredMethods, c))
JavaMethod m = (JavaMethod) next;
if (m.getName().equals("finalize")) //$NON-NLS-1$
if (m.getSignature().equals("()V")) //$NON-NLS-1$
// Correct signature
return ca;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Unknown signature, so presume it is the
// finalize() method.
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemDetirminingFinalizeMethodSig, cn1,
format(ca1)), e);
return ca;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemDetirminingFinalizeMethod, cn1, format(ca1)), e);
c = getSuperclass(c, listener);
return 0L;
private ArrayLong exploreClass(IIndexReader.IOne2LongIndex m2, long bootLoaderAddress, HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> hm,
JavaClass j2, IProgressListener listener)
String clsName = null;
long claddr = getClassAddress(j2, listener);
int objId = m2.reverse(claddr);
ClassImpl ci = hm.get(objId);
if (debugInfo)
debugPrint("Class " + getClassName(j2, listener) + " " + format(claddr) + " " + objId + " " + ci); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
if (ci == null)
// Perhaps the class was corrupt and never built
return null;
int clsId = ci.getClassId();
clsName = ci.getName();
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("found class object " + objId + " type " + clsName + " at " + format(ci.getObjectAddress()) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
+ " clsId " + clsId); //$NON-NLS-1$
ArrayLong ref = ci.getReferences();
// Constant pool references have already been set up as pseudo
// fields
if (false)
for (Iterator<?> i2 = j2.getConstantPoolReferences(); i2.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingConstantPool, j2))
if (next instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) next;
long address = jo.getID().getAddress();
else if (next instanceof JavaClass)
JavaClass jc = (JavaClass) next;
long address = getClassAddress(jc, listener);
// Superclass address are now added by getReferences()
// long supAddr = ci.getSuperClassAddress();
// if (supAddr != 0) ref.add(ci.getSuperClassAddress());
if (getExtraInfo && getExtraInfo2)
// Add references to methods
for (Iterator<?> i = j2.getDeclaredMethods(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingDeclaredMethods, j2))
JavaMethod jm = (JavaMethod) next;
ref.add(getMethodAddress(jm, listener));
if (false)
for (IteratorLong il = ref.iterator(); il.hasNext();)
long ad =;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("ref to " + m2.reverse(ad) + " " + format(ad) + " for " + objId); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
return ref;
* @param m2
* @param bootLoaderAddress
* @param hm
* @param jo
* @param type
* @param aa
* @param arrayLen
* @param listener
* To indicate progress/errors
* @throws CorruptDataException
private void exploreArray(IIndexReader.IOne2LongIndex m2, long bootLoaderAddress, HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> hm,
JavaObject jo, JavaClass type, ArrayLong aa, int arrayLen, IProgressListener listener)
throws CorruptDataException
// Performance optimization - don't find references two ways
if (useDTFJRefs && !debugInfo)
boolean primitive = isPrimitiveArray(type);
if (!primitive)
// Do large arrays in pieces to try to avoid OutOfMemoryErrors
int arrayStep = ARRAY_PIECE_SIZE;
for (int arrayOffset = 0; arrayOffset < arrayLen; arrayOffset += arrayStep)
arrayStep = Math.min(arrayStep, arrayLen - arrayOffset);
JavaObject refs[] = new JavaObject[arrayStep];
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
// - arraycopy doesn't check indices
// IllegalArgumentException from
// JavaObject.arraycopy
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Array copy " + arrayOffset + " " + arrayLen + " " + arrayStep); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
jo.arraycopy(arrayOffset, refs, 0, arrayStep);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
String typeName;
typeName = type.getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e1)
typeName = e1.toString();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingArray, typeName, arrayLen, arrayOffset,
arrayStep, format(jo.getID().getAddress())), e);
int idx = arrayOffset;
for (JavaObject jao : refs)
if (jao != null)
// Add the non-null refs
long elementObjAddress = jao.getID().getAddress();
elementObjAddress = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, elementObjAddress);
int elementRef = m2.reverse(elementObjAddress);
if (elementRef < 0)
if (msgNinvalidArray-- > 0)
String name;
Exception e1 = null;
if (debugInfo)
// Getting the class can be expensive for an unknown object,
// so only do in debug mode to avoid rereading the dump
JavaClass javaClass = jao.getJavaClass();
name = javaClass != null ? javaClass.getName() : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
name = e.toString();
e1 = e;
name = "?"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String typeName;
typeName = type.getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
typeName = e.toString();
e1 = e;
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
format(elementObjAddress), name, idx, typeName, arrayLen, format(jo
.getID().getAddress())), e1);
if (hm.get(elementRef) != null)
if (verbose)
debugPrint("Found class ref field " + elementRef + " from array " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ m2.reverse(jo.getID().getAddress()));
if (verbose)
debugPrint("Found obj ref field " + elementRef + " from array " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ m2.reverse(jo.getID().getAddress()));
catch (CorruptDataException e)
String typeName;
typeName = type.getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e1)
typeName = e1.toString();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingArray, typeName, arrayLen, arrayOffset,
arrayStep, format(jo.getID().getAddress())), e);
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
String typeName;
typeName = type.getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e1)
typeName = e1.toString();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingArray, typeName, arrayLen, arrayOffset,
arrayStep, format(jo.getID().getAddress())), e);
* Tests whether an array is a primitive array (i.e. the elements are not
* objects) Allows for a bug in DTFJ
* @param type
* @return true if the array elements are primitives
* @throws CorruptDataException
static boolean isPrimitiveArray(JavaClass type) throws CorruptDataException
// CMVC 136032 - getComponentType strips all of arrays instead of one
String name = type.getName();
if (name.startsWith("[[")) //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
return "[B".equals(name) || //$NON-NLS-1$
"[S".equals(name) || //$NON-NLS-1$
"[I".equals(name) || //$NON-NLS-1$
"[J".equals(name) || //$NON-NLS-1$
"[Z".equals(name) || //$NON-NLS-1$
"[C".equals(name) || //$NON-NLS-1$
"[F".equals(name) || //$NON-NLS-1$
"[D".equals(name); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Ignore
JavaClass elemClass = type.getComponentType();
if (elemClass.isArray()) return false;
boolean primitive = isPrimitiveName(elemClass.getName());
return primitive;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
return false;
* @param elemClass
* @return true if the class is a primitive class (int, byte, float etc.)
* @throws CorruptDataException
private boolean isPrimitive(JavaClass elemClass) throws CorruptDataException
boolean primitive = getSuperclass(elemClass, null) == null && !elemClass.getName().equals("java/lang/Object") //$NON-NLS-1$
&& !Modifier.isInterface(elemClass.getModifiers());
return primitive;
* @param m2
* @param bootLoaderAddress
* @param hm
* @param jo
* @param type
* @param aa
* @param verbose
* print out extra information
* @param listener
* To indicate progress/errors
* @throws CorruptDataException
private void exploreObject(IIndexReader.IOne2LongIndex m2, long bootLoaderAddress, HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> hm,
JavaObject jo, JavaClass type, ArrayLong aa, boolean verbose, IProgressListener listener)
// Performance optimization - don't find references two ways
if (useDTFJRefs && !debugInfo)
String typeName = getClassName(type, listener);
if (verbose)
debugPrint("Exploring " + type + " at " + jo.getID().getAddress()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
for (JavaClass jc = type; jc != null; jc = getSuperclass(jc, listener))
String clsName = getClassName(jc, listener);
for (Iterator<?> ii = jc.getDeclaredFields(); ii.hasNext();)
Object next3 =;
if (isCorruptData(next3, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingDeclaredFields, jc))
JavaField jf = (JavaField) next3;
String fieldName;
fieldName = jf.getName();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
fieldName = "?"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String sig;
sig = jf.getSignature();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Play safe & make field look like an object field
sig = "L?"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!Modifier.isStatic(jf.getModifiers()))
if (sig.startsWith("[") || sig.startsWith("L")) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
Object obj;
obj = jf.get(jo);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// - IllegalArgumentException
// instead of CorruptDataException or a
// partial JavaObject
obj = null;
fieldName = jf.getName();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingObjectFromField, clsName,
fieldName, sig, typeName, format(jo.getID().getAddress())), e);
if (obj instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo2 = (JavaObject) obj;
long fieldObjAddress = jo2.getID().getAddress();
fieldObjAddress = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, fieldObjAddress);
int fieldRef = m2.reverse(fieldObjAddress);
if (fieldRef < 0)
if (msgNinvalidObj-- > 0)
String name;
Exception e1 = null;
JavaClass javaClass = jo2.getJavaClass();
name = javaClass != null ? javaClass.getName() : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
e1 = e;
name = e.toString();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
format(fieldObjAddress), name, clsName, fieldName, sig,
typeName, format(jo.getID().getAddress())), e1);
// Do unexpected duplicate fields
// occur?
// for (IteratorLong il =
// aa.iterator();
// il.hasNext(); ) {
// if ( == fieldObjAddress)
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("duplicate field value
// "+format(fieldObjAddress)+" from
// "+format(jo.getID().getAddress())+"
// "+m2.reverse(jo.getID().getAddress())+"
// "+jo.getJavaClass().getName()+"="+jc.getName()+"."+jf.getName()+":"+jf.getSignature());
// }
if (verbose)
if (hm.get(fieldRef) != null)
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found class ref field " + fieldRef + " from " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ m2.reverse(jo.getID().getAddress()));
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found obj ref field " + fieldRef + " from " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ m2.reverse(jo.getID().getAddress()));
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingObjectFromField, clsName,
fieldName, sig, typeName, format(jo.getID().getAddress())), e);
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingObjectFromField, clsName,
fieldName, sig, typeName, format(jo.getID().getAddress())), e);
// primitive field
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingObjectFromField, clsName, fieldName, sig,
typeName, format(jo.getID().getAddress())), e);
* @param gc
* @param ci
private void addRoot(HashMapIntObject<List<XGCRootInfo>> gc, long obj, long ctx, int type)
XGCRootInfo rri = new XGCRootInfo(obj, ctx, newRootType(type));
int contextId = indexToAddress.reverse(rri.getContextAddress());
if (contextId < 0)
rri = new XGCRootInfo(obj, obj, newRootType(type));
int objectId = rri.getObjectId();
List<XGCRootInfo> rootsForID = gc.get(objectId);
if (rootsForID == null)
rootsForID = new ArrayList<XGCRootInfo>(1);
gc.put(objectId, rootsForID);
if (debugInfo)
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Root "+format(obj));
int clsId = objectToClass.get(objectId);
ClassImpl cls = idToClass.get(clsId);
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("objid "+objectId+" clsId "+clsId+" "+cls);
String clsName = cls != null ? cls.getName() : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
String desc = "" + format(obj) + " " + objectId + " ctx " + format(ctx) + " " + rri.getContextId() + " type:" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ //$NON-NLS-5$
+ clsName;
// 32 busy monitor
// 64 java local
// 256 thread obj
debugPrint("Root " + type + " " + desc); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* First stage of building a class object Get the right class loader, the
* superclass, the fields and the constant pool
* @param j2
* @param hm
* @param bootLoaderAddress
* @param superAddress
* If non-zero override superclass address with this.
* @param listener
* To indicate progress/errors
* @return the new class
private ClassImpl genClass(JavaClass j2, HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> hm, long bootLoaderAddress, long sup,
IProgressListener listener)
long claddr = getClassAddress(j2, listener);
String name = getClassName(j2, listener);
long loader;
// Set up class loaders
JavaClassLoader load = getClassLoader(j2, listener);
if (load == null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindClassLoader, name, format(claddr)), null);
loader = getLoaderAddress(load, bootLoaderAddress);
int loaderId = indexToAddress.reverse(loader);
if (loaderId < 0)
// If we can't find the loader ID, then we'll run into issues later
// in GarbageCleaner (see bug 464199), so we'll just raise an error
// and set the classloader to the bootloader.
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassLoaderAtAddressNotFound, format(loader), loaderId,
format(claddr), indexToAddress.reverse(claddr), name), null);
loader = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, bootLoaderAddress);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Unable to find class loader
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindClassLoader, name, format(claddr)), e);
loader = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, bootLoaderAddress);
if (sup == 0)
JavaClass superClass = getSuperclass(j2, listener);
sup = superClass != null ? getClassAddress(superClass, listener) : 0L;
int superId;
if (sup != 0)
superId = indexToAddress.reverse(sup);
if (superId < 0)
// We have a problem at this point - the class has a real
// superclass address, but a bad id.
// If the address is non-zero ClassImpl will use the id,
// which can cause exceptions inside of MAT
// so clear the address.
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_SuperclassNotFound, format(sup), superId, format(claddr),
indexToAddress.reverse(claddr), name), null);
sup = 0;
superId = -1;
ArrayList<FieldDescriptor> al = new ArrayList<FieldDescriptor>();
ArrayList<Field> al2 = new ArrayList<Field>();
// Superclass is added by ClassImpl as a pseudo static field
// We don't need to deal with superclass static fields as these are
// maintained by the superclass
for (Iterator<?> f1 = j2.getDeclaredFields(); f1.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingDeclaredFields, j2))
JavaField jf = (JavaField) next;
String fieldName = "?"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String fieldSignature = "?"; //$NON-NLS-1$
fieldName = jf.getName();
fieldSignature = jf.getSignature();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (Modifier.isStatic(jf.getModifiers()))
Object val = null;
// CorruptDataException when reading
// negative byte/shorts
Object o = jf.get(null);
if (o instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) o;
long address = jo.getID().getAddress();
val = new ObjectReference(null, address);
if (o instanceof Number || o instanceof Character || o instanceof Boolean || o == null)
val = o;
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnexpectedValueForStaticField, o, fieldName,
fieldSignature, j2.getName(), format(claddr)), null);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// IllegalArgumentException from static
// JavaField.get()
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_InvalidStaticField, fieldName, fieldSignature, name,
format(claddr)), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_InvalidStaticField, fieldName, fieldSignature, name,
format(claddr)), e);
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_InvalidStaticField, fieldName, fieldSignature, name,
format(claddr)), e);
Field f = new Field(fieldName, signatureToType(fieldSignature, val), val);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Adding static field " + fieldName + " " + f.getType() + " " + val + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
+ f.getValue());
FieldDescriptor fd = new FieldDescriptor(fieldName, signatureToType(fieldSignature));
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_InvalidField, fieldName, fieldSignature, name,
format(claddr)), e);
// Add java.lang.Class instance fields as pseudo static fields
JavaObject joc;
joc = j2.getObject();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Javacore - fails
joc = null;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// IllegalArgumentException if object address not
// found
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemBuildingClassObject, e);
joc = null;
JavaClass j3;
if (joc != null)
j3 = joc.getJavaClass();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
// Corrupt - fails for dump.xml
long objAddr = joc.getID().getAddress();
if (msgNtypeForClassObject-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindTypeOfObject, format(objAddr),
format(claddr), name), e);
j3 = null;
// No Java object for class, so skip looking for fields
if (j2.getID() != null)
if (debugInfo)
debugPrint("No Java object for " + getClassName(j2, listener) + " at " + format(j2.getID().getAddress())); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (debugInfo)
debugPrint("No Java object for " + getClassName(j2, listener)); //$NON-NLS-1$
j3 = null;
for (; j3 != null; j3 = getSuperclass(j3, listener))
for (Iterator<?> f1 = j3.getDeclaredFields(); f1.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingDeclaredFields, j3))
JavaField jf = (JavaField) next;
String className2 = getClassName(j3, listener);
String fieldName = "?"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String fieldSignature = "?"; //$NON-NLS-1$;
fieldName = jf.getName();
fieldSignature = jf.getSignature();
catch (CorruptDataException e)
if (!Modifier.isStatic(jf.getModifiers()))
Object val = null;
// CorruptDataException when reading
// negative byte/shorts
Object o = jf.get(joc);
if (o instanceof JavaObject)
JavaObject jo = (JavaObject) o;
long address = jo.getID().getAddress();
val = new ObjectReference(null, address);
if (o instanceof Number || o instanceof Character || o instanceof Boolean || o == null)
val = o;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_InvalidField, fieldName, fieldSignature,
className2, format(claddr)), e);
catch (MemoryAccessException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_InvalidField, fieldName, fieldSignature,
className2, format(claddr)), e);
// This is an instance field in the Java object
// representing the class, becoming a pseudo-static
// field in the MAT class
Field f = new Field("<" + fieldName + ">", signatureToType(fieldSignature, val), val); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
catch (CorruptDataException e)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_InvalidField, fieldName, fieldSignature, className2,
format(claddr)), e);
// Add constant pool entries as pseudo fields
// Constant pool index starts at 1: see JVM spec ClassFile structure
int cpindex = 1;
Iterator<?> f1;
f1 = j2.getConstantPoolReferences();
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// IllegalArgumentException from
// getConstantPoolReferences (bad ref?)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemBuildingClassObject, e);
f1 = Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
for (; f1.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingConstantPoolReferences, j2))
Object val = null;
JavaObject jo;
long address;
if (next instanceof JavaObject)
jo = (JavaObject) next;
address = jo.getID().getAddress();
else if (next instanceof JavaClass)
JavaClass jc = (JavaClass) next;
address = getClassAddress(jc, listener);
// Unexpected constant pool entry
val = new ObjectReference(null, address);
Field f = new Field("<constant pool[" + (cpindex++) + "]>", IObject.Type.OBJECT, val); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// Add the MAT descriptions of the fields
Field[] statics = al2.toArray(new Field[al2.size()]);
FieldDescriptor[] fld = al.toArray(new FieldDescriptor[al.size()]);
String cname = getMATClassName(j2, listener);
ClassImpl ci = new ClassImpl(claddr, cname, sup, loader, statics, fld);
// Fix the indexes
final long claddr2 = ci.getObjectAddress();
final int clsId = indexToAddress.reverse(claddr2);
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Setting class "+format(claddr)+" "+clsId+"
// "+format(claddr2));
if (clsId >= 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassAtAddressNotFound, format(claddr), clsId, name), null);
if (sup != 0)
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Super "+sup+" "+superId);
// superId is valid
int loaderId = indexToAddress.reverse(loader);
if (loaderId >= 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassLoaderAtAddressNotFound, format(loader), loaderId,
format(claddr), clsId, name), null);
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Build "+ci.getName()+" at "+format(claddr2));
hm.put(indexToAddress.reverse(claddr), ci);
return ci;
* Get a suitable address to use for a method
* @param m
* The method
* @param listener
* For logging
* @return Either the first byte code section, or the first compiled code
* section, or a unique made-up address
private long getMethodAddress(JavaMethod m, IProgressListener listener)
// Disable if not needed
if (!getExtraInfo)
return 0;
long ret = 0;
JavaClass jc;
jc = m.getDeclaringClass();
catch (DataUnavailable e)
jc = null;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
jc = null;
for (Iterator<?> it = m.getBytecodeSections(); it.hasNext();)
Object next =;
// Too many CorruptData items from AIX 1.4.2 dumps
if (next instanceof CorruptData && msgNcorruptSection-- <= 0)
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingBytecodeSections, jc, m))
ImageSection is = (ImageSection) next;
ret = is.getBaseAddress().getAddress();
if (ret != 0)
// Possible address, see if it has been used for another method
// (e.g. with different class loader).
JavaMethod other = methodAddresses.get(ret);
if (other == null)
methodAddresses.put(ret, m);
return ret;
else if (m.equals(other))
return ret;
// Already in use, so continue
for (Iterator<?> it = m.getCompiledSections(); it.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingCompiledCodeSections, jc, m))
ImageSection is = (ImageSection) next;
ret = is.getBaseAddress().getAddress();
if (ret != 0)
// Possible address, see if it has been used for another method
// (e.g. with different class loader).
JavaMethod other = methodAddresses.get(ret);
if (other == null)
methodAddresses.put(ret, m);
return ret;
else if (m.equals(other))
return ret;
// Already in use, so continue
// e.g. native methods
boolean faultyEquals = faultyMethodEquals && !m.equals(m);
Long addr = !faultyEquals ? dummyMethodAddress.get(m) : dummyMethodAddress2.get(m);
if (addr != null)
// Return the address we have already used
return addr;
long clsAd = jc != null ? getClassAddress(jc, listener) : 0;
String methName;
methName = getMethodName(m, listener);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
methName = e.toString();
// Build a unique dummy address
long clsAddr = nextClassAddress;
if (!faultyEquals)
dummyMethodAddress.put(m, clsAddr);
// If an object doesn't equal itself we can't use a normal HashMap
dummyMethodAddress2.put(m, clsAddr);
nextClassAddress += 8;
if (ret != 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_MethodHasNonUniqueAddress, methName, format(clsAd),
format(ret), format(clsAddr)), null);
MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_MethodHasNoAddress, methName,
format(clsAd), format(clsAddr)), null);
return clsAddr;
* Generate a pseudo class from a method
* @param m
* The method
* @param sup The superclass address
* @param jlc
* MAT java.lang.Class for the type
* @param hm
* object id to ClassImpl mapping
* @param bootLoaderAddress
* @param listener
* For error messages
* @return the new class
* @throws CorruptDataException
private ClassImpl genClass(JavaMethod m, long sup, ClassImpl jlc, HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> hm,
long bootLoaderAddress, IProgressListener listener) throws CorruptDataException
// Disable if not needed
if (!getExtraInfo)
return null;
String name = METHOD_NAME_PREFIX + getMethodName(m, listener);
long claddr = getMethodAddress(m, listener);
// Add the MAT descriptions of the fields
Field[] statics;
long loader;
JavaClass jc;
jc = m.getDeclaringClass();
ObjectReference val = new ObjectReference(null, getClassAddress(jc, listener));
statics = new Field[] { new Field(DECLARING_CLASS, IObject.Type.OBJECT, val) };
// Set up class loaders
JavaClassLoader load = getClassLoader(jc, listener);
loader = getLoaderAddress(load, bootLoaderAddress);
String className = getMATClassName(jc, listener);
// Add the package and class name to the method name - useful for
// accumulating package statistics
name = className + name;
catch (DTFJException e)
jc = null;
statics = new Field[0];
loader = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, bootLoaderAddress);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_DeclaringClassNotFound, name, format(claddr)), e);
int superId;
if (sup != 0)
superId = indexToAddress.reverse(sup);
if (superId < 0)
// We have a problem at this point - the class has a real
// superclass address, but a bad id.
// If the address is non-zero ClassImpl will use the id,
// which can cause exceptions inside of MAT
// so clear the address.
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_SuperclassNotFound, format(sup), superId, format(claddr),
indexToAddress.reverse(claddr), name), null);
sup = 0;
superId = -1;
ClassImpl ci = new ClassImpl(claddr, name, sup, loader, statics, new FieldDescriptor[0]);
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("building method class " + name + " " + format(claddr)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// Fix the indexes
final long claddr2 = ci.getObjectAddress();
final int clsId = indexToAddress.reverse(claddr2);
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Setting class "+format(claddr)+" "+clsId+"
// "+format(claddr2));
if (clsId >= 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassAtAddressNotFound, format(claddr), clsId, name), null);
if (sup != 0)
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Super "+sup+" "+superId);
// superId is valid
int loaderId = indexToAddress.reverse(loader);
if (loaderId >= 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassLoaderAtAddressNotFound, format(loader), loaderId,
format(claddr), clsId, name), null);
hm.put(ci.getObjectId(), ci);
long size;
if (getExtraInfo2)
size = getMethodSize(jc, m, listener);
size = 0;
if (debugInfo)
// For calculating purge sizes
objectToSize2.set(ci.getObjectId(), size);
return ci;
* Generate a pseudo-type for methods
* @param cname name of the pseudo-class
* @param claddr A dummy address
* @param superType the super class address
* @param type The type of this type (or null to use itself)
* @param fields the field descriptors for this type
* @param hm
* @param bootLoaderAddress
* @param listener
* @return
private ClassImpl genDummyType(String cname, long claddr, long superType, ClassImpl type, FieldDescriptor[] fields, HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> hm, long bootLoaderAddress, IProgressListener listener)
long loader = bootLoaderAddress;
Field statics[] = new Field[0];
FieldDescriptor[] fld = new FieldDescriptor[0];
ClassImpl ci = new ClassImpl(claddr, cname, superType, loader, statics, fld);
// Fix the indexes
final long claddr2 = ci.getObjectAddress();
final int clsId = indexToAddress.reverse(claddr2);
if (clsId >= 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassAtAddressNotFound, format(claddr), clsId, cname), null);
if (superType != 0)
int superId = indexToAddress.reverse(superType);
int loaderId = indexToAddress.reverse(loader);
if (loaderId >= 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ClassLoaderAtAddressNotFound, format(loader), loaderId,
format(claddr), clsId, cname), null);
hm.put(ci.getObjectId(), ci);
if (type == null)
type = ci;
int size = 0;
if (debugInfo)
// For calculating purge sizes
objectToSize2.set(ci.getObjectId(), size);
return ci;
static String getMethodName(JavaMethod meth, IProgressListener listener) throws CorruptDataException
String name = meth.getName();
String sig = meth.getSignature();
// 1.4.2 dumps have "Pseudo Frame" with no signature
if (sig.equals("")) sig = "()"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
name += sig;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
name = name + "()"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return name;
* Converts the DTFJ field signature to the MAT type
* @param sig
* @return
static int signatureToType(String sig, Object value)
int ret = signatureToType(sig);
if (ret == -1) ret = signatureToType(value);
return ret;
* Converts the DTFJ field signature to the MAT type
* @param sig
* @return
static int signatureToType(String sig)
int ret;
if (sig.length() == 0) return -1;
switch (sig.charAt(0))
case 'L':
ret = IObject.Type.OBJECT;
case '[':
ret = IObject.Type.OBJECT;
case 'Z':
ret = IObject.Type.BOOLEAN;
case 'B':
ret = IObject.Type.BYTE;
case 'C':
ret = IObject.Type.CHAR;
case 'S':
ret = IObject.Type.SHORT;
case 'I':
ret = IObject.Type.INT;
case 'J':
ret = IObject.Type.LONG;
case 'F':
ret = IObject.Type.FLOAT;
case 'D':
ret = IObject.Type.DOUBLE;
ret = -1;
return ret;
* Converts the DTFJ object type to the MAT type
* @param sig
* @return
static int signatureToType(Object o)
int ret;
if (o instanceof JavaObject || o == null)
ret = IObject.Type.OBJECT;
else if (o instanceof Byte)
ret = IObject.Type.BYTE;
else if (o instanceof Short)
ret = IObject.Type.SHORT;
else if (o instanceof Integer)
ret = IObject.Type.INT;
else if (o instanceof Long)
ret = IObject.Type.LONG;
else if (o instanceof Float)
ret = IObject.Type.FLOAT;
else if (o instanceof Double)
ret = IObject.Type.DOUBLE;
else if (o instanceof Boolean)
ret = IObject.Type.BOOLEAN;
else if (o instanceof Character)
ret = IObject.Type.CHAR;
ret = -1;
return ret;
* Get an address associated with a thread
* 1.Thread object address
* 2. JNIEnv address
* 3. corrupt data from thread object
* @param th
* @param listener - could be null if we don't need to report errors again
* @return
static long getThreadAddress(JavaThread th, IProgressListener listener)
long ret = 0;
CorruptDataException e = null;
JavaObject o = th.getObject();
if (o != null)
ret = o.getID().getAddress();
catch (CorruptDataException e1)
e = e1;
if (ret == 0)
ret = th.getJNIEnv().getAddress();
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
ImagePointer ip = null;
if (e != null) ip = e.getCorruptData().getAddress();
if (ip == null) ip = e2.getCorruptData().getAddress();
if (ip != null) ret = ip.getAddress();
if (listener != null)
if (ret == 0) {
String name = th.getName();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaThreadInformationFor, name), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaThreadInformation, e);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaThreadName, e2);
String name = th.getName();
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UsingAddressForThreadName, format(ret), name), e);
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UsingAddressForThread, format(ret)), e);
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.INFO, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemReadingJavaThreadName, e2);
return ret;
* @param load
* @param bootLoaderAddress
* @return
* @throws CorruptDataException
private long getLoaderAddress(JavaClassLoader load, long bootLoaderAddress) throws CorruptDataException
long loader;
if (load == null)
loader = bootLoaderAddress;
JavaObject loaderObject = load.getObject();
if (loaderObject == null)
loader = bootLoaderAddress;
loader = loaderObject.getID().getAddress();
loader = fixBootLoaderAddress(bootLoaderAddress, loader);
return loader;
* Get the name for a class, but handle errors
* @param javaClass
* @param listen
* @return
private String getClassName(JavaClass javaClass, IProgressListener listen)
String name;
name = javaClass.getName();
int ix = name.indexOf(0);
if (ix >= 0)
name = null;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
name = null;
if (name == null)
long id = getClassAddress(javaClass, listen);
name = "corruptClassName@" + format(id); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (javaClass.isArray())
name = "[LcorruptArrayClassName@" + format(id) + ";"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
JavaClass comp = javaClass.getComponentType();
String compName = getClassName(comp, listen);
if (compName.startsWith("[")) //$NON-NLS-1$
name = "[" + compName; //$NON-NLS-1$
name = "[L" + compName + ";"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
catch (CorruptDataException e2)
return name;
* @param javaClass
* @return the type as a signature
* @throws CorruptDataException
* Doesn't work for arrays - but should not find any in constant
* pool
private String getClassSignature(JavaClass javaClass) throws CorruptDataException
String sig;
sig = "L" + javaClass.getName() + ";"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return sig;
private static final String primitives[] = { Boolean.TYPE.getName(), Byte.TYPE.getName(), Short.TYPE.getName(),
Character.TYPE.getName(), Integer.TYPE.getName(), Long.TYPE.getName(), Float.TYPE.getName(),
Double.TYPE.getName(), Void.TYPE.getName() };
private static final HashSet<String> primSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(primitives));
private static boolean isPrimitiveName(String name)
return primSet.contains(name);
* Get the address of the superclass object Avoid DTFJ bugs
* @param j2
* @param listener
* for logging
* @return
private JavaClass getSuperclass(JavaClass j2, IProgressListener listener)
JavaClass sup = null;
sup = j2.getSuperclass();
// old DTFJ bug - superclass for array can return java.lang.Object from
// another dump!
if (fixBadSuperclass && sup != null)
ImagePointer supAddr = sup.getID();
ImagePointer clsAddr = j2.getID();
// supAddr = clsAddr;
// Synthetic classes can have a null ID
if (supAddr != null && clsAddr != null)
ImageAddressSpace supAddressSpace = supAddr.getAddressSpace();
ImageAddressSpace clsAddressSpace = clsAddr.getAddressSpace();
if (!supAddressSpace.equals(clsAddressSpace))
if (supAddressSpace != clsAddressSpace)
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.ERROR, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_SuperclassInWrongAddressSpace, j2.getName(),
supAddressSpace, clsAddressSpace), null);
sup = null;
// ImageAddressSpace.equals broken -
// returns false
if (listener != null && msgNbrokenEquals-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_INFO, MessageFormat.format(
supAddressSpace, clsAddressSpace, System.identityHashCode(supAddr),
System.identityHashCode(clsAddr)), null);
if (sup == null)
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("No superclass for "+j2.getName());
if (j2.isArray() && j2.getObject() != null && j2.getObject().getJavaClass().getSuperclass() != null)
// Fix DTFJ bug - find java.lang.Object to use as the
// superclass
for (sup = j2.getObject().getJavaClass(); sup.getSuperclass() != null; sup = sup.getSuperclass())
if (listener != null && msgNnoSuperClassForArray-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NoSuperclassForArray, j2.getName(), sup.getName()),
// J9 DTFJ returns java.lang.Object for interfaces
// Sov DTFJ returns java.lang.Object for primitives
// or interfaces
// PHD or javacore don't have modifiers, so don't try
// getModifiers more than a few times if getModifiers never succeeds.
if ((msgNgetSuperclass > 0 || modifiersFound > 0)
&& Modifier.isInterface(j2.getModifiers()))
if (listener != null && msgNbrokenInterfaceSuper-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_InterfaceShouldNotHaveASuperclass, j2.getName(), sup
.getName()), null);
sup = null;
String name = j2.getName();
if (isPrimitiveName(name))
if (listener != null)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_INFO, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_PrimitiveShouldNotHaveASuperclass, j2.getName(),
sup.getName()), null);
sup = null;
return sup;
catch (CorruptDataException e)
long addr = getClassAddress(j2, listener);
String name = getClassName(j2, listener);
if (listener != null && msgNgetSuperclass-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity.WARNING, MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_ProblemGettingSuperclass, name, format(addr)), e);
return sup; // Just for Javacore
* Basic class loader finder - copes with arrays not having a loader, use
* component type loader instead
* @param j2
* @param listener
* for error messages
* @return
* @throws CorruptDataException
private JavaClassLoader getClassLoader1(JavaClass j2, IProgressListener listener) throws CorruptDataException
JavaClassLoader load;
// Fix up possible problem with arrays not having a class loader
// Use the loader of the component type instead
for (JavaClass j3 = j2; (load = j3.getClassLoader()) == null && j3.isArray(); j3 = j3.getComponentType())
if (msgNmissingLoaderMsg-- > 0)
listener.sendUserMessage(Severity_INFO, MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_NoClassLoader,
j3.getName(), j3.getComponentType().getName()), null);
return load;
* General class loader finder
* @param j1
* @param listener
* for error messages
* @return
* @throws CorruptDataException
private JavaClassLoader getClassLoader(JavaClass j1, IProgressListener listener) throws CorruptDataException
JavaClassLoader load;
load = getClassLoader1(j1, listener);
catch (CorruptDataException e)
load = getClassLoader2(j1, listener);
if (load != null)
return load;
throw e;
if (load == null)
load = getClassLoader2(j1, listener);
return load;
* @param j1
* @return
* @throws CorruptDataException
private JavaClassLoader getClassLoader2(JavaClass j1, IProgressListener listener) throws CorruptDataException
for (Iterator<?> i = dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime().getJavaClassLoaders(); i.hasNext();)
Object next =;
if (isCorruptData(next, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingClassLoaders1, dtfjInfo.getJavaRuntime()))
JavaClassLoader jcl = (JavaClassLoader) next;
for (Iterator<?> j = jcl.getDefinedClasses(); j.hasNext();)
Object next2 =;
if (isCorruptData(next2, listener, Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_CorruptDataReadingClasses, jcl))
JavaClass j2 = (JavaClass) next2;
if (j2.equals(j1)) { return jcl; }
return null;
* Convert an address to a 0x hex number
* @param address
* @return A string representing the address
private static String format(long address)
return "0x" + Long.toHexString(address); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Convert the DTFJ version of the class name to the MAT version The array
* suffix is important for MAT operation - old J9 [[[java/lang/String ->
* java.lang.String[][][] [char -> char[] 1.4.2, and new J9 after fix for
* [[[Ljava/lang/String; -> java.lang.String[][][] [C -> char[]
* @param j2
* @param listener for messages
* @return The MAT version of the class name
private String getMATClassName(JavaClass j2, IProgressListener listener)
// MAT expects the name with $, but with [][] for the dimensions
String d = getClassName(j2, listener).replace('/', '.');
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("d = "+d);
// Count leading '['s :
int dim = 0;
int d_len = d.length();
while (dim < d_len && d.charAt(dim)=='[') {
// Iff this is an array type, strip off leading '['s,
// remove trailing ; if present and leading L if present.
// Rebuild class name with trailing []s for dimensions.
if (dim > 0) {
int i = dim;
int j = d_len;
// Does the class name have L and semicolon around it?
if (j > i && d.charAt(j - 1) == ';')
// If so, remove them
if (d.charAt(i) == 'L')
d = d.substring(i, j); // Strip classname down to base name
d = d.substring(i, j); // Strip classname down to base name
// Fix up primitive type names
// DTFJ J9 array names are okay (char etc.)
if (d.equals("Z")) //$NON-NLS-1$
d = "boolean"; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (d.equals("B")) //$NON-NLS-1$
d = "byte"; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (d.equals("S")) //$NON-NLS-1$
d = "short"; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (d.equals("C")) //$NON-NLS-1$
d = "char"; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (d.equals("I")) //$NON-NLS-1$
d = "int"; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (d.equals("F")) //$NON-NLS-1$
d = "float"; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (d.equals("J")) //$NON-NLS-1$
d = "long"; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (d.equals("D")) //$NON-NLS-1$
d = "double"; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (d.startsWith("L")) //$NON-NLS-1$
// javacore reader bug - no semicolon
d = d.substring(1);
StringBuilder a = new StringBuilder(d);
// Convert to MAT style array signature
for (; dim > 0; --dim)
a.append("[]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
d = a.toString();
} // if (dim > 0)
// if (debugInfo) debugPrint("d2 = "+d);
return d;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.mat.parser.IIndexBuilder#init(,
* java.lang.String)
public void init(File file, String prefix)
* Store the absolute file path as the absolute file will be used when
* reopening the dump in
dump = file.getAbsoluteFile();
pfx = prefix;
* A counted cache for DTFJ Images.
static class ImageSoftReference extends SoftReference<Image>
// Use count
private int count = 1;
// This dump is out of date, so should be closed when no longer used.
private boolean old;
public ImageSoftReference(Image o)
* Get the image to use again, increment the use count.
* @return
public Image obtain()
// This dump is out of date, don't reuse.
if (old)
return null;
Image x = get();
if (x != null)
return x;
* Stop using the image.
* @param x1
* the image we want to stop using. It might not be the same
* if another thread opened a dump at the same time and put
* it into the cache.
* @return true if the image matched the saved one in the soft
* reference so that we need to keep it around for the cache.
public boolean release(Image x1)
Image x = get();
if (x == x1)
return true;
return false;
* Release any resources associated with the image, provided it is not in use.
public void close()
boolean closeFailed = false;
boolean softRefCleared = false;
Image dumpImage = get();
if (dumpImage != null)
// Don't close the dump if it is still in use
if (count == 0)
// DTFJ 1.4
catch (NoSuchMethodError e)
closeFailed = true;
dumpImage = null;
softRefCleared = true;
cleanUp(closeFailed, softRefCleared);
* Helper method to get a DTFJ image
* @param format
* The MAT description of the dump type e.g. DTFJ-J9)
* @throws Error
* , IOException
private static Image getUncachedDump(File dump, Serializable format) throws Error, IOException
return getDynamicDTFJDump(dump, format);
* Get a DTFJ image dynamically using Eclipse extension points to find the
* factory.
* @param dump
* @param format
* @return
* @throws IOException
private static Image getDynamicDTFJDump(File dump, Serializable format) throws IOException
Image image;
IExtensionRegistry reg = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
IExtensionPoint point = reg.getExtensionPoint("", "imagefactory"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (point != null)
// Find all the DTFJ implementations
for (IExtension ex : point.getExtensions())
// Find all the factories
for (IConfigurationElement el : ex.getConfigurationElements())
if (el.getName().equals("factory")) //$NON-NLS-1$
String id = el.getAttribute("id"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Have we found the right factory?
if (id != null && id.equals(format))
File dumpFile = null, metaFile = null;
Set<List<File>> attemptedFiles = new LinkedHashSet<List<File>>();
// Get the ImageFactory
ImageFactory fact = (ImageFactory) el.createExecutableExtension("action"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String name = dump.getName();
// Find the content types of the dump
FileInputStream is = null;
IContentType ct0, cts[], cts2[];
// The default type
is = new FileInputStream(dump);
ct0 = Platform.getContentTypeManager().findContentTypeFor(is, name);
catch (IOException e)
ct0 = null;
if (is != null)
// Types based on file name
is = new FileInputStream(dump);
cts = Platform.getContentTypeManager().findContentTypesFor(is, name);
catch (IOException e)
cts = new IContentType[0];
if (is != null)
// Types not based on file name
is = new FileInputStream(dump);
cts2 = Platform.getContentTypeManager().findContentTypesFor(is, null);
catch (IOException e)
cts2 = new IContentType[0];
if (is != null)
// See if the supplied dump matches any of the
// content types for the factory
for (IConfigurationElement el2 : el.getChildren())
if (!el2.getName().equals("content-types")) //$NON-NLS-1$
String extId = el2.getAttribute("dump-type"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String metaId = el2.getAttribute("meta-type"); //$NON-NLS-1$
IContentType cext = Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType(extId);
IContentType cmeta = Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType(metaId);
if (cmeta != null)
// Found a metafile description
boolean foundext[] = new boolean[1];
boolean foundmeta[] = new boolean[1];
String actualExts[] = getActualExts(cext, name, ct0, cts, cts2, foundext);
String actualMetaExts[] = getActualExts(cmeta, name, ct0, cts, cts2, foundmeta);
String possibleExts[] = getPossibleExts(cext);
String possibleMetaExts[] = getPossibleExts(cmeta);
// Is the supplied file a dump or a
// meta. Decide which to try first.
boolean extFirst = foundext[0];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i, extFirst = !extFirst)
if (extFirst)
for (String ext : actualExts)
for (String metaExt : possibleMetaExts)
String metaExt1 = ext.equals("") && !metaExt.equals("") ? "." //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
+ metaExt : metaExt;
String ext1 = metaExt.equals("") && !ext.equals("") ? "." + ext //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
: ext;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("ext " + ext + " " + ext1 + " " + metaExt + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
+ metaExt1);
if (endsWithIgnoreCase(name, ext1))
int p = name.length() - ext1.length();
dumpFile = dump;
metaFile = new File(dump.getParentFile(), name.substring(0,
+ metaExt1);
List<File>fs = new ArrayList<File>();
for (String metaExt : actualMetaExts)
for (String ext : possibleExts)
String metaExt1 = ext.equals("") && !metaExt.equals("") ? "." //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
+ metaExt : metaExt;
String ext1 = metaExt.equals("") && !ext.equals("") ? "." + ext //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
: ext;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("meta " + ext + " " + ext1 + " " + metaExt + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
+ metaExt1);
if (endsWithIgnoreCase(name, metaExt1))
int p = name.length() - metaExt1.length();
dumpFile = new File(dump.getParentFile(), name.substring(0,
+ ext1);
metaFile = dump;
List<File>fs = new ArrayList<File>();
else if (cext != null)
boolean foundext[] = new boolean[1];
String actualExts[] = getActualExts(cext, name, ct0, cts, cts2, foundext);
for (String ext : actualExts)
if (endsWithIgnoreCase(name, ext))
dumpFile = dump;
metaFile = null;
List<File>fs = new ArrayList<File>();
// Also try just the dump
dumpFile = dump;
metaFile = null;
List<File>fs = new ArrayList<File>();
// Try opening the dump
RuntimeException savedRuntimeException = null;
FileNotFoundException savedFileException = null;
IOException savedIOException = null;
try {
for (List<File>fls : attemptedFiles)
dumpFile = fls.get(0);
if (fls.size() >= 2)
metaFile = fls.get(1);
image = fact.getImage(dumpFile, metaFile);
// Save the factory too
DumpCache.factoryMap.put(image, fact);
return image;
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
checkIfDiskFull(dumpFile, metaFile, e, format);
catch (IOException e)
if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getMessage().contains("Not a javacore file.")) //$NON-NLS-1$
// Ignore an error if the metafile appears not to be a Javacore file
savedRuntimeException = null;
savedFileException = null;
savedIOException = e;
throw e;
metaFile = null;
image = fact.getImage(dumpFile);
// Save the factory too
DumpCache.factoryMap.put(image, fact);
return image;
catch (RuntimeException e)
// Javacore currently throws
// IndexOutOfBoundsException
// for bad dumps
savedRuntimeException = e;
savedFileException = null;
savedIOException = null;
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
savedRuntimeException = null;
savedFileException = e;
savedIOException = null;
checkIfDiskFull(dumpFile, metaFile, e, format);
catch (IOException e)
// Could be out of disk space, so give up now
// Clear the cache to attempt to free some disk
// space
IOException e1 = new IOException(MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToReadDumpMetaInDTFJFormat, dumpFile,
metaFile, format));
throw e1;
if (savedIOException != null)
IOException e1 = new IOException(MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToReadDumpMetaInDTFJFormat, dumpFile,
metaFile, format));
throw e1;
if (savedRuntimeException != null)
// Javacore currently throws
// IndexOutOfBoundsException for bad dumps
IOException e1 = new IOException(MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToReadDumpInDTFJFormat, dumpFile,
throw e1;
if (savedFileException != null)
IOException e1 = new IOException(MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToReadDumpInDTFJFormat, dumpFile,
throw e1;
catch (CoreException e)
// From createExecutableException
IOException e1 = new IOException(MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToReadDumpInDTFJFormat, dump, format));
throw e1;
throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format(Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToFindDTFJForFormat, format));
* Find the valid file extensions for the supplied file, assuming it is of
* the requested type.
* @param cext
* Requested type
* @param name
* The file name
* @param ctdump
* The best guess content type for the file
* @param cts
* All content types based on name
* @param cts2
* All content types not based on name
* @param found
* Did the file type match the content-type?
* @return array of extensions
private static String[] getActualExts(IContentType cext, String name, IContentType ctdump, IContentType cts[],
IContentType cts2[], boolean found[])
LinkedHashSet<String> exts = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Match " + cext); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Add best guess extensions first
if (ctdump != null)
if (ctdump.isKindOf(cext))
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found default type " + ctdump); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Add other extensions
if (cts.length > 0)
for (IContentType ct : cts)
if (ct.isKindOf(cext))
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found possible type with file name " + ct); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (cts.length == 0)
// No matching types including the file name
// Try without file names
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("No types"); //$NON-NLS-1$
boolean foundType = false;
for (IContentType ct : cts2)
if (ct.isKindOf(cext))
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("Found possible type without file name " + ct); //$NON-NLS-1$
foundType = true;
if (foundType)
// We did find that this file is of the required type, but the
// name might be wrong
// Add the actual file extension, then this can be used later
int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot >= 0)
exts.add(name.substring(lastDot + 1));
exts.add(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (exts.isEmpty())
found[0] = false;
found[0] = true;
if (debugInfo) debugPrint("All exts " + exts); //$NON-NLS-1$
return exts.toArray(new String[exts.size()]);
* Get all the possible file extensions for a particular file type. Check
* all the subtypes too.
* @param cext
* @return possible extensions
private static String[] getPossibleExts(IContentType cext)
LinkedHashSet<String> exts = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for (IContentType ct : Platform.getContentTypeManager().getAllContentTypes())
if (ct.isKindOf(cext))
return exts.toArray(new String[exts.size()]);
* See if one file name ends with an extension (ignoring case).
* @param s1
* @param s2
* @return
private static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String s1, String s2)
int start = s1.length() - s2.length();
return start >= 0 && s2.compareToIgnoreCase(s1.substring(start)) == 0;
* Try to spot Out of disk space errors
* @param dumpFile
* @param metaFile
* @param e
* @param format
* @throws IOException
private static void checkIfDiskFull(File dumpFile, File metaFile, FileNotFoundException e, Serializable format)
throws IOException
if (e.getMessage().contains("Unable to write")) //$NON-NLS-1$
// Could be out of disk space, so give up now
// Clear the cache to attempt to free some disk space
IOException e1 = new IOException(MessageFormat.format(
Messages.DTFJIndexBuilder_UnableToReadDumpMetaInDTFJFormat, dumpFile, metaFile, format));
throw e1;
* To print out debugging messages
* @param msg
private static void debugPrint(String msg)
* Get a debug option from the Eclipse platform .options file
* @param option the option name
* @param defaultValue the default value if it is not found
* @return
private static boolean getDebugOption(String option, boolean defaultValue)
String val = Platform.getDebugOption(option);
if (val != null)
return Boolean.parseBoolean(val);
return defaultValue;
* Get a debug option from the Eclipse platform .options file
* @param option the option name
* @param defaultValue the default value if it is not found
* @return
private static int getDebugOption(String option, int defaultValue)
String val = Platform.getDebugOption(option);
if (val != null)
return Integer.parseInt(val);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
return defaultValue;
* If explicit close failed for some reason then try using finalization.
* @param closeFailed
* @param softRefCleared
private static void cleanUp(boolean closeFailed, boolean softRefCleared)
if (closeFailed)
// We couldn't close a DTFJ image, so GC and finalize to
// attempt to clean up any temporary files
System.currentTimeMillis(); // Avoid FindBugs warning for gc()
else if (softRefCleared)
static class DumpCache {
/** Used to cache DTFJ images */
private static final Map<File, ImageSoftReference> imageMap = new HashMap<File, ImageSoftReference>();
/** Used to store the factory */
private static final Map<Image, ImageFactory> factoryMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<Image, ImageFactory>());
/** Used to keep count of the active images */
private static int imageCount;
/** Used to clear the cache of images */
private static Timer clearTimer;
* Helper method to get a cached DTFJ image. Uses soft references to avoid
* running out of memory.
* @param dump the dump file
* @param format
* The id of the DTFJ plugin
* @return A RuntimeInfo with just the image filled in.
* @throws Error
* , IOException
static RuntimeInfo getDump(File dump, Serializable format) throws Error, IOException
ImageSoftReference softReference;
Image im;
synchronized (imageMap)
// Cancel any pending clean-ups
if (clearTimer != null)
clearTimer = null;
// Find an existing image for the dump file
softReference = imageMap.get(dump);
if (softReference != null)
im = softReference.obtain();
if (im != null)
return new RuntimeInfo(factoryMap.get(im), im, null, null, null, null);
// Failed, so get a new image for the dump
im = getUncachedDump(dump, format);
synchronized (imageMap)
// Check no new one obtained by another thread meanwhile.
softReference = imageMap.get(dump);
if (softReference == null || softReference.get() == null)
// Create a new soft reference
imageMap.put(dump, new ImageSoftReference(im));
// If we didn't create the soft reference then we will free the image on releasing the dump.
return new RuntimeInfo(factoryMap.get(im), im, null, null, null, null);
* We want to cache DTFJ dump images, but want to free the memory when
* nothing is going on. A compromise is to free the images 30 seconds
* after the last image is released. A good initial parse will be followed
* by an heap object reader open, so don't start a timer after a good parse.
* @param dump The dump to be freed
* @param dtfj The DTFJ objects. Contents cleared on return.
* @param free If true and the total use count goes to zero, schedule cleanup
static void releaseDump(File dump, RuntimeInfo dtfj, boolean free)
// Already released?
if (dtfj.image == null)
ImageSoftReference closeDump = null;
synchronized (imageMap)
ImageSoftReference sr = imageMap.get(dump);
if (sr != null && sr.release(dtfj.image))
// Do not cache unused images if it is out of date or the plugin is not running
if (sr.count == 0 && (sr.old || InitDTFJ.getDefault() == null))
// The dump was out of date, and is now unused so free it.
closeDump = sr;
// Is an image in the cache
ImageSoftReference newsr = new ImageSoftReference(dtfj.image);
// Do not cache the image if the plugin is not running
if ((sr == null || sr.get() == null) && InitDTFJ.getDefault() != null)
// There was no image in the cache, so save this one.
imageMap.put(dump, newsr);
// There is already an image, so discard this one.
// The use count was 1 on creation, so set it to 0.
closeDump = newsr;
if (--imageCount <= 0 && free)
if (clearTimer == null)
clearTimer = new Timer();
// Wait for 30 seconds before cleaning up
clearTimer.schedule(new TimerTask()
public void run()
}, 30 * 1000L);
if (closeDump != null)
* Forget about the cached version of the dump
* @param dump
private static void clearCachedDump(File dump)
ImageSoftReference sr;
synchronized (imageMap)
sr = imageMap.get(dump);
if (sr == null)
// ignore
else if (sr.count >= 1)
* Multiple users, so can't remove from the map
* If there was only one user then we can't remove it
* because if the cache were then empty on release it
* would be added back into the cache.
sr.old = true;
// we can't close it now
sr = null;
* found, but not in use, so close it
sr = imageMap.remove(dump);
if (sr != null)
* Forget about all cached dumps which are not in use.
static void clearCachedDumps()
boolean closeFailed = false;
boolean softRefCleared = false;
synchronized (imageMap)
toClean = new ArrayList<ImageSoftReference>();
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<File, ImageSoftReference>> it = imageMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry<File, ImageSoftReference> e =;
if (e.getValue().count == 0)
for (ImageSoftReference sr : toClean)
Image dumpImage = sr.get();
if (dumpImage != null)
// DTFJ 1.4
catch (NoSuchMethodError e)
closeFailed = true;
dumpImage = null;
softRefCleared = true;
cleanUp(closeFailed, softRefCleared);
* Use MessageUtil not java.text for message formatting
class MessageFormat
public static String format(String msg, Object... parms)
return MessageUtil.format(msg, parms);
private MessageFormat()