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<title>QVT Rose UML Importer Changes</title>
<h1>QVT Rose UML Importer Changes</h1>
Formerly the UMLX Rose UML Importer.
<h3>QVT Rose UML 0.7.0</h3>
Promoted from GMT/UMLX to M2M.
<h3>UMLX Rose UML 1.2.0 (8-Jun-2008)</h3>
Generation of traditionalemof (no PrimitiveTypes package) added.
Unnavigable opposite role names modelled using EMOF comments/Ecore annotations
eliminating the need for max/min models.
Unity upperbound features forced to be ordered.
EMOF namespace changed to
<h3>UMLX Rose UML 1.1.0 (24-Sep-2007)</h3>
Documentation added.
Conversion action added to support QVT model transformation and
uni-directional association variants.
<h3>UMLX Rose UML 1.0.0 (6-Sep-2007)</h3>
Original importer variant with support for ordered constraints.