blob: db0eeff4ec87491adc7246482211c7f7e842710b [file] [log] [blame]
import 'EnvExample1.ecore'
--import 'Environment.ocl' FIXME imported OCL doesn't work
import 'SourceMM1.ecore'
import 'TargetMM1.ecore'
package ocl
---- Default Environment related functionality
context OclElement
def : env() : lookup::LookupEnvironment[1] =
def : _env(child : OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment[1] =
def : _exported_env(importer : OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment[1] =
lookup::LookupEnvironment { }
def : parentEnv() : lookup::LookupEnvironment[1] =
let parent = oclContainer() in if parent = null then lookup::LookupEnvironment { } else parent._env(self) endif
package lookup
-- Lookup operations
context LookupEnvironment
def : nestedEnv() : LookupEnvironment =
LookupEnvironment {
parentEnv = self
def : addElementsOf(element : ocl::OclElement) : LookupEnvironment =
let newEnv = element._env(null)
in LookupEnvironment {
namedElements = self.namedElements->including(newEnv.namedElements)
def : addElementsOf(elements : Collection(ocl::OclElement)) : LookupEnvironment =
elements->iterate(element ; acc : LookupEnvironment = self
| acc.addElementsOf(element))
-- TODO This is not needed. Can be removed
---- General LookupEnvironment access operations
--def : getNamedElements(name : String) : OrderedSet(target::NamedElement) =
-- namedElements->select(x | = name)
package target
context NamedElement -- common element in target
-- Namespace lookup
def : _lookupNamespaces(env : lookup::LookupEnvironment, nName : String, local : Boolean) : Namespace[*] =
let foundNS = env.namedElements->selectByKind(Namespace)->select(name = nName)
in if foundNS->isEmpty() and not (env.parentEnv = null) and not local
then _lookupNamespaces(env.parentEnv, nName, local)
else foundNS->asSet()
-- Note: when calling this element, the source element of the argument passed to this method, will be the contextual
-- object on which error reports will be handled
def : _lookupNamespace(nName : String, local : Boolean) : Namespace[?] =
let foundNS = _lookupNamespaces(env(), nName, local)
in if foundNS->isEmpty()
then null
else foundNS->any(true) -- LookupVisitor will report ambiguous result
def : lookupNamespace(pathElement : source::PathElementCS) : Namespace[?] =
_lookupNamespace(, false)
def : lookupLocalNamespace(pathElement : source::PathElementCS) : Namespace[?] =
_lookupNamespace(, true)
-- QN Namespace lookup
def : lookupNamespace(pathName : source::PathNameCS) : Namespace[?] =
def : lookupNamespace(pathSeq : OrderedSet(source::PathElementCS)) : Namespace[?] =
if pathSeq->size() = 1
then lookupNamespace(pathSeq->first())
else lookupNamespace(pathSeq->subOrderedSet(1,pathSeq->size()-1))?.lookupLocalNamespace(pathSeq->last())
-- B Lookups
def: _lookupBs(env : lookup::LookupEnvironment, bName : String, local : Boolean) : B[*] =
let foundBs = env.namedElements->selectByKind(B)->select(name = bName)
in if foundBs->isEmpty() and not (env.parentEnv = null) and not local
then _lookupBs(env.parentEnv, bName, local)
else foundBs->asSet()
def : _lookupB(bName : String, local : Boolean) : B[?] =
let foundBs = _lookupBs(env(), bName, local)
in if foundBs->isEmpty()
then null
else foundBs->any(true) -- LookupVisitor will report ambiguous result
def : lookupB(path : source::PathElementCS) : B[?] =
_lookupB(, false)
def : lookupLocalB(path : source::PathElementCS) : B[?] =
_lookupB(, true)
-- QN B lookups
def : lookupB(pathName : source::PathNameCS) : B[?] =
def : lookupB(pathSeq : OrderedSet(source::PathElementCS)) : B[?] =
if pathSeq->size() = 1
then lookupB(pathSeq->first())
else lookupNamespace(pathSeq->subOrderedSet(1,pathSeq->size()-1))?.lookupLocalB(pathSeq->last())
-- C Lookups
def: _lookupCs(env : lookup::LookupEnvironment, cName : String, local : Boolean) : C[*] =
let foundCs = env.namedElements->selectByKind(C)->select(name = cName)
in if foundCs->isEmpty() and not (env.parentEnv = null) and not local
then _lookupCs(env.parentEnv, cName, local)
else foundCs->asSet()
def : _lookupC(cName : String, local : Boolean) : C[?] =
let foundCs = _lookupCs(env(), cName, local)
in if foundCs->isEmpty()
then null
else foundCs->any(true) -- LookupVisitor will report ambiguous result
-- QN C lookups
def : lookupC(path : source::PathElementCS) : C[?] =
_lookupC(, false)
def : lookupLocalC(path : source::PathElementCS) : C[?] =
_lookupC(, true)
def : lookupC(pathSeq : OrderedSet(source::PathElementCS)) : C[?] =
if pathSeq->size() = 1
then lookupC(pathSeq->first())
else lookupNamespace(pathSeq->subOrderedSet(1,pathSeq->size()-1))?.lookupLocalC(pathSeq->last())
def : lookupC(pathName : source::PathNameCS) : C[?] =
context TRoot
def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
context A1
def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- FIXME LookupVisitor doesn't handle any other operation called from this one. Inline here, for the time being
-- _env_B(child)
let ownedBs = self.ownsB
in if child = null -- child = null, then the lookup is a qualified one, hence, add all children
then parentEnv().nestedEnv().addElements(ownedBs)
else parentEnv().nestedEnv().addElements(ownedBs->select(x | ownedBs->indexOf(x) < ownedBs->indexOf(child)))
--def : _env_B(child : ocl::OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- let ownedBs = self.ownsB
-- in parentEnv().nestedEnv()
-- .addElements(ownedBs->select(x | ownedBs->indexOf(x) < ownedBs->indexOf(child)))
context A2
def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- FIXME LookupVisitor doesn't handle any other operation called from this one. Inline here, for the time being
-- _env_C(child)
let ownedCs = self.ownsC
in if child = null -- child = null, then the lookup is a qualified one, hence, add all children
then parentEnv().nestedEnv().addElements(ownedCs)
else parentEnv().nestedEnv().addElements(ownedCs->select(x| ownedCs->indexOf(x) < ownedCs->indexOf(child)))
--def : _env_C(child : ocl::OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- let ownedCs = self.ownsC
-- in parentEnv().nestedEnv()
-- .addElements(ownedCs->select(x| ownedCs->indexOf(x) < ownedCs->indexOf(child)))
context B
def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
context C
def : _env(child : ocl:: OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
context D
def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- Specifying parent() env() operations
-- Note: Since CG now relies on the LookupVisitor the inlining below is not needed anymore
--context TRoot
--def : parentEnv() : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- env::LookupEnvironment{}
--context A1
--def : parentEnv() : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- let parent = oclContainer()
-- in parent.oclAsType(TRoot)._env(self)
--context A2
--def : parentEnv() : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- let parent = oclContainer()
-- in parent.oclAsType(TRoot)._env(self)
--context B
--def : env() : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- self._env(null)
--def : parentEnv() : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- let parent = oclContainer()
-- in parent.oclAsType(A1)._env(self)
--context C
--def : env() : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- self._env(null)
--def : parentEnv() : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- let parent = oclContainer()
-- in parent.oclAsType(A2)._env(self)
--context D
--def : parentEnv() : lookup::LookupEnvironment =
-- let parent = oclContainer()
-- in
-- if parent.oclIsKindOf(B)
-- then parent.oclAsType(B)._env(self)
-- else parent.oclAsType(C)._env(self)
-- endif