blob: 22f723e71b8ce664aa171664040e95084b41bfd2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.asam.ods.AoException;
import org.asam.ods.InstanceElement;
import org.asam.ods.InstanceElementIterator;
import org.asam.ods.Relationship;
* Helper class to convert the MDF lookup tables to a ASAM ODS 'AoMeasurement'.
* @author Christian Rechner
public class LookupTableHelper {
private final Map<String, Integer> nameCount = new HashMap<>();
// the cached lookup instance element
private long lookupMeaIid = -1L;
private synchronized void createMeasurmentIfNeeded(ODSModelCache modelCache, InstanceElement ieMea)
throws AoException {
// create 'AoMeasurement' instance (if not yet existing)
if (lookupMeaIid == -1L) {
// lookup parent 'AoTest' instance
InstanceElementIterator iter = ieMea.getRelatedInstancesByRelationship(Relationship.FATHER, "*");
InstanceElement ieTst = iter.nextOne();
long iidTst = ODSHelper.asJLong(ieTst.getId());
* String meaName = ieMea.getName() + "_lookup"; this.lookupMeaIe =
* aeMea.createInstance(meaName);
* this.lookupMeaIe.setValue(ODSHelper.createStringNVU("mt",
* "application/x-asam.aomeasurement.lookup"));
* this.lookupMeaIe.setValue(ieMea.getValue("date_created"));
* this.lookupMeaIe.setValue(ieMea.getValue("mea_begin"));
* this.lookupMeaIe.setValue(ieMea.getValue("mea_end"));
* this.lookupMeaIe.createRelation(relMeaTst, ieTst);
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "mea");
ins.setStringVal("iname", ieMea.getName() + "_lookup");
ins.setStringVal("mt", "application/x-asam.aomeasurement.lookup");
ins.setLongLongVal("tst", iidTst);
lookupMeaIid = ins.execute();
public synchronized long createValueToValueTable(ODSModelCache modelCache, InstanceElement ieMea,
InstanceElement ieLc, double[] keys, double[] values, boolean interpolate) throws AoException, IOException {
return createTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, null, values, null, 7, 7, interpolate);
} // 4,5
public synchronized long createValueRangeToValueTable(ODSModelCache modelCache, InstanceElement ieMea,
InstanceElement ieLc, double[] minKeys, double[] maxKeys, double[] values, double defaultValue)
throws AoException, IOException {
return createTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, minKeys, maxKeys, values, defaultValue, 7, 7, true);
} // 6
public synchronized long createValueToTextTable(ODSModelCache modelCache, InstanceElement ieMea,
InstanceElement ieLc, double[] keys, String[] values, String defaultValue) throws AoException, IOException {
return createTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, null, values, defaultValue, 7, 1, true);
} // 7
public synchronized long createValueRangeToTextTable(ODSModelCache modelCache, InstanceElement ieMea,
InstanceElement ieLc, double[] minKeys, double[] maxKeys, String[] values, String defaultValue)
throws AoException, IOException {
return createTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, minKeys, maxKeys, values, defaultValue, 7, 1, true);
} // 8
public synchronized long createTextToValueTable(ODSModelCache modelCache, InstanceElement ieMea,
InstanceElement ieLc, String[] keys, double[] values, double defaultValue) throws AoException, IOException {
return createTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, null, values, defaultValue, 1, 7, true);
} // 9
public synchronized long createTextToTextTable(ODSModelCache modelCache, InstanceElement ieMea,
InstanceElement ieLc, String[] keys, String[] values, String defaultValue) throws AoException, IOException {
return createTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, null, values, defaultValue, 1, 1, true);
} // 10
* This is a general function for creating lookup Measurements in an
* ODS-File.
* @param modelCache
* The ODS MOdel Cache
* @param ieMea
* Measurement instance
* @param ieLc
* LocalColumn instance
* @param keys
* The Keys or the lowerKeys of a Range as String[] or double[]
* @param keysMax
* The upper limits of a Range as double[], if this is null, only
* the normal keys are used as keys.
* @param values
* The values for the lookup as String[] or double[]
* @param defaultValue
* The default value of this conversion, String or double.
* @param keysType
* 7 if the keys are double (keys instanceof double[]) values. 1
* if the keys are Strings (keys instanceof String[]).
* @param valueType
* 7 if the values are double values. 1 if the values are
* Strings.
* @param interpolate
* only used for conversion 4 and 5 in MDF4, specifies if
* interpolation will be done. Value not used for other lookup
* tables.
* @return The ID of the SubMatrix with the Previews.
* @throws AoException
private long createTable(ODSModelCache modelCache, InstanceElement ieMea, InstanceElement ieLc, Object keys,
Object keysMax, Object values, Object defaultValue, int keysType, int valueType, boolean interpolate)
throws AoException {
String lcName = ieLc.getName();
Integer count = nameCount.get(lcName);
if (count == null) {
count = Integer.valueOf(0);
} else {
count = Integer.valueOf(count.intValue() + 1);
nameCount.put(lcName, count);
lcName = count.intValue() > 0 ? lcName + "_" + count : lcName;
createMeasurmentIfNeeded(modelCache, ieMea);
// create 'AoSubMatrix' instance
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "sm");
ins.setStringVal("iname", lcName);
// Get MIME Type. See HighQSoft Guideline
String mimeType = "application/x-asam.aosubmatrix.lookup.";
if (keysType == 7 && valueType == 7 && keysMax == null) { // use
// interpolate
// value for
// conv. 4/5
mimeType += "value_value_";
mimeType += interpolate ? "with_interpolation" : "without_interpolation";
} else {
mimeType += "value_";
mimeType += (keysMax == null && valueType != 1 ? "" : "range_") + "to_"; // range
// and
// text
// conversions
// with
// "_range"
// mimeType += (valueType == 7 ? "value" : "text");
mimeType += keysType == 1 || valueType == 1 ? "text" : "value"; // According
// to
// HighQSoft
ins.setStringVal("mt", mimeType);
if (valueType == 7) {
ins.setLongVal("rows", ((double[]) values).length);
} else {
ins.setLongVal("rows", ((String[]) values).length);
// set Relations, to measurement
ins.setLongLongVal("mea", lookupMeaIid);
long iidSm = ins.execute();
String nameExtension = keysMax == null ? "" : "_min";
// create 'AoMeasurementQuantity' instance for key (or key min)
ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "meq");
ins.setStringVal("iname", lcName + "_key" + nameExtension);
ins.setStringVal("mt", "application/x-asam.aomeasurementquantity.lookup.key" + nameExtension);
ins.setEnumVal("dt", keysType);
ins.setLongLongVal("mea", lookupMeaIid);
long iidMeq = ins.execute();
// create 'AoLocalColumn' instance for key (or key min)
ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "lc");
ins.setStringVal("iname", lcName + "_key" + nameExtension);
ins.setStringVal("mt", "application/x-asam.aolocalcolumn.lookup.key" + nameExtension);
ins.setEnumVal("srp", ODSHelper.getEnumVal(ieLc.getValue("srp")));
ins.setDoubleSeq("par", ODSHelper.getDoubleSeq(ieLc.getValue("par")));
ins.setShortVal("idp", (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("glb", (short) 15);
ins.setEnumVal("axistype", 0);
if (keysType == 7) {
ins.setDoubleSeq("val", (double[]) keys);
} else {
ins.setStringSeq("val", (String[]) keys);
ins.setLongLongVal("sm", iidSm);
ins.setLongLongVal("meq", iidMeq);
if (keysMax != null) {
// create 'AoMeasurementQuantity' instance for key max
ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "meq");
ins.setStringVal("iname", lcName + "_key_max");
ins.setStringVal("mt", "application/x-asam.aomeasurementquantity.lookup.key_max" + nameExtension);
ins.setEnumVal("dt", keysType);
ins.setLongLongVal("mea", lookupMeaIid);
iidMeq = ins.execute();
// create 'AoLocalColumn' instance for key max
ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "lc");
ins.setStringVal("iname", lcName + "_key_max");
ins.setStringVal("mt", "application/x-asam.aolocalcolumn.lookup.key_max");
ins.setEnumVal("srp", ODSHelper.getEnumVal(ieLc.getValue("srp")));
ins.setDoubleSeq("par", ODSHelper.getDoubleSeq(ieLc.getValue("par")));
ins.setShortVal("idp", (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("glb", (short) 15);
ins.setEnumVal("axistype", 0);
if (keysType == 7) {
ins.setDoubleSeq("val", (double[]) keysMax);
} else {
ins.setStringSeq("val", (String[]) keysMax);
ins.setLongLongVal("sm", iidSm);
ins.setLongLongVal("meq", iidMeq);
// create 'AoMeasurementQuantity' instance for value
ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "meq");
ins.setStringVal("iname", lcName + "_value");
ins.setStringVal("mt", "application/x-asam.aomeasurementquantity.lookup.value" + nameExtension);
ins.setEnumVal("dt", valueType);
ins.setLongLongVal("mea", lookupMeaIid);
iidMeq = ins.execute();
// create 'AoLocalColumn' instance for values
ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "lc");
ins.setStringVal("iname", lcName + "_value");
ins.setStringVal("mt", "application/x-asam.aolocalcolumn.lookup.value");
ins.setEnumVal("srp", 0);
ins.setShortVal("idp", (short) 0);
ins.setEnumVal("axistype", 1);
if (valueType == 7) {
ins.setDoubleSeq("val", (double[]) values);
ins.setShortVal("glb", (short) 15);
} else {
String[] strVals = (String[]) values;
String[] nonNullVals = new String[strVals.length];
short[] flags = new short[strVals.length];
boolean hasNotValid = false;
for (int i = 0; i < strVals.length; i++) {
nonNullVals[i] = strVals[i] == null ? "" : strVals[i];
flags[i] = nonNullVals[i].isEmpty() ? 0 : (short) 15;
hasNotValid |= flags[i] == 0;
ins.setStringSeq("val", nonNullVals);
if (hasNotValid) {
ins.setShortSeq("flg", flags);
} else {
ins.setShortVal("glb", (short) 15);
ins.setLongLongVal("sm", iidSm);
ins.setLongLongVal("meq", iidMeq);
if (defaultValue != null) {
// create 'AoLocalColumn' instance for default value
// NameValueUnit[] nvuLcDefValue = new NameValueUnit[6];
// nvuLcDefValue[0] = ODSHelper.createStringNVU("mt",
// "application/x-asam.aolocalcolumn.lookup.default_value");
// nvuLcDefValue[1] = ODSHelper.createEnumNVU("srp", 1);
// nvuLcDefValue[2] = ODSHelper.createShortNVU("idp", (short) 0);
// nvuLcDefValue[3] = ODSHelper.createShortNVU("glb", (short) 15);
// nvuLcDefValue[4] = ODSHelper.createEnumNVU("axistype", 1);
// nvuLcDefValue[5] = ODSHelper.createStringSeqNVU("val", new
// String[] { defaultValue });
// InstanceElement ieLcDefValue = aeLc.createInstance(lcName +
// "_default_value");
// ieLcDefValue.setValueSeq(nvuLcDefValue);
// ieSm.createRelation(relSmLc, ieLcDefValue);
// create 'AoMeasurementQuantity' instance for default value
// InstanceElement ieMeqDefValue = aeMeq.createInstance(lcName +
// "_default_value");
// ieMeqDefValue.setValue(ODSHelper.createStringNVU("mt",
// "application/x-asam.aomeasurementquantity.lookup.default_value"));
// ieMeqDefValue.setValue(ODSHelper.createEnumNVU("dt", 1));
// this.lookupMeaIe.createRelation(relMeaMeq, ieMeqDefValue);
// ieLcDefValue.createRelation(relLcMeq, ieMeqDefValue);
return iidSm;