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<h1 xmlns:l="">Overview</h1>
<div class="chapter" title="Overview">
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<h2 class="title">
<a name="Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
<div class="toc">
<span class="section"><a href="Overview.html#WhatisQVTd">What is QVT Declarative?</a></span>
<span class="section"><a href="Overview.html#WhatisQVTd">Syntax Clarification</a></span>
<div class="section" title="What is QVT Declarative?">
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<h2><a name="WhatisQVTd"></a>What is QVT Declarative?</h2>
The QVT Declarative Project provides the Eclipse implementations of the OMG QVT Core and Relations languages.
(The QVT Operational project provides the QVT Operational language.)
<div class="section" title="Syntax Clarification">
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<h2><a name="Syntax"></a>Syntax Clarification</h2>
The Core and Relations languages require an additional import statement to bind the metamodel name to an external package.
import SimpleUML : 'SimpleUml.ecore'::umlMM;
specifies that a metamodel will be obtained from the SimpleUml.ecore file and then navigating from the document root
to the nested element named umlMM, which should be a package. The referenced package is then associated with the SimpleUML
metamodel identifier.
import SimpleUML : 'SimpleUml.ecore#/';
specifies that a metamodel will be obtained from the SimpleUml.ecore file and then navigating
to the / fragment id, which should be a package. The referenced package is then associated with the SimpleUML
metamodel identifier.
<h3>QVT core middle metamodel</h3>
The middle metamodel is the unnamed metamodel used in where clauses. This may be bound to an external metamodel by an anonymous import.
import SimpleUML : 'SimpleUml.ecore'::umlMM;
import SimpleUMLtoRDBMS : 'SimpleUMLtoRDBMS.ecore'::uml2rdbms;
import SimpleRDBMS : 'SimpleRdbms.ecore'::rdbmsMM;
transformation umlRdbms {
uml imports SimpleUML;
rdbms imports SimpleRDBMS;
imports SimpleUMLtoRDBMS;