blob: 6edd7dd200974771f06b49066f288f6546b05de6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
import {Component, ViewChild, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnChanges, SimpleChanges, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {SearchDefinition, SearchAttribute, SearchLayout} from './search.service';
import {FilterService, SearchFilter, Condition, Operator} from './filter.service';
import {NodeService} from '../navigator/node.service';
import {Node} from '../navigator/node';
import {MDMItem} from '../core/mdm-item';
import {SearchattributeTreeComponent} from '../searchattribute-tree/searchattribute-tree.component';
import {TypeaheadMatch} from 'ngx-bootstrap/typeahead';
import {ModalDirective} from 'ngx-bootstrap';
import {TreeNode} from 'primeng/primeng';
import {MDMNotificationService} from '../core/mdm-notification.service';
import {classToClass} from 'class-transformer';
export class SearchField {
group: string;
attribute: string;
constructor(group?: string, attribute?: string) { = group || '';
this.attribute = attribute || '';
equals(searchField: SearchField) {
return ( === && searchField.attribute === this.attribute);
selector: 'edit-searchFields',
templateUrl: 'edit-searchFields.component.html',
export class EditSearchFieldsComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit {
readonly LblApplyChanges = 'Änderungen übernehmen';
readonly LblSearchFieldEditor = 'Suchfeld Editor';
readonly LblSelectedSearchAttributes = 'Ausgewählte Suchattribute';
readonly TtlClose = 'Schließen';
readonly TtlRemove = 'Entfernen';
@ViewChild('lgEditSearchFieldsModal') public childModal: ModalDirective;
@ViewChild(SearchattributeTreeComponent) tree: SearchattributeTreeComponent;
@Input() environments: Node[];
@Input() searchAttributes: { [env: string]: SearchAttribute[] } = {};
typeAheadValues: { label: string, group: string, attribute: SearchAttribute }[] = [];
conditionsSubmitted = new EventEmitter<Condition[]>();
layout: SearchLayout = new SearchLayout;
conditions: Condition[] = [];
selectedSearchAttribute: SearchAttribute;
subscription: any;
constructor(private filterService: FilterService,
private notificationService: MDMNotificationService) { }
ngOnInit() {
node => this.nodeSelect(node),
error => this.notificationService.notifyError('Ausgewählter Knoten kann nicht aktualisiert werden.', error)
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if (changes['searchAttributes'] || changes['environments']) {
let ar = Object.keys(this.searchAttributes)
.map(env => this.searchAttributes[env])
.reduce((acc, value) => acc.concat(value), <SearchAttribute[]> [])
.map(sa => { return { 'label': sa.boType + '.' + sa.attrName, 'group': sa.boType, 'attribute': sa }; });
this.typeAheadValues = this.uniqueBy(ar, p => p.label);
if (changes['environments']) {
show(conditions?: Condition[]) {
if (conditions) {
this.conditions = classToClass(conditions);
} else {
this.conditions = [];
return this.conditionsSubmitted;
conditionUpdated() {
let envs = (this.environments || []).map(node => node.sourceName);
this.layout = SearchLayout.createSearchLayout(envs, this.searchAttributes, this.conditions);
nodeSelect(node: TreeNode) {
if (node && node.type === 'attribute') {
let sa = <SearchAttribute>;
this.pushCondition(new Condition(sa.boType, sa.attrName, Operator.EQUALS, [], sa.valueType));
removeCondition(condition: Condition) {
let index = this.conditions.findIndex(c => condition.type === c.type && condition.attribute === c.attribute);
this.conditions.splice(index, 1);
addSearchFields() {
public typeaheadOnSelect(match: TypeaheadMatch) {
this.pushCondition(new Condition(match.item.attribute.boType,
match.item.attribute.attrName, Operator.EQUALS, [], match.item.attribute.valueType));
this.selectedSearchAttribute = undefined;
pushCondition(condition: Condition) {
if (this.conditions.find(c => condition.type === c.type && condition.attribute === c.attribute)) {
this.notificationService.notifyInfo('Das Suchfeld wurde bereits ausgewählt!', 'Info');
} else {
mapSourceNameToName(sourceName: string) {
return NodeService.mapSourceNameToName(this.environments, sourceName);
isLast(col: Condition) {
let sourceName = this.layout.getSourceName(col);
if (sourceName) {
let conditionsInSameSource = this.layout.getConditions(sourceName);
return conditionsInSameSource.indexOf(col) === conditionsInSameSource.length - 1;
isFirst(col: Condition) {
let sourceName = this.layout.getSourceName(col);
if (sourceName) {
let conditionsInSameSource = this.layout.getConditions(sourceName);
return conditionsInSameSource.indexOf(col) === 0;
moveUp(condition: Condition) {
if (!this.isFirst(condition)) {
let sourceName = this.layout.getSourceName(condition);
if (sourceName) {
let conditionsInSameSource = this.layout.getConditions(sourceName);
let oldIndex = conditionsInSameSource.indexOf(condition);
let otherCondition = conditionsInSameSource[oldIndex - 1];
this.swap(condition, otherCondition);
moveDown(condition: Condition) {
if (!this.isLast(condition)) {
let sourceName = this.layout.getSourceName(condition);
if (sourceName) {
let conditionsInSameSource = this.layout.getConditions(sourceName);
let oldIndex = conditionsInSameSource.indexOf(condition);
let otherCondition = conditionsInSameSource[oldIndex + 1];
this.swap(condition, otherCondition);
private swap(condition1: Condition, condition2: Condition) {
let index1 = this.conditions.findIndex(c => c.type === condition1.type && c.attribute === condition1.attribute);
let index2 = this.conditions.findIndex(c => c.type === condition2.type && c.attribute === condition2.attribute);
let tmp = this.conditions[index1];
this.conditions[index1] = this.conditions[index2];
this.conditions[index2] = tmp;
private uniqueBy<T>(a: T[], key: (T) => any) {
let seen = {};
return a.filter(function(item) {
let k = key(item);
return seen.hasOwnProperty(k) ? false : (seen[k] = true);