blob: f9987c7f88a0dc613279799ee55ad08d6afb7dc4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - initial API and implementation (inspired by Horacio Hoyos' prototype)
package org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvtc2qvtu;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.CallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Element;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.IfExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.LiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.LoopExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.NullLiteralExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.OCLExpression;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Operation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.OperationCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.OppositePropertyCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.PivotFactory;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.PropertyCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Variable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.VariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.VariableExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ClassUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.EnvironmentFactory;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.common.AbstractQVTc2QVTc;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.Domain;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.Predicate;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.QVTbaseFactory;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.Transformation;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.TypedModel;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.Area;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.Assignment;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.BottomPattern;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.BottomVariable;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.CoreDomain;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.CoreModel;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.CorePattern;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.GuardPattern;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.Mapping;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.NavigationAssignment;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.OppositePropertyAssignment;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.PropertyAssignment;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.QVTcoreFactory;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.RealizedVariable;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.VariableAssignment;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtcore.utilities.QVTcoreUtil;
* QVTc2QVTu transforms a QVTc transformation to impose the single direction defined by a QVTuConfiguration.
* - the output domain is enforced
* - other domains are not-enforced
public class QVTc2QVTu extends AbstractQVTc2QVTc
protected class CreateVisitor extends AbstractCreateVisitor<@NonNull QVTc2QVTu>
public CreateVisitor(@NonNull QVTc2QVTu context) {
private boolean allReferencedVariablesInInputDomain(@NonNull Element a) {
VariableDeclaration referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(a);
if ((referredVariable != null) && !isInputDomain(basicGetArea(referredVariable))) {
return false;
for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = a.eAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) {
referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(;
if ((referredVariable != null) && !isInputDomain(basicGetArea(referredVariable))) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean allReferencedVariablesInOutputDomain(@NonNull Element a) {
VariableDeclaration referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(a);
if ((referredVariable != null) && !isOutputDomain(basicGetArea(referredVariable))) {
return false;
for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = a.eAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) {
referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(;
if ((referredVariable != null) && !isOutputDomain(basicGetArea(referredVariable))) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean anyReferencedBottomMiddleDomainVariables(@NonNull OCLExpression value) {
VariableDeclaration referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(value);
if (isMiddleDomainVariable(referredVariable)) {
return true;
for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = value.eAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) {
referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(;
if (isMiddleDomainVariable(referredVariable)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean anyReferencedMiddleDomainVariables(@NonNull OCLExpression value) {
VariableDeclaration referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(value);
if ((referredVariable != null) && isMiddleDomain(basicGetArea(referredVariable))) {
return true;
for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = value.eAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) {
referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(;
if ((referredVariable != null) && isMiddleDomain(basicGetArea(referredVariable))) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean anyReferencedRealizedVariables(@NonNull OCLExpression value) {
VariableDeclaration referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(value);
// if ((referredVariable != null) && isMiddleDomain(basicGetArea(referredVariable))) {
// return true;
// }
if (referredVariable instanceof RealizedVariable) {
return true;
for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = value.eAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) {
referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(;
// if ((referredVariable != null) && isOutputDomain(basicGetArea(referredVariable))) {
// return true;
// }
if (referredVariable instanceof RealizedVariable) {
return true;
return false;
* Create an ocl expression from an assignment than can be used as the
* condition expression of a predicate.
* @param aIn the a in
* @param environmentFactory the environment factory
* @return the operation call exp
private OperationCallExp assignmentToOclExp(@NonNull Assignment aIn) {
OperationCallExp exp = PivotFactory.eINSTANCE.createOperationCallExp();
for (Operation op : environmentFactory.getStandardLibrary().getOclAnyType().getOwnedOperations()) {
if (op.getName().equals("=")) {
if (aIn instanceof PropertyAssignment) {
PropertyCallExp sourceExp = PivotFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertyCallExp();
PropertyAssignment paIn = (PropertyAssignment) aIn;
} else if (aIn instanceof OppositePropertyAssignment) {
OppositePropertyCallExp sourceExp = PivotFactory.eINSTANCE.createOppositePropertyCallExp();
OppositePropertyAssignment opaIn = (OppositePropertyAssignment) aIn;
} else { // aIn instanceof VariableAssignment
VariableExp varExp = PivotFactory.eINSTANCE.createVariableExp();
varExp.setReferredVariable(((VariableAssignment) aIn).getTargetVariable());
return exp;
private @Nullable Area basicGetArea(@Nullable VariableDeclaration variable) {
return QVTcoreUtil.getContainingArea(variable);
// Assignments may mutate to Predicates.
protected void doAssignments(@NonNull BottomPattern bIn, @NonNull BottomPattern bOut) {
GuardPattern gOut = context.equivalentTarget(bIn.getArea().getGuardPattern());
assert gOut != null;
for (@NonNull Assignment aIn : ClassUtil.nullFree(bIn.getAssignment())) {
Element aOut = create(aIn);
if (aOut instanceof Predicate) {
bOut.getPredicate().add((Predicate) aOut);
else if (aOut instanceof Assignment) {
bOut.getAssignment().add((Assignment) aOut);
else if (aOut != null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// Right-to-Middle and Local-to-Middle property assignments are discarded.
// Left-to-Left and Middle-to-Left property assignments change to predicates.
// Left defaults are non-defaults.
public @Nullable Element doNavigationAssignment(@NonNull NavigationAssignment paIn) {
OCLExpression slotExpression = paIn.getSlotExpression();
OCLExpression value = paIn.getValue();
assert (slotExpression != null) && (value != null);
// Area sourceArea = getSourceVariableArea(value);
Area targetArea = getSourceVariableArea(slotExpression);
// A backward "p.q := v" rewrites as a forward "v := p.q".
if (isInputDomain(targetArea) && (value instanceof VariableExp) && anyReferencedMiddleDomainVariables(value)) { // isMtoL
VariableAssignment vaOut = QVTcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createVariableAssignment();
context.addTrace(paIn, vaOut);
return vaOut;
if (isNonOutputDomain(targetArea) && // is RtoM or MtoL or RtoL
!(value instanceof VariableExp) && // why?
!(value instanceof NullLiteralExp) && // why?
allReferencedVariablesInOutputDomain(value)) {
return null;
if (isInputDomain(targetArea) && (targetArea instanceof Mapping) && anyReferencedBottomMiddleDomainVariables(value)) { // isMtoM
return null;
/* if (isInputDomain(sourceArea)) {
VariableDeclaration referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(value);
if (isMiddleDomainVariable(referredVariable)) {
// return null;
// if (referredVariable != null) {
// Area area = basicGetArea(referredVariable);
// if (isMiddleDomain(area) && (area instanceof BottomPattern)) { // FIXME are is never a BottomPattern
// return null;
// }
// }
if (isMiddleDomain(sourceArea)) { // isLocaltoM
VariableDeclaration referredVariable = getReferredMappingVariable(value);
if (isMiddleDomainVariable(referredVariable)) {
return null;
// if (referredVariable != null) {
// Area area = basicGetArea(referredVariable);
// if (isMiddleDomain(area) && (area instanceof BottomPattern)) { // FIXME are is never a BottomPattern
// return null;
// }
// }
} */
if (isInputDomain(targetArea) && anyReferencedMiddleDomainVariables(value)) { // isMtoL
// Assignments to Predicates
// Predicate pOut = QVTbaseFactory.eINSTANCE.createPredicate();
// context.addTrace(paIn, pOut);
// pOut.setConditionExpression(MtcUtil.assignmentToOclExp(paIn, environmentFactory));
// return pOut;
return null;
if (isInputDomain(targetArea) && allReferencedVariablesInInputDomain(paIn)) {
// Assignments to Predicates
Predicate pOut = QVTbaseFactory.eINSTANCE.createPredicate();
context.addTrace(paIn, pOut);
return pOut;
NavigationAssignment paOut = paIn instanceof OppositePropertyAssignment
? (NavigationAssignment) super.visitOppositePropertyAssignment((@NonNull OppositePropertyAssignment) paIn)
: (NavigationAssignment) super.visitPropertyAssignment((@NonNull PropertyAssignment) paIn);
assert paOut != null;
if (qvtuConfiguration.isCheckMode() && paIn.isIsDefault() && isOutputDomain(paIn.getBottomPattern().getArea())) {
// Default assignments
return paOut;
// RealizedVariables may mutate to Variables.
protected void doRealizedVariables(@NonNull BottomPattern bIn, @NonNull BottomPattern bOut) {
GuardPattern gOut = context.equivalentTarget(bIn.getArea().getGuardPattern());
assert gOut != null;
for (RealizedVariable rvIn : ClassUtil.nullFree(bIn.getRealizedVariable())) {
Variable vOut = create(rvIn);
if (vOut instanceof RealizedVariable) {
bOut.getRealizedVariable().add((RealizedVariable) vOut);
else {
private @NonNull Area getContainingArea(@NonNull VariableDeclaration variable) {
Area targetArea = QVTcoreUtil.getContainingArea(variable);
assert targetArea != null;
return targetArea;
private @Nullable VariableDeclaration getReferredMappingVariable(@Nullable EObject value) {
if (value instanceof VariableExp) {
VariableDeclaration referredVariable = ((VariableExp)value).getReferredVariable();
EObject eContainer = referredVariable.eContainer();
if (eContainer instanceof Transformation) { // "this" is not a mapping variable (has no domain)
return null;
if (eContainer instanceof LoopExp) { // iterators/accumulators are not mapping variables (has no domain)
return null;
return referredVariable;
else {
return null;
private @Nullable Area getSourceVariableArea(@Nullable OCLExpression exp) {
if (exp instanceof VariableExp) {
Variable expV = (Variable) ((VariableExp)exp).getReferredVariable();
return basicGetArea(expV);
} else if (exp instanceof CallExp) {
return getSourceVariableArea(((CallExp) exp).getOwnedSource());
} else if (exp instanceof IfExp) {
return getSourceVariableArea(((IfExp) exp).getOwnedCondition());
} else if (exp instanceof LiteralExp) {
return null;
return null;
private boolean isMiddleDomainVariable(@Nullable VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (variable == null) {
return false;
CorePattern pattern = QVTcoreUtil.getContainingPattern(variable);
if (!(pattern instanceof BottomPattern)) {
return false;
return pattern.getArea() instanceof Mapping;
// CoreDomains enforcement is aligned to the direction
public @NonNull CoreDomain visitCoreDomain(@NonNull CoreDomain dIn) {
CoreDomain dOut = super.visitCoreDomain(dIn);
TypedModel typedModel = QVTcoreUtil.getTypedModel(dIn);
String name = typedModel.getName();
dOut.setName(name); // Redundant replication of Epsilon prototype functionality
if (qvtuConfiguration.isInput(typedModel)) {
} else {
if (qvtuConfiguration.isCheckMode()) {
} else if (qvtuConfiguration.isEnforceMode()) {
return dOut;
* Override to redefine external URI.
public @NonNull CoreModel visitCoreModel(@NonNull CoreModel mIn) {
CoreModel mOut = super.visitCoreModel(mIn);
String externalURI = mIn.getExternalURI();
if (externalURI.endsWith(".qvtcas")) {
externalURI = externalURI.replace(".qvtcas", ".qvtu.qvtcas");
else if (externalURI.endsWith(".qvtc")) {
externalURI = externalURI.replace(".qvtc", ".qvtu.qvtcas");
return mOut;
* Override to suppresses nested scopes since QVTc references can be cross-domain and we convert mappings 1:1.
public @Nullable Element visitMapping(@NonNull Mapping mIn) {
MappingMode mappingMode = getMappingMode(mIn);
if (mappingMode == null) {
return null;
@NonNull Mapping mOut = QVTcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createMapping();
doMapping(mIn, mOut);
return mOut;
public @Nullable Element visitOppositePropertyAssignment(@NonNull OppositePropertyAssignment paIn) {
return doNavigationAssignment(paIn);
// Bottom pattern predicates involving output variables are discarded; they should be assignments.
public @Nullable Element visitPredicate(@NonNull Predicate pIn) {
// boolean oldResult = true;
// if ((pIn.getPattern() instanceof BottomPattern) && allReferencedVariablesInOutputDomain(pIn)) {
// oldResult = false;
// }
// else if ((pIn.getPattern() instanceof BottomPattern) && anyReferencedVariableInMiddleOrOutputDomain(pIn)) {
// oldResult = false;
// }
if ((pIn.getPattern() instanceof BottomPattern) && anyReferencedRealizedVariables(QVTcoreUtil.getOwnedConditionExpression(pIn))) {
// assert !oldResult;
return null;
// if (!oldResult) {
// anyReferencedNonInputDomainVariables2(pIn);
// allReferencedVariablesInOutputDomain(pIn);
// anyReferencedVariableInMiddleOrOutputDomain(pIn);
// }
// assert oldResult;
/* OCLExpression conditionExpression = pIn.getConditionExpression();
if (conditionExpression instanceof OperationCallExp) {
OperationCallExp callExp = (OperationCallExp)conditionExpression;
if ("=".equals(callExp.getReferredOperation().getName()) && (callExp.getOwnedArguments().size() == 1)) { // FIXME more accuracy
OCLExpression leftExpression= callExp.getOwnedSource();
OCLExpression rightExpression= callExp.getOwnedArguments().get(0);
if ((leftExpression != null) && (rightExpression != null)) {
PropertyCallExp middlePropertyAccess = isMiddleDomainPropertyAccess(leftExpression);
if ((middlePropertyAccess != null) && isInputDomainExpression(rightExpression)) {
return convertToPropertyAssignment(middlePropertyAccess, rightExpression);
middlePropertyAccess = isMiddleDomainPropertyAccess(rightExpression);
if ((middlePropertyAccess != null) && isInputDomainExpression(leftExpression)) {
return convertToPropertyAssignment(middlePropertyAccess, leftExpression);
} */
return super.visitPredicate(pIn);
public @Nullable Element visitPropertyAssignment(@NonNull PropertyAssignment paIn) {
return doNavigationAssignment(paIn);
// Input domain RealizedVariables are changed to unrealized Variables.
public @NonNull Variable visitRealizedVariable(@NonNull RealizedVariable rvIn) {
Area aIn = getContainingArea(rvIn);
if (isInputDomain(aIn)) {
BottomVariable vOut = QVTcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createBottomVariable();
assert vOut != null;
context.addTrace(rvIn, vOut);
return vOut;
else {
return super.visitRealizedVariable(rvIn);
// Right-to-Middle and Middle-to-Middle variable assignments are discarded.
// Middle-to-Left variable assignments change to predicates.
// FIXME why different to PropertyAssignments
public @Nullable Element visitVariableAssignment(@NonNull VariableAssignment vaIn) {
VariableDeclaration targetVariable = vaIn.getTargetVariable();
OCLExpression value = vaIn.getValue();
assert (targetVariable != null) && (value != null);
Area targetArea = getContainingArea(targetVariable);
if (isInputDomain(targetArea) && !allReferencedVariablesInInputDomain(value)) { // an output-to-input assignment
return null;
// if (isInputDomain1(targetArea) && anyReferencedMiddleDomainVariables(value)) { // isMtoL
// return null;
// }
// if (isMiddleDomain(targetArea) /*&& !(value instanceof VariableExp)*/ && allMatchReferencedOutputDomainVariables(value)) { // isRtoM
// return null;
// }
// if ((targetArea instanceof Mapping) && anyReferencedBottomMiddleDomainVariables(value)) { // isMtoM
// return null;
// }
return super.visitVariableAssignment(vaIn);
protected class UpdateVisitor extends AbstractUpdateVisitor<@NonNull QVTc2QVTu>
public UpdateVisitor(@NonNull QVTc2QVTu context) {
* Override to suppresses nested scopes since QVTc references can be cross-domain and we convert mappings 1:1.
public @NonNull Mapping visitMapping(@NonNull Mapping mOut) {
return doMapping(mOut);
* Override to handle the backward "p.q := v" rewrite as "v := p.q".
public @Nullable Object visitVariableAssignment(@NonNull VariableAssignment vaOut) {
Element pIn = context.equivalentSource(vaOut);
if (pIn instanceof PropertyAssignment) {
return convertToVariableAssignment((PropertyAssignment)pIn, vaOut);
else {
return super.visitVariableAssignment(vaOut);
private enum DomainMode {
private static final int IS_INPUT_MASK = 1;
private static final int IS_OUTPUT_MASK = 2;
private enum MappingMode {
private int flags;
private MappingMode(int flags) { this.flags = flags; }
private @NonNull MappingMode get(int flagsUnion) {
switch (flagsUnion) {
case 1 : return LEFT2MIDDLE;
case 2 : return MIDDLE2RIGHT;
case 3 : return LEFT2RIGHT;
return NULL;
public @NonNull MappingMode asInput() {
return get(flags | IS_INPUT_MASK);
public @NonNull MappingMode asOutput() {
return get(flags | IS_OUTPUT_MASK);
public boolean hasInputDomain() { return (flags & IS_INPUT_MASK) != 0; }
public boolean hasOutputDomain() { return (flags & IS_OUTPUT_MASK) != 0; }
public @NonNull MappingMode union(@NonNull MappingMode anotherMappingMode) {
return get(flags | anotherMappingMode.flags);
private final @NonNull QVTuConfiguration qvtuConfiguration;
* Cached INPUT/MIDDLE/OUTPUT state of each Area, aggregating refined and/or local states.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Area, @NonNull DomainMode> domain2mode = new HashMap<@NonNull Area, @NonNull DomainMode>();
* Cached LEFT2MIDDLE/MIDDLE2RIGHT/LEFT2RIGHT state of each top or local Mapping aggregating refined states.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Mapping, @NonNull MappingMode> mapping2mode = new HashMap<@NonNull Mapping, @NonNull MappingMode>();
public QVTc2QVTu(@NonNull EnvironmentFactory environmentFactory, @NonNull QVTuConfiguration qvtuConfiguration) {
this.qvtuConfiguration = qvtuConfiguration;
protected @NonNull CreateVisitor createCreateVisitor() {
return new CreateVisitor(this);
protected @NonNull UpdateVisitor createUpdateVisitor() {
return new UpdateVisitor(this);
private @Nullable MappingMode getComposedMappingMode(@NonNull Mapping mapping) {
MappingMode mergedMode = MappingMode.NULL;
for (@NonNull Domain domain: ClassUtil.nullFree(mapping.getDomain())) {
TypedModel typedModel = QVTcoreUtil.getTypedModel(domain);
// String name = PivotUtil.getName(typedModel);
if (qvtuConfiguration.isInput(typedModel)) {
mergedMode = mergedMode.asInput();
domain2mode.put((CoreDomain)domain, DomainMode.INPUT);
else if (qvtuConfiguration.isIntermediate(typedModel) || qvtuConfiguration.isOutput(typedModel)) {
if (!domain.isIsEnforceable()) {
return null;
mergedMode = mergedMode.asOutput();
domain2mode.put((CoreDomain)domain, DomainMode.OUTPUT);
for (@NonNull Mapping localMapping : ClassUtil.nullFree(mapping.getLocal())) {
MappingMode mappingMode = getMappingMode(localMapping);
if (mappingMode == null) {
return null;
mergedMode = mergedMode.union(mappingMode);
return mergedMode;
private @Nullable MappingMode getMappingMode(@NonNull Mapping mapping) {
MappingMode mergedMode = mapping2mode.get(mapping);
if (mergedMode == null) {
mergedMode = getComposedMappingMode(mapping);
if (mergedMode == null) {
return null;
for (@NonNull Mapping refinedMapping : ClassUtil.nullFree(mapping.getSpecification())) {
MappingMode composedMappingMode = getComposedMappingMode(refinedMapping);
if (composedMappingMode == null) {
return null;
mergedMode = mergedMode.union(composedMappingMode);
mapping2mode.put(mapping, mergedMode);
setMappingDomainModes(mapping, mergedMode);
return mergedMode;
private boolean isInputDomain(@Nullable Area area) {
if (area == null) {
return false;
DomainMode domainMode = domain2mode.get(area);
assert domainMode != null;
return domainMode == DomainMode.INPUT;
private boolean isMiddleDomain(@Nullable Area area) {
if (area == null) {
return false;
DomainMode domainMode = domain2mode.get(area);
assert domainMode != null;
return domainMode == DomainMode.MIDDLE;
private boolean isNonOutputDomain(@Nullable Area area) {
if (area == null) {
return false;
DomainMode domainMode = domain2mode.get(area);
assert domainMode != null;
return domainMode != DomainMode.OUTPUT;
private boolean isOutputDomain(@Nullable Area area) {
if (area == null) {
return false;
DomainMode domainMode = domain2mode.get(area);
assert domainMode != null;
return domainMode == DomainMode.OUTPUT;
private void setMappingDomainModes(@NonNull Mapping mapping, @NonNull MappingMode mode) {
domain2mode.put(mapping, !mode.hasInputDomain() ? DomainMode.INPUT : !mode.hasOutputDomain() ? DomainMode.OUTPUT : DomainMode.MIDDLE);
for (@NonNull Mapping localMapping : ClassUtil.nullFree(mapping.getLocal())) {
setMappingDomainModes(localMapping, mode);