blob: c6668ea9b706cf5dfd78ab55c61674d4b1fc72d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.mdf4;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.AbstractDataProvider;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.ArgumentStruct;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.DataBlockBuffer;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.MDFAbstractProcessWriter;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.MDFCompatibilityProblem;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.MDFFileContent;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.MDFGenBlock;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.MDFProblemType;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.MDFSorter;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.WriteDataCache;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.WriteWorker;
* Main Class for processing and writing of the output.
* @author Tobias Leemann
public class MDF4ProcessWriter extends MDFAbstractProcessWriter<MDF4GenBlock> {
* Main Constructor.
* @param filestructure
* The result of parsing the MDF-File (MDFParser)
* @param args
* The arguments of this programm call.
public MDF4ProcessWriter(MDFFileContent<MDF4GenBlock> filestructure, ArgumentStruct args) {
this.filestructure = filestructure;
this.args = args;
writtenblocks = new LinkedList<MDF4GenBlock>();
* Main Function of this class.
* @throws IOException
* If any I/O-Problems are encountered.
* @throws DataFormatException
* If the data of any DZ-Blocks is not in a readable format.
public void processAndWriteOut() throws IOException, DataFormatException {
// 1. Analyse situation
// Open outputfile
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(args.outputname);
// Start writer Thread
Thread t;
long start; // Variables used inside try.
try (DataBlockBuffer buf = new DataBlockBuffer()) {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
t = new Thread(new WriteWorker(out, buf));
myCache = new WriteDataCache(buf);
// write out blocks
FileChannel reader = filestructure.getInput();
// reader = filestructure.getIn();
// write header block first
ByteBuffer headerbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(MDF4Util.headersize);;
// If Data has to be zipped, the file version has be set to at least
// 4.10
if (!args.unzip) {
performPut(headerbuf, headerbuf.capacity(), false);
for (MDF4GenBlock blk : filestructure.getList()) {
// copy block if untouched and no problem block
if (!blk.gettouched() && blk.getProblems() == null) {
copyBlock(blk, reader);
} else {
if (blk.getProblems() != null) {
for (MDFCompatibilityProblem p : blk.getProblems()) {
MDFSorter.log.log(Level.FINE, "Problem of Type: " + p.getType());
} else {
// Do nothing if block is part of a bigger Problem.
// The Block will be written if the "head block" of the
// Problem is processed.
// Write updated File History Block.
// Flush Cache
// signal buffer that all data is send (try), and wait for completion of
// the
// write operation.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
MDFSorter.log.log(Level.INFO, "Wrote " + writeptr / 1000 + " kB.");
MDFSorter.log.log(Level.INFO, "Writing took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
// Update links with RandomAccessFile
RandomAccessFile r = new RandomAccessFile(args.outputname, "rw");
for (MDF4GenBlock blk : writtenblocks) {
// set position to start of Block link section + 24L);
MDF4GenBlock linkedblock;
for (int i = 0; i < blk.getLinkCount(); i++) {
if ((linkedblock = blk.getLink(i)) != null) {
} else {
MDFSorter.log.log(Level.INFO, "Links updated successfully.");
public boolean checkProblems() {
for (MDF4GenBlock blk : filestructure.getList()) {
boolean ret = false;
for (MDF4GenBlock blk : filestructure.getList()) {
for (int i = 0; i < blk.getLinkCount(); i++) {
if (blk.getLink(i) != null && blk.getLink(i).getProblems() != null) {
for (MDFCompatibilityProblem p : blk.getLink(i).getProblems()) {
ret = true;
return ret;
* Copy a block.
* @param blk
* The block to copy.
* @param reader
* Stream to the InputFile.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public void copyBlock(MDF4GenBlock blk, FileChannel reader) throws IOException {
// write file out in 64k blocks
long length = blk.getLength();
// Number of Bytes written
long written = 0;
do {
int bytesread;
if (written + MAX_OUTPUTBLOCKSIZE > length) {
ByteBuffer custombuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) (length - written));
bytesread =;
performPut(custombuffer, bytesread, false);
} else {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MAX_OUTPUTBLOCKSIZE);
bytesread =;
performPut(buffer, bytesread, false);
written += bytesread;
} while (written < length);
if (length != written) {
throw new IOException("written length not equal to blocklength: " + length + "/" + written);
// insert space if length%8!=0
if (length % 8 != 0) {
* Updates this file's version to 4.10. (needed if the output will contain
* any zipped data)
* @param headerbuf
* ByteBuffer containing the old header bits of the file.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O-Error occurs.
protected void alterVersion(ByteBuffer headerbuf) throws IOException {
headerbuf.put(MDF4Util.getBytesCharsUTF8("4.10 "));
* Main sorting function.
* @param l
* The list with problems a block causes.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
* @throws DataFormatException
* If zipped data is in an invalid format.
public void solveProblem(List<MDFCompatibilityProblem> l) throws IOException, DataFormatException {
if (l.size() != 1) {
System.out.println("To many Problems.");
// This may be supported in later versions.
} else {
MDFCompatibilityProblem prob = l.get(0);
MDFProblemType probtype = prob.getType();
MDF4GenBlock node = (MDF4GenBlock) prob.getStartnode();
MDF4GenBlock parentnode = (MDF4GenBlock) prob.getParentnode();
if (probtype == MDFProblemType.LINKED_DATALIST_PROBLEM || probtype == MDFProblemType.UNZIPPED_DATA_PROBLEM
|| prob.getType() == MDFProblemType.ZIPPED_DATA_PROBLEM) {
// What types of Elements are stored in the list? Possible ##DT,
// ##SD, ##RD
String blocktype;
// First data node.
MDF4GenBlock typechecknode = node;
// First list node.
MDF4GenBlock firstlistnode = node;
// Skip HLBlock
if (node instanceof HLBLOCK) {
typechecknode = typechecknode.getLink(0);
firstlistnode = firstlistnode.getLink(0);
// Skip DL block to first child
if (typechecknode instanceof DLBLOCK) {
if (typechecknode.getLinkCount() > 1) {
// Data list with children
typechecknode = typechecknode.getLink(1);
} else {
// Data list with no children, can just be omitted,
// remove link
parentnode.replaceLink(typechecknode, null);
if (typechecknode instanceof DZBLOCK) {
blocktype = "##" + ((DZBLOCK) typechecknode).getBlock_type();
} else {
blocktype = typechecknode.getId();
// calculate realnew blocksize in order that records are not
// split up.
long realmaxblksize = args.maxblocksize;
long recordlength = -1;
if (parentnode instanceof DGBLOCK) {
MDF4GenBlock cgBlock = ((DGBLOCK) parentnode).getLnkCgFirst();
int recIDsize = ((DGBLOCK) parentnode).getRecIdSize();
if (cgBlock instanceof CGBLOCK) {
recordlength = ((CGBLOCK) cgBlock).getDataBytes() + recIDsize
+ ((CGBLOCK) cgBlock).getInvalBytes();
if (recordlength != -1) {
// at least one record has to be included.
realmaxblksize = recordlength > args.maxblocksize ? recordlength
: recordlength * (args.maxblocksize / recordlength);
// Create new SplitMerger for this section.
MDF4BlocksSplittMerger bsm = new MDF4BlocksSplittMerger(this, blocktype, parentnode, node,
// Now attach data sections
if (probtype == MDFProblemType.LINKED_DATALIST_PROBLEM) {
if (!(firstlistnode instanceof DLBLOCK)) {
MDFSorter.log.severe("List header is no DL Node. Aborting.");
throw new RuntimeException("List header is no DL Node.");
DLBLOCK dlnode = (DLBLOCK) firstlistnode;
do {
for (int i = 1; i < dlnode.getLinkCount(); i++) {
} while ((dlnode = (DLBLOCK) dlnode.links[0]) != null); // Next
// DL-Block
} else {
// set links to new datasection correctly.
} else {
if (probtype == MDFProblemType.UNSORTED_DATA_PROBLEM) {
// Refactor Channel Group!
// We have more than one channel group in a single
// DataGroup. We have to create new DataGroups for each
// Channel Group.
LinkedList<CGBLOCK> groups = getChannelGroupsfromDataGroup((DGBLOCK) node);
MDFSorter.log.log(Level.INFO, "Found " + groups.size() + " Channel Groups in DG.");
MDF4GenBlock datasection = ((DGBLOCK) node).getLnkData();
SortDataGroup(prob, groups, datasection);
// Other Problems supported later.
public LinkedList<CGBLOCK> getChannelGroupsfromDataGroup(DGBLOCK startDataGroup) {
LinkedList<CGBLOCK> ret = new LinkedList<CGBLOCK>();
CGBLOCK next = (CGBLOCK) startDataGroup.getLnkCgFirst();
while (next != null) {
next = (CGBLOCK) next.getLnkCgNext();
return ret;
* Writes an Update to the File History block.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public void updateFileHistory() throws IOException {
// create FHblock (File History Block)
FHBLOCK fhblk = new FHBLOCK();
Date dte = new Date();
fhblk.setTime_ns(dte.getTime() * 1000L * 1000L);
writeBlock(fhblk, null);
// create MetaDataBlock
String metaData = "<FHcomment><TX>Change</TX><tool_id>MDFSorter for ODS Database</tool_id><tool_vendor>AUDI AG</tool_vendor><tool_version>"
+ MDFSorter.VERSIONSTRING + "</tool_version></FHcomment>";
MDF4GenBlock mdblk = new MDF4GenBlock();
mdblk.setLength(metaData.length() + 1 + 24L);
writeBlock(mdblk, MDF4Util.getBytesCharsUTF8WithTerminator(metaData));
// Link from FH to Metadata
fhblk.addLink(1, mdblk);
// Attach new FileHistory
MDF4GenBlock pre;
if ((pre = filestructure.getRoot().getLink(1)) != null) {
while (pre.getLink(0) != null) {
pre = pre.getLink(0);
pre.addLink(0, fhblk);
} else {
MDFSorter.log.warning("Cannot attach file history. No suitable Block found.");
// After link update, all connections will be set correctly
* Main sorting function. Sorts a datagroup consisting of more than on
* channel group.
* @param prob
* The MDFCompatibilityProblem that describes the situation.
* @param groups
* List of ChannelGroups contained in that block.
* @param datasection
* Data section of the DGBLOCK.
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O-Error occurs.
* @throws DataFormatException
* If zipped data is in an invalid format.
public void SortDataGroup(MDFCompatibilityProblem prob, LinkedList<CGBLOCK> groups, MDF4GenBlock datasection)
throws IOException, DataFormatException {
DGBLOCK datagroup = (DGBLOCK) prob.getStartnode();
// sort records.
MDF4DataProvider prov = new MDF4DataProvider(datasection, filestructure.getInput());
int[] recCounters = new int[groups.size()];
int idSize = datagroup.getRecIdSize();
int i = 0;
Map<Long, Integer> recNumtoArrIdx = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
Map<Long, Long> recNumtoSize = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
for (CGBLOCK cgroup : groups) {
// create an Array for the startaddresses of each record
// TODO: Maybe improve, long number of records
recCounters[i] = (int) cgroup.getCycleCount();
long recID = cgroup.getRecordId();
recNumtoArrIdx.put(recID, i++);
if (cgroup.isVLSDChannel()) {
recNumtoSize.put(recID, -1L);
} else {
recNumtoSize.put(recID, cgroup.getDataBytes() + cgroup.getInvalBytes());
long[][] startaddresses = fillRecordArray(recCounters, recNumtoArrIdx, recNumtoSize, prov, idSize);
MDF4GenBlock last = (MDF4GenBlock) prob.getParentnode();
// write new blocks
for (CGBLOCK cgroup : groups) {
int arridx = recNumtoArrIdx.get(cgroup.getRecordId());
MDFSorter.log.fine("Writing data for Block " + arridx + ".");
long newlength;
if (!cgroup.isVLSDChannel()) {
// create new datagroup
// only normal channels.
last = copyChannelInfrastructure(last, cgroup);
newlength = cgroup.getCycleCount() * cgroup.getDataBytes();
long reclen = cgroup.getDataBytes() + cgroup.getInvalBytes();
newlength = cgroup.getCycleCount() * reclen;
// at least one record has to be included.
long realmaxblksize = reclen > args.maxblocksize ? reclen : reclen * (args.maxblocksize / reclen);
MDF4BlocksSplittMerger splitmerger = new MDF4BlocksSplittMerger(this, "##DT", last, newlength, prov,
// write data sections.
for (long l : startaddresses[arridx]) {
splitmerger.splitmerge(l + idSize, reclen);
// write corresponding SD-Blocks if needed.
List<CNBLOCK> vlsdchanlist = cgroup.getVLSDChannels();
if (vlsdchanlist.size() != 0) {
for (CNBLOCK vlsdchan : vlsdchanlist) {
MDFGenBlock signaldata = vlsdchan.getLnkData();
if (signaldata == null) {
MDFSorter.log.severe("VLSD-Block without attached Data found!");
if (signaldata instanceof CGBLOCK) {
// we need to write a sdblock...
CGBLOCK vlsdcg = (CGBLOCK) signaldata;
int parsingidx = recNumtoArrIdx.get(vlsdcg.getRecordId());
long expectedlength = vlsdcg.getVLSDlength() + vlsdcg.getCycleCount() * 4L;
MDF4BlocksSplittMerger signalsplitmerger = new MDF4BlocksSplittMerger(this, "##SD",
vlsdchan, expectedlength, prov, args.maxblocksize);
ByteBuffer databuf;
// write data sections.
for (long l : startaddresses[parsingidx]) {
databuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); + idSize, databuf);
long vllen = MDF4Util.readUInt32(databuf);
signalsplitmerger.splitmerge(l + idSize, vllen + 4L);
public long[][] fillRecordArray(int[] recordCounters, Map<Long, Integer> recNumtoArrIdx,
Map<Long, Long> recNumtoSize, AbstractDataProvider prov, int idSize)
throws IOException, DataFormatException {"Searching Records.");
long[][] startaddresses = new long[recordCounters.length][];
// initilize array.
int counter = 0;
long totalRecords = 0; // total number of records
for (long i : recordCounters) {
totalRecords += i;
startaddresses[counter++] = new long[(int) i];
int[] foundrecCounters = new int[recordCounters.length];
long sectionoffset = 0; // our position in the data section
long foundrecords = 0; // number of records we found
ByteBuffer databuf;
while (foundrecords < totalRecords) {
// Read Group number
databuf = prov.cachedRead(sectionoffset, idSize);
long foundID = parseID(databuf, idSize);
int arridx = recNumtoArrIdx.get(foundID);
long foundsize = recNumtoSize.get(foundID);
startaddresses[arridx][foundrecCounters[arridx]++] = sectionoffset; // remember
if (foundsize == -1) {
// VLSD-Channel, read length
databuf = prov.cachedRead(sectionoffset + idSize, 4);
long vllen = MDF4Util.readUInt32(databuf);
sectionoffset = sectionoffset + vllen + idSize + 4L;
} else {
// Normal-Channel
sectionoffset = sectionoffset + foundsize + idSize;
MDFSorter.log.fine("Found " + foundrecords + " Records.");
return startaddresses;
public long parseID(ByteBuffer buf, int idSize) {
switch (idSize) {
case 1:
return MDF4Util.readUInt8(buf);
case 2:
return MDF4Util.readUInt16(buf);
case 4:
return MDF4Util.readUInt32(buf);
case 8:
return MDF4Util.readUInt64(buf);
System.err.println("Invalid bit size");
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid bit size.");
public DGBLOCK copyChannelInfrastructure(MDF4GenBlock last, CGBLOCK towrite) throws IOException {
// Create new Data Group with default values, and write to file.
DGBLOCK newdg = new DGBLOCK();
writeBlock(newdg, null);
// set link to next DGblock.
last.setLink(0, newdg);
// set link to child CGblock.
newdg.setLink(1, towrite);
// Modify and write old channel group.
// No other channel.
towrite.setLink(0, null);
// No VLSD
writeBlock(towrite, null);
return newdg;
* Creates and writes the header of a DataBlock (any Block without links)
* @param size
* Size of this block's Data section (length is set to size +24
* Bytes for header fields)
* @param id
* id of the Block to create, e.g. "##DT", "##SD", "##RD"...
* @return The MDFBlock Object, which was created.
public MDF4GenBlock createAndWriteHeader(long size, String id) {
MDF4GenBlock ret;
ret = new MDF4GenBlock(0);
ret.setLength(size + 24L);
return ret;
* Writes a block to the File. This method may only be used if blk already
* has a set ID, length and linkcount. blk must also override the method
* getBodyBytes of MDFGenBlock, if any fields shall be written after the
* Header.
* @param blk
* The Block to be written
* @param appendData
* Data section of this block
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public void writeBlock(MDF4GenBlock blk, byte[] appendData) throws IOException {
if (appendData != null) {
* Writes some 0-Bytes for 8 Byte alignment of blocks.
* @param length
* The length of the block. 8-(length%8) Bytes are written.
public void writeSpacer(long length) {
if (length % 8 == 0) {
int spcsize = 8 - (int) (length % 8L);
byte[] spacer = new byte[spcsize];
if (writeptr % 8L != 0) {
System.err.println("Wrote spacer of size " + spcsize + " but writeptr is still wrong. Len:" + length
+ " PTR:" + writeptr);