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<title>QVT Rose UML Importer</title>
<h1>QVT Rose UML Importer</h1>
The QVT Rose UML Importer supports conversion of a UML model defined by class diagrams
in an IBM Rational Rose MDL file to Ecore or EMOF files suitable for use with
EMF and other modeling tools.
Subtle but critical differences between the Rose UML Importer and the Rose Importer that
forms part of EMF are discussed below.
The QVT Rose UML Importer supports two interactive modes of operation.
The traditional Import model behavior is available, when loading a genmodel as
part of EMF model or project creation, or when reloading a genmodel.
An alternative conversion action is available for MDL files.
The traditional import is also available as a standalone program or Ant task for
those skilled in resolving Eclipse class paths (see <a href="readme.html">readme.html</a>).
<h2> Differences between QVT Rose UML Importer and EMF Rose Importer</h2>
The standard EMF Rose Importer does not define EReference.ordered so it takes the Ecore default
which is ordered.
The QVT RoseUML Importer sets EReference.ordered according to the presence of the ordered
keyword as one of the constraints on an Association. For unit upper-bound features ordered
is enforced.
[This is arguably a bug fix, however the Rose Importer behavior is well-established.
Fixing this bug would have widespread albeit probably trivial impact on existing clients
and so failure to observe the ordered constraint is a feature not a bug.]
The standard EMF Rose Importer generates a pair of mutually opposite EReferences for bidirectional
associations and a single EReference for unidirectional associations. This is appropriate
for code generation style use of the subsequent model, but, because it discards the role
name and multiplicity of the opposite end, it is inadequate for meta-modelling purposes.
The QVT Rose UML Importer, when invoked as a conversion action, provides the missing unnavigable
role name as an EMOF comment or as an Ecore EAnnotation in accoradnce with the parctice
defined by <a href="">Bugzilla 229998</a>.
The standard EMF Rose Importer generates names for missing roles from the associated type.
The QVT Rose UML Importer does the same but converts the first letter to lowercase
as required by OCL 06-05-01 7.5.3 Missing AssocoiationEnd names.
<h3>genmodel load/reload</h2>
The traditional Import model behavior is available when creating a genmodel as
part of a new
EMF model (e.g. <tt>New->Other...->EMF Modeling Framework->EMF Model</tt>)
or project
(e.g. <tt>New->Project...->EMF Modeling Framework->EMF Model</tt>),
and when reloading the genmodel (<tt>Reload...</tt> from the *.genmodel context-sensitive menu).
<p align=center><img src="SelectAModelImporter.png" border="0"/>
The Rose UML behavior differs by observing ordered constriants.
<h3>MDL conversion</h2>
The alternative conversion action is available from the *.mdl context-sensitive menu.
<p align=center><img src="ConversionAction.png" border="0"/>
The action initiates loading of the <tt><i>model</i>.mdl</tt> and generation of:
<li>Ecore files (with <tt>*.ecore</tt> extension in an <tt>ecore</tt> folder)</li>
<li>EMOF files (with <tt>*.xml</tt> extension in an <tt>emof</tt> folder)</li>
<p>Three distinct packaging options
<li>one package per file (named <tt><i>package</i>.*</tt>)
<li>all packages in one file (named <tt><i>model</i>.*</tt>)
<li>all package contents in a file containing a flattened package (named <tt>Flat<i>model</i>.*</tt>)
<p>Three distinct unidirectional association representation options
<li>semi-opposite with two EReferences but only one non-null eOpposite (named <tt>*.*</tt>)
<li>navigability increased by using two EReferences with mutual eOpposites (named <tt>*.max.*</tt>)
<li>elimination of non-navigable EReferences (named <tt>*.min.*</tt>)
This facility was developed to support the OMG QVT 1.0 specification, for which
EMOF is needed to support OMG standards and Ecore as a convenience for many users.
The one file per package and all packages in one file formats provide alternatives
for slightly defective tools that may have problems with multi-package meta-models.
The flattened representation gives a further option for very defective tools.
QVT requires that all associations are navigable in both directions for the purposes
of transformation pattern matching. This conflicts with the conventional EMF usage
in which non-navigable ends of associations have no corresponding EReference
to define their roles and multiplicities. The three navigability representations
provide the traditional minimal representation for code generation, and an exact
representation for transformation pattern matching. Since the exact representation
uses asymmetric opposites, it may cause trouble for some tools. A further option
in which all associations are bidirectional is provided for these tools.
The QVT models with enhanced navigability add additional EReferences to EMOF
and EssentialOCL classes, and comply with the EMOF specification of a PrimitiveTypes
package. The <tt></tt> is used for a combined
EMOF and PrimitiveTypes package. Therefore if the source UML model contains an EMOF
and a PrimitiveTypes package, a further set of Ecore files are generated in the
<tt>traditionalEcore</tt> folder. These files omit
non-navigable EReferences and the PrimitiveTypes package whose contents
are moved to the EMOF package. Additionally the namespace of the EMOF
package is changed to <tt></tt>.