blob: 0cf0114f6be6549831e447b4f34d9b6ab757ac3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Http} from '@angular/http';
import {catchError, map} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {Sensor} from './context';
import {PropertyService} from '../core/property.service';
import {HttpErrorHandler} from '../core/http-error-handler';
import {Node} from '../navigator/node';
export class ContextService {
private _contextUrl: string;
private test: {};
private errorMessage: string;
constructor(private http: Http,
private httpErrorHandler: HttpErrorHandler,
private _prop: PropertyService) {
this._contextUrl = _prop.getUrl('mdm/environments');
getContext(node: Node) {
let url = this._contextUrl + '/' + node.sourceName;
url = url + '/' + node.type.toLowerCase() + 's/' + + '/contexts';
return this.http.get(url).pipe(
map((res) => {
let data = res.json().data;
let context = this.mergeContextRoots([data[0].ordered, data[0].measured]);
return <{}> context;
getSensors(node: Node) {
let url = this._contextUrl + '/' + node.sourceName + '/' + node.type.toLowerCase() + 's/' + + '/contexts/testequipment/sensors';
return this.http.get(url).pipe(
map((res) => { return <{}> this.merge(res.json().data); }),
private merge(sensor: Sensor) {
let sensorm = sensor[0].sensor_measured;
let sensoro = sensor[0].sensor_ordered;
let merge = [];
sensoro.forEach((node) => {
let pos = { return; }).indexOf(;
if (pos === -1) {
} else {
merge.push(this.mergeNode(node, sensorm[pos]));
sensorm.splice(pos, 1);
sensorm.forEach((node) => {
return merge;
private mergeNode(oNode, mNode) {
oNode.attributes.forEach((attr, i) => {
attr.dataType = [attr.dataType, mNode.attributes[i].dataType]; = [, mNode.attributes[i].name];
attr.unit = [attr.unit, mNode.attributes[i].unit];
attr.value = [attr.value, mNode.attributes[i].value];
return oNode;
private empty_o(node) {
node.attributes.forEach((attr) => {
attr.dataType = ['', attr.dataType]; = ['',];
attr.unit = ['', attr.unit];
attr.value = ['', attr.unit];
return node;
private empty_m(node) {
node.attributes.forEach((attr) => {
attr.dataType = [attr.dataType, '']; = [, ''];
attr.unit = [attr.unit, ''];
attr.value = [attr.unit, ''];
return node;
/** Merges several ContextRoots by merging their ContextComponents */
private mergeContextRoots(contexts) {
let result: { [context: string]: MergedContextComponent[] } = {};
for (let i = 0; i < contexts.length; ++i) {
for (let contextType in contexts[i]) {
if (contexts[i].hasOwnProperty(contextType)) {
result[contextType] = this.mergeComponents(contexts[i][contextType], i, result[contextType]);
return result;
/** Merges several ContextComponents by merging their ContextAttributes */
private mergeComponents(contextComponents: any, contextIndex: number, resultComponents: MergedContextComponent[]) {
if (!Array.isArray(contextComponents)) {
return resultComponents;
let result = resultComponents || [];
for (let contextComponent of contextComponents) {
if (!(contextComponent instanceof Object)) { continue; }
let resultComponent = result.find(cc => === contextComponent['name']);
if (!resultComponent) {
resultComponent = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(contextComponent))
resultComponent['attributes'] = [];
resultComponent['attributes'] = this.mergeAttributes(contextComponent['attributes'], contextIndex, resultComponent['attributes']);
return result;
/** Merges a array of ContextAttributes to a MergedContextAttribute
* and adds it to the given resultAttributes array. Merging the ContextAttributes
* copies the values of all properties (which should be identical), except the
* value property. The value property in MergedContextAttribute is an array
* with all values of the value property from all ContextAttributes.
private mergeAttributes(attributes: ContextAttribute[], contextIndex: number, resultAttributes: MergedContextAttribute[]) {
if (!Array.isArray(attributes)) {
return resultAttributes;
let result = resultAttributes || [];
for (let attribute of attributes) {
if (!(attribute instanceof Object)) { continue; }
let resultAttribute = result.find(a => === attribute['name']);
if (!resultAttribute) {
resultAttribute = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(attribute))
resultAttribute['value'] = [];
resultAttribute['value'][contextIndex] = attribute['value'];
return resultAttributes;
/** Represents a ContextAttribute */
export class ContextAttribute {
name: string;
value: string;
unit: string;
dataType: string;
/** Represents multiple ContextAttributes with their value properties merged to an array */
export class MergedContextAttribute {
name: string;
value: string[];
unit: string;
dataType: string;
/** Represents merged ContextComponents */
export class MergedContextComponent {
name: string;
id: string;
type: string;
sourcType: string;
sourceName: string;
attributes: MergedContextAttribute[];