blob: 41e21af74bdd714faac344d81a60489d5b4bc66b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.query;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.adapter.Attribute;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.adapter.EntityType;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.adapter.Relation;
* Provides methods to easily build queries by adding select, join, group by and
* order by statements. Finally an optional {@link Filter} may be given to
* select data that match specified criteria.
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Viktor Stoehr, Gigatronik Ingolstadt GmbH
* @author Sebastian Dirsch, Gigatronik Ingolstadt GmbH
* @see EntityType
* @see Attribute
* @see Aggregation
* @see Relation
* @see JoinType
* @see Result
public interface Query {
// ======================================================================
// Public methods
// ======================================================================
* Checks whether given {@link EntityType} will be queried in any way (select or
* join).
* @param entityType The checked {@code EntityType}.
* @return True if given {@code EntityType} will be queried.
boolean isQueried(EntityType entityType);
* Adds select statements for all {@link Attribute}s of each given
* {@link EntityType}.
* @param entityTypes The {@code Attribute}s of each {@code EntityType} will be
* passed to {@link #select(List)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query selectAll(List<EntityType> entityTypes) {;
return this;
* Adds select statements for all {@link Attribute}s of each given
* {@link EntityType}.
* @param entityTypes The {@code Attribute}s of each {@code EntityType} will be
* passed to {@link #select(List)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query selectAll(EntityType... entityTypes) {;
return this;
* Adds select statements for all {@link Attribute}s identified by given names
* at given {@link EntityType}.
* @param entityType The {@code EntityType} whose {@code Attribute}s will be
* passed to {@link #select(Attribute)}.
* @param names The names of the {@code Attribute}s that have to be added.
* @return This query is returned.
* @see EntityType#getAttribute(String)
default Query select(EntityType entityType, String... names) {;
return this;
* Adds a select statement for the ID {@link Attribute} of each given
* {@link EntityType}.
* @param entityTypes The {@code EntityType}s whose ID {@code Attribute}s will
* be passed to {@link #select(Attribute)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query selectID(EntityType... entityTypes) {;
return this;
* Adds a select statement for each given {@link Attribute}.
* @param attributes Each {@code Attribute} will be passed to
* {@link #select(Attribute)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query select(List<Attribute> attributes) {
return this;
* Adds a select statement for each given {@link Attribute}.
* @param attributes Each {@code Attribute} will be passed to
* {@link #select(Attribute)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query select(Attribute... attributes) {;
return this;
* Adds a select statement for given {@link Attribute}.
* @param attribute {@code Attribute} will be passed to
* {@link #select(Attribute, Aggregation)} with
* {@link Aggregation#NONE}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query select(Attribute attribute) {
return select(attribute, Aggregation.NONE);
* Adds a select statement for given {@link Attribute} with given
* {@link Aggregation} function.
* @param attribute The {@code Attribute} a select statement will be added
* for.
* @param aggregation The {@code Aggregation} that will be applied.
* @return This query is returned.
Query select(Attribute attribute, Aggregation aggregation);
* For all unambiguous {@link Relation}s from the source {@link EntityType} to
* each given target {@code EntityType} a join statement will be added.
* @param source The source {@code EntityType}.
* @param targets The unambiguous {@code Relation} for each target {@code
* EntityType} is retrieved from the source {@code EntityType} using
* {@link EntityType#getRelation(EntityType)} and passed to
* {@link #join(Relation)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query join(EntityType source, EntityType... targets) {;
return this;
* Adds a join statement for each given {@link Relation}s.
* @param relations Each {@code Relation} will be passed to
* {@link #join(Relation)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query join(List<Relation> relations) {
return this;
* Adds a join statement for each given {@link Relation}s.
* @param relations Each {@code Relation} will be passed to
* {@link #join(Relation)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query join(Relation... relations) {;
return this;
* Adds a join statement for given {@link Relation}.
* @param relation {@code Relation} will be passed to
* {@link #join(Relation, JoinType)} with
* {@link JoinType#INNER}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query join(Relation relation) {
return join(relation, JoinType.INNER);
* Adds a join statement for given {@link Relation} with given {@link JoinType}
* type.
* @param relation The {@code Relation} a join statement will be added for.
* @param join The {@code JoinType} type that will be applied.
* @return This query is returned.
Query join(Relation relation, JoinType join);
* Adds a group by statement for each given {@link Attribute}.
* @param attributes Each {@code Attribute} will be passed to
* {@link #group(Attribute)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query group(List<Attribute> attributes) {
return this;
* Adds a group by statement for each given {@link Attribute}.
* @param attributes Each {@code Attribute} will be passed to
* {@link #group(Attribute)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query group(Attribute... attributes) {;
return this;
* Adds a group by statement for given {@link Attribute}.
* @param attribute The {@code Attribute} a group by statement will be added
* for.
* @return This query is returned.
Query group(Attribute attribute);
* Adds an order by statement for each given {@link Attribute}.
* @param attributes Each {@code Attribute} will be passed to
* {@link #order(Attribute)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query order(List<Attribute> attributes) {
return this;
* Adds an order by statement for each given {@link Attribute}.
* @param attributes Each {@code Attribute} will be passed to
* {@link #order(Attribute)}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query order(Attribute... attributes) {;
return this;
* Adds an order by statement for given {@link Attribute}.
* @param attribute The {@code Attribute} is passed to
* {@link #order(Attribute, boolean)} with
* {@code ascending = true}.
* @return This query is returned.
default Query order(Attribute attribute) {
return order(attribute, true);
* Adds an order by statement for given {@link Attribute} with given ascending
* flag.
* @param attribute The {@code Attribute} an order by statement will be added
* for.
* @param ascending The ascending flag that will be applied.
* @return This query is returned.
Query order(Attribute attribute, boolean ascending);
* Executes this query with an empty {@link Filter} and returns the
* {@link Result}.
* @return {@code Optional} is empty if {@code Result} could not be found.
* @throws DataAccessException Thrown in case of errors while executing the
* query or generating the {@code Result}.
default Optional<Result> fetchSingleton() throws DataAccessException {
return fetchSingleton(Filter.and());
* Executes this query with given {@link Filter} and returns the {@link Result}.
* @param filter The criteria sequence.
* @return {@code Optional} is empty if {@code Result} could not be found.
* @throws DataAccessException Thrown in case of errors while executing the
* query or generating the {@code Result}.
Optional<Result> fetchSingleton(Filter filter) throws DataAccessException;
* Executes this query with an empty {@link Filter} and returns the
* {@link Result}s.
* @return All {@code Result}s are returned in a {@code List}.
* @throws DataAccessException Thrown in case of errors while executing the
* query or generating the {@code Result}s.
default List<Result> fetch() throws DataAccessException {
return fetch(Filter.and());
* Executes this query with given {@link Filter} and returns the
* {@link Result}s.
* @param filter The criteria sequence.
* @return All {@code Result}s are returned in a {@code List}.
* @throws DataAccessException Thrown in case of errors while executing the
* query or generating the {@code Result}s.
List<Result> fetch(Filter filter) throws DataAccessException;