blob: f5838ed63b5858edd3fb81eec9d94b9ff84fb0ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
import { MDMNotificationService } from '@core/mdm-notification.service';
import { MDMItem } from '@core/mdm-item';
import { NavigatorService } from '@navigator/navigator.service';
import { Node, Attribute } from '@navigator/node';
import { NodeService } from '@navigator/node.service';
import { FilesAttachableService } from '../../services/files-attachable.service';
selector: 'mdm5-file-explorer-nav-card',
templateUrl: './file-explorer-nav-card.component.html'
export class FileExplorerNavCardComponent implements OnInit {
private static readonly FILE_ATTACHABLE_TYPES = ['Test', 'TestStep', 'Measurement'];
// holding node selected in navigator
public selectedNode: Node;
// holding node selected in navigator
public filesAttachable = false;
public linkAttr: Attribute;
public status = 'file-explorer.file-explorer-nav-card.status-no-node-selected';
public constructor(
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private navigatorService: NavigatorService,
private nodeService: NodeService,
private notificationService: MDMNotificationService) {}
public ngOnInit() {
// init data on navigation via modules
this.route.url.subscribe(() => {
this.selectedNode = this.navigatorService.getSelectedNode();
// reload selected node to reflect fileLink changes from delete and create
// init data on selected node change via navigator
node => this.init(node),
error => this.notificationService.notifyError('Daten können nicht geladen werden.', error));
// initialize component data
private init(node: Node) {
if (node != undefined) {
this.selectedNode = node;
this.status = 'file-explorer.file-explorer-nav-card.status-node-is-no-files-attachable';
this.filesAttachable = this.isFileAttachable(this.selectedNode);
this.linkAttr = this.findLinkAttribute();
// if (linkAttr != undefined && linkAttr.value != undefined) {
// this.links = linkAttr.value as MDMLink[];
// }
// reloads the selected node (and consequently all file data)
private reloadSelectedNode() {
if (this.selectedNode != undefined) {
this.nodeService.getNodeFromItem(new MDMItem(this.selectedNode.sourceName, this.selectedNode.type,
.subscribe(node => this.init(node));
// extract MDMLink attribute from node
private findLinkAttribute() {
let linkAttr: Attribute;
if (this.selectedNode != undefined && this.selectedNode.attributes != undefined && this.selectedNode.attributes.length > 0) {
linkAttr = this.selectedNode.attributes.find(attr => === FilesAttachableService.MDM_LINKS);
return linkAttr;
// returns true, if node.type is configured as file-attachable.
private isFileAttachable(node: Node) {
let isAttachable = false;
if (node != undefined) {
isAttachable = FileExplorerNavCardComponent.FILE_ATTACHABLE_TYPES.find(t => t === node.type) != undefined;
return isAttachable;