blob: bfc63bc02216021af8b943d0edf8f87d2457ec42 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.mdm.openatfx.mdf.util;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.asam.ods.AoException;
import org.asam.ods.AoSession;
import org.asam.ods.ApplAttr;
import org.asam.ods.ApplElem;
import org.asam.ods.ApplElemAccess;
import org.asam.ods.ApplRel;
import org.asam.ods.ApplicationAttribute;
import org.asam.ods.ApplicationElement;
import org.asam.ods.ApplicationRelation;
import org.asam.ods.ApplicationStructure;
import org.asam.ods.ApplicationStructureValue;
import org.asam.ods.BaseAttribute;
import org.asam.ods.BaseElement;
import org.asam.ods.BaseRelation;
import org.asam.ods.BaseStructure;
import org.asam.ods.DataType;
import org.asam.ods.ElemId;
import org.asam.ods.EnumerationAttributeStructure;
import org.asam.ods.EnumerationDefinition;
import org.asam.ods.EnumerationItemStructure;
import org.asam.ods.EnumerationStructure;
import org.asam.ods.ErrorCode;
import org.asam.ods.NameValue;
import org.asam.ods.NameValueIterator;
import org.asam.ods.SeverityFlag;
import org.asam.ods.T_LONGLONG;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Cache for the ASAM-ODS application model.
* @author Christian Rechner
public class ODSModelCache {
public static final String ATTR_NAME_MEAQU_RANK = "rank";
public static final String ATTR_NAME_MEAQU_DIMENSION = "dimension";
public static final String ATTR_NAME_MEAQU_COL_ORIENTED_TENSOR = "columnOriented";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ODSModelCache.class);
// cached ODS AoSession (ODS interface)
private AoSession aoSession = null;
// cached ODS context parameter
private NameValue[] context = null;
// cached ODS BaseStructure (ODS interface)
private BaseStructure baseStructure = null;
// cached ODS ApplicationStructure (ODS interface)
private ApplicationStructure applicationStructure = null;
// cached application elements (ODS interface)
private Map<String, ApplicationElement> applicationElemCache;
// cached application attributes (ODS interface)
private Map<String, ApplicationAttribute[]> applicationAttrCache;
// cached application relations (ODS interface)
private Map<ApplicationRelKey, ApplicationRelation> applicationRelCache;
// cached enumeration definitions (ODS interface)
private Map<String, EnumerationDefinition> enumDefCache;
// cached applElemAccess (ODS interface)
private ApplElemAccess applElemAccess = null;
// cached applicationStructureValue (ODS interface)
private ApplicationStructureValue applicationStructureValue = null;
// cached applElemns (ODS struct)
private ApplElem[] applElems = null;
private Map<String, ApplElem> aeName2applElemMap = null;
private Map<Long, ApplElem> aid2applElemMap = null;
// cached applRels (ODS struct)
private ApplRel[] applRels = null;
// cached enumeration values
private EnumerationStructure[] enumerationStructure = null;
// cached enumeration attributes
private EnumerationAttributeStructure[] enumerationAttributes = null;
// map containing the enum definition <aid,aaName,enumName>
private Map<Long, Map<String, String>> enumerationAttributeMap = null;
private Map<String, Map<Integer, String>> enumIndexToValueMap = null;
private Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> enumValueToIndexMap = null;
* Constructor.
* @param aoSession
* the ODS session
public ODSModelCache(AoSession aoSession) {
if (aoSession == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter aoSession must not be null");
applicationElemCache = new HashMap<String, ApplicationElement>();
applicationAttrCache = new HashMap<String, ApplicationAttribute[]>();
applicationRelCache = new HashMap<ApplicationRelKey, ApplicationRelation>();
enumDefCache = new HashMap<String, EnumerationDefinition>();
catch (AoException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred trying to extend mdf datamodel with required additions: " + e.reason);
this.aoSession = aoSession;
* <p>
* Adds attributes to model needed additionally to transport information on
* specific mdf features to the ODS target. So far these are:
* </p>
* <p>
* For array composition:
* <ul>
* <li>MeaQuantity - rank attribute: for the number of value dimensions in the
* values tensor for this channel</li>
* <li>MeaQuantity - dimension attribute: for the number of values in each
* dimension of the values tensor for this channel</li>
* <li>MeaQuantity - columnOriented attribute: to specify in which way the
* tensor has to be interpreted when calculating the actual values</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @throws AoException
private final void extendSourceApplicationStructure(AoSession aoSession) throws AoException
ApplicationStructure as = aoSession.getApplicationStructure();
// Additional MeasurementQuantity attributes
ApplicationElement meaQuantityAe = as.getElementsByBaseType("aomeasurementquantity")[0];
// to handle array composition for channels
ApplicationAttribute rankAttr = meaQuantityAe.createAttribute();
BaseAttribute rankBaseAttr = meaQuantityAe.getBaseElement().getAttributes("rank")[0];
ApplicationAttribute dimensionAttr = meaQuantityAe.createAttribute();
BaseAttribute dimensionBaseAttr = meaQuantityAe.getBaseElement().getAttributes("dimension")[0];
ApplicationAttribute columnOrientedAttr = meaQuantityAe.createAttribute();
* Returns a Java long from ODS T_LONGLONG.
* @param ll
* @return Java long with the same value as ll
private static long asJLong(T_LONGLONG ll) {
long tmp;
if (ll.low >= 0) {
tmp = ll.high * 0x100000000L + ll.low;
} else {
tmp = (ll.high + 1) * 0x100000000L + ll.low;
return tmp;
* Return ODS T_LONGLONG from Java long.
* @param v
* Java long value
* @return ODS T_LONGLONG with the same value as v
private static T_LONGLONG asODSLongLong(long v) {
return new T_LONGLONG((int) (v >> 32 & 0xffffffffL), (int) (v & 0xffffffffL));
* Methods for accessing cached ODS objects.
* Returns the ODS session.
* @return the ODS session
public final AoSession getAoSession() {
return aoSession;
* Returns the cached ODS server context.
* @return array containg context parameter
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final NameValue[] getContext() throws AoException {
if (context == null) {
NameValueIterator iter = getAoSession().getContext("*");
int cnt = iter.getCount();
context = new NameValue[cnt];
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
context[i] = iter.nextOne();
LOG.debug("Context loaded");
return context;
* Returns the cached ODS base structure.
* @return the cached BaseStructure
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final BaseStructure getBaseStructure() throws AoException {
if (baseStructure == null) {
baseStructure = getAoSession().getBaseStructure();
LOG.debug("BaseStructure loaded");
return baseStructure;
* Returns an ODS base element by given name.
* @param beName
* The base element name
* @return The base element object
* @throws AoException
* error getting base element
public final BaseElement getBaseElement(String beName) throws AoException {
return getBaseStructure().getElementByType(beName);
* Returns the ODS base relation by given base element names.
* @param beNameFrom
* first base element name
* @param beNameTo
* second base element name
* @return the ODS base relation
* @throws AoException
* application elements or relation not found
public final BaseRelation getBaseRelation(String beNameFrom, String beNameTo) throws AoException {
BaseElement beFrom = getBaseElement(beNameFrom);
BaseElement beTo = getBaseElement(beNameTo);
return getBaseStructure().getRelation(beFrom, beTo);
* Returns the cached ODS application structure.
* @return the cached application structure
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplicationStructure getApplicationStructure() throws AoException {
if (applicationStructure == null) {
applicationStructure = getAoSession().getApplicationStructure();
LOG.debug("ApplicationStructure loaded");
return applicationStructure;
* Returns the cached ODS application structure value.
* @return the cached applicationStructureValue
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplicationStructureValue getApplicationStructureValue() throws AoException {
if (applicationStructureValue == null) {
applicationStructureValue = getAoSession().getApplicationStructureValue();
LOG.debug("ApplicationStructureValue loaded");
return applicationStructureValue;
* Returns an application element of specified type.
* @param aeName
* the name of the application element to retrieve
* @return the cached application element
* @throws AoException
* application element not found
public final ApplicationElement getApplicationElement(String aeName) throws AoException {
ApplicationElement ae = applicationElemCache.get(aeName);
if (ae == null) {
ApplicationStructure as = getApplicationStructure();
ae = as.getElementByName(aeName);
applicationElemCache.put(aeName, ae);
LOG.debug("ApplicationElement [name=" + aeName + "] loaded");
return ae;
* Returns an array containing all application attributes for an application
* element.
* @param aeName
* the application element name
* @return the ODS <code>ApplicationAttribute</code>
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplicationAttribute[] getApplicationAttributes(String aeName) throws AoException {
ApplicationAttribute[] attrs = applicationAttrCache.get(aeName);
if (attrs == null) {
attrs = getApplicationElement(aeName).getAttributes("*");
applicationAttrCache.put(aeName, attrs);
LOG.debug("ApplicationAttributes [aeName=" + aeName + "] loaded");
return attrs;
* Returns the ODS application attribute for an application element.
* @param aeName
* the application element name
* @param aaName
* the application attribute name
* @return the ODS <code>ApplicationAttribute</code>
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplicationAttribute getApplicationAttribute(String aeName, String aaName) throws AoException {
for (ApplicationAttribute attr : getApplicationAttributes(aeName)) {
if (attr.getName().equals(aaName)) {
return attr;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_FOUND, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"ApplicationAttribute [aeName=" + aeName + ",aaName=" + aaName + "] not found");
* Returns an application relation between two elements.
* @param ae1Name
* the source application element
* @param ae2Name
* the target application element
* @return the ODS application relation
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplicationRelation getApplicationRelation(String ae1Name, String ae2Name) throws AoException {
// lookup in cache for application relation
ApplicationRelKey appRelKey = new ApplicationRelKey(ae1Name, ae2Name);
ApplicationRelation rel = applicationRelCache.get(appRelKey);
if (rel != null) {
return rel;
// retrieve relation
ApplicationStructure as = getApplicationStructure();
ApplicationElement ae1 = getApplicationElement(ae1Name);
ApplicationElement ae2 = getApplicationElement(ae2Name);
ApplicationRelation[] ars = as.getRelations(ae1, ae2);
// check if relation exist
if (ars.length < 1) {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_INVALID_RELATION, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 1,
"ApplicationRelation between [ae1Name=" + ae1Name + ",ae2Name=" + ae2Name + "] not found");
// check if multiple relations between two elements exist
if (ars.length > 1) {
isSelfRelation(ae1Name, ae2Name, ars);
// put to cache
applicationRelCache.put(appRelKey, ars[0]);
LOG.debug("ApplicationRelation between [ae1Name=" + ae1Name + ",ae2Name=" + ae2Name + "] loaded");
return ars[0];
* Checks for self relation.
* @param ae1Name
* Application element name 1.
* @param ae2Name
* Application element name 2.
* @param ars
* Application relations.
* @throws AoException
* Thrown if a self relation is detected.
private void isSelfRelation(String ae1Name, String ae2Name, ApplicationRelation[] ars) throws AoException {
if (ars.length != 2 && !ars[0].getRelationName().equals(ars[1].getInverseRelationName())) {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_INVALID_RELATION, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 1,
"More than one relation between [ae1Name=" + ae1Name + ",ae2Name=" + ae2Name + "] found");
* Returns an application relation between two elements with given name.
* @param ae1Name
* the source application element
* @param ae2Name
* the target application element
* @param relName
* the relation name
* @return the ODS application relation
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplicationRelation getApplicationRelation(String ae1Name, String ae2Name, String relName)
throws AoException {
// lookup in cache for application relation
ApplicationRelKey appRelKey = new ApplicationRelKey(ae1Name, ae2Name);
ApplicationRelation rel = applicationRelCache.get(appRelKey);
if (rel != null && rel.getRelationName().equals(relName)) {
return rel;
// retrieve relation
ApplicationStructure as = getApplicationStructure();
ApplicationElement ae1 = getApplicationElement(ae1Name);
ApplicationElement ae2 = getApplicationElement(ae2Name);
ApplicationRelation[] ars = as.getRelations(ae1, ae2);
// get relation with right name
for (ApplicationRelation ar : ars) {
if (ar.getRelationName().equals(relName)) {
LOG.debug("ApplicationRelation between [ae1Name=" + ae1Name + ",ae2Name=" + ae2Name + ",relName="
+ relName + "] loaded");
applicationRelCache.put(appRelKey, ar);
return ar;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_INVALID_RELATION, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 1, "ApplicationRelation [ae1Name="
+ ae1Name + ",ae2Name=" + ae2Name + ",relName=" + relName + "] not found");
* Returns an ODS enumeration definition by given name.
* @param enumName
* the enumeration name
* @return the ODS <code>EnumerationDefinition</code> or null if the
* <code>EnumerationDefinition</code> does not exits *
* @throws AoException
* if something is wrong
public final EnumerationDefinition getEnumerationDefinition(String enumName) throws AoException {
EnumerationDefinition enumDef = enumDefCache.get(enumName);
if (enumDef == null) {
ApplicationStructure as = getApplicationStructure();
try {
enumDef = as.getEnumerationDefinition(enumName);
enumDefCache.put(enumName, enumDef);
} catch (AoException aoe) {
LOG.debug("EnumerationDefinition [name=" + enumName + "] not found!");
return null;
LOG.debug("EnumerationDefinition [name=" + enumName + "] loaded");
return enumDef;
* Returns the cached ODS applElemAccess.
* @return the cached applElemAccess
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplElemAccess getApplElemAccess() throws AoException {
if (applElemAccess == null) {
applElemAccess = getAoSession().getApplElemAccess();
LOG.debug("ApplElemAccess loaded");
return applElemAccess;
* methods for accessing cached ODS structs.
* Returns all structs of ODS <code>ApplElem</code>.
* @return the <code>ApplElem</code>
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplElem[] getApplElems() throws AoException {
if (applElems == null) {
applElems = getApplicationStructureValue().applElems;
return applElems;
* Returns the map between application element name and application element
* structure.
* @return The map.
* @throws AoException
* Error loading application element mapping.
private Map<String, ApplElem> getAeName2applElemMap() throws AoException {
if (aeName2applElemMap == null) {
aeName2applElemMap = new HashMap<String, ApplElem>();
for (ApplElem applElem : getApplElems()) {
aeName2applElemMap.put(applElem.aeName, applElem);
return aeName2applElemMap;
* Returns the map between application element id and application element
* structure.
* @return The map.
* @throws AoException
* Error loading application element mapping.
private Map<Long, ApplElem> getAid2applElemMap() throws AoException {
if (aid2applElemMap == null) {
aid2applElemMap = new HashMap<Long, ApplElem>();
for (ApplElem applElem : getApplElems()) {
aid2applElemMap.put(asJLong(applElem.aid), applElem);
return aid2applElemMap;
* Returns all ODS <code>ApplElems</code> by base name.
* @param beName
* the base element name
* @return array of <code>ApplElemns</code>
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplElem[] getApplElemsByBaseName(String beName) throws AoException {
List<ApplElem> list = new LinkedList<ApplElem>();
for (ApplElem applElem : getApplElems()) {
if (applElem.beName.equalsIgnoreCase(beName)) {
return list.toArray(new ApplElem[list.size()]);
* Returns all application element names by given base name
* @param beName
* the base element name
* @return list of application element names
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final String[] getAeNamesByBaseName(String beName) throws AoException {
List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
for (ApplElem applElem : getApplElemsByBaseName(beName)) {
return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
* Returns an ODS <code>ApplElem</code> by given base name. If none or
* multiple were found, an exception is thrown.
* @param beName
* the base element name
* @return the <code>ApplElem</code> if found
* @throws AoException
* none or multiple application elements by given base name have
* been found
public final ApplElem getApplElemByBaseName(String beName) throws AoException {
ApplElem[] elems = getApplElemsByBaseName(beName);
if (elems.length < 1) {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_FOUND, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"AE for base name [beName=" + beName + "] not found");
} else if (elems.length > 1) {
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_UNIQUE, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 01,
"Multiple AEs for base name [beName=" + beName + " found");
return elems[0];
* Returns an ODS <code>ApplElem</code> by given aid.
* @param aid
* the id of the application element
* @return the <code>ApplElem</code>
* @throws AoException
* application element by given id not found
public final ApplElem getApplElem(long aid) throws AoException {
ApplElem applElem = getAid2applElemMap().get(aid);
if (applElem != null) {
return applElem;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_INVALID_ELEMENT, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0, "AE [aid=" + aid + "] not found");
* Returns an ODS <code>ApplElem</code> by given aid as ODS
* <code>T_LONGLONG</code>.
* @param aid
* the id of the application element
* @return the <code>ApplElem</code>
* @throws AoException
* application element by given id not found
public final ApplElem getApplElem(T_LONGLONG aid) throws AoException {
return getApplElem(asJLong(aid));
* Returns an ODS <code>ApplElem</code> by given name.
* @param aeName
* the name of the application element
* @return the <code>ApplElem</code>
* @throws AoException
* application element with given name not found
public final ApplElem getApplElem(String aeName) throws AoException {
ApplElem applElem = getAeName2applElemMap().get(aeName);
if (applElem != null) {
return applElem;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_FOUND, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0, "AE [aeName=" + aeName + "] not found!");
* Checks whether an application element with specified name exists.
* @param aeName
* the name of the ApplicationElement
* @return true, if the ApplicationElement exists, otherwise false
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final boolean applElemExists(String aeName) throws AoException {
return getAeName2applElemMap().containsKey(aeName);
* Creates an ODS <code>org.asam.ods.ElemId</code> by given application
* element name and instance id.
* @param aeName
* the application element name
* @param instanceId
* the instance id
* @return the <code>org.asam.ods.ElemId</code>
* @throws AoException
* application element not found
public final ElemId createElemId(String aeName, long instanceId) throws AoException {
T_LONGLONG aid = getApplElem(aeName).aid;
T_LONGLONG iid = asODSLongLong(instanceId);
return new ElemId(aid, iid);
* Returns an ODS <code>ApplAttr</code> by given name.
* @param aeName
* the name of the application element
* @param aaName
* name of the application attribute
* @return the <code>ApplAttr</code>, null if not found
* @throws AoException
* application attribute not found
public final ApplAttr getApplAttr(String aeName, String aaName) throws AoException {
ApplElem applElem = getApplElem(aeName);
for (ApplAttr applAttr : applElem.attributes) {
if (applAttr.aaName.equals(aaName)) {
return applAttr;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_FOUND, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"ApplicationAttribute [aeName=" + aeName + ",aaName=" + aaName + "] not found!");
* Checks whether an application attribute exists.
* @param aeName
* the name of the application element
* @param aaName
* the name of the application attribute
* @return true, if the application attribute exists, otherwise false
* @throws AoException
* error accessing the application structure
public final boolean applAttrExists(String aeName, String aaName) throws AoException {
if (!applElemExists(aeName)) {
return false;
ApplElem applElem = getApplElem(aeName);
for (ApplAttr applAttr : applElem.attributes) {
if (applAttr.aaName.equals(aaName)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns an application attribute definition by given base base element
* and base attribute name.
* @param beName
* the base element name
* @param baName
* the base attribute name
* @return the application atttribute definition
* @throws AoException
* none or multiple attributes found
public final ApplAttr getApplAttrByBaseName(String beName, String baName) throws AoException {
ApplElem applElem = getApplElemByBaseName(beName);
for (ApplAttr applAttr : applElem.attributes) {
if (applAttr.baName.equals(baName)) {
return applAttr;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_FOUND, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"ApplAttr [beName=" + beName + ",baName=" + baName + "] not found!");
* Returns all application relations as strucuture.
* @return array of application relation structures
* @throws AoException
* error accessing the application structure
public final ApplRel[] getApplRels() throws AoException {
if (applRels == null) {
applRels = getApplicationStructureValue().applRels;
return applRels;
* Checks whether an application relation exists.
* @param elem1
* the first application element
* @param elem2
* the target application element
* @param relName
* the relations name
* @return true, if the relation exists, otherwise false
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final boolean applRelExists(String elem1, String elem2, String relName) throws AoException {
long aidElem1 = asJLong(getApplElem(elem1).aid);
long aidElem2 = asJLong(getApplElem(elem2).aid);
for (ApplRel applRel : getApplRels()) {
if (asJLong(applRel.elem1) == aidElem1 && asJLong(applRel.elem2) == aidElem2
&& applRel.arName.equals(relName)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns all ApplRels for an ODS application element.
* @param aeName
* the name of the application element
* @return list of ApplRels
* @throws AoException
* if something went wrong
public final ApplRel[] getApplRelsForAe(String aeName) throws AoException {
List<ApplRel> list = new LinkedList<ApplRel>();
long aid = asJLong(getApplElem(aeName).aid);
for (ApplRel applRel : getApplRels()) {
long aidelem1 = asJLong(applRel.elem1);
if (aid == aidelem1) {
return list.toArray(new ApplRel[list.size()]);
* Returns all application relations as structure for an application element
* by given base element name.
* @param beName
* the base element name
* @return array of application relation structures
* @throws AoException
* none or multiple application elements with given basename
* found
public final ApplRel[] getApplRelsByBaseName(String beName) throws AoException {
ApplElem applElem = getApplElemByBaseName(beName);
long aid = asJLong(applElem.aid);
List<ApplRel> list = new LinkedList<ApplRel>();
for (ApplRel applRel : getApplRels()) {
long elem1Aid = asJLong(applRel.elem1);
if (elem1Aid == aid) {
return list.toArray(new ApplRel[list.size()]);
* Returns an application relation as structure for an application element
* found by given base element and base relation name.
* @param beName
* the base element name
* @param brName
* the base relation name
* @return the ApplRel structure
* @throws AoException
* none or multiple application elements with given base element
* found or application relation not existing
public final ApplRel getApplRelByBaseName(String beName, String brName) throws AoException {
for (ApplRel applRel : getApplRelsByBaseName(beName)) {
if (applRel.brName.equals(brName)) {
return applRel;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_FOUND, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"ApplRel [beName=" + beName + ",brName=" + brName + "] not found!");
* Methods for accessing enumeration values
* Returns the enumeration structure.
* @return The enumeration structure.
* @throws AoException
* Error getting enumeration structure.
public EnumerationStructure[] getEnumerationStructure() throws AoException {
if (enumerationStructure == null) {
enumerationStructure = getAoSession().getEnumerationStructure();
return enumerationStructure;
* Returns the enumeration attribute structure.
* @return The enumeration attributes.
* @throws AoException
* Error getting enumeration attributes.
public EnumerationAttributeStructure[] getEnumerationAttributes() throws AoException {
if (enumerationAttributes == null) {
enumerationAttributes = getAoSession().getEnumerationAttributes();
return enumerationAttributes;
* Returns the name of the enumeration definition associated to an
* application attribute.
* @param aeName
* The application element name.
* @param aaName
* The application attribute name.
* @return The name of the enumeration definition.
* @throws AoException
* No enumeration definition defined at the attribute.
public String getEnumName(String aeName, String aaName) throws AoException {
long aid = asJLong(getApplElem(aeName).aid);
// fill cache
if (enumerationAttributeMap == null) {
enumerationAttributeMap = new HashMap<Long, Map<String, String>>();
for (EnumerationAttributeStructure eas : getEnumerationAttributes()) {
Map<String, String> attrMap = enumerationAttributeMap.get(aid);
if (attrMap == null) {
attrMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
enumerationAttributeMap.put(aid, attrMap);
attrMap.put(eas.aaName, eas.enumName);
// lookup
Map<String, String> attrMap = enumerationAttributeMap.get(aid);
if (attrMap != null) {
String enumName = attrMap.get(aaName);
if (enumName != null) {
return enumName;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_FOUND, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"No enumeration definition found for [aeName=" + aeName + ",aaName=" + aaName + "]");
* Returns the enumeration item for a enumeration value.
* @param enumName
* The name of the enumeration definition.
* @param enumValue
* The enumeration value.
* @return The enumeration item.
* @throws AoException
* Enumeration definition or value not found.
public final int getEnumItem(String enumName, String enumValue) throws AoException {
// fill cache
if (enumValueToIndexMap == null) {
enumValueToIndexMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Integer>>();
for (EnumerationStructure es : getEnumerationStructure()) {
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (EnumerationItemStructure item : es.items) {
map.put(item.itemName, item.index);
enumValueToIndexMap.put(es.enumName, map);
// lookup
Map<String, Integer> map = enumValueToIndexMap.get(enumName);
if (map != null) {
Integer item = map.get(enumValue);
if (item != null) {
return item;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_FOUND, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"Enumeration item not found for [enumName=" + enumName + ",enumValue=" + enumValue + "]");
* Returns the enumeration value for an enumeration item.
* @param enumName
* The name of the enumeration definition.
* @param enumItem
* The enumeration item.
* @return The enumeration value.
* @throws AoException
* Enumeration definition or item not found.
public final String getEnumValue(String enumName, int enumItem) throws AoException {
// fill cache
if (enumIndexToValueMap == null) {
enumIndexToValueMap = new HashMap<String, Map<Integer, String>>();
for (EnumerationStructure es : getEnumerationStructure()) {
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
for (EnumerationItemStructure item : es.items) {
map.put(item.index, item.itemName);
enumIndexToValueMap.put(es.enumName, map);
// lookup
Map<Integer, String> map = enumIndexToValueMap.get(enumName);
if (map != null) {
String value = map.get(enumItem);
if (value != null) {
return value;
throw new AoException(ErrorCode.AO_NOT_FOUND, SeverityFlag.ERROR, 0,
"Enumeration value not found for [enumName=" + enumName + ",enumItem=" + enumItem + "]");
* Unique key for an application relation.
private static class ApplicationRelKey {
private final String ae1name;
private final String ae2name;
* Creates a new ApplicationRelKey.
* @param ae1name
* the source application element name
* @param ae2name
* the target application element name
public ApplicationRelKey(String ae1name, String ae2name) {
this.ae1name = ae1name;
this.ae2name = ae2name;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + (ae1name == null ? 0 : ae1name.hashCode());
result = prime * result + (ae2name == null ? 0 : ae2name.hashCode());
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final ApplicationRelKey other = (ApplicationRelKey) obj;
if (ae1name == null) {
if (other.ae1name != null) {
return false;
} else if (!ae1name.equals(other.ae1name)) {
return false;
if (ae2name == null) {
if (other.ae2name != null) {
return false;
} else if (!ae2name.equals(other.ae2name)) {
return false;
return true;