blob: bf7fc1400d8f26c881592577bc1c50aee57d669b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2018 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.utilities;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Model;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.OCLExpression;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Operation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.OperationCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.PivotFactory;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ShadowExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.StandardLibrary;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Variable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.VariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.VariableExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.complete.StandardLibraryInternal;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.utilities.PivotUtilInternal;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.resource.ASResource;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.resource.CSResource;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ClassUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.EnvironmentFactory;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.PivotUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.TreeIterable;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.BaseModel;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.Domain;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.Function;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.Predicate;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.Rule;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.Transformation;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.TypedModel;
public class QVTbaseUtil extends PivotUtil
public static final @NonNull String PRIMITIVE_TYPED_MODEL_NAME = "$primitive$";
public static final @NonNull String TRACE_CLASS_NAME = "trace";
public static final @NonNull String TRACE_TYPED_MODEL_NAME = "middle"; //"$trace$";
public static final @NonNull String QVTC_FILE_EXTENSION = "qvtc";
public static final @NonNull String QVTI_FILE_EXTENSION = "qvti";
public static final @NonNull String QVTR_FILE_EXTENSION = "qvtr";
public static final @NonNull String UMLX_FILE_EXTENSION = "umlx";
// Smallest first Collection size sort
public static final class CollectionSizeComparator implements Comparator<@NonNull Collection<?>>
public static final @NonNull CollectionSizeComparator INSTANCE = new CollectionSizeComparator();
public int compare(@NonNull Collection<?> o1, @NonNull Collection<?> o2) {
int s1 = o1.size();
int s2 = o2.size();
return s1 - s2;
// Alphabetical domain name sort
public static final class DomainNameComparator implements Comparator<@NonNull Domain>
public static final @NonNull DomainNameComparator INSTANCE = new DomainNameComparator();
public int compare(@NonNull Domain o1, @NonNull Domain o2) {
TypedModel t1 = o1.getTypedModel();
TypedModel t2 = o2.getTypedModel();
String n1 = t1 != null ? t1.getName() : null;
String n2 = t2 != null ? t2.getName() : null;
return ClassUtil.safeCompareTo(n1, n2);
public static class Internal extends PivotUtilInternal
public static @NonNull List<@NonNull TypedModel> getModelParameterList(@NonNull Transformation asTransformation) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asTransformation.getModelParameter());
public static @NonNull List<@NonNull Rule> getOverridesList(@NonNull Rule asRule) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asRule.getOverrides());
public static @NonNull List<@NonNull Predicate> getPredicatesList(@NonNull Pattern asPattern) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asPattern.getPredicate());
public static @NonNull List<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package> getUsedPackagesList(@NonNull TypedModel asTypedModel) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asTypedModel.getUsedPackage());
* Return the base rule iff this rule participtaes in an override hierarchy.
* Returns null for a non-heirarchy participant.
public static @Nullable Rule basicGetBaseRule(@NonNull Rule rule) {
// Root element needs an any sub-rules test.
Rule aRule = rule.getOverridden();
if (aRule == null) {
return rule.getOverrides().isEmpty() ? null : rule;
// Simple up-search, terminating after 100 steps.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Rule superRule = aRule.getOverridden();
if (superRule == null) {
return aRule;
aRule = superRule;
// Try again with cycle check diagnostic
Set<Rule> rules = new HashSet<>();
aRule = rule;
while (true) {
if (!rules.add(aRule)) {
System.err.println("Cyclic override of '" + rule + "' ignored.");
return rule;
Rule superRule = aRule.getOverridden();
if (superRule == null) {
return aRule;
public static @Nullable Domain basicGetContainingDomain(@Nullable EObject eObject) {
for ( ; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof Domain) {
return (Domain) eObject;
return null;
public static @Nullable BaseModel basicGetContainingModel(@Nullable EObject eObject) {
for ( ; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof BaseModel) {
return (BaseModel) eObject;
return null;
public static @Nullable Pattern basicGetContainingPattern(@Nullable EObject eObject) {
for ( ; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof Pattern) {
return (Pattern) eObject;
return null;
public static @Nullable Rule basicGetContainingRule(@Nullable EObject eObject) {
for ( ; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof Rule) {
return (Rule) eObject;
return null;
public static @Nullable Transformation basicGetContainingTransformation(@Nullable EObject eObject) {
for ( ; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof Transformation) {
return (Transformation) eObject;
return null;
public static @Nullable Domain basicGetDomain(@NonNull Rule rule, @NonNull TypedModel typedModel) {
for (Domain domain : rule.getDomain()) {
if (domain.getTypedModel() == typedModel) {
return domain;
return null;
public static @Nullable TypedModel basicGetTraceTypedModel(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull TypedModel> modelParameters) {
for (@NonNull TypedModel typedModel : modelParameters) {
if (typedModel.isIsTrace()) {
return typedModel;
return null;
public static @Nullable Rule basicGetOverridden(@NonNull Rule rule) {
return rule.getOverridden();
public static boolean containsAll(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull ?> iterable1, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull ?> iterable2) {
for (Object e : iterable1) {
if (!Iterables.contains(iterable2, e)) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean containsAny(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull ?> iterable1, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull ?> iterable2) {
for (Object e : iterable1) {
if (Iterables.contains(iterable2, e)) {
return true;
return false;
* Return all transformations in asModel.
public static @NonNull List<@NonNull Transformation> getAllTransformations(@NonNull Model asModel) {
List<@NonNull Transformation> asTransformations = new ArrayList<>();
getAllTransformations(ClassUtil.nullFree(asModel.getOwnedPackages()), asTransformations);
return asTransformations;
* Accumlate all transformations transitively in asPackages into asTransformations.
public static void getAllTransformations(@NonNull List<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package> asPackages, @NonNull List<@NonNull Transformation> asTransformations) {
for (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package asPackage : asPackages) {
for (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class asClass : ClassUtil.nullFree(asPackage.getOwnedClasses())) {
if (asClass instanceof Transformation) {
getAllTransformations(ClassUtil.nullFree(asPackage.getOwnedPackages()), asTransformations);
* Return the closure of typedModel and its dependsOn.
public static @NonNull Set<@NonNull TypedModel> getAllTypedModels(@NonNull TypedModel typedModel) {
Set<@NonNull TypedModel> allTypedModels = new HashSet<>();
getAllTypedModelsInternal(allTypedModels, typedModel);
return allTypedModels;
private static void getAllTypedModelsInternal(@NonNull Set<TypedModel> allTypedModels, @NonNull TypedModel typedModel) {
if (allTypedModels.add(typedModel)) {
for (@SuppressWarnings("null")@NonNull TypedModel dependsOn : typedModel.getDependsOn()) {
getAllTypedModelsInternal(allTypedModels, dependsOn);
* Return the closure of transformation.modelParameter.usedPackages and their importedPackages.
public static @NonNull Set<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package> getAllUsedPackages(@NonNull Transformation transformation) {
Set<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package> allPackages = new HashSet<>();
for (@SuppressWarnings("null")@NonNull TypedModel typedModel : transformation.getModelParameter()) {
getAllUsedPackagesInternal(allPackages, typedModel);
return allPackages;
* Return the closure of typedModel.usedPackages and their importedPackages.
public static @NonNull Set<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package> getAllUsedPackages(@NonNull TypedModel typedModel) {
Set<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package> allUsedPackages = new HashSet<>();
getAllUsedPackagesInternal(allUsedPackages, typedModel);
return allUsedPackages;
private static void getAllUsedPackagesInternal(@NonNull Set<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package> allUsedPackages,
@NonNull TypedModel typedModel) {
getAllUsedPackagesInternal(allUsedPackages, typedModel.getUsedPackage());
for (@SuppressWarnings("null")@NonNull TypedModel dependsOn : typedModel.getDependsOn()) {
getAllUsedPackagesInternal(allUsedPackages, dependsOn);
private static void getAllUsedPackagesInternal(@NonNull Set<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package> allUsedPackages,
@NonNull Iterable<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package> moreUsedPackages) {
for (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package usedPackage : moreUsedPackages) {
if (allUsedPackages.add(usedPackage)) {
getAllUsedPackagesInternal(allUsedPackages, usedPackage.getImportedPackages());
public static @NonNull Domain getContainingDomain(@Nullable EObject eObject) {
for ( ; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof Domain) {
return (Domain) eObject;
throw new IllegalStateException();
public static @NonNull BaseModel getContainingModel(@Nullable EObject eObject) {
for ( ; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof BaseModel) {
return (BaseModel) eObject;
throw new IllegalStateException();
public static org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package getContainingPackage(@Nullable EObject element) {
for (EObject eObject = element; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package) {
return (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package)eObject;
throw new IllegalStateException();
public static @NonNull Rule getContainingRule(@Nullable EObject eObject) {
for ( ; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof Rule) {
return (Rule) eObject;
throw new IllegalStateException();
public static @NonNull Transformation getContainingTransformation(@Nullable EObject eObject) {
for ( ; eObject != null; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
if (eObject instanceof Transformation) {
return (Transformation) eObject;
throw new IllegalStateException();
* Return the context variable for a Transformation, creating it if not yet available.
public static @NonNull Variable getContextVariable(@NonNull StandardLibrary standardLibrary, @NonNull Transformation transformation) {
Variable ownedContext = transformation.getOwnedContext();
if (ownedContext == null) {
// org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class transformationType = ((StandardLibraryInternal)standardLibrary).getLibraryType("Transformation");
// if (transformationType == null) { // FIXME BUG 487123
// throw new IllegalLibraryException("No Transformation type in standard library."); // FIXME need to be using a derived EnvironmentFactory
// }
ownedContext = PivotFactory.eINSTANCE.createParameterVariable();
ownedContext.setType(transformation); // FIXME promote API
// ownedContext.setTypeValue(transformation);
else {
ownedContext.setTypeValue(transformation); // FIXME BUG 484723 find a better solution for the transient declaration
return ownedContext;
* Return the context variable for a TypedModel, creating it if not yet available.
public static @NonNull Variable getContextVariable(@NonNull StandardLibraryInternal standardLibrary, @NonNull TypedModel typedModel) {
Variable ownedContext = typedModel.getOwnedContext();
if (ownedContext == null) {
ownedContext = PivotFactory.eINSTANCE.createParameterVariable();
// ownedContext.setTypeValue(typedModel);
return ownedContext;
public static @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull TypedModel> getDependsOns(@NonNull TypedModel qvtrTypedModel) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(qvtrTypedModel.getDependsOn());
public static @NonNull Domain getDomain(@NonNull Rule rule, @NonNull TypedModel typedModel) {
for (Domain domain : rule.getDomain()) {
if (domain.getTypedModel() == typedModel) {
return domain;
throw new IllegalStateException("No '" + typedModel.getName() + "' domain in '" + rule);
* Return the TypedModels that are enforced by all domains that reference them throughout the transformation.
public static @NonNull Set<@NonNull TypedModel> getEnforceableTypedModels(@NonNull Transformation transformation) {
Set<@NonNull TypedModel> enforceableTypedModels = new HashSet<>();
Set<@NonNull TypedModel> notEnforceableTypedModels = new HashSet<>();
for (Rule rule : transformation.getRule()) {
for (Domain domain : rule.getDomain()) {
TypedModel typedModel = domain.getTypedModel();
assert typedModel != null;
if (domain.isIsEnforceable()) {
else {
return enforceableTypedModels;
public static @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull VariableDeclaration> getExternalVariables(@NonNull OperationCallExp operationCallExp) {
List<@NonNull VariableDeclaration> externalVariables = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull EObject eObject : new TreeIterable(operationCallExp, false)) {
if (eObject instanceof VariableExp) {
VariableDeclaration referredVariable = ((VariableExp)eObject).getReferredVariable();
assert referredVariable != null;
EObject eContainer = referredVariable.eContainer();
boolean gotIt = eContainer instanceof Transformation;
for (; !gotIt && (eContainer != null); eContainer = eContainer.eContainer()) {
if (eContainer == operationCallExp) {
gotIt = true;
if (!gotIt && !externalVariables.contains(referredVariable)) {
return externalVariables;
public static @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull TypedModel> getModelParameters(@NonNull Transformation asTransformation) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asTransformation.getModelParameter());
public static @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Rule> getOverrides(@NonNull Rule asRule) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asRule.getOverrides());
public static @NonNull OCLExpression getOwnedConditionExpression(@NonNull Predicate asPredicate) {
return ClassUtil.nonNullState(asPredicate.getConditionExpression());
public static @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Domain> getOwnedDomains(@NonNull Rule asRule) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asRule.getDomain());
public static @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Operation> getOwnedOperations(@NonNull Transformation asTransformation) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asTransformation.getOwnedOperations());
public static @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Predicate> getOwnedPredicates(@NonNull Pattern asPattern) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asPattern.getPredicate());
public static @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Rule> getOwnedRules(@NonNull Transformation asTransformation) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asTransformation.getRule());
public static @NonNull Transformation getOwningTransformation(@NonNull Rule asRule) {
return ClassUtil.nonNullState(asRule.getTransformation());
public static @NonNull OCLExpression getQueryExpression(@NonNull Function asFunction) {
return ClassUtil.nonNullState(asFunction.getQueryExpression());
// Overrides to return Variable rather than VariableDeclaration. Is this sound? It is certainly helpful to guarantee an ownedInit.
public static @NonNull Variable getReferredVariable(@NonNull VariableExp asVariableExp) {
return (Variable) ClassUtil.nonNullState(asVariableExp.getReferredVariable());
public static @NonNull List<@NonNull Rule> getRule(@NonNull Transformation asTransformation) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asTransformation.getRule());
public static @NonNull String getTraceName(@NonNull TypedModel traceModel) {
String name = traceModel.getName();
return name != null ? name : TRACE_TYPED_MODEL_NAME;
public static @NonNull TypedModel getTypedModel(@NonNull Domain asDomain) {
return ClassUtil.nonNullState(asDomain.getTypedModel());
public static int getTypedModelIndex(@NonNull TypedModel typedModel) {
Transformation transformation = ClassUtil.nonNullState(typedModel.getTransformation());
int index = transformation.getModelParameter().indexOf(typedModel);
assert index >= 0;
return index;
public static @NonNull Iterable<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class> getUsedClasses(@NonNull TypedModel asTypedModel) {
Set<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class> usedClasses = new HashSet<>();
for (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package rPackage : ClassUtil.nullFree(asTypedModel.getUsedPackage())) {
return usedClasses;
public static @NonNull Iterable<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package> getUsedPackages(@NonNull TypedModel asTypedModel) {
return ClassUtil.nullFree(asTypedModel.getUsedPackage());
* Return true if rRelation participates in a hierarchy of overriding/overridden relations.
public static boolean hasOverrides(@NonNull Rule rule) {
return (rule.getOverridden() != null) || !rule.getOverrides().isEmpty();
* Return true if asOperation is an Identification - an operation whose result is a singleton object.
public static boolean isIdentification(Operation asOperation) {
if (asOperation instanceof Function) {
OCLExpression queryExpression = ((Function)asOperation).getQueryExpression();
if (queryExpression instanceof ShadowExp) {
return true;
return false;
@Deprecated /* @deprecated use TypedModel.isIsTrace() */
public static boolean isTrace(@NonNull TypedModel typedModel) {
// FIXME BUG 517524 exploit rather than check TypedModel.isImplicit.
String name = typedModel.getName(); // One old way
if (name == null) {
assert typedModel.isIsTrace();
return true;
if (TRACE_TYPED_MODEL_NAME.equals(name)) { // Another old way
assert typedModel.isIsTrace();
return true;
assert !typedModel.isIsTrace();
return false;
public static @NonNull Transformation loadTransformation(@NonNull Class<? extends Model> modelClass, @NonNull EnvironmentFactory environmentFactory, @NonNull URI transformationURI, boolean keepDebug) throws IOException {
Resource xtextResource = null;
ASResource asResource;
// Load the transformation resource
if (PivotUtilInternal.isASURI(transformationURI)) {
asResource = (ASResource) environmentFactory.getMetamodelManager().getASResourceSet().getResource(transformationURI, true);
else {
xtextResource = environmentFactory.getResourceSet().getResource(transformationURI, true);
if (xtextResource == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to load '" + transformationURI + "'");
if (!(xtextResource instanceof CSResource)) {
throw new IOException("Failed to load '" + transformationURI + "' as a CS representation of a QVTd transformation AS");
String csMessage = PivotUtil.formatResourceDiagnostics(ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(xtextResource.getErrors()), "Failed to load '" + transformationURI + "'", "\n");
if (csMessage != null) {
throw new IOException(csMessage);
asResource = ((CSResource)xtextResource).getASResource();
try {
String asMessage = PivotUtil.formatResourceDiagnostics(ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(asResource.getErrors()), "Failed to load '" + asResource.getURI() + "'", "\n");
if (asMessage != null) {
throw new IOException(asMessage);
for (EObject eContent : asResource.getContents()) {
if (modelClass.isInstance(eContent)) {
for (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package asPackage : ClassUtil.nullFree(((Model)eContent).getOwnedPackages())) {
Transformation asTransformation = loadTransformationRecursion(asPackage);
if (asTransformation != null) {
return asTransformation;
} finally {
if (!keepDebug && (xtextResource instanceof CSResource.CSResourceExtension)) {
throw new IOException("Failed to locate a transformation in '" + transformationURI + "'");
private static @Nullable Transformation loadTransformationRecursion(org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package asPackage) {
for (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class asClass : ClassUtil.nullFree(asPackage.getOwnedClasses())) {
if (asClass instanceof Transformation) {
return (Transformation)asClass;
for (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package asNestedPackage : ClassUtil.nullFree(asPackage.getOwnedPackages())) {
Transformation asTransformation = loadTransformationRecursion(asNestedPackage);
if (asTransformation != null) {
return asTransformation;
return null;
public static @NonNull ASResource loadTransformations(@NonNull Class<? extends Model> modelClass, @NonNull EnvironmentFactory environmentFactory, @NonNull URI transformationURI, boolean keepDebug) throws IOException {
Resource xtextResource = null;
ASResource asResource;
try {
// Load the transformation resource
if (PivotUtilInternal.isASURI(transformationURI)) {
asResource = (ASResource) environmentFactory.getMetamodelManager().getASResourceSet().getResource(transformationURI, true);
else {
xtextResource = environmentFactory.getResourceSet().getResource(transformationURI, true);
if (xtextResource == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to load '" + transformationURI + "'");
if (!(xtextResource instanceof CSResource)) {
throw new IOException("Failed to load '" + transformationURI + "' as a CS representation of a QVTd transformation AS");
String csMessage = PivotUtil.formatResourceDiagnostics(ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(xtextResource.getErrors()), "Failed to load '" + transformationURI + "'", "\n");
if (csMessage != null) {
throw new IOException(csMessage);
asResource = ((CSResource)xtextResource).getASResource();
} finally {
if (!keepDebug && (xtextResource instanceof CSResource.CSResourceExtension)) { // FIXME testQVTcCompiler_Forward2Reverse_CG fails is debug pruned
// ((CSResource.CSResourceExtension)xtextResource).dispose();
if (asResource == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to load '" + transformationURI + "'");
return asResource;
/* try {
String asMessage = PivotUtil.formatResourceDiagnostics(ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(asResource.getErrors()), "Failed to load '" + asResource.getURI() + "'", "\n");
if (asMessage != null) {
throw new IOException(asMessage);
for (EObject eContent : asResource.getContents()) {
if (modelClass.isInstance(eContent)) {
for (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package asPackage : ((Model)eContent).getOwnedPackages()) { // FIXME nested classes
for (org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class asClass : asPackage.getOwnedClasses()) {
if (asClass instanceof Transformation) {
return (Transformation)asClass;
} finally {
if (!keepDebug && (xtextResource instanceof CSResource.CSResourceExtension)) {
throw new IOException("Failed to locate a transformation in '" + transformationURI + "'"); */
* Rewrite asResource to replace null OperationCallExp sources by a "this" expression.
public static @Nullable List<@NonNull OperationCallExp> rewriteMissingOperationCallSources(@NonNull EnvironmentFactory environmentFactory, @NonNull Resource asResource) {
List<@NonNull OperationCallExp> missingSources = null;
for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = asResource.getAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) {
EObject eObject =;
if (eObject instanceof OperationCallExp) {
OperationCallExp operationCallExp = (OperationCallExp)eObject;
if (operationCallExp.getOwnedSource() == null) {
if (missingSources == null) {
missingSources = new ArrayList<>();
if (missingSources != null) {
StandardLibrary standardLibrary = environmentFactory.getStandardLibrary();
for (OperationCallExp operationCallExp : missingSources) {
Transformation transformation = QVTbaseUtil.basicGetContainingTransformation(operationCallExp);
if (transformation != null) {
VariableDeclaration thisVariable = QVTbaseUtil.getContextVariable(standardLibrary, transformation);
return missingSources;