blob: 67cad5bb4cbb724bf5de5815af4fd0396333f990 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2008, 2023 SAP AG and IBM Corporation.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# SAP AG - initial API and implementation
# Andrew Johnson/IBM Corporation - quantization localization
ArgumentSet_Error_IllegalArgument=Illegal argument: {0} of type {1} cannot be set to field {2} of type {3}
ArgumentSet_Error_Inaccessible=Unable to access field {0} of type {1}
ArgumentSet_Error_Instantiation=Unable to instantiate command {0}
ArgumentSet_Error_MissingMandatoryArgument=Missing required parameter: {0}
ArgumentSet_Error_NoSuchArgument=Query ''{0}'' has no argument named ''{1}''
ArgumentSet_Error_SetField=Unable to set field of {0}
ArgumentSet_Msg_NullValue=Setting null value for: {0}
ArrayInt_Error_LengthExceeded=Requested length of new int[{0}] exceeds limit of {1}
ArrayLong_Error_LengthExceeded=Requested length of new long[{0}] exceeds limit of {1}
BytesFormat_B=\ B
BytesFormat_GB=\ GB
BytesFormat_KB=\ KB
BytesFormat_MB=\ MB
CommandLine_Error_AssignmentFailed=''{0}'' cannot be assigned. Argument ''{1}'' is already set.
CommandLine_Error_InvalidCommand=Invalid command line: {0}
CommandLine_Error_MissingArgument=Query ''{0}'' has no argument ''{1}''
CommandLine_Error_MissingValue=Missing value for argument ''{0}'' {1}
CommandLine_Error_NotFound=Command {0} not found.
CommandLine_Error_NoUnflaggedArguments=No unflagged parameters available for argument ''{0}''
ContextDerivedData_Error_OperationNotFound=Mismatch: Operation ''{0}'' not found in ''{1}''
Converters_Error_InvalidEnumValue=Must be one of {0} not {1}
DisplayFileResult_Label_NoFile=<no file>
Filter_Error_IllegalCharacters=Illegal characters: {0}
Filter_Error_InvalidRegex=Invalid regular expression:
Filter_Error_Parsing=Error parsing the filter expression.\n\nUse one of the following:\nIntervals: 1000..10000 1%..10%\nUpper Boundary: <=10000 <1% ..100\nLower Boundary: >1000 >=5% 100..\nEquality: 1000 10%\n\
Inequality !=1000 <>1000 !=10%\nComplement of interval (excludes NaNs) U\\-100..200 U\\1000..10000 U\\1%..10%\nComplement of interval (includes NaNs) !-100..200 !1000..10000 !1%..10%\n\n
Filter_Error_Parsing2=Error parsing the filter expression.\n\nUse one of the following:\nIntervals: {0}..{1}\nUpper Boundary: <={1} <{1} ..{1}\nLower Boundary: >{0} >={0} {0}..\nEquality: {0}\n\
Inequality !={0} <>{1}\nComplement of interval (excludes NaNs) U\\{0}..{1} U\\..{1} U\\{0}..\nComplement of interval (includes NaNs) !{0}..{1} !..{1} !{0}..\n\n
HtmlOutputter_Error_MovingFile=Error moving file {0} to {1}
HtmlOutputter_Msg_TreeIsLimited=Depth of the tree is limited to 100
HtmlOutputter_Label_AllObjects=All objects
HtmlOutputter_Label_FirstObjects=First {0} of {1} objects
HtmlOutputter_Label_AllNObjects={0,choice,0\#No objects|1\#Only object|2\#All {0,number} objects}
# Note that JavaScript reverses the two halves separated by ' / '
PageSnippets_Label_HideUnhide=hide / unhide
PageSnippets_Label_UnhideHide=unhide / hide
PageSnippets_Label_CreatedBy=Created by <a href="" target="_blank">Eclipse Memory Analyzer</a>
PageSnippets_Label_OpenInMemoryAnalyzer=Open in Memory Analyzer:
PageSnippets_Label_SkipToMainContent=Skip to main content
PageSnippets_Label_StartPage=Start Page
PageSnippets_Label_TableOfContents=Table Of Contents
PartsFactory_Error_Construction=Unable to construct part for type {0}
Quantize_Error_MismatchArgumentsColumns=Mismatch between number of arguments and number of columns
#The trailing space will be decoded and not stripped. An actual space could be used, but this is clearer.
Queries_Error_NotAvialable=Query not available: {0}
Queries_Error_UnknownArgument=Unknown argument: {0} for query {1}
QueryContextImpl_ImpossibleToConvert=Impossible to convert any string to {0}, query is not suitable for this snapshot
QueryDescriptor_Error_IgnoringQuery=Ignoring query {0} due to argument {1}
QueryDescriptor_Error_NotSupported=Not supported: {0}
QueryPart_Error_ColumnNotFound=Column not found: {0}
QueryPart_Error_Filter=Error in filter: {0}
QueryPart_Error_IgnoringResult=Ignoring result of ''{0}'' due to {1}
QueryPart_Error_InvalidProvider=Invalid configuration parameter {0}: expected <provider>=<operation>: {1}
QueryPart_Error_InvalidProviderOperation=Invalid configuration parameter {0}: unknown operation: {1}
QueryPart_Error_MissingEqualsSign=Missing ''='' sign in filter ''{0}''
QueryPart_Error_NoCommand=No command specified for test ''{0}'' of section ''{1}''
QueryPart_Error_RetainedSizeColumnNotFound=Error added retained size column for ''{0}'' - no context provider found.
QueryPart_Error_SortColumnNotFound=Sort column not found: {0}
QueryPart_Label_ReportRoot=Report Root
QueryPart_Msg_TestProgress=Test ''{0}'' of section ''{1}''
QueryRegistry_Error_Advice=Field {0} of {1} has advice {2} but is not of type {3}.
QueryRegistry_Error_Argument=Error getting argument ''{0}'' of class ''{1}''
QueryRegistry_Error_Inaccessible=Unable to access argument ''{0}'' of class ''{1}''. Make sure the attribute is PUBLIC.
QueryRegistry_Error_NameBound=Query name ''{0}'' is already bound to {1}\!
QueryRegistry_Error_Registering=Error registering query: {0}
QueryRegistry_MissingLabel=Missing label: {0} for menu entry number {1}.
QueryRegistry_Msg_QueryRegistered=Query registered: {0}
QuerySpec_Error_IncompatibleTypes=Incompatible types: {0} and {1}
QueueInt_Error_LengthExceeded=Requested length of new int[{0}] exceeds limit of {1}
QueueInt_ZeroSizeQueue=QueueInt called on a zero-size queue
RefinedResultBuilder_Error_ColumnsSorting=Same number of columns and sort directions must be provided.
RefinedResultBuilder_Error_UnsupportedType=Unsupported type: {0}
RegistryReader_Error_Registry=Error while creating: ''{0}''
RendererRegistry_Error_MissingAnnotation=Class must be annotated as Renderer: {0}
ReportPlugin_InternalError=Internal Error
ResultRenderer_Error_OutputterNotFound=No outputter found for format ''{0}'' and type ''{1}''
ResultRenderer_Label_Details=Details \u00BB
ResultRenderer_Label_TableOfContents=Table Of Contents
RunRegisterdReport_Error_UnknownReport=Unknown report: {0}
SpecFactory_Error_MissingTemplate=Template not found: {0}
SpecFactory_ReportDefinitionError={0} report definition from ''{1}'' parse error
SpecFactory_ReportDefinitionSevereError={0} report definition from ''{1}'' parse severe error
SpecFactory_ReportDefinitionWarning={0} report definition from ''{1}'' parse warning
TextOutputter_PieChart=Pie chart with {0} slices
TextOutputter_Slice=Slice {0}: {1} {2}
TotalsRow_Label_Filtered=({0,number,integer} filtered)
TotalsRow_Label_Total=Total: {0,number,integer} {0,choice,0\#entries|1\#entry|1<entries}
TotalsRow_Label_TotalVisible=Total: {0,number,integer} of {1,number,integer} {1,choice,0\#entries|1\#entry|1<entries}; {2,number,integer} more
ITestResult_Error=Status: error.
ITestResult_Success=Status: success.
ITestResult_Warning=Status: warning.
TestSuite_FailedToUnzipReport=Failed to unzip: {0}
FileUtils_FailedToDeleteDirectory=Failed to delete directory {0}
FileUtils_FailedToMakeDirectory=Failed to make directory {0}
FileUtils_FileUtils_FailedToDeleteFile=Failed to delete file {0}
FileUtils_ZipSlip=Zip file is outside of the target directory: {0}