blob: 2f1a94c7f0be9686604365ed46bad833b512851d [file] [log] [blame]
import cs : 'Delphi.ecore#/'
import as : 'astm.ecore#/'
import 'DelphiHelpers.ocl'
import 'DelphiLookup.ocl'
import 'DelphiDisambiguation.ocl'
package cs
context mainRule
def : ast() : as::Project =
as::Project {
files = OrderedSet { self.file.ast()}
context file
def : ast() : as::CompilationUnit =
null -- to be overriden
context unit
def : ast() : as::DelphiUnit =
as::DelphiUnit {
name = as::Name {
nameString = id.extract()
language = 'Delphi' ,
interface = interfaceSect.ast(),
implementation = implementationSect.ast(),
locationInfo = as::SourceLocation {
inSourceFile = as::SourceFile {
context interfaceSection
def : ast() : as::DelphiInterfaceSection =
as::DelphiInterfaceSection {
fragments = self.interfaceDecl.getFragments()->asOrderedSet()
context constantDecl
def : ast() : as::VariableDefinition =
as::VariableDefinition {
identifierName = as::Name {
nameString = id.extract()
initialValue = const.ast()
context implementationSection
def : ast() : as::DelphiImplementationSection =
as::DelphiImplementationSection {
fragments = self.declSect.getFragments()->asOrderedSet()
context labelDeclSection
def : ast() : as::LabelDefinition =
as::LabelDefinition {
context expression
def : ast() : as::Expression =
null -- to be overriden
context constExpr
def : ast() : as::Expression =
null -- to be overriden
context ConstExp
def : ast() : as::Expression =
context MultipleConstExp
def : ast() : as::Expression =
context RecordConstExp
def : ast() : as::Expression =
context typeDecl
def : ast() : as::TypeDefinition =
as::TypeDefinition {
name = as::Name {
nameString = id.extract()
context varDecl
def : ast() : as::VariableDefinition =
as::VariableDefinition {
identifierName = as::Name {
nameString = idList.extract()
definitionType = self.type.ast(),
isMutable = true
context type
def : ast() : as::TypeReference =
null -- to be overriden
context procedureDecl
def : ast() : as::FunctionDefinition =
as::FunctionDefinition {
identifierName = as::Name {
nameString =
_body = OrderedSet { self.block.ast()}
context functionDecl
def : ast() : as::FunctionDefinition =
as::FunctionDefinition {
identifierName = as::Name {
nameString =
_body = OrderedSet { self.block.ast()}
context block
def : ast() : as::DelphiBlockStatement =
as::DelphiBlockStatement {
declarations = declSect->asSequence() ?-> collect(getFragments())->asOrderedSet(),
subStatements = OrderedSet { compound.ast()}
context statement
def : ast() : as::Statement =
context unlabelledStatement
def : ast() : as::Statement =
null -- to be overriden
context compoundStmt
def : ast() : as::BlockStatement =
as::BlockStatement {
subStatements = stamtList.statments.ast()->asOrderedSet()
context assignmentStmnt
def : ast() : as::ExpressionStatement =
as::ExpressionStatement {
expression = as::BinaryExpression {
leftOperand = self.designator.ast(),
operator = as::Assign {
rightOperand = exp.ast()
context callStmnt
def : ast() : as::ExpressionStatement =
as::ExpressionStatement {
expression = as::FunctionCallExpression {
calledFunction = self.designator.ast(),
actualParams = args->asSequence() ?-> collect(createActualParams()) ->asOrderedSet()
context withStmt
def : ast() : as::DelphiWithStatement =
as::DelphiWithStatement {
withs = getDefinitions()->asOrderedSet(),
subStatements = OrderedSet { stmt.ast()}
context ifStmt
def : ast() : as::IfStatement =
as::IfStatement {
condition = condition.ast(),
thenBody = _then.ast(),
elseBody = _else ?. ast()
context caseStmt
def : ast() : as::SwitchStatement =
as::SwitchStatement {
switchExpression = self.expression.ast(),
cases = cases.ast()->asOrderedSet()
context caseSelector
def : ast() : as::CaseBlock =
as::CaseBlock {
caseExpressions = labels->collect(x | x.first.ast()->including(x.last.ast()))->asOrderedSet(),
_body = OrderedSet { stmt.ast()}
context tryStmt
def : ast() : as::TryStatement =
as::TryStatement {
guardedStatement = as::BlockStatement {
subStatements = self.stmtList.statments.ast()->asOrderedSet()
finalStatement = if final = null then null else final.statments->first().ast() endif,
catchBlocks = OrderedSet { exception.ast()}
context exceptionBlock
def : ast() : as::CatchBlock =
as::CatchBlock {
_body = as::BlockStatement {
subStatements = self.elseStmts.statments.ast()->asOrderedSet()
context designator
def : ast() : as::NameReference =
if isIdentifierRef()
then as::IdentifierReference {
name = as::Name {
nameString = subpart.part.extract()
refersTo = getDefinition()
if isQualifiedOverData()
then as::QualifiedOverData {
name = as::Name {
nameString = subpart.part.extract()
member = self.designator.ast().oclAsType(as::IdentifierReference),
refersTo = getDefinition()
context relExp
def : ast() : as::BinaryExpression =
as::BinaryExpression {
leftOperand = left.ast(),
rightOperand = right.ast(),
operator = if self.relOp.op = '=' then as::Equal {
} else null endif
context multExp
def : ast() : as::BinaryExpression =
as::BinaryExpression {
leftOperand = left.ast(),
operator = as::Multiply {
rightOperand = right.ast()
context addExp
def : ast() : as::BinaryExpression =
as::BinaryExpression {
leftOperand = left.ast(),
operator = astm::Add {
rightOperand = right.ast()
context simpleFactor
def : ast() : as::Expression =
context factor
def : ast() : as::Expression =
if isANumber()
then as::IntegerLiteral {
value = number
if isAString()
then as::StringLiteral {
value = string
if isAFunctionCall()
then as::DelphiFunctionCallExpression {
calledFunction = self.designator.ast(),
actualParams = expList.createActualParams()->asOrderedSet()
if isNotExp()
then as::UnaryExpression {
operator = as::Not {
operand = exp.ast()
as::NewExpression {