blob: d693430c5fcc1150a8011f52b30aa53d43063605 [file] [log] [blame]
-- modeltype HSVTree: '../../model/HSVTree.ecore'; -- modeltype instead of import to match QVTo
import 'HSVTree.ecore'::HSVTree; -- modeltype instead of import to match QVTo
import 'HLSTree.ecore'::HLSTree; -- No name because we defined the package
import hsv2hls_0 : 'HSV2HLS.ecore'::HSV2HLS; -- A name is useful to define an alias for the same metamodel
-- library '../../myOclHelper.ocl'; -- Import a complete OCL with helpers
transformation hsv2hls {
hsv imports HSVTree; -- Should specify the correct package
hls imports HLSTree; --
-- hls imports "strict" HLSTree; --
-- hls imports HLSTree{strict}; -- The model has to strictly conform to the HLSTree mm, without strict the model can have classes that match the name but not completely conform to the mm
middle imports HSV2HLS;
query hsv2hls::hls2rgb(color : HLSTree::HLS) : HSV2HLS::RGB;
query hsv2hls::hsv2rgb(color : HSVTree::HSV) : HSV2HLS::RGB;
query hsv2hls::rgb2hls(color : HSV2HLS::RGB) : HLSTree::HLS;
query hsv2hls::rgb2hsv(color : HSV2HLS::RGB) : HSVTree::HSV;
map __root__ in hsv2hls {
-- for hsvRoot : HSVTree::HSVNode in HSVTree::HSVNode.allInstances() {
for hsvRoot : HSVTree::HSVNode in hsv.objectsOfKind(HSVTree::HSVNode) {
call HSV2MiddleRoot {
hsvRoot := hsvRoot;
map HSV2MiddleRoot in hsv2hls { -- Mapping root nodes L to M
check hsv(hsvRoot : HSVNode) { }
enforce middle() {
realize middleRoot : HSVNode2HLSNode
hsvRoot.parent = null;
) {
middleRoot.hsv := hsvRoot; :=;
--middleRoot.rgb := hsv2rgb(hsvRoot.hsv);
for hsvChild in hsvRoot.children { -- recursive call to visit children
call HSV2MiddleRecursion {
hsvNode := hsvChild;
middleParent := middleRoot;
call Middle2HLSRoot { -- invoke middle to output mapping
middleNode := middleRoot;
map HSV2MiddleRecursion in hsv2hls { -- Mapping child nodes L to M
check hsv(hsvNode : HSVNode) {}
enforce middle(middleParent : HSVNode2HLSNode) {
realize middleNode : HSVNode2HLSNode
where() {
middleNode.parent := middleParent;
middleNode.hsv := hsvNode; :=;
--middleNode.rgb := hsv2rgb(hsvNode.hsv);
for hsvChild in hsvNode.children { -- recursive call to visit children
call HSV2MiddleRecursion {
hsvNode := hsvChild;
middleParent := middleNode;
map Middle2HLSRoot in hsv2hls { -- Mapping root nodes M to R
check middle(middleNode : HSVNode2HLSNode) {}
enforce hls() {
realize hlsNode : HLSNode
where() {
hlsNode.parent := null;
middleNode.hls := hlsNode; :=;
--hlsNode.hls := rgb2hls(middleNode.rgb);
for middleChild in middleNode.children { -- recursive call to visit children
call Middle2HLSRecursion {
middleNode := middleChild;
map Middle2HLSRecursion in hsv2hls { -- Mapping child nodes M to R
check middle(middleNode : HSVNode2HLSNode) {}
enforce hls() {
realize hlsNode : HLSNode
where() {
hlsNode.parent := middleNode.parent.hls;
middleNode.hls := hlsNode; :=;
--hlsNode.hls := rgb2hls(middleNode.rgb);
for middleChild in middleNode.children { -- recursive call to visit children
call Middle2HLSRecursion {
middleNode := middleChild;