blob: ba9fc905f05d3c214c1a27404ad6e24b9136598a [file] [log] [blame]
* «codeGenHelper.getCopyright(' * ')»
* This code is 100% auto-generated
* using:
* Do not edit it.
package cg._hsv2hls;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.evaluation.Executor;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.ClassId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.CollectionTypeId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.DataTypeId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.IdManager;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.IdResolver;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.NsURIPackageId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.RootPackageId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.TypeId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ValueUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.InvalidValueException;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.SetValue;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.evaluation.AbstractTransformer;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtimperative.library.model.ModelObjectsOfKindOperation;
import test.hls.HLSTree.HLSNode;
import test.hls.HLSTree.HLSTreeFactory;
import test.hls.HLSTree.HLSTreePackage;
import test.hsv.HSVTree.HSVNode;
import test.hsv.HSVTree.HSVTreePackage;
import test.middle.HSV2HLS.HSV2HLSFactory;
import test.middle.HSV2HLS.HSV2HLSPackage;
import test.middle.HSV2HLS.HSVNode2HLSNode;
* The hsv2hls transformation:
* <p>
* Construct with an evaluator
* <br>
* Populate each input model with {@link addRootObjects(String,List)}
* <br>
* {@link run()}
* <br>
* Extract each output model with {@link getRootObjects(String)}
public class hsv2hls extends AbstractTransformer
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ RootPackageId PACKid_$metamodel$ = IdManager.getRootPackageId("$metamodel$");
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ NsURIPackageId PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_2015_s_QVTbaseLibrary = IdManager.getNsURIPackageId("", "qvtbaselib", null);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ NsURIPackageId PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_HLSTree = IdManager.getNsURIPackageId("", null, HLSTreePackage.eINSTANCE);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ NsURIPackageId PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_HSVTree = IdManager.getNsURIPackageId("", null, HSVTreePackage.eINSTANCE);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ NsURIPackageId PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_HSVtoHLS = IdManager.getNsURIPackageId("", null, HSV2HLSPackage.eINSTANCE);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Class = PACKid_$metamodel$.getClassId("Class", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_HLSNode = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_HLSTree.getClassId("HLSNode", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_HSVNode = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_HSVTree.getClassId("HSVNode", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_HSVNode2HLSNode = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_HSVtoHLS.getClassId("HSVNode2HLSNode", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Model = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_2015_s_QVTbaseLibrary.getClassId("Model", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ DataTypeId DATAid_HLS = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_HLSTree.getDataTypeId("HLS", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ DataTypeId DATAid_HSV = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_HSVTree.getDataTypeId("HSV", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ DataTypeId DATAid_RGB = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_HSVtoHLS.getDataTypeId("RGB", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId ORD_CLSSid_HSVNode = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_HSVNode);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId ORD_CLSSid_HSVNode2HLSNode = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_HSVNode2HLSNode);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_HSVNode = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_HSVNode);
* Array of the ClassIds of each class for which allInstances() may be invoked. Array index is the ClassIndex.
private static final @NonNull ClassId[] classIndex2classId = new ClassId[]{
CLSSid_HSVNode // 0 => HSVNode
* Mapping from each ClassIndex to all the ClassIndexes to which an object of the outer index
* may contribute results to an allInstances() invocation.
* Non trivial inner arrays arise when one ClassId is a derivation of another and so an
* instance of the derived classId contributes to derived and inherited ClassIndexes.
private final static @NonNull int[][] classIndex2allClassIndexes = new int[][] {
{0} // 0 : HSVNode -> {HSVNode}
public hsv2hls(final @NonNull Executor executor) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
super(executor, new String[] {"hsv", "hls", "middle"}, null, classIndex2classId, classIndex2allClassIndexes);
public boolean run() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
boolean returnStatus = MAP___root__();
return returnStatus;
protected @Nullable String hls2rgb(final @Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ String color) {
return "";
protected @Nullable String hsv2rgb(final @Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ String color_0) {
return "";
protected @Nullable String rgb2hls(final @Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ String color_1) {
return "";
protected @Nullable String rgb2hsv(final @Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ String color_2) {
return "";
* map __root__ in hsv2hls {
* where ( |)
* { |}
* for hsvRoot : HSVTree::HSVNode in hsv.objectsOfKind(HSVTree::HSVNode)
* {
* map HSV2MiddleRoot {
* hsvRoot := hsvRoot;
* }}
protected boolean MAP___root__() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
// predicates
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ IdResolver idResolver = executor.getIdResolver();
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Class TYP_HSVTree_c_c_HSVNode_0 = idResolver.getClass(CLSSid_HSVNode, null);
// mapping statements
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ SetValue objectsOfKind = ModelObjectsOfKindOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(executor, SET_CLSSid_HSVNode, models[0/*hsv*/], TYP_HSVTree_c_c_HSVNode_0);
for (HSVNode hsvRoot_1 : ValueUtil.typedIterable(HSVNode.class, objectsOfKind)) {
if (hsvRoot_1 != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode symbol_1 = (HSVNode)hsvRoot_1;
if (symbol_1 != null) {
return true;
* map HSV2MiddleRoot in hsv2hls {
* hsv (hsvRoot : HSVTree::HSVNode[?];
* |)
* { |}
* middle ( |)
* {realize middleRoot : HSV2HLS::HSVNode2HLSNode[?];
* |}
* where ( |
* hsvRoot.parent =
* null)
* {_0 : String[?];
* |
* _0 :=;
* middleRoot.hsv := hsvRoot;
* := _0;
* }
* for hsvChild : HSVTree::HSVNode in hsvRoot.children {
* map HSV2MiddleRecursion {
* hsvNode := hsvChild;
* middleParent := middleRoot;
* }}
* map Middle2HLSRoot {
* middleNode := middleRoot;
* }
protected boolean MAP_HSV2MiddleRoot(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode hsvRoot) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ HSVNode parent = hsvRoot.getParent();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = parent == null;
if (!eq) {
return false;
// variable assignments
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = hsvRoot.getName();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ HSVNode2HLSNode middleRoot = HSV2HLSFactory.eINSTANCE.createHSVNode2HLSNode();
assert middleRoot != null;
// property assignments
// mapping statements
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ List<HSVNode> children = hsvRoot.getChildren();
for (HSVNode hsvChild : children) {
if (hsvChild != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode symbol_3 = (HSVNode)hsvChild;
if (symbol_3 != null) {
if (middleRoot != null) {
MAP_HSV2MiddleRecursion(symbol_3, middleRoot);
if (middleRoot != null) {
return true;
* map HSV2MiddleRecursion in hsv2hls {
* hsv (hsvNode : HSVTree::HSVNode[?];
* |)
* { |}
* middle (middleParent : HSV2HLS::HSVNode2HLSNode[?];
* |)
* {realize middleNode : HSV2HLS::HSVNode2HLSNode[?];
* |}
* where ( |)
* {_0 : String[?];
* |
* _0 :=;
* middleNode.parent := middleParent;
* middleNode.hsv := hsvNode;
* := _0;
* }
* for hsvChild : HSVTree::HSVNode in hsvNode.children {
* map HSV2MiddleRecursion {
* hsvNode := hsvChild;
* middleParent := middleNode;
* }}
protected boolean MAP_HSV2MiddleRecursion(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode hsvNode, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode2HLSNode middleParent) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
// predicates
// variable assignments
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = hsvNode.getName();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ HSVNode2HLSNode middleNode_1 = HSV2HLSFactory.eINSTANCE.createHSVNode2HLSNode();
assert middleNode_1 != null;
// property assignments
// mapping statements
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ List<HSVNode> children = hsvNode.getChildren();
for (HSVNode hsvChild : children) {
if (hsvChild != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode symbol_4 = (HSVNode)hsvChild;
if (symbol_4 != null) {
if (middleNode_1 != null) {
MAP_HSV2MiddleRecursion(symbol_4, middleNode_1);
return true;
* map Middle2HLSRoot in hsv2hls {
* middle (middleNode : HSV2HLS::HSVNode2HLSNode[?];
* |)
* { |}
* hls ( |)
* {realize hlsNode : HLSTree::HLSNode[?];
* |}
* where ( |)
* {_0 : String[?];
* |
* _0 :=;
* hlsNode.parent := null;
* middleNode.hls := hlsNode;
* := _0;
* }
* for middleChild : HSV2HLS::HSVNode2HLSNode in middleNode.children {
* map Middle2HLSRecursion {
* middleNode := middleChild;
* }}
protected boolean MAP_Middle2HLSRoot(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode2HLSNode middleNode) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
// predicates
// variable assignments
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = middleNode.getName();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ HLSNode hlsNode = HLSTreeFactory.eINSTANCE.createHLSNode();
assert hlsNode != null;
// property assignments
// mapping statements
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ List<HSVNode2HLSNode> children = middleNode.getChildren();
for (HSVNode2HLSNode middleChild : children) {
if (middleChild != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode2HLSNode symbol_4 = (HSVNode2HLSNode)middleChild;
if (symbol_4 != null) {
return true;
* map Middle2HLSRecursion in hsv2hls {
* middle (middleNode : HSV2HLS::HSVNode2HLSNode[?];
* |)
* { |}
* hls ( |)
* {realize hlsNode : HLSTree::HLSNode[?];
* |}
* where ( |)
* {_0 : HLSTree::HLSNode[1];
* _1 : String[?];
* |
* _0 := middleNode.parent.hls;
* _1 :=;
* hlsNode.parent := _0;
* middleNode.hls := hlsNode;
* := _1;
* }
* for middleChild : HSV2HLS::HSVNode2HLSNode in middleNode.children {
* map Middle2HLSRecursion {
* middleNode := middleChild;
* }}
protected boolean MAP_Middle2HLSRecursion(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode2HLSNode middleNode_0) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
// predicates
// variable assignments
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ HSVNode2HLSNode parent = middleNode_0.getParent();
if (parent == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'\'\'::HSVNode2HLSNode::hls\'");
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ HLSNode hls = parent.getHls();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = middleNode_0.getName();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ HLSNode hlsNode = HLSTreeFactory.eINSTANCE.createHLSNode();
assert hlsNode != null;
// property assignments
// mapping statements
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ List<HSVNode2HLSNode> children = middleNode_0.getChildren();
for (HSVNode2HLSNode middleChild : children) {
if (middleChild != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ HSVNode2HLSNode symbol_4 = (HSVNode2HLSNode)middleChild;
if (symbol_4 != null) {
return true;