blob: 9fd5a1413f2eaecf1c703053642b5d96e4425eb1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.splitter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.NameUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.TracingOption;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.CompilerConstants;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Edge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Node;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Region;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.utilities.QVTscheduleUtil;
* A Splitter splits multi-headed regions whose heads are dependent into a cascade of looping regions, one per head around
* a singly-headed core region. The split is performed recusively by introducing a Boundary between a Group of ssource head nodes
* and target head nodes. The result is an ordered list of boundaries.
* Splitting is performed at two levels.
* The upper Computable level builds a tree of mutual groups with predecessor/successor relationships determined by the unidirectional
* computational relationships between the mutual groups.
* The lower Navigable level of mutual groups with bidirectional navigation relationships between simple groups is sequenced
* to respect the simple groups used by the Computable level.
public class Splitter extends SplitterAnalysis
// public static final @NonNull TracingOption ANALYSIS = new TracingOption(CompilerConstants.PLUGIN_ID, "qvts2qvts/split/analysis");
public static final @NonNull TracingOption GROUPS = new TracingOption(CompilerConstants.PLUGIN_ID, "qvts2qvts/split/groups");
public static final @NonNull TracingOption RESULT = new TracingOption(CompilerConstants.PLUGIN_ID, "qvts2qvts/split/result");
public static final @NonNull TracingOption STAGES = new TracingOption(CompilerConstants.PLUGIN_ID, "qvts2qvts/split/stages");
* Map from each simple group to the mutually navigable group that contains it.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull SimpleGroup, @NonNull AbstractGroup> simpleGroup2mutualGroup = new HashMap<>();
public Splitter(@NonNull Region region) {
* Established the computable predecessor/successor relationships between navigable groups.
protected void computeComputableGroup(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull AbstractGroup> mutualGroups) {
for (@NonNull AbstractGroup mutualGroup : mutualGroups) {
* Create a forest to sequence the computable groups and return the roots.
protected @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull AbstractGroup> computeComputableGroupSchedule() {
List<@NonNull AbstractGroup> rootMutuals = new ArrayList<>();
List<@NonNull AbstractGroup> scheduledNavigables = new ArrayList<>(simpleGroup2mutualGroup.size());
List<@NonNull AbstractGroup> unscheduledNavigables = new ArrayList<>(new HashSet<>(simpleGroup2mutualGroup.values()));
Collections.sort(unscheduledNavigables, NameUtil.NAMEABLE_COMPARATOR); // Improve determinacy
while (unscheduledNavigables.size() > 0) {
int oldSize = unscheduledNavigables.size();
for (@NonNull AbstractGroup unscheduledNavigable : unscheduledNavigables) {
Iterable<@NonNull AbstractGroup> predecessors = unscheduledNavigable.getPredecessors();
Set<@NonNull AbstractGroup> unscheduledPredecessors = Sets.newHashSet(predecessors);
for (@NonNull AbstractGroup scheduledNavigable : scheduledNavigables) {
if (unscheduledPredecessors.isEmpty()) {
boolean hasPredecessor = false;
for (int lastIndex = scheduledNavigables.size()-1; lastIndex >= 0; lastIndex--) {
AbstractGroup lastScheduledNavigable = scheduledNavigables.get(lastIndex);
if (Iterables.contains(predecessors, lastScheduledNavigable)) {
hasPredecessor = true;
if (!hasPredecessor) {
int newSize = unscheduledNavigables.size();
if (oldSize == newSize) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cyclic dependency in " + region);
return rootMutuals;
* Establishing predecessor/suucessor relationships between the ComputableGroup of each MutualGroup
* according to computation edges traversing the inter-navigable group divide.
protected void computeComputablePredecessors(@NonNull AbstractGroup mutualGroup) {
Iterable<@NonNull SimpleGroup> targetGroups = mutualGroup.getInternalSimpleGroups();
AbstractGroup targetMutualGroup = simpleGroup2mutualGroup.get(targetGroups.iterator().next());
assert targetMutualGroup != null;
Iterable<@NonNull Node> reachableNodes = mutualGroup.getReachableNodes();
for (@NonNull Node node : reachableNodes) { // FIXME ?? can only be heads
for (@NonNull Edge edge : QVTscheduleUtil.getIncomingEdges(node)) {
assert edge.getEdgeTarget() == node;
if (!edge.isRealized() && edge.isComputation()) {
Node sourceNode = edge.getEdgeSource();
Iterable<@NonNull SimpleGroup> sourceGroups = basicGetReachableSimpleGroups(sourceNode);
if (sourceGroups == null) {
sourceGroups = computeComputableSourceGroups(new HashSet<@NonNull SimpleGroup>(), sourceNode);
assert sourceGroups != null;
List<@NonNull AbstractGroup> sourceComputableGroups = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull SimpleGroup sourceGroup : sourceGroups) {
if (!Iterables.contains(targetGroups, sourceGroup)) {
AbstractGroup sourceMutualGroup = simpleGroup2mutualGroup.get(sourceGroup);
assert sourceMutualGroup != null;
targetMutualGroup.addPredecessor(edge, sourceComputableGroups);
protected Iterable<@NonNull SimpleGroup> computeComputableSourceGroups(@NonNull Set<@NonNull SimpleGroup> groups, @NonNull Node targetNode) {
for (@NonNull Edge edge : QVTscheduleUtil.getIncomingEdges(targetNode)) {
if (edge.isComputation()) {
Node sourceNode = edge.getEdgeSource();
Iterable<@NonNull SimpleGroup> sourceGroups = basicGetReachableSimpleGroups(sourceNode);
if (sourceGroups != null) {
Iterables.addAll(groups, sourceGroups);
computeComputableSourceGroups(groups, sourceNode);
return groups;
protected @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull AbstractGroup> computeSimpleGroup2mutualGroup(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull SimpleGroup> simpleGroups) {
for (@NonNull SimpleGroup simpleGroup : simpleGroups) {
if (!simpleGroup2mutualGroup.containsKey(simpleGroup)) {
growMutualGroup(simpleGroups, simpleGroup);
return Sets.newHashSet(simpleGroup2mutualGroup.values());
* Traverse the rootGroups and create a Split to sequence the head-nodes of each partial
* region and the edges that traverse them.
protected Split computeSplit(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull AbstractGroup> rootGroups) {
Split split = new Split(this);
for (@NonNull AbstractGroup rootGroup : rootGroups) {
rootGroup.buildSplit(split, null, null);
return split;
* Grow a navigable group seeded by thisGroup to include all simple groups that are mutually to-1 or to-N navigable from this group.
protected @NonNull AbstractGroup growMutualGroup(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull SimpleGroup> simpleGroups, @NonNull SimpleGroup thisGroup) {
// Initialize the set of these groups and their reachable nodes from thisGroup.
Set<@NonNull SimpleGroup> theseGroups = new HashSet<>();
Set<@NonNull Node> theseNodes = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Group group : theseGroups) {
Iterables.addAll(theseNodes, group.getReachableNodes());
// Initialize the set of those groups.
Set<@NonNull SimpleGroup> thoseGroups = new HashSet<>();
Iterables.addAll(thoseGroups, simpleGroups);
while (true) {
// Compute the set of reachable nodes from thoseGroups.
Set<@NonNull Node> thoseNodes = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Group group : thoseGroups) {
Iterables.addAll(thoseNodes, group.getReachableNodes());
// Compute the overlap nodes that are reachable from one or more of these head node and one or more of those head nodes.
Set<@NonNull Node> overlapNodes = Sets.newHashSet(theseNodes);
if (overlapNodes.isEmpty()) {
AbstractGroup navigableGroup;
if (theseGroups.size() == 1) {
navigableGroup = theseGroups.iterator().next();
else {
navigableGroup = new CompoundGroup(this, theseGroups);
for (@NonNull SimpleGroup simpleGroup : theseGroups) {
AbstractGroup oldMutualGroup = simpleGroup2mutualGroup.put(simpleGroup, navigableGroup);
assert oldMutualGroup == null;
return navigableGroup;
// Compute the additional groups contributing to the overlap..
Set<@NonNull SimpleGroup> newOverlapGroups = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Node node : overlapNodes) {
Iterable<@NonNull SimpleGroup> overlapGroups = getReachableSimpleGroups(node);
assert overlapGroups != null;
for (@NonNull SimpleGroup overlapGroup : overlapGroups) {
// Move the new groups of the overlap to theseGroups for the next iteration.
for (@NonNull SimpleGroup group : newOverlapGroups) {
Iterables.addAll(theseNodes, group.getReachableNodes());
* Return an ordered list of boundaries at which the region can be successively split by performing an iteration from the boundary source
* using the boundary edge over the boundary target. Returns null if no split possible or needed.
public @Nullable Split split() {
// Perform the basic reachability analyses.
Iterable<@NonNull SimpleGroup> simpleGroups = analyze();
if (simpleGroups == null) {
return null;
// Create and grow the mutually navigable groups.
Iterable<@NonNull AbstractGroup> mutualGroups = computeSimpleGroup2mutualGroup(simpleGroups);
// Create a computable group for each navigable group and their mandatory precedences.
// Create the list of roots of computable group trees.
Iterable<@NonNull AbstractGroup> rootGroups = computeComputableGroupSchedule();
// Sequence each mutual group to exploit its calling context.
for (@NonNull AbstractGroup rootGroup : rootGroups) {
if (GROUPS.isActive()) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
for (@NonNull AbstractGroup rootGroup : rootGroups) {
if (Iterables.isEmpty(rootGroup.getPredecessors())) {
rootGroup.toString(s, 0);
GROUPS.println(region + s.toString());
// Build a Split to summarize the analysis result.
Split split = computeSplit(rootGroups);
if (RESULT.isActive()) {
RESULT.println(region + split.toString());
return split;