blob: 061e1c3744ce395adb6fd68a3580c2321b3e6b70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010,2018 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Andrew Johnson - test class specific name for Strings etc.
package org.eclipse.mat.tests.snapshot;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.either;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeThat;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope;
import org.eclipse.mat.SnapshotException;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.SetInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IResult;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.ISnapshot;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.SnapshotFactory;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.SnapshotInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.GCRootInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.GCRootInfo.Type;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IClass;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IClassLoader;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IStackFrame;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IThreadStack;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.query.SnapshotQuery;
import org.eclipse.mat.tests.TestSnapshots;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.VoidProgressListener;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class)
public class GeneralSnapshotTests
enum Methods {
final Methods hasMethods;
enum Stacks {
final Stacks stackInfo;
@Parameters(name="{index}: Snapshot={0} options={1}")
public static Collection<Object[]> data()
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK6_32BIT, Stacks.NONE},
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK5_64BIT, Stacks.NONE},
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK6_18_32BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS},
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK6_18_64BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS},
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK5_13_32BIT, Stacks.NONE},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_HEAP, Stacks.NONE},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_JAVA, Stacks.FRAMES},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_HEAP_AND_JAVA, Stacks.FRAMES},
{"allMethods", Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS},
{"runningMethods", Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS},
{"framesOnly", Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS},
{"noMethods", Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK142_32BIT_HEAP, Stacks.NONE},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK142_32BIT_JAVA, Stacks.FRAMES},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK142_32BIT_HEAP_AND_JAVA, TestSnapshots.DTFJreadJavacore142 ? Stacks.FRAMES : Stacks.NONE},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK142_32BIT_SYSTEM, Stacks.FRAMES},
{TestSnapshots.ORACLE_JDK7_21_64BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS},
{TestSnapshots.ORACLE_JDK8_05_64BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS},
{TestSnapshots.ORACLE_JDK9_01_64BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS},
public GeneralSnapshotTests(String snapshotname, Stacks s)
if (snapshotname.equals("allMethods")) {
snapshot = snapshot2(TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_SYSTEM, "all");
hasMethods = Methods.ALL_METHODS;
else if (snapshotname.equals("runningMethods")) {
snapshot = snapshot2(TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_SYSTEM, "running");
hasMethods = Methods.RUNNING_METHODS;
else if (snapshotname.equals("framesOnly")) {
snapshot = snapshot2(TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_SYSTEM, "frames");
hasMethods = Methods.FRAMES_ONLY;
else if (snapshotname.equals("noMethods")) {
snapshot = snapshot2(TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_SYSTEM, "none");
hasMethods = Methods.NONE;
snapshot = TestSnapshots.getSnapshot(snapshotname, false);
hasMethods = Methods.NONE;
stackInfo = s;
* Create a snapshot with the methods as classes option
public ISnapshot snapshot2(String snapshotname, String includeMethods)
final String dtfjPlugin = "org.eclipse.mat.dtfj";
final String key = "methodsAsClasses";
IEclipsePreferences preferences = new InstanceScope().getNode(dtfjPlugin);
String prev = preferences.get(key, null);
preferences.put(key, includeMethods);
try {
// Tag the snapshot name so we don't end up with the wrong version
ISnapshot ret = TestSnapshots.getSnapshot(snapshotname+";#"+includeMethods, false);
return ret;
} finally {
if (prev != null)
preferences.put(key, prev);
final ISnapshot snapshot;
public void stacks1() throws SnapshotException
int frames = 0;
int foundTop = 0;
int foundNotTop = 0;
SetInt objs = new SetInt();
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.Thread", true);
if (tClasses != null) for (IClass thrdcls : tClasses)
for (int o : thrdcls.getObjectIds())
* PHD+javacore sometimes doesn't mark javacore threads as type Thread as
* javacore thread id is not a real object id
for (int o : snapshot.getGCRoots())
for (GCRootInfo g : snapshot.getGCRootInfo(o)) {
if (g.getType() == Type.THREAD_OBJ) {
for (int o : objs.toArray())
IThreadStack stk = snapshot.getThreadStack(o);
if (stk != null)
int i = 0;
for (IStackFrame frm : stk.getStackFrames())
int os[] = frm.getLocalObjectsIds();
if (os != null)
if (i == 0)
foundTop += os.length;
foundNotTop += os.length;
// If there were some frames, and some frames had some objects
// then a topmost frame should have some objects
if (frames > 0 && foundNotTop > 0)
assertTrue("Expected some objects on top of stack", foundTop > 0);
if (this.stackInfo != Stacks.NONE)
assertTrue(frames > 0);
if (this.stackInfo == Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS)
assertTrue(foundNotTop > 0 || foundTop > 0);
public void totalClasses() throws SnapshotException
int nc = snapshot.getClasses().size();
int n = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getNumberOfClasses();
assertEquals("Total classes", n, nc);
public void totalObjects() throws SnapshotException
int no = 0;
for (IClass cls : snapshot.getClasses())
no += cls.getNumberOfObjects();
int n = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getNumberOfObjects();
assertEquals("Total objects", n, no);
public void totalHeapSize() throws SnapshotException
long total = 0;
for (IClass cls : snapshot.getClasses())
total += snapshot.getHeapSize(cls.getObjectIds());
long n = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getUsedHeapSize();
assertEquals("Total heap size", n, total);
public void objectSizes() throws SnapshotException
long total = 0;
for (IClass cls : snapshot.getClasses())
long prev = -1;
for (int o : cls.getObjectIds())
IObject obj = snapshot.getObject(o);
long n = obj.getUsedHeapSize();
long n2 = snapshot.getHeapSize(o);
if (n != n2)
assertEquals("snapshot object heap size / object heap size "+obj, n, n2);
total += n;
if (prev >= 0)
if (prev != n && !cls.isArrayType() && !(obj instanceof IClass))
// This might not be a problem as variable sized plain objects
// are now permitted using the array index to record the alternative sizes.
// However, the current dumps don't appear to have them, so test for it here.
// Future dumps may make this test fail.
assertEquals("Variable size plain objects " + cls + " " + obj, prev, n);
else if (!(obj instanceof IClass))
// IClass objects are variably sized, so don't track those
prev = n;
assertEquals("All instance of a class must be of that type", cls, obj.getClazz());
long n = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getUsedHeapSize();
assertEquals("Total heap size", n, total);
public void topComponents() throws SnapshotException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.lookup("component_report_top", snapshot);
query.setArgument("aggressive", true);
IResult result = query.execute(new VoidProgressListener());
assertTrue(result != null);
public void testMethods() throws SnapshotException
int methods = 0;
int methodsWithObjects = 0;
for (IClass cls : snapshot.getClasses())
if (cls.getName().contains("(") || cls.getName().equals("<stack frame>"))
if (cls.getObjectIds().length > 0)
if (hasMethods == Methods.ALL_METHODS)
assertTrue(methods > 0);
assertTrue(methods > methodsWithObjects);
else if (hasMethods == Methods.RUNNING_METHODS)
assertTrue(methods > 0);
assertEquals(methods, methodsWithObjects);
else if (hasMethods == Methods.FRAMES_ONLY)
assertEquals(1, methods);
assertTrue(methodsWithObjects > 0);
assertEquals(0, methodsWithObjects);
assertEquals(0, methods);
public void testClassLoaders() throws SnapshotException
assertTrue(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getNumberOfClassLoaders() > 1);
public void testRegressionReport() throws SnapshotException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.tests:regression", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new VoidProgressListener());
public void testPerformanceReport() throws SnapshotException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.tests:performance", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new VoidProgressListener());
public void testLeakSuspectsReport() throws SnapshotException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new VoidProgressListener());
public void testOverviewReport() throws SnapshotException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:overview", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new VoidProgressListener());
public void testTopComponentsReport() throws SnapshotException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:top_components", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new VoidProgressListener());
public void listEntries() throws SnapshotException
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.util.AbstractMap", true);
if (tClasses != null) for (IClass thrdcls : tClasses)
for (int o : thrdcls.getObjectIds())
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("extract_list_values 0x"+Long.toHexString(snapshot.mapIdToAddress(o)), snapshot);
try {
IResult t = query.execute(new VoidProgressListener());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
* Test exporting as HPROF
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void exportHPROF() throws SnapshotException, IOException
// Currently can't export PHD
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
// Currently can't export methods as classes properly
assumeThat(hasMethods, equalTo(Methods.NONE));
// HPROF parser can't handle adding links from classloader to classes for javacore
File fn = new File(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPrefix());
assumeThat(fn.getName(), not(containsString("javacore")));
File newSnapshotFile = File.createTempFile(fn.getName(), ".hprof");
try {
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("export_hprof -output "+newSnapshotFile.getPath(), snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new VoidProgressListener());
ISnapshot newSnapshot = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(newSnapshotFile, Collections.<String,String>emptyMap(), new VoidProgressListener());
try {
SnapshotInfo oldInfo = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo();
SnapshotInfo newInfo = newSnapshot.getSnapshotInfo();
assertEquals("Classes", oldInfo.getNumberOfClasses(), newInfo.getNumberOfClasses());
assertEquals("Objects", oldInfo.getNumberOfObjects(), newInfo.getNumberOfObjects());
assertEquals("Classloaders", oldInfo.getNumberOfClassLoaders(), newInfo.getNumberOfClassLoaders());
// Check number of (non-array) system classes not marked as GC root
IObject boot = snapshot.getObject(0);
int bootcls = 0;
int systemclsroot = 0;
if (boot instanceof IClassLoader)
IClassLoader bootldr = ((IClassLoader)boot);
if (bootldr.getObjectAddress() == 0)
for (IClass cl : bootldr.getDefinedClasses())
if (cl.isArrayType())
GCRootInfo g[] = snapshot.getGCRootInfo(cl.getObjectId());
if (g != null && g.length >= 1)
// The class is a root for some reason
// Parsing new HPROF will make all classes loaded by boot loader as GC roots, so adjust the expected total
// Only seems to apply for IBM 1.4.2 SDFF dumps with 'double', 'long' classes not as system class roots
assertEquals("GC Roots", oldInfo.getNumberOfGCRoots() + (bootcls - systemclsroot), newInfo.getNumberOfGCRoots());
} finally {
} finally {
* Test value of {@link java.lang.String}
public void stringToString() throws SnapshotException
int objects = 0;
int printables = 0;
int escaped = 0;
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.String", true);
for (IClass cls : tClasses)
for (int id : cls.getObjectIds()) {
IObject o = snapshot.getObject(id);
String cn = o.getClassSpecificName();
if (cn != null && cn.length() > 0)
if (cn.matches(".*\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f].*"))
// Check most ofthe strings are printable
assertThat(printables, greaterThanOrEqualTo(objects * 2/ 3));
// Check for at least one escape character if there are any Strings
assertThat(escaped, either(greaterThan(0)).or(equalTo(objects)));
* Test value of {@link java.lang.StringBuilder}
public void stringBuilderToString() throws SnapshotException
int objects = 0;
int printables = 0;
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.StringBuilder", true);
if (tClasses != null) for (IClass cls : tClasses)
for (int id : cls.getObjectIds()) {
IObject o = snapshot.getObject(id);
String cn = o.getClassSpecificName();
if (cn != null && cn.length() > 0)
assertThat(printables, greaterThanOrEqualTo(objects * 2 / 3));
* Test value of {@link java.lang.StringBuffer}
public void stringBufferToString() throws SnapshotException
int objects = 0;
int printables = 0;
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.StringBuffer", true);
for (IClass cls : tClasses)
for (int id : cls.getObjectIds()) {
IObject o = snapshot.getObject(id);
String cn = o.getClassSpecificName();
if (cn != null && cn.length() > 0)
assertThat(printables, greaterThanOrEqualTo(objects * 2 / 3));
* Test value of {@link java.lang.StackTraceElement}
public void stackFrameElementResolver() throws SnapshotException
int objects = 0;
int printables = 0;
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.StackTraceElement", true);
for (IClass cls : tClasses)
for (int id : cls.getObjectIds()) {
IObject o = snapshot.getObject(id);
String cn = o.getClassSpecificName();
if (cn != null && cn.length() > 0)
assertThat(printables, greaterThanOrEqualTo(objects * 2 / 3));
* Test caching of snapshots
* @throws SnapshotException
public void reload1() throws SnapshotException
String path = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPath();
File file = new File(path);
ISnapshot sn2 = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(file, new VoidProgressListener());
ISnapshot sn3 = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(file, new VoidProgressListener());
assertSame(sn2, sn3);
// Do not call ISnapshot.dispose()
assertEquals(snapshot.getHeapSize(0), sn3.getHeapSize(0));
* Test aliasing of two dumps.
* Find a dump with an absolute path and a relative path which is the same
* when converted to absolute.
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void reload2() throws SnapshotException, IOException
// Get a path to a dump
String path = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPath();
// Get the absolute path version
File file1 = (new File(path)).getAbsoluteFile();
// convert the absolute path to a relative path to the appropriate drive/current directory
for (File root: File.listRoots()) {
if (file1.getPath().startsWith(root.getPath())) {
// Found a root e.g. C:\
String rootPath = root.getPath();
// Strip off the slash e.g. C:
File drive = new File(rootPath.substring(0, rootPath.length() - 1));
// Find the current directory for the drive e.g. C:\workspace\org.eclipse.mat.tests
File current = drive.getAbsoluteFile();
// e.g. C:\workspace
current = current.getParentFile();
// e.g. C:
File newPrefix = drive;
while (current != null) {
if (newPrefix == drive)
// e.g. C:..
newPrefix = new File(drive.getPath()+"..");
// e.g. C:..\..
newPrefix = new File(newPrefix, "..");
// e.g. C:\workspace
current = current.getParentFile();
// The relative path
File newPath = new File(newPrefix, file1.getPath().substring(rootPath.length()));
// The equivalent absolute path
File f2 = newPath.getAbsoluteFile();
* Check that the complex path manipulations worked.
* This should be true for Windows and Linux.
ISnapshot sn2 = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(f2, new VoidProgressListener());
ISnapshot sn3 = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(newPath, new VoidProgressListener());
assertTrue(sn3.getHeapSize(0) >= 0);
// Do a complex operation which requires the dump still
// to be open and alive
assertTrue(sn2.getHeapSize(0) >= 0);
// Do a complex operation which requires the dump still to be open and alive