blob: b1849d9baa11e1b27a79efee058ec86b4d497d88 [file] [log] [blame]
import UMLMetamodel : '';
import 'odm12.ecore'::odm12::RDF::RDFConcepts;
import 'odm12.ecore'::odm12::RDF::RDFS;
import OWLMetamodel : 'odm12.ecore'::odm12::OWL;
transformation OntoUMLSource (owl: OWLMetamodel, uml: UMLMetamodel)
-- All objects in an OWL model instance are instances of OWLUniverse, except an ontology.
key OWLOntology {iri};
key OWLUniverse {iri, ontology}; -- Named entities.
key RDFConcepts::BlankNode {nodeID}; -- Anonymous entities.
-- Objects in UML have names relative to other constructs, ultimately to Package.
key Package {name};
key Class {name, _package};
key Association {name, _package};
key UMLMetamodel::Property {name, _class};
key UMLMetamodel::Property {name, association};
-- Queries that return constant values.
query XSDNamespace(): String { '' }
query OWLNamespace(): String { '' }
-- External queries --
-- Maps an IRI string to a full package name. The value returned by this query
-- is a sequence of names separated by "::".
query IRIToPackageName(IRIString: String): String;
-- Maps an IRI String to a member name. The value returned by this query is the name
-- of a member within a UML package.
query IRIToMemberName(IRIString: String): String;
-- Transforms a string denoting a real number into its numeric value.
query RealForm(lexicalForm: String): UMLMetamodel::Real;
-- Transforms a string denoting an integer into its numeric value.
query IntegerForm(lexicalForm: String): UMLMetamodel::Integer;
top relation OntologyToPackage
-- Maps an OWL ontology to a UML package. Maps all entities in the ontology to UML elements.
-- Also maps imported ontologies.
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology { };
enforce domain uml pack: Package { };
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
VersionInfoToComment(ont, pack);
PriorVersionInfoToComment(ont, pack);
IncompatibleWithToComment(ont, pack);
BackwardsCompatibleWithToComment(ont, pack);
OntoClassAssertionsToPackageClassProperties(ont, pack);
OntoPropertyAssertionsToPackagePropertyAssertions(ont, pack);
RDFSOntologyCommentsToUMLPackageComments(ont, pack);
RDFSOntologyLabelsToUMLPackageComments(ont, pack);
OWLUniverseCommentsToUMLElementComments(ont, pack);
OWLUniverseLabelsToUMLElementComments(ont, pack);
} -- OntologyToPackage
top relation OntoToPackage
-- Maps an ontology to a Package. This relation only maps the ontology to the UML package.
-- It does not map classes, properties, etc. in the ontology. It does map import
-- directives.
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology { };
enforce domain uml pack: Package { };
where {
TopOntoToPackage(ont, pack);
ImportedOntToPackage(ont, pack);
} -- OntoToPackage
relation TopOntoToPackage
-- Maps a top ontology (one that doesn't import any others) to a UML package.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology {
iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr }
enforce domain uml pack: Package {
name = packageMemberName(IRIToPackageName(iriStr))
when {
where {
let fullName: String = IRIToPackageName(iriStr),
ix: Integer = lastIndexOf(fullName, '::') in
ix <> 0 implies NestPackage(fullName.substring(1, ix-1), pack);
} -- TopOntoToPackage
relation ImportedOntToPackage
-- Maps an imported ontology to a UML package.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology {
iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr },
importingOntology = onta: OWLOntology { }
enforce domain uml pack: Package {
name = let ix: Integer = lastIndexOf(iriStr, '::') in
if ix = 0 then
iriStr.substring(ix+2, iriStr.size())
_packageImport = : PackageImport {
importingNamespace = packa: Package { }
where {
let ix: Integer = lastIndexOf(iriStr, '::') in
ix <> 0 implies NestPackage(iriStr.substring(1, ix-1), pack);
} -- ImportedOntToPackage
relation NestPackage
-- Establishes the UML package hierarchy.
primitive domain parent: String;
enforce domain uml pkg: Package {
nestingPackage = np: Package { name = packageMemberName(parent) }
where {
let ix: Integer = lastIndexOf(parent, '::') in
ix <> 0 implies NestPackage(parent.substring(1, ix-1), np);
} -- NestPackage
-- Given a fully qualified UML name, returns the local name. E.g., given
-- X::Y::Name, returns Name.
query packageMemberName(packageFullName: String): String
let ix: Integer = lastIndexOf(packageFullName, '::') in
if ix = 0 then
packageFullName.substring(ix + 2, packageFullName.size())
relation RDFSOntologyCommentsToUMLPackageComments
-- Maps an ontology's RDFS comments to UML comments on the corresponding UML package.
umlComment: UML::LiteralString;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology { RDFScomment = rdfsComment: RDFConcepts::Literal { } };
enforce domain uml pack: Package {
ownedComment = : Comment {
_body = 'comment' + literalLang(rdfsComment) + ': ' + umlComment.value
when {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
where {
OWLLiteralToUMLLiteral(rdfsComment, umlComment) xor
XSDLiteralToUMLLiteral(rdfsComment, umlComment) xor
OWLLanguageTaggedLiteralToUMLStringLiteral(rdfsComment, umlComment);
} -- RDFSOntologyCommentsToUMLPackageComments
relation RDFSOntologyLabelsToUMLPackageComments
-- Maps an ontology's RDFS labels to UML comments on the corresponding UML package.
umlComment: UML::LiteralString;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology { RDFSlabel = rdfsLabel: RDFConcepts::Literal { } };
enforce domain uml pack: Package {
ownedComment = : Comment {
_body = 'label' + literalLang(rdfsLabel) + ': ' + umlComment.value
when {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
where {
OWLLiteralToUMLLiteral(rdfsLabel, umlComment) xor
XSDLiteralToUMLLiteral(rdfsLabel, umlComment) xor
OWLLanguageTaggedLiteralToUMLStringLiteral(rdfsLabel, umlComment);
} -- RDFSOntologyLabelsToUMLPackageComments
top relation VersionInfoToComment
-- Maps OWL version-information comments on an ontology to UML comments on a package.
v: String;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology { OWLversionInfo = : RDFConcepts::Literal { lexicalForm = v } };
enforce domain uml pack: Package { ownedComment = : Comment { _body = 'Version ' + v } };
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
} -- VersionInfoToComment
top relation PriorVersionInfoToComment
-- Notes the prior version as a comment.
v: String;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology {
OWLpriorVersion = : OWLOntology { OWLversionInfo = : RDFConcepts::Literal { lexicalForm = v } }
enforce domain uml pack: Package {
ownedComment = : Comment { _body = 'Prior Version ' + v }
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
} -- PriorVersionInfoToComment
top relation IncompatibleWithToComment
-- Notes the incompatibility as a comment.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology {
OWLincompatibleWith = : OWLOntology { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr } }
enforce domain uml pack: Package{
ownedComment = : Comment{ _body = 'Incompatible With ' + iriStr }
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
} -- IncompatibleWithToComment
top relation BackwardsCompatibleWithToComment
-- Notes the backwards compatibility as a comment.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology {
OWLbackwardCompatibleWith = : OWLOntology { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr } }
enforce domain uml pack: Package{
ownedComment = : Comment { _body = 'Backwards Compatible With ' + iriStr }
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
} -- BackwardsCompatibleWithToComment
relation OntoClassAssertionsToPackageClassProperties
-- Maps assertions about classes in an ontology to properties about classes in a UML package.
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology { owlUniverse = entity: OWLUniverse { } };
enforce domain uml pack: Package { packagedElement = umlClass: Class { } };
when {
where {
OClassToUClass(entity, umlClass);
SubclassToGeneralization(entity, umlClass);
EquivalentClassToMutualGeneralization(entity, umlClass);
UnionToUML(entity, umlClass);
AllValuesFromToClass(entity, umlClass);
SomeValuesFromToClass(entity, umlClass);
HasValueToClass(entity, umlClass);
} -- OntoClassAssertionsToPackageClassProperties
top relation OClassToUClass
-- Maps an OWL class, named or anonymous, to a UML class.
checkonly domain owl cl: ClassExpression { ontology = ont: OWLOntology { } };
-- This is invalid: Figure 11.8 shows OWLClass, not ClassExpression, as a subclass of
-- the entity that's associated with an OWLOntology.
enforce domain uml ucl: Class { _package = pack: Package { } };
when {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
where {
UClassToClass(cl, ucl);
AnonClassToClass(cl, ucl);
} -- OClassToUClass
relation UClassToClass
-- Map an OWL class identified by IRI to a UML class.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl cl: OWLClass { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr } };
-- Note that an anonymous class fails to have an IRI and so is excluded.
enforce domain uml ucl: Class { name = IRIToMemberName(iriStr) };
} -- UClassToClass
relation AnonClassToClass
-- Map an anonymous OWL class to a UML class.
checkonly domain owl anonClass: OWLClass { ontology = ont: OWLOntology { } };
enforce domain uml ucl: Class {
_package = pack: Package { },
name =
if anonClass.nodeID->isEmpty() then
'anon' + (pack.packagedElement->size() + 1).toString()
-- Guaranteed unique name.
when {
anonClass.iri->isEmpty(); -- A class with an IRI is not anonymous.
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
} -- AnonClassToClass
top relation SubclassToGeneralization
-- Map the RDFSsubclassOf meta-association to a UML subclass/superclass relationship.
checkonly domain owl subcl: OWLClass { RDFSsubClassOf = supercl: OWLClass { } };
enforce domain uml usubcl: Class { superClass = usuper: Class { } };
where {
OClassToUClass(subcl, usubcl);
OClassToUClass(supercl, usuper);
} -- SubclassToGeneralization
top relation EquivalentClassToMutualGeneralization
-- Map equivalent classes to a pair of UML subclass/superclass relationships.
checkonly domain owl class1: OWLClass { OWLequivalentClass = class2: OWLClass { } };
enforce domain uml uclass1: Class { superClass = uclass2: Class{ superClass = uclass1 } };
where {
OClassToUClass(class1, uclass1);
OClassToUClass(class2, uclass2);
} -- EquivalentClassToMutualGeneralization
relation LocalOWLThingEquivalent
-- Creates a class in the current package that's equivalent to owl:Thing. This is
-- needed to keep properties without domains package-specific.
owlThing: UMLMetamodel::Class;
checkonly domain owl entity : OWLUniverse { ontology = ont: OWLOntology { } };
enforce domain uml thing: Class {
name = '_Thing',
_package = pkg: Package { },
-- Make the class mapped from owl:Thing both superclass and subclass of this class.
superClass = owlThing: Class {
name = 'Thing',
_package = pack: Package { URI = OWLNamespace() },
superClass = thing
when {
OntoToPackage(ont, pkg);
UniversalSuperclass(entity, owlThing);
} -- LocalOWLThingEquivalent
relation UniversalSuperclass
-- Establishes the existence of a class named "Thing", in a package named "OWL"
-- (as mapped by packageMemberName) in the UML model, denoting class owl:Thing.
checkonly domain owl entity : OWL::OWLUniverse { };
enforce domain uml thing: Class {
name = 'Thing',
_package = pack: Package {
name = packageMemberName(IRIToPackageName(OWLNamespace())),
URI = OWLNamespace()
where {
let fullName: String = IRIToPackageName(OWLNamespace()),
ix: Integer = lastIndexOf(fullName, '::') in
ix <> 0 implies NestPackage(fullName.substring(1, ix-1), pack);
} -- UniversalSuperclass
top relation UnionToUML
-- OWL union to subclass relationships.
-- Will generate an instance of _Class for each instance of OWLunionOf.
checkonly domain owl unclass: UnionClass {
OWLunionOf = oclass: OWLClass { },
ontology = ont: OWLOntology { }
enforce domain uml usuper: Class {
Class = uclass: Class { },
_package = pack: Package { }
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
OClassToUClass(unclass, usuper);
OClassToUClass(oclass, uclass);
} -- UnionToUML
top relation EnumerationToEnumeration
-- Maps an OWL datarange enumeration to a UML enumeration.
checkonly domain owl edt: OWLDataEnumeration { dataOneOf = ol: RDFConcepts::Literal { } };
enforce domain uml _enum: Enumeration { ownedLiteral = ul: EnumerationLiteral { } };
when {
OClassToUClass(edt, _enum);
where {
OWLEnumLiteralToUMLEnumLiteral(ol, ul);
} -- EnumerationToEnumeration
relation OWLEnumLiteralToUMLEnumLiteral
-- Maps an OWL enumeration literal value to a UML enumeration literal value.
umlLit: UML::LiteralSpecification;
checkonly domain owl owlLit: RDFConcepts::Literal {
_datatype = : RDFS::RDFSDatatype { }
enforce domain uml umlEnum: EnumerationLiteral { specification = umlLit };
where {
OWLLanguageTaggedLiteralToUMLStringLiteral(owlLit, umlLit);
OWLLiteralToUMLLiteral(owlLit, umlLit);
XSDLiteralToUMLLiteral(owlLit, umlLit);
} -- OWLEnumLiteralToUMLEnumLiteral
relation OWLLanguageTaggedLiteralToUMLStringLiteral
-- Maps an OWL literal with a language tag to a UML LiteralString. Embeds the language as
-- a comment.
litVal, lan: String;
checkonly domain owl lit: RDFConcepts::Literal { lexicalForm = litVal, language = lan };
enforce domain uml umlLit: LiteralString {
value = litVal,
ownedComment = : Comment { _body = 'language = ' + lan }
} -- OWLLanguageTaggedLiteralToUMLStringType
relation OWLLiteralToUMLLiteral
-- Maps OWL-specific literals to UML literals. There are two OWL-specific types, real and
-- rational (see Both
-- are mapped to UML strings.
literalValue, literalType: String;
checkonly domain owl lit: RDFConcepts::Literal {
lexicalForm = literalValue,
_datatype = : RDFS::RDFSDatatype { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = literalType } }
enforce domain uml umlLit: LiteralString { value = literalValue };
when {
literalType = OWLNamespace() + 'rational' or literalType = OWLNamespace() + 'real';
} -- OWLLiteralToUMLLiteral
relation XSDLiteralToUMLLiteral
-- Maps a literal value whose datatype is in the XSD namespace to a UML literal.
typeSuffix: String;
literalType, literalValue: String;
checkonly domain owl lit: RDFConcepts::Literal {
lexicalForm = literalValue,
_datatype = : RDFS::RDFSDatatype { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = literalType } }
enforce domain uml umlLiteral: LiteralSpecification { };
when {
literalType.substring(1, XSDNamespace().size()) = XSDNamespace();
where {
typeSuffix = literalType.substring(XSDNamespace().size()+1, literalType.size());
XSDRealLiteralToUMLRealLiteral(typeSuffix, literalValue, umlLiteral);
XSDIntegerLiteralToUMLIntegerLiteral(typeSuffix, literalValue, umlLiteral);
XSDBooleanLiteralToUMLBooleanLiteral(typeSuffix, literalValue, umlLiteral);
XSDStringLiteralToUMLStringLiteral(typeSuffix, literalValue, umlLiteral);
XSDNonNegativeIntLiteralToUMLNaturalLiteral(typeSuffix, literalValue, umlLiteral);
XSDMiscLiteralToUMLStringLiteral(lit, umlLiteral);
} -- XSDLiteralToUMLLiteral
relation XSDRealLiteralToUMLRealLiteral
-- Maps a real-typed XSD literal to a UML Real literal.
primitive domain literalType: String;
primitive domain lexicalForm: String;
enforce domain uml realLit: LiteralReal { value = RealForm(lexicalForm) };
when {
Set { XSDNamespace() + 'double', XSDNamespace() + 'float' }->includes(literalType);
} -- XSDRealLiteralToUMLRealLiteral
relation XSDIntegerLiteralToUMLIntegerLiteral
-- Maps an integer-typed XSD literal to a UML integer literal. This relation excludes
-- values that could be constructed as natural numbers.
primitive domain literalType: String;
primitive domain lexicalForm: String;
enforce domain uml integerLit: LiteralInteger { value = IntegerForm(lexicalForm) };
when {
Set { 'integer', 'int', 'byte', 'long', 'positiveInteger', 'negativeInteger',
'nonPositiveInteger', 'short' }->includes(literalType);
} -- XSDIntegerLiteralToUMLIntegerLiteral
relation XSDBooleanLiteralToUMLBooleanLiteral
-- Maps a Boolean-typed XSD literal to a UML Boolean literal.
primitive domain literalType: String;
primitive domain lexicalForm: String;
enforce domain uml boolLit: LiteralBoolean { value = (lexicalForm.toLower() = 'true') };
when {
'boolean' = literalType;
} -- XSDBooleanLiteralToUMLBooleanLiteral
relation XSDStringLiteralToUMLStringLiteral
-- Maps a string-typed XSD literal to a UML string literal.
primitive domain literalType: String;
primitive domain lexicalForm: String;
enforce domain uml stringLit: LiteralString { value = lexicalForm };
when {
Set { 'string', 'normalizedString', 'token', 'language', 'Name',
'NCName', 'NMTOKEN' }->includes(literalType);
} -- XSDStringLiteralToUMLStringLiteral
relation XSDNonNegativeIntLiteralToUMLNaturalLiteral
-- Maps a natural integer-typed literal to a UML natural literal.
primitive domain literalType: String;
primitive domain lexicalForm: String;
enforce domain uml stringLit: InstanceSpecification {
specification = : LiteralUnlimitedNatural { value = IntegerForm(lexicalForm) }
when {
Set { 'nonNegativeInteger', 'unsignedByte', 'unsignedInt',
'unsignedLong', 'unsignedShort' }->includes(literalType);
} -- XSDNonNegativeIntLiteralToUMLNaturalLiteral
relation XSDMiscLiteralToUMLStringLiteral
-- Maps miscellaneous XSD literals to UML string literals.
litValue, litType: String;
checkonly domain owl owlLit: RDFConcepts::Literal {
lexicalForm = litValue,
_datatype = dt : RDFS::RDFSDatatype { iri = litType }
enforce domain uml stringLit: LiteralString { value = litValue };
when {
let type: String = dt.iri.iriString.substring(34, litType.size()) in
type = 'dateTime' or type = 'dateTimeStamp'or type = 'hexBinary'
or type = 'base64Binary' or type = 'anyURI';
} -- XSDMiscLiteralToUMLStringLiteral
relation OWLTypeToUMLType
-- Maps OWL primitive types to XSD primitive types.
checkonly domain owl dt: RDFS::RDFSDatatype { };
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { };
when {
dt.iri.iriString.substring(1, OWLNamespace().size()) = OWLNamespace();
where {
OWLRealToUMLReal(dt, pt);
OWLRationalToUMLString(dt, pt);
} -- OWLTypeToUMLType
relation OWLRealToUMLReal
-- Maps OWL's owl:real to UML's Real.
checkonly domain owl dt: RDFS::RDFSDatatype {
iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = OWLNamespace() + 'real' }
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { name = 'Real' };
} -- OWLRealToUMLReal
relation OWLRationalToUMLString
-- Maps OWL's owl:rational to UML's String.
checkonly domain owl dt: RDFS::RDFSDatatype {
iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = OWLNamespace() + 'rational' }
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { name = 'String' };
} -- OWLRationalToUMLString
relation XSDTypeToUMLType
-- Maps XSD types to UML primitive types.
datatypeIRI, xsdType: String;
checkonly domain owl dt: RDFS::RDFSDatatype { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = datatypeIRI } };
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { };
when {
datatypeIRI.substring(1, XSDNamespace().size()) = XSDNamespace();
where {
xsdType = datatypeIRI.substring(XSDNamespace().size() + 1, datatypeIRI.size());
XSDIntegerToUMLInteger(xsdType, dt, pt);
XSDBooleanToUMLBoolean(xsdType, pt);
XSDStringToUMLString(xsdType, pt);
XSDnonNegativeIntegerToUMLUnlimitedNatural(xsdType, pt);
XSDRealToUMLReal(xsdType, pt);
XSDMiscTypeToUMLString(xsdType, pt);
} -- XSDTypeToUMLType
relation XSDIntegerToUMLInteger
-- Maps XSD integer types to UML's Integer primitive type. It includes all general
-- XSD integer types.
primitive domain intType: String;
checkonly domain owl dt: RDFS::RDFSDatatype { };
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { name = 'Integer' };
when {
Set { 'integer', 'int', 'byte', 'long', 'positiveInteger', 'negativeInteger',
'nonPositiveInteger', 'short' }->includes(intType);
} -- XSDIntegerToUMLInteger
relation XSDBooleanToUMLBoolean
-- Maps XSD Boolean type to UML's Boolean primitive type.
primitive domain boolType: String;
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { name = 'Boolean' };
when { boolType = 'boolean'; }
} -- XSDBooleanToUMLBoolean
relation XSDStringToUMLString
-- Maps the XSD string type, and types derived from it, to UML's String primitive type.
-- See
primitive domain stringType: String;
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { name = 'String' };
when {
Set { 'string', 'normalizedString', 'token', 'language', 'Name', 'NCName',
'NMTOKEN' }->includes(stringType);
} -- XSDStringToUMLString
relation XSDnonNegativeIntegerToUMLUnlimitedNatural
-- Maps XSD non-negative integer to UML's natural primtive type. It includes all
-- XSD non-negative integer types.
primitive domain nniType: String;
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { name = 'UnlimitedNatural' };
when {
Set { 'nonNegativeInteger', 'unsignedByte', 'unsignedInt', 'unsignedLong',
'unsignedShort' }->includes(nniType);
} -- XSDnonNegativeIntegerToUMLUnlimitedNatural
relation XSDRealToUMLReal
-- Maps XSD floating-point types to UML's Real type.
primitive domain realType: String;
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { name = 'Real' };
when {
realType = 'double' or realType = 'float';
} -- XSDRealToUMLReal
relation XSDMiscTypeToUMLString
-- Maps miscellaneous XSD types (those that don't have a direct primitive type
-- representation) to UML strings.
primitive domain miscType: String;
enforce domain uml pt: PrimitiveType { name = 'String' };
when {
Set { 'dateTime', 'dateTimeStamp', 'hexBinary', 'base64Binary',
'anyURI' }->includes(miscType);
} -- XSDMiscTypeToUMLString
top relation AllValuesFromToClass
-- Maps an OWL all-values-from restriction to its UML equivalent.
cn, pn: String;
up: UMLMetamodel::Property;
checkonly domain owl avr: AllValuesFromRestriction {
OWLallValuesFromClass = oc: ClassExpression { },
OWLonProperty = op: RDFConcepts::RDFProperty { }
enforce domain uml rcl: Class {
ownedComment = : Comment { _body = 'AllValuesFrom ' + cn + ' on ' + pn }
when {
OClassToUClass(avr, rcl);
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(op, up);
where {
cn = OWLClassName(oc);
pn =;
SubclassOfPropDomain(op, rcl);
} -- AllValuesFromToClass
relation SubclassOfPropDomain
-- Makes UML mapping of restriction class a subclass of mapping of property domain, if any.
mappedRestrictionClass: UML::Class;
checkonly domain owl op: Property { RDFSdomain = dom: ClassExpression { } };
enforce domain uml uc: Class { superClass = mappedRestrictionClass };
where {
OClassToUClass(dom, mappedRestrictionClass);
} -- SubclassOfPropDomain
top relation SomeValuesFromToClass
-- Maps an OWL some-values-from restriction to its UML equivalent.
cn, pn: String;
up: UMLMetamodel::Property;
checkonly domain owl svr: SomeValuesFromRestriction {
OWLsomeValuesFromClass = oc: ClassExpression { },
OWLonProperty = op: RDFConcepts::RDFProperty { }
enforce domain uml rcl: Class {
ownedComment = : Comment { _body = 'SomeValuesFrom ' + cn + ' on ' + pn }
when {
OClassToUClass(svr, rcl);
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(op, up);
where {
cn = OWLClassName(oc);
pn =;
SubclassOfPropDomain(op, rcl);
} -- SomeValuesFromToClass
top relation HasValueToClass
-- Only applies to the case where value is a literal.
v, pn: String;
up: UMLMetamodel::Property;
checkonly domain owl hvr: HasValueRestriction {
OWLhasLiteralValue = olit: RDFConcepts::Literal { lexicalForm = v },
OWLonProperty = op: RDFConcepts::RDFProperty { }
enforce domain uml rcl: Class {
ownedComment = : Comment { _body = 'HasValue ' + v + ' on ' + pn }
when {
OClassToUClass(hvr, rcl);
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(op, up);
where {
pn =;
SubclassOfPropDomain(op, rcl);
} -- HasValueToClass
relation OntoPropertyAssertionsToPackagePropertyAssertions
-- Maps assertions about properties in an ontology to class attributes or to associations.
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology { owlUniverse = entity: OWLUniverse { } };
enforce domain uml pack: Package { packagedElement = umlProperty: Property { } };
when {
where {
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(entity, umlProperty);
CardinalityToMultiplicity(entity, umlProperty);
SubpropertyToGeneralization(entity, umlProperty);
EquivPropertyToGeneralizations(entity, umlProperty);
} -- OntoPropertyAssertionsToPackagePropertyAssertions
top relation OWLPropertyToUMLProperty
-- Maps an OWL property to a UML Property. The OWL property maps either to a
-- UML class attribute or the member end of an association between two classes.
checkonly domain owl owlProp: Property { };
enforce domain uml umlProp: Property { };
where {
OWLDatatypePropertyToUMLAttribute(owlProp, umlProp) xor -- Exactly one of these
OWLObjectPropertyToUMLAttribute(owlProp, umlProp) xor -- three relations
OWLObjectPropertyToUMLAssociation(owlProp, umlProp); -- must hold.
FunctionalPropertyToUpperMultiplicity(owlProp, umlProp);
SubpropertyToGeneralization(owlProp, umlProp);
EquivPropertyToGeneralizations(owlProp, umlProp);
} -- OWLPropertyToUMLProperty
top relation OWLDatatypePropertyToUMLAttribute
-- Maps an OWL datatype property to a UML property. If the datatype property has exactly
-- one domain, the property is owned by the class to which that domain maps. If the
-- property has no specified domain, the property is owned by the universal superclass.
-- If the property has multiple domains, the property is owned by a class formed from
-- the intersection of the mapped domains.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl dtp: OWLDatatypeProperty { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr } };
enforce domain uml prop: Property { name = IRIToMemberName(iriStr) };
where {
UnspecifiedDomainPropertyToUniversalSuperclassAttribute(dtp, prop);
SingleDomainPropertyToClassAttribute(dtp, prop);
MultiDomainPropertyToClassAttribute(dtp, prop);
DatatypePropertyRangeToPrimitiveType(dtp, prop);
} -- OWLDatatypePropertyToUMLAttribute
relation UnspecifiedDomainPropertyToUniversalSuperclassAttribute
-- Maps an OWL property whose domain is unspecified to an attribute of the
-- universal superclass.
usuper: UMLMetamodel::Class;
checkonly domain owl owlProp: Property { };
enforce domain uml umlProp: Property { _class = usuper };
when {
owlProp.RDFSdomain->isEmpty(); -- No domain declared.
where {
UniversalSuperclass(owlProp, usuper); -- Ensure owl:Thing has been mapped to UML.
} -- UnspecifiedDomainPropertyToUniversalSuperclassAttribute
relation SingleDomainPropertyToClassAttribute
-- Maps an OWL property whose domain is a single class to an attribute of the
-- corresponding UML class.
checkonly domain owl owlProp: Property { RDFSdomain = owlCls: OWLClass { } };
enforce domain uml umlProp: Property { _class = umlCls: Class { } };
when {
owlProp.RDFSdomain->size() = 1; -- Exactly one domain declared.
where {
OClassToUClass(owlCls, umlCls);
} -- SingleDomainPropertyToClassAttribute
relation MultiDomainPropertyToClassAttribute
-- Maps an OWL property whose domain is the intersection of multiple classes to an
-- attribute of a UML class named 'DomainIntersection_' + the name of the property.
-- The collection of domains of a property is assumed to be the deductive closure of
-- all sources of domains, in particular a range of an inverseOf property.
pkg: UML::Package;
checkonly domain owl owlProp: Property { ontology = ont: OWLOntology { } };
enforce domain uml prop: Property {
_class = domClass: Class {
name = 'DomainIntersection_' + IRIToMemberName(owlProp.iri.iriString),
_package = pkg
when {
owlProp.RDFSdomain->size() > 1; -- More than one domain is declared.
OntoToPackage(ont, pkg);
where {
MultiDomainToProperty(owlProp, prop);
} -- MultiDomainPropertyToClassAttribute
relation MultiDomainToProperty
-- Completes the mapping of an OWL property whose domain is the intersection of multiple
-- classes to an attribute of a UML class. This relation assumes the UML property has
-- already been named (see OWLDatatypePropertyToUMLAttribute). It maps the domain classes
-- and creates the generalization relationships forming the intersection.
checkonly domain owl owlProp: Property {
ontology = ont: OWLOntology { },
RDFSdomain = dom: OWLClass { }
enforce domain uml uProp: Property {
_class = owningCls: Class {
_package = pkg: Package { },
-- class is opposite memberEnd of superClass.
_class = intCls: Class { _package = pkg }
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pkg);
OClassToUClass(dom, intCls); -- Instantiated once for each dom.
} -- MultiDomainToProperty
relation DatatypePropertyRangeToPrimitiveType
-- Maps the range of a datatype property to the appropriate UML primitive type.
checkonly domain owl dtp: OWLDatatypeProperty { };
enforce domain uml attr: Property { };
where {
SingleDatatypePropertyRangeToPrimitiveType(dtp, attr);
MultiDatatypePropertyRangeToPrimitiveType(dtp, attr);
} -- DatatypePropertyRangeToPrimitiveType
relation SingleDatatypePropertyRangeToPrimitiveType
checkonly domain owl dtp: OWLDatatypeProperty { };
enforce domain uml attr: Property { };
when {
dtp.RDFSrange->size() = 1;
where {
DatatypePropertyLiteralRangeToPrimitiveType(dtp, attr);
DatatypePropertyDataRangeToPrimitiveType(dtp, attr);
} -- SingleDatatypePropertyRangeToPrimitiveType
relation MultiDatatypePropertyRangeToPrimitiveType
pkg: UML::Package;
ont: odm12::OWL::OWLOntology;
checkonly domain owl dtp: OWLDatatypeProperty { ontology = ont };
enforce domain uml attr: Property {
type = rangeType: DataType {
name = 'RangeIntersection_' + IRIToMemberName(dtp.iri.iriString),
_package = pkg
when {
dtp.RDFSrange->size() > 1;
OntoToPackage(ont, pkg);
where {
MultiRangeToPropertyType(dtp, rangeType);
} -- MultiDatatypePropertyRangeToPrimitiveType
relation MultiRangeToPropertyType
checkonly domain owl dtp: OWLDatatypeProperty {
ontology = ont: OWLOntology { },
RDFSrange = rngClass: RDFS::RDFSClass { }
enforce domain uml rngType: DataType {
_package = pkg: Package { },
-- classifier is the opposite relation to general.
classifier = intDT: DataType { _package = pkg }
when {
OntoToPackage(ont, pkg);
where {
OWLTypeToUMLType(rngClass, intDT) xor XSDTypeToUMLType(rngClass, intDT);
EnumerationToEnumeration(rngClass, intDT);
} -- MultiRangeToPropertyType
relation DatatypePropertyLiteralRangeToPrimitiveType
-- Maps the literal-valued range of an OWL datatype property to the corresponding UML
-- primitive type, and establishes that primitive type as the type of the UML property
-- mapped from the OWL property.
pt: UML::PrimitiveType;
checkonly domain owl dtp: OWLDatatypeProperty {
RDFSrange = lit: RDFConcepts::Literal { _datatype = dt: RDFS::RDFSDatatype { } }
enforce domain uml attr: Property { type = pt };
where {
OWLTypeToUMLType(dt, pt) xor XSDTypeToUMLType(dt, pt);
} -- DatatypePropertyLiteralRangeToPrimitiveType
relation DatatypePropertyDataRangeToPrimitiveType
-- Maps the data range-valued range of an OWL datatype property to the corresponding
-- UML enumeration, and establishes that enumeration as the type of the UML property
-- mapped from the OWL property.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl dtp: OWLDatatypeProperty {
RDFSrange = rng: DataRange { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr } }
enforce domain uml attr: Property {
type = _enum: Enumeration { name = IRIToMemberName(iriStr) }
where {
EnumerationToEnumeration(rng, _enum);
} -- DatatypePropertyDataRangeToPrimitiveType
top relation OWLObjectPropertyToUMLAttribute
-- Maps an OWL object property to a UML attribute. If the object property has exactly
-- one domain, the attribute is owned by the class to which that domain maps. If the
-- property has no specified domain, the attribute is owned by the universal superclass.
-- If the property has multiple domains, the attribute is owned by a class formed from
-- the intersection of the mapped domains.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl op: OWLObjectProperty { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr } };
enforce domain uml prop: Property{ name = IRIToMemberName(iriStr) };
when {
op.inverseProperty->isEmpty(); -- No inverse.
not op.isSymmetric; -- Not its own inverse.
not op.isInverseFunctional; -- Not inverse functional.
where {
UnspecifiedDomainPropertyToUniversalSuperclassAttribute(op, prop);
SingleDomainPropertyToClassAttribute(op, prop);
MultiDomainPropertyToClassAttribute(op, prop);
PropRange(op, prop);
} -- OWLObjectPropertyToUMLAttribute
top relation OWLObjectPropertyToUMLAssociation
-- An OWL object property with an inverse, or that is inverse functional, or symmetric,
-- maps to an association.
checkonly domain owl objProp: OWLObjectProperty { };
enforce domain uml assn: Association { };
where {
PropertyPairToAssociation(objProp, assn);
SymmetricPropertyToAssociation(objProp, assn);
InverseFunctToAssociation(objProp, assn);
AddTypeToAssociationEnd(objProp, assn);
} -- OWLObjectPropertyToUMLAssociation
relation PropertyPairToAssociation
-- An OWL object property with an inverse maps to a UML association whose name
-- is the concatenation of the property names.
assocID: String;
p1, p2: UMLMetamodel::Property;
checkonly domain owl prop: OWLObjectProperty {
ontology = ont: OWLOntology { },
OWLinverseOf = invp: Property { }
enforce domain uml assn: Association {
memberEnd = ps: Sequence(Property) { p1, p2 ++ _ },
name = assocID,
_package = pack: Package { }
when {
invp.equivalentProperty->isEmpty(); -- No equivalent properties.
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack); -- The association will be in this package.
PropertyToAProperty(prop, p1);
PropertyToAProperty(invp, p2);
assocID = +; -- Association name is concatenation of property names.
} -- PropertyPairToAssociation
relation SymmetricPropertyToAssociation
-- Maps an OWL symmetric property to a UML association, both of whose member ends are the
-- same property.
assocID: String;
p1: UMLMetamodel::Property;
checkonly domain owl prop: OWLObjectProperty {
isSymmetric = true, ontology = ont: OWLOntology { }
enforce domain uml assn: Association {
memberEnd = ps: Sequence(Property) { p1, p1 ++ _ },
name = assocID,
_package = pack: Package { }
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack); -- Association will be in this package.
PropertyToAProperty(prop, p1);
assocID =;
} -- SymmetricPropertyToAssociation
relation InverseFunctToAssociation
-- Maps an OWL inverse functional property with no inverse to a UML association.
p1, p2: UMLMetamodel::Property;
assocID: String;
checkonly domain owl prop: OWLObjectProperty {
isInverseFunctional = true, ontology = ont: OWLOntology { }
enforce domain uml assoc: Association {
memberEnd = ps: Sequence(Property) { p1, p2 ++ _ },
name = assocID,
_package = pack: Package { }
when {
prop.OWLinverseOf->isEmpty(); -- The inverse functional property has no inverse
prop.inverseProperty->isEmpty(); -- declared.
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack); -- The association will be in this package.
PropertyToAProperty(prop, p1);
PropertyToOppProperty(prop, p2);
assocID =;
} -- InverseFunctToAssociation
relation PropertyToAProperty
-- Maps an OWL property's name to a UML property's name in the context of an
-- association end.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl prop: Property { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr } };
enforce domain uml uprop: Property { name = IRIToMemberName(iriStr) };
} -- PropertyToAProperty
relation PropertyToOppProperty
-- Maps an OWL property to opposite UML property in context of an association end
-- (for inverse functional properties). This property has no corresponding OWL property,
-- so it can be fully specified.
iriStr: String;
checkonly domain owl owlProp: Property { iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr } };
enforce domain uml uprop: Property {
name = 'opposite_' + IRIToMemberName(iriStr),
lowerValue = '0',
upperValue = '1'
} -- PropertyToOppProperty
relation AddTypeToAssociationEnd
-- Association already mapped. Add types to properties at association ends. The type of
-- the association end property is the class corresponding to the range of the
-- corresponding OWL property.
checkonly domain owl prop: OWLObjectProperty { };
enforce domain uml assn: Association {
memberEnd = upr: Property { type = ran: Class { } }
where {
PropertyToAProperty(prop, upr);
PropRange(prop, ran);
} -- AddTypeAssocEnd
relation PropRange
checkonly domain owl prop: Property { };
enforce domain uml cl: Class { };
where {
DefaultRange(prop, cl);
SingleRange(prop, cl);
MultRange(prop, cl);
} -- PropRange
relation DefaultRange
-- Create default range for a property.
checkonly domain owl prop: Property { };
enforce domain uml usuper: Class { };
when {
prop.RDFSrange->isEmpty(); -- No range declared.
where {
LocalOWLThingEquivalent(prop, usuper); -- Ensure owl:Thing is mapped to a UML class.
} -- DefaultRange
relation SingleRange
-- Find single range for a property with a single range.
checkonly domain owl prop: Property {
RDFSrange = ran: OWLClass { }
enforce domain uml rancl: Class { };
when {
prop.RDFSrange->size() = 1; -- Exactly one range declared.
where {
OClassToUClass(ran, rancl);
} -- SingleRange
relation MultRange
-- Find the intersection of multiple ranges for a property as subclass called
-- 'RangeIntersection_' + name of property. The collection of ranges of a property is
-- assumed to be the deductive closure of all sources of ranges, in particular a domain
-- of an inverseOf property.
rin: String;
obj: UML::NamedElement;
checkonly domain owl prop: Property {
RDFSrange = ran: OWLClass { },
ontology = ont: OWLOntology { }
enforce domain uml ranintcl: Class {
name = rin,
superClass = rancl: Class { },
_package = pack: Package { }
when {
prop.RDFSrange->size() > 1; -- More than one range declared.
where {
OntoToPackage(ont, pack);
OClassToUClass(ran, rancl); -- Will be instantiated once for each class.
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(prop, obj); -- Need the property to be created to get
rin = 'RangeIntersection_' +; -- its name.
} -- MultRange
top relation CardinalityToMultiplicity
-- Maps OWL cardinality restrictions to UML multiplicities.
checkonly domain owl oprop: Property { };
enforce domain uml uprop: Property { };
when {
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(oprop, uprop); -- Delays until properties have been created.
where {
if oprop.isFunctional then
FunctionalPropertyToUpperMultiplicity(oprop, uprop) and
InverseFunctionalPropertyToUpperLowerMultiplicity(oprop, uprop)
else if oprop.oclIsTypeOf(odm12::OWL::OWLObjectProperty) and oprop.oclAsType(odm12::OWL::OWLObjectProperty).isInverseFunctional then
InverseFunctionalToUpperMultiplicity(oprop, uprop)
ExactCardinalityToExactMultiplicity(oprop, uprop) or
MaxCardToUpperMult(oprop, uprop) or
MinCardToLowerMult(oprop, uprop)
endif endif;
UndefinedMaxCardinalityToUnlimitedUpperBound(oprop, uprop);
UndefinedMinCardinalityToZeroLowerBound(oprop, uprop);
QualifiedByClassRestrictionToPropertyType(oprop, uprop);
} -- CardinalityToMultiplicity
relation ExactCardinalityToExactMultiplicity
-- Maps an OWL exact cardinality restriction to a UML multiplicity where both the upper
-- and lower values are the same.
c: UnlimitedNatural;
checkonly domain owl oprop: Property {
propertyRestriction = : ExactCardinalityRestriction { cardinality = c }
enforce domain uml uprop: Property { upperValue = c, lowerValue = c };
} -- ExactCardinalityToExactMultiplicity
relation MaxCardToUpperMult
-- Maps an OWL maximum cardinality restriction to a UML upper-value multiplicity.
u: String;
checkonly domain owl oprop: Property {
propertyRestriction = : MaxCardinalityRestriction {
cardinality = : RDFConcepts::Literal {
lexicalForm = u,
_datatype = : RDFS::RDFSDatatype {
iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = XSDNamespace() + 'integer' }
enforce domain uml uprop: Property { upperValue = u };
} -- MaxCardToUpperMult
relation MinCardToLowerMult
-- Maps an OWL minimum cardinality restriction to a UML lower-value multiplicity.
l: String;
checkonly domain owl oprop: Property {
propertyRestriction = : MinCardinalityRestriction {
cardinality = : RDFConcepts::Literal { lexicalForm = l }
enforce domain uml uprop: Property { lowerValue = 'l' };
} -- MinCardToLowerMult
relation FunctionalPropertyToUpperMultiplicity
-- Maps an OWL functional property to a UML property with an upper multiplicity of 1.
checkonly domain owl owlProp: Property { isFunctional = true };
enforce domain uml umlProp: Property { upperValue = '1' };
} -- FunctionalPropertyToUpperMultiplicity
relation InverseFunctionalPropertyToUpperLowerMultiplicity
-- Maps an OWL inverse functional property to a UML property with upper and lower
-- multiplicities of 1.
checkonly domain owl owlProp: OWLObjectProperty { isInverseFunctional = true };
enforce domain uml umlProp: Property { lowerValue = '1', upperValue = '1' };
} -- InverseFunctionalPropertyToUpperLowerMultiplicity
relation InverseFunctionalToUpperMultiplicity
-- If an inverse functional property has an inverse, the multiplicity goes on the inverse.
checkonly domain owl ifProp: OWLObjectProperty { isInverseFunctional = true };
enforce domain uml opProp: Property { upperValue = '1' };
when {
invProp: odm12::OWL::Property | PropertyToAProperty(invProp, opProp)
or ifProp.inverseProperty->exists(
invProp: odm12::OWL::Property | PropertyToAProperty(invProp, opProp)
} -- InverseFunctionalToUpperMultiplicity
relation UndefinedMaxCardinalityToUnlimitedUpperBound
-- Add unlimited max cardinalities to UML properties with no max cardinality.
checkonly domain owl owlProp: Property { };
enforce domain uml umlProp: Property { upperValue = '*' };
when {
not owlProp.propertyRestriction->exists(r: odm12::OWL::OWLRestriction |
or r.oclIsKindOf(odm12::OWL::ExactCardinalityRestriction));
} -- UndefinedMaxCardinalityToUnlimitedUpperBound
relation UndefinedMinCardinalityToZeroLowerBound
-- Add zero min cardinalities to UML properties with no min cardinality.
checkonly domain owl owlProp: Property { };
enforce domain uml umlProp: Property { lowerValue = '0' };
when {
not owlProp.propertyRestriction->exists(r: odm12::OWL::OWLRestriction |
or r.oclIsKindOf(odm12::OWL::ExactCardinalityRestriction));
} -- UndefinedMinCardinalityToZeroLowerBound
relation QualifiedByClassRestrictionToPropertyType
-- Maps a qualifiedByClass property in a cardinality restriction to a UML property type.
checkonly domain owl oProp: Property {
propertyRestriction = : CardinalityRestriction {
qualifiedByClass = classExp: ClassExpression { }
enforce domain uml uProp: Property {
where {
QualifiedByClassRestrictionToAttributeType(classExp, uProp);
QualifiedByClassRestrictionToAssociationMemberEndType(classExp, uProp);
} -- UndefinedMinCardinalityToZeroLowerBound
relation QualifiedByClassRestrictionToAttributeType
-- Map an OWL class expression to the type of a UML property.
checkonly domain owl classExp: ClassExpression { };
enforce domain uml uProp: Property { type = umlType : Class { } };
where {
OClassToUClass(classExp, umlType);
} -- QualifiedByClassRestrictionToAttributeType
relation QualifiedByClassRestrictionToAssociationMemberEndType
-- Map an OWL class expression to the type of a UML association's member end.
checkonly domain owl classExp: ClassExpression { };
enforce domain uml uAssoc: Association {
memberEnd = : Sequence(Property) {
p1: Property { },
p2: Property { type = umlType: Class { } }
++ _
where {
OClassToUClass(classExp, umlType);
} -- QualifiedByClassRestrictionToAssociationMemberEndType
top relation SubpropertyToGeneralization
-- A property generalizes by subsetting.
checkonly domain owl prop: Property { RDFSsubPropertyOf = superprop: Property { } };
enforce domain uml uprop: Property { subsettedProperty = superuprop: Property { } };
where {
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(prop, uprop);
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(superprop, superuprop);
} -- SubpropertyToGeneralization
top relation EquivPropertyToGeneralizations
-- Generate equivalent properties by mutual subsetting.
checkonly domain owl prop: Property{ OWLequivalentProperty = equivprop: Property { } };
enforce domain uml uprop: Property {
subsettedProperty = equivuprop: Property { subsettedProperty = uprop }
where {
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(prop, uprop);
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(equivprop, equivuprop);
} -- EquivPropertyToGeneralizations
relation UniverseToNamedElement
checkonly domain owl res: OWLUniverse { };
enforce domain uml ne: NamedElement { };
when {
OntoToPackage(res, ne) or
OClassToUClass(res, ne) or
OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(res, ne);
} -- UniverseToNamedElement
top relation RDFSCommentToComment
com: String;
checkonly domain owl res: OWLUniverse {
RDFScomment = : RDFConcepts::Literal { lexicalForm = com }
enforce domain uml ne: NamedElement { ownedComment = com };
when {
UniverseToNamedElement(res, ne);
} -- RDFSCommentToComment
top relation RDFSLabelToComment
com: String;
checkonly domain owl res: OWLUniverse { RDFSlabel = : RDFConcepts::Literal { lexicalForm = com } };
enforce domain uml ne: NamedElement { ownedComment = com };
when {
UniverseToNamedElement(res, ne);
} -- RDFSLabelToComment
top relation SeeAlsoToComment
com: String;
checkonly domain owl res: OWLUniverse { RDFSseeAlso = sr: RDFConcepts::RDFSResource { } };
enforce domain uml ne: NamedElement { ownedComment = com };
when {
UniverseToNamedElement(res, ne);
where {
com = if sr.oclIsTypeOf(RDFConcepts::Literal) then sr.oclAsType(RDFConcepts::Literal).lexicalForm else sr.iri.iriString endif;
} -- SeeAlsoToComment
top relation IsDefinedByToComment
com: String;
checkonly domain owl res: OWLUniverse { RDFSisDefinedBy = sr: RDFConcepts::RDFSResource { } };
enforce domain uml ne: NamedElement { ownedComment = com };
when {
UniverseToNamedElement(res, ne);
where {
com = if sr.oclIsTypeOf(RDFConcepts::Literal) then
} -- IsDefinedByToComment
top relation AnnotationPropertyToComment
-- Maps an annotation property to a comment. Excludes built-in annotation properties.
iriStr, propName, note: String;
checkonly domain owl ap: OWLAnnotationProperty {
iri = : RDFConcepts::IRI { iriString = iriStr },
tripleWithPredicate = : RDFConcepts::RDFStatement {
RDFsubject = res: OWLUniverse { },
RDFobject = obj: RDFConcepts::RDFSResource { }
enforce domain uml ne: NamedElement { ownedComment = (propName + ' ' + note) };
when {
UniverseToNamedElement(res, ne);
where {
propName = IRIToMemberName(iriStr);
note = if obj.oclIsTypeOf(RDFConcepts::Literal) then
} -- AnnotationPropertyToComment
relation OWLUniverseCommentsToUMLElementComments
-- Maps RDFS comments on OWL elements to UML comments on the corresponding UML element.
umlComment: UML::LiteralSpecification;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology {
owlUniverse = element: OWLUniverse { RDFScomment = rdfsComment: RDFConcepts::Literal { } }
enforce domain uml pack: Package {
packagedElement = e: UML::PackageableElement {
ownedComment = c: Comment { _body = commentForm(rdfsComment, umlComment) }
when {
element.oclIsKindOf(odm12::OWL::OWLClass) implies OClassToUClass(element, e);
element.oclIsKindOf(odm12::OWL::Property) implies OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(element, e);
where {
OWLLiteralToUMLLiteral(rdfsComment, umlComment) xor
XSDLiteralToUMLLiteral(rdfsComment, umlComment) xor
OWLLanguageTaggedLiteralToUMLStringLiteral(rdfsComment, umlComment);
} -- OWLUniverseCommentsToUMLElementComments
relation OWLUniverseLabelsToUMLElementComments
-- Maps RDFS labels on OWL elements to UML comments on the corresponding UML element.
umlComment: UML::LiteralSpecification;
checkonly domain owl ont: OWLOntology {
owlUniverse = element: OWLUniverse { RDFSlabel = rdfsLabel: RDFConcepts::Literal { } }
enforce domain uml pack: Package {
packagedElement = e: PackageableElement {
ownedComment = c: Comment { _body = commentForm(rdfsLabel, umlComment) }
when {
element.oclIsKindOf(odm12::OWL::OWLClass) implies OClassToUClass(element, e);
element.oclIsKindOf(odm12::OWL::Property) implies OWLPropertyToUMLProperty(element, e);
where {
OWLLiteralToUMLLiteral(rdfsLabel, umlComment) xor
XSDLiteralToUMLLiteral(rdfsLabel, umlComment) xor
OWLLanguageTaggedLiteralToUMLStringLiteral(rdfsLabel, umlComment);
} -- OWLUniverseLabelsToUMLElementComments
query commentForm(_literal: RDFConcepts::Literal,
umlComment: UMLMetamodel::LiteralSpecification): String {
'comment' + literalLang(_literal) + ': ' + umlComment.oclAsType(UMLMetamodel::LiteralString).value
-- Returns the index of the last occurrence of a pattern in a string, or 0 if the
-- pattern doesn't occur in the string.
query lastIndexOf(s: String, pattern: String): Integer
let ix: Integer = s.indexOf(pattern) in
if ix <> 0 then
if ix + pattern.size() < s.size() then
let gtix: Integer = lastIndexOf(s.substring(ix+1, s.size()), pattern) in
if gtix <> 0 then
-- Encapsulates obtaining the name of a ClassExpression.
query OWLClassName(c: odm12::OWL::ClassExpression): String
if c.oclIsKindOf(odm12::OWL::OWLClass) then
'class expression'
query literalLang(lit: odm12::RDF::RDFConcepts::Literal): String
if lit.oclIsUndefined() then
} -- transformation OWLUMLSource