blob: 78b1dc05aa0b2fe5c7dc5c47d46547e8706e30d4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Gigatronik Ingolstadt GmbH
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.model;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.core.Core;
* Implementation of an abstract parameter which holds a value with one of the
* supported {@link ValueType}s listed below. The value is internally stored in
* its {@code String} representation. Any modeled entity with such a use case
* should extends this class. API consumers should never use this class in any
* way, instead the implementations of this class have to be used.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ValueType#STRING}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#DATE}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#BOOLEAN}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#BYTE}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#SHORT}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#INTEGER}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#LONG}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#FLOAT}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#DOUBLE}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#FLOAT_COMPLEX}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#DOUBLE_COMPLEX}</li>
* </ul>
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Viktor Stoehr, Gigatronik Ingolstadt GmbH
* @author Sebastian Dirsch, Gigatronik Ingolstadt GmbH
* @see #getVirtualValue()
* @see #setObjectValue(Object, Unit)
* @see #setStringValue(String)
* @see #setDateValue(LocalDateTime)
* @see #setBooleanValue(Boolean)
* @see #setByteValue(Byte, Unit)
* @see #setShortValue(Short, Unit)
* @see #setIntegerValue(Integer, Unit)
* @see #setLongValue(Long, Unit)
* @see #setFloatValue(Float, Unit)
* @see #setDoubleValue(Double, Unit)
* @see #setFloatComplexValue(FloatComplex, Unit)
* @see #setDoubleComplexValue(DoubleComplex, Unit)
public abstract class BaseParameter extends BaseEntity implements Deletable {
private static final Map<ScalarType, Function<String, Object>> SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP = new HashMap<>();
// ======================================================================
// Instance variables
// ======================================================================
private final String attrScalarType;
private final String attrValue;
static {
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.DATE, v -> LocalDateTime.parse(v, Value.LOCAL_DATE_TIME_FORMATTER));
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.BOOLEAN, Boolean::valueOf);
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.BYTE, Byte::valueOf);
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.SHORT, Short::valueOf);
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.INTEGER, Integer::valueOf);
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.LONG, Long::valueOf);
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.FLOAT, Float::valueOf);
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.DOUBLE, Double::valueOf);
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.FLOAT_COMPLEX, FloatComplex::valueOf);
SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.put(ScalarType.DOUBLE_COMPLEX, DoubleComplex::valueOf);
// ======================================================================
// Constructors
// ======================================================================
* Constructor.
* @param attrScalarType
* Name of the {@link ScalarType} attribute.
* @param attrValue
* Name of the {@code String} value attribute.
* @param core
* The {@link Core}.
protected BaseParameter(String attrScalarType, String attrValue, Core core) {
this.attrScalarType = attrScalarType;
this.attrValue = attrValue;
// ======================================================================
// Public methods
// ======================================================================
* Creates a virtual representation of this parameter's value. This is done
* by converting the internally stored {@code String} value to type
* specified by this parameter's {@link ValueType} (the allowed types are
* listed below). The name of the returned virtual {@link Value} is the name
* of this parameter.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ValueType#STRING}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#DATE}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#BOOLEAN}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#BYTE}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#SHORT}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#INTEGER}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#LONG}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#FLOAT}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#DOUBLE}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#FLOAT_COMPLEX}</li>
* <li>{@link ValueType#DOUBLE_COMPLEX}</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> The returned value is a virtual one and hence intended for
* displaying purposes only. To change this parameter's value one of its
* {@code setXYValue} methods has to be used.
* @return The created {@code Value} with the converted value is returned.
public Value getVirtualValue() {
ScalarType scalarType = getScalarType();
Function<String, Object> typeConverter = SCALARTYPE_FUNCTION_MAP.get(scalarType);
if(typeConverter == null) {
return ValueType.UNKNOWN.create(getName());
Value parameterValue = getParameterValue();
Object value = parameterValue.isValid() ? typeConverter.apply(parameterValue.extract()) : null;
return scalarType.toSingleValueType().create(getName(), getUnitName(), parameterValue.isValid(), value);
* Takes given value and determines its type. Finally value and the optional
* {@code Unit} are passed to the corresponding {@code setXYValue(XY)}
* method as listed below. The value is allowed to be an instance of the
* following types: {@code String}, {@code LocalDateTime}, {@code Boolean},
* {@code Byte}, {@code Short}, {@code Integer}, {@code Long},
* {@code Float}, {@code Double}, {@code FloatComplex} and
* {@code DoubleComplex}.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> If the given value is an instance of {@code String}, {@code
* LocalDateTime} or a {@code Boolean}, then the given unit is ignored.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter is not allowed to be null.
* @param unit
* The optionally related {@code Unit}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* Thrown if the given value is not supported.
* @see #setStringValue(String)
* @see #setDateValue(LocalDateTime)
* @see #setBooleanValue(Boolean)
* @see #setByteValue(Byte, Unit)
* @see #setShortValue(Short, Unit)
* @see #setIntegerValue(Integer, Unit)
* @see #setLongValue(Long, Unit)
* @see #setFloatValue(Float, Unit)
* @see #setDoubleValue(Double, Unit)
* @see #setFloatComplexValue(FloatComplex, Unit)
* @see #setDoubleComplexValue(DoubleComplex, Unit)
public void setObjectValue(Object value, Unit unit) {
if (value instanceof String) {
setStringValue((String) value);
} else if (value instanceof LocalDateTime) {
setDateValue((LocalDateTime) value);
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
setBooleanValue((Boolean) value);
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
setByteValue((Byte) value, unit);
} else if (value instanceof Short) {
setShortValue((Short) value, unit);
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
setIntegerValue((Integer) value, unit);
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
setLongValue((Long) value, unit);
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
setFloatValue((Float) value, unit);
} else if (value instanceof Double) {
setDoubleValue((Double) value, unit);
} else if (value instanceof FloatComplex) {
setFloatComplexValue((FloatComplex) value, unit);
} else if (value instanceof DoubleComplex) {
setDoubleComplexValue((DoubleComplex) value, unit);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Value '" + value + "' of type '" + value.getClass().getSimpleName() + "' is not supported.");
* Replaces current value with given {@code String} value. Any existing
* relation to a {@link Unit} will be removed.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
public void setStringValue(String value) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code LocalDateTime}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be
* removed.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
public void setDateValue(LocalDateTime value) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code Boolean}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be removed.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
public void setBooleanValue(Boolean value) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code Byte}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be replaced
* with the given one.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
* @param unit
* The relation to a unit is optional.
public void setByteValue(Byte value, Unit unit) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code Short}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be replaced
* with the given one.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
* @param unit
* The relation to a unit is optional.
public void setShortValue(Short value, Unit unit) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code Integer}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be replaced
* with the given one.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
* @param unit
* The relation to a unit is optional.
public void setIntegerValue(Integer value, Unit unit) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code Long}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be replaced
* with the given one.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
* @param unit
* The relation to a unit is optional.
public void setLongValue(Long value, Unit unit) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code Float}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be replaced
* with the given one.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
* @param unit
* The relation to a unit is optional.
public void setFloatValue(Float value, Unit unit) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code Double}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be replaced
* with the given one.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
* @param unit
* The relation to a unit is optional.
public void setDoubleValue(Double value, Unit unit) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code FloatComplex}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be
* replaced with the given one.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
* @param unit
* The relation to a unit is optional.
public void setFloatComplexValue(FloatComplex value, Unit unit) {
* Replaces current value with the {@code String} representation of given
* {@code DoubleComplex}. Any existing relation to a {@link Unit} will be
* replaced with the given one.
* @param value
* The new value for this parameter.
* @param unit
* The relation to a unit is optional.
public void setDoubleComplexValue(DoubleComplex value, Unit unit) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName()).append("(Name = ").append(getName());
sb.append(", Value = ");
Value parameterValue = getParameterValue();
if (parameterValue.isValid()) {
sb.append((String) getParameterValue().extract());
Optional<Unit> unit = getUnit();
if (unit.isPresent()) {
sb.append(" [").append(unit.get().getName()).append(']');
return sb.append(')').toString();
// ======================================================================
// Private methods
// ======================================================================
* Returns the {@link Value} of this parameter.
* @return This parameter's {@code Value} is returned.
private Value getParameterValue() {
return getValue(attrValue);
* Returns the scalar value type of this parameter.
* @return This parameter's scalar type is returned.
private ScalarType getScalarType() {
return getValue(attrScalarType).extract();
* Sets new scalar type for this parameter.
* @param scalarType
* The new {@code ScalarType}.
private void setScalarType(ScalarType scalarType) {
* Returns the name of the related {@link Unit}. If no {@code Unit} is
* related, an empty {@code String} is returned instead.
* @return The name of the related {@code Unit} is returned or an empty
* {@code String}.
private String getUnitName() {
Optional<Unit> unit = getUnit();
if (unit.isPresent()) {
return unit.get().getName();
return "";
* Returns an optionally related {@link Unit}.
* @return The returned {@code Optional} is empty if no {@code Unit} is
* related.
private Optional<Unit> getUnit() {
return Optional.ofNullable(getCore().getMutableStore().get(Unit.class));
* Replaces current {@link Unit} relation with the given one, if the {@code
* Optional} is not empty. Otherwise any current relations is removed.
* @param unit
* The new {@code Unit} may be {@code null}.
private void setUnit(Unit unit) {
if (unit == null) {
} else {