blob: 216d8bdee8650c4e3e7cb6004b7da7a6707f4a61 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2020 SAP AG and IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors: SAP AG - initial API and implementation
* Andrew Johnson - conversion to proper query, set operations via contexts
package org.eclipse.mat.internal.snapshot.inspections;
import java.text.Format;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.mat.SnapshotException;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.ArrayInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.internal.Messages;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.Bytes;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.BytesFormat;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.Column;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.ContextDerivedData;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.ContextDerivedData.DerivedOperation;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.ContextProvider;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IContextObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IContextObjectSet;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IDecorator;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IIconProvider;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IQuery;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IQueryContext;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IResult;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IResultTable;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IResultTree;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IStructuredResult;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.ResultMetaData;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.Argument;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.HelpUrl;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.Icon;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.Menu;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.annotations.Menu.Entry;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.ISnapshot;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.OQL;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.query.Icons;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.MessageUtil;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.SimpleMonitor;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.VoidProgressListener;
@Menu({ @Entry(options = "-setop ALL")
,@Entry(options = "-mode DIFF_TO_PREVIOUS -prefix -mask \"\\s@ 0x[0-9a-f]+|^\\[[0-9]+\\]$\" -x java.util.HashMap$Node:key java.util.Hashtable$Entry:key java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry:referent java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node:key")
public class CompareTablesQuery implements IQuery
public IStructuredResult[] tables;
public IQueryContext queryContext;
@Argument(isMandatory = false)
public ISnapshot[] snapshots;
@Argument(isMandatory = false)
public Mode mode = Mode.ABSOLUTE;
@Argument(isMandatory = false)
public Operation setOp = Operation.NONE;
@Argument(isMandatory = false)
public int keyColumn = 1;
@Argument(isMandatory = false)
public Pattern mask;
@Argument(isMandatory = false)
public String replace;
@Argument(isMandatory = false)
public boolean prefix;
@Argument(isMandatory = false)
public boolean suffix;
@Argument(isMandatory = false, flag = "x")
public String[] extraReferences;
@Argument(isMandatory = false, flag = "xfile")
public File extraReferencesListFile;
private boolean[] sameSnapshot;
public enum Mode
String label;
private Mode(String label)
this.label = label;
public String toString()
return label;
public enum Operation
public IResult execute(IProgressListener listener) throws Exception
if (tables == null) return null;
// Length 1 table is valid, and we need to process it in case it is from a different snapshot
// Check key column is present
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i)
if (keyColumn > tables[i].getColumns().length || keyColumn < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_MissingKeyColumn, keyColumn, i + 1));
IStructuredResult base = tables[0];
Column[] baseColumns = base.getColumns();
Column key = baseColumns[keyColumn-1];
sameSnapshot = new boolean[tables.length];
ISnapshot sn = (ISnapshot)queryContext.get(ISnapshot.class, null);
boolean foundTree = false;
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i)
sameSnapshot[i] = (snapshots[i] == null || sn.equals(snapshots[i]));
if (tables[i] instanceof IResultTree)
foundTree = true;
List<ComparedColumn> attributes = new ArrayList<ComparedColumn>();
for (int i = 0; i < baseColumns.length; i++)
if (i == keyColumn-1)
int[] indexes = new int[tables.length];
for (int j = 0; j < indexes.length; j++)
indexes[j] = getColumnIndex(baseColumns[i].getLabel(), tables[j]);
attributes.add(new ComparedColumn(baseColumns[i], indexes, true));
return foundTree ? new ComparisonResultTree(mergeKeys(null, listener), key, attributes, mode, setOp)
: new ComparisonResultTable(mergeKeys(null, listener), key, attributes, mode, setOp);
private int getColumnIndex(String name, IStructuredResult table)
Column[] columns = table.getColumns();
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++)
if (columns[i].getLabel().equals(name)) return i;
return -1;
* Calculate extra parts for the key.
* @param table index
* @param row
* @return a String or null
String extraKey(int table, Object row)
final String noextra = null;
if (extraReferences == null || extraReferences.length == 0)
return noextra;
if (snapshots[table] == null)
return noextra;
IContextObject ctx = tables[table].getContext(row);
if (ctx == null)
return noextra;
int objId = ctx.getObjectId();
if (objId == -1)
return noextra;
IObject obj;
obj = snapshots[table].getObject(ctx.getObjectId());
catch (SnapshotException e)
return noextra;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : extraReferences)
String p1[] = s.split(":", 2); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (p1.length < 1)
else if (p1.length < 2)
// Just the class name, so resolve just the object
String val = obj.getClassSpecificName();
if (val != null)
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.append(' ');
if (obj.getClazz().doesExtend(p1[0]))
for (String field : p1[1].split(",")) //$NON-NLS-1$
Object o;
o = obj.resolveValue(field);
catch (SnapshotException e)
String val;
if (o instanceof IObject)
val = ((IObject)o).getClassSpecificName();
else if (o != null)
val = o.toString();
val = null;
if (val != null)
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.append(' ');
catch (SnapshotException e)
if (sb.length() > 0)
return sb.toString();
return noextra;
* Collect the extra type+field references.
void collectExtraRefs() throws IOException
// extra key refs
// read the file (if any)
String[] fromFile = getLinesFromFile();
if (fromFile != null && fromFile.length > 0)
if (extraReferences != null)
// merge from file and manually entered entries
String[] tmp = new String[fromFile.length + extraReferences.length];
System.arraycopy(fromFile, 0, tmp, 0, fromFile.length);
System.arraycopy(extraReferences, 0, tmp, fromFile.length, extraReferences.length);
extraReferences = tmp;
extraReferences = fromFile;
* Read from a file.
* @return
* @throws IOException
private String[] getLinesFromFile() throws IOException
if (extraReferencesListFile == null)
return null;
BufferedReader in = null;
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(extraReferencesListFile));
String line = null;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)
if (in != null)
return result.toArray(new String[0]);
* Hold a place for a row when the key is a duplicate.
class PlaceHolder
Object key;
int pos;
PlaceHolder(Object key, int pos)
this.key = key;
this.pos = pos;
private List<ComparedRow> mergeKeys(ComparedRow parent, IProgressListener listener)
SimpleMonitor sm = new SimpleMonitor(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_Comparing, listener, new int[] {60,30,10});
Map<Object, Object[]> map = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object[]>();
int sizes[] = new int[tables.length];
// Only get elements once
List<?>elements[] = new List<?>[tables.length];
// Calculate the total number of rows
int totalsize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++)
IStructuredResult table = tables[i];
int size;
if (table instanceof IResultTable)
if (parent == null)
size = ((IResultTable)table).getRowCount();
size = 0;
else if (table instanceof IResultTree)
if (parent == null)
elements[i] = ((IResultTree)table).getElements();
size = elements[i].size();
Object treerow = parent.getRows()[i];
if (treerow != null && ((IResultTree)table).hasChildren(treerow))
elements[i] = ((IResultTree)table).getChildren(treerow);
size = elements[i].size();
size = 0;
size = 0;
sizes[i] = size;
totalsize += size;
// For overflow
if (totalsize < 0)
totalsize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
listener = sm.nextMonitor();
listener.beginTask(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_Initial, totalsize);
long sortwork = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++)
listener.subTask(MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_InitialComparisonForTable, i + 1));
IStructuredResult table = tables[i];
int size = sizes[i];
if (table instanceof IResultTree)
treeRows = elements[i];
treeRows = null;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
Object row;
if (table instanceof IResultTable)
row = ((IResultTable)table).getRow(j);
else if (table instanceof IResultTree)
row = treeRows.get(j);
row = null;
Object key = table.getColumnValue(row, keyColumn-1);
key = modifyKey(i, row, key);
Object[] rows = map.get(key);
if (rows == null)
rows = new Object[tables.length];
map.put(key, rows);
int ii = i;
while (rows[ii] != null)
* Normally:
* rows[rowTable1, rowTableb]
* With duplicate keys from one Table we extend the array
* rows[rowTable1, rowTable2, rowTable1v2, rowTable2v2, rowTable1v3, null]
* etc.
* and later convert to multiple rows
ii += tables.length;
if (ii >= rows.length)
sortwork -= rows.length * rows.length;
// Add a placeholder so that a row goes here
map.put(new PlaceHolder(key, rows.length), new Object[0]);
// Grow the row array
rows = Arrays.copyOf(rows, rows.length + tables.length);
map.put(key, rows);
sortwork += rows.length * rows.length;
rows[ii] = row;
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener = sm.nextMonitor();
listener.beginTask(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_Initial, totalsize);
// Match up duplicate keys
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object[]> entry : map.entrySet())
Object rows[] = entry.getValue();
if (rows.length > tables.length)
listener.subTask(MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_ResolvingDuplicateKey, entry.getKey()));
// Duplicated key, so expand to separate rows
// Guess n-squared work
listener.worked((int)(totalsize * (long)rows.length * rows.length / sortwork));
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
listener = sm.nextMonitor();
listener.beginTask(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_BuildingResult, totalsize);
List<ComparedRow> result = new ArrayList<ComparedRow>(map.size());
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object[]> entry : map.entrySet())
Object key = entry.getKey();
Object rows[] = entry.getValue();
if (key instanceof PlaceHolder)
// A subsequent duplicated key
PlaceHolder ph = (PlaceHolder)key;
// Find the real, sorted row list
rows = map.get(ph.key);
// Extract the appropriate part
Object rows1[] = Arrays.copyOfRange(rows, ph.pos, ph.pos + tables.length);
result.add(new ComparedRow(ph.key, rows1));
else if (rows.length <= tables.length)
result.add(new ComparedRow(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
// Duplicated key, but this is the first record
Object rows1[] = Arrays.copyOfRange(rows, 0, tables.length);
result.add(new ComparedRow(entry.getKey(), rows1));
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
return result;
private Object modifyKey(int i, Object row, Object key)
String extrakey = extraKey(i, row);
if (extrakey != null)
key = key + " " + extrakey; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (mask != null && key != null)
String keystr = key.toString();
String keystr2 = keystr.replaceAll(mask.pattern(), replace == null ? "" : replace); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!keystr.equals(keystr2))
key = keystr2;
// Fix up decoration
if (prefix || suffix)
Column c = tables[i].getColumns()[keyColumn - 1];
IDecorator id = c.getDecorator();
if (id != null)
String pfx = prefix ? id.prefix(row) : null;
String sfx = suffix ? id.suffix(row) : null;
if (pfx != null)
pfx = pfx.replaceAll(mask.pattern(), replace == null ? "" : replace); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (pfx.length() == 0)
pfx = null;
if (sfx != null)
sfx = sfx.replaceAll(mask.pattern(), replace == null ? "" : replace); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (sfx.length() == 0)
sfx = null;
if (pfx != null || sfx != null)
key = new ComparedRow(pfx, key, sfx, null);
return key;
* See if two rows from two tables match.
* Do a bit more matching via IContextObject.
* Match via context object ID or address.
* @param table1 index
* @param row1
* @param table2 index
* @param row2
* @param matchType - the higher the number the more likely a match
* @return true if they seem the same
boolean rowMatches(int table1, Object row1, int table2, Object row2, int matchType)
IContextObject ctx1 = tables[table1].getContext(row1);
IContextObject ctx2 = tables[table2].getContext(row2);
if (ctx1 == null && ctx2 == null)
return true;
if (ctx1 == null || ctx2 == null)
return false;
int objectId1 = ctx1.getObjectId();
int objectId2 = ctx2.getObjectId();
if (sameSnapshot[table1] && sameSnapshot[table2] ||
//System.out.println("compare "+ctx1.getObjectId() +" "+ ctx2.getObjectId());
return objectId1 == objectId2;
if (objectId1 == -1 && objectId2 == -1)
return true;
if (objectId1 == -1 || objectId2 == -1)
return false;
long addr1 = snapshots[table1].mapIdToAddress(objectId1);
long addr2 = snapshots[table2].mapIdToAddress(objectId2);
// Address match, guess the same?
if (addr1 == addr2)
return true;
// Classes don't match, so different
if (snapshots[table1].getClassOf(objectId1).equals(snapshots[table2].getClassOf(objectId2)))
return false;
if (matchType >= 1)
// Guess match on retained size, presuming it retains more than itself!
if (snapshots[table1].getRetainedHeapSize(objectId1) > snapshots[table1].getHeapSize(1)
&& snapshots[table1].getRetainedHeapSize(objectId1) == snapshots[table2]
return true;
// Don't compare using getClassSpecificName() as this could be done
// on the key
if (matchType >= 2)
String val1 = snapshots[table1].getObject(objectId1).getClassSpecificName();
String val2 = snapshots[table1].getObject(objectId1).getClassSpecificName();
if (val1 != null && val1.equals(val2))
return true;
return false;
catch (SnapshotException e)
return false;
* Try to match rows from different tables. Have definite matches in same
* row. Unmatched can be anywhere.
* <pre>
* A2=B3,A2=C1,A3=B5,A4=C2
* [A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2,A3,B3,null,A4,B4,null,null,B5,null]
* A1 B1 C1
* A2 B2 C2
* A3 B3
* A4 B4
* B5
* </pre>
* Goes to:
* <pre>
* A1 B1
* A2 B3 C1
* A3 B5
* A4 B2 C2
* B4
* </pre>
* <ol>
* <li>find first match of B[1]..B[5] with A[1] and put in first slot (&
* shift others up)</li>
* <li>find next match of B[2]..B[5] in with A[2] and put in second slot (&
* shift others up)</li>
* <li>..</li>
* <li>find first match of C[1]..C[2] with A[1] and put in first slot (&
* shift others up)</li>
* <li>if no match find first match of C[1]..C[2] with B[1] and put in first
* slot (& shift others up)</li>
* <li>if no match find first match of C[2]..C[2] with A[2] and put in first
* slot (& shift others up)</li>
* </ol>
* Not perfect though:
* <pre>
* 1 1 2
* 2 3 5
* 3 5
* 4
* </pre>
* gives
* <pre>
* 1 1 5
* 2 5 2
* 3 3
* 4
* </pre>
* not
* <pre>
* 1 1
* 2 2
* 3 3
* 4 5 5
* </pre>
* Try a second pass to fix up those.
* @param rows
void sortRows(Object rows[])
int rn = rows.length;
int tn = tables.length;
int n = rn / tn;
Object queue[] = new Object[n];
// This entry is matched to another table
boolean matched[] = new boolean[rows.length];
//System.out.println("Sorting " + n);
// Consider each table other than the first
for (int i = 1; i < tn; ++i)
// Distribute this table to matching slots
// Fill the queue
int q1 = 0, q2 = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < n; ++l)
Object o = rows[l * tn + i];
if (o != null)
queue[q2++] = o;
rows[l * tn + i] = null;
// We don't need to clear the remainder of the queue
// Matching slot in preceding table
slot: for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
// System.out.println("Slot "+i+":"+j);
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass)
// Choose preceding table
for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k)
// Preceding value
Object rowPrev = rows[j * tn + k];
if (rowPrev == null)
// Matching preceding tables
// Choose entry from the queue
for (int l = q1; l < q2; ++l)
Object rowThis = queue[l];
if (rowThis == null)
// Optimization - adjust the queue limit
if (l == q1)
//System.out.println("Comparing " + i + ":" + l + " to " + k + ":" + j);
if (rowMatches(i, rowThis, k, rowPrev, pass))
//System.out.println("Matched " + i + ":" + l + " to " + k + ":" + j);
matched[j * tn + i] = true;
matched[j * tn + k] = true;
rows[j * tn + i] = rowThis;
// stop reuse
queue[l] = null;
// optimization: last queue entry, so avoid looking here again
if (l == q2 - 1)
continue slot;
// Say this slot might need to be filled later
rows[j * tn + i] = null;
// Distribute the unused
for (int l = 0, lq = q1; l < n && lq < q2; ++l)
// Read slot
Object o = rows[l * tn + i];
if (o == null)
// Read unused element from queue
while (lq < q2)
Object q = queue[lq++];
if (q != null)
// and fill the slot
rows[l * tn + i] = q;
// Try some polishing of the result
// Consider each table other than the first
for (int i = 1; i < tn; ++i)
// Matching slot in preceding table
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass)
// Choose preceding table
for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k)
if (matched[j * tn + k])
// Preceding value
Object rowPrev = rows[j * tn + k];
if (rowPrev == null)
for (int l = 0; l < n; ++l)
if (matched[l * tn + i])
Object rowThis = rows[l * tn + i];
if (rowThis == null)
if (rowMatches(i, rowThis, k, rowPrev, 0))
// System.out.println("extra match " + i + ":" + l + " " + k + ":" + j);
// Find a corresponding free slot in both tables
for (int m = 0; m < n; ++m)
if (!matched[m * tn + i] && !matched[m * tn + k])
// System.out.println("Swapped " + i + ":" + l + " " + i + ":" + m + " " + k + ":" + j + " " + k + ":" + m);
// Swap and mark as matched
Object oldThis = rows[m * tn + i];
rows[m * tn + i] = rowThis;
rows[l * tn + i] = oldThis;
matched[m * tn + i] = true;
Object oldPrev = rows[m * tn + k];
rows[m * tn + k] = rowPrev;
rows[j * tn + i] = oldPrev;
matched[m * tn + k] = true;
public class ComparedColumn
Column description;
int[] columnIndexes;
boolean displayed;
public ComparedColumn(Column description, int[] columnIndexes, boolean displayed)
this.displayed = displayed;
this.description = description;
this.columnIndexes = columnIndexes;
public Column getDescription()
return description;
public void setDescription(Column description)
this.description = description;
public int[] getColumnIndexes()
return columnIndexes;
public void setColumnIndexes(int[] columnIndexes)
this.columnIndexes = columnIndexes;
public boolean isDisplayed()
return displayed;
public void setDisplayed(boolean displayed)
this.displayed = displayed;
static class ComparedRow
Object key;
private String prefix;
private String suffix;
Object[] rows;
public ComparedRow(Object key, Object[] rows)
if (key instanceof ComparedRow)
ComparedRow cr = (ComparedRow)key;
this.key = cr.key;
this.prefix = cr.prefix;
this.suffix = cr.suffix;
this.key = key;
this.rows = rows;
public ComparedRow(String prefix, Object key, String suffix, Object[] rows)
this.prefix = prefix;
this.key = key;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.rows = rows;
public Object getKey()
return key;
public void setKey(Object key)
this.key = key;
public Object[] getRows()
return rows;
public void setRows(Object[] rows)
this.rows = rows;
String getPrefix()
return prefix;
void setPrefix(String prefix)
this.prefix = prefix;
String getSuffix()
return suffix;
void setSuffix(String suffix)
this.suffix = suffix;
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((key == null) ? 0 : key.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((prefix == null) ? 0 : prefix.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((suffix == null) ? 0 : suffix.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
ComparedRow other = (ComparedRow) obj;
if (key == null)
if (other.key != null)
return false;
else if (!key.equals(other.key))
return false;
if (prefix == null)
if (other.prefix != null)
return false;
else if (!prefix.equals(other.prefix))
return false;
if (suffix == null)
if (other.suffix != null)
return false;
else if (!suffix.equals(other.suffix))
return false;
return true;
public String toString()
String p1 = prefix != null ? "(" + prefix + ") " : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
String s1 = suffix != null ? " (" + suffix + ")" : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
return p1 + key + s1 + ":" + Arrays.toString(rows); //$NON-NLS-1$
public class TableComparisonResult implements IStructuredResult, IIconProvider
private Column key;
protected List<ComparedRow> rows;
/** each compared column is a column from the original table, and is displayed as several actual columns, one or more for each table */
private List<ComparedColumn> comparedColumns;
/** each displayed column is a column from the original table, and is displayed as several actual columns, one or more for each table */
private List<ComparedColumn> displayedColumns;
/** Actual columns displayed */
private Column[] columns;
private Mode mode;
private Operation setOp;
public TableComparisonResult(List<ComparedRow> rows, Column key, List<ComparedColumn> comparedColumns, Mode mode, Operation setOp)
this.key = key;
this.mode = mode;
this.rows = rows;
this.comparedColumns = comparedColumns;
this.setOp = setOp;
public List<ComparedColumn> getComparedColumns()
return comparedColumns;
public void setComparedColumns(List<ComparedColumn> comparedColumns)
this.comparedColumns = comparedColumns;
public Object getColumnValue(Object row, int columnIndex)
ComparedRow cr = (ComparedRow) row;
if (columnIndex == 0) return cr.getKey();
* Each compared column has several subcolumns for data from each
* table. The first column is the key and is common for all tables,
* so there is only one actual column. For absolute or difference
* modes there is one column per table. For percentage modes there
* is one column for the first table and two for the rest.
int subCols = mode == Mode.DIFF_RATIO_TO_FIRST || mode == Mode.DIFF_RATIO_TO_PREVIOUS ? tables.length
+ tables.length - 1 : tables.length;
int comparedColumnIdx = (columnIndex - 1) / subCols;
int tableIdx = (columnIndex - 1) % subCols;
if (tableIdx == 0) return getAbsoluteValue(cr, comparedColumnIdx, tableIdx);
switch (mode)
return getAbsoluteValue(cr, comparedColumnIdx, tableIdx);
return getDiffToFirst(cr, comparedColumnIdx, tableIdx, false);
return getDiffToPrevious(cr, comparedColumnIdx, tableIdx, false);
return getDiffToFirst(cr, comparedColumnIdx, (tableIdx + 1) / 2, tableIdx % 2 == 0);
return getDiffToPrevious(cr, comparedColumnIdx, (tableIdx + 1) / 2, tableIdx % 2 == 0);
return null;
public Column[] getColumns()
return columns;
public IContextObject getContext(Object row)
// Find a context from one of the tables
IContextObject ret = null;
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length && ret == null; ++i)
ret = getContextFromTable(i, row);
return ret;
public ResultMetaData getResultMetaData()
ResultMetaData.Builder bb = new ResultMetaData.Builder();
int previous = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i)
if (!sameSnapshot[i])
if (setOp != Operation.NONE && previous >= 0)
for (int op = 0; op < 5; ++op)
if (setOp == Operation.INTERSECTION && op != 0) continue;
if (setOp == Operation.UNION && op != 1) continue;
if (setOp == Operation.SYMMETRIC_DIFFERENCE && op != 2) continue;
if (setOp == Operation.DIFFERENCE && op != 3) continue;
final int op1 = op;
// intersection, union, symmetric difference, difference, difference
String title1;
final LinkedList<Integer> toDo = new LinkedList<Integer>();
if (mode == Mode.ABSOLUTE)
if (op == 4)
for (int k = previous + 1; k <= i; ++k)
if (!sameSnapshot[k])
for (int k = previous + 1; k <= i; ++k)
if (!sameSnapshot[k])
if (op == 4)
// Convert the list of tables to a readable menu item
if (toDo.size() == 2)
switch (op)
case 0:
title1 = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_IntersectionOf2, toDo.get(0)+1, toDo.get(1)+1);
case 1:
title1 = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_UnionOf2, toDo.get(0)+1, toDo.get(1)+1);
case 2:
title1 = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_SymmetricDifferenceOf2, toDo.get(0)+1, toDo.get(1)+1);
case 3:
case 4:
title1 = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_DifferenceOf2, toDo.get(0)+1, toDo.get(1)+1);
} else {
String soFar;
switch (op)
case 0:
soFar = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_IntersectionFirst, toDo.get(0)+1, toDo.get(1)+1);
case 1:
soFar = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_UnionFirst, toDo.get(0)+1, toDo.get(1)+1);
case 2:
soFar = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_SymmetricDifferenceFirst, toDo.get(0)+1, toDo.get(1)+1);
case 3:
case 4:
soFar = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_DifferenceFirst, toDo.get(0)+1, toDo.get(1)+1);
for (int t = 2; t < toDo.size() - 1; ++t)
switch (op)
case 0:
soFar = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_IntersectionMiddle, soFar, toDo.get(t)+1);
case 1:
soFar = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_UnionMiddle, soFar, toDo.get(t)+1);
case 2:
soFar = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_SymmetricDifferenceMiddle, soFar, toDo.get(t)+1);
case 3:
case 4:
soFar = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_DifferenceMiddle, soFar, toDo.get(t)+1);
int t = toDo.size() - 1;
switch (op)
case 0:
title1 = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_IntersectionLast, soFar, toDo.get(t)+1);
case 1:
title1 = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_UnionLast, soFar, toDo.get(t)+1);
case 2:
title1 = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_SymmetricDifferenceLast, soFar, toDo.get(t)+1);
case 3:
case 4:
title1 = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_DifferenceLast, soFar, toDo.get(t)+1);
ContextProvider prov2 = new ContextProvider(title1)
private static final String EMPTY_QUERY = "SELECT * FROM OBJECTS 0 WHERE false"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public URL getIcon()
switch (op1)
case 0:
return Icons.getURL("set_intersection.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
case 1:
return Icons.getURL("set_union.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
case 2:
return Icons.getURL("set_symmetric_difference.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
case 3:
return Icons.getURL("set_differenceA.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
case 4:
return Icons.getURL("set_differenceB.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
public IContextObject getContext(final Object row)
int nullContexts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < toDo.size(); ++i)
if (getContextFromTable(i, row) == null)
// If all the contexts were null then skip this generated context too
if (nullContexts == toDo.size())
return null;
// First non-null context
final IContextObject cb = getContextFromTable(nullContexts, row);
return new IContextObjectSet()
public int getObjectId()
return cb.getObjectId();
public String getOQL()
LinkedList<Integer> toDo2 = new LinkedList<Integer>(toDo);
switch (op1)
// Intersection
case 0:
String resultOQL0 = null;
for (int j : toDo2)
IContextObject cb = getContextFromTable(j, row);
if (cb == null)
// No objects so intersection empty
String oql = getOQLfromContext(cb);
if (oql != null)
if (resultOQL0 == null)
resultOQL0 = oql;
resultOQL0 = OQLintersection(resultOQL0, oql);
return null;
return resultOQL0;
// Union
case 1:
StringBuilder resultOQL = new StringBuilder();
for (int j : toDo2)
IContextObject cb = getContextFromTable(j, row);
if (cb == null)
String oql = getOQLfromContext(cb);
if (oql != null)
OQL.union(resultOQL, oql);
return null;
// Remove duplicates
return OQLdistinct(resultOQL.toString());
// Symmetric Difference
case 2:
String resultOQL2 = null;
for (int j : toDo2)
IContextObject cb = getContextFromTable(j, row);
if (cb == null)
String oql = getOQLfromContext(cb);
if (oql != null)
if (resultOQL2 == null)
resultOQL2 = oql;
// A^B = A&~B | ~A&B
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(OQLexcept(resultOQL2, oql));
OQL.union(sb, OQLexcept(oql, resultOQL2));
resultOQL2 = sb.toString();
return null;
return resultOQL2;
// Difference
case 3:
case 4:
String resultOQL3 = null;
for (int j : toDo2)
IContextObject cb = getContextFromTable(j, row);
if (cb == null)
if (resultOQL3 == null)
// First table has no objects so subtraction empty
String oql = getOQLfromContext(cb);
if (oql != null)
if (resultOQL3 == null)
resultOQL3 = oql;
resultOQL3 = OQLexcept(resultOQL3, oql);
return null;
return resultOQL3;
return null;
* Simulate EXCEPT
* @param oql1
* @param oql2
* @return
private String OQLexcept(String oql1, String oql2)
//SELECT * FROM OBJECTS (a) where @objectid in (b)
if ((OQLobjectQuery(oql1)))
oql1 = "SELECT * FROM OBJECTS ("+oql1+")" + //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
" WHERE @objectId in ("+oql2+") = false"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
oql1 = "SELECT s as \"\" FROM OBJECTS ("+oql1+") s" + //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
" WHERE s in ("+oql2+") = false"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
return oql1;
* Simulate INTERSECT
* @param oql1
* @param oql2
* @return
private String OQLintersection(String oql1, String oql2)
//SELECT * FROM OBJECTS (a) where @objectid in (b)
if ((OQLobjectQuery(oql1)))
oql1 = "SELECT * FROM OBJECTS (" + oql1 + ")" + //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
" WHERE @objectId in (" + oql2 + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
oql1 = "SELECT s as \"\" FROM OBJECTS (" + oql1 + ") s" + //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
" WHERE s in (" + oql2 + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
return oql1;
* @param oql
* @return
private String OQLdistinct(String oql)
if (OQLobjectQuery(oql))
return "SELECT DISTINCT OBJECTS @objectId FROM OBJECTS (" + oql +")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return "SELECT DISTINCT s as \"\" FROM OBJECTS (" + oql +") s"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* Is this a query returning a list of objects
* or one with columns?
* @param oql
* @return
public boolean OQLobjectQuery(String oql)
oql = oql.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replaceAll("\\s+", " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return oql.startsWith("select * ") || oql.startsWith("select distinct objects ") //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
|| oql.startsWith("select as retained set "); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Calculate the object ids
public int[] getObjectIds()
LinkedList<Integer> toDo2 = new LinkedList<Integer>(toDo);
int j = toDo2.remove();
final IContextObject cb = getContextFromTable(j, row);
int b[] = getObjectIdsFromContext(cb);
ArrayInt bb;
if (b == null)
bb = new ArrayInt();
bb = new ArrayInt(b);
while (!toDo2.isEmpty())
j = toDo2.remove();
IContextObject ca = getContextFromTable(j, row);
int a[] = getObjectIdsFromContext(ca);
ArrayInt aa;
if (a == null)
aa = new ArrayInt();
aa = new ArrayInt(a);
switch (op1)
case 0:
bb = intersectionArray(aa, bb);
case 1:
bb = unionArray(aa, bb);
case 2:
bb = symdiffArray(aa, bb);
case 3:
case 4:
bb = diffArray(aa, bb);
final int res[] = bb.toArray();
return res;
* Union of aa and bb
* @param aa sorted
* @param bb sorted
* @return
private ArrayInt unionArray(ArrayInt aa, ArrayInt bb)
if (aa.size() == 0)
return bb;
if (bb.size() == 0)
return aa;
ArrayInt cc = new ArrayInt();
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bb.size(); ++i)
while (j < aa.size() && aa.get(j) < bb.get(i))
if (j < aa.size() && aa.get(j) == bb.get(i))
while (j < aa.size())
return cc;
* Remove aa from bb
* @param aa sorted
* @param bb sorted
* @return
private ArrayInt diffArray(ArrayInt aa, ArrayInt bb)
if (bb.size() == 0)
return bb;
if (aa.size() == 0)
return bb;
ArrayInt cc = new ArrayInt();
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bb.size(); ++i)
while (j < aa.size() && aa.get(j) < bb.get(i))
if (j < aa.size() && aa.get(j) == bb.get(i))
return cc;
* Intersection of aa and bb
* @param aa sorted
* @param bb sorted
* @return
private ArrayInt intersectionArray(ArrayInt aa, ArrayInt bb)
if (aa.size() == 0)
return aa;
if (bb.size() == 0)
return bb;
ArrayInt cc = new ArrayInt();
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bb.size(); ++i)
while (j < aa.size() && aa.get(j) < bb.get(i))
if (j < aa.size() && aa.get(j) == bb.get(i))
return cc;
* Symmetric difference of aa and bb
* @param aa sorted
* @param bb sorted
* @return
private ArrayInt symdiffArray(ArrayInt aa, ArrayInt bb)
if (aa.size() == 0)
return bb;
if (bb.size() == 0)
return aa;
ArrayInt cc = new ArrayInt();
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bb.size(); ++i)
while (j < aa.size() && aa.get(j) < bb.get(i))
if (j < aa.size() && aa.get(j) == bb.get(i))
while (j < aa.size())
return cc;
private int[] getObjectIdsFromContext(IContextObject b)
int bobjs[];
if (b instanceof IContextObjectSet)
bobjs = ((IContextObjectSet) b).getObjectIds();
else if (b != null)
int id = b.getObjectId();
if (id >= 0)
bobjs = new int[] { id };
bobjs = null;
bobjs = null;
return bobjs;
private String getOQLfromContext(IContextObject b)
String oql;
if (b instanceof IContextObjectSet)
oql = ((IContextObjectSet) b).getOQL();
else if (b != null)
int id = b.getObjectId();
if (id >= 0)
oql = OQL.forObjectId(id);
oql = null;
oql = null;
return oql;
if (setOp == Operation.NONE || setOp == Operation.ALL)
final int i2 = i;
String title = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_Table, i + 1);
ContextProvider prov = new ContextProvider(title)
public IContextObject getContext(Object row)
return getContextFromTable(i2, row);
if (mode == Mode.DIFF_TO_PREVIOUS || mode == Mode.DIFF_RATIO_TO_PREVIOUS ||previous == -1)
previous = i;
* No need to add derived operations as a refined table
* will have the extra columns already.
private Object getAbsoluteValue(ComparedRow cr, int comparedColumnIdx, int tableIdx)
Object tableRow = cr.getRows()[tableIdx];
if (tableRow == null) return null;
int tableColumnIdx = displayedColumns.get(comparedColumnIdx).getColumnIndexes()[tableIdx];
if (tableColumnIdx == -1) return null;
return tables[tableIdx].getColumnValue(tableRow, tableColumnIdx);
private Object percentDivide(Number d1, Number d2)
if (d1.doubleValue() == 0.0
&& d2.doubleValue() == 0.0
&& (d2 instanceof Integer || d2 instanceof Long || d2 instanceof Byte || d2 instanceof Short))
// Helps sorting if 0 -> 0 maps to +0% rather than NaN%
return Double.valueOf(0.0);
return Double.valueOf(d1.doubleValue() / d2.doubleValue());
private Object getDiffToFirst(ComparedRow cr, int comparedColumnIdx, int tableIdx, boolean ratio)
Object tableRow = cr.getRows()[tableIdx];
if (tableRow == null) return null;
int tableColumnIdx = displayedColumns.get(comparedColumnIdx).getColumnIndexes()[tableIdx];
if (tableColumnIdx == -1) return null;
Object value = tables[tableIdx].getColumnValue(tableRow, tableColumnIdx);
Object firstTableValue = getAbsoluteValue(cr, comparedColumnIdx, 0);
if (value == null && firstTableValue == null) return null;
if (value == null && (firstTableValue instanceof Number || firstTableValue instanceof Bytes)) return null;
if ((value instanceof Number || value instanceof Bytes) && firstTableValue == null)
return ratio ? null : value;
boolean returnBytes = value instanceof Bytes && firstTableValue instanceof Bytes;
if (value instanceof Bytes)
value = Long.valueOf(((Bytes)value).getValue());
if (firstTableValue instanceof Bytes)
firstTableValue = Long.valueOf(((Bytes)firstTableValue).getValue());
if (value instanceof Number && firstTableValue instanceof Number)
Object ret = computeDiff((Number) firstTableValue, (Number) value);
if (ratio && ret instanceof Number)
return percentDivide((Number)ret, (Number)firstTableValue);
if (returnBytes)
return new Bytes(((Number)ret).longValue());
return ret;
return null;
private Object getDiffToPrevious(ComparedRow cr, int comparedColumnIdx, int tableIdx, boolean ratio)
Object tableRow = cr.getRows()[tableIdx];
if (tableRow == null) return null;
int tableColumnIdx = displayedColumns.get(comparedColumnIdx).getColumnIndexes()[tableIdx];
if (tableColumnIdx == -1) return null;
Object value = tables[tableIdx].getColumnValue(tableRow, tableColumnIdx);
Object previousTableValue = getAbsoluteValue(cr, comparedColumnIdx, tableIdx - 1);
if (value == null && previousTableValue == null) return null;
if (value == null && (previousTableValue instanceof Number || previousTableValue instanceof Bytes)) return null;
if ((value instanceof Number || value instanceof Bytes) && previousTableValue == null)
return ratio ? null : value;
boolean returnBytes = value instanceof Bytes && previousTableValue instanceof Bytes;
if (value instanceof Bytes)
value = Long.valueOf(((Bytes)value).getValue());
if (previousTableValue instanceof Bytes)
previousTableValue = Long.valueOf(((Bytes)previousTableValue).getValue());
if (value instanceof Number && previousTableValue instanceof Number)
Object ret = computeDiff((Number) previousTableValue, (Number) value);
if (ratio && ret instanceof Number)
return percentDivide((Number)ret, (Number)previousTableValue);
if (returnBytes)
return new Bytes(((Number)ret).longValue());
return ret;
return null;
private Object computeDiff(Number o1, Number o2)
if (o1 instanceof Long && o2 instanceof Long) return (o2.longValue() - o1.longValue());
if (o1 instanceof Integer && o2 instanceof Integer) return (o2.intValue() - o1.intValue());
if (o1 instanceof Short && o2 instanceof Short) return (o2.shortValue() - o1.shortValue());
if (o1 instanceof Byte && o2 instanceof Byte) return (o2.byteValue() - o1.byteValue());
if (o1 instanceof Float && o2 instanceof Float) return (o2.floatValue() - o1.floatValue());
if (o1 instanceof Double && o2 instanceof Double) return (o2.doubleValue() - o1.doubleValue());
return null;
* Get the icon for the row.
* Chose the icon from the underlying tables if they all agree,
* others choose a special compare icon.
public URL getIcon(Object row)
URL ret = null;
final ComparedRow cr = (ComparedRow) row;
// Find the rows from the tables
boolean foundIcon = false;
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i)
Object r = cr.getRows()[i];
if (r != null)
URL tableIcon = (tables[i] instanceof IIconProvider) ? ((IIconProvider) tables[i]).getIcon(r)
: null;
if (foundIcon)
if (ret == null ? tableIcon != null : tableIcon == null
|| !ret.toURI().equals(tableIcon.toURI()))
// Mismatch, so use compare icon instead
ret = Icons.getURL("compare.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch (URISyntaxException e)
// URI problem, so use compare icon instead
ret = Icons.getURL("compare.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
ret = tableIcon;
foundIcon = true;
return ret;
public Mode getMode()
return mode;
public void setMode(Mode mode)
this.mode = mode;
private void addPositiveIndicator(Format formatter)
if (formatter instanceof DecimalFormat)
DecimalFormat pctFmt = (DecimalFormat) formatter;
if ((pctFmt.getPositivePrefix().length() == 0
|| pctFmt.getPositivePrefix().equals(pctFmt.getNegativePrefix()))
&& (pctFmt.getPositiveSuffix().length() == 0
|| pctFmt.getPositiveSuffix().equals(pctFmt.getNegativeSuffix())))
// No positive prefix, or positive suffix
DecimalFormatSymbols sym = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance();
// find the symbol
String plus = Character.toString(sym.getPlusSign());
// Make it a prefix, unless there is a prefix (same as negative) but no suffix
if (pctFmt.getPositivePrefix().length() > 0 && pctFmt.getPositiveSuffix().length() == 0)
private void setFormatter()
int i = 1;
// Rather than giving a format, modify the default
Format formatter = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
NumberFormat formatterPercent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
// Force the sign for Bytes formatting
// Compare with org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.Histogram.getColumns()
String detailed1 = "+"+BytesFormat.DETAILED_DECIMAL_FORMAT+";-"+BytesFormat.DETAILED_DECIMAL_FORMAT; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
DecimalFormat bcf = new DecimalFormat(detailed1);
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
if (nf instanceof DecimalFormat)
DecimalFormat bcf2 = (DecimalFormat)nf;
bcf = bcf2;
BytesFormat bfm = new BytesFormat(formatter, bcf);
for (ComparedColumn comparedColumn : displayedColumns)
Column c = comparedColumn.description;
for (int j = 0; j < comparedColumn.getColumnIndexes().length; j++)
if (mode != Mode.ABSOLUTE && j > 0)
if (!columns[i].getCalculateTotals() && c.getCalculateTotals())
// Set the totals mode
IDecorator decorator = columns[i].getDecorator();
columns[i] = new Column(columns[i].getLabel(), columns[i].getType(), columns[i].getAlign(),
columns[i].getSortDirection(), columns[i].getFormatter(),
if (c.getFormatter() instanceof DecimalFormat)
DecimalFormat fm = ((DecimalFormat) c.getFormatter().clone());
fm.setPositivePrefix("+"); //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (c.getFormatter() instanceof BytesFormat)
//BytesFormat fm = ((BytesFormat) c.getFormatter().clone());
// Force the sign - can't retrieve information from existing formatter
if (!columns[i].getCalculateTotals() && c.getCalculateTotals())
// Set the totals mode
IDecorator decorator = columns[i].getDecorator();
columns[i] = new Column(columns[i].getLabel(), columns[i].getType(), columns[i].getAlign(),
columns[i].getSortDirection(), columns[i].getFormatter(),
if ((mode == Mode.DIFF_RATIO_TO_FIRST || mode == Mode.DIFF_RATIO_TO_PREVIOUS) && j > 0)
class KeyDecorator implements IDecorator
public String prefix(Object row)
final ComparedRow cr = (ComparedRow) row;
return cr.prefix;
public String suffix(Object row)
final ComparedRow cr = (ComparedRow) row;
return cr.suffix;
class Decorator implements IDecorator
int table;
IDecorator dec;
Decorator(IDecorator dec, int table)
this.table = table;
this.dec = dec;
public String prefix(Object row)
final ComparedRow cr = (ComparedRow) row;
Object r = cr.getRows()[table];
return r != null ? dec.prefix(r) : null;
public String suffix(Object row)
final ComparedRow cr = (ComparedRow) row;
Object r = cr.getRows()[table];
return r != null ? dec.suffix(r) : null;
public void updateColumns()
List<Column> result = new ArrayList<Column>();
result.add(new Column(key.getLabel(), key.getType(), key.getAlign(), null, key.getFormatter(), null));
result.get(result.size() - 1).decorator(new KeyDecorator());
displayedColumns = new ArrayList<ComparedColumn>();
for (ComparedColumn comparedColumn : comparedColumns)
Column c = comparedColumn.description;
if (comparedColumn.isDisplayed())
for (int j = 0; j < comparedColumn.getColumnIndexes().length; j++)
String label;
final int prev = mode == Mode.DIFF_TO_PREVIOUS || mode == Mode.DIFF_RATIO_TO_PREVIOUS ? j - 1 : 0;
if (j == 0 || mode == Mode.ABSOLUTE)
label = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_ColumnAbsolute, c.getLabel(), j + 1);
label = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_ColumnDifference,
c.getLabel(), j + 1,
prev + 1);
result.add(new Column(label, c.getType(), c.getAlign(), c.getSortDirection(), c.getFormatter(),
// Pass through the decorator
if (c.getDecorator() != null)
result.get(result.size() - 1).decorator(new Decorator(c.getDecorator(), j));
// For percentage modes also add a percent change column for subsequent tables
if (j > 0 && (mode == Mode.DIFF_RATIO_TO_FIRST || mode == Mode.DIFF_RATIO_TO_PREVIOUS))
label = MessageUtil.format(Messages.CompareTablesQuery_ColumnPercentDifference,
c.getLabel(), j + 1,
prev + 1);
result.add(new Column(label, c.getType(), c.getAlign(), c.getSortDirection(), c
.getFormatter(), null));
columns = result.toArray(new Column[result.size()]);
IContextObject getContextFromTable(int i, Object row)
if (!sameSnapshot[i])
return null;
final ComparedRow cr = (ComparedRow) row;
IContextObject ret = null;
Object r = cr.getRows()[i];
if (r != null)
ret = tables[i].getContext(r);
return ret;
void derivedops(ResultMetaData.Builder answer)
int found = 0;
Set<DerivedOperation>allops = new HashSet<DerivedOperation>();
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i)
IStructuredResult rr = tables[i];
ResultMetaData data = rr.getResultMetaData();
if (data != null)
Collection<DerivedOperation>ops = data.getDerivedOperations();
if (ops != null)
for (DerivedOperation op : data.getDerivedOperations())
if (found == 0)
if (allops.size() == 0)
for (ContextDerivedData.DerivedOperation operation : allops)
public class ComparisonResultTable extends TableComparisonResult implements IResultTable
public ComparisonResultTable(List<ComparedRow> rows, Column key, List<ComparedColumn> comparedColumns,
Mode mode, Operation setOp)
super(rows, key, comparedColumns, mode, setOp);
public Object getRow(int rowId)
return rows.get(rowId);
public int getRowCount()
return rows.size();
public class ComparisonResultTree extends TableComparisonResult implements IResultTree
public ComparisonResultTree(List<ComparedRow> rows, Column key, List<ComparedColumn> comparedColumns,
Mode mode, Operation setOp)
super(rows, key, comparedColumns, mode, setOp);
public List<?> getElements()
return rows;
public boolean hasChildren(Object element)
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++)
IStructuredResult table = tables[i];
if (table instanceof IResultTree)
Object treerow = ((ComparedRow)element).getRows()[i];
if (treerow != null && ((IResultTree)table).hasChildren(treerow))
return true;
return false;
public List<?> getChildren(Object parent)
return mergeKeys((ComparedRow)parent, new VoidProgressListener());