blob: 7901961162cfce24eac0842a005ba062508852e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.mdm.businessobjects.boundary.integrationtest;
import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.authentication.PreemptiveBasicAuthScheme;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import io.restassured.response.ExtractableResponse;
import io.restassured.response.Response;
import io.vavr.collection.HashMap;
import io.vavr.collection.HashSet;
import io.vavr.collection.Map;
import io.vavr.collection.Set;
* Abstract test class for Entity resources. Tests are executed in
* {@code FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING)} as {@link test1Create},
* {@link test2Find()}, {@link test3FindAll()}, {@link test4Update()} and
* {@link test5Delete()} depend on the entity created by test1Create().
* @author Alexander Nehmer, science+computing AG Tuebingen (Atos SE)
// TODO anehmer on 2017-11-23: test for specific return codes
// TODO anehmer on 2017-11-24: expand tests to localization and search attribute
// information
public abstract class EntityResourceIntegrationTest {
private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EntityResourceIntegrationTest.class);
private static final String HOST = "localhost";
private static final String PORT = "8080";
private static final String BASE_PATH = "org.eclipse.mdm.nucleus";
private static final String API_PATH = "mdm";
private static final String ENV_PATH = "environments/PODS";
private static final String AUTH_USERNAME = "sa";
private static final String AUTH_PASSWORD = "sa";
protected final static String TESTDATA_ENTITY_ID = "entityId";
protected final static String TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME = "entityName";
protected final static String TESTDATA_ENTITY_TYPE = "entityType";
protected final static String TESTDATA_CREATE_JSON_BODY = "createJSONBody";
protected final static String TESTDATA_UPDATE_JSON_BODY = "updateJSONBody";
protected final static String TESTDATA_RESOURCE_URI = "resourceURI";
protected final static String TESTDATA_RANDOM_DATA = "RANDOM_DATA";
private static final String RANDOM_ENTITY_NAME_SUFFIX = "_" + Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis());
public enum TestType {
private static Map<Class<?>, Set<TestType>> testsToSkip = HashMap.empty();
private static Map<Class<?>, Map<String, String>> testDataMap = HashMap.empty();
// if this is set, the resource URI for find() is constructed with the name as
private static Map<Class<?>, Boolean> findByName = HashMap.empty();
* The context class must be set by implementing tests as the context to get
* from and put test data values to
private static Class<?> contextClass;
* Init RestAssured
static {
// configure URI
StringBuilder baseURI = new StringBuilder();
RestAssured.baseURI = baseURI.toString();
RestAssured.basePath = ENV_PATH;
LOGGER.debug("RestAssured set up to " + RestAssured.baseURI + "/" + RestAssured.basePath);
// setup authentication
PreemptiveBasicAuthScheme authScheme = new PreemptiveBasicAuthScheme();
RestAssured.authentication = authScheme;
LOGGER.debug("RestAssured authentication set to credentials [" + AUTH_USERNAME + "]/[" + AUTH_PASSWORD + "]");
public void test1Create() {
// only execute if not skipped by implementing test class
* Static method that can be utilised by tests to create a specific entity or is
* called indirectly by JUnit
public static void createEntity() {
// do not create entity if it was already created in a currently running
// prepareTestData() cascade
if (isTestDataValuePresent(TESTDATA_ENTITY_ID)) {
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + ".create() aborted as entity "
+ getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME) + " of type " + getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_TYPE)
+ " was already created");
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + ".create() sending POST to "
+ getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_RESOURCE_URI) + " with: " + getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_CREATE_JSON_BODY));
ExtractableResponse<io.restassured.response.Response> response = given().contentType(ContentType.JSON)
// do not check for name equality as that might be created randomly
.body("data.first().type", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_TYPE)))
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + " created " + response.asString());
putTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_ID, response.path("data.first().id"));
putTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME, response.path("data.first().name"));
public void test2Find() {
// only execute if not skipped by implementing test class
String uri = getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_RESOURCE_URI) + "/"
+ (EntityResourceIntegrationTest.findByName.getOrElse(getContextClass(), false)
: getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_ID));
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + ".find() sending GET to " + uri);
ExtractableResponse<Response> response = given().get(uri)
.body("data.first().name", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME)))
.body("data.first().type", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_TYPE)))
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + " found " + response.asString());
* Finds the first entity of the {@code EntityType} set in the context and put
* the found ID in the context for further usage
public static void findFirst() {
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + ".find() sending GET to "
String id = given().get(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_RESOURCE_URI))
.body("data.first().name", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME)))
.body("data.first().type", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_TYPE)))
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + " found " + getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_TYPE)
+ " with ID " + id);
putTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_ID, id);
public void test3FindAll() {
// only execute if not skipped by implementing test class
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + ".findAll() sending GET to "
ExtractableResponse<Response> response = given().get(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_RESOURCE_URI))
.body("data.first().type", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_TYPE)))
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + " found all " + response.asString());
// TODO anehmer on 2017-11-09: test findAll with filter
// TODO anehmer on 2018-02-06: update of relations are not checked as the
// returned Json does not include relations
public void test4Update() {
// only execute if not skipped by implementing test class
JsonObject json;
// if no UPDATE_JSON_BODY is defined in implementing test, just run the MimeType
// update
if (!isTestDataValuePresent(TESTDATA_UPDATE_JSON_BODY)) {
json = new JsonObject();
// or add it to the existing update
else {
json = new JsonParser().parse(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_UPDATE_JSON_BODY))
json.add("MimeType", new JsonPrimitive("updatedMimeType"));
putTestDataValue(TESTDATA_UPDATE_JSON_BODY, json.toString());
String uri = getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_RESOURCE_URI) + "/" + getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_ID);
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + ".update() sending PUT to " + uri + " with: "
ExtractableResponse<Response> response = given().contentType(ContentType.JSON)
// TODO anehmer on 2017-11-15: the update should use different data but as the
// returned JSON represents
// the entity prior update it does not make any difference as the update is
// performed just based on identical data. We should discuss the PUT-behaviour
// instead: return the old or updated object as returning the updated one would
// mean to perform another get as the ODSTransaction.update() does not return
// the updated entity
// TODO anehmer on 2017-11-15: use Description to test update
.body("data.first().name", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME)))
.body("data.first().type", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_TYPE)))
.body("data.first().attributes.find { == 'MimeType'}.value", equalTo("updatedMimeType"))
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + " updated " + response.asString());
public void test5Delete() {
// only execute if not skipped by implementing test class
* Static method that can be utilised by tests to delete a specific entity or is
* called indirectly by JUnit
public static void deleteEntity() {
String uri = getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_RESOURCE_URI) + "/" + getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_ID);
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + ".delete() sending DELETE to " + uri);
ExtractableResponse<Response> response = given().delete(uri)
.body("data.first().name", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME)))
.body("data.first().type", equalTo(getTestDataValue(TESTDATA_ENTITY_TYPE)))
LOGGER.debug(getContextClass().getSimpleName() + " deleted " + response.asString());
* Gets value with key from the testDataMap. The value map is thereby
* automatically identified by the implementing class.
* @param key
* key to get value for
* @return value for given key
public static String getTestDataValue(String key) {
return getTestDataValue(getContextClass(), key);
* Gets value with key from the testDataMap using the context specified by
* contextClass
* @param contextClass
* the class of the test implementation
* @param key
* key to get value for
* @return value for given key
public static String getTestDataValue(Class<?> contextClass, String key) {
return testDataMap.get(contextClass)
.map(valueMap -> valueMap.get(key)
.getOrElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException(
"Key [" + key + "] not found in test data value map in context ["
+ contextClass.getSimpleName() + "]")))
* Checks if a test data value is present for the given key
* @param key
* key to check presence of test data value for
* @return true, if a test data value for the given key exists, false if not
public static boolean isTestDataValuePresent(String key) {
return testDataMap.get(getContextClass())
.map(valueMap -> valueMap.get(key)
* Removes the test data value for the given key. If the key is not present,
* nothing happens.
* @param key
* key to remove test data value for
public static void removeTestDataValue(String key) {
.map(valueMap -> valueMap.remove(key))
.map(newValueMap -> testDataMap = testDataMap.put(getContextClass(), newValueMap));
* Puts value with key in the testDataMap. The value map is thereby
* automatically identified by the implementing class.
* @param key
* key to store value under
* @param value
* value to store
public static void putTestDataValue(String key, String value) {
Map<String, String> entityTestData = testDataMap.getOrElse(getContextClass(), HashMap.empty());
// randomize name to allow failure runs not to require to reset the
// database in case the name of the entity must be unique
// do not append suffix if name is randomly generated
if (key.equals(TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME) && !value.equals(TESTDATA_RANDOM_DATA)
&& (entityTestData.get(TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME)
|| !entityTestData.get(TESTDATA_ENTITY_NAME)
// append suffix if it was not already appended or an already suffixed value was
// used for a new one (e.g: and
if (!value.endsWith(RANDOM_ENTITY_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
entityTestData = entityTestData.put(key, value);
testDataMap = testDataMap.put(getContextClass(), entityTestData);
* Gets the context class set by a test implementation used to store context
* aware test data
* @return the context class of the test implementation
private static Class<?> getContextClass() {
assertThat(contextClass, is(notNullValue()));
return contextClass;
* Sets the context class used to store context aware test data. This method
* must be called by any test implementation before using
* {@link getTestDataValue} or {@link putTestDataValue}
* @param contextClass
* the context class set by a test implementation
public static void setContextClass(Class<?> contextClass) {
EntityResourceIntegrationTest.contextClass = contextClass;
testsToSkip = testsToSkip.put(contextClass, HashSet.empty());
LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(contextClass);
* Set the test with the given {@link TestType} to be skipped
* @param testType
* the test to skip
public static void skipTest(TestType test) {
.map(tests -> tests.add(test))
.map(newTests -> testsToSkip = testsToSkip.put(getContextClass(), newTests));
* Sets the option findByName to either true or false. If it's set to true, the
* URI for find() is constructed with the name rather than with the id of the
* entity as the PATH_PARAM
* @param findByName
* if find() should use the name instead of the id of the entity
public static void setFindByName(boolean findByNameValue) {
findByName = findByName.put(getContextClass(), findByNameValue);
* Gets the logger
* @return logger configured to current context class
public static Logger getLogger() {
return LOGGER;