blob: 37bb4fe5e5621e185ad8fdf6704d19c3074c9ce8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2023 SAP AG and IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* SAP AG - initial API and implementation
* Andrew Johnson (IBM Corporation) - nested SimpleMonitor
package org.eclipse.mat.util;
* A way of generating several progress monitors.
public class SimpleMonitor
String task;
IProgressListener delegate;
int currentMonitor;
int[] percentages;
public SimpleMonitor(String task, IProgressListener monitor, int[] percentages)
this.task = task;
this.delegate = monitor;
this.percentages = percentages;
public IProgressListener nextMonitor()
// Subcall to simple monitor
if (delegate instanceof Listener)
* Scale by remaining.
* E.g. first monitor has [100,50,100]
* total of 250
* After second monitor has been used (10), 40 remaining
* Now second SimpleMonitor [100,100,100,100] created.
* All the percentages need to be scaled by 1/10
Listener l = (Listener)delegate;
int togo = l.majorUnits - l.unitsReported;
int todo = 0;
for (int i = currentMonitor; i < percentages.length; ++i)
todo += percentages[i];
if (currentMonitor == 0)
delegate.beginTask(task, togo);
return new Listener((int)((long)percentages[currentMonitor++] * togo / todo));
if (currentMonitor == 0)
int total = 0;
for (int ii : percentages)
total += ii;
delegate.beginTask(task, total);
return new Listener(percentages[currentMonitor++]);
public class Listener implements IProgressListener
long counter;
int majorUnits;
int unitsReported;
long workDone;
long workPerUnit;
boolean isSmaller;
String name;
public Listener(int majorUnits)
this.majorUnits = majorUnits;
public void beginTask(String name, int totalWork)
if (name != null)
{ = name;
if (totalWork == 0)
if (workDone > 0)
// Already had a beginTask, so use up the remaining
if (unitsReported < majorUnits)
majorUnits -= unitsReported;
majorUnits = 0;
workDone = 0;
isSmaller = totalWork < majorUnits || majorUnits == 0;
// Round up for !isSmaller so the division later rounds down
workPerUnit = isSmaller ? majorUnits / totalWork : (totalWork + majorUnits -1) / majorUnits;
unitsReported = 0;
public void subTask(String name)
// Nest the names so the user can see what is happening.
if ( != null && !
// No more than two lines, as in the UI a third line is partially cut-off or invisible.
delegate.subTask( + '\n' + name.replaceAll("\n", ": ")); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
public void done()
if (majorUnits - unitsReported > 0)
delegate.worked(majorUnits - unitsReported);
unitsReported = majorUnits;
public boolean isCanceled()
return delegate.isCanceled();
public boolean isProbablyCanceled()
return counter++ % 5000 == 0 ? isCanceled() : false;
public void totalWorkDone(long work)
if (workDone >= work)
if (workPerUnit == 0)
workDone = work;
int unitsWorked = isSmaller ? (int) (work * workPerUnit) : (int) (work / workPerUnit);
// Avoid exceeding work
unitsWorked = Math.min(unitsWorked, majorUnits);
int unitsToReport = unitsWorked - unitsReported;
if (unitsToReport > 0)
unitsReported += unitsToReport;
public void worked(int work)
totalWorkDone(workDone + work);
public void setCanceled(boolean value)
public void sendUserMessage(Severity severity, String message, Throwable exception)
delegate.sendUserMessage(severity, message, exception);
public long getWorkDone()
return workDone;
public String toString()
return name + " isSmaller=" + isSmaller + " workDone=" + workDone + " workPerUnit=" + workPerUnit //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
+ " unitsReported=" + unitsReported + " majorUnits=" + majorUnits; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$