blob: 9a552cc7acd48d253222b9b2dfbb66226c930960 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.file;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.model.Entity;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.model.FileLink;
* Provides stream and download operations to access externally linked files.
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Viktor Stoehr, Gigatronik Ingolstadt GmbH
public interface FileService {
// ======================================================================
// Public methods
// ======================================================================
* Sequential download of given {@link FileLink}s into given target {@code
* Path}. Remote paths linked multiple times are downloaded only once.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param target Must be a directory.
* @param fileLinks Collection of {@code FileLink}s to download.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to download files.
default void downloadSequential(Entity entity, Path target, Collection<FileLink> fileLinks) throws IOException {
downloadSequential(entity, target, fileLinks, null);
* Sequential download of given {@link FileLink}s into given target {@code
* Path}. Remote paths linked multiple times are downloaded only once. The
* download progress may be traced with a progress listener.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param target Must be a directory.
* @param fileLinks Collection of {@code FileLink}s to download.
* @param progressListener The progress listener.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to download files.
void downloadSequential(Entity entity, Path target, Collection<FileLink> fileLinks,
ProgressListener progressListener) throws IOException;
* Parallel download of given {@link FileLink}s into given target {@code
* Path}. Remote paths linked multiple times are downloaded only once.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param target Must be a directory.
* @param fileLinks Collection of {@code FileLink}s to download.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to download files.
default void downloadParallel(Entity entity, Path target, Collection<FileLink> fileLinks) throws IOException {
downloadParallel(entity, target, fileLinks, null);
* Parallel download of given {@link FileLink}s into given target {@code
* Path}. Remote paths linked multiple times are downloaded only once. The
* download progress may be traced with a progress listener.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param target Must be a directory.
* @param fileLinks Collection of {@code FileLink}s to download.
* @param progressListener The progress listener.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to download files.
void downloadParallel(Entity entity, Path target, Collection<FileLink> fileLinks, ProgressListener progressListener)
throws IOException;
* Downloads given {@link FileLink} into given target {@code Path}.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param target Must be a directory.
* @param fileLink The {@code FileLink} to download.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to download file.
default void download(Entity entity, Path target, FileLink fileLink) throws IOException {
download(entity, target, fileLink, null);
* Downloads given {@link FileLink} into given target {@code Path}. The download
* progress may be traced with a progress listener.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param target Must be a directory.
* @param fileLink The {@code FileLink} to download.
* @param progressListener The progress listener.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to download file.
void download(Entity entity, Path target, FileLink fileLink, ProgressListener progressListener) throws IOException;
* Opens an {@code InputStream} for given {@link FileLink}. The returned stream
* should be consumed with a try-with-resources statement to ensure the stream
* is closed properly, e.g:
* <pre>
* try (InputStream is = openStream(entity, fileLink)) {
* // do something useful
* }
* </pre>
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param fileLink The {@code FileLink} to be provided as a stream.
* @return A consumable {@code InputStream} is returned.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to provide as stream.
default InputStream openStream(Entity entity, FileLink fileLink) throws IOException {
return openStream(entity, fileLink, null);
* Opens an {@code InputStream} for given {@link FileLink}. The progress of the
* stream consumption may be traced with a progress listener. The returned
* stream should be consumed with a try-with-resources statement to ensure the
* stream is closed properly, e.g:
* <pre>
* try (InputStream is = openStream(entity, fileLink)) {
* // do something useful
* }
* </pre>
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param fileLink The {@code FileLink} to be provided as a stream.
* @param progressListener The progress listener.
* @return A consumable {@code InputStream} is returned.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to provide as stream.
InputStream openStream(Entity entity, FileLink fileLink, ProgressListener progressListener) throws IOException;
* Loads the file size for given {@link FileLink}. The file size is stored in
* the given {@code FileLink}.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param fileLink The {@code FileLink} whose file size is requested.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to load file size.
void loadSize(Entity entity, FileLink fileLink) throws IOException;
// ======================================================================
// Inner classes
// ======================================================================
* A {@link FileService} consumer may implement this interface to get notified
* about stream or download progress.
interface ProgressListener {
* Progress notification.
* @param bytes Number of transferred bytes since last notification.
* @param percent The overall percentage, where percent p &isin; [0.0, 1.0].
void progress(int bytes, float percent);
* Sequential upload of given {@link FileLink}s. Local {@link Path}s linked
* multiple times are uploaded only once. The upload progress may be traced with
* a progress listener.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param fileLinks Collection of {@code FileLink}s to upload.
* @param progressListener The progress listener.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to upload files.
public void uploadSequential(Entity entity, Collection<FileLink> fileLinks, ProgressListener progressListener) throws IOException;
* Parallel upload of given {@link FileLink}s. Local {@link Path}s linked
* multiple times are uploaded only once. The upload progress may be traced with
* a progress listener.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param fileLinks Collection of {@code FileLink}s to upload.
* @param progressListener The progress listener.
* @throws IOException Thrown if unable to upload files.
public void uploadParallel(Entity entity, Collection<FileLink> fileLinks, ProgressListener progressListener)
throws IOException;
* Deletes given {@link FileLink}s form the remote storage.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param fileLinks Collection of {@code FileLink}s to delete.
public void delete(Entity entity, Collection<FileLink> fileLinks);
* Deletes given {@link FileLink} form the remote storage.
* @param entity Used for security checks.
* @param fileLink The {@code FileLink}s to delete.
public void delete(Entity entity, FileLink fileLink);