blob: 59d68431709b5f2bc66ab03f0310bd384a215714 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010,2023 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Andrew Johnson - test class specific name for Strings etc.
package org.eclipse.mat.tests.snapshot;
import static org.eclipse.mat.tests.collect.ExtractCollectionEntriesBase.matchesPattern;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.anyOf;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.either;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThan;
import static org.hamcrest.collection.IsArrayWithSize.arrayWithSize;
import static org.hamcrest.collection.IsEmptyCollection.emptyCollectionOf;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsInstanceOf.instanceOf;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNull.nullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.number.OrderingComparison.lessThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeThat;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope;
import org.eclipse.mat.SnapshotException;
import org.eclipse.mat.collect.SetInt;
import org.eclipse.mat.internal.snapshot.SnapshotQueryContext;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IResult;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IResultTable;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.IResultTree;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.ISelectionProvider;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.registry.QueryObjectLink;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.results.CompositeResult;
import org.eclipse.mat.query.results.DisplayFileResult;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.ISnapshot;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.SnapshotFactory;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.SnapshotInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.UnreachableObjectsHistogram;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.GCRootInfo;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.GCRootInfo.Type;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IClass;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IClassLoader;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObject;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IStackFrame;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IThreadStack;
import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.query.SnapshotQuery;
import org.eclipse.mat.tests.TestSnapshots;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.IProgressListener;
import org.eclipse.mat.util.VoidProgressListener;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ErrorCollector;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.AfterParam;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class)
public class GeneralSnapshotTests
enum Methods {
final Methods hasMethods;
enum Stacks {
final Stacks stackInfo;
@Parameters(name="{index}: Snapshot={0} options={1} methods={2}")
public static Collection<Object[]> data()
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK6_32BIT, Stacks.NONE, null},
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK5_64BIT, Stacks.NONE, null},
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK6_18_32BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS, null},
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK6_18_64BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS, null},
{TestSnapshots.SUN_JDK5_13_32BIT, Stacks.NONE, null},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_HEAP, Stacks.NONE, null},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_JAVA, Stacks.FRAMES, null},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_HEAP_AND_JAVA, Stacks.FRAMES, null},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_SYSTEM, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS, null},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK6_32BIT_SYSTEM, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS, Methods.NONE},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK142_32BIT_HEAP, Stacks.NONE, null},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK142_32BIT_JAVA, Stacks.FRAMES, null},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK142_32BIT_HEAP_AND_JAVA, TestSnapshots.DTFJreadJavacore142 ? Stacks.FRAMES : Stacks.NONE, null},
{TestSnapshots.IBM_JDK142_32BIT_SYSTEM, Stacks.FRAMES, null},
{TestSnapshots.ORACLE_JDK7_21_64BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS, null},
{TestSnapshots.ORACLE_JDK8_05_64BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS, null},
{TestSnapshots.ORACLE_JDK9_01_64BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS, null},
{TestSnapshots.ADOPTOPENJDK_HOTSPOT_JDK11_0_4_11_64BIT, Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS, null},
public GeneralSnapshotTests(String snapshotname, Stacks s, Methods m)
if (m == Methods.ALL_METHODS) {
snapshot = snapshot2(snapshotname, "all");
hasMethods = Methods.ALL_METHODS;
else if (m == Methods.RUNNING_METHODS) {
snapshot = snapshot2(snapshotname, "running");
hasMethods = Methods.RUNNING_METHODS;
else if (m == Methods.FRAMES_ONLY) {
snapshot = snapshot2(snapshotname, "frames");
hasMethods = Methods.FRAMES_ONLY;
else if (m == Methods.NONE) {
snapshot = snapshot2(snapshotname, "none");
hasMethods = Methods.NONE;
snapshot = TestSnapshots.getSnapshot(snapshotname, false);
hasMethods = Methods.NONE;
stackInfo = s;
public static void cleanUp(String snapshotname, Stacks s, Methods m)
String snapshotname2;
if (m == Methods.ALL_METHODS) {
snapshotname2 = snapshotname + ";#all";
else if (m == Methods.RUNNING_METHODS) {
snapshotname2 = snapshotname + ";#running";
else if (m == Methods.FRAMES_ONLY) {
snapshotname2 = snapshotname + ";#frames";
else if (m == Methods.NONE) {
snapshotname2 = snapshotname + ";#none";
} else {
// These snapshots are just used for this test, so free them now
if (!TestSnapshots.freeSnapshot(snapshotname2))
System.out.println("Unable to dispose of snapshot "+snapshotname2);
* Create a snapshot with the methods as classes option
public ISnapshot snapshot2(String snapshotname, String includeMethods)
final String key = "methodsAsClasses";
final String dtfjPlugin = "org.eclipse.mat.dtfj";
IEclipsePreferences preferences = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(dtfjPlugin);
String prev = preferences.get(key, null);
preferences.put(key, includeMethods);
final String hprofPlugin = "org.eclipse.mat.hprof";
IEclipsePreferences preferences2 = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(hprofPlugin);
String prev2 = preferences2.get(key, null);
preferences2.put(key, includeMethods);
try {
// Tag the snapshot name so we don't end up with the wrong version
String snapshotname2 = snapshotname+";#"+includeMethods;
ISnapshot ret = TestSnapshots.getSnapshot(snapshotname2, false);
return ret;
} finally {
// Restore DTFJ
if (prev != null)
preferences.put(key, prev);
// Restore HPROF
if (prev2 != null)
preferences2.put(key, prev2);
final ISnapshot snapshot;
public void stacks1() throws SnapshotException
int frames = 0;
int foundTop = 0;
int foundNotTop = 0;
SetInt objs = new SetInt();
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.Thread", true);
if (tClasses != null) for (IClass thrdcls : tClasses)
for (int o : thrdcls.getObjectIds())
* PHD+javacore sometimes doesn't mark javacore threads as type Thread as
* javacore thread id is not a real object id.
for (int o : snapshot.getGCRoots())
for (GCRootInfo g : snapshot.getGCRootInfo(o)) {
if (g.getType() == Type.THREAD_OBJ) {
for (int o : objs.toArray())
IThreadStack stk = snapshot.getThreadStack(o);
if (stk != null)
int i = 0;
for (IStackFrame frm : stk.getStackFrames())
int os[] = frm.getLocalObjectsIds();
if (os != null)
if (i == 0)
foundTop += os.length;
foundNotTop += os.length;
// If there were some frames, and some frames had some objects
// then a topmost frame should have some objects
if (frames > 0 && foundNotTop > 0)
assertTrue("Expected some objects on top of stack", foundTop > 0);
if (this.stackInfo != Stacks.NONE)
assertTrue(frames > 0);
if (this.stackInfo == Stacks.FRAMES_AND_OBJECTS)
assertTrue(foundNotTop > 0 || foundTop > 0);
public void totalClasses() throws SnapshotException
int nc = snapshot.getClasses().size();
int n = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getNumberOfClasses();
assertEquals("Total classes", n, nc);
public void totalObjects() throws SnapshotException
int no = 0;
for (IClass cls : snapshot.getClasses())
no += cls.getNumberOfObjects();
int n = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getNumberOfObjects();
assertEquals("Total objects", n, no);
public void totalHeapSize() throws SnapshotException
long total = 0;
for (IClass cls : snapshot.getClasses())
total += snapshot.getHeapSize(cls.getObjectIds());
long n = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getUsedHeapSize();
assertEquals("Total heap size", n, total);
public void objectSizes() throws SnapshotException
long total = 0;
for (IClass cls : snapshot.getClasses())
long prev = -1;
for (int o : cls.getObjectIds())
IObject obj = snapshot.getObject(o);
long n = obj.getUsedHeapSize();
long n2 = snapshot.getHeapSize(o);
if (n != n2)
assertEquals("snapshot object heap size / object heap size "+obj, n, n2);
total += n;
if (prev >= 0)
if (prev != n && !cls.isArrayType() && !(obj instanceof IClass))
// This might not be a problem as variable sized plain objects
// are now permitted using the array index to record the alternative sizes.
// However, the current dumps don't appear to have them, so test for it here.
// Future dumps may make this test fail.
assertEquals("Variable size plain objects " + cls + " " + obj, prev, n);
else if (!(obj instanceof IClass))
// IClass objects are variably sized, so don't track those
prev = n;
assertEquals("All instance of a class must be of that type", cls, obj.getClazz());
long n = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getUsedHeapSize();
assertEquals("Total heap size", n, total);
public void topComponents() throws SnapshotException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.lookup("component_report_top", snapshot);
query.setArgument("aggressive", true);
IResult result = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
assertTrue(result != null);
public void topReferenceLeak() throws SnapshotException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("reference_leak java.lang.ref.WeakReference -include_subclasses -maxpaths 10 -factor 0.2", snapshot);
IResult result = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
assertTrue(result != null);
if (result instanceof CompositeResult)
CompositeResult r = (CompositeResult)result;
// Check each of the subresults
for (CompositeResult.Entry e : r.getResultEntries())
IResult r2 = e.getResult();
// Check the trees have some selected rows and some are expanded
if (r2 instanceof IResultTree)
IResultTree rt = (IResultTree)r2;
assertThat(rt.getElements().size(), greaterThan(0));
int selected = 0;
int expanded = 0;
for (Object o : rt.getElements())
if (rt instanceof ISelectionProvider)
ISelectionProvider ss = (ISelectionProvider)rt;
if (ss.isSelected(o))
if (ss.isExpanded(o))
while (rt.hasChildren(o))
// Has children, but zero of them?
if (rt.getChildren(o).size() == 0)
// Just search the first entry each time
o = rt.getChildren(o).get(0);
if (rt instanceof ISelectionProvider)
ISelectionProvider ss = (ISelectionProvider)rt;
if (ss.isSelected(o))
if (ss.isExpanded(o))
assertThat("selected "+e.getName(), selected, greaterThan(0));
assertThat("expanded "+e.getName(), expanded, greaterThan(0));
public void testMethods() throws SnapshotException
int methods = 0;
int methodsWithObjects = 0;
int methodObjects = 0;
int methodObjectsWithName = 0;
for (IClass cls : snapshot.getClasses())
if (cls.getName().contains("(") || cls.getName().equals("<stack frame>"))
int[] objectIds = cls.getObjectIds();
if (objectIds.length > 0)
for (int id : objectIds)
IObject frame = cls.getSnapshot().getObject(id);
String desc = frame.getClassSpecificName();
if (desc != null && desc.contains(".java"))
assertThat(frame.getClassSpecificName(), not(nullValue()));
// Get the count of failures instead of the first.
// Every frame should have a source file (unless compiled without debug information.)
//assertThat(frame.getClassSpecificName(), containsString(".java"));
if (hasMethods == Methods.ALL_METHODS)
assertTrue(methods > 0);
assertTrue(methods > methodsWithObjects);
else if (hasMethods == Methods.RUNNING_METHODS)
assertTrue(methods > 0);
assertEquals(methods, methodsWithObjects);
else if (hasMethods == Methods.FRAMES_ONLY)
assertEquals(1, methods);
assertThat(methodsWithObjects, greaterThan(0));
assertEquals(0, methodsWithObjects);
assertEquals(0, methods);
assertThat(methodObjectsWithName, equalTo(methodObjects));
public void testClassLoaders() throws SnapshotException
assertThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getNumberOfClassLoaders(), greaterThan(1));
public void testRegressionReport() throws SnapshotException, IOException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.tests:regression", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
public void testPerformanceReport() throws SnapshotException, IOException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.tests:performance", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
public void testLeakSuspectsReport() throws SnapshotException, IOException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
public void testHeapDumpOverviewQuery() throws SnapshotException, IOException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("heap_dump_overview", snapshot);
IResult result = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
assertTrue(result != null);
assertThat(result, instanceOf(IResultTable.class));
IResultTable t = (IResultTable)result;
for (int i = 0; i < t.getRowCount(); ++i)
Object row = t.getRow(i);
String key = (String)t.getColumnValue(row, 0);
String value = (String)t.getColumnValue(row, 1);
if ("JVM version".equals(key))
assertThat(value, not(equalTo("")));
public void testOverviewReport() throws SnapshotException, IOException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:overview", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
// See if the zip exists
String prefix = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPrefix();
// Remove dot
prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() - 1);
File zipf = new File(prefix + "");
assertThat(zipf.toString(), zipf.length(), greaterThan(100L));
public void testLeakSuspects2Report1() throws SnapshotException, IOException
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo("DTFJ-Javacore")));
ISnapshot snapshot2 = TestSnapshots.getSnapshot(TestSnapshots.ORACLE_JDK7_21_64BIT, true);
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects2 -params \"baseline=" + snapshot2.getSnapshotInfo().getPath()
+ "\"", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
public void testLeakSuspects2Report2() throws SnapshotException, IOException
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo("DTFJ-Javacore")));
ISnapshot snapshot2 = TestSnapshots.getSnapshot(TestSnapshots.ORACLE_JDK7_21_64BIT, true);
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects2 -params \"baseline=" + snapshot2.getSnapshotInfo().getPath()
+ "\"", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
public void testLeakSuspects2Report3() throws SnapshotException, IOException
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo("DTFJ-Javacore")));
ISnapshot snapshot2 = TestSnapshots.getSnapshot(TestSnapshots.ORACLE_JDK7_21_64BIT, true);
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects2 -params \"baseline=" + snapshot2.getSnapshotInfo().getPath()
+ "\"", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
* See if a report with a new name is created if the old one is not writable.
* Bug 55835
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void testOverviewReportRename() throws SnapshotException, IOException
// Lock the normal output file
String prefix = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPrefix();
// Remove dot
prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() - 1);
File out1 = new File(prefix + "");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(out1);
//readonly seems to be sufficient for this test
//FileLock lock = fos.getChannel().lock();
// Charset doesn't really matter
assertThat(out1.toString(), out1.setReadOnly(), equalTo(true));
* Not actually a need to keep the file open as only prevents
* delete on Windows.
// The new output file
File out2 = new File(prefix + "");
assertThat(out2.toString(), out2.exists(), equalTo(false));
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:overview", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
// check the new zipped report file exists
assertThat(out2.toString(), out2.exists(), equalTo(true));
assertThat(out2.toString(), out2.length(), greaterThan(100L));
assertThat(out2.toString(), out2.delete(), equalTo(true));
if (out2.exists() && !out2.delete())
System.out.println("unable to delete "+out2);
assertThat(out1.toString(), out1.delete(), equalTo(true));
if (out1.exists() && !out1.delete())
System.out.println("unable to delete "+out1);
* See if a new file is not created if the old file is not writable,
* but contains the same contents as the new file.
* Bug 558353
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void testOverviewReportRename2() throws SnapshotException, IOException
String prefix = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPrefix();
// Remove dot
prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() - 1);
File out1 = new File(prefix + "");
if (out1.exists())
assertThat(out1.toString(), out1.delete(), equalTo(true));
// The new output file
File out2 = new File(prefix + "");
if (out2.exists())
assertThat(out2.toString(), out2.delete(), equalTo(true));
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:overview", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
assertThat(out1.toString(), out1.exists(), equalTo(true));
assertThat(out1.toString(), out1.length(), greaterThan(100L));
assertThat(out2.toString(), out2.exists(), equalTo(false));
// Lock the usual output file
assertThat(out1.toString(), out1.setReadOnly(), equalTo(true));
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(out1);
//readonly seems to be sufficient for this test
//FileLock lock = fis.getChannel().lock(0, Long.MAX_VALUE, true);
long mdate = out1.lastModified();
long len1 = out1.length();
query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:overview", snapshot);
t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
assertThat(out1.toString(), out1.exists(), equalTo(true));
assertThat(out1.length(), equalTo(len1));
long mdate2 = out1.lastModified();
// Modification date should not change as the file should not have been rewritten
assertThat(out1.toString(), mdate2, equalTo(mdate));
// but a new file should not have been created either
assertThat(out2.toString(), out2.exists(), equalTo(false));
if (out2.exists() && !out2.delete())
System.out.println("unable to delete "+out2);
assertThat(out1.toString(), out1.delete(), equalTo(true));
if (out1.exists() && !out1.delete())
System.out.println("unable to delete "+out1);
public void testBug572227() throws SnapshotException, IOException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:query -params command=histogram unzip=true format=txt", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
// See if the zip exists
String prefix = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPrefix();
// Remove dot
prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() - 1);
File zipf = new File(prefix + "");
assertThat(zipf.toString(), zipf.length(), greaterThan(100L));
// See if the unzip worked
File unzipf = new File(prefix + "_Query");
assertThat("Expected unzipped directory", unzipf.exists());
// See if the text file is there and has contents
File unzippedDir = new File(unzipf, "pages");
File files[] = unzippedDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname)
return pathname.isFile();
assertThat("Should be only one file", files, arrayWithSize(1));
File unzippedFile = new File(unzippedDir, "Query_Command2.txt");
assertThat(unzippedFile.toString(), unzippedFile.length(), greaterThan(100L));
public void testTopComponentsReport() throws SnapshotException, IOException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:top_components", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
public ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
static class CheckedProgressListener extends VoidProgressListener
ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
public CheckedProgressListener(ErrorCollector collector)
this.collector = collector;
public void sendUserMessage(Severity severity, String message, Throwable exception)
if (exception != null && severity != Severity.INFO)
collector.checkThat(message, severity, lessThan(Severity.WARNING));
public void testAllQueriesReport() throws SnapshotException, IOException
IProgressListener checkListener = new CheckedProgressListener(collector);
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.tests:all", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(checkListener);
public void checkHTMLResult(IResult r) throws IOException, SnapshotException
assertThat(r, instanceOf(DisplayFileResult.class));
if (r instanceof DisplayFileResult)
DisplayFileResult d = (DisplayFileResult)r;
File f = d.getFile();
* Recursively check an HTML file.
* @param f
* @throws IOException
public void checkHTMLFile(File f) throws IOException, SnapshotException
Map<File, String> seen = new HashMap<File, String>();
checkHTMLFile(f, seen);
seen = null;
* Recursively check an HTML file, avoiding going
* into files already seen.
* @param f
* @param seen Files already seen
* @throws IOException
public void checkHTMLFile(File f, Map<File, String>seen) throws IOException, SnapshotException
checkHTMLFile(f, seen, null, null);
* Recursively check an HTML file, avoiding going
* into files already seen.
* @param f
* @param seen Files already seen
* @param anchor the fragment for web page
* @param referrer the referrer, for better error messages
* @throws IOException
public void checkHTMLFile(File f, Map<File, String>seen, String anchor, File referrer) throws IOException, SnapshotException
// canonical needed to avoid problems with ..
File canonfile = f.getCanonicalFile();
boolean seenFile = seen.containsKey(canonfile);
if (seenFile && (anchor == null || seen.containsKey(new File(canonfile.getPath() + "#" + anchor))))
String s = seen.get(canonfile);
String encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding", "UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (s == null)
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
if (!f.getName().endsWith(".html")
&& !f.getName().endsWith(".csv")
&& !f.getName().endsWith(".txt"))
// Not HTML or CSV or text
// Convert to canonical form
encoding = Charset.forName(encoding).name();
catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e)
// Ignore
// Read the file into a string
try (InputStreamReader ir = new InputStreamReader(fis, encoding);)
char cbuf[] = new char[(int) f.length()];
int l =;
s = new String(cbuf, 0, l);
// Cached version for anchor checks
seen.put(canonfile, s);
// An empty result with a filename ending .csv might be forced into HTML type
if (f.getName().endsWith(".csv") && !s.startsWith("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC"))
checkCSV(f, s);
if (f.getName().endsWith(".txt"))
checkTXT(f, s);
* All these checks are approximate and would be confused
* by false tags in attribute value string etc.
if (anchor != null)
if (anchor.length() > 0)
// The fragment should exist as an id or name
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(" (id|name)=\"" + Pattern.quote(anchor) + "\"");
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
String v;
int id = 0;
int name = 0;
while (m.find())
if ("id".equals(
else if ("name".equals(
if (id == 0 && name > 0)
id = 1;
assertThat(f + " from " + referrer + " Expected anchor "+ anchor + " to occur once: " + s, id, equalTo(1));
seen.put(new File(canonfile.getPath() + "#" + anchor), s);
if (seenFile)
// Some basic checks
assertThat(f + " Expected charset", s, containsString("content=\"text/html;charset=" + encoding + "\""));
assertThat(f + " Possible double escaping <", s, not(containsString("&amp;lt;")));
assertThat(f + " Possible double escaping &", s, not(containsString("&amp;amp;")));
* Rough test for bad tag - might indicate unescaped '<'.
* Find a less-than sign
* Negative lookahead for:
* optional / or !
* series of letters
* then optional digits
* ending with a space or greater-than
* then match all until next space or greater-than
* We normally have lower case tags and no self-closed tags.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<(?!(/?[a-z]+[0-9]*)[ >]|!DOCTYPE )[^ >]*");
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
String v;
if (m.find())
v =;
v = null;
assertThat("Bad tag in "+f, v, equalTo(null));
* Rough test for bad entity or unescaped ampersand.
* Negative lookahead for
* entity name followed by semicolon
* entity number preceded by # followed by semicolon
p = Pattern.compile("&(?!([a-z]+;)|(#[0-9]+;))[^a-z#]+");
m = p.matcher(s);
if (m.find())
v =;
v = null;
assertThat("Bad entity in "+f, v, equalTo(null));
* Check for alt text for images.
p = Pattern.compile("<img (?![^>]*alt)[^>]*>");
m = p.matcher(s);
if (m.find())
v =;
v = null;
assertThat("No alt for img in "+f, v, equalTo(null));
* Check for alt text for areas.
p = Pattern.compile("<area (?![^>]*alt)[^>]*>");
m = p.matcher(s);
if (m.find())
v =;
v = null;
assertThat("No alt for area in "+f, v, equalTo(null));
* Check for id attribute in elements
p = Pattern.compile("<([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+) id=\"([^\"]*)\"");
m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find())
String elem =;
v =;
assertThat("Invalid id in "+f+" for "+elem, v, matchesPattern("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]+"));
* Rough check for nesting of tags.
Stack<String> stk = new Stack<String>();
Stack<Integer> stki = new Stack<Integer>();
// Matches tags
p = Pattern.compile("</?[a-zA-Z]+[1-6]?");
m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find())
String tag =;
if (tag.startsWith("/"))
// Closing tag
assertThat("Stack for "+tag, stk.size(), greaterThan(0));
tag = tag.substring(1);
String tag2 = stk.pop();
int si = stki.pop();
if (tag2.equals("p") && !tag.equals("a") && !tag.equals("p"))
// <p> closed by any outer tag except <a>
tag2 = stk.pop();
si = stki.pop();
assertThat("Stack for "+tag, stk.size(), greaterThan(0));
String range = s.substring(si, m.end());
assertThat("Tag closing at " + m.start()+" "+range+" "+f, tag, equalTo(tag2));
// Self closing tag?
if (!(tag.equals("br")
|| tag.equals("hr")
|| tag.equals("img")
|| tag.equals("link")
|| tag.equals("input")
|| tag.equals("meta")
|| tag.equals("area")))
// <p> is closed by following block tag
if (stk.size() >= 1 && stk.peek().equals("p") && (
tag.equals("h1") ||
tag.equals("h2") ||
tag.equals("h3") ||
tag.equals("h4") ||
tag.equals("h5") ||
tag.equals("h6") ||
tag.equals("pre") ||
tag.equals("ol") ||
tag.equals("ul") ||
// Close the <p> tag
assertThat("Stack should be empty", stk.size(), equalTo(0));
// Look for references to other files
for (int i = 0; i >= 0; )
String match = "href=\"";
i = s.indexOf(match, i);
if (i >= 0)
int j = s.indexOf("\"", i + match.length());
String fn = s.substring(i + match.length(), j);
if (!fn.startsWith("/") && !fn.startsWith("http") && !fn.startsWith(QueryObjectLink.PROTOCOL))
String anchor1 = null;
int anch = fn.indexOf('#');
if (anch >= 0)
// Extract the anchor
anchor1 = fn.substring(anch + 1);
if (anchor1.length() > 0)
assertThat(f + " Invalid anchor in "+fn, anchor1, matchesPattern("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]+"));
// Just an anchor means in this file, otherwise remove the anchor
fn = anch == 0 ? f.getName() : fn.substring(0, anch);
File d = f.getParentFile();
File newf = new File(d, fn);
checkHTMLFile(newf, seen, anchor1, f);
else if (fn.startsWith(QueryObjectLink.PROTOCOL))
QueryObjectLink link = QueryObjectLink.parse(fn);
if (link.getType() == QueryObjectLink.Type.OBJECT)
String t = link.getTarget();
assertNotNull(fn, t);
SnapshotQueryContext sc = new SnapshotQueryContext(snapshot);
int id = sc.mapToObjectId(t);
else if (link.getType() == QueryObjectLink.Type.QUERY)
String t = link.getTarget();
assertNotNull(fn, t);
SnapshotQuery q = SnapshotQuery.parse(t, snapshot);
String cmdname = q.getDescriptor().getIdentifier();
IResult r;
r = q.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
if ((cmdname.equals("system_properties")
|| cmdname.equals("thread_overview")
|| cmdname.equals("finalizer_thread")
|| cmdname.equals("path2gc_reg_test")
&& (snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat").equals("DTFJ-PHD")
|| snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat")
// Might not return a result for PHD but
// shouldn't fail
assertNotNull(t, r);
catch (UnsupportedOperationException e)
if (snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat").equals("DTFJ-PHD")
|| snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat")
// This is an acceptable exception for PHD, JavaCore
throw e;
catch (SnapshotException e)
if (cmdname.equals("unreachable_objects")
&& snapshot.getSnapshotAddons(UnreachableObjectsHistogram.class) == null
|| snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat")
// This is an acceptable exception
throw new SnapshotException(t, e);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
if (cmdname.equals("simplecomparison") && snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat")
.equals("DTFJ-PHD") && t.contains("-query system_properties"))
// This is an acceptable exception
throw new SnapshotException(t, e);
else if (link.getType() == QueryObjectLink.Type.DETAIL_RESULT)
String t = link.getTarget();
assertNotNull(fn, t);
assertTrue("Unexpected link type "+link.getType()+" "+fn, false);
i = j;
* Check a text file generated from a table or tree.
private void checkTXT(File f, String s)
String lines[] = s.split("\r?\n");
if (lines.length >= 2 && lines[1].matches("-+"))
// Check the last row is dashes
assertThat(f.getPath(), lines[lines.length - 1], equalTo(lines[1]));
// Check that no row is longer than the dashes
int maxlen = lines[1].length();
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i)
assertThat(f+" "+(i+1)+":"+lines[i], lines[i].length(), lessThanOrEqualTo(maxlen));
// Check the divisions on each line match the header
for (int i = 2; i < lines.length - 1; ++i)
// Sometimes the text has a line feed, splitting the file
String line = "";
l: for (int p = i; p >= 2; --p)
line = lines[p] + "\n "+ line;
for (int j = lines[0].indexOf('|'); j >= 0; j = lines[0].indexOf('|', j +1))
// Try to fix up split lines
if (line.length() < maxlen && (line.length() < j || line.charAt(j) != '|'))
continue l;
for (int j = lines[0].indexOf('|'); j >= 0; j = lines[0].indexOf('|', j +1))
assertThat(f+" "+(i+1)+":"+(j+1)+" "+line, line.length(), greaterThan(j));
assertThat(f+" "+(i+1)+":"+(j+1)+" "+line, line.charAt(j), equalTo('|'));
if (lines.length > 2)
// check the first row is not blank (empty filter row?)
assertFalse(lines[2].matches("[ |]+"));
* Check a CSV (comma separated value) file.
private void checkCSV(File f, String s)
List<List<String>>all = split(f, s);
for (List<String> l : all)
assertThat(l.size(), equalTo(all.get(0).size()));
* Split a CSV file into lines and fields
* @param f
* @param s
* @return a list of lists of fields
public List<List<String>>split(File f, String s) {
List<List<String>>res1 = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
List<String>res = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean inquote = false;
boolean prevquote = false;
boolean prevcr = false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : s.toCharArray())
if (inquote)
if (c == '"')
prevquote = true;
inquote = false;
prevquote = false;
} else {
switch (c) {
case '"':
assertFalse(f+" "+s, prevcr);
if (prevquote) {
inquote = true;
prevquote = false;
} else {
inquote = true;
prevquote = false;
case ',':
assertFalse(f+" "+s, prevcr);
case '\r':
assertFalse(f+" "+s, prevcr);
prevcr = true;
case '\n':
assertFalse(f+" "+s, inquote);
res = new ArrayList<String>();
assertFalse(f+" "+s, prevcr);
if (sb.length() > 0)
assertThat(f.toString(), sb.toString(), equalTo(""));
assertThat(f+" "+res,res.size(), equalTo(0));
return res1;
public void testAllQueriesReportText() throws SnapshotException, IOException
IProgressListener checkListener = new CheckedProgressListener(collector);
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.tests:all -params format=txt", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(checkListener);
public void testAllQueriesReportCSV() throws SnapshotException, IOException
IProgressListener checkListener = new CheckedProgressListener(collector);
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("default_report org.eclipse.mat.tests:all -params format=csv", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(checkListener);
public void listEntries() throws SnapshotException
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.util.AbstractMap", true);
if (tClasses != null) for (IClass thrdcls : tClasses)
for (int o : thrdcls.getObjectIds())
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("extract_list_values 0x"+Long.toHexString(snapshot.mapIdToAddress(o)), snapshot);
try {
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
public void groupByValue() throws SnapshotException
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("group_by_value \".*\"", snapshot);
IResult t = query.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
// Will run name resolvers on every object!
IResultTable table = (IResultTable)t;
// PHD files do have char arrays and byte arrays, but these no longer get resolved (bug 581829).
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-Javacore")));
// More than one different line, so some name resolvers are working
assertThat(table.getRowCount(), greaterThan(1));
* Test exporting as HPROF
* @param compress whether to compress the generated HPROF file
* @param chunked gzip in chunks for faster seeks
* @param redact whether to remove certain parts of the snapshot
* @param segsize
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void exportHPROF(boolean compress, boolean chunked, boolean redact, long segsize) throws SnapshotException, IOException
// Currently can't export PHD
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
File fn = new File(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPrefix());
File tmpdir = TestSnapshots.createGeneratedName(fn.getName(), null);
File newSnapshotFile = new File(tmpdir, fn.getName() + (compress ? "hprof.gz" : "hprof"));
File mapping = redact ? new File(tmpdir, fn.getName() + "") : null;
try {
SnapshotQuery query = SnapshotQuery.parse("export_hprof -output "+newSnapshotFile.getPath() +
(compress ? " -compress" : "") +
(chunked ? " -chunked" : "") +
(mapping != null ? " -redact NAMES -map "+mapping.getPath() : "") +
(segsize > 0 ? " -segsize "+segsize : ""), snapshot);
CheckedProgressListener checkListener = new CheckedProgressListener(collector);
IResult t = query.execute(checkListener);
/* Also try sometimes re-parsing new HPROF as frames as pseudo-objects */
final String key = "methodsAsClasses";
final String hprofPlugin = "org.eclipse.mat.hprof";
IEclipsePreferences preferences2 = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(hprofPlugin);
String prev2 = preferences2.get(key, null);
if (redact)
if (hasMethods == Methods.RUNNING_METHODS)
preferences2.put(key, "running");
else if (hasMethods == Methods.FRAMES_ONLY)
preferences2.put(key, "frames");
ISnapshot newSnapshot;
newSnapshot = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(newSnapshotFile, Collections.<String,String>emptyMap(), checkListener);
// Restore HPROF
if (prev2 != null)
preferences2.put(key, prev2);
try {
assertEquals("Snapshot prefix filename", new File(tmpdir, fn.getName()).getName(), new File(newSnapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPrefix()).getName());
SnapshotInfo oldInfo = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo();
SnapshotInfo newInfo = newSnapshot.getSnapshotInfo();
assertEquals("Classes", oldInfo.getNumberOfClasses(), newInfo.getNumberOfClasses());
assertEquals("Objects", oldInfo.getNumberOfObjects(), newInfo.getNumberOfObjects());
assertEquals("Classloaders", oldInfo.getNumberOfClassLoaders(), newInfo.getNumberOfClassLoaders());
// Check number of (non-array) system classes not marked as GC root
IObject boot = snapshot.getObject(0);
int bootcls = 0;
int systemclsroot = 0;
if (boot instanceof IClassLoader)
IClassLoader bootldr = ((IClassLoader)boot);
if (bootldr.getObjectAddress() == 0)
for (IClass cl : bootldr.getDefinedClasses())
if (cl.isArrayType())
GCRootInfo g[] = snapshot.getGCRootInfo(cl.getObjectId());
if (g != null && g.length >= 1)
// The class is a root for some reason
* The HPROF parser used to mark all the non-array system classes.
* Change the 0 to 1 to go back to this behaviour.
int extraHPROFroots = 0 * (bootcls - systemclsroot);
// Parsing new HPROF will make all classes loaded by boot loader as GC roots, so adjust the expected total
// Only seems to apply for IBM 1.4.2 SDFF dumps with 'double', 'long' classes not as system class roots
assertEquals("GC Roots", oldInfo.getNumberOfGCRoots() + extraHPROFroots, newInfo.getNumberOfGCRoots());
if (redact)
// Check redaction
String excluded = "java\\..*|(boolean|byte|char|short|int|long|float|double|void|<[a-z ]+>)(\\[\\])*";
for (IClass cl : snapshot.getClasses())
if (cl.getName().matches(excluded))
// Should not be any classes which match the original snapshot, apart from the excluded ones above
Collection<IClass>classes = newSnapshot.getClassesByName(cl.getName(), false);
assertThat("Class matching original snapshot", classes, anyOf(emptyCollectionOf(IClass.class), nullValue()));
// Check that no byte arrays match the old class names
Collection<IClass>cl1 = newSnapshot.getClassesByName("byte[]", false);
int nonnull1 = 0;
if (cl1 != null)
for (IClass c : cl1)
for (int o : c.getObjectIds())
IObject io = newSnapshot.getObject(o);
String name = io.getClassSpecificName();
if (name != null && !name.matches(excluded))
Collection<IClass>classes = snapshot.getClassesByName(name, false);
assertThat("byte[] matching classes in original snapshot", classes, anyOf(emptyCollectionOf(IClass.class), nullValue()));
if (name != null && !name.matches("\\.+"))
if (!"DTFJ-Javacore".equals(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat")))
assertThat("Should be a non-empty byte[] somewhere", nonnull1, greaterThan(0));
// Check that no char arrays match the old class names
Collection<IClass>cl2 = newSnapshot.getClassesByName("char[]", false);
int nonnull2 = 0;
if (cl2 != null)
for (IClass c : cl2)
for (int o : c.getObjectIds())
IObject io = newSnapshot.getObject(o);
String name = io.getClassSpecificName();
if (name != null && !name.matches(excluded))
Collection<IClass>classes = snapshot.getClassesByName(name, false);
assertThat("char[] matching classes in original snapshot", classes, anyOf(emptyCollectionOf(IClass.class), nullValue()));
if (name != null && !name.matches("(\\\\u0000)+"))
if (!"DTFJ-Javacore".equals(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat")))
assertThat("Should be a non-empty char[] somewhere", nonnull2, greaterThan(0));
File newSnapshotFile2 = File.createTempFile(fn.getName(), (compress ? ".hprof.gz" : ".hprof"), tmpdir);
// Try reversing the mapping, check the classes come back with the expected names
SnapshotQuery query2 = SnapshotQuery.parse("export_hprof -output "+newSnapshotFile2.getPath() +
(compress ? " -compress" : "") +
(mapping != null ? " -redact NONE -undo -map "+mapping.getPath() : "") +
(segsize > 0 ? " -segsize "+segsize : ""), newSnapshot);
IResult t2 = query2.execute(new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
ISnapshot newSnapshot2 = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(newSnapshotFile, Collections.<String,String>emptyMap(), new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
try {
for (IClass cl : snapshot.getClasses())
// Should be all the classes in the original snapshot
Collection<IClass>classes = newSnapshot2.getClassesByName(cl.getName(), false);
assertThat("Class matching original snapshot "+cl.getName(), classes, not(emptyCollectionOf(IClass.class)));
} finally {
} finally {
assertThat(newSnapshotFile2.toString(), newSnapshotFile2.delete(), equalTo(true));
} finally {
// Currently doesn't work on Windows
//assertThat(newSnapshotFile.toString(), newSnapshotFile.delete(), equalTo(true));
if (mapping != null)
assertThat(mapping.toString(), mapping.delete(), equalTo(true));
} finally {
if (newSnapshotFile.exists() && !newSnapshotFile.delete())
System.err.println("Unable to delete " + newSnapshotFile);
if (mapping != null && mapping.exists() && !mapping.delete())
System.err.println("Unable to delete " + mapping);
* Test exporting as HPROF
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void exportHPROF() throws SnapshotException, IOException
exportHPROF(false, false, false, 0);
* Test exporting as HPROF
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void exportHPROFredact() throws SnapshotException, IOException
exportHPROF(false, false, true, 0);
* Test exporting as compressed HPROF
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void exportHPROFCompress() throws SnapshotException, IOException
exportHPROF(true, false, false, 0);
* Test exporting as compressed, chunked HPROF
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void exportHPROFCompressChunked() throws SnapshotException, IOException
exportHPROF(true, true, false, 0);
* Test exporting as HPROF
* with small HPROF Heap Dump Segments
* to test segment processing.
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void exportHPROFSegments() throws SnapshotException, IOException
exportHPROF(false, false, false, 1000000);
* Test value of {@link java.lang.String}
public void stringToString() throws SnapshotException
int objects = 0;
int printables = 0;
int escaped = 0;
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.String", true);
for (IClass cls : tClasses)
for (int id : cls.getObjectIds()) {
IObject o = snapshot.getObject(id);
String cn = o.getClassSpecificName();
if (cn != null && cn.length() > 0)
if (cn.matches(".*\\\\u[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f].*"))
// Check most ofthe strings are printable
assertThat(printables, greaterThanOrEqualTo(objects * 2/ 3));
// Check for at least one escape character if there are any Strings
assertThat(escaped, either(greaterThan(0)).or(equalTo(objects)));
* Test value of {@link java.lang.StringBuilder}
public void stringBuilderToString() throws SnapshotException
int objects = 0;
int printables = 0;
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.StringBuilder", true);
if (tClasses != null) for (IClass cls : tClasses)
for (int id : cls.getObjectIds()) {
IObject o = snapshot.getObject(id);
String cn = o.getClassSpecificName();
if (cn != null && cn.length() > 0)
assertThat(printables, greaterThanOrEqualTo(objects * 2 / 3));
* Test value of {@link java.lang.StringBuffer}
public void stringBufferToString() throws SnapshotException
int objects = 0;
int printables = 0;
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.StringBuffer", true);
for (IClass cls : tClasses)
for (int id : cls.getObjectIds()) {
IObject o = snapshot.getObject(id);
String cn = o.getClassSpecificName();
if (cn != null && cn.length() > 0)
assertThat(printables, greaterThanOrEqualTo(objects * 2 / 3));
* Test value of {@link java.lang.StackTraceElement}
public void stackFrameElementResolver() throws SnapshotException
int objects = 0;
int printables = 0;
assumeThat(snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getProperty("$heapFormat"), not(equalTo((Serializable)"DTFJ-PHD")));
Collection<IClass>tClasses = snapshot.getClassesByName("java.lang.StackTraceElement", true);
for (IClass cls : tClasses)
for (int id : cls.getObjectIds()) {
IObject o = snapshot.getObject(id);
String cn = o.getClassSpecificName();
if (cn != null && cn.length() > 0)
assertThat(printables, greaterThanOrEqualTo(objects * 2 / 3));
* Test caching of snapshots
* @throws SnapshotException
public void reload1() throws SnapshotException
String path = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPath();
File file = new File(path);
ISnapshot sn2 = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(file, new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
ISnapshot sn3 = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(file, new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
assertSame(sn2, sn3);
// Do not call ISnapshot.dispose()
assertEquals(snapshot.getHeapSize(0), sn3.getHeapSize(0));
* Test aliasing of two dumps.
* Find a dump with an absolute path and a relative path which is the same
* when converted to absolute.
* @throws SnapshotException
* @throws IOException
public void reload2() throws SnapshotException, IOException
// Get a path to a dump
String path = snapshot.getSnapshotInfo().getPath();
// Get the absolute path version
File file1 = (new File(path)).getAbsoluteFile();
// convert the absolute path to a relative path to the appropriate drive/current directory
for (File root: File.listRoots()) {
if (file1.getPath().startsWith(root.getPath())) {
// Found a root e.g. C:\
String rootPath = root.getPath();
// Strip off the slash e.g. C:
File drive = new File(rootPath.substring(0, rootPath.length() - 1));
// Find the current directory for the drive e.g. C:\workspace\org.eclipse.mat.tests
File current = drive.getAbsoluteFile();
// e.g. C:\workspace
current = current.getParentFile();
// e.g. C:
File newPrefix = drive;
while (current != null) {
if (newPrefix == drive)
// e.g. C:..
newPrefix = new File(drive.getPath()+"..");
// e.g. C:..\..
newPrefix = new File(newPrefix, "..");
// e.g. C:\workspace
current = current.getParentFile();
// The relative path
File newPath = new File(newPrefix, file1.getPath().substring(rootPath.length()));
// The equivalent absolute path
File f2 = newPath.getAbsoluteFile();
* Check that the complex path manipulations worked.
* This should be true for Windows and Linux.
ISnapshot sn2 = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(f2, new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
ISnapshot sn3 = SnapshotFactory.openSnapshot(newPath, new CheckedProgressListener(collector));
assertThat(sn3.getHeapSize(0), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));
// Do a complex operation which requires the dump still
// to be open and alive
assertThat(sn2.getHeapSize(0), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));
// Do a complex operation which requires the dump still to be open and alive.