blob: 937a4250c6d8dc49ceb90c2d9331e6cbea22789b [file] [log] [blame]
== Introduction
=== General
This document serves as a setup and installation guide for the Eclipse mdmbl project. +
For **developers** is describes how to setup the environment, where the source code of the project can be found, retrieved,build and deployed.
For **users** interested only in deploying / installing the openMDM Application, start here.
**Note**: This guide describes the deployment on a local machine only,
for installing the application in a company infrastructure, please contact your administrators to support you with firewalls and proxy configurations, grant permissions, etc.
* For development communication we use the mdmbl mailing list: +
* The openMDM Working group mailing list: +
**For contributing to the mdmbl project you need to sign the ECA** +
(Eclipse Contributor Agreement):
**Helpful Links:**
* Eclipse Wiki - openMDM EWG: +
* Eclipse Project openMDM@BL: +
* Eclipse Bugzilla mdmbl issues: +
* openMDM git repos: +
Get the artefacts from the Project Download Page: openMDM_application-<version>.zip +
=== Requirements and Bugs
* Requirements are created in the Eclipse Bugzilla System [1]
* Requirements are ordered by priority and maturity by the Steering Committee
* for every REQU issue one or more Eclipse Bugzilla Tasks are created
* mdmbl dev team works on the Bugzilla issues [1] +
**Bugzilla issues:**
* Requirements
* real bugs from internal or external
* technical requirements / enhancements from the team
=== Use of new Frameworks / IP Management
To introduce a new framework to the code the QA guidelines of the EWG and the Legal Process of Eclipse ([]
) has to be followed:
* Get the approval for use from the the Architecture Committee. The members of the AC are listed here: +​.
* Get the IP approval from the Eclipse Foundation, see: +[OpenMDM_IP_management_and_Software_Licensing.pdf]
Only if you have both approvals, you can use the libraries in the code!
=== Branching and versioning
There are releases and milestones for the code in org.eclipse.mdm, milestones are marked with M”, e.g. 5.2.0M2 is the 2nd milestone on the way to the 5.2.0 release.
Stable versions are on the ​**master**​ branch. +
The current development happens on the ​**dev​** branch. +
There are also several other branches, please contact us via the mailing list if you need more information.
The latest stable version is on the current master. Older stable versions are tagged with the version number, e.g. 5.1.0, 5.2.0M1.
For all stable versions the build artefacts and documentation are made available on the mdmbl download page: +
Documentation and release notes in Git: +
=== Eclipse Infrastructure
==== Gerrit
The mdmbl project is using Gerrit for code reviews. To configure, refer to chapter[Configure Gerrit​].
Gerrit has a two stage reviewing system:
1. when code is checked into Gerrit, a build is automatically started. Ther Gerrit flag verified is set to +1, if the build succeeded
2. a committer has to review the code and if ok, the code review flag is set to +2
==== Jenkins
There a nightly builds for the dev and the master branches of org.eclipse.mdm +
There are also builds for Gerrit and Sonar.
==== Sonar
Note: 5.2.0M2 - not working, build scripts under construction +
The Eclipse SonarQube server is available via​[]. +
Rules: Qualitygate - sonar way with findbugs
Static code analysis is configured for the dev branch of org.eclipse.mdm +
Generated and test sources are excluded.
=== ODS Server used for Developer Tests
All released versions are tested with the following ODS Server:
* HiQSoft GmbH +
* Peak Solution GmbH +