blob: 3622d0f1fdc95a1bfad6cbacb71bc4cd80d2e4ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2018 SAP AG, IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* SAP AG - initial API and implementation
* IBM Corporation - validation of indices
package org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.mat.SnapshotException;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.ArrayInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.ArrayIntBig;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.BitField;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.HashMapIntObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.IteratorInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.SetInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.IObjectReader;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader.IOne2OneIndex;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IIndexReader.IOne2SizeIndex;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexManager;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexManager.Index;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.HistogramBuilder;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.MultiplePathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.ObjectCache;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.ObjectMarker;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.PathsFromGCRootsTreeBuilder;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.RetainedSizeCache;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.util.IntStack;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.util.ParserRegistry;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.util.ParserRegistry.Parser;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.AbstractObjectImpl;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.ClassImpl;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.ClassLoaderImpl;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.InstanceImpl;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.XClassHistogramRecord;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.XGCRootInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.XSnapshotInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.DominatorsSummary;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.DominatorsSummary.ClassDominatorRecord;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.ExcludedReferencesDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.Histogram;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.IMultiplePathsFromGCRootsComputer;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.IPathsFromGCRootsComputer;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.ISnapshot;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.PathsFromGCRootsTree;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.UnreachableObjectsHistogram;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.GCRootInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IClass;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IThreadStack;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.NamedReference;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.MessageUtil;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.VoidProgressListener;
public final class SnapshotImpl implements ISnapshot
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// factory methods
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private static final String VERSION = "MAT_01";//$NON-NLS-1$
public static SnapshotImpl readFromFile(File file, String prefix, IProgressListener listener)
throws SnapshotException, IOException
FileInputStream fis = null;
listener.beginTask(Messages.SnapshotImpl_ReopeningParsedHeapDumpFile, 9);
File indexFile = new File(prefix + "index"); //$NON-NLS-1$
fis = new FileInputStream(indexFile);
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(fis));
String version = in.readUTF();
if (!VERSION.equals(version))
throw new IOException(MessageUtil.format(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Error_UnknownVersion, version));
String objectReaderUniqueIdentifier = in.readUTF();
Parser parser = ParserPlugin.getDefault().getParserRegistry().lookupParser(objectReaderUniqueIdentifier);
if (parser == null)
throw new IOException(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Error_ParserNotFound + objectReaderUniqueIdentifier);
IObjectReader heapObjectReader = parser.create(IObjectReader.class, ParserRegistry.OBJECT_READER);
if (heapObjectReader == null)
throw new SnapshotException(MessageUtil.format(Messages.SnapshotFactoryImpl_Error_OpeningHeapDump, file));
XSnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = (XSnapshotInfo) in.readObject();
snapshotInfo.setProperty("$heapFormat", parser.getId()); //$NON-NLS-1$
HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> classCache = (HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl>) in.readObject();
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]> roots = (HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>) in.readObject();
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>> rootsPerThread = (HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>>) in
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
HashMapIntObject<String> loaderLabels = (HashMapIntObject<String>) in.readObject();
BitField arrayObjects = (BitField) in.readObject();
// Allow a dump to be opened via the index file
if (file.equals(indexFile))
// Previous location of the heap dump
file = new File(snapshotInfo.getPath());
if (!file.exists())
// Perhaps files were moved, so try in same directory as index
file = new File(indexFile.getParentFile(), file.getName());
IndexManager indexManager = new IndexManager();
SnapshotImpl ret = new SnapshotImpl(snapshotInfo, heapObjectReader, classCache, roots, rootsPerThread, loaderLabels,
arrayObjects, indexManager);
return ret;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
IOException ioe = new IOException(e.getMessage());
throw ioe;
catch (ClassCastException e)
IOException ioe = new IOException(e.getMessage());
throw ioe;
if (fis != null)
public static SnapshotImpl create(XSnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, //
String objectReaderUniqueIdentifier, //
IObjectReader heapObjectReader, //
HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> classCache, //
HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]> roots, //
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>> rootsPerThread, //
BitField arrayObjects, //
IndexManager indexManager, //
IProgressListener listener) throws IOException, SnapshotException
SnapshotImpl answer = new SnapshotImpl(snapshotInfo, heapObjectReader, classCache, roots, rootsPerThread, null,
arrayObjects, indexManager);
FileOutputStream fos = null;
ObjectOutputStream out = null;
fos = new FileOutputStream(snapshotInfo.getPrefix() + "index");//$NON-NLS-1$
out = new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fos));
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
if (out != null)
if (fos != null)
return answer;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// member variables
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// serialized data
private XSnapshotInfo snapshotInfo;
private HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> classCache;
private HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]> roots;
private HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>> rootsPerThread;
private HashMapIntObject<String> loaderLabels;
private BitField arrayObjects;
// stored in separate files
private IndexManager indexManager;
// runtime data
private IObjectReader heapObjectReader;
private boolean dominatorTreeCalculated;
private Map<String, List<IClass>> classCacheByName;
private ObjectCache<IObject> objectCache;
private boolean parsedThreads = false;
HashMapIntObject<IThreadStack> threadId2stack;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// constructor
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private SnapshotImpl(XSnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, //
IObjectReader heapObjectReader, //
HashMapIntObject<ClassImpl> classCache, //
HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]> roots, //
HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>> rootsPerThread, //
HashMapIntObject<String> loaderLabels, //
BitField arrayObjects, //
IndexManager indexManager) throws SnapshotException, IOException
this.snapshotInfo = snapshotInfo;
this.heapObjectReader = heapObjectReader;
this.classCache = classCache;
this.roots = roots;
this.rootsPerThread = rootsPerThread;
this.loaderLabels = loaderLabels;
this.arrayObjects = arrayObjects;
this.indexManager = indexManager;
// initialize data
if (indexManager.i2sv2 == null)
// If the class+classloader retained size cache doesn't exist then create it
indexManager.setReader(Index.I2RETAINED, new RetainedSizeCache(snapshotInfo));
this.classCacheByName = new HashMap<String, List<IClass>>(this.classCache.size());
for (Iterator<ClassImpl> iter = this.classCache.values(); iter.hasNext();)
ClassImpl clasz =;
List<IClass> list = classCacheByName.get(clasz.getName());
if (list == null)
classCacheByName.put(clasz.getName(), list = new ArrayList<IClass>());
this.dominatorTreeCalculated = indexManager.dominated() != null && indexManager.o2retained() != null
&& indexManager.dominator() != null;
this.objectCache = new HeapObjectCache(this, 1000);;
Object unreach = snapshotInfo.getProperty(UnreachableObjectsHistogram.class.getName());
if (unreach instanceof UnreachableObjectsHistogram)
private void calculateLoaderLabels() throws SnapshotException
loaderLabels = new HashMapIntObject<String>();
long usedHeapSize = 0;
int systemClassLoaderId = indexManager.o2address().reverse(0);
Object[] classes = classCache.getAllValues();
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
ClassImpl clasz = (ClassImpl) classes[i];
usedHeapSize += clasz.getTotalSize();
int classLoaderId = clasz.getClassLoaderId();
String label = loaderLabels.get(classLoaderId);
if (label != null)
if (classLoaderId == systemClassLoaderId)
label = "<system class loader>";//$NON-NLS-1$
IObject classLoader = getObject(classLoaderId);
label = classLoader.getClassSpecificName();
if (label == null)
label = ClassLoaderImpl.NO_LABEL;
loaderLabels.put(classLoaderId, label);
// now, let's go through all instances of all sub classes to attach
// labels
Collection<IClass> loaderClasses = getClassesByName(IClass.JAVA_LANG_CLASSLOADER, true);
if (loaderClasses != null)
for (IClass clazz : loaderClasses)
for (int classLoaderId : clazz.getObjectIds())
String label = loaderLabels.get(classLoaderId);
if (label != null)
if (classLoaderId == systemClassLoaderId)
label = "<system class loader>";//$NON-NLS-1$
IObject classLoader = getObject(classLoaderId);
label = classLoader.getClassSpecificName();
if (label == null)
label = ClassLoaderImpl.NO_LABEL;
loaderLabels.put(classLoaderId, label);
// numberOfObjects was previously calculated by summing getNumberOfObjects() for
// each class. Sometimes there was a mismatch. See bug 294311
// important: refresh object cache. To calculate the loader labels, the
// class loader instances are loaded. however, the object cache uses the
// loader label to determine the implementation class. hence, cached
// instances from creating the labels have the wrong implementation
// class. hence, the refresh.
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// interface implementation
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public XSnapshotInfo getSnapshotInfo()
return snapshotInfo;
public int[] getGCRoots() throws SnapshotException
return roots.getAllKeys();
// return Arrays.asList((GCRootInfo[]) roots.getAllValues(new
// GCRootInfo[roots.size()]));
public Collection<IClass> getClasses() throws SnapshotException
return Arrays.asList(classCache.getAllValues(new IClass[classCache.size()]));
public Collection<IClass> getClassesByName(String name, boolean includeSubClasses) throws SnapshotException
List<IClass> list = this.classCacheByName.get(name);
if (list == null)
return null;
if (!includeSubClasses)
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(list);
// use set to filter out duplicate subclasses
Set<IClass> answer = new HashSet<IClass>();
for (IClass clazz : list)
return answer;
public Collection<IClass> getClassesByName(Pattern namePattern, boolean includeSubClasses) throws SnapshotException
Set<IClass> result = new HashSet<IClass>();
Object[] classes = classCache.getAllValues();
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
IClass clazz = (IClass) classes[i];
if (namePattern.matcher(clazz.getName()).matches())
if (includeSubClasses)
return result;
public Histogram getHistogram(IProgressListener listener) throws SnapshotException
if (listener == null)
listener = new VoidProgressListener();
HistogramBuilder histogramBuilder = new HistogramBuilder(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Histogram);
Object[] classes = classCache.getAllValues();
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
histogramBuilder.put(new XClassHistogramRecord((ClassImpl) classes[i]));
if (listener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
return histogramBuilder.toHistogram(this, true);
public Histogram getHistogram(int[] objectIds, IProgressListener progressMonitor) throws SnapshotException
if (progressMonitor == null)
progressMonitor = new VoidProgressListener();
HistogramBuilder histogramBuilder = new HistogramBuilder(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Histogram);
progressMonitor.beginTask(Messages.SnapshotImpl_BuildingHistogram, objectIds.length >>> 8);
// Arrays.sort(objectIds);
// int[] classIds = indexManager.o2class().getAll(objectIds);
IOne2OneIndex o2class = indexManager.o2class();
int classId;
for (int ii = 0; ii < objectIds.length; ii++)
classId = o2class.get(objectIds[ii]);
histogramBuilder.add(classId, objectIds[ii], getHeapSize(objectIds[ii]));
if ((ii & 0xff) == 0)
if (progressMonitor.isCanceled())
return null;
return histogramBuilder.toHistogram(this, false);
public int[] getInboundRefererIds(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
return indexManager.inbound().get(objectId);
public int[] getOutboundReferentIds(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
return indexManager.outbound().get(objectId);
public int[] getInboundRefererIds(int[] objectIds, IProgressListener progressMonitor) throws SnapshotException
if (progressMonitor == null)
progressMonitor = new VoidProgressListener();
IIndexReader.IOne2ManyIndex inbound = indexManager.inbound();
SetInt result = new SetInt();
progressMonitor.beginTask(Messages.SnapshotImpl_ReadingInboundReferrers, objectIds.length / 100);
for (int ii = 0; ii < objectIds.length; ii++)
int[] referees = inbound.get(objectIds[ii]);
for (int refereeId : referees)
if (ii % 100 == 0)
if (progressMonitor.isCanceled())
return null;
int[] endResult = result.toArray();
// It used to be sorted before (TreeSet<Integer>) but I don't
// remember if this is needed
// Arrays.sort(endResult);
return endResult;
public int[] getOutboundReferentIds(int[] objectIds, IProgressListener progressMonitor) throws SnapshotException
if (progressMonitor == null)
progressMonitor = new VoidProgressListener();
IIndexReader.IOne2ManyIndex outbound = indexManager.outbound();
SetInt result = new SetInt();
progressMonitor.beginTask(Messages.SnapshotImpl_ReadingOutboundReferrers, objectIds.length / 100);
for (int ii = 0; ii < objectIds.length; ii++)
int[] referees = outbound.get(objectIds[ii]);
for (int refereeId : referees)
if (ii % 100 == 0)
if (progressMonitor.isCanceled())
return null;
int[] endResult = result.toArray();
return endResult;
public IPathsFromGCRootsComputer getPathsFromGCRoots(int objectId, Map<IClass, Set<String>> excludeList)
throws SnapshotException
return new PathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl(objectId, excludeList);
public IMultiplePathsFromGCRootsComputer getMultiplePathsFromGCRoots(int[] objectIds,
Map<IClass, Set<String>> excludeList) throws SnapshotException
return new MultiplePathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl(objectIds, excludeList, this);
int[] getRetainedSetSingleThreaded(int[] objectIds, IProgressListener progressMonitor) throws SnapshotException
/* for empty initial set - return immediately an empty retained set */
if (objectIds.length == 0) { return new int[0]; }
* take the retained set of a single object out of the dominator tree -
* it's faster
if (objectIds.length == 1) { return getSingleObjectRetainedSet(objectIds[0]); }
int numberOfObjects = snapshotInfo.getNumberOfObjects();
if (progressMonitor == null)
progressMonitor = new VoidProgressListener();
/* a bit field to mark all reached objects */
boolean[] reachable = new boolean[numberOfObjects];
* Initially mark all the objects whose retained set is to be calculated
* Thus the dfs will not go through this objects, and all objects
* retained from them will stay unmarked (the bits will be clear)
for (int objId : objectIds)
reachable[objId] = true;
* The dfs() will start from the GC roots, follow the outbound
* references, and mark all unmarked objects. The retained set will
* contain the unmarked objects
ObjectMarker marker = new ObjectMarker(roots.getAllKeys(), reachable, indexManager.outbound(),
int numReached;
numReached = marker.markSingleThreaded();
catch (OperationCanceledException e)
// $JL-EXC$
return null;
// int numReached = dfs(reachable);
int[] retained = new int[numberOfObjects - numReached];
* Unmark also the initial objects, as we want them to be included in
* the retained set
for (int objId : objectIds)
reachable[objId] = false;
/* Put each unmarked bit into the retained set */
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++)
if (!reachable[i])
retained[j++] = i;
return retained;
private int[] getRetainedSetMultiThreaded(int[] objectIds, int availableProcessors,
IProgressListener progressMonitor) throws SnapshotException
/* for empty initial set - return immediately an empty retained set */
if (objectIds.length == 0) { return new int[0]; }
* take the retained set of a single object out of the dominator tree -
* it's faster
if (objectIds.length == 1) { return getSingleObjectRetainedSet(objectIds[0]); }
int numberOfObjects = snapshotInfo.getNumberOfObjects();
if (progressMonitor == null)
progressMonitor = new VoidProgressListener();
/* a boolean[] to mark all reached objects */
boolean[] reachable = new boolean[numberOfObjects];
* Initially mark all the objects whose retained set is to be calculated
* Thus the dfs will not go through this objects, and all objects
* retained from them will stay unmarked (the bits will be clear)
for (int objId : objectIds)
reachable[objId] = true;
* Mark all the GC roots, and keep them in a stack. The worker threads
* are going to pop() one by one the gc roots and do the marking from
* them
int[] gcRoots = roots.getAllKeys();
ObjectMarker marker = new ObjectMarker(gcRoots, reachable, indexManager.outbound(),
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new SnapshotException(e);
* Unmark also the initial objects, as we want them to be included in
* the retained set
for (int objId : objectIds)
reachable[objId] = false;
* build the result in an IntArray - the exact number of marked is not
* known
ArrayIntBig retained = new ArrayIntBig();
/* Put each unmarked object into the retained set */
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++)
if (!reachable[i])
return retained.toArray();
public int[] getRetainedSet(int[] objectIds, IProgressListener progressMonitor) throws SnapshotException
int availableProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
if (availableProcessors > 1)
return getRetainedSetMultiThreaded(objectIds, availableProcessors, progressMonitor);
return getRetainedSetSingleThreaded(objectIds, progressMonitor);
public int[] getRetainedSet(int[] objectIds, String[] fieldNames, IProgressListener listener)
throws SnapshotException
if (objectIds.length == 0) { return new int[0]; }
int numberOfObjects = indexManager.o2address().size();
if (listener == null)
listener = new VoidProgressListener();
BitField initialSet = new BitField(numberOfObjects);
for (int objId : objectIds)
if (listener.isCanceled())
return null;
BitField reachable = new BitField(numberOfObjects);
int markedObjects = dfs2(reachable, initialSet, fieldNames);
int[] retained = new int[numberOfObjects - markedObjects];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++)
if (!reachable.get(i))
retained[j++] = i;
return retained;
public int[] getRetainedSet(int[] objectIds, ExcludedReferencesDescriptor[] excludedReferences,
IProgressListener progressMonitor) throws SnapshotException
if (progressMonitor == null)
progressMonitor = new VoidProgressListener();
* first pass - mark starting from the GC roots, avoiding
* excludedReferences, until initial are reached. The non-marked objects
* will be a common retained set from the excluded and initial objects
boolean[] firstPass = new boolean[getSnapshotInfo().getNumberOfObjects()];
// mark all initial
for (int objId : objectIds)
firstPass[objId] = true;
ObjectMarker marker = new ObjectMarker(getGCRoots(), firstPass, getIndexManager().outbound,
marker.markSingleThreaded(excludedReferences, this);
// un-mark initial - they have to go into the retained set
for (int objId : objectIds)
firstPass[objId] = false;
* Second pass - from the non-marked objects mark the ones starting from
* the initial set (objectIds)
boolean[] secondPass = new boolean[firstPass.length];
System.arraycopy(firstPass, 0, secondPass, 0, firstPass.length);
ObjectMarker secondMarker = new ObjectMarker(objectIds, secondPass, getIndexManager().outbound,
* Have to merge the results of the two markings here
int numObjects = getSnapshotInfo().getNumberOfObjects();
ArrayIntBig retainedSet = new ArrayIntBig();
for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)
if (!firstPass[i] && secondPass[i])
return retainedSet.toArray();
public long getMinRetainedSize(int[] objectIds, IProgressListener progressMonitor)
throws UnsupportedOperationException, SnapshotException
if (objectIds.length == 1) { return getRetainedHeapSize(objectIds[0]); }
if (objectIds.length == 0) { return 0; }
// to get the min.retained size we do not need to find the min.retain
// set at all
// all one needs is the distinct objects in the dominator tree. The
// sum of their retained sizes is the correct value then
int[] topAncestors = getTopAncestorsInDominatorTree(objectIds, progressMonitor);
long result = 0;
for (int topAncestorId : topAncestors)
result += getRetainedHeapSize(topAncestorId);
return result;
public int[] getMinRetainedSet(int[] objectIds, IProgressListener progressMonitor)
throws UnsupportedOperationException, SnapshotException
if (objectIds.length == 1) { return getSingleObjectRetainedSet(objectIds[0]); }
SetInt retainedSet = new SetInt(2 * objectIds.length);
for (int i : objectIds)
* objects on the path from a top-ancestor to the <root> will be saved
* here to avoid walking the same path many times
SetInt negativeCache = new SetInt(2 * objectIds.length);
// used to temporarily keep the walked-through objects before we decide
// in which cache to store them
// inline the stack functionality for performance reasons
// IntStack temp = new IntStack();
int tempSize = 0;
int tempCapacity = 10 * 1024;
int[] temp = new int[tempCapacity];
IIndexReader.IOne2OneIndex dominatorIdx = indexManager.dominator();
IIndexReader.IOne2ManyIndex dominated = indexManager.dominated();
int size = 0;
int capacity = 10 * 1024;
int[] stack = new int[capacity];
int iterations = 0;
for (int objectId : objectIds)
if ((iterations & 0xffff) == 0)
if (progressMonitor.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
int dominatorId = dominatorIdx.get(objectId) - 2;
boolean save = true;
* For each object walk up the dominator tree until either the
* <root> is reached or an object which is already in the retained
* set
while (dominatorId > -1)
// temp.push(dominatorId); // save all objects on the path
if (tempSize == tempCapacity)
int newCapacity = tempCapacity << 1;
int[] newArr = new int[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, newArr, 0, tempCapacity);
temp = newArr;
tempCapacity = newCapacity;
temp[tempSize++] = dominatorId;
// end of push()
// check if the dominator is in the retained set (i.e. there
// is another object from the initial set dominating it)
if (retainedSet.contains(dominatorId))
save = false;
// check if the dominator is in the negative cache - i.e. there
// are no objects from the initial set on the way to the <root>
if (negativeCache.contains(dominatorId))
// save is true, so simply break and let the result be saved
dominatorId = dominatorIdx.get(dominatorId) - 2;
if (save)
// add the path from the object up to the <root> to the negative
// cache
while (tempSize > 0)
// negativeCache.add(temp.pop());
negativeCache.add(temp[--tempSize]); // pop
* Add the the objects retained by objectId to the whole
* retained set. Always use one and the same stack, it is empty
* at the end of this block
stack[size++] = objectId; // push
int current;
while (size > 0) // are there elements in the stack?
current = stack[--size]; // pop
int[] next = dominated.get(current + 1);
for (int i : next)
// push, check capacity first
if (size == capacity)
int newCapacity = capacity << 1;
int[] newArr = new int[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(stack, 0, newArr, 0, capacity);
stack = newArr;
capacity = newCapacity;
stack[size++] = i;
return retainedSet.toArray();
public int[] getTopAncestorsInDominatorTree(int[] objectIds, IProgressListener listener) throws SnapshotException
// Used by the dominator_tree query to allow a missing dominator tree to be built
if (!isDominatorTreeCalculated() && listener != null && objectIds.length == 0)
if (!isDominatorTreeCalculated())
throw new SnapshotException(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Error_DomTreeNotAvailable);
if (listener == null)
listener = new VoidProgressListener();
* For big objects sets use a boolean[] instead of SetInt to mark
* processed objects SetInt is too memory expensive and on huge sets may
* lead to an OOMError Using the boolean[] is also faster on bigger
* sets.
if (objectIds.length > 1000000)
return getTopAncestorsWithBooleanCache(objectIds, listener);
* objects on the path from a top-ancestor to the <root> will be saved
* here to avoid walking the same path many times
SetInt negativeCache = new SetInt(objectIds.length);
* objects on the path to a top-ancestor will be cached here, to avoid
* walking the same path multiple times.
SetInt positiveCache = new SetInt(2 * objectIds.length);
for (int i : objectIds)
* an array where all top-ancestors will be saved
ArrayInt result = new ArrayInt();
// used to temporarily keep the walked-through objects before we decide
// in which cache to store them
// inline the stack functionality for performance reasons
// IntStack temp = new IntStack();
int tempSize = 0;
int tempCapacity = 10 * 1024;
int[] temp = new int[tempCapacity];
IIndexReader.IOne2OneIndex dominatorIdx = indexManager.dominator();
int iterations = 0;
for (int objectId : objectIds)
if ((iterations & 0xffff) == 0)
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
int dominatorId = dominatorIdx.get(objectId) - 2;
boolean save = true;
* For each object walk up the dominator tree until either the
* <root> is reached or an object which is already in the retained
* set
while (dominatorId > -1)
// temp.push(dominatorId); // save all objects on the path
if (tempSize == tempCapacity)
int newCapacity = tempCapacity << 1;
int[] newArr = new int[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, newArr, 0, tempCapacity);
temp = newArr;
tempCapacity = newCapacity;
temp[tempSize++] = dominatorId;
// check if the dominator is in the positive cache (i.e. there
// is another object from the initial set dominating it)
if (positiveCache.contains(dominatorId))
save = false;
// add the marked objects to the positiveCache
while (tempSize > 0)
// positiveCahce.add(temp.pop());
positiveCache.add(temp[--tempSize]); // pop
// check if the dominator is in the negative cache - i.e. there
// are no objects from the initial set on the way to the <root>
if (negativeCache.contains(dominatorId))
// save is true, so simply break and let the result be saved
dominatorId = dominatorIdx.get(dominatorId) - 2;
if (save)
while (tempSize > 0)
// negativeCache.add(temp.pop());
negativeCache.add(temp[--tempSize]); // pop
return result.toArray();
private int[] getTopAncestorsWithBooleanCache(int[] objectIds, IProgressListener listener)
* objects on the path from a top-ancestor to the <root> will be saved
* here to avoid walking the same path many times
boolean[] negativeCache = new boolean[snapshotInfo.getNumberOfObjects()];
* objects on the path to a top-ancestor will be cached here, to avoid
* walking the same path multiple times.
boolean[] positiveCache = new boolean[snapshotInfo.getNumberOfObjects()];
for (int i : objectIds)
positiveCache[i] = true;
* an array where all top-ancestors will be saved
ArrayInt result = new ArrayInt();
// used to temporarily keep the walked-through objects before we decide
// in which cache to store them
// inline the stack functionality for performance reasons
// IntStack temp = new IntStack();
int tempSize = 0;
int tempCapacity = 10 * 1024;
int[] temp = new int[tempCapacity];
IIndexReader.IOne2OneIndex dominatorIdx = indexManager.dominator();
int iterations = 0;
for (int objectId : objectIds)
if ((iterations & 0xffff) == 0)
if (listener.isCanceled()) { throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException(); }
int dominatorId = dominatorIdx.get(objectId) - 2;
boolean save = true;
* For each object walk up the dominator tree until either the
* <root> is reached or an object which is already in the retained
* set
while (dominatorId > -1)
// temp.push(dominatorId); // save all objects on the path
if (tempSize == tempCapacity)
int newCapacity = tempCapacity << 1;
int[] newArr = new int[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, newArr, 0, tempCapacity);
temp = newArr;
tempCapacity = newCapacity;
temp[tempSize++] = dominatorId;
// check if the dominator is in the positive cache (i.e. there
// is another object from the initial set dominating it)
if (positiveCache[dominatorId])
save = false;
// add the marked objects to the positiveCache
while (tempSize > 0)
// positiveCahce.add(temp.pop());
positiveCache[temp[--tempSize]] = true; // pop
// check if the dominator is in the negative cache - i.e. there
// are no objects from the initial set on the way to the <root>
if (negativeCache[dominatorId])
// save is true, so simply break and let the result be saved
dominatorId = dominatorIdx.get(dominatorId) - 2;
if (save)
while (tempSize > 0)
// negativeCache.add(temp.pop());
negativeCache[temp[--tempSize]] = true; // pop
return result.toArray();
private boolean isDominatorTreeCalculated()
return dominatorTreeCalculated;
public void calculateDominatorTree(IProgressListener listener) throws SnapshotException,
DominatorTree.calculate(this, listener);
dominatorTreeCalculated = indexManager.dominated() != null && indexManager.o2retained() != null
&& indexManager.dominator() != null;
catch (IOException e)
throw new SnapshotException(e);
public int[] getImmediateDominatedIds(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
if (!isDominatorTreeCalculated())
throw new SnapshotException(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Error_DomTreeNotAvailable);
return indexManager.dominated().get(objectId + 1);
public int getImmediateDominatorId(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
if (!isDominatorTreeCalculated())
throw new SnapshotException(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Error_DomTreeNotAvailable);
return indexManager.dominator().get(objectId) - 2;
public DominatorsSummary getDominatorsOf(int[] objectIds, Pattern excludePattern, IProgressListener progressListener)
throws SnapshotException
if (!isDominatorTreeCalculated())
throw new SnapshotException(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Error_DomTreeNotAvailable);
if (progressListener == null)
progressListener = new VoidProgressListener();
IIndexReader.IOne2OneIndex dominatorIndex = indexManager.dominator();
IIndexReader.IOne2OneIndex o2classIndex = indexManager.o2class();
SetInt excludeSet = new SetInt();
SetInt includeSet = new SetInt();
progressListener.beginTask(Messages.SnapshotImpl_RetrievingDominators, objectIds.length / 10);
Map<IClass, DominatorsSummary.ClassDominatorRecord> map = new HashMap<IClass, DominatorsSummary.ClassDominatorRecord>();
for (int ii = 0; ii < objectIds.length; ii++)
int objectId = objectIds[ii];
int domClassId;
IClass clasz;
String domClassName;
// the values in the index are 2+the real value
int dominatorId = dominatorIndex.get(objectId) - 2;
if (dominatorId == -1)
clasz = null;
domClassName = "<ROOT>";//$NON-NLS-1$
domClassId = -1;
domClassId = o2classIndex.get(dominatorId);
clasz = classCache.get(domClassId);
domClassName = clasz.getName();
if (excludePattern != null && dominatorId >= 0)
boolean exclude = true;
while (exclude)
if (progressListener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
// check the negative cache first
if (excludeSet.contains(domClassId))
// the values in the index are 2+the real value
dominatorId = dominatorIndex.get(dominatorId) - 2;
if (dominatorId == -1)
clasz = null;
domClassName = "<ROOT>";//$NON-NLS-1$
domClassId = -1;
domClassId = o2classIndex.get(dominatorId);
clasz = classCache.get(domClassId);
domClassName = clasz.getName();
// then check the positive cache
else if (includeSet.contains(domClassId))
exclude = false;
// the class has not been processed so far
if (excludePattern.matcher(domClassName).matches() && dominatorId >= 0)
// just add the classId to the exclude cache
// the next iteration will get the next dominator
exclude = false;
DominatorsSummary.ClassDominatorRecord record = map.get(clasz);
if (record == null)
record = new DominatorsSummary.ClassDominatorRecord();
map.put(clasz, record);
record.setClassloaderId(dominatorId == -1 || clasz == null ? -1 : clasz.getClassLoaderId());
if (record.addDominator(dominatorId) && dominatorId != -1)
if (record.addDominated(objectId))
if (ii % 10 == 0)
if (progressListener.isCanceled())
throw new IProgressListener.OperationCanceledException();
ClassDominatorRecord[] records = map.values().toArray(new DominatorsSummary.ClassDominatorRecord[0]);
return new DominatorsSummary(records, this);
public IObject getObject(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
IObject answer = this.classCache.get(objectId);
if (answer != null)
return answer;
return this.objectCache.get(objectId);
public GCRootInfo[] getGCRootInfo(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
return roots.get(objectId);
public IClass getClassOf(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
if (isClass(objectId))
return getObject(objectId).getClazz();
return (IClass) getObject(indexManager.o2class().get(objectId));
public long mapIdToAddress(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
return indexManager.o2address().get(objectId);
public long getHeapSize(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
if (arrayObjects.get(objectId))
return indexManager.a2size().getSize(objectId);
IClass clazz = classCache.get(objectId);
if (clazz != null)
// it is a class
return clazz.getUsedHeapSize();
// it is an instance
clazz = classCache.get(indexManager.o2class().get(objectId));
return clazz.getHeapSizePerInstance();
public long getHeapSize(int[] objectIds) throws UnsupportedOperationException, SnapshotException
long total = 0;
IOne2OneIndex o2class = indexManager.o2class();
IOne2SizeIndex a2size = indexManager.a2size();
for (int objectId : objectIds)
if (arrayObjects.get(objectId)) // take array sizes from another
// index
total += a2size.getSize(objectId);
IClass clazz = classCache.get(objectId);
if (clazz != null)
// it is a class
total += clazz.getUsedHeapSize();
// it is an instance
clazz = classCache.get(o2class.get(objectId));
total += clazz.getHeapSizePerInstance();
return total;
public long getRetainedHeapSize(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
if (this.isDominatorTreeCalculated())
return indexManager.o2retained().get(objectId);
return 0;
public boolean isArray(int objectId)
if (arrayObjects.get(objectId))
// Variable size, so see if actually an array
IClass clazz = classCache.get(indexManager.o2class().get(objectId));
if (clazz.isArrayType())
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
public boolean isClass(int objectId)
return classCache.containsKey(objectId);
public boolean isGCRoot(int objectId)
return roots.containsKey(objectId);
public int mapAddressToId(long objectAddress) throws SnapshotException
int objectId = indexManager.o2address().reverse(objectAddress);
if (objectId < 0)
throw new SnapshotException(MessageUtil.format(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Error_ObjectNotFound,
new Object[] { "0x" //$NON-NLS-1$
+ Long.toHexString(objectAddress) }));
return objectId;
public void dispose()
IOException error = null;
catch (IOException e1)
error = e1;
catch (IOException e1)
error = e1;
if (error != null)
throw new RuntimeException(error);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// internal stuff
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public List<IClass> resolveClassHierarchy(int classIndex)
IClass clazz = classCache.get(classIndex);
if (clazz == null)
return null;
List<IClass> answer = new ArrayList<IClass>();
while (clazz.hasSuperClass())
clazz = classCache.get(clazz.getSuperClassId());
if (clazz == null)
return null;
return answer;
/** performance improved check if the object is a class loader */
public boolean isClassLoader(int objectId)
return loaderLabels.containsKey(objectId);
public String getClassLoaderLabel(int objectId)
return loaderLabels.get(objectId);
public void setClassLoaderLabel(int objectId, String label)
if (label == null)
throw new NullPointerException(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Label);
String old = loaderLabels.put(objectId, label);
if (old == null)
throw new RuntimeException(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Error_ReplacingNonExistentClassLoader);
private int dfs2(BitField bits, BitField exclude, String[] fieldNames) throws SnapshotException
int count = 0;
HashSet<String> fieldNamesSet = new HashSet<String>(fieldNames.length);
for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++)
IIndexReader.IOne2ManyIndex outbound = indexManager.outbound();
IntStack stack = new IntStack();
for (IteratorInt en = roots.keys(); en.hasNext();)
int i =;
int current;
while (stack.size() > 0)
current = stack.pop();
if (exclude.get(current))
// check for objects which are only referenced by the desired
// fields
for (int child : outbound.get(current))
// well, we must load the obj
IObject obj = getObject(current);
long childAddress = mapIdToAddress(child);
List<NamedReference> refs = obj.getOutboundReferences();
for (NamedReference reference : refs)
// if there is a ref from a not-specified field - put
// the child
// on the list. This means it's not part of the desired
// retained set
if (!bits.get(child) && reference.getObjectAddress() == childAddress
&& !fieldNamesSet.contains(reference.getName()))
for (int child : outbound.get(current))
if (!bits.get(child))
return count;
private int[] getSingleObjectRetainedSet(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
ArrayIntBig result = new ArrayIntBig();
IntStack stack = new IntStack();
int current;
while (stack.size() > 0)
current = stack.pop();
int[] next = getImmediateDominatedIds(current);
for (int i : next)
return result.toArray();
private static class Path
int index;
Path next;
public Path(int index, Path next)
this.index = index; = next;
public Path getNext()
return next;
public int getIndex()
return index;
public boolean contains(long id)
Path p = this;
while (p != null)
if (p.index == id)
return true;
p =;
return false;
private class PathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl implements IPathsFromGCRootsComputer
* special state of the path computer 0 initial; 1 final; 2 processing a
* GC root; 3 normal processing
private int state;
private int nextState;
int objectId;
LinkedList<Path> fifo = new LinkedList<Path>();
BitField visited = new BitField(indexManager.o2address().size());
BitField excludeInstances;
IIndexReader.IOne2ManyIndex inboundIndex; // to avoid method calls to
int currentId;
Path currentPath;
int[] currentReferrers;
int lastReadReferrer;
int[] referringThreads;
int currentReferringThread;
int[] foundPath;
Map<IClass, Set<String>> excludeMap;
public PathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl(int objectId, Map<IClass, Set<String>> excludeMap) throws SnapshotException
this.objectId = objectId;
this.excludeMap = excludeMap;
inboundIndex = indexManager.inbound();
if (excludeMap != null)
currentId = objectId;
if (roots.get(objectId) != null)
// leave the fifo empty
fifo.add(new Path(objectId, null));
private void initExcludeInstances() throws SnapshotException
excludeInstances = new BitField(indexManager.o2address().size());
for (IClass clazz : excludeMap.keySet())
int[] objects = clazz.getObjectIds();
for (int objId : objects)
private boolean refersOnlyThroughExcluded(int referrerId, int referentId) throws SnapshotException
if (!excludeInstances.get(referrerId))
return false;
IObject referrerObject = getObject(referrerId);
Set<String> excludeFields = excludeMap.get(referrerObject.getClazz());
if (excludeFields == null)
return true; // treat null as all fields
long referentAddr = mapIdToAddress(referentId);
List<NamedReference> refs = referrerObject.getOutboundReferences();
for (NamedReference reference : refs)
if (referentAddr == reference.getObjectAddress() && !excludeFields.contains(reference.getName())) { return false; }
return true;
public int[] getNextShortestPath() throws SnapshotException
switch (state)
case 0: // INITIAL
* some special check if the initial object itself is a GC
* root usually the GC roots are found among the referrers
if (roots.containsKey(currentId))
referringThreads = null;
state = 2; // PROCESSING GC ROOT
nextState = 1; // FINAL
foundPath = new int[] { currentId };
return getNextShortestPath();
state = 3; // NORMAL
return getNextShortestPath();
case 1: // FINAL
return null;
if (referringThreads == null)
referringThreads = getReferringTreads(getGCRootInfo(foundPath[foundPath.length - 1]));
currentReferringThread = 0;
if (referringThreads.length == 0)
// there were no threads found to refer to this GC
// root
state = nextState;
return foundPath;
if (currentReferringThread < referringThreads.length)
int[] result = new int[foundPath.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(foundPath, 0, result, 0, foundPath.length);
result[result.length - 1] = referringThreads[currentReferringThread];
return result;
state = nextState;
return getNextShortestPath();
int[] res;
// finish processing the current entry
if (currentReferrers != null)
res = processCurrentReferrefs(lastReadReferrer + 1);
if (res != null)
return res;
// Continue with the FIFO
while (fifo.size() > 0)
currentPath = fifo.getFirst();
currentId = currentPath.getIndex();
currentReferrers = inboundIndex.get(currentId);
if (currentReferrers != null)
res = processCurrentReferrefs(0);
if (res != null)
return res;
return null;
throw new RuntimeException(Messages.SnapshotImpl_Error_UnrecognizedState + state);
private int[] getReferringTreads(GCRootInfo[] rootInfos)
SetInt threads = new SetInt();
for (GCRootInfo info : rootInfos)
// add only threads different from the current GC root
if (info.getContextAddress() != 0 && info.getObjectAddress() != info.getContextAddress())
return threads.toArray();
public PathsFromGCRootsTree getTree(Collection<int[]> paths)
PathsFromGCRootsTreeBuilder rootBuilder = new PathsFromGCRootsTreeBuilder(objectId);
for (int[] path : paths)
PathsFromGCRootsTreeBuilder current = rootBuilder;
* now add the path as a branch start from 1, as path[0] is the
* starting object
for (int k = 1; k < path.length; k++)
int childId = path[k];
PathsFromGCRootsTreeBuilder child = current.getObjectReferers().get(childId);
if (child == null)
child = new PathsFromGCRootsTreeBuilder(childId);
current = child;
return rootBuilder.toPathsFromGCRootsTree();
private int[] path2Int(Path p)
IntStack s = new IntStack();
while (p != null)
p = p.getNext();
int res[] = new int[s.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++)
res[i] = s.pop();
return res;
private int[] processCurrentReferrefs(int fromIndex) throws SnapshotException
GCRootInfo[] rootInfo = null;
for (int i = fromIndex; i < currentReferrers.length; i++)
rootInfo = roots.get(currentReferrers[i]);
if (rootInfo != null)
if (excludeMap == null)
// save state
lastReadReferrer = i;
Path p = new Path(currentReferrers[i], currentPath);
referringThreads = null;
state = 2; // FOUND GC ROOT
nextState = 3; // NORMAL PROCESSING
foundPath = path2Int(p);
return getNextShortestPath();
if (!refersOnlyThroughExcluded(currentReferrers[i], currentId))
// save state
lastReadReferrer = i;
Path p = new Path(currentReferrers[i], currentPath);
referringThreads = null;
state = 2; // FOUND GC ROOT
nextState = 3; // NORMAL PROCESSING
foundPath = path2Int(p);
return getNextShortestPath();
for (int referrer : currentReferrers)
if (referrer >= 0 && !visited.get(referrer) && !roots.containsKey(referrer))
if (excludeMap == null)
fifo.add(new Path(referrer, currentPath));
if (!refersOnlyThroughExcluded(referrer, currentId))
fifo.add(new Path(referrer, currentPath));
return null;
public IndexManager getIndexManager()
return indexManager;
public IObjectReader getHeapObjectReader()
return heapObjectReader;
public RetainedSizeCache getRetainedSizeCache()
return indexManager.i2sv2;
public HashMapIntObject<HashMapIntObject<XGCRootInfo[]>> getRootsPerThread()
return rootsPerThread;
* Get additional JVM information, if available.
* <p>
* A known type is {@link UnreachableObjectsHistogram}.
* Extra information can be obtained from an implementation of {@link IObjectReader#getAddon(Class)}.
* @param addon the type of the data. For example, {@link UnreachableObjectsHistogram}.class
* @return the extra data
public <A> A getSnapshotAddons(Class<A> addon) throws SnapshotException
if (addon == UnreachableObjectsHistogram.class)
return (A) this.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty(UnreachableObjectsHistogram.class.getName());
return heapObjectReader.getAddon(addon);
public IThreadStack getThreadStack(int objectId) throws SnapshotException
if (!parsedThreads)
threadId2stack = ThreadStackHelper.loadThreadsData(this);
parsedThreads = true;
if (threadId2stack != null)
return threadId2stack.get(objectId);
return null;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// private classes
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private static final class HeapObjectCache extends ObjectCache<IObject>
SnapshotImpl snapshot;
private HeapObjectCache(SnapshotImpl snapshot, int maxSize)
this.snapshot = snapshot;
protected IObject load(int objectId)
IObject answer = null;
// check if the object is an array (no index needed)
if (snapshot.isArray(objectId))
answer =, snapshot);
ClassImpl classImpl = (ClassImpl) snapshot.getObject(snapshot.indexManager.o2class().get(objectId));
if (snapshot.isClassLoader(objectId))
answer = new ClassLoaderImpl(objectId, Long.MIN_VALUE, classImpl, null);
answer = new InstanceImpl(objectId, Long.MIN_VALUE, classImpl, null);
((AbstractObjectImpl) answer).setSnapshot(snapshot);
return answer;
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
catch (SnapshotException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);