blob: 30c3919b0abb427b4fe9b1dc63b687215d9989c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.mdf4;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.asam.ods.AoException;
import org.asam.ods.ApplicationElement;
import org.asam.ods.ApplicationRelation;
import org.asam.ods.ErrorCode;
import org.asam.ods.InstanceElement;
import org.asam.ods.NameValueUnit;
import org.asam.ods.SeverityFlag;
import org.asam.ods.TS_Union;
import org.asam.ods.TS_Value;
import org.asam.ods.T_ExternalReference;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.ConvertException;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.BitInputStream;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.ConfigurationHelper;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.FileUtil;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.LookupTableHelper;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.ODSHelper;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.ODSInsertStatement;
import org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util.ODSModelCache;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Main class for writing the MDF4 file content into an ASAM ODS session backed
* by an ATFX file.
* @author Christian Rechner
public class AoSessionWriter
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AoSessionWriter.class);
private static final int FLAGS_BUFFER_SIZE = 1_000_000;
private static final int MAX_RECORDS_PER_FLAGS_READ = 1000;
private static final String ENDING_TEXTTABLE = ".texttable";
private static final String ENDING_LINEAR = ".linear";
/** The number format having 5 digits used for count formatting */
private final NumberFormat countFormat;
/** The XML parser object used for parsing the embedded XML contents */
private final MDF4XMLParser xmlParser;
/** helper class for lookup tables */
private final LookupTableHelper lookupTableHelper;
/** helper class for previews */
private PreviewHelper previewHelper;
// Properties
// replace channel name characters '[' with '{' and ']' with '}'
private boolean replaceSquareBrackets; // default = false
// whether to use the file name as AoMeasurement name, if false, property
// value of 'result_name' is used
private boolean useFileNameAsResultName = true; // default = true
// the name of the created AoMeasurement (only used if
// use_file_name_as_result_name=false)
private String resultName = "Messdaten"; // default = "Messdaten"
// the name suffix of the created AoMeasurement, e.g. if suffix='_123' then
// 'test.mf4' will be converted to 'test_123.mf4'
private String resultSuffix = ""; // default = null
// the mimetype of the created AoMeasurement
private String resultMimeType = "application/x-asam.aomeasurement.timeseries"; // default
// =
// "application/x-asam.aomeasurement.timeseries"
// whether to add a reference to the original file to the AoMeasurement
// instance
private boolean addMDF3FileAsResultAttachment; // default = false
private boolean skipScaleConversionChannels = false;
private boolean skipUINT64Channels = false;
// skip channels with DT_BYTESTR
// remove this once it is save to import channels with byte stream data
private boolean skipByteStreamChannels = false;
private boolean writeFlagsFile = true;
private Path flagFile = null;
private boolean readOnlyHeader = false;
private Path customRatConfPath;
// skip empty channels
private boolean skipEmptyChannels = false;
private boolean skipExtraConversionChannels = false;
private boolean attachLinks2Tsts = false;
private boolean copyToSub = false;
private boolean ignoreATBLOCKs = false;
private Map<Long, Long> arraySubMatrixIDsByNrOfValues = new HashMap<>();
* Constructor.
public AoSessionWriter()
xmlParser = new MDF4XMLParser();
countFormat = new DecimalFormat("00000");
lookupTableHelper = new LookupTableHelper();
previewHelper = new PreviewHelper();
* Appends the content of the MDF4 file to the ASAM ODS session.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param idBlock
* @param props
* Map with additional attributes to be set.
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
public void writeTst(ODSModelCache modelCache, IDBLOCK idBlock, Properties props) throws AoException, IOException
Path fileName = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().getFileName();
if (fileName == null)
throw new IOException("Unable to obtain file name!");
if (props != null)
// replace channel name characters '[' with '{' and ']' with '}'
if (props.containsKey("replace_square_brackets"))
// default = false
replaceSquareBrackets = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("replace_square_brackets"));
// whether to use the file name as AoMeasurement name, if false,
// property value of 'result_name' is used
if (props.containsKey("use_file_name_as_result_name"))
// default = true
useFileNameAsResultName = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("use_file_name_as_result_name"));
// the name of the created AoMeasurement (only used if
// use_file_name_as_result_name=false)
if (props.containsKey("result_name"))
// default = Messdaten
resultName = props.getProperty("result_name");
// the name suffix of the created AoMeasurement, e.g. if
// suffix='_123' then 'test.mf4' will be converted to
// 'test_123.mf4'
if (props.containsKey("result_suffix"))
// default = null
resultSuffix = props.getProperty("result_suffix");
// the mimetype of the created AoMeasurement
if (props.containsKey("result_mimetype"))
// default = application/x-asam.aomeasurement.timeseries
resultMimeType = props.getProperty("result_mimetype");
// whether to add a reference to the original file to the
// AoMeasurement instance
if (props.containsKey("attach_source_files"))
// default = false
addMDF3FileAsResultAttachment = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("attach_source_files"));
if (props.containsKey("read_only_header"))
readOnlyHeader = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("read_only_header"));
if (props.containsKey("skip_scale_conversion_channels"))
skipScaleConversionChannels = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("skip_scale_conversion_channels"));
if (props.containsKey("skip_uint64_data_channels"))
skipUINT64Channels = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("skip_uint64_data_channels"));
if (props.containsKey("skip_byte_stream_channels"))
skipByteStreamChannels = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("skip_byte_stream_channels"));
if (props.containsKey("write_flags_file"))
writeFlagsFile = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("write_flags_file"));
if (props.containsKey("skip_empty_channels"))
skipEmptyChannels = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("skip_empty_channels"));
if (props.containsKey("attachments_to_tst"))
attachLinks2Tsts = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("attachments_to_tst"));
if (props.containsKey("export_to_subfolder"))
copyToSub = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("export_to_subfolder"));
if (props.containsKey("$${ignore_attachments}"))
ignoreATBLOCKs = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("$${ignore_attachments}"));
if (props.containsKey("comment_replacement_strings")) {
String replacementStrings = props.getProperty("comment_replacement_strings");
ConfigurationHelper configHelper = ConfigurationHelper.getInstance();
if (props.containsKey("skip_extra_conversion_channels")) {
skipExtraConversionChannels = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("skip_extra_conversion_channels"));
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "tst");
ins.setStringVal("iname", FileUtil.stripExtension(fileName.toString()));
ins.setStringVal("mdf_file_id", idBlock.getIdFile());
ins.setStringVal("mdf_version_str", idBlock.getIdVers());
ins.setLongVal("mdf_version", idBlock.getIdVer());
ins.setStringVal("mdf_program", idBlock.getIdProg());
ins.setLongVal("mdf_unfin_flags", idBlock.getIdUnfinFlags());
ins.setLongVal("mdf_custom_unfin_flags", idBlock.getIdCustomUnfinFlags());
// write properties
if (props != null)
MDF4Util.writeProperites(ins, props);
// set Relations, to environment
ins.setLongLongVal("env", 1L);
long iidTst = ins.execute();
// write 'AoMeasurement' instance
writeMea(modelCache, iidTst, idBlock);
catch (AoException | IOException e)
// make sure file with manually calculated values is deleted in case
// of errors
if (customRatConfPath != null && Files.exists(customRatConfPath))
catch (IOException e2)
LOG.warn("failed to delete file with manually calculated values: '" + customRatConfPath + "'", e2);
if (flagFile != null && Files.exists(flagFile))
catch (IOException e2)
LOG.warn("failed to delete file with exported flags: '" + flagFile + "'", e2);
// preserve origin error
throw e;
* Appends the content of the MDF4 file to the ASAM ODS session.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param ieTst
* The parent 'AoTest' instance.
* @param idBlock
* @return The created AoMeasurement instance.
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private void writeMea(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidTst, IDBLOCK idBlock) throws AoException, IOException
Path fileName = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().getFileName();
if (fileName == null)
throw new IOException("Unable to obtain file name!");
// create "AoMeasurement" instance
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "mea");
String mrName = null;
if (useFileNameAsResultName)
mrName = FileUtil.getResultName(fileName.toString(), resultSuffix);
mrName = resultName + resultSuffix;
ins.setStringVal("iname", mrName);
LOG.debug("MeaResult name: " + mrName);
ins.setStringVal("mt", resultMimeType);
if (addMDF3FileAsResultAttachment)
ins.setExtRefVal("attachment", new T_ExternalReference("original MDF-File", "", fileName.toString()));
// meta information
HDBLOCK hdBlock = idBlock.getHDBlock();
BLOCK block = hdBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (block instanceof TXBLOCK)
ins.setStringVal("desc", ((TXBLOCK) block).getTxData());
else if (block instanceof MDBLOCK)
xmlParser.writeHDCommentToMea(ins, ((MDBLOCK) block).getMdData());
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTimeInMillis(hdBlock.getStartTimeNs() / 1000000);
if (!hdBlock.isLocalTime() && hdBlock.isTimeFlagsValid())
{ // UTC time
// given,
// calc
// local
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, hdBlock.getTzOffsetMin());
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, hdBlock.getDstOffsetMin());
ins.setDateVal("date_created", ODSHelper.asODSDate(cal.getTime()));
ins.setDateVal("mea_begin", ODSHelper.asODSDate(cal.getTime()));
ins.setLongLongVal("start_time_ns", hdBlock.getStartTimeNs());
ins.setShortVal("local_time", hdBlock.isLocalTime() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("time_offsets_valid", hdBlock.isTimeFlagsValid() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("tz_offset_min", hdBlock.getTzOffsetMin());
ins.setShortVal("dst_offset_min", hdBlock.getDstOffsetMin());
ins.setEnumVal("time_quality_class", hdBlock.getTimeClass());
ins.setShortVal("start_angle_valid", hdBlock.isStartAngleValid() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("start_distance_valid", hdBlock.isStartDistanceValid() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setDoubleVal("start_angle_rad", hdBlock.getStartAngleRad());
ins.setDoubleVal("start_distance_m", hdBlock.getStartDistanceM());
// write attachments (ATBLOCK)
if (!ignoreATBLOCKs && hdBlock.getLnkAtFirst() > 0)
Path root = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().getParent();
String name = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().getFileName().toString().replaceAll("\\.[^.]+", "");
T_ExternalReference[] extRefs = hdBlock.getAtFirstBlock().toExtRefs(root, copyToSub ? name : "");
if (attachLinks2Tsts)
NameValueUnit nvu = ODSHelper.createExtRefSeqNVU("attachments", extRefs);
ins.setExtRefSeq("attachments", extRefs);
// set Relations, to test
ins.setLongLongVal("tst", iidTst);
long iidMea = ins.execute();
// write file history (FHBLOCK)
Long[] iidFh = writeFh(modelCache, iidTst, hdBlock);
// write channel hierarchy (CHBLOCK): not yet supported!
if (hdBlock.getLnkChFirst() > 0)
LOG.warn("Found CHBLOCK, currently not yet supported!");
if (!readOnlyHeader)
writeEv(modelCache, iidTst, iidFh, hdBlock);
// write submatrices
Map<String, Integer> meqNames = new HashMap<>();
writeSm(modelCache, iidMea, idBlock, hdBlock, meqNames);
* Writes the content of all FHBLOCKS (file history) to the session.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param ieTst
* The parent 'AoTest' instance.
* @param hdBlock
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private Long[] writeFh(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidTst, HDBLOCK hdBlock) throws AoException, IOException
int no = 1;
FHBLOCK fhBlock = hdBlock.getFhFirstBlock();
List<Long> iids = new LinkedList<Long>();
while (fhBlock != null)
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "fh");
ins.setStringVal("iname", "fh_" + countFormat.format(no));
// meta information
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTimeInMillis(fhBlock.getStartTimeNs() / 1000000);
if (!fhBlock.isLocalTime() && fhBlock.isTimeFlagsValid())
{ // UTC
// time
// given,
// calc
// local
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, fhBlock.getTzOffsetMin());
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, fhBlock.getDstOffsetMin());
ins.setNameValueUnit(ODSHelper.createDateNVU("date", ODSHelper.asODSDate(cal.getTime())));
ins.setLongLongVal("start_time_ns", fhBlock.getStartTimeNs());
ins.setShortVal("local_time", fhBlock.isLocalTime() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("time_offsets_valid", fhBlock.isTimeFlagsValid() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0);
ins.setShortVal("tz_offset_min", fhBlock.getTzOffsetMin());
ins.setShortVal("dst_offset_min", fhBlock.getDstOffsetMin());
if (fhBlock.getLnkMdComment() != 0)
xmlParser.writeFHCommentToFh(ins, fhBlock.getMdCommentBlock().getMdData());
// set Relations.
ins.setLongLongVal("tst", iidTst);
fhBlock = fhBlock.getFhNextBlock();
return iids.toArray(new Long[0]);
* Writes the content of all EVBLOCKS (event) to the session.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param ieTst
* The parent 'AoTest' instance.
* @param hdBlock
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private void writeEv(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidTst, Long[] iidFh, HDBLOCK hdBlock)
throws AoException, IOException
int no = 1;
EVBLOCK evBlock = hdBlock.getEvFirstBlock();
while (evBlock != null)
if (evBlock.getLnkEvParent() != 0)
LOG.warn("Event Hirachy not supported.");
if (evBlock.getLnkEvRange() != 0)
LOG.warn("Event Range not supported.");
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "ev");
if ((name = evBlock.getEvTxNameBlock()) != null)
ins.setStringVal("iname", name.getTxData());
ins.setStringVal("iname", "ev_" + countFormat.format(no));
// Get Descpription from XMLComment block
BLOCK mdblock = evBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (mdblock != null)
if (mdblock instanceof MDBLOCK)
xmlParser.writeEVCommentToEv(ins, ((MDBLOCK) mdblock).getMdData());
else if (mdblock instanceof TXBLOCK)
ins.setStringVal("desc", ((TXBLOCK) mdblock).getTxData());
ins.setEnumVal("type", evBlock.getType());
// System.out.println("Synctype: "+evBlock.getSyncType());
ins.setEnumVal("sync_type", evBlock.getSyncType());
ins.setEnumVal("range_type", evBlock.getRangeType());
ins.setEnumVal("cause", evBlock.getCause());
ins.setShortVal("flags", evBlock.getFlags());
ins.setDoubleVal("sync_val", evBlock.getSyncValue());
// set Relations.
ins.setLongLongVal("tst", iidTst);
if (evBlock.getCreatorIndex() < iidFh.length && evBlock.getCreatorIndex() >= 0)
ins.setLongLongVal("creator", iidFh[evBlock.getCreatorIndex()]);
evBlock = evBlock.getEvNextBlock();
* Write the instances of 'AoSubMatrix'.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param iidMea
* The ID of the Parent Measurement.
* @param idBlock
* @param hdBlock
* @param meqNames
* Map with existing MeasurmentQuantities and their IDs.
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
public void writeSm(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidMea, IDBLOCK idBlock, HDBLOCK hdBlock,
Map<String, Integer> meqNames) throws AoException, IOException
Map<String, Long> meqInstances = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map<String, Long> untInstances = new HashMap<String, Long>();
// iterate over data group blocks
int grpNo = 1;
DGBLOCK dgBlock = hdBlock.getDgFirstBlock();
while (dgBlock != null)
// if sorted, only one channel group block is available
CGBLOCK cgBlock = dgBlock.getCgFirstBlock();
if (cgBlock != null && cgBlock.getLnkCgNext() > 0)
throw new IOException(
"Only 'sorted' MDF4 files are supported, found 'unsorted' data! [DGBLOCK=" + dgBlock + "]");
// skip channel groups having no channels (or optionally no values)
boolean skipNoValues = skipEmptyChannels && cgBlock.getCycleCount() < 1;
if (cgBlock != null && !skipNoValues)
// check flags (not yet supported)
if (cgBlock.isBusEventChannel())
throw new IOException("Bus event data currently not supported! [DGBLOCK=" + dgBlock + "]");
// create SubMatrix instance
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "sm");
String smName = "sm_" + countFormat.format(grpNo);
ins.setStringVal("iname", smName);
LOG.debug("SubMatrix name: " + smName);
// write CGComment
BLOCK mdblock = cgBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (mdblock != null)
if (mdblock instanceof MDBLOCK)
xmlParser.writeCGCommentToCg(ins, ((MDBLOCK) mdblock).getMdData());
else if (mdblock instanceof TXBLOCK)
ins.setStringVal("desc", ((TXBLOCK) mdblock).getTxData());
// write DGComment
mdblock = dgBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (mdblock != null)
if (mdblock instanceof MDBLOCK)
xmlParser.writeDGCommentToCg(ins, ((MDBLOCK) mdblock).getMdData());
else if (mdblock instanceof TXBLOCK)
ins.setStringVal("dg_desc", ((TXBLOCK) mdblock).getTxData());
TXBLOCK txAcqName = cgBlock.getTxAcqNameBlock();
if (txAcqName != null)
ins.setStringVal("acq_name", txAcqName.getTxData());
SIBLOCK siAcqSource = cgBlock.getSiAcqSourceBlock();
if (siAcqSource != null)
writeSiBlock(ins, siAcqSource);
ins.setLongVal("rows", (int) cgBlock.getCycleCount());
// Relation to measurement
ins.setLongLongVal("mea", iidMea);
long iidSm = ins.execute();
ApplicationElement aeMea = modelCache.getApplicationElement("mea");
InstanceElement ieMea = aeMea.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidMea));
// write instances of
// AoMeasurementQuantity,AoLocalColumn,AoExternalReference
Map<String, Integer> mapMeq = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
SRBLOCK srBlock = cgBlock.getSrFirstBlock();
long[] iidPrevSm = previewHelper.createPreviewSubMatrices(ieMea, srBlock);
writeLc(modelCache, iidMea, iidSm, iidPrevSm, idBlock, dgBlock, cgBlock, mapMeq, meqInstances, untInstances,
dgBlock = dgBlock.getDgNextBlock();
* Write the instances of 'AoLocalColumn' and 'AoMeasurementQuantity'.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param ieMea
* The parent 'AoMeasurement' instance.
* @param ieSm
* The parent 'AoSubMatrix' instance.
* @param dgBlock
* @param cgBlock
* @param srBlock
* Possible SRBLOCK (can be null)
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private void writeLc(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidMea, long iidSm, long[] iidPrevSm, IDBLOCK idBlock,
DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock, Map<String, Integer> meqNames, Map<String, Long> meqInstances,
Map<String, Long> untInstances, SRBLOCK srBlock) throws AoException, IOException
// Performance?
ApplicationElement aeMea = modelCache.getApplicationElement("mea");
ApplicationElement aeLc = modelCache.getApplicationElement("lc");
ApplicationElement aeSm = modelCache.getApplicationElement("sm");
ApplicationRelation relLcSmLookup = modelCache.getApplicationRelation("lc", "sm", "LookupTable");
ApplicationRelation relLcSmPrev = modelCache.getApplicationRelation("lc", "sm", "Previews");
// iterate over channel blocks
CNBLOCK cnBlock = cgBlock.getCnFirstBlock();
List<String> channelNamesToSkip = getChannelNamesToSkip(cnBlock);
while (cnBlock != null)
// build signal name
String meqName = readMeqName(cnBlock).trim();
// skip channel if configured
if (channelNamesToSkip.contains(meqName))
LOG.debug("Skipping channel " + meqName);
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
LOG.debug("CNBLOCK=" + cnBlock);
if ((cnBlock.getFlags() & 0x02) != 0 && cnBlock.getInvalBitPos() > 0)
if (writeFlagsFile)
// NOTE: flags are exported within writeEc()!
"channel with invalid values found, " + "export flags into separate file [CNBLOCK=" + cnBlock + "]");
LOG.debug("skipping channel with invalid values [CNBLOCK=" + cnBlock + "]");
// TODO cn_at_reference: attachments
if (cnBlock.getLnkAtReference().length > 0)
LOG.warn("Found channel 'cn_at_reference'>0, not yet supported ");
// replace channel names (concerto invalid characters)
if (replaceSquareBrackets)
meqName = meqName.replaceAll("\\[", "{");
meqName = meqName.replaceAll("\\]", "}");
LOG.debug("Channel name: " + meqName);
// check for duplicate signal names and add suffix (except time
// channel)
if (cnBlock.getChannelType() == 0)
Integer noChannels = meqNames.get(meqName);
if (noChannels == null)
noChannels = 0;
meqNames.put(meqName, noChannels);
if (noChannels > 1)
meqName = meqName + "_" + noChannels;
CCBLOCK ccBlock = cnBlock.getCcConversionBlock();
// check whether channel has to be or shall be skipped
if (skipScaleConversionChannels && ccBlock != null && ccBlock.hasCCRefs())
{"Channel '" + meqName + "' with scale conversion rules in CCBlocks skipped: " + ccBlock);
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
else if (skipByteStreamChannels && 10 == cnBlock.getDataType())
// remove this block once it is save to import channels with
// byte stream data"Channel '" + meqName + "' with byte stream data skipped: " + ccBlock);
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
else if (10 == cnBlock.getDataType() && cnBlock.getLnkComposition() != 0)
{"Channel '" + meqName + "' with composed byte stream data skipped: " + ccBlock);
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
else if (64 == cnBlock.getBitCount()
&& (0 /* LEO */ == cnBlock.getDataType() || 1 /* BEO */ == cnBlock.getDataType()))
// UNSIGNED 64 bit: if cnBlock represents a time channel (sync_type ==
// 1)
// => it is considered save to interpret data as signed 64 bit
// => otherwise either fail or skip
if (1 != cnBlock.getSyncType())
// this is a data channel with 64 bit unsigned data; it is not
// possible to represent such data
// => either throw an error or skip channel
if (skipUINT64Channels)
{"Channel '" + meqName + "' with unsigned 64 bit data skipped: " + cnBlock);
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
throw new IOException("unable to write unsigned 64 bit data channel");
BLOCK compositionBlock = null;
if (cnBlock.getLnkComposition() != 0)
LOG.debug("Composition found!");
compositionBlock = cnBlock.getCompositionBlock();
// create instance of 'AoMeasurementQuantity' (if not yet existing)
Long iidMeq = meqInstances.get(meqName);
if (iidMeq == null)
iidMeq = createMeasurementQuantity(modelCache, cnBlock, ccBlock, compositionBlock, meqName, iidMea, null,
meqInstances.put(meqName, iidMeq);
// create 'AoLocalColumn' instance
long iidLc = createLocalColumn(modelCache, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock, ccBlock, compositionBlock, meqName, iidMea,
iidSm, iidMeq, iidPrevSm, null);
// relation to previews
if (iidPrevSm != null)
InstanceElement ieLc = aeLc.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidLc));
for (long element : iidPrevSm)
ieLc.createRelation(relLcSmPrev, aeSm.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(element)));
// create 'AoExternalComponent' instance (if not a string data type
// (6-9) or VLSD-Channel (Type ==1) or virtual master channel (Type == 3))
Boolean setGlobalFlag = null;
if (!(cnBlock.getDataType() >= 6 && cnBlock.getDataType() <= 9 || cnBlock.getChannelType() == 1
|| cnBlock.getChannelType() == 3))
setGlobalFlag = writeEc(modelCache, iidLc, idBlock, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock, ccBlock, compositionBlock,
dgBlock.getLnkData(), 0);
// set the global flag to the channel if returned by writeEc
if (setGlobalFlag != null)
InstanceElement ieLc = aeLc.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidLc));
TS_Union union = new TS_Union();
union.shortVal(Boolean.TRUE.equals(setGlobalFlag) ? (short) 15 : 0);
ieLc.setValue(new NameValueUnit("glb", new TS_Value(union, (short) 15), ""));
// create Table for Lookup conversion, if conversion type is 4 to 10
InstanceElement ieMea = aeMea.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidMea));
InstanceElement ieLc = aeLc.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidLc));
if (ccBlock != null && ccBlock.getType() >= 4 && ccBlock.getType() <= 10)
long iidLookup = createLookupTable(modelCache, ccBlock, ieMea, ieLc);
InstanceElement ieSmLookup = aeSm.getInstanceById(ODSHelper.asODSLongLong(iidLookup));
ieLc.createRelation(relLcSmLookup, ieSmLookup);
// create possible Sample Reduction Measurements
if (srBlock != null)
previewHelper.createPreviewChannels(meqName, idBlock, cgBlock, dgBlock, cnBlock, ccBlock, untInstances);
// jump to next channel
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
* If configured, remove the .texttable and .linear channels which may
* have been added by a special feature of ETAS' INCA application.
* Otherwise those conversions are redundantly created and multiplied.
* @param name
* @return
* @throws IOException
private List<String> getChannelNamesToSkip(CNBLOCK firstCnBlock) throws IOException
List<String> channelNames = new ArrayList<>();
if (!skipExtraConversionChannels)
return channelNames;
CNBLOCK cnBlock = firstCnBlock;
while (cnBlock != null)
cnBlock = cnBlock.getCnNextBlock();
List<String> namesToSkip = new ArrayList<>();
for (String currentName : channelNames)
String originalChannelName = null;
if (currentName.endsWith(ENDING_TEXTTABLE))
int index = currentName.indexOf(ENDING_TEXTTABLE);
originalChannelName = currentName.substring(0, index);
else if (currentName.endsWith(ENDING_LINEAR))
int index = currentName.indexOf(ENDING_LINEAR);
originalChannelName = currentName.substring(0, index);
if (originalChannelName != null && !originalChannelName.isEmpty() && channelNames.contains(originalChannelName))
return namesToSkip;
* Create and insert the actual MeasurementQuantity This function also creates
* the corresponding unit if it doesn't already exist.
* @param modelCache
* Cache with model Object
* @param cnBlock
* The Channel Block.
* @param ccBlock
* The Conversion Block.
* @param compositionBlock
* The composition Block, may be null.
* @param meqName
* The Name the Measurement will have.
* @param iidMea
* The ID of the Measurement this Quantity is related to.
* @param mimeType
* The MIME-Type of this MeasurementQuantity. if mimeType==null, no
* MIME-Type is set.
* @param untInstances
* Map that contains iids of all created units so far. Key is the name
* of the unit
* @return The ID of the created MeasurmentQuantity
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O-error occurs.
* @throws AoException
long createMeasurementQuantity(ODSModelCache modelCache, CNBLOCK cnBlock, CCBLOCK ccBlock, BLOCK compositionBlock,
String meqName, long iidMea, String mimeType, Map<String, Long> untInstances) throws IOException, AoException
int seqRep = getSeqRep(cnBlock, ccBlock);
double[] genParams = getGenerationParameters(ccBlock);
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "meq");
ins.setStringVal("iname", meqName);
// Write XML MetaData
BLOCK mdblock = cnBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (mdblock instanceof MDBLOCK)
xmlParser.writeCNCommentToMeq(ins, ((MDBLOCK) mdblock).getMdData());
else if (mdblock instanceof TXBLOCK)
ins.setStringVal("desc", ((TXBLOCK) mdblock).getTxData().trim());
// MIME-Type
if (mimeType != null)
ins.setStringVal("mt", mimeType);
boolean expandDataType = genParams != null && genParams.length > 0 && seqRep != 0 && seqRep != 7;
ins.setEnumVal("dt", getDataType(expandDataType, cnBlock, ccBlock));
if (ccBlock != null && ccBlock.isPhysicalRangeValid())
ins.setDoubleVal("min", ccBlock.getPhyRangeMin());
ins.setDoubleVal("max", ccBlock.getPhyRangeMax());
* // CEBLOCK (extension block) info CEBLOCK ceBlock = cnBlock.getCeblock();
* if (ceBlock != null && ceBlock.getCeBlockDim() != null) { CEBLOCK_DIM ext
* = ceBlock.getCeBlockDim(); ins.setLongVal("NumberOfModule",
* ext.getNumberOfModule()); ins.setLongLongVal("Address",
* ext.getAddress()); ins.setStringVal("DIMDescription",
* ext.getDescription()); ins.setStringVal("ECUIdent", ext.getEcuIdent()); }
* else if (ceBlock != null && ceBlock.getCeBlockVectorCAN() != null) {
* CEBLOCK_VectorCAN ext = ceBlock.getCeBlockVectorCAN();
* ins.setLongLongVal("CANIndex", ext.getCanIndex());
* ins.setLongLongVal("MessageId", ext.getMessageId());
* ins.setStringVal("MessageName", ext.getMessageName());
* ins.setStringVal("SenderName", ext.getSenderName()); }
ins.setLongLongVal("mea", iidMea);
SIBLOCK siBlock = cnBlock.getSiSourceBlock();
if (siBlock != null)
writeSiBlock(ins, siBlock);
// create 'AoUnit' instance if not yet existing
long uiid = writeUnit(modelCache, cnBlock, ccBlock, untInstances);
if (uiid != -1)
ins.setLongLongVal("unt", uiid);
// handle composition block and transform into according MeaQuantity
handleCompositionInfo(compositionBlock, ins);
return ins.execute();
* Handles composition of blocks. Only array composition is supported so far.
* @param compositionBlock
* The composition Block, may be null.
* @param ins
* the insert statement for a MeaQuantity
* @throws IOException
private void handleCompositionInfo(BLOCK compositionBlock, ODSInsertStatement ins) throws IOException
if (compositionBlock == null)
CABLOCK arrayCompositionBlock = null;
if (compositionBlock instanceof CNBLOCK)
throw new IOException("Channel Composition based on compact structures not yet supported!");
else if (compositionBlock instanceof CABLOCK)
LOG.debug("Array block for composition: [" + compositionBlock + "]");
arrayCompositionBlock = (CABLOCK) compositionBlock;
if (arrayCompositionBlock != null)
handleArrayComposition(arrayCompositionBlock, ins);
* Handles array compositions. The ods information on rank and dimension is
* read from the CABLOCK. Additionally the inverse layout flag has to be
* transferred as well, otherwise no client may correctly calculate the values
* from the tensor in this channel. This additional flag is not yet specified
* by ODS, but will be written as an application attribute 'columnOriented' to
* the MeaQuantity.
* @param arrayCompositionBlock
* @param ins
* the insert statement for a MeaQuantity
* @throws IOException
private void handleArrayComposition(CABLOCK arrayCompositionBlock, ODSInsertStatement ins) throws IOException
if (arrayCompositionBlock == null || ins == null)
// set the rank attribute of the MeaQuantity
int odsRank = arrayCompositionBlock.getNrOfDimensions();
ins.setLongVal(ODSModelCache.ATTR_NAME_MEAQU_RANK, odsRank);
// set the dimension attribute of the MeaQuantity
long[] longDimSizes = arrayCompositionBlock.getDimSizes();
int[] odsDimension = new int[longDimSizes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < longDimSizes.length; i++)
long currentDimSize = longDimSizes[i];
if (currentDimSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new IOException("Found dimension (index=" + i + ") in MDF with more values (" + currentDimSize
+ ") than can be handled by ODS!");
odsDimension[i] = (int) currentDimSize;
ins.setLongSeq(ODSModelCache.ATTR_NAME_MEAQU_DIMENSION, odsDimension);
// set the ColumnOriented attribute of the MeaQuantity
boolean odsInverseLayout = arrayCompositionBlock.isFlagSet(CABLOCK.FLAG_INVERSE_LAYOUT);
ins.setBooleanVal(ODSModelCache.ATTR_NAME_MEAQU_COL_ORIENTED_TENSOR, odsInverseLayout);
// TODO handle working points
// handle scaling axes
if (arrayCompositionBlock.isFlagSet(CABLOCK.FLAG_SCALING_AXIS_DEFINED))
if (arrayCompositionBlock.isFlagSet(CABLOCK.FLAG_FIXED_AXES))
// throw new IOException("Handling of fixed scaling axes for arrays is
// not yet implemented!");
// throw new IOException("Handling of variable scaling axes for arrays
// is not yet implemented!");
* Create and insert the actual LocalColumn.
* @param modelCache
* Cache with model Object
* @param dgBlock
* The Data Group Block.
* @param cgBlock
* The Channel Group Block.
* @param cnBlock
* The Channel Block.
* @param ccBlock
* The Conversion Block.
* @param compositionBlock
* The composition Block.
* @param lcName
* The Name the Local Column will have.
* @param iidMea
* The ID of the Measurement this LocalColumn's SubMatrix will be
* related to in case of array composition.
* @param iidMeq
* The ID of the SubMatrix this LocalColumn is related to.
* @param iidMeq
* The ID of the MeasurementQuantity this LocalColumn is related to.
* @param mimeType
* The MIME-Type of this MeasurementQuantity. if mimeType==null, no
* MIME-Type is set.
* @return The ID of the created MeasurmentQuantity
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O-error occurs.
* @throws AoException
long createLocalColumn(ODSModelCache modelCache, DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock, CNBLOCK cnBlock, CCBLOCK ccBlock,
BLOCK compositionBlock, String lcName, long iidMea, long iidSm, long iidMeq, long[] iidPrevSm, String mimeType)
throws IOException, AoException
int seqRep = getSeqRep(cnBlock, ccBlock);
double[] genParams = getGenerationParameters(ccBlock);
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "lc");
ins.setStringVal("iname", lcName);
// MIME-Type
if (mimeType != null)
ins.setStringVal("mt", mimeType);
// global flag
ins.setShortVal("glb", (short) 15);
// sequence_representation: string channels cannot be referenced in ASAM
// ODS: read and write external
if (cnBlock.getDataType() >= 6 && cnBlock.getDataType() <= 9 && cnBlock.getChannelType() != 1)
{ // 6 To 9:
// Datatype
// String
String[] stringDataValues = readStringDataValues(dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock);
ins.setEnumVal("srp", 0);
ins.setNameValueUnit(ODSHelper.createStringSeqNVU("val", stringDataValues));"Unable to reference into MDF4, extracting string values. [Channel=" + lcName + "]");
else if (cnBlock.getChannelType() == 1)
// Read VLSDChannel values.
ins.setEnumVal("srp", 0);"Variable Length Channel! [Channel=" + lcName + "]");
insertVLSDValues(ins, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock);
ins.setEnumVal("srp", seqRep);
// independent flag
short idp = cnBlock.getSyncType() > 0 ? (short) 1 : (short) 0;
ins.setShortVal("idp", idp);
// generation parameters
ins.setDoubleSeq("par", genParams);
// raw_datatype
int valueType = getValueType(cnBlock);
int rawDataType = getRawDataTypeForValueType(valueType, cnBlock);
ins.setEnumVal("rdt", rawDataType);
// axistype
int axistype = cnBlock.getSyncType() == 0 ? 1 : 0;
ins.setEnumVal("axistype", axistype);
// minimum/maximum
if (cnBlock.isValueRangeValid())
ins.setDoubleVal("min", cnBlock.getValRangeMin());
ins.setDoubleVal("max", cnBlock.getValRangeMax());
// identify the actual SubMatrix to connect to
long actualSubMatrixId = identifySubMatrixIdToConnect(modelCache, cgBlock, compositionBlock, iidSm, iidMea);
// relation to submatrix
ins.setLongLongVal("sm", actualSubMatrixId);
ins.setLongLongVal("meq", iidMeq);
long iidLc = ins.execute();
return iidLc;
* For array composition, the nrOfValues for the SubMatrix has to be
* corrected. An according array channel will have the following length:
* cycleCount * dimSize1 * ... * dimSizeN Therefore a new SubMatrix with this
* nrOfRows may have to be created. If one with this length was already
* created, its ID is returned. If no composition was passed, the original
* SubMatrix ID is returned.
* @param modelCache
* Cache with model Objects.
* @param cgBlock
* @param compositionBlock
* The composition Block.
* @param originalSmId
* If compositionBlock is null, this ID will be returned.
* @param iidMea
* The measurement ID to connect a newly created SubMatrix to.
* @return SubMatrix ID to be used for the LocalColumn, for which this method
* was called.
* @throws AoException
private long identifySubMatrixIdToConnect(ODSModelCache modelCache, CGBLOCK cgBlock, BLOCK compositionBlock,
long originalSmId, long iidMea) throws AoException
long actualSubMatrixId = originalSmId;
if (compositionBlock instanceof CABLOCK && iidMea > 0)
long smNrOfValues = cgBlock.getCycleCount();
long[] dimSizes = ((CABLOCK) compositionBlock).getDimSizes();
for (long dimSize : dimSizes)
smNrOfValues *= dimSize;
Long existingArraySubmatrixId = arraySubMatrixIDsByNrOfValues.get(smNrOfValues);
if (existingArraySubmatrixId == null)
// create array SubMatrix instance
ODSInsertStatement smIns = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "sm");
String smName = "sm_arrays_" + smNrOfValues;
smIns.setStringVal("iname", smName);
LOG.debug("SubMatrix name: " + smName);
smIns.setLongVal("rows", (int) smNrOfValues);
// Relation to measurement
smIns.setLongLongVal("mea", iidMea);
actualSubMatrixId = smIns.execute();
arraySubMatrixIDsByNrOfValues.put(smNrOfValues, actualSubMatrixId);
actualSubMatrixId = existingArraySubmatrixId;
return actualSubMatrixId;
* Read values from an VLSD-Channel and write them directly to file.
* @param ins
* The Insertstatement to use.
* @param cnBlock
* The VLSD-Channel
* @throws IOException
private void insertVLSDValues(ODSInsertStatement ins, DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock, CNBLOCK cnBlock)
throws IOException
BLOCK blk = cnBlock.getDataBlock();
if (blk == null)
// assume empty SDBLOCK
ins.setNameValueUnit(ODSHelper.createStringSeqNVU("val", new String[0]));
else if (!(blk instanceof SDBLOCK))
throw new RuntimeException("Found VLSD Block with no valid signal data.");
SDBLOCK sdBlock = (SDBLOCK) blk;
// start Reading the values.
SeekableByteChannel sbc = cnBlock.sbc;
long recordSize = dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cgBlock.getDataBytes() + cgBlock.getInvalBytes();
long recStart = dgBlock.getLnkData() + 24L;
long[] offsets = new long[(int) cgBlock.getCycleCount()];
long valueBitSize = cnBlock.getBitCount() + cnBlock.getBitOffset();
int valueByteSize = (int) (valueBitSize % 8 == 0 ? valueBitSize / 8 : valueBitSize / 8 + 1);
long offset = cnBlock.getByteOffset();
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(valueByteSize);
// iterate over records and read offsets
long pos = recStart;
for (int i = 0; i < cgBlock.getCycleCount(); i++)
// read offset
sbc.position(pos + offset);;
offsets[i] = MDF4Util.readValue(cnBlock.getBitOffset(), (int) cnBlock.getBitCount(), bb);
pos += recordSize;
// read data
// iterate over records
ByteBuffer signals = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) (sdBlock.getLength() - 24));
long signalpos = cnBlock.getLnkData() + 24L;
LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < cgBlock.getCycleCount(); i++)
signals.position((int) offsets[i]);
int size = (int) MDF4Util.readUInt32(signals.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN));
// read record
byte[] record = new byte[size];
// build string value and append to list.
// Switch for different encodings.
String value;
switch (cnBlock.getDataType())
case 6: // ISO-8859
value = MDF4Util.readCharsISO8859(ByteBuffer.wrap(record), record.length);
case 7: // UTF-8
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF8(ByteBuffer.wrap(record), record.length);
case 8: // UFT-16LE
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF16(ByteBuffer.wrap(record), record.length, true);
case 9: // UTF-16BE
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF16(ByteBuffer.wrap(record), record.length, false);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal String encoding. Other encodings for VLSD not supported.");
ins.setNameValueUnit(ODSHelper.createStringSeqNVU("val", list.toArray(new String[0])));
* Creates a Lookup-Table from the given conversion Block. (must not be null!)
* @param modelCache
* @param cc
* @return The iid of the SubMatrix
* @throws IOException
* @throws AoException
private long createLookupTable(ODSModelCache modelCache, CCBLOCK ccBlock, InstanceElement ieMea, InstanceElement ieLc)
throws IOException, AoException
// Scale Lookups are not yet supported.
if (ccBlock.getType() == 4 || ccBlock.getType() == 5)
double[] keys = ccBlock.getSecondValues(true);
double[] values = ccBlock.getSecondValues(false);
return lookupTableHelper.createValueToValueTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, values, ccBlock.getType() == 4);
else if (ccBlock.getType() == 6)
double[] minKeys = ccBlock.getThirdValues(0);
double[] maxKeys = ccBlock.getThirdValues(1);
double[] values = ccBlock.getThirdValues(2);
return lookupTableHelper.createValueRangeToValueTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, minKeys, maxKeys, values, ccBlock);
else if (ccBlock.getType() == 7)
{ // Value to Text/Scale lookup
double[] keys = ccBlock.getValues();
String[] values = ccBlock.getValuesForTextTable();
if (values.length != keys.length)
LOG.warn("Number of values and keys for Lookup-Table are not equal!");
return lookupTableHelper.createValueToTextTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, values, ccBlock);
else if (ccBlock.getType() == 8)
{ // Value Range to Text/Scale lookup
double[] keysMin = ccBlock.getSecondValues(true);
double[] keysMax = ccBlock.getSecondValues(false);
String[] values = ccBlock.getValuesForTextTable();
return lookupTableHelper.createValueRangeToTextTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keysMin, keysMax, values, ccBlock);
else if (ccBlock.getType() == 9)
String[] keys = ccBlock.getRefValues();
double[] values = ccBlock.getValuesForTextToValueTable();
return lookupTableHelper.createTextToValueTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, values, ccBlock);
else if (ccBlock.getType() == 10)
String[] keys = ccBlock.getSecondTexts(true);
String[] values = ccBlock.getSecondTexts(false);
return lookupTableHelper.createTextToTextTable(modelCache, ieMea, ieLc, keys, values, ccBlock);
LOG.warn("Unsupported Conversion.");
return 0;
* Reads String values from a string channel.
* @param dgBlock
* The data group block.
* @param cgBlock
* The channel group block.
* @param cnBlock
* The channel block.
* @return The values as String-Array.
* @throws IOException
* If an input error occurs.
private static String[] readStringDataValues(DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock, CNBLOCK cnBlock) throws IOException
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
SeekableByteChannel sbc = dgBlock.sbc;
int recordIdOffset = dgBlock.getRecIdSize();
long mapStart = dgBlock.getLnkData() + 24L;
long mapSize = (cgBlock.getDataBytes() + recordIdOffset) * cgBlock.getCycleCount();
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) mapSize);
// iterate over records
for (int i = 0; i < cgBlock.getCycleCount(); i++)
// read record
byte[] record = new byte[(int) (cgBlock.getDataBytes() + recordIdOffset)];
// skip first bits and read value
BitInputStream bis = new BitInputStream(record);
int skipBits = (int) (recordIdOffset * 8L + cnBlock.getByteOffset() * 8L + cnBlock.getBitOffset());
byte[] b = bis.readByteArray((int) cnBlock.getBitCount());
// build string value and append to list.
// Switch for different encodings.
String value;
switch (cnBlock.getDataType())
case 6: // ISO-8859
value = MDF4Util.readCharsISO8859(ByteBuffer.wrap(b), b.length);
case 7: // UTF-8
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF8(ByteBuffer.wrap(b), b.length);
case 8: // UFT-16LE
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF16(ByteBuffer.wrap(b), b.length, true);
case 9: // UTF-16BE
value = MDF4Util.readCharsUTF16(ByteBuffer.wrap(b), b.length, false);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal String encoding.");
return list.toArray(new String[0]);
* Write the instances of 'AoExternalComponent'. One instance is written for
* each data block.
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param iidLc
* The instance id of the 'AoLocalColumn' instance.
* @param idBlock
* @param dgBlock
* @param cgBlock
* @param cnBlock
* @param ccBlock
* @param compositionBlock
* The composition Block, may be null.
* @param sectionstart
* The link to data, can be a DL, RD or DT Block or HL, DZ, but these
* are not supported.
* @param parity
* Used for previews, where only each third record has to be addressed.
* If every record will be addressed, parity has to be set to 0.
* Otherwise valid values are 1, 2 and 3. (e.g. if parity==1 the first
* of each three records will be addressed)
* @return true, if the global flag of the channel has to be set to valid, false for invalid, null otherwise
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
Boolean writeEc(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidLc, IDBLOCK idBlock, DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock,
CNBLOCK cnBlock, CCBLOCK ccBlock, BLOCK compositionBlock, long sectionstart, int parity)
throws AoException, IOException
Boolean setGlobalFlag = null;
if (isRatConv2ExtComp(ccBlock))
// NOTE: once CCBLOCK is no longer required, it should be removed
// from this method's signature!
setGlobalFlag = createCustomRatConvEC(modelCache, iidLc, idBlock, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock, ccBlock, sectionstart, parity);
DLBLOCK currdl = null; // current list block
int dlindex = 0; // index in data list block.
int totalindex = 0; // number of blocks read;
long currblock = -1;
switch (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, sectionstart))
case "##DT":
case "##RD":
currblock = sectionstart;
case "##DL":
currdl =, sectionstart);
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[0];
// perform check for records over blockborders.
if (currdl.breaksRecords(cgBlock.getDataBytes() + dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cgBlock.getInvalBytes()))
throw new IOException("This data list cannot be read because records are splitted.");
case "##DZ":
case "##HL":
throw new IOException("Zipped blocks cannot be parsed into the ODS-Format.");
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "ec");
while (currblock != -1)
ins.setStringVal("iname", "ec_" + countFormat.format(++totalindex));
Path mdfFilePath = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().getFileName();
if (mdfFilePath == null)
throw new IOException("mdfFilePath must not be null");
long startOffset = currblock + 24L;
ins.setLongVal("on", totalindex);
ins.setStringVal("fl", mdfFilePath.toString());
int vt = getValueType(cnBlock);
ins.setEnumVal("vt", vt);
ins.setLongLongVal("so", startOffset);
int valuesPerBlock = 1; // default is one value per block
if (compositionBlock != null)
if (compositionBlock instanceof CABLOCK)
// for array composition set valuesPerBlock to the product of all
// dim sizes
long[] dimSizes = ((CABLOCK) compositionBlock).getDimSizes();
for (long dimSize : dimSizes)
valuesPerBlock *= dimSize;
// TODO Strings, write number of Bytes? Spec4/61
ins.setLongVal("vb", valuesPerBlock);
// Calculate ByteSize and Offset
long bytesize;
long valueOffset;
long recSizeWoInval = cgBlock.getDataBytes() + dgBlock.getRecIdSize();
if (parity == 0)
bytesize = recSizeWoInval + cgBlock.getInvalBytes();
valueOffset = dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cnBlock.getByteOffset() + cnBlock.getBitOffset() / 8;
// inval bytes once at the end
bytesize = 3 * recSizeWoInval + cgBlock.getInvalBytes();
valueOffset = (parity - 1) * recSizeWoInval + dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cnBlock.getByteOffset()
+ cnBlock.getBitOffset() / 8;
ins.setLongVal("bs", (int) bytesize);
ins.setLongVal("vo", (int) valueOffset);
// get Cycle count from Block size.
int cycleCount = -1;
if (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, currblock).equals(DTBLOCK.BLOCK_ID))
cycleCount = (int) ((, currblock).getLength() - 24) / bytesize);
else if (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, currblock).equals(RDBLOCK.BLOCK_ID))
cycleCount = (int) ((, currblock).getLength() - 24) / bytesize);
// for array composition the component length must be adjusted like for
// the SubMatrix nrOfRows
if (compositionBlock != null)
if (compositionBlock instanceof CABLOCK)
long[] dimSizes = ((CABLOCK) compositionBlock).getDimSizes();
for (long dimSize : dimSizes)
cycleCount *= dimSize;
ins.setLongVal("cl", cycleCount);
// export flags
setGlobalFlag = exportFlags(ins, idBlock, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock, startOffset, cycleCount);
// type spec is of type: dt_bit_* => write bit offset (bo) and bit count
// (bc)
boolean writeBitProps = vt > 26 && vt < 33;
short bitOffset = cnBlock.getBitOffset();
if ((bitOffset != 0 || cnBlock.getBitCount() % 8 != 0) && writeBitProps)
ins.setShortVal("bo", bitOffset);
ins.setShortVal("bc", (short) cnBlock.getBitCount());
// bind to local column and write instance
ins.setLongLongVal("lc", iidLc);
// switch to next block or escape
if (currdl == null)
currblock = -1; // just a single data block
// search next block in list.
if (dlindex < currdl.getCount())
{ // more blocks in list
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
// switch to next list, and start with first block?
if (currdl.getLnkDlNext() > 0)
currdl = currdl.getDlNextBlock();
dlindex = 0;
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
currblock = -1;
return setGlobalFlag;
* Create a new Unit for a channel, if needed.
* @param modelCache
* The ODSModelCache in use.
* @param cnblock
* The Channel Block.
* @param ccBlock
* The Channel's conversion block.
* @param existingUnts
* Map containing Name (key) and ID (Value) of all created units.
* @return The id of the corresponding unit.
private long writeUnit(ODSModelCache modelCache, CNBLOCK cnblock, CCBLOCK ccBlock, Map<String, Long> existingUnts)
throws AoException, IOException
// create 'AoUnit' instance if not yet existing
// Get unit name and metadata
String unitName = "";
BLOCK unitblk = cnblock.getMdUnitBlock();
MDBLOCK unitMetadata = null;
// Search for correct unit in channel CNBLOCK first
if (unitblk != null)
if (unitblk instanceof MDBLOCK)
unitName = xmlParser.extractCommentText(((MDBLOCK) unitblk).getMdData());
unitMetadata = (MDBLOCK) unitblk;
else if (unitblk instanceof TXBLOCK)
unitName = ((TXBLOCK) unitblk).getTxData().trim();
{ // Then look in CCBLOCK
if (ccBlock != null)
unitblk = ccBlock.getMdUnitBlock();
if (unitblk != null)
if (unitblk instanceof MDBLOCK)
unitName = xmlParser.extractCommentText(((MDBLOCK) unitblk).getMdData());
unitMetadata = (MDBLOCK) unitblk;
else if (unitblk instanceof TXBLOCK)
unitName = ((TXBLOCK) unitblk).getTxData().trim();
if (unitName.length() > 0)
Long iid = existingUnts.get(unitName);
if (iid == null)
// create unit instance
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "unt");
ins.setStringVal("iname", unitName);
ins.setDoubleVal("factor", 1d);
ins.setDoubleVal("offset", 0d);
if (unitMetadata != null)
xmlParser.writeCNCommentToUnit(ins, unitMetadata.getMdData());
iid = ins.execute();
existingUnts.put(unitName, iid);
return iid;
return -1;
* helper methods
* Get the conversion parameters of the conversion block for 1:1, linear or
* rational conversion.
* @param ccBlock
* The Conversion Block.
* @return The parameters as Double-Array.
* @throws AoException
* in case of errors
private static double[] getGenerationParameters(CCBLOCK ccBlock) throws AoException
// CCBLOCK may be null, assume explicit
if (ccBlock == null)
return new double[0];
int formula = ccBlock.getType();
// '1:1'
if (formula == 0)
return new double[0];
// 'linear'
else if (formula == 1)
return ccBlock.getValues();
// 'rational'
else if (formula == 2)
double[] genParams = ccBlock.getValues();
if (isRatConv2RawLinExt(ccBlock))
// sequence rep.: 'raw_linear_external'
return new double[]
{ genParams[2], genParams[1] };
else if (isRatConv2ExtComp(ccBlock))
// sequence rep.: 'external_component'
return new double[0];
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_IMPLEMENTATION_PROBLEM, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"unable write channel with rational conversion for ccBlock: " + ccBlock);
// No parameters otherwise
return new double[0];
* Writes the content of an SIBLOCK to the session.
* @param ins
* The insert statement to use.
* @param siBlock
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private void writeSiBlock(ODSInsertStatement ins, SIBLOCK siBlock) throws AoException, IOException
// si_tx_name
TXBLOCK txName = siBlock.getTxNameBlock();
if (txName != null)
ins.setStringVal("src_name", txName.getTxData());
// si_tx_path
TXBLOCK txPath = siBlock.getTxPathBlock();
if (txPath != null)
ins.setStringVal("src_path", txPath.getTxData());
// si_md_comment
BLOCK block = siBlock.getMdCommentBlock();
if (block instanceof TXBLOCK)
ins.setStringVal("src_cmt", ((TXBLOCK) block).getTxData());
else if (block instanceof MDBLOCK)
xmlParser.writeSICommentToCg(ins, ((MDBLOCK) block).getMdData());
ins.setEnumVal("src_type", siBlock.getSourceType());
ins.setEnumVal("src_bus", siBlock.getBusType());
ins.setShortVal("src_sim", (short) (siBlock.getFlags() & 1));
* Read the name of a Channel.
* @param cnBlock
* The Channel Block
* @return The name.
* @throws IOException
private static String readMeqName(CNBLOCK cnBlock) throws IOException
TXBLOCK nameblk = cnBlock.getCnTxNameBlock();
String meqName = "default";
if (nameblk != null)
meqName = nameblk.getTxData().trim();
LOG.warn("No channel name found!");
return meqName;
* Returns the target ASAM ODS sequence representation for the external
* component description.<br/>
* List of MDF4 formula types:
* <ul>
* <li>0 = 1:1 Conversion</li>
* <li>1 = parametric, linear</li>
* <li>2 = rational conversion</li>
* <li>3 = ASAM-MCD2 Text formula</li>
* <li>4 = tabular with interpolation</li>
* <li>5 = tabular</li>
* <li>6 = Value Range to Value tabular lookup</li>
* <li>7 = Value to Text/Scale tabular lookup</li>
* <li>8 = Value Range to Text/Scale tabular lookup</li>
* <li>9 = Text to Value tabular lookup</li>
* <li>10 = Text to Text tabular lookup</li>
* </ul>
* @author Tobias Leemann
* @return The ASAM ODS sequence representation enum value.
* @throws ConvertException
private static int getSeqRep(CNBLOCK cnBlock, CCBLOCK ccBlock) throws AoException
// CCBLOCK may be null, assume explicit with external Component
if (ccBlock == null)
return 7;
if (cnBlock.getChannelType() == 3)
// virtual master channel -> implicit_linear
return 2;
int formula = ccBlock.getType();
// '1:1 conversion formula' => external_component
if (formula == 0)
return 7;
// 'linear' => 'raw_linear_external'
else if (formula == 1)
return 8;
// 'rational conversion' => 'external_component'
else if (formula == 2)
if (isRatConv2RawLinExt(ccBlock))
// redirect => 'raw_linear_external'
return 8;
else if (isRatConv2ExtComp(ccBlock))
// manual calculation => 'external_component'
return 7;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_IMPLEMENTATION_PROBLEM, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"unable write channel with rational conversion for ccBlock: " + ccBlock);
// 'Text formula' => 'external_component'
else if (formula == 3)
LOG.error("Text formulas are not supported at the moment.");
return 7;
// 'ALL lookup conversions' => 'external_component'
else if (formula <= 10)
return 7;
LOG.warn("Unsupported Formula type " + formula);
return 7;
* Returns the target ASAM ODS external component type specification enum
* value for a MDF4 channel description.<br/>
* The data type is determined by the signal data type and the number of
* bits.<br/>
* @param cnBlock
* @return The ASAM ODS type specification enumeration value.
* @throws IOException
* Unsupported MDF3 data type.
private static int getValueType(CNBLOCK cnBlock) throws IOException
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
int nb = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
int bitOffset = cnBlock.getBitOffset();
// 0 = unsigned integer LEO
if (dt == 0)
if (nb == 8 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 8 bit: dt_byte
return 1;
else if (nb == 16 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 16 bit: dt_ushort
return 21;
else if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 32 bit: dt_ulong
return 23;
else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 64 bit: dt_longlong
return 4;
{ // variable bit length: dt_bit_uint
return 29;
// 1 = unsigned integer BEO
else if (dt == 1)
if (nb == 8 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 8 bit: dt_byte
return 1;
else if (nb == 16 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 16 bit: dt_ushort_beo
return 22;
else if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 32 bit: dt_ulong_beo
return 24;
else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 64 bit: dt_longlong_beo
return 9;
{ // variable bit length: dt_bit_uint_beo
return 30;
// 2 = signed integer LEO
else if (dt == 2)
if (nb == 8 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 8 bit: dt_sbyte
return 19;
else if (nb == 16 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 16 bit: dt_short
return 2;
else if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 32 bit: dt_long
return 3;
else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 64 bit: dt_longlong
return 4;
{ // variable bit length: dt_bit_int
return 27;
// 3 = signed integer BEO
else if (dt == 3)
if (nb == 8 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 8 bit: dt_byte
return 1;
else if (nb == 16 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 16 bit: dt_short_beo
return 7;
else if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 32 bit: dt_long_beo
return 8;
else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 64 bit: dt_longlong_beo
return 9;
{ // variable bit length: dt_bit_int_beo
return 28;
// 4 IEEE 754 floating-point format LEO
else if (dt == 4)
if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 32 bit: ieeefloat4
return 5;
else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 64 bit: ieeefloat8
return 6;
{ // variable bit length: dt_bit_float
return 31;
// 5 = IEEE 754 floating-point format BEO
else if (dt == 5)
if (nb == 32 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 32 bit: ieeefloat4_beo
return 10;
else if (nb == 64 && bitOffset == 0)
{ // 64 bit: ieeefloat8_beo
return 11;
{ // variable bit length: dt_bit_float_beo
return 32;
// 6-9 = String (NULL terminated): dt_string
else if (dt == 6 || dt == 7 || dt == 8 || dt == 9)
return 12;
// 10 = Byte Array: dt_bytestr
else if (dt == 10)
return 13;
LOG.warn("Data type " + dt + " is not yet supported.");
return 13;
* Returns the raw dataType for given type specification.
* @param typeSpec
* The TypeSpec.
* @param cnBlock
* @return The raw dataType.
* @throws AoException
* unable to obtain raw datatype
private static int getRawDataTypeForValueType(int typeSpec, CNBLOCK cnBlock) throws AoException
if (cnBlock.getChannelType() == 3)
// virtual master channel (implicit linear), calculated with generation
// parameters
return 7;
int ret = 0;
if (typeSpec == 0)
{ // dt_boolean
ret = 4; // DT_BOOLEAN
else if (typeSpec == 1)
{ // dt_byte
ret = 5; // DT_BYTE
else if (typeSpec == 2)
{ // dt_short
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
else if (typeSpec == 3)
{ // dt_long
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
else if (typeSpec == 4)
{ // dt_longlong
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
else if (typeSpec == 5)
{ // ieeefloat4
ret = 3; // DT_FLOAT
else if (typeSpec == 6)
{ // ieeefloat8
ret = 7; // DT_DOUBLE
else if (typeSpec == 7)
{ // dt_short_beo
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
else if (typeSpec == 8)
{ // dt_long_beo
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
else if (typeSpec == 9)
{ // dt_longlong_beo
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
else if (typeSpec == 10)
{ // ieeefloat4_beo
ret = 3; // DT_FLOAT
else if (typeSpec == 11)
{ // ieeefloat8_beo
ret = 7; // DT_DOUBLE
else if (typeSpec == 12)
{ // dt_string
ret = 1; // DT_STRING
else if (typeSpec == 13)
{ // dt_bytestr
ret = 11; // DT_BYTESTR
else if (typeSpec == 14)
{ // dt_blob
ret = 12; // DT_BLOB
else if (typeSpec == 15)
{ // dt_boolean_flags_beo
ret = 4; // DT_BOOLEAN
else if (typeSpec == 16)
{ // dt_byte_flags_beo
ret = 5; // DT_BYTE
else if (typeSpec == 17)
{ // dt_string_flags_beo
ret = 1; // DT_STRING
else if (typeSpec == 18)
{ // dt_bytestr_beo
ret = 11; // DT_BYTESTR
else if (typeSpec == 19)
{ // dt_sbyte
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
else if (typeSpec == 20)
{ // dt_sbyte_flags_beo
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
else if (typeSpec == 21)
{ // dt_ushort
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
else if (typeSpec == 22)
{ // dt_ushort_beo
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
else if (typeSpec == 23)
{ // dt_ulong
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
else if (typeSpec == 24)
{ // dt_ulong_beo
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
else if (typeSpec == 25)
{ // dt_string_utf8
ret = 1; // DT_STRING
else if (typeSpec == 26)
{ // dt_string_utf8_beo
ret = 1; // DT_STRING
// dt_bit_int [27], dt_bit_int_beo [28], dt_bit_uint [29],
// dt_bit_uint_beo [30]
else if (typeSpec == 27 || typeSpec == 28 || typeSpec == 29 || typeSpec == 30)
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
int nb = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 1 && nb <= 8)
{ // unsigned byte
ret = 5; // DT_BYTE
else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 1 && nb <= 8)
{ // signed
// byte
ret = 5; // DT_BYTE
else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 9 && nb <= 16)
{ // unsigned
// short
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 9 && nb <= 16)
{ // signed
// short
ret = 2; // DT_SHORT
else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 17 && nb <= 32)
{ // unsigned
// int
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 17 && nb <= 32)
{ // int
ret = 6; // DT_LONG
else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 33)
{ // unsigned int >32
// bit
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 33)
{ // signed int >32 bit
ret = 8; // DT_LONGLONG
// dt_bit_float [31], dt_bit_float_beo [32]
else if (typeSpec == 31 || typeSpec == 32)
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
int nb = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3 || dt == 11 || dt == 12 || dt == 15 || dt == 16) && (nb == 16 || nb == 32))
{ // half precision floating point, ieeefloat4,
// ieeefloat4_beo
ret = 3; // DT_FLOAT
else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3 || dt == 11 || dt == 12 || dt == 15 || dt == 16) && nb == 64)
{ // ieeefloat8,
// ieeefloat8_beo
ret = 7; // DT_DOUBLE
// TODO Non-IEEE floats
// not found!
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0, "Unsupported typeSpec: " + typeSpec);
return ret;
* Returns the target ASAM ODS measurement quantity data type for a MDF4
* channel description.<br/>
* The data type is determined by the formula, the signal data type and the
* number of bits.
* @param expandDataType
* Indicates whether to expand data type or not.
* @param cnBlock
* @param ccBlock
* @return The ASAM ODS data type.
* @throws IOException
* Unable to determine data type.
* @throws AoException
* in case of errors
private static int getDataType(boolean expandDataType, CNBLOCK cnBlock, CCBLOCK ccBlock)
throws IOException, AoException
// CCBLOCK may be null, assume 1:1
int formula = 0;
if (ccBlock != null)
formula = ccBlock.getType();
if (cnBlock.getChannelType() == 3)
// virtual master channel (implicit linear), calculated with generation
// parameters
return 7;
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
int nb = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
if (dt >= 6 && dt <= 9)
return 1; // DT_STRING
// 1 = parametric, linear
if (formula == 1)
if (nb == 1)
// 1 bit should be DT_BOOLEAN, but most of tools do not support
// this
return 5; // DT_BYTE
else if (nb >= 2 && nb <= 32)
return 3; // DT_FLOAT
else if (nb >= 33 && nb <= 64)
return 7; // DT_DOUBLE
// 2 = rational conversion
else if (formula == 2)
// values are calculated either way with real (64 bit ieee-754)
// double values no matter how many bits are used for internal
// values, therefore it is safe to return DT_DOUBLE here
return 7; // DT_DOUBLE
// 0= 1:1 conversion formula (Int = Phys)
else if (formula == 0)
if (dt == 10)
{ // ByteArray data
return 11; // DT_BYTESTR
else if (dt <= 9 && dt >= 6)
{ // STRING (6-9)
return 1; // DT_STRING
else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 1 && nb <= 8)
{ // dt_byte
return expandDataType ? 3 : 5; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_BYTE
else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 1 && nb <= 8)
{ // dt_sbyte
return expandDataType ? 3 : 2; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_SHORT
else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 9 && nb <= 16)
{ // dt_ushort,
// dt_ushort_beo
return expandDataType ? 3 : 6; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_LONG
else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 9 && nb <= 16)
{ // dt_short,
// dt_short_beo
return expandDataType ? 3 : 2; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_SHORT
else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 17 && nb <= 32)
{ // dt_ulong,
// dt_ulong_beo
return expandDataType ? 7 : 8; // [DT_DOUBLE] DT_LONGLONG
else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 17 && nb <= 32)
{ // dt_long,
// dt_long_beo
return expandDataType ? 3 : 6; // [DT_FLOAT] DT_LONG
else if ((dt == 0 || dt == 1) && nb >= 33)
{ // unsigned int >32
// bit
return expandDataType ? 7 : 8; // [DT_DOUBLE] DT_LONGLONG
else if ((dt == 2 || dt == 3) && nb >= 33 && nb <= 64)
{ // dt_longlong,
// dt_longlong_beo
return expandDataType ? 7 : 8; // [DT_DOUBLE] DT_LONGLONG
else if ((dt == 4 || dt == 5) && nb == 16)
{ // half precision floating point
return 3; // DT_FLOAT
else if ((dt == 4 || dt == 5) && nb == 32)
{ // ieeefloat4,
// ieeefloat4_beo
return 3; // DT_FLOAT
else if ((dt == 4 || dt == 5) && nb == 64)
{ // ieeefloat8,
// ieeefloat8_beo
return 7; // DT_DOUBLE
else if (formula == 9 || formula == 10)
{ // X to text
return 1; // DT_STRING
else if (formula == 4 || formula == 5 || formula == 6)
return 7; // DT_DOUBLE
else if (formula == 7 || formula == 8)
return getRawDataTypeForValueType(getValueType(cnBlock), cnBlock);
throw new IOException("Unsupported MDF4 datatype: " + cnBlock + "\n " + ccBlock);
* Checks whether channel with rational conversion may be stored as a
* 'raw_linear_external'.
* <p>
* NOTE: This is a workaround to provide channels with formula == 2 with a
* reduced set of generation parameters. Such channel values are described
* with a rational conversion, which can not be described in ODS. To do so the
* generation parameters p1, p3 and p4 must be ZERO and p5 must be ONE.
* <p>
* @param ccBlock
* the conversion block
* @return true if the values must be calculated and stored in an external
* file
private static boolean isRatConv2RawLinExt(CCBLOCK ccBlock)
if (ccBlock == null)
return false;
else if (ccBlock.getType() == 2)
// rational conversion
double[] genParams = ccBlock.getValues();
if (genParams == null || genParams.length != 6)
return false;
boolean p1Zero =[0], 0D) == 0;
boolean p4Zero =[3], 0D) == 0;
boolean p5Zero =[4], 0D) == 0;
boolean p6One =[5], 1D) == 0;
return p1Zero && p4Zero && p5Zero && p6One;
return false;
* Checks whether channel with rational conversion may be stored as a
* 'external_component'.
* <p>
* NOTE: This is a workaround to provide channels with formula == 2. Such
* channel values are described with a rational conversion, which can not be
* described in ODS. Therefore the whole value sequence is calculated and
* referenced as an 'external_component'.
* <p>
* @param ccBlock
* the conversion block
* @return true if the values must be calculated and stored in an external
* file
private static boolean isRatConv2ExtComp(CCBLOCK ccBlock)
if (ccBlock == null)
return false;
else if (ccBlock.getType() == 2)
// rational conversion
double[] genParams = ccBlock.getValues();
if (genParams == null || genParams.length != 6)
return false;
boolean p1Zero =[0], 0D) != 0;
boolean p4Zero =[3], 0D) != 0;
boolean p5Zero =[4], 0D) != 0;
boolean p6One =[5], 1D) != 0;
return p1Zero || p4Zero || p5Zero || p6One;
return false;
* Write the instances of 'AoExternalComponent'.
* <p>
* One instance is written for all calculated vaues.
* <p>
* NOTE: This is a workaround to provide channels with formula == 2. Such
* channel values are described with a rational conversion, which can not be
* described in ODS. Therefore the whole value sequence is calculated and
* referenced as an 'external_component'.
* <p>
* @param modelCache
* The application model cache.
* @param iidLc
* The instance id of the 'AoLocalColumn' instance.
* @param idBlock
* @param dgBlock
* @param cgBlock
* @param cnBlock
* @param ccBlock
* @param sectionstart
* The link to data, can be a DL, RD or DT Block or HL, DZ, but these
* are not supported.
* @param parity
* Used for previews, where only each third record has to be addressed.
* If every record will be addressed, parity has to be set to 0.
* Otherwise valid values are 1, 2 and 3. (e.g. if parity==1 the first
* of each three records will be addressed)
* @return true, if the global flag of the channel has to be set to valid, false for invalid, null otherwise
* @throws AoException
* Error writing to session.
* @throws IOException
* Error reading from MDF file.
private Boolean createCustomRatConvEC(ODSModelCache modelCache, long iidLc, IDBLOCK idBlock, DGBLOCK dgBlock,
CGBLOCK cgBlock, CNBLOCK cnBlock, CCBLOCK ccBlock, long sectionstart, int parity) throws AoException, IOException
if (parity != 0)
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"channel preview with formula == 2 (rational conversion) is currently not supported");
DLBLOCK currdl = null; // current list block
int dlindex = 0; // index in data list block.
long currblock = -1;
switch (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, sectionstart))
case "##DT":
case "##RD":
currblock = sectionstart;
case "##DL":
currdl =, sectionstart);
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[0];
// perform check for records over blockborders.
if (currdl.breaksRecords(cgBlock.getDataBytes() + dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cgBlock.getInvalBytes()))
throw new IOException("This data list cannot be read because records are splitted.");
case "##DZ":
case "##HL":
throw new IOException("Zipped blocks cannot be parsed into the ODS-Format.");
if (currblock < 0)
return null;
if (customRatConfPath == null)
customRatConfPath = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().resolveSibling("rational_conversion.calc");
if (!Files.exists(customRatConfPath))
Boolean setGlobalFlag = null;
try (SeekableByteChannel channel = Files.newByteChannel(customRatConfPath, StandardOpenOption.APPEND))
ByteBuffer writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[8]);
long startOffset = channel.position();
long count = 0;
while (currblock != -1)
long vo = dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cnBlock.getByteOffset() + cnBlock.getBitOffset() / 8;
long recSizeWoInval = cgBlock.getDataBytes() + dgBlock.getRecIdSize();
long bs = recSizeWoInval + cgBlock.getInvalBytes();
long so = currblock + 24L;
int cl;
if (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, currblock).equals(DTBLOCK.BLOCK_ID))
cl = (int) ((, currblock).getLength() - 24) / bs);
else if (BLOCK.getBlockType(idBlock.sbc, currblock).equals(RDBLOCK.BLOCK_ID))
cl = (int) ((, currblock).getLength() - 24) / bs);
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"component length 'cl' is not allowed to be unknown");
short bo = cnBlock.getBitOffset();
short bc = bo != 0 && cnBlock.getBitCount() % 8 != 0 ? (short) cnBlock.getBitCount() : 0;
double[] p = ccBlock.getValues();
if (bo != 0 || bc != 0 || cnBlock.getBitCount() % 8 != 0)
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"bit count '" + bc + "' and bit offset '" + bo + "' is not supported for custom ration conversion");
int bits = (int) cnBlock.getBitCount();
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
boolean isInteger = dt > -1 && dt < 4;
boolean isReal = dt > 3 && dt < 6;
boolean isUnsigned = dt == 0 || dt == 1;
ByteOrder byteOrder = dt == 1 || dt == 3 || dt == 5 ? ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
for (int i = 0; i < cl; i++)
idBlock.sbc.position(so + i * bs + vo);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bits / 8);
double internal = 0;
if (isInteger)
if (bits == 8)
// isUnsigned ? short : byte
internal = isUnsigned ? byteBuffer.get() & 0xFF : byteBuffer.get();
else if (bits == 16)
// isUnsigned ? int : short
internal = isUnsigned ? byteBuffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF : byteBuffer.getShort();
else if (bits == 32)
// isUnsigned ? long : int
internal = isUnsigned ? byteBuffer.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFF : byteBuffer.getInt();
else if (bits == 64)
if (isUnsigned)
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"reading unsigned 64 bit integeres is not implemented");
// to support unsigned 64 bit, BigInteger has to be
// used -> performance costs
internal = byteBuffer.getLong();
String unsigned = isUnsigned ? "unsigned" : "signed";
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"customized reading of '" + bits + "' bit '" + unsigned + "' intergers is not implemented");
else if (isReal)
if (bits == 32)
// ieee754 floating point
internal = byteBuffer.getFloat();
else if (bits == 64)
// ieee754 floating point
internal = byteBuffer.getDouble();
String unsigned = isUnsigned ? "unsigned" : "signed";
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"customized reading of '" + bits + "' bit '" + unsigned + "' real is not implemented");
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_BAD_PARAMETER, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"given value is neither an integer nor a real number");
double phys = (p[0] * Math.pow(internal, 2) + p[1] * internal + p[2])
/ (p[3] * Math.pow(internal, 2) + p[4] * internal + p[5]);
// switch to next block or escape
if (currdl == null)
currblock = -1; // just a single data block
// search next block in list.
if (dlindex < currdl.getCount())
{ // more blocks in list
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
// switch to next list, and start with first block?
if (currdl.getLnkDlNext() > 0)
currdl = currdl.getDlNextBlock();
dlindex = 0;
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
currblock = -1;
// switch to next block or escape
if (currdl == null)
currblock = -1; // just a single data block
// search next block in list.
if (dlindex < currdl.getCount())
{ // more blocks in list
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
// switch to next list, and start with first block?
if (currdl.getLnkDlNext() > 0)
currdl = currdl.getDlNextBlock();
dlindex = 0;
currblock = currdl.getLnkDlData()[dlindex];
currblock = -1;
if (count < 0 || count != (int) count || count * 8 > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_IMPLEMENTATION_PROBLEM, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"value count exceeded max supported block size supported by ODS");
// values have been calculated and written to an external file
ODSInsertStatement ins = new ODSInsertStatement(modelCache, "ec");
ins.setStringVal("iname", "ec_custom_rat_conv");
ins.setLongVal("cl", (int) count);
ins.setEnumVal("vt", 6); // ieeefloat8 (little endian; 11 would be
// big endian)
ins.setLongLongVal("so", startOffset);
ins.setLongVal("bs", (int) count * 8);
ins.setLongVal("vb", (int) count);
ins.setLongVal("vo", 0);
ins.setStringVal("fl", customRatConfPath.getFileName().toString());
ins.setLongLongVal("lc", iidLc);
// export flags
setGlobalFlag = exportFlags(ins, idBlock, dgBlock, cgBlock, cnBlock, startOffset, count);
return setGlobalFlag;
* Exports ODS compliant flags into a separate file if needed. If a global
* flag can be set it is returned (true=valid, false=invalid) rather than
* written to the file. That flag needs to be set to the parent local column
* afterwards!
* @param ins
* flag file an start offset will be added if flags were written to
* file, not null
* @param idBlock
* the {@link IDBLOCK}, not null
* @param dgBlock
* the {@link DGBLOCK}, not null
* @param cgBlock
* the {@link CGBLOCK}, not null
* @param cnBlock
* the {@link CNBLOCK}, not null
* @param startOffset
* start of the next record
* @param count
* how many records to read
* @return true, if all flags are valid, so the global flag can be set instead
* of writing flag values to the flags file. False if all flags are
* invalid. Null is returned, if flags were written to file.
* @throws IOException
* in case of errors
private Boolean exportFlags(ODSInsertStatement ins, IDBLOCK idBlock, DGBLOCK dgBlock, CGBLOCK cgBlock,
CNBLOCK cnBlock, long startOffset, long count) throws IOException
Boolean retVal = null;
if ((cnBlock.getFlags() & 0x02) == 0 || cnBlock.getInvalBitPos() < 1 || count < 1)
// either invalidation bit not set or deactivated or no values available
// -> nothing to do
return retVal;
try (SeekableByteChannel flagsChannel = loadFlagsFileChannel(idBlock))
// to check whether a global flag can be set instead of writing the flags
// all to the file, all of them need to be analyzed first
* For long channels the flags are cached in bulks until it is clear
* whether to write them to file or set a global flag
List<ByteBuffer> flagBulks = new ArrayList<>();
* To reduce memory footprint, the index of a bulk of identical flags will
* be mapped here to the common flag
Map<Integer, Boolean> listIndex2Flag = new HashMap<>();
int dt = cnBlock.getDataType();
ByteOrder byteOrder = dt == 1 || dt == 3 || dt == 5 ? ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
int recordSize = (int) (dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cgBlock.getDataBytes() + cgBlock.getInvalBytes());
int flabBytesOffset = (int) (dgBlock.getRecIdSize() + cgBlock.getDataBytes() + (cnBlock.getInvalBitPos() >> 3));
int bitOffset = ((int) cnBlock.getInvalBitPos()) & 0x07;
readAndStoreFlagsFromRecords(idBlock.sbc, byteOrder, count, recordSize, flabBytesOffset, bitOffset, flagBulks,
// check if a global flag could be set
Boolean globalFlagToSet = analyzeGlobalFlagToSet(flagBulks, listIndex2Flag);
if (globalFlagToSet != null)
retVal = globalFlagToSet;
// otherwise write flags to file and update insert statement
ins.setStringVal("ffl", flagFile.getFileName().toString());
ins.setLongLongVal("fso", flagsChannel.position());
writeFlagsToFile(flagsChannel, flagBulks, listIndex2Flag);
return retVal;
* Reads records from the given channel, extracts the flags and writes them
* into the given storage structures. Reads bulks of records rather than
* single records or even single flags from the channel for performance
* reasons.
* Note: Bulk reading records and extracting their flags in code massively
* reduces the handling time of the flags compared to the (previously
* implemented) read of one flag after another.
* @param sourceChannel
* the channel of the source file set to the starting position for
* reading the records
* @param byteOrder
* the ByteOrder to use for the buffers
* @param overallNrOfRecords
* the overall number of records to read and extract their flags
* @param recordSize
* the size of a single record entry (id, data, invalBit)
* @param flabBytesOffset
* the byte offset in a record to read the ivalBit from
* @param bitOffset
* the bit offset of the channel
* @param flagBulks
* the list to fill with the ByteBuffers of each read bulk of flags
* @param listIndex2Flag
* the map to write the common flag to for each bulk list index
* @throws IOException
* on buffer read errors
private void readAndStoreFlagsFromRecords(SeekableByteChannel sourceChannel, ByteOrder byteOrder,
long overallNrOfRecords, int recordSize, int flabBytesOffset, int bitOffset, List<ByteBuffer> flagBulks,
Map<Integer, Boolean> listIndex2Flag) throws IOException
ByteBuffer flagsBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(FLAGS_BUFFER_SIZE);
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(recordSize * MAX_RECORDS_PER_FLAGS_READ);
Boolean validFlagForCurrentBulk = null;
boolean sameFlagForCurrentBulk = true;
int bulkIndex = 0;
long recordCounter = 0;
while (recordCounter < overallNrOfRecords)
int bytesRead =;
int recordsRead = (int) Math.min(overallNrOfRecords - recordCounter, bytesRead / recordSize);
recordCounter += recordsRead;
// read each record from the buffer and extract flag
for (int k = 0; k < recordsRead; k++)
// extract from record and convert flag to ODS flag and add to write
// buffer
byte[] recordBytes = new byte[recordSize];
byte flagByte = recordBytes[flabBytesOffset];
short flag = ((flagByte & 0xff) & (1 << bitOffset)) != 0 ? 0 : (short) 15;
// check each record's flag against the other flags of current bulk
if (validFlagForCurrentBulk == null)
validFlagForCurrentBulk = flag == (short) 15;
else if ((flag != (short) 15 && validFlagForCurrentBulk) || (flag == (short) 15 && !validFlagForCurrentBulk))
sameFlagForCurrentBulk = false;
// prepare flags bulk
if (flagsBuffer.position() % FLAGS_BUFFER_SIZE == 0)
if (sameFlagForCurrentBulk)
// if same flags in current bulk, save this flag for bulk index and
// set null in flagBulks
listIndex2Flag.put(bulkIndex, validFlagForCurrentBulk);
// if different flags read in current bulk, store the current
// bytebuffer to write flags to file at the end
flagsBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(FLAGS_BUFFER_SIZE);
validFlagForCurrentBulk = null;
sameFlagForCurrentBulk = true;
// prepare remaining flags
if (flagsBuffer.position() > 0)
// since the last bulk of flags' length may likely differ from the
// MAX_RECORDS_PER_FLAGS_READ it always has to be stored, in order to have
// the correct number of flags written to the file at the end, in case
int pos = flagsBuffer.position();
if (sameFlagForCurrentBulk)
// if same flags in current bulk, save this flag for bulk index as well
listIndex2Flag.put(bulkIndex, validFlagForCurrentBulk);
* @param flagBulks
* @param listIndex2Flag
* @return
private Boolean analyzeGlobalFlagToSet(List<ByteBuffer> flagBulks, Map<Integer, Boolean> listIndex2Flag)
boolean setGlobalFlag = true;
Boolean globalFlagToSet = null;
for (int i = 0; i < flagBulks.size(); i++)
ByteBuffer buffer = flagBulks.get(i);
if (buffer != null && listIndex2Flag.get(i) == null)
// All homogeneous flag bulks are set to null, so if there is at least
// one, that was not set to null (i.e. contains valid and invalid
// values), no global flag can be set to the whole channel.
// Important note: the last bulk's buffer is always written to the list,
// but its common flag in the map may be set to true/false, if this last
// bulk also contains only the same flag
setGlobalFlag = false;
Boolean bulkFlag = listIndex2Flag.get(i);
if (bulkFlag != null)
if (globalFlagToSet == null)
globalFlagToSet = bulkFlag;
else if (!globalFlagToSet.equals(bulkFlag))
// if by coincidence there are bulks which all contain the same
// value, but some all valid and others all invalid, this is checked
// here and no global flag can be set for the channel, but this
// should be a very rare border case
setGlobalFlag = false;
Boolean retVal = null;
if (setGlobalFlag)
retVal = globalFlagToSet;
return retVal;
* @param flagsChannel
* @param flagBulks
* @param listIndex2Flag
* @throws IOException
private void writeFlagsToFile(SeekableByteChannel flagsChannel, List<ByteBuffer> flagBulks,
Map<Integer, Boolean> listIndex2Flag) throws IOException
for (int i = 0; i < flagBulks.size(); i++)
ByteBuffer buffer = flagBulks.get(i);
if (buffer == null)
// one or more of the bulks could be homogeneously the same flag,
// while some may contain valid and invalid values at the same time,
// therefore the homogeneous bulks need to be handled here
Boolean bulkFlag = listIndex2Flag.get(i);
if (bulkFlag != null)
// Homogeneous bulks' buffers always have a length of
// MAX_RECORDS_PER_FLAGS_READ, since the last bulk (that may deviate
// from that length) is always written to the buffer list and 'buffer'
// here is not null in that case
short[] flags = new short[MAX_RECORDS_PER_FLAGS_READ];
Arrays.fill(flags, bulkFlag ? (short) 15 : (short) 0);
buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(shortToByteArray(flags));
// write flags from buffer to the flags file channel
if (buffer != null)
private byte[] shortToByteArray(short[] input)
int shortIndex = 0;
int byteIndex = 0;
int iterations = input.length;
byte[] buffer = new byte[input.length * 2];
while (shortIndex != iterations) {
buffer[byteIndex] = (byte) (input[shortIndex] & 0x00FF);
buffer[byteIndex + 1] = (byte) ((input[shortIndex] & 0xFF00) >> 8);
byteIndex += 2;
return buffer;
* Creates a {@link SeekableByteChannel} for the flags file.
* @param idBlock
* used to resolve target flags file, not null
* @return the {@link SeekableByteChannel}, not null
* @throws IOException
* if unable to create a flags file
private SeekableByteChannel loadFlagsFileChannel(IDBLOCK idBlock) throws IOException
if (flagFile == null)
flagFile = idBlock.getMdfFilePath().resolveSibling("flags.bin");
while (Files.exists(flagFile))
flagFile = flagFile.resolveSibling("flags_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().split("-")[0] + ".bin");
return Files.newByteChannel(flagFile, StandardOpenOption.APPEND);