blob: 81dc1724c93fa6dad5b837325d2f985f869c4c2a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Audi AG
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.mdf4;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.asam.ods.AoException;
import org.asam.ods.ApplicationElement;
import org.asam.ods.ApplicationRelation;
import org.asam.ods.ErrorCode;
import org.asam.ods.InstanceElement;
import org.asam.ods.SeverityFlag;
import org.asam.ods.T_ExternalReference;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.ConvertException;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.BitInputStream;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.FileUtil;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.LookupTableHelper;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.ODSHelper;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.ODSInsertStatement;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.ODSModelCache;
* Main class for writing the MDF4 file content into an ASAM ODS session backed by an ATFX file.
* @author Christian Rechner
public class AoSessionWriter {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AoSessionWriter.class);
/** The number format having 5 digits used for count formatting */
private final NumberFormat countFormat;
/** The XML parser object used for parsing the embedded XML contents */
private final MDF4XMLParser xmlParser;
/** helper class for lookup tables */
private final LookupTableHelper lookupTableHelper;
/** helper class for previews */
private PreviewHelper previewHelper;
// replace channel name characters '[' with '{' and ']' with '}'
private boolean replaceSquareBrackets; // default = false
// whether to use the file name as AoMeasurement name, if false, property value of 'result_name' is used
private boolean useFileNameAsResultName=true; // default = true
// the name of the created AoMeasurement (only used if use_file_name_as_result_name=false)
private String resultName = "Messdaten"; // default = "Messdaten"
// the name suffix of the created AoMeasurement, e.g. if suffix='_123' then 'test.mf4' will be converted to 'test_123.mf4'
private String resultSuffix=""; // default = null
// the mimetype of the created AoMeasurement
private String resultMimeType = "application/x-asam.aomeasurement.timeseries"; // default = "application/x-asam.aomeasurement.timeseries"
// whether to add a reference to the original file to the AoMeasurement instance
private boolean addMDF3FileAsResultAttachment; // default = false
private boolean skipScaleConversionChannels = false;
// skip channels with DT_BYTESTR
// remove this once it is save to import channels with byte stream data
@Deprecated private boolean skipByteStreamChannels = false;
private boolean readOnlyHeader= false;
private Path customRatConfPath;
* Constructor.
public AoSessionWriter() {
xmlParser = new MDF4XMLParser();
countFormat = new DecimalFormat("00000");
lookupTableHelper = new LookupTableHelper();
previewHelper = new PreviewHelper();
* Appends the content of the MDF4 file to the ASAM ODS session.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param idBlock
* @param props Map with additional attributes to be set.
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
public void writeTst(ODSModelCache modelCache, IDBLOCK idBlock, Properties props) throws AoException, IOException {
Path fileName = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().getFileName();
if (fileName == null) {
throw new IOException("Unable to obtain file name!");
try {
if(props!= null){
// replace channel name characters '[' with '{' and ']' with '}'
replaceSquareBrackets = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("replace_square_brackets")) ; // default = false
// whether to use the file name as AoMeasurement name, if false, property value of 'result_name' is used
useFileNameAsResultName = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("use_file_name_as_result_name")); // default = true
// the name of the created AoMeasurement (only used if use_file_name_as_result_name=false)
resultName = props.getProperty("result_name"); // default = "Messdaten"
// the name suffix of the created AoMeasurement, e.g. if suffix='_123' then 'test.mf4' will be converted to 'test_123.mf4'
resultSuffix = props.getProperty("result_suffix"); // default = null
// the mimetype of the created AoMeasurement
resultMimeType = props.getProperty("result_mimetype"); // default = "application/x-asam.aomeasurement.timeseries"
// whether to add a reference to the original file to the AoMeasurement instance
addMDF3FileAsResultAttachment = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("attach_source_files")); // default = false
readOnlyHeader = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("read_only_header"));
if(props.containsKey("skip_scale_conversion_channels")) {
skipScaleConversionChannels = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("skip_scale_conversion_channels"));
if(props.containsKey("skip_byte_stream_channels")) {
skipByteStreamChannels = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("skip_byte_stream_channels"));
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "tst");
ins.setStringVal("iname", FileUtil.stripExtension(fileName.toString()));
ins.setStringVal("mdf_file_id", idBlock.getIdFile());
ins.setStringVal("mdf_version_str", idBlock.getIdVers());
ins.setLongVal("mdf_version", idBlock.getIdVer());
ins.setStringVal("mdf_program", idBlock.getIdProg());
ins.setLongVal("mdf_unfin_flags", idBlock.getIdUnfinFlags());
ins.setLongVal("mdf_custom_unfin_flags", idBlock.getIdCustomUnfinFlags());
//write properties
MDF4Util.writeProperites(ins, props);
//set Relations, to environment
ins.setLongLongVal("env", 1L);
long iidTst = ins.execute();
// write 'AoMeasurement' instance
writeMea(modelCache, iidTst, idBlock);
} catch(AoException | IOException e) {
// make sure file with manually calculated values is deleted in case of errors
if(customRatConfPath != null && Files.exists(customRatConfPath)) {
try {
} catch(IOException e2) {
LOG.warn("failed to delete file with manually calculated values: '" + customRatConfPath + "'");
// preserve origin error
throw e;
* Appends the content of the MDF4 file to the ASAM ODS session.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param ieTst
* The parent 'AoTest' instance.
* @param idBlock
* @return The created AoMeasurement instance.
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private void writeMea(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidTst, IDBLOCK idBlock)
throws AoException, IOException {
Path fileName = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().getFileName();
if (fileName == null) {
throw new IOException("Unable to obtain file name!");
// create "AoMeasurement" instance
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "mea");
ins.setStringVal("iname", FileUtil.getResultName(fileName.toString(), resultSuffix));
ins.setStringVal("iname", resultName + resultSuffix);
ins.setStringVal("mt", resultMimeType);
ins.setExtRefVal("attachment", new T_ExternalReference("original MDF-File", "", fileName.toString()));
// meta information
HDBLOCK hdBlock = idBlock.getHDBlock();
BLOCK block = hdBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (block instanceof TXBLOCK) {
ins.setStringVal("desc", ((TXBLOCK) block).getTxData());
} else if (block instanceof MDBLOCK) {
xmlParser.writeHDCommentToMea(ins, ((MDBLOCK) block).getMdData());
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTimeInMillis(hdBlock.getStartTimeNs() / 1000000);
if (!hdBlock.isLocalTime() && hdBlock.isTimeFlagsValid()) { // UTC time given, calc local
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, hdBlock.getTzOffsetMin());
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, hdBlock.getDstOffsetMin());
ins.setDateVal("date_created", ODSHelper.asODSDate(cal.getTime()));
ins.setDateVal("mea_begin", ODSHelper.asODSDate(cal.getTime()));
ins.setLongLongVal("start_time_ns", hdBlock.getStartTimeNs());
ins.setShortVal("local_time", hdBlock.isLocalTime() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("time_offsets_valid", hdBlock.isTimeFlagsValid() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("tz_offset_min", hdBlock.getTzOffsetMin());
ins.setShortVal("dst_offset_min", hdBlock.getDstOffsetMin());
ins.setEnumVal("time_quality_class", hdBlock.getTimeClass());
ins.setShortVal("start_angle_valid", hdBlock.isStartAngleValid() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
hdBlock.isStartDistanceValid() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setDoubleVal("start_angle_rad", hdBlock.getStartAngleRad());
ins.setDoubleVal("start_distance_m", hdBlock.getStartDistanceM());
//set Relations, to test
ins.setLongLongVal("tst", iidTst);
long iidMea = ins.execute();
// write file history (FHBLOCK)
Long[] iidFh = writeFh(modelCache, iidTst, hdBlock);
// write channel hierarchy (CHBLOCK): not yet supported!
if (hdBlock.getLnkChFirst() > 0) {
LOG.warn("Found CHBLOCK, currently not yet supported!");
// write attachments (ATBLOCK): not yet supported!
if (hdBlock.getLnkAtFirst() > 0) {
LOG.warn("Found ATBLOCK, currently not yet supported!");
writeEv(modelCache, iidTst, iidFh, hdBlock);
// write submatrices
Map<String, Integer> meqNames = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
writeSm(modelCache, iidMea, idBlock, hdBlock, meqNames);
* Writes the content of all FHBLOCKS (file history) to the session.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param ieTst
* The parent 'AoTest' instance.
* @param hdBlock
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private Long[] writeFh(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidTst, HDBLOCK hdBlock)
throws AoException, IOException {
int no = 1;
FHBLOCK fhBlock = hdBlock.getFhFirstBlock();
List<Long> iids = new LinkedList<Long>();
while (fhBlock != null) {
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "fh");
ins.setStringVal("iname", "fh_" + countFormat.format(no));
// meta information
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTimeInMillis(fhBlock.getStartTimeNs() / 1000000);
if (!fhBlock.isLocalTime() && fhBlock.isTimeFlagsValid()) { // UTC time given, calc local
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, fhBlock.getTzOffsetMin());
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, fhBlock.getDstOffsetMin());
ins.setNameValueUnit(ODSHelper.createDateNVU("date", ODSHelper.asODSDate(cal.getTime())));
ins.setLongLongVal("start_time_ns", fhBlock.getStartTimeNs());
ins.setShortVal("local_time", fhBlock.isLocalTime() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("time_offsets_valid", fhBlock.isTimeFlagsValid() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("tz_offset_min", fhBlock.getTzOffsetMin());
ins.setShortVal("dst_offset_min", fhBlock.getDstOffsetMin());
xmlParser.writeFHCommentToFh(ins, fhBlock.getMdCommentBlock().getMdData());
//set Relations.
ins.setLongLongVal("tst", iidTst);
fhBlock = fhBlock.getFhNextBlock();
return iids.toArray(new Long[0]);
* Writes the content of all EVBLOCKS (event) to the session.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param ieTst
* The parent 'AoTest' instance.
* @param hdBlock
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private void writeEv(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidTst, Long[] iidFh, HDBLOCK hdBlock)
throws AoException, IOException {
int no = 1;
EVBLOCK evBlock = hdBlock.getEvFirstBlock();
while (evBlock != null) {
LOG.warn("Event Hirachy not supported.");
LOG.warn("Event Range not supported.");
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "ev");
ins.setStringVal("iname", name.getTxData());
} else {
ins.setStringVal("iname", "ev_" + countFormat.format(no));
// Get Descpription from XMLComment block
BLOCK mdblock = evBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (mdblock != null) {
if (mdblock instanceof MDBLOCK) {
xmlParser.writeEVCommentToEv(ins, ((MDBLOCK)mdblock).getMdData());
} else if (mdblock instanceof TXBLOCK) {
ins.setStringVal("desc", ((TXBLOCK)mdblock).getTxData());
ins.setEnumVal("type", evBlock.getType());
//System.out.println("Synctype: "+evBlock.getSyncType());
ins.setEnumVal("sync_type", evBlock.getSyncType());
ins.setEnumVal("range_type", evBlock.getRangeType());
ins.setEnumVal("cause", evBlock.getCause());
ins.setShortVal("flags", evBlock.getFlags());
ins.setDoubleVal("sync_val", evBlock.getSyncValue());
//set Relations.
ins.setLongLongVal("tst", iidTst);
if(evBlock.getCreatorIndex() < iidFh.length && evBlock.getCreatorIndex() >= 0){
ins.setLongLongVal("creator", iidFh[evBlock.getCreatorIndex()]);
evBlock = evBlock.getEvNextBlock();
* Write the instances of 'AoSubMatrix'.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param iidMea
* The ID of the Parent Measurement.
* @param idBlock
* @param hdBlock
* @param meqNames
* Map with existing MeasurmentQuantities and their IDs.
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
public void writeSm(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidMea, IDBLOCK idBlock, HDBLOCK hdBlock,
Map<String, Integer> meqNames) throws AoException, IOException {
Map<String, Long> meqInstances = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map<String, Long> untInstances = new HashMap<String, Long>();
// iterate over data group blocks
int grpNo = 1;
DGBLOCK dgBlock = hdBlock.getDgFirstBlock();
while (dgBlock != null) {
// if sorted, only one channel group block is available
CGBLOCK cgBlock = dgBlock.getCgFirstBlock();
if (cgBlock != null && cgBlock.getLnkCgNext() > 0) {
throw new IOException(
"Only 'sorted' MDF4 files are supported, found 'unsorted' data! [DGBLOCK=" + dgBlock + "]");
// skip channel groups having no channels (or optionally no values)
if (cgBlock != null) {
// check flags (not yet supported)
if (cgBlock.isBusEventChannel()) {
throw new IOException("Bus event data currently not supported! [DGBLOCK=" + dgBlock + "]");
// check invalidation bits (not yet supported)
if (cgBlock.getInvalBytes() != 0) {
throw new IOException("Invalidation bits currently not supported! [DGBLOCK=" + dgBlock + "]");
// create SubMatrix instance
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "sm");
ins.setStringVal("iname", "sm_" + countFormat.format(grpNo));
//write CGComment
BLOCK mdblock = cgBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (mdblock != null) {
if (mdblock instanceof MDBLOCK) {
xmlParser.writeCGCommentToCg(ins, ((MDBLOCK) mdblock).getMdData());
} else if (mdblock instanceof TXBLOCK) {
ins.setStringVal("desc", ((TXBLOCK)mdblock).getTxData());
//write DGComment
mdblock = dgBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (mdblock != null) {
if (mdblock instanceof MDBLOCK) {
xmlParser.writeDGCommentToCg(ins, ((MDBLOCK) mdblock).getMdData());
} else if (mdblock instanceof TXBLOCK) {
ins.setStringVal("dg_desc", ((TXBLOCK)mdblock).getTxData());
TXBLOCK txAcqName = cgBlock.getTxAcqNameBlock();
if (txAcqName != null) {
ins.setStringVal("acq_name", txAcqName.getTxData());
SIBLOCK siAcqSource = cgBlock.getSiAcqSourceBlock();
if (siAcqSource != null) {
writeSiBlock(ins, siAcqSource);
ins.setLongVal("rows", (int) cgBlock.getCycleCount());
// Relation to measurement
ins.setLongLongVal("mea", iidMea);
long iidSm = ins.execute();
ApplicationElement aeMea = modelCache.getApplicationElement("mea");
InstanceElement ieMea = aeMea.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidMea));
// write instances of AoMeasurementQuantity,AoLocalColumn,AoExternalReference
Map<String, Integer> mapMeq = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
SRBLOCK srBlock = cgBlock.getSrFirstBlock();
long[] iidPrevSm = previewHelper.createPreviewSubMatrices(ieMea, srBlock);
writeLc(modelCache, iidMea, iidSm, iidPrevSm, idBlock, dgBlock, cgBlock, mapMeq, meqInstances, untInstances, srBlock);
dgBlock = dgBlock.getDgNextBlock();
* Write the instances of 'AoLocalColumn' and 'AoMeasurementQuantity'.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param ieMea
* The parent 'AoMeasurement' instance.
* @param ieSm
* The parent 'AoSubMatrix' instance.
* @param dgBlock
* @param cgBlock
* @param srBlock
* Possible SRBLOCK (can be null)
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private void writeLc(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidMea, long iidSm, long[] iidPrevSm, IDBLOCK idBlock, DGBLOCK dgBlock,
CGBLOCK cgBlock, Map<String, Integer> meqNames, Map<String, Long> meqInstances, Map<String, Long> untInstances, SRBLOCK srBlock)
throws AoException, IOException {
ApplicationElement aeMea = modelCache.getApplicationElement("mea");
ApplicationElement aeLc = modelCache.getApplicationElement("lc");
ApplicationElement aeSm = modelCache.getApplicationElement("sm");
ApplicationRelation relLcSmLookup = modelCache.getApplicationRelation("lc", "sm", "LookupTable");
ApplicationRelation relLcSmPrev = modelCache.getApplicationRelation("lc", "sm", "Previews");
// iterate over channel blocks
CNBLOCK cnBlock = cgBlock.getCnFirstBlock();
while (cnBlock != null) {
// check invalidation bits (not yet supported)
if (cnBlock.getLnkComposition() != 0) {
LOG.warn("Composition of channels not supported! [CNBLOCK=" + cnBlock + "]");
//throw new IOException("Composition of channels not supported! [CNBLOCK=" + cnBlock + "]");
// cn_at_reference: attachments TODO
if (cnBlock.getLnkAtReference().length > 0) {
LOG.warn("Found channel 'cn_at_reference'>0, not yet supported ");
// build signal name
String meqName = readMeqName(cnBlock).trim();
// replace channel names (concerto invalid characters)
if (replaceSquareBrackets) {
meqName = meqName.replaceAll("\\[", "{");
meqName = meqName.replaceAll("\\]", "}");
// check for duplicate signal names and add suffix (except time channel)
if (cnBlock.getChannelType() == 0) {
Integer noChannels = meqNames.get(meqName);
if (noChannels == null) {
noChannels = 0;
meqNames.put(meqName, noChannels);
if (noChannels > 1) {
meqName = meqName + "_" + noChannels;
CCBLOCK ccBlock = cnBlock.getCcConversionBlock();
// check whether channel has to be or shall be skipped
if(skipScaleConversionChannels && ccBlock != null && ccBlock.hasCCRefs()) {"Channel '" + meqName + "' with scale conversion rules in CCBlocks skipped: " + ccBlock);
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
} else if(skipByteStreamChannels && 10 == cnBlock.getDataType()) {
// remove this block once it is save to import channels with byte stream data"Channel '" + meqName + "' with byte stream data skipped: " + ccBlock);
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
} else if(10 == cnBlock.getDataType() && cnBlock.getLnkComposition() != 0) {"Channel '" + meqName + "' with composed byte stream data skipped: " + ccBlock);
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
// create instance of 'AoMeasurementQuantity' (if not yet existing)
Long iidMeq = meqInstances.get(meqName);
if (iidMeq == null) {
iidMeq = createMeasurementQuantity(modelCache, cnBlock, ccBlock, meqName, iidMea, null, untInstances);
meqInstances.put(meqName, iidMeq);
// create 'AoLocalColumn' instance
long iidLc = createLocalColumn(modelCache, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock, ccBlock, meqName, iidSm, iidMeq, iidPrevSm, null);
//relation to previews
if(iidPrevSm!= null){
InstanceElement ieLc = aeLc.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidLc));
for (long element : iidPrevSm) {
ieLc.createRelation(relLcSmPrev, aeSm.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(element)));
// create 'AoExternalComponent' instance (if not a string data type (6-9) or VLSD-Channel (Type ==1))
if (!(cnBlock.getDataType() >= 6 && cnBlock.getDataType() <= 9 || cnBlock.getChannelType() == 1)) {
writeEc(modelCache, iidLc, idBlock, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock, ccBlock, dgBlock.getLnkData(), 0);
// create Table for Lookup conversion, if conversion type is 4 to 10
InstanceElement ieMea = aeMea.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidMea));
InstanceElement ieLc = aeLc.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidLc));
if (ccBlock != null && ccBlock.getType() >= 4 && ccBlock.getType() <= 10) {
long iidLookup = createLookupTable(modelCache, ccBlock, ieMea, ieLc);
InstanceElement ieSmLookup = aeSm.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidLookup));
ieLc.createRelation(relLcSmLookup, ieSmLookup);
// create possible Sample Reduction Measurements
if (srBlock != null) {
previewHelper.createPreviewChannels(meqName, idBlock, cgBlock, dgBlock, cnBlock, ccBlock, untInstances);
// jump to next channel
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
* Create and insert the actual MeasurementQuantity
* This function also creates the corresponding unit if it doesn't already exist.
* @param modelCache Cache with model Object
* @param cnBlock The Channel Block.
* @param ccBlock The Conversion Block.
* @param meqName The Name the Measurement will have.
* @param iidMea The ID of the Measurement this Quantity is related to.
* @param mimeType The MIME-Type of this MeasurementQuantity. if mimeType==null, no MIME-Type is set.
* @param untInstances Map that contains iids of all created units so far. Key is the name of the unit
* @return The ID of the created MeasurmentQuantity
* @throws IOException If an I/O-error occurs.
* @throws AoException
long createMeasurementQuantity(ODSModelCache modelCache, CNBLOCK cnBlock, CCBLOCK ccBlock,
String meqName, long iidMea, String mimeType, Map<String, Long> untInstances) throws IOException, AoException {
int seqRep = getSeqRep(ccBlock);
double[] genParams = getGenerationParameters(ccBlock);
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "meq");
ins.setStringVal("iname", meqName);
// Write XML MetaData
BLOCK mdblock = cnBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (mdblock instanceof MDBLOCK) {
xmlParser.writeCNCommentToMeq(ins, ((MDBLOCK) mdblock).getMdData());
} else if (mdblock instanceof TXBLOCK) {
ins.setStringVal("desc", ((TXBLOCK) mdblock).getTxData().trim());
ins.setStringVal("mt", mimeType);
boolean expandDataType = genParams != null && genParams.length > 0 && seqRep != 0 && seqRep != 7;
ins.setEnumVal("dt", getDataType(expandDataType, cnBlock, ccBlock));
if (ccBlock != null && ccBlock.isPhysicalRangeValid()) {
ins.setDoubleVal("min", ccBlock.getPhyRangeMin());
ins.setDoubleVal("max", ccBlock.getPhyRangeMax());
* // CEBLOCK (extension block) info CEBLOCK ceBlock = cnBlock.getCeblock(); if (ceBlock != null &&
* ceBlock.getCeBlockDim() != null) { CEBLOCK_DIM ext = ceBlock.getCeBlockDim();
* ins.setLongVal("NumberOfModule", ext.getNumberOfModule()); ins.setLongLongVal("Address", ext.getAddress());
* ins.setStringVal("DIMDescription", ext.getDescription()); ins.setStringVal("ECUIdent", ext.getEcuIdent()); }
* else if (ceBlock != null && ceBlock.getCeBlockVectorCAN() != null) { CEBLOCK_VectorCAN ext =
* ceBlock.getCeBlockVectorCAN(); ins.setLongLongVal("CANIndex", ext.getCanIndex());
* ins.setLongLongVal("MessageId", ext.getMessageId()); ins.setStringVal("MessageName", ext.getMessageName());
* ins.setStringVal("SenderName", ext.getSenderName()); }
ins.setLongLongVal("mea", iidMea);
SIBLOCK siBlock = cnBlock.getSiSourceBlock();
if (siBlock != null) {
writeSiBlock(ins, siBlock);
// create 'AoUnit' instance if not yet existing
long uiid = writeUnit(modelCache, cnBlock, ccBlock, untInstances);
if(uiid != -1){
ins.setLongLongVal("unt", uiid);
long iidMeq = ins.execute();
return iidMeq;
* Create and insert the actual LocalColumn.
* @param modelCache Cache with model Object
* @param dgBlock The Data Group Block.
* @param cgBlock The Channel Group Block.
* @param cnBlock The Channel Block.
* @param ccBlock The Conversion Block.
* @param lcName The Name the Local Column will have.
* @param iidMeq The ID of the SubMatrix this LocalColumn is related to.
* @param iidMeq The ID of the MeasurementQuantity this LocalColumn is related to.
* @param mimeType The MIME-Type of this MeasurementQuantity. if mimeType==null, no MIME-Type is set.
* @return The ID of the created MeasurmentQuantity
* @throws IOException If an I/O-error occurs.
* @throws AoException
long createLocalColumn(ODSModelCache modelCache, DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock , CNBLOCK cnBlock,
CCBLOCK ccBlock, String lcName, long iidSm, long iidMeq, long[] iidPrevSm, String mimeType) throws IOException, AoException {
int seqRep = getSeqRep(ccBlock);
double[] genParams = getGenerationParameters(ccBlock);
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "lc");
ins.setStringVal("iname", lcName);
ins.setLongLongVal("sm", iidSm);
ins.setStringVal("mt", mimeType);
// global flag
ins.setShortVal("glb", (short) 15);
// sequence_representation: string channels cannot be referenced in ASAM ODS: read and write external
if (cnBlock.getDataType() >= 6 && cnBlock.getDataType() <= 9 && cnBlock.getChannelType() != 1) { // 6 To 9:
// Datatype
// String
String[] stringDataValues = readStringDataValues(dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock);
ins.setEnumVal("srp", 0);
ins.setNameValueUnit(ODSHelper.createStringSeqNVU("val", stringDataValues));"Unable to reference into MDF4, extracting string values. [Channel=" + lcName + "]");
} else if (cnBlock.getChannelType() == 1) {
// Read VLSDChannel values.
ins.setEnumVal("srp", 0);"Variable Length Channel! [Channel=" + lcName + "]");
insertVLSDValues(ins, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock);
} else {
ins.setEnumVal("srp", seqRep);
// independent flag
short idp = cnBlock.getChannelType() > 0 ? (short) 1 : (short) 0;
ins.setShortVal("idp", idp);
// generation parameters
ins.setDoubleSeq("par", genParams);
// raw_datatype
int valueType = getValueType(cnBlock);
int rawDataType = getRawDataTypeForValueType(valueType, cnBlock);
ins.setEnumVal("rdt", rawDataType);
// axistype
int axistype = cnBlock.getChannelType() == 0 ? 1 : 0;
ins.setEnumVal("axistype", axistype);
// minimum/maximum
if (cnBlock.isValueRangeValid()) {
ins.setDoubleVal("min", cnBlock.getValRangeMin());
ins.setDoubleVal("max", cnBlock.getValRangeMax());
// relation to submatrix
ins.setLongLongVal("sm", iidSm);
ins.setLongLongVal("meq", iidMeq);
long iidLc = ins.execute();
return iidLc;
* Read values from an VLSD-Channel and write them directly to file.
* @param ins
* The Insertstatement to use.
* @param cnBlock
* The VLSD-Channel
* @throws IOException
private void insertVLSDValues(ODSInsertStatement ins, DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock, CNBLOCK cnBlock)
throws IOException {
BLOCK blk = cnBlock.getDataBlock();
if (blk == null) {
// assume empty SDBLOCK
ins.setNameValueUnit(ODSHelper.createStringSeqNVU("val", new String[0]));
} else if (!(blk instanceof SDBLOCK)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Found VLSD Block with no valid signal data.");
SDBLOCK sdBlock = (SDBLOCK) blk;
// start Reading the values.
SeekableByteChannel sbc = cnBlock.sbc;
long recordSize = dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cgBlock.getDataBytes() + cgBlock.getInvalBytes();
long recStart = dgBlock.getLnkData() + 24L;
long[] offsets = new long[(int) cgBlock.getCycleCount()];
long valueBitSize = cnBlock.getBitCount() + cnBlock.getBitOffset();
int valueByteSize = (int) (valueBitSize % 8 == 0 ? valueBitSize / 8 : valueBitSize / 8 + 1);
long offset = cnBlock.getByteOffset();
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(valueByteSize);
// iterate over records and read offsets
long pos = recStart;
for (int i = 0; i < cgBlock.getCycleCount(); i++) {
// read offset
sbc.position(pos + offset);;
offsets[i] = MDF4Util.readValue(cnBlock.getBitOffset(), (int) cnBlock.getBitCount(), bb);
pos += recordSize;
// read data
// iterate over records
ByteBuffer signals = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) (sdBlock.getLength() - 24));
long signalpos = cnBlock.getLnkData() + 24L;
LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < cgBlock.getCycleCount(); i++) {
signals.position((int) offsets[i]);
int size = (int) MDF4Util.readUInt32(signals.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN));
// read record
byte[] record = new byte[size];
// build string value and append to list.
// Switch for different encodings.
String value;
switch (cnBlock.getDataType()) {
case 6: // ISO-8859
value = MDF4Util.readCharsISO8859(ByteBuffer.wrap(record), record.length);
case 7: // UTF-8
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF8(ByteBuffer.wrap(record), record.length);
case 8: // UFT-16LE
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF16(ByteBuffer.wrap(record), record.length, true);
case 9: // UTF-16BE
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF16(ByteBuffer.wrap(record), record.length, false);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal String encoding. Other encodings for VLSD not supported.");
ins.setNameValueUnit(ODSHelper.createStringSeqNVU("val", list.toArray(new String[0])));
* Creates a Lookup-Table from the given conversion Block. (must not be null!)
* @param modelCache
* @param cc
* @return The iid of the SubMatrix
* @throws IOException
* @throws AoException
private long createLookupTable(ODSModelCache modelCache, CCBLOCK ccBlock, InstanceElement ieMea, InstanceElement ieLc)
throws IOException, AoException {
// Scale Lookups are not yet supported.
if (ccBlock.getType() == 4 || ccBlock.getType() == 5) {
double[] keys = ccBlock.getSecondValues(true);
double[] values = ccBlock.getSecondValues(false);
return lookupTableHelper.createValueToValueTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, values, ccBlock.getType() == 4);
} else if (ccBlock.getType() == 6) {
double[] minKeys = ccBlock.getThirdValues(0);
double[] maxKeys = ccBlock.getThirdValues(1);
double[] values = ccBlock.getThirdValues(2);
return lookupTableHelper.createValueRangeToValueTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, minKeys, maxKeys, values,
} else if (ccBlock.getType() == 7) { // Value to Text/Scale lookup
double[] keys = ccBlock.getVal();
String[] values = ccBlock.getValuesForTextTable();
if (values.length != keys.length) {
LOG.warn("Number of values and keys for Lookup-Table are not equal!");
return lookupTableHelper.createValueToTextTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, values, ccBlock.getDefaultValue());
} else if (ccBlock.getType() == 8) { // Value Range to Text/Scale lookup
double[] keysMin = ccBlock.getSecondValues(true);
double[] keysMax = ccBlock.getSecondValues(false);
String[] values = ccBlock.getValuesForTextTable();
String defaultValue = ccBlock.getDefaultValue();
return lookupTableHelper.createValueRangeToTextTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keysMin, keysMax, values,
} else if (ccBlock.getType() == 9) {
String[] keys = ccBlock.getRefValues();
double[] values = ccBlock.getValuesForTextToValueTable();
double defaultValue = ccBlock.getDefaultValueDouble();
return lookupTableHelper.createTextToValueTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, values, defaultValue);
} else if (ccBlock.getType() == 10) {
String[] keys = ccBlock.getSecondTexts(true);
String[] values = ccBlock.getSecondTexts(false);
String defaultValue = ccBlock.getDefaultValue();
return lookupTableHelper.createTextToTextTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, values, defaultValue);
} else {
LOG.warn("Unsupported Conversion.");
return 0;
* Reads String values from a string channel.
* @param dgBlock The data group block.
* @param cgBlock The channel group block.
* @param cnBlock The channel block.
* @return The values as String-Array.
* @throws IOException If an input error occurs.
private static String[] readStringDataValues(DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock, CNBLOCK cnBlock) throws IOException {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
SeekableByteChannel sbc = dgBlock.sbc;
int recordIdOffset = dgBlock.getRecIdSize();
long mapStart = dgBlock.getLnkData() + 24L;
long mapSize = (cgBlock.getDataBytes() + recordIdOffset) * cgBlock.getCycleCount();
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) mapSize);
// iterate over records
for (int i = 0; i < cgBlock.getCycleCount(); i++) {
// read record
byte[] record = new byte[(int) (cgBlock.getDataBytes() + recordIdOffset)];
// skip first bits and read value
BitInputStream bis = new BitInputStream(record);
int skipBits = (int) (recordIdOffset * 8L + cnBlock.getByteOffset() * 8L + cnBlock.getBitOffset());
byte[] b = bis.readByteArray((int) cnBlock.getBitCount());
// build string value and append to list.
// Switch for different encodings.
String value;
switch (cnBlock.getDataType()) {
case 6: // ISO-8859
value = MDF4Util.readCharsISO8859(ByteBuffer.wrap(b), b.length);
case 7: // UTF-8
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF8(ByteBuffer.wrap(b), b.length);
case 8: // UFT-16LE
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF16(ByteBuffer.wrap(b), b.length, true);
case 9: // UTF-16BE
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF16(ByteBuffer.wrap(b), b.length, false);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal String encoding.");
return list.toArray(new String[0]);
* Write the instances of 'AoExternalComponent'. One instance is written for each data block.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param iidLc
* The instance id of the 'AoLocalColumn' instance.
* @param idBlock The IDBLOCK.
* @param dgBlock The DGBLOCK.
* @param cgBlock The CGBLOCK.
* @param cnBlock The CNBLOCK.
* @param ccBlock The CCBLOCK.
* @param sectionstart
* The link to data, can be a DL, RD or DT Block or HL, DZ, but these are not supported.
* @param parity Used for previews, where only each third record has to be addressed. If every record will be addressed, parity has
* to be set to 0. Otherwise valid values are 1, 2 and 3. (e.g. if parity==1 the first of each three records will be addressed)
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
void writeEc(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidLc, IDBLOCK idBlock, DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock, CNBLOCK cnBlock,
CCBLOCK ccBlock, long sectionstart, int parity) throws AoException, IOException {
if(isRatConv2ExtComp(ccBlock)) {
// NOTE: once CCBLOCK is no longer required, it should be removed from this method's signature!
createCustomRatConvEC(modelCache, iidLc, idBlock, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock, ccBlock, sectionstart, parity);
} else {
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "ec");
DLBLOCK currdl = null; // current list block
int dlindex = 0; // index in data list block.
int totalindex = 0; // nuber of blocks read;
long currblock = -1;
switch (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, sectionstart)) {
case "##DT":
case "##RD":
currblock = sectionstart;
case "##DL":
currdl =, sectionstart);
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[0];
// perform check for records over blockborders.
if (currdl.breaksRecords(cgBlock.getDataBytes() + dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cgBlock.getInvalBytes())) {
throw new IOException("This data list cannot be read because records are splitted.");
case "##DZ":
case "##HL":
throw new IOException("Zipped blocks cannot be parsed into the ODS-Format.");
while (currblock != -1) {
ins.setStringVal("iname", "ec_" + countFormat.format(++totalindex));
Path mdfFilePath = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().getFileName();
if (mdfFilePath == null) {
throw new IOException("mdfFilePath must not be null");
ins.setLongVal("on", totalindex);
ins.setStringVal("fl", mdfFilePath.toString());
ins.setEnumVal("vt", getValueType(cnBlock));
ins.setLongLongVal("so", currblock + 24L);
// TODO Strings, write number of Bytes? Spec4/61
ins.setLongVal("vb", 1); // one value per block
// Calculate ByteSize and Offset
long bytesize;
long valueOffset;
long recSizeWoInval = cgBlock.getDataBytes() + dgBlock.getRecIdSize();
bytesize = recSizeWoInval + cgBlock.getInvalBytes();
valueOffset = dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cnBlock.getByteOffset() + cnBlock.getBitOffset() / 8;
//inval bytes once at the end
bytesize = 3*recSizeWoInval + cgBlock.getInvalBytes();
valueOffset = (parity-1)*recSizeWoInval + dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cnBlock.getByteOffset() + cnBlock.getBitOffset() / 8;
ins.setLongVal("bs", (int) bytesize);
ins.setLongVal("vo", (int) valueOffset);
//get Cycle count from Block size.
if(BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, currblock).equals(DTBLOCK.BLOCK_ID)){
ins.setLongVal("cl", (int) ((, currblock).getLength()-24)/bytesize));
}else if (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, currblock).equals(RDBLOCK.BLOCK_ID)){
ins.setLongVal("cl", (int) ((, currblock).getLength()-24)/bytesize));
short bitOffset = cnBlock.getBitOffset();
if (bitOffset != 0 && cnBlock.getBitCount() % 8 != 0) {
ins.setShortVal("bo", bitOffset);
ins.setShortVal("bc", (short) cnBlock.getBitCount());
ins.setLongLongVal("lc", iidLc);
// switch to next block or escape
if (currdl == null) {
currblock = -1; // just a single data block
} else {
// search next block in list.
if (dlindex < currdl.getCount()) { // more blocks in list
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
} else {
// switch to next list, and start with first block?
if (currdl.getLnkDlNext() > 0) {
currdl = currdl.getDlNextBlock();
dlindex = 0;
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
} else {
currblock = -1;
* Create a new Unit for a channel, if needed.
* @param modelCache The ODSModelCache in use.
* @param cnblock The Channel Block.
* @param ccBlock The Channel's conversion block.
* @param existingUnts Map containing Name (key) and ID (Value) of all created units.
* @return The id of the corresponding unit.
private long writeUnit(ODSModelCache modelCache, CNBLOCK cnblock, CCBLOCK ccBlock, Map<String, Long> existingUnts) throws AoException, IOException {
// create 'AoUnit' instance if not yet existing
//Get unit name and metadata
String unitName = "";
BLOCK unitblk = cnblock.getMdUnitBlock();
MDBLOCK unitMetadata = null;
// Search for correct unit in channel CNBLOCK first
if (unitblk != null) {
if (unitblk instanceof MDBLOCK) {
unitName = xmlParser.extractCommentText(((MDBLOCK) unitblk).getMdData());
unitMetadata = (MDBLOCK) unitblk;
} else if (unitblk instanceof TXBLOCK) {
unitName = ((TXBLOCK) unitblk).getTxData().trim();
} else { // Then look in CCBLOCK
if (ccBlock != null) {
unitblk = ccBlock.getMdUnitBlock();
if (unitblk != null) {
if (unitblk instanceof MDBLOCK) {
unitName = xmlParser.extractCommentText(((MDBLOCK) unitblk).getMdData());
unitMetadata = (MDBLOCK) unitblk;
} else if (unitblk instanceof TXBLOCK) {
unitName = ((TXBLOCK) unitblk).getTxData().trim();
if (unitName.length() > 0) {
Long iid = existingUnts.get(unitName);
if(iid == null){
// create unit instance
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "unt");
ins.setStringVal("iname", unitName);
ins.setDoubleVal("factor", 1d);
ins.setDoubleVal("offset", 0d);
xmlParser.writeCNCommentToUnit(ins, unitMetadata.getMdData());
iid = ins.execute();
existingUnts.put(unitName, iid);
return iid;
return -1;
* helper methods
* Get the conversion parameters of the conversion block for 1:1, linear or rational conversion.
* @param ccBlock The Conversion Block.
* @return The parameters as Double-Array.
* @throws AoException in case of errors
private static double[] getGenerationParameters(CCBLOCK ccBlock) throws AoException {
// CCBLOCK may be null, assume explicit
if (ccBlock == null) {
return new double[0];
int formula = ccBlock.getType();
// '1:1'
if (formula == 0) {
return new double[0];
// 'linear'
else if (formula == 1) {
return ccBlock.getVal();
// 'rational'
else if(formula == 2) {
double[] genParams = ccBlock.getVal();
if(isRatConv2RawLinExt(ccBlock)) {
// sequence rep.: 'raw_linear_external'
return new double[] { genParams[2], genParams[1] };
} else if(isRatConv2ExtComp(ccBlock)) {
// sequence rep.: 'external_component'
return new double[0];
} else {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_IMPLEMENTATION_PROBLEM, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"unable write channel with rational conversion for ccBlock: " + ccBlock);
// No parameters otherwise
return new double[0];
* Writes the content of an SIBLOCK to the session.
* @param ins
* The insert statement to use.
* @param siBlock
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private void writeSiBlock(ODSInsertStatement ins, SIBLOCK siBlock) throws AoException, IOException {
// si_tx_name
TXBLOCK txName = siBlock.getTxNameBlock();
if (txName != null) {
ins.setStringVal("src_name", txName.getTxData());
// si_tx_path
TXBLOCK txPath = siBlock.getTxPathBlock();
if (txPath != null) {
ins.setStringVal("src_path", txPath.getTxData());
// si_md_comment
BLOCK block = siBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (block instanceof TXBLOCK) {
ins.setStringVal("src_cmt", ((TXBLOCK) block).getTxData());
} else if (block instanceof MDBLOCK) {
xmlParser.writeSICommentToCg(ins, ((MDBLOCK) block).getMdData());
ins.setEnumVal("src_type", siBlock.getSourceType());
ins.setEnumVal("src_bus", siBlock.getBusType());
ins.setShortVal("src_sim", (short) (siBlock.getFlags() & 1));
* Read the name of a Channel.
* @param cnBlock The Channel Block
* @return The name.
* @throws IOException
private static String readMeqName(CNBLOCK cnBlock) throws IOException {
TXBLOCK nameblk = cnBlock.getCnTxNameBlock();
String meqName = "default";
if (nameblk != null) {
meqName = nameblk.getTxData().trim();
} else {
LOG.warn("No channel name found!");
return meqName;
* Returns the target ASAM ODS sequence representation for the external component description.<br/>
* List of MDF4 formula types:
* <ul>
* <li>0 = 1:1 Conversion</li>
* <li>1 = parametric, linear</li>
* <li>2 = rational conversion</li>
* <li>3 = ASAM-MCD2 Text formula</li>
* <li>4 = tabular with interpolation</li>
* <li>5 = tabular</li>
* <li>6 = Value Range to Value tabular lookup</li>
* <li>7 = Value to Text/Scale tabular lookup</li>
* <li>8 = Value Range to Text/Scale tabular lookup</li>
* <li>9 = Text to Value tabular lookup</li>
* <li>10 = Text to Text tabular lookup</li>
* </ul>
* @author Tobias Leemann
* @return The ASAM ODS sequence representation enum value.
* @throws ConvertException
private static int getSeqRep(CCBLOCK ccBlock) throws AoException {
// CCBLOCK may be null, assume explicit with external Component
if (ccBlock == null) {
return 7;
int formula = ccBlock.getType();
// '1:1 conversion formula' => external_component
if (formula == 0) {
return 7;
// 'linear' => 'raw_linear_external'
else if (formula == 1) {
return 8;
// 'rational conversion' => 'external_component'
else if (formula == 2) {
if(isRatConv2RawLinExt(ccBlock)) {
// redirect => 'raw_linear_external'
return 8;
} else if(isRatConv2ExtComp(ccBlock)) {
// manual calculation => 'external_component'
return 7;
} else {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_IMPLEMENTATION_PROBLEM, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"unable write channel with rational conversion for ccBlock: " + ccBlock);
// 'Text formula' => 'external_component'
else if (formula == 3) {
LOG.error("Text formulas are not supported at the moment.");
return 7;
// 'ALL lookup conversions' => 'external_component'
else if (formula <= 10) {
return 7;
} else {
LOG.warn("Unsupported Formula type " + formula);
return 7;
* Returns the target ASAM ODS external component type specification enum value for a MDF4 channel description.<br/>
* The data type is determined by the signal data type and the number of bits.<br/>
* @param cnBlock
* @return The ASAM ODS type specification enumeration value.
* @throws IOException
* Unsupported MDF3 data type.
private static int getValueType(CNBLOCK cnBlock) throws IOException {
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
int nb = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
int bitOffset = cnBlock.getBitOffset();
// 0 = unsigned integer LEO
if (dt == 0) {
if (nb == 8 && bitOffset == 0) { // 8 bit: dt_byte
return 1;
} else if (nb == 16 && bitOffset == 0) { // 16 bit: dt_ushort
return 21;
} else if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0) { // 32 bit: dt_ulong
return 23;
} else { // variable bit length: dt_bit_uint
return 29;
// 1 = unsigned integer BEO
else if (dt == 1) {
if (nb == 8 && bitOffset == 0) { // 8 bit: dt_byte
return 1;
} else if (nb == 16 && bitOffset == 0) { // 16 bit: dt_ushort_beo
return 22;
} else if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0) { // 32 bit: dt_ulong_beo
return 24;
} else { // variable bit length: dt_bit_uint_beo
return 30;
// 2 = signed integer LEO
else if (dt == 2) {
if (nb == 8 && bitOffset == 0) { // 8 bit: dt_sbyte
return 19;
} else if (nb == 16 && bitOffset == 0) { // 16 bit: dt_short
return 2;
} else if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0) { // 32 bit: dt_long
return 3;
} else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0) { // 64 bit: dt_longlong
return 4;
} else { // variable bit length: dt_bit_int
return 27;
// 3 = signed integer BEO
else if (dt == 3) {
if (nb == 8 && bitOffset == 0) { // 8 bit: dt_byte
return 1;
} else if (nb == 16 && bitOffset == 0) { // 16 bit: dt_short_beo
return 7;
} else if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0) { // 32 bit: dt_long_beo
return 8;
} else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0) { // 64 bit: dt_longlong_beo
return 9;
} else { // variable bit length: dt_bit_int_beo
return 28;
// 4 IEEE 754 floating-point format LEO
else if (dt == 4) {
if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0) { // 32 bit: ieeefloat4
return 5;
} else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0) { // 64 bit: ieeefloat8
return 6;
} else { // variable bit length: dt_bit_float
return 31;
// 5 = IEEE 754 floating-point format BEO
else if (dt == 5) {
if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0) { // 32 bit: ieeefloat4_beo
return 10;
} else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0) { // 64 bit: ieeefloat8_beo
return 11;
} else { // variable bit length: dt_bit_float_beo
return 32;
// 6-9 = String (NULL terminated): dt_string
else if (dt == 6 || dt == 7 || dt == 8 || dt == 9) {
return 12;
// 10 = Byte Array: dt_bytestr
else if (dt == 10) {
return 13;
} else {
LOG.warn("Data type " + dt + " is not yet supported.");
return 13;
* Returns the raw dataType for given type specification.
* @param typeSpec
* The TypeSpec.
* @param cnBlock
* @return The raw dataType.
* @throws AoException
* unable to obtain raw datatype
private static int getRawDataTypeForValueType(int typeSpec, CNBLOCK cnBlock) throws AoException {
int ret = 0;
if (typeSpec == 0) { // dt_boolean
ret = 4; // DT_BOOLEAN
} else if (typeSpec == 1) { // dt_byte
ret = 5; // DT_BYTE
} else if (typeSpec == 2) { // dt_short
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
} else if (typeSpec == 3) { // dt_long
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
} else if (typeSpec == 4) { // dt_longlong
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
} else if (typeSpec == 5) { // ieeefloat4
ret = 3; // DT_FLOAT
} else if (typeSpec == 6) { // ieeefloat8
ret = 7; // DT_DOUBLE
} else if (typeSpec == 7) { // dt_short_beo
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
} else if (typeSpec == 8) { // dt_long_beo
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
} else if (typeSpec == 9) { // dt_longlong_beo
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
} else if (typeSpec == 10) { // ieeefloat4_beo
ret = 3; // DT_FLOAT
} else if (typeSpec == 11) { // ieeefloat8_beo
ret = 7; // DT_DOUBLE
} else if (typeSpec == 12) { // dt_string
ret = 1; // DT_STRING
} else if (typeSpec == 13) { // dt_bytestr
ret = 11; // DT_BYTESTR
} else if (typeSpec == 14) { // dt_blob
ret = 12; // DT_BLOB
} else if (typeSpec == 15) { // dt_boolean_flags_beo
ret = 4; // DT_BOOLEAN
} else if (typeSpec == 16) { // dt_byte_flags_beo
ret = 5; // DT_BYTE
} else if (typeSpec == 17) { // dt_string_flags_beo
ret = 1; // DT_STRING
} else if (typeSpec == 18) { // dt_bytestr_beo
ret = 11; // DT_BYTESTR
} else if (typeSpec == 19) { // dt_sbyte
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
} else if (typeSpec == 20) { // dt_sbyte_flags_beo
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
} else if (typeSpec == 21) { // dt_ushort
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
} else if (typeSpec == 22) { // dt_ushort_beo
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
} else if (typeSpec == 23) { // dt_ulong
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
} else if (typeSpec == 24) { // dt_ulong_beo
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
} else if (typeSpec == 25) { // dt_string_utf8
ret = 1; // DT_STRING
} else if (typeSpec == 26) { // dt_string_utf8_beo
ret = 1; // DT_STRING
// dt_bit_int [27], dt_bit_int_beo [28], dt_bit_uint [29], dt_bit_uint_beo [30]
else if (typeSpec == 27 || typeSpec == 28 || typeSpec == 29 || typeSpec == 30) {
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
int nb = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 1 && nb <= 8) { // unsigned byte
ret = 5; // DT_BYTE
} else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 1 && nb <= 8) { // signed byte
ret = 5; // DT_BYTE
} else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 9 && nb <= 16) { // unsigned short
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
} else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 9 && nb <= 16) { // signed short
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
} else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 17 && nb <= 32) { // unsigned int
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
} else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 17 && nb <= 32) { // int
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
} else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 33) { // unsigned int >32 bit
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
} else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 33) { // signed int >32 bit
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
// dt_bit_float [31], dt_bit_float_beo [32]
else if (typeSpec == 31 || typeSpec == 32) {
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
int nb = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3 || dt == 11 || dt == 12 || dt == 15 || dt == 16) && nb == 32) { // ieeefloat4,
// ieeefloat4_beo
ret = 3; // DT_FLOAT
} else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3 || dt == 11 || dt == 12 || dt == 15 || dt == 16) && nb == 64) { // ieeefloat8,
// ieeefloat8_beo
ret = 7; // DT_DOUBLE
// TODO Non-IEEE floats
// not found!
else {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"Unsupported typeSpec: " + typeSpec);
return ret;
* Returns the target ASAM ODS measurement quantity data type for a MDF4 channel description.<br/>
* The data type is determined by the formula, the signal data type and the number of bits.
* @param expandDataType
* Indicates whether to expand data type or not.
* @param cnBlock
* @param ccBlock
* @return The ASAM ODS data type.
* @throws IOException
* Unable to determine data type.
private static int getDataType(boolean expandDataType, CNBLOCK cnBlock, CCBLOCK ccBlock) throws IOException {
// CCBLOCK may be null, assume 1:1
int formula = 0;
if (ccBlock != null) {
formula = ccBlock.getType();
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
int nb = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
if (dt >= 6 && dt <= 9) {
return 1; // DT_STRING
// 1 = parametric, linear
if (formula == 1) {
if (nb == 1) {
// 1 bit should be DT_BOOLEAN, but most of tools do not support this
return 5; // DT_BYTE
} else if (nb >= 2 && nb <= 32) {
return 3; // DT_FLOAT
} else if (nb >= 33 && nb <= 64) {
return 7; // DT_DOUBLE
// 2 = rational conversion
else if(formula == 2) {
// values are calculated either way with real (64 bit ieee-754)
// double values no matter how many bits are used for internal
// values, therefore it is safe to return DT_DOUBLE here
return 7; // DT_DOUBLE
// 0= 1:1 conversion formula (Int = Phys)
else if (formula == 0) {
if (dt == 10) { // ByteArray data
return 11; // DT_BYTESTR
} else if (dt <= 9 && dt >= 6) { // STRING (6-9)
return 1; // DT_STRING
} else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 1 && nb <= 8) { // dt_byte
return expandDataType ? 3 : 5; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_BYTE
} else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 1 && nb <= 8) { // dt_sbyte
return expandDataType ? 3 : 2; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_SHORT
} else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 9 && nb <= 16) { // dt_ushort, dt_ushort_beo
return expandDataType ? 3 : 6; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_LONG
} else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 9 && nb <= 16) { // dt_short, dt_short_beo
return expandDataType ? 3 : 2; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_SHORT
} else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 17 && nb <= 32) { // dt_ulong, dt_ulong_beo
return expandDataType ? 7 : 8; // [DT_DOUBLE] DT_LONGLONG
} else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 17 && nb <= 32) { // dt_long, dt_long_beo
return expandDataType ? 3 : 6; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_LONG
} else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 33) { // unsigned int >32 bit
return expandDataType ? 7 : 8; // [DT_DOUBLE] DT_LONGLONG
} else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 33 && nb <= 64) { // dt_longlong, dt_longlong_beo
return expandDataType ? 7 : 8; // [DT_DOUBLE] DT_LONGLONG
} else if ((dt == 4 || dt == 5) && nb == 32) { // ieeefloat4,
// ieeefloat4_beo
return 3; // DT_FLOAT
} else if ((dt == 4 || dt == 5) && nb == 64) { // ieeefloat8,
// ieeefloat8_beo
return 7; // DT_DOUBLE
} else if (formula == 7 || formula == 8 || formula == 10) { // X to text
return 1; // DT_STRING
} else if (formula == 4 || formula == 5 || formula == 6 || formula == 9) {
return 7; // DT_DOUBLE
throw new IOException("Unsupported MDF4 datatype: " + cnBlock + "\n " + ccBlock);
* Checks whether channel with rational conversion may be stored as a 'raw_linear_external'.
* <p>
* NOTE: This is a workaround to provide channels with formula == 2 with a reduced set of generation parameters.
* Such channel values are described with a rational conversion, which can not be described in ODS.
* To do so the generation parameters p1, p3 and p4 must be ZERO and p5 must be ONE.
* <p>
* @param ccBlock the conversion block
* @return true if the values must be calculated and stored in an external file
private static boolean isRatConv2RawLinExt(CCBLOCK ccBlock) {
if(ccBlock == null) {
return false;
} else if(ccBlock.getType() == 2) {
// rational conversion
double[] genParams = ccBlock.getVal();
if(genParams == null || genParams.length != 6) {
return false;
} else {
boolean p1Zero =[0], 0D) == 0;
boolean p4Zero =[3], 0D) == 0;
boolean p5Zero =[4], 0D) == 0;
boolean p6One =[5], 1D) == 0;
return p1Zero && p4Zero && p5Zero && p6One;
return false;
* Checks whether channel with rational conversion may be stored as a 'external_component'.
* <p>
* NOTE: This is a workaround to provide channels with formula == 2.
* Such channel values are described with a rational conversion, which can not be described in ODS.
* Therefore the whole value sequence is calculated and referenced as an 'external_component'.
* <p>
* @param ccBlock the conversion block
* @return true if the values must be calculated and stored in an external file
private static boolean isRatConv2ExtComp(CCBLOCK ccBlock) {
if(ccBlock == null) {
return false;
} else if(ccBlock.getType() == 2) {
// rational conversion
double[] genParams = ccBlock.getVal();
if(genParams == null || genParams.length != 6) {
return false;
} else {
boolean p1Zero =[0], 0D) != 0;
boolean p4Zero =[3], 0D) != 0;
boolean p5Zero =[4], 0D) != 0;
boolean p6One =[5], 1D) != 0;
return p1Zero || p4Zero || p5Zero || p6One;
return false;
* Write the instances of 'AoExternalComponent'.
* <p>
* One instance is written for all calculated vaues.
* <p>
* NOTE: This is a workaround to provide channels with formula == 2.
* Such channel values are described with a rational conversion, which can not be described in ODS.
* Therefore the whole value sequence is calculated and referenced as an 'external_component'.
* <p>
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param iidLc
* The instance id of the 'AoLocalColumn' instance.
* @param idBlock The IDBLOCK.
* @param dgBlock The DGBLOCK.
* @param cgBlock The CGBLOCK.
* @param cnBlock The CNBLOCK.
* @param ccBlock The CCBLOCK.
* @param sectionstart
* The link to data, can be a DL, RD or DT Block or HL, DZ, but these are not supported.
* @param parity Used for previews, where only each third record has to be addressed. If every record will be addressed, parity has
* to be set to 0. Otherwise valid values are 1, 2 and 3. (e.g. if parity==1 the first of each three records will be addressed)
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private void createCustomRatConvEC(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidLc, IDBLOCK idBlock, DGBLOCK dgBlock,
CGBLOCK cgBlock, CNBLOCK cnBlock, CCBLOCK ccBlock, long sectionstart, int parity)
throws AoException, IOException {
if(parity != 0) {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"channel preview with formula == 2 (rational conversion) is currently not supported");
DLBLOCK currdl = null; // current list block
int dlindex = 0; // index in data list block.
long currblock = -1;
switch (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, sectionstart)) {
case "##DT":
case "##RD":
currblock = sectionstart;
case "##DL":
currdl =, sectionstart);
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[0];
// perform check for records over blockborders.
if (currdl.breaksRecords(cgBlock.getDataBytes() + dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cgBlock.getInvalBytes())) {
throw new IOException("This data list cannot be read because records are splitted.");
case "##DZ":
case "##HL":
throw new IOException("Zipped blocks cannot be parsed into the ODS-Format.");
if(currblock < 0) {
if(customRatConfPath == null) {
customRatConfPath = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().resolveSibling("rational_conversion.calc");
if(!Files.exists(customRatConfPath)) {
try (SeekableByteChannel channel = Files.newByteChannel(customRatConfPath, StandardOpenOption.APPEND)) {
ByteBuffer writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[8]);
long startOffset = channel.position();
long count = 0;
while (currblock != -1) {
long vo = dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cnBlock.getByteOffset() + cnBlock.getBitOffset() / 8;
long recSizeWoInval = cgBlock.getDataBytes() + dgBlock.getRecIdSize();
long bs = recSizeWoInval + cgBlock.getInvalBytes();
long so = currblock + 24L;
int cl;
if(BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, currblock).equals(DTBLOCK.BLOCK_ID)){
cl = (int) ((, currblock).getLength()-24)/bs);
} else if (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, currblock).equals(RDBLOCK.BLOCK_ID)){
cl = (int) ((, currblock).getLength()-24)/bs);
} else {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"component length 'cl' is not allowed to be unknown");
short bo = cnBlock.getBitOffset();
short bc = bo != 0 && cnBlock.getBitCount() % 8 != 0 ? (short) cnBlock.getBitCount() : 0;
double[] p = ccBlock.getVal();
if(bo != 0 || bc != 0 || cnBlock.getBitCount() % 8 != 0) {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"bit count '" + bc + "' and bit offset '" + bo
+ "' is not supported for custom ration conversion");
int bits = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
boolean isInteger = dt > -1 && dt < 4;
boolean isReal = dt > 3 && dt < 6;
boolean isUnsigned = dt == 0 || dt == 1;
ByteOrder byteOrder = dt == 1 || dt == 3 || dt == 5 ? ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
for(int i = 0; i < cl; i++) {
idBlock.sbc.position(so + i * bs + vo);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bits / 8);
double internal = 0;
if(isInteger) {
if(bits == 8) {
// isUnsigned ? short : byte
internal = isUnsigned ? byteBuffer.get() & 0xFF : byteBuffer.get();
} else if(bits == 16) {
// isUnsigned ? int : short
internal = isUnsigned ? byteBuffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF : byteBuffer.getShort();
} else if(bits == 32) {
// isUnsigned ? long : int
internal = isUnsigned ? byteBuffer.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFF : byteBuffer.getInt();
} else if(bits == 64) {
if(isUnsigned) {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"reading unsigned 64 bit integeres is not implemented");
// to support unsigned 64 bit, BigInteger has to be used -> performance costs
internal = byteBuffer.getLong();
} else {
String unsigned = isUnsigned ? "unsigned" : "signed";
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"customized reading of '" + bits + "' bit '"
+ unsigned + "' intergers is not implemented");
} else if(isReal) {
if(bits == 32) {
// ieee754 floating point
internal = byteBuffer.getFloat();
} else if(bits == 64) {
// ieee754 floating point
internal = byteBuffer.getDouble();
} else {
String unsigned = isUnsigned ? "unsigned" : "signed";
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"customized reading of '" + bits + "' bit '"
+ unsigned + "' real is not implemented");
} else {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"given value is neither an integer nor a real number");
double phys = (p[0]*Math.pow(internal, 2) + p[1]*internal + p[2])
/ (p[3]*Math.pow(internal, 2) + p[4]*internal + p[5]);
// switch to next block or escape
if (currdl == null) {
currblock = -1; // just a single data block
} else {
// search next block in list.
if (dlindex < currdl.getCount()) { // more blocks in list
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
} else {
// switch to next list, and start with first block?
if (currdl.getLnkDlNext() > 0) {
currdl = currdl.getDlNextBlock();
dlindex = 0;
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
} else {
currblock = -1;
// switch to next block or escape
if (currdl == null) {
currblock = -1; // just a single data block
} else {
// search next block in list.
if (dlindex < currdl.getCount()) { // more blocks in list
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
} else {
// switch to next list, and start with first block?
if (currdl.getLnkDlNext() > 0) {
currdl = currdl.getDlNextBlock();
dlindex = 0;
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
} else {
currblock = -1;
if(count < 0 || count != (int) count || count * 8 > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_IMPLEMENTATION_PROBLEM, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"value count exceeded max supported block size supported by ODS");
// values have been calculated and written to an external file
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "ec");
ins.setStringVal("iname", "ec_custom_rat_conv");
ins.setLongVal("cl", (int) count);
ins.setEnumVal("vt", 6); // ieeefloat8 (little endian; 11 would be big endian)
ins.setLongLongVal("so", startOffset);
ins.setLongVal("bs", (int) count * 8);
ins.setLongVal("vb", (int) count);
ins.setLongVal("vo", 0);
ins.setStringVal("fl", customRatConfPath.getFileName().toString());
ins.setLongLongVal("lc", iidLc);