blob: fd90f65dafe6b3ee0fa5ade37cf02d9e79b78e9b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.hl7.fhir;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* A representation of the model object '<em><b>Detected Issue Mitigation</b></em>'.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* <!-- begin-model-doc -->
* Indicates an actual or potential clinical issue with or between one or more active or proposed clinical actions for a patient; e.g. Drug-drug interaction, Ineffective treatment frequency, Procedure-condition conflict, etc.
* <!-- end-model-doc -->
* <p>
* The following features are supported:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link org.hl7.fhir.DetectedIssueMitigation#getAction <em>Action</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.hl7.fhir.DetectedIssueMitigation#getDate <em>Date</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.hl7.fhir.DetectedIssueMitigation#getAuthor <em>Author</em>}</li>
* </ul>
* @see org.hl7.fhir.FhirPackage#getDetectedIssueMitigation()
* @model extendedMetaData="name='DetectedIssue.Mitigation' kind='elementOnly'"
* @generated
public interface DetectedIssueMitigation extends BackboneElement {
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Action</b></em>' containment reference.
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* <!-- begin-model-doc -->
* Describes the action that was taken or the observation that was made that reduces/eliminates the risk associated with the identified issue.
* <!-- end-model-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Action</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setAction(CodeableConcept)
* @see org.hl7.fhir.FhirPackage#getDetectedIssueMitigation_Action()
* @model containment="true" required="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='action' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
CodeableConcept getAction();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.hl7.fhir.DetectedIssueMitigation#getAction <em>Action</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Action</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getAction()
* @generated
void setAction(CodeableConcept value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Date</b></em>' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* <!-- begin-model-doc -->
* Indicates when the mitigating action was documented.
* <!-- end-model-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Date</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setDate(DateTime)
* @see org.hl7.fhir.FhirPackage#getDetectedIssueMitigation_Date()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='date' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
DateTime getDate();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.hl7.fhir.DetectedIssueMitigation#getDate <em>Date</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Date</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getDate()
* @generated
void setDate(DateTime value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Author</b></em>' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* <!-- begin-model-doc -->
* Identifies the practitioner who determined the mitigation and takes responsibility for the mitigation step occurring.
* <!-- end-model-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Author</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setAuthor(Reference)
* @see org.hl7.fhir.FhirPackage#getDetectedIssueMitigation_Author()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='author' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
Reference getAuthor();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.hl7.fhir.DetectedIssueMitigation#getAuthor <em>Author</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Author</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getAuthor()
* @generated
void setAuthor(Reference value);
} // DetectedIssueMitigation