blob: d1d7a720f828110674c35654ded14ce9dbc92b69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.boundary;
import static org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.boundary.ResourceConstants.REQUESTPARAM_ID;
import static org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.boundary.ResourceConstants.REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME;
import static org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.utils.Decomposer.decompose;
import static org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.utils.ServiceUtils.V;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.model.ContextRoot;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.model.ContextType;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.model.Environment;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.model.FileLink;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.model.Measurement;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.model.TestStep;
import org.eclipse.mdm.api.dflt.model.ValueList;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.control.FileLinkActivity;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.entity.ContextResponse;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.entity.ContextSensorResponse;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.entity.I18NResponse;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.entity.MDMEntity;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.entity.MDMEntityResponse;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.entity.SearchAttributeResponse;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.service.ContextService;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.service.EntityFileLink;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.service.EntityService;
import org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.utils.ServiceUtils;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
import io.vavr.collection.List;
import io.vavr.control.Try;
* {@link Measurement} resource
* @author Sebastian Dirsch, Gigatronik Ingolstadt GmbH
@Tag(name = "Measurement")
@Path("/environments/{" + REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME + "}/measurements")
public class MeasurementResource {
private MeasurementService measurementService;
private EntityService entityService;
private ContextService contextService;
private FileLinkActivity fileLinkActivity;
* delegates the request to the {@link MeasurementService}
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @return the result of the delegated request as {@link Response}
@Operation(summary = "Get the search attributes", description = "Get a list of search attributes", responses = {
@ApiResponse(description = "The search attributes", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MDMEntityResponse.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Error") })
public Response getSearchAttributes(
@Parameter(description = "Name of the MDM datasource", required = true) @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName) {
return Try.of(() -> measurementService.getSearchAttributes(sourceName))
.map(attrs -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(new SearchAttributeResponse(attrs), Status.OK))
* delegates the request to the {@link MeasurementService}
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param filter filter string to filter the Measurement result
* @return the result of the delegated request as {@link Response}
@Operation(summary = "Find Measurements by filter", description = "Get list of Measurements", responses = {
@ApiResponse(description = "The Measurements", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MDMEntityResponse.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Error") })
public Response getMeasurements(
@Parameter(description = "Name of the MDM datasource", required = true) @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@Parameter(description = "Filter expression", required = false) @QueryParam("filter") String filter) {
return Try.of(() -> measurementService.getMeasurements(sourceName, filter)).map(List::ofAll)
.map(e -> ServiceUtils.buildEntityResponse(e, Status.OK, Measurement.class))
* delegates the request to the {@link MeasurementService}
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param MeasurementId id of the {@link Measurement}
* @return the result of the delegated request as {@link Response}
@Operation(summary = "Find a Measurement by ID", description = "Returns Measurement based on ID", responses = {
@ApiResponse(description = "The Project", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MDMEntityResponse.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Invalid ID supplied") })
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}")
public Response findMeasurement(
@Parameter(description = "Name of the MDM datasource", required = true) @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@Parameter(description = "ID of the Measurement", required = true) @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id) {
return entityService.find(sourceName, Measurement.class, id)
.map(e -> ServiceUtils.buildEntityResponse(e, Status.OK)).recover(ServiceUtils.ERROR_RESPONSE_SUPPLIER)
* delegates the request to the {@link MeasurementService}
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param MeasurementId id of the {@link Measurement}
* @return the result of the delegated request as {@link Response}
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/contexts")
public Response findContext(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id) {
return contextService.getMeasurementContext(sourceName, id).map(ServiceUtils::contextMapToJava)
.map(ContextResponse::new).map(contextResponse -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(contextResponse, Status.OK))
* Updates the context of {@link Measurement} with all parameters set in the
* given JSON body of the request.
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param id the identifier of the {@link MeasurementValue} to update.
* @param body the body of the request containing the attributes to update
* @return the context map of the updated {@link Measurement}
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/contexts")
public Response updateContext(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id, ContextResponse body) {
return entityService.find(sourceName, Measurement.class, id)
.map(measurement -> contextService.updateContext(body, measurement)).map(ContextResponse::new)
.map(contextResponse -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(contextResponse, Status.OK))
* delegates the request to the {@link MeasurementService}
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param MeasurementId id of the {@link Measurement}
* @return the result of the delegated request as {@link Response}
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/contexts/unitundertest")
public Response findContextUUT(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id) {
return contextService.getMeasurementContext(sourceName, id, ContextType.UNITUNDERTEST)
.map(contextResponse -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(contextResponse, Status.OK))
* Updates the context of {@link ContextType} UNITUNDERTEST of
* {@link Measurement} with all parameters set in the given JSON body of the
* request.
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param id the identifier of the {@link MeasurementValue} to update.
* @param body the body of the request containing the attributes to update
* @return the context map of {@link ContextType} UNITUNDERTEST of the updated
* {@link TestStep}
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/contexts/unitundertest")
public Response updateContextUUT(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id, ContextResponse body) {
return entityService.find(sourceName, Measurement.class, id)
.map(measurement -> contextService.updateContext(body, measurement, ContextType.UNITUNDERTEST))
.map(ContextResponse::new).map(contextResponse -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(contextResponse, Status.OK))
* delegates the request to the {@link MeasurementService}
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param MeasurementId id of the {@link Measurement}
* @return the result of the delegated request as {@link Response}
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/contexts/testsequence")
public Response findContextTSQ(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id) {
return contextService.getMeasurementContext(sourceName, id, ContextType.TESTSEQUENCE)
.map(contextResponse -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(contextResponse, Status.OK))
* Updates the context of {@link ContextType} TESTSEQUENCE of
* {@link Measurement} with all parameters set in the given JSON body of the
* request.
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param id the identifier of the {@link MeasurementValue} to update.
* @param body the body of the request containing the attributes to update
* @return the context map of {@link ContextType} TESTSEQUENCE of the updated
* {@link TestStep}
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/contexts/testsequence")
public Response updateContextTSQ(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id, ContextResponse body) {
return entityService.find(sourceName, Measurement.class, id)
.map(measurement -> contextService.updateContext(body, measurement, ContextType.TESTSEQUENCE))
.map(ContextResponse::new).map(contextResponse -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(contextResponse, Status.OK))
* delegates the request to the {@link MeasurementService}
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param MeasurementId id of the {@link Measurement}
* @return the result of the delegated request as {@link Response}
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/contexts/testequipment")
public Response findContextTEQ(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id) {
return contextService.getMeasurementContext(sourceName, id, ContextType.TESTEQUIPMENT)
.map(contextResponse -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(contextResponse, Status.OK))
* Updates the context of {@link ContextType} TESTEQUIPMENT of
* {@link Measurement} with all parameters set in the given JSON body of the
* request.
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param id the identifier of the {@link MeasurementValue} to update.
* @param body the body of the request containing the attributes to update
* @return the context map of {@link ContextType} TESTEQUIPMENT of the updated
* {@link TestStep}
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/contexts/testequipment")
public Response updateContextTEQ(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id, ContextResponse body) {
return entityService.find(sourceName, Measurement.class, id)
.map(measurement -> contextService.updateContext(body, measurement, ContextType.TESTEQUIPMENT))
.map(ContextResponse::new).map(contextResponse -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(contextResponse, Status.OK))
* delegates the request to the {@link MeasurementService}
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param MeasurementId id of the {@link Measurement}
* @return the result of the delegated request as {@link Response}
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/contexts/testequipment/sensors")
public Response getContextTEQSensors(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id) {
return Try.of(() -> measurementService.getSensors(sourceName, id))
.map(sensorMap -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(new ContextSensorResponse(sensorMap), Status.OK))
* delegates the request to the {@link MeasurementService}
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @return the result of the delegated request as {@link Response}
@Operation(summary = "Get the Measurement localizations", description = "Returns Measurement localizations", responses = {
@ApiResponse(description = "The Measurement localizations", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MDMEntityResponse.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "500", description = "Error") })
public Response localize(
@Parameter(description = "Name of the MDM datasource", required = true) @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName) {
return Try
.of(() -> new I18NResponse(measurementService.localizeType(sourceName),
.map(resp -> ServiceUtils.toResponse(resp, Status.OK)).recover(ServiceUtils.ERROR_RESPONSE_SUPPLIER)
* Returns the created {@link Measurement}.
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param body The {@link Measurement} to create.
* @return the created {@link Measurement} as {@link Response}.
@Operation(summary = "Create a new Measurement", responses = {
@ApiResponse(description = "The created Measurement", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MDMEntityResponse.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "500", description = "Error") })
public Response create(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName, MDMEntityResponse body) {
return entityService
.create(sourceName, Measurement.class,
entityService.extractArgumentsFromRequestBody(sourceName, body, List.of("Name"),
List.of(TestStep.class)).append(V(new ContextRoot[] {})))
.map(e -> ServiceUtils.buildEntityResponse(e, Status.CREATED))
* Updates the {@link Measurement} with all parameters set in the given JSON
* body of the request.
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param id the identifier of the {@link MeasurementValue} to update.
* @param body the body of the request containing the attributes to update
* @return the updated {@link Measurement}
@Operation(summary = "Update an existing Measurement", description = "Updates the Measurement with all parameters set in the body of the request.", responses = {
@ApiResponse(description = "The updated Measurement", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MDMEntityResponse.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Invalid ID supplied") })
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}")
public Response patch(@PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName, @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id,
MDMEntityResponse body) {
return entityService
.update(sourceName, entityService.find(sourceName, Measurement.class, id),
.map(e -> ServiceUtils.buildEntityResponse(e, Status.OK)).recover(ServiceUtils.ERROR_RESPONSE_SUPPLIER)
* Deletes and returns the deleted {@link Measurement}.
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param id The identifier of the {@link Measurement} to delete.
* @return the deleted {@link ValueList }s as {@link Response}
@Operation(summary = "Delete an existing Measurement", responses = {
@ApiResponse(description = "The deleted Measurement", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MDMEntityResponse.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Invalid ID supplied") })
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}")
public Response delete(
@Parameter(description = "Name of the MDM datasource", required = true) @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@Parameter(description = "ID of the Measurement", required = true) @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id) {
return entityService.delete(sourceName, entityService.find(sourceName, Measurement.class, id))
.map(e -> ServiceUtils.buildEntityResponse(e, Status.OK)).recover(ServiceUtils.ERROR_RESPONSE_SUPPLIER)
* Stream the contents of a file link.
* @param sourceName name of the source (MDM {@link Environment} name)
* @param id The identifier of the {@link Measurement} which contains
* the {@link FileLink}
* @param remotePath The remote path of the {@link FileLink} to identify, which
* {@link FileLink}'s content is requests.
* @return The content of the file as {@link}.
* The response also has the MimeType set according to
* {@link FileLink#getMimeType()}.
@Operation(summary = "Stream the contents of a file link", responses = {
@ApiResponse(description = "The content of the file link as a stream. MimeType is set to that of the file link.", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MDMEntityResponse.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Invalid ID or remote path supplied") })
@Path("/{" + REQUESTPARAM_ID + "}/files/{remotePath}")
public Response streamFileLink(
@Parameter(description = "Name of the MDM datasource", required = true) @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_SOURCENAME) String sourceName,
@Parameter(description = "ID of the Measurement containing the file link", required = true) @PathParam(REQUESTPARAM_ID) String id,
@Parameter(description = "The remote path of the file link whose content is to be retrieved", required = true) @PathParam("remotePath") String remotePath) {
return entityService.find(sourceName, Measurement.class, id).map(fa -> new EntityFileLink(fa, remotePath))
.map(efl -> Response.ok(efl.toStreamingOutput(fileLinkActivity, sourceName),